4 i.m SPRIN(lFIELD news THE I VOL. XV. NO. 66, SV mImI'.'.'.IV 1rlujl1,lif sen, Mwcund. ilkM mttiunUr m( of Ooiire oTh ttii'wt SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14,1916. n ES T ,Stroot Cars Crowdod nnd Jitnoy Kept Busy With Pooplo Enrouto to Round-up TOWN IS "RARIN' TO GO' Local Business Houses Close For "8prlngfleld Day" At Tho Lane County Fair "Wo extend a royal welcome to Springfield puoplu to celebrnto with us tomorrow." This Is tho Invita tion extended last night by Dr. A. E. Ynunir f)f Ihn I.nnn rnnnlv tntr twin r. I for today-Sprlngneld day-nt tho Lane county round-up and fair. Dr. Young also added that tho round up proper, which Is stugod In tho after noons from 1:30 until 0:30, Is tho best thing of tho kind evor seen In tho couutry anywhere. Almost nil of tho local business houses closed at 11:00 o'clock this morning so that an opportunity might bo given to attend tho fair on Spring flold day. Tho Booth-Kelly mill also shut down 'for tho occasion, allowing tho men to work Saturday instead of today, At least the hop-plckors of ono yard Jim Soavoy's and probably more, will also tako in tho evonL Although Springfield day did not coma until today, yosterday tho rail way company ran two cars at a tlmo in tho morning, and tho Eugeno Springfield Jitnoy, taken on tho run about two months ago, was brought back Into servlco. Ono, feature of the day will, bo a cookn. ing demonstration by different high flchool students of tho county, in which a team of fivo girls from this city nro entered. Tho demonstration starts about 1:00 P. M. and tho teams aro to bake apples, mako coffee and baking powder biscuits for a prlzo, and tho re sulting culinary efforts aro to be dis tributed free to tho fulr visitors. Fivo prizes aro awarded by tho county fair board in this contest, consisting of beautifully engraved silver loving cups. Ono cup will bo given to each team accord Inn to tho Dlaco It 1b iriv.l on, for tho school reprosontod. Spring-! field's team Is: Dorrls Slkos, Alborta 1 Parwln, Loota McCrackon ,Llla Miller and Hazel Drattaln. A tontativo program for today glvon out by Dr. Young last night includes; Stock parado, 10:00 Governor Withy combe's address at 11:00, all tho stock Judging will bo dono during tho day, nnd tho round-up will occur from 1:30 until 5:30. Four bands, tho Eugeno Y, M. C. A., tho Philomath, tho Oak land (California) boys', tho Eugeno municipal, and tho Radiator's drum corps, will tako caro 'of 'tho day's music. Among tho local folks who wore "rarln to go" for Sprtngflold day woro: Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Richmond and family, Mr, and Mm. M. V. Endlcott, Mr. and Mrs. W. L, Dunlap, Mr. and M tb, II. Sandgutho, Frod Knox, D. W. Roof, Mrs. M. N. Thompson nnd dnughtor, MIbs Gladys, Mr, and Mrs. C. F. Egglmann, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Hill nnd son, Dill, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mcl'horson, E. R. Lomloy, Mrs. Al. Montgomery, Mr nnd Mrn II. E. "Wnlkor, Mrs. Nottlo McGllvnry, Mr. und Mrs. A. M, Boaver, Mrs. J. C. Ilolbrook and family, Mrs. M. C. Bros ulor, Mr, nnd Mrs. C. E. Snlos nnd dnughtors, Mnrcoda and Ruth, Mr. nnd Mrs. A. P, McICInzoy, Mr. nnd Mrs. J, E. Edwards, I. D. Larimer, Mrs. Qrnco Roberta nnd daughters, MIbb Ilolon nnd Miss Uornloco, I), A. Wash burno, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Loo, W. A. Hull, Mrs. E. V. Snood, Mr. nnd Mrs. JnmoR McPhorson, A. R, Snood, Mr. nnd Mrs, J. A. Cox nnd dnughtor, Ar il la, Mr. nnd Mrs. Norwood Cox, Mr. nnd Mrs. Alfred Rlgolow, Mr. nnd. Mrs. Thomas Slkos nnd dnughtor, Miss Dorrls, Mrs, J, A. Godmnn, Mr. nnd Mrs, J, E. Stowart, MIsbob Mnrlo Do Puo, Vora Perkins, Lola Barr, E. E. Morrison and Wllmot Foster. Death of Mre. George Ashbaugh. Mrs .Goorgo ABhbaugh, daughter of Mr. nnd Mrs, Charllo Anderson of Marcola, was suddenly taken 111 and dlod Tuosday aftornoon at 3 o'clock. Tho funeral servlco will be conduct ed by Rev, (Workman at 3;30 today at tho Anderson homo with interment nt tho Daxtor cometory. EUGENE WELCOM SPRINGFIELD FOLKS TO BIGCELEBRA FIVE HAVE FAIR EXHIBITS 3 Women and t Man Enter Fancy Work; Cattle Also On Display At least flvo Sprlngfiold folks liavo entries at tho Lano county fair this yenr. Mrs. C. F. Egglmnnn has on tor od ii display of handwork for tho fifth yoar, having tuken prl7.cn for each uxhlhlt of tho past four. Last yoar hIio was awnrileil novon prizes, Mrs. KKRltniinn'H display thin yoar consists of a hand Hindu, hand omhroldorud corset covor With (llot ItiHot and In Initial, a hand inailo corsot covor; a hand mado, hand ombroldodcd night ' dress,snnd n colloctloh of fancy bags. i mrs. i;. is. Morrison has entered a largo contorptoco with a tatted otlgo, nnd two and ono half yards of tatting Insertion, Mrs. 13. 10. Loo has on ex hibit two studloH In oil painting and ono In tnpostry work. Not tho ladles nlono aro compet ing for fancy work prizes ; soma of tho prettiest pieces shown, soveral hand mnhro(ilorod dollies, Is tho work of 0. W, Johnson Another Springfield inn a also has an entry but not in fancy work. 0. B. Swurts yosterday ' p,"cd " Mh,Wl "V0" hea1 f Jcr8y cnttlo. CANDIDATE SPEAKS AT PARK TONIGHT WHILE ONJQURNEY Mark W. Weatherford, for Congress on Democratlo Ticket Will Olve Address Band Will Play Mark V. Weathorford of Albany, democratic and Prohibition candi date for congross from tho first Ore gon congressional district, Will apeak at tho city park at the corn or of Second and Main streets at 5 o'clock this evening. Tho band will prob ably bo on hand to furnish special music for tho occasion. Mr. Weathor ford is making a comploto six-day tour of Lano county Bpeaklng at every town and hamlot ho comes to. ' His 1 c,nPn'Gn started In southern Oregon ' nnu mBl zoning no urou nis ursi gun nt Coltago Qrovo and spoko at every ,own n,onB 1,10 i ncmc highway until he reaches Springfield, Following Is Mr. Weathorford's Itin erary for Lano county: Thursday Morning, Sopt. 14. Sagi naw, 9:00; Walkor station, 11:00; Thursday afternoon, Croswell, 1:30; Goshen, 3:30; Thursday night, Spring- 8:00 ,r,u'ay n ! JasPr. 10! Crook, 5 ""or. noon- Wlnberry, 1; Lowell 3:30; Doxter, C:30; Pleasant Hill, 7, Saturday morning, Sept. 1G. Bluo Rlvor, 10; Vlda, 1; Deerhorn, 1:30; Waltorvllllo, 3:30; Thurston, 4:30. Saturday evonlng, Eugeno, 8:00. Monday, Soptombor 18. Worldling, 13:30; Mabol, 2; Marcola, 3; School House, 4; Donna, 4:30; Coburg, 7. Tuesday, Sopt. 19. Irving, 9; Voneta 10:30; Not), 11:30; Elmira, 1:30; Franklin, 2:30; Alvadoro, 3:30; Junction City, 8. B,-K. CO. FILES TRUST DEED TO SECURE A $650,000 BOND ISSUE Covers All Properties of Lumber Con cern In county Pay $48 Re cording Fee to Clerk A trust deed to socuro nn Ibsuo of $000,000 of fivo por cent, threo year gold bonds was filed by tho Booth Kolly Lumbor company In favor of tho Michigan Trust company of Grand Rapids, Mich., and tho Lum bermons Trust company of Portland, Oregon. Tho ilood covors all properties of tho Booth-Kelly company, but ox ompts tho proporty of tho Lano County Eloctrlo compnny (Oregon Powor Company successors) locatod on lamia of tho company at' Spring flold. Tho trust deed is In tho form of a book of 70 pages, nnd the recording foo 1b some $48. Tho Eugeno signa tures wero appomlod by R. A, Booth, vtco-prosldont nnd II, A. Dunbar, sec retary, on August 28, and tho Michi gan signatures on Soptombor 5. Marcola School Building Repaired. All ropalrs on tho Marcola school building aro finished and tho house is now roady for uso. Tho building has beon repainted and also a now assem bly hall has boon completed. School starts Monday, Sopt. 18. Tho prospects aro good for a largo attendance tbts year, THIRD INFANTRY IS REVIEWED A 1 CAMP B! WITHYCOMBE Soldiers Show Groat Improvo mont Over Their Appoar anco Last June CARRY A FULL EQUIPTMENT Men Will Do Mustered Out of Federal 8ervlce Next Week And Will Go Home Camp Wlthycombe, Clachamas, Or., ; 8Pton,bor 13-A pfrado ttnd rtev,low I "uw" soon in urt'EOii wan bibkuu nuru mm afternoon when Governor James Wlthycombo reviewed tho Third Ore gon Infantry, recently returned from duty on tho Mexican border. It was tho first formal public ap pearance of the regiment since Its re turn from California a few days ago and the wholo regiment, with its sev eral companies, dotachments and wag on train, took part. In all some 1100 men and ISO horses and mules were ' in line. It was a. parado of a regiment equipped and ready for service. It was no dress parade; there was little pomp or panoply about it. It was thoroughly business like, although given beforo tho governor of tho state and a largo crowd of spectators. Contrast With June Marked Tho parade and roviow was in marked contrast with tho ono hold the Sunday prior to doparturo of Oregon's .troops for tho border last Juno, Yes terday the .men were fully, acrouted and equipped. The troops' marched splendidly; thero was no raggedness. No unsightly black shoes woro scat- trod among tho regulation tons. Thore were no odd or missing parts of unl- forms. Tho men were in tneir service togs, fatigue hats and sweaters, blanket rolls and all of the enormous load that ! your present day infantryman must carry on tho march. I Staff officers wero mounted. There . was a detachment of mounted Bcouts. Flvo bijou Fords scooted along after the machine gun company. Two rcgu latlon ambulances woro in the van and there more than a scorn of com bat and supply wagons In a long train. Governor Wlthycombo expressed hlmsolt as Immensely pleased at the showing mado by tho troops and warm ly congratulated Colonel McLaughlin on tho Improvement made by the men as a result of their border experience. He left for Salem by auto directly after tho roviow. Captain Konnoth P. Williams,. U. S. A., mustoring officer, expects, to muster tho regiment out of the federal ser vice either September 19 or 20. Work preparatory to the mustering out is somowhat arduous and efforts during tho coming week will be cen tered In this direction. Olllcors and men must first undorgo a physical examination, required by tho government to protect Itself against fraudulent pension claims, Proporty which remains In the posses sion of the government must bo turned ovor to tho camp quartermaster, Cap tain Schumacher. Pny, transporta tion nnd clothing allowances must bo paid. Men Will Get $45,000 It Is expected that some $45,000 will bo disbursed by Captain Schumacher to mustor out tho regiment. Of this amount $25,000 will go to paying tho men and $19,000 for transportation nnd clothing. Tho mon will bo paid off Individually nnd it is expected that after being paid off nnd mustered out, having ter minated their fodoral sorvlco, they will repair to tholr homos. Mnjor W. W. Wilson, n federal dis bursing ofilcor for tho stato of Ore gon, will havo tho responsibility of caring for tho proporty of the govern ment which remains in the possession of tho guard. With tho exception of Companies' Q and M all the companies and do tachments of tho Third regiment havo taken the fodorallzed national guard oath. Strenuous objection on tho part of a number of men In both companies to thor present officers Is responsible for a n.oat peculiar situation. OF I LINE OF DEFENSE Irfesistable Onslaught of Allies ji Under General Foch I Gets Results ARTILLERY OPENS BIG GAP French Fighting Gives Way to Open f. Combat With Untold Fierce ness on Both Sides J'aris, Sept. 13. Tho thunderbolt launched by General Foch yesterday and today north of tho Somme has given him tho wholo trench system between Gambles and Pcronno and brings him within measurable dlsr dance of completely breaking down tho Germon iron belt. The threo miles which ho occupied in the German system of third line trenches, which is the last strongly organized defense of the Germans, are built on the main road which forms the most Important artery in this region, feeding Perrone from Gambral. Ho captured the whole of the vil lage of Boucchavesnes, midway be tween these two vital Teuton bases of , support, rooted their own lines firmly into tho blood sodden highway that connects the two points, and smashed ahead further to the eaat, taking by storm the Bois l'Abbe farm1; lost it again to two counter attacking German regiments, but subsequently roconquored the whole of it- Tho day saw the fiercest open fighting recorded in the west since' thOj early part of tho war. Tlmo and tbW agalau- the Bavarian . prince hurled his infantry legions against .tho French t!de only to bo swept back D the aoidiera under General Fayole( nativea of tho plcardy, who nilhiji forward with the bitter ten- ncty oI men lighting for their hearth nnd home. Berlin admits this afternoon that the French "entered" Bouchavesnes, Both Combles and Peronno aro now isolated, encircled and under terrific bombardment, More than 2300 unwounded prison ser, 10 cannon and 40 machine guns were taken by the French in yester day's and today's victorious onrush. The British rested again today, con solidating their lines preparatory to the final attack on Combles. Nor was there infantry action today south of the Somme, bet violent gun duels raged all day around Vormando vllers and Chaulnes. WILL PLAY RETURN MATCH A. K. Y. Tennis Club to Meet Wend ling Team Sunday Six members of the A. K. Y. tennis club will go to Wendllng Sunday to play off a return match for the gamo played here with the Wendllng team a week ago Sunday, at which time Springfield was victor in every match. Tho matches are scheduled for 11 a. in. Tho probable llno-up of tho teams follows: Springfield: E. E. Martin .Harold Peory, Ivan McKinnoy, Frank Gibbs, Ray Lemley and Percy Tyson. Wendllng: Messrs. Mathers, R. W. Martin, Nellson, Abrams, Taylor aud Robertson. No ladles' matches are scheduled. It was. stated that thero would probably bo quite a crowd of local folks to watch tho matches. Fire Siren Will Be Used Again J. W .Coffin, chairman of the fire and water commlttoo of tho city coun ell has mado arrangements with tho Oregon Power company to havo the siren that was used formerly to give tho flro alarm in Springfield. The siren that was usod formerly, to give alarm nnd then a plain whistle will bo blown to tell tho location of tho flro by wards. Child Falls Through Show Case. Miss Ardts Cox, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Cox, had tho mis fortune to fall through one ot the show cases in their store Monday af tornoon but was not hurt except for a cut on her wrist. Miss Ardis climbed upon the case, which broko wltl Jer weight, and had it not been for a pile of dry goods she would havo beon sevoroly iujurod. ARMY FRENCH PLUNGES INTO LAS S .P. OFFICIALS TO INSPECT President Sproule and Others are on Tour; May Go to Oakrldge The Southern Pacific company is now making a general inspection of its different lines, stations and air and block systems. William Sproule, President of tho company and W. It. Scott, general manager of tho western division with other officials passed ovor tho Willamette Pacific line yes terday and over tho Portland, Eugene and Eastern line today to Yaqulna on a tour of Inspection. They will pass through Springfield later and the sup position is that at this tlmo a survey of tho Natron cut-off situation will be made. Dr. Nichols, general Inspector and a number of officials from San Francis co arc stopping in Springfield today and are making an examination of the . air and block systems. Their special car is in the local yards. A special car passed through Spring field last evening enroute to Oakrldge where Fred Hanssen assistant super intendent and Ernest Stroud, travel ing engineer are attending to Interests of tho company. PALACE OF SWEETS CLOSES DOORS TO ALL SODA DRINKERS Mr. and Mrs. Robertson Turn Over Stock to Allen & Lewis After a Year In Springfield At noon Tuesday, September 12 ,the doors of the Palace of Sweets, which for the past year has been operated by Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Robertson, were closed, and Mrs. Robertson turned back tho business to Allen & Lewis, wholesale grocers, from whom It had been rented. Tho building belongs to Dr. J. .McClelland Henderson"of Eu- "gene. As to the reason for quitting the business, the following statement was given out by Mrs. Robertson yes- lord ay afternoon: "There was not enough business to keep up expenses, and besides I should have had to do almost all of the work alone, as I was not sure of steady help, and Mr. Robertson left here about three weeks ago, going to Wash-j Walker, for stamps $2.25; John E. ington Where he Is looking for a I Edwards, labor on Mill street bridge suitable location. j $31.65; Leonard Lepley, labor on Mill Mrs. Robertson said that they would ' street bridge $9.40; W. J. Graves, la probably remain here forltwo or three bor on Mill street bridge $6.37; weeks and perhaps longer, when she Beaver-Herndon, supplies for bridge and the children, Leo and Pauline, ' $8.80; Elzle Sutton, drayage $.50; will either go East for a visit, or if Fischer-Boutin Co., lumber $10.99; Mr. Robertson is locatod by that time Springfield News, printing $89.50; L. will join him. In any event, they will E. Parsons, engineering $14.50; H. E not reopen tho business here. Mr. and Mrs. Roberston had been in business here a year on July 10, com ing to Springfield from Eugene and until the 1st of September, business had been .fair, Mrs. Robertson sald.1 The family has been living in a resl dence on A street between Third and Fourth. PIONEERS OF COUNTY . MEET AND ELECT A NEW SET OF OFFICERS William Pitney of Junction City Will Act as President For Associa tion Next Year At the meeting of the Lane County Association of Oregon Pioneers hold at the Lane county fair yesterday af ternoon, William Pitney of Junction City, was elected president; C. E. Russell of Eugene, vice president and W. L. Bristow of Pleasant Hill, secre tary. Tho report of tho president showed tho following list of members of the association who havo passed away slnco tho last annual meeting: David Eby, a former president of the ploneor association, and his son, Benjamin F, Eby, Robt Campbell .James Ebbert, Mrs, Elizabeth Bailey, Mrs. Elizabeth Vaughn, Row C A. Wooley, Mrs. Amanda Pattersoii, Benjamin F. Dorrls. Talks on pioneer life woro made by George Melvln Miller, J. D. Matlock, Wlllllam Pitney and C. E. Russel. Among the now registrations as mombors of tho association mado yes ter day wedo: Win. W. Kelland, 1854, Springfield; Jno. G. Griffin, 1854, Springfield. Frank J, Miller ot the publto sor vlco commission, and Mr. Loady, an' examiner, of Salem were In Springfield Tuesday on business pertaining to the city water rates. The men went on to ( Oakrldge. CITY COUNCIL WILL RESURFACE SECOND STREETWITH ROCK "Safety First" Signs Will Ba Placed at Intersections j On Main Street jg MONTHLY BILLS ARE PAID! D. S .Beats, Appointed to Audit Book After October Meeting Camp ( Grounds Gets Assistance j Tho question of resurfacing South. Second street from Main to the bridge, tho erection of safety signs at street Intersections, acceptance of the offer of D. S. Beals to audit the city books, ordering warrants to be Issued and other questions were discassed and acted upon at; the regular council meeting Monday evening. Mayor Mor rison presided and all councllraea were present except H. H. Peery. After a discussion, it was deckled that South Second street from Mala south to the bridge over the mill race should be resurfaced at once. The street commissioner was auth orized to make and erect safety signs at the Intersections of Main street and Second, Fourth and Fifth streets. The offer of D. S. Beals to audit the city books was accepted and Mr, Beals was instructed to begin his work after J the regular-council meeting in October, The recorder was instructed; to lssua j warrants to the following: j Leonard Lepley, salary for August 60.00; John E. Edwords, salary for August $15.00; H. E. Walker; salary for August $50.00; Lillian Gorrte. salary for August $40.00; A. T. Ladd. hauling gravel $00T Tff-Hill, TaT6r"-" on Mill street bridge $6.25; John Boumaer, labor on Mill street bridge $8.75; a T. Wilson, labor on Mill street bridge $8.75; E. Post, labor on Mill street bridge $9.25; H. E. Parsons, assisting englneernig $5.75 A. A. Valler, flushing streets $66.80; Thompson and Howard, repairing, ot tools $22.15; Beaver-Herndon, sup plies $1.25; John Rose, labor $.65. Letters from Bruce Lansbery and the office of Woodcock-Smith and Bryson, regarding the Issue of im provement bonds for the improvement of G street from tho cast line ot Eighth street to the west line ot the Brattain estate, wero read and by mo tion referred to Attorney S. P. Ness. An agreement regarding the redeem ing tho flume way over Mill street from the Booth-Kelly company was deferred, not being entirely satisfac tory to the council. At the request of the marshal, the ! council agreed to assist the "Auto Camp Ground" committee to the amt. of $17.60 and that the toilet at the camp bo the property of the city. The reports of the recorder and the treasurer for the month of August were approved and ordered placed on file. MOHAWK GETS A SPECIAL Southern Pacific to Carry People Home After Round-up Friday Tho Southern Pacific company will run a special train from Eugene to Wendllng tomorrow evening bo that tho people of the Mohawk valley may spend a full day at tho Lano county fair. Tho train will leavo Eugene at 7:00 o'clock and run through to Wend llng and return Immediately. The special will bo run early In the day and the people will be expected to go to the Round-up on the regular trains. Tho S. P. company will also run spoclal tralnB from Eugeno to Salem during the State Fair the last week In this month. Work was suspendod on the Metho dist church yesterday afternoon as tho men were ootlgod to wait on as other shipment ot brick. The car ot brick has reached Eugene and work will now be carried oa agaUt. ,