The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 11, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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I Town and Vicinity
John I- Smith of I'all Crook woo a
nhofipr liuro Saturday.
Herbert Mooru entered tho Univer
sity of Oregon today.
Edgar and Irving Dugan of Wend
ling spent Saturday In Sprlnnflold.
J. W. Mnclion In suffering with rheu
matism In his back.
Mm. V. NolBon wont to Brownsville
'thl morning to upend a few days.
, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Oglo oro pick
ing hopM at tho Leonard hop yard.
8. Jacobion U busy r'ounlrlng earn
at Wcndllng today.
Water wings ot reery'a .
T. 0, Johnson of Coburg was In town
It. O. Ilandall of Wnndllng wan In
town attending to buslnoss Saturday.
Jim Meyers of Wondllng was in
town Saturday on business.
Preston Cobb was In from Thura
ton Saturday.
Z. T. Johnson was n Dollar Day
caller In tho city.
Mln Esthor Hughos of Alvadoro
Wont Friday and Saturday visiting
iwlth Miss Avis Thompson.
; Jef.8 Katon and eon of Waltorvlllo
jwero In Sprlngfiold Saturday morn
'ing. ,
t The beat mons' ahoea at Wolf
. Mr. Valt of Aahland arrlvod Satur
fday morning and will spend several
rdaya transacting bualncaa.
L. H. Latham of Coburg transacted
business and visited In town Sat
'unlay. . Mra. Harrr Chaao of Prunovllle,
f Isltod with bor mother, "ttrs. Alfred
(BlgcWw, Friday. '
Ml'arAvls Thompson clerked at tho
'Racket store Saturday to holp accom
modato the Dollar Day customers.
0. S. HUlor of Eugene la employed
at tho Bcnsonoy blacksmith shop for
'tho present
Keep the fllra off tho cowa with "Fly
Bouncer' 7Gc a gallon at Poory's.
Mrs. Chorion Coffey of Wondllng
wna dlamlaacd from tho Eugono hos
plait Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. II. Mlllor and family
and Mr. and Mra. 8.M. Cnlklna motored
to Lost Creek yesterday
Tho W. D. McKlnnoy family are
camped at tho Knight hop yard near
Mlas Moblo Hurtlo of Eugono visited
liiHt week with her grnndmothor, Mrs.
A. E. lluutloy.
Tho nnnouncomont of Mrs. Thomp
son's Fall mllllnory opening will op
pear Thursdny.
Orvillo Howard, machinist holpor at
tho local railroad yordB, lcovoa todoy
to work In tho Brooklyn shops.
Ernoat 8k(nnor roturnod Saturday
fyrom a wook'a vacotlon spent at New
port .
" :Tho Oregon Power company Install
ed "a -water meter for tho M. M. Peory
'drug atoro Saturday.
' C. Kelly who was brought to tho
Gets Attention
First bccauBo of its
wonderfully delicious fla
vor Thon ngnJn, bocauso
It 1b ready to eat freBh
and crisp from tho pack
ago. But the big "got atten
tion" quality Is. Its abund
ance of woll-balancod,
easily digestible nourish
ment, For sound health,
ovory tabjo Bhould'havff
Its dally ration of Orapa-Nuts-
"There's a'Reatm"
local hospital from Croswoll Inst week
with typhoid fover Is Improving nicely.
Mr. II. II. Mlllor, wno roturnoa from
Newport last week has boon suffering
with la grlppo.
(Irani llondrlckn hauled n load ot
hogH to llrodors brothers of Eugono
Saturday morning from tho Mohawk.
I For tho boat up-to-date shoo repair
ing, try Hall tho Shoo Doctor, Fifth
' and Main streets.
1 Bruco Lfinsborry, ,vho ban boon
treated for rheumatism at tho Eugono
hospital for tho past month roturn
od homo Saturday morning.
this out, solva tho nnswor and rocolvo
a prize. Watch next weeks paper.
Misses Lola and Mao McPhorson
will leave tomorrow morning for IJIck
olton. Washington, whero thoy will
teach In tho public schools.
A. F. Herrlck, foromnn at tho Orogon
Power plant, roturned to work this
morning after spending a wook'a va
cation at Portland.
aioves, overalls, shirts nnd box at
Wolf & Minor's.
Mrs. Hattlo Sorvlco roturned to
Portlnnd today after a two week'a vis
it at tho homo of her slater, Mrs.
Molvln Fenwlck.
Mrs. Almlra Jenkins of Portland
stopped off In Springfield this mornnlg
on her way to Hill's station, near
Pleasant Hill.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Allen moved
Saturday from East Main street to tho
Wooloy houso on D street between
Sixth and Seventh.
J. W. White, manager of tho Boll
Theatre camo to Srrlngfleld from .Cot
tago Grove Saturday in Ufa Interest
of his business. f
Qoctrlc shoe repairing. Wolf &
J. K. Ellis of Grants Pass la regis
tered at tho American hotel and ex
pects to remain in Springfield for boy
oral weeks.
Crocd Brattaln roturned Friday from
Maploton where ho has spent tho sum
mor, and will attond tho University
of Oregon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. S. Putnam and
family are moving to Salem today
where Miss Mary will attend tho Wll
lamatto University.
Do you wish to becomo woll? If so
call on Dr. Murphy, a drugloss healer.
3RD Main street.
There will bo prayer mooting In tho
Bnptlst church on Wodnosdny even
ing at 8:00 o'clock. Tho pastor will
spoak. Members nnd friends are cor
dially Invited.
Tho W .C. T. U. will hold a business
mooting at tho homo of Mrs. II. A. nice
on D street botwoon Third ad Fourth
Friday afternoon, Soptombor 15 at
2:30. This is important
Mr. and Mrs. n. Shaw and Mr. and
Mrs. Chnrloa Slovens moved Saturday
to North Bend Mr. 8haw roturned last
weok from a trip through tho Marsh
Hold country.
Mrs. Price's canning powders at
Peery's Dreg Store.
Mrs. M. J. Derrick loft Sunday for
Cottage droyo whore alio will Tlslt
with her brother, Dr. Oftleaby. and
will go on to Grants Pass to see her
son, I. Derrick.
Mr. and Mra. Milton Ttally, Mr. and
Mra. L. E. Durrln and Miss Alice Res
tor visited tho James. Sea voy hop yard
and the Edmonson hop yard at Goshon
Adno Slgnor returned to work ns
warohousomnn at t)u Southorn
Pacific station Saturday morning, after
nn absonco of two months, spont at
Washington points.
Soo our clovor nnd votch ad on an-
othor pngo of this Ihbuo. Sprlngfiold
Food Co.
Basil Slgnor, warehouseman nt tho
Southorn Pacific station, loft this
morning for Portlnnd and Nowburg,
where ho plans to spend a two wook'a
J. L. Clnrk and Hugh McCnmmon of
tho Oregon Hop GroworB Association
motored to Sprlngfiold Saturday ovon
lng from Snlom by way of Harrlsuurg
to upend Sunday.
C. E. Sims, who has been farming on
tho Goshen rood south of Sprlngfiold
fpr tho last 12 yoarB, movod with his
family' Saturday to BoKor, Oregon,
whero thoy Intend to locnto.
Lndles' and chlldrons' shoos. Woll
& Mlllor.
Mrs. Moo Stpvonson and son, LaRuo,
Mra. 8. H. Bakor, Mrs. It .H. Knox,
and grandson, William, and Miss Flor
ence Coffin motored to Junction City
Thursday aftornoou
Claud Wnshbumo nnd Mr. Johnson t
of Junction City .roturnod Friday from
n hunting trip niovo Oakridgo and ro
port tho killing of n cougor and somo
der. j
$100 Reward, $199
.Th rtnam of . tliln paper will b.
pteaurd to lrn that lliere I at Last on
drroded (1lafl (tint .clone, ha been
nbl. to euro In nit II utaicea, and that li
Catarrh. Hall's c:atnrrh Cure It the only
potltlve cum now known to the medical
Ir.U-rnlty. Cnlnrrh belnic n comtltutlonal
dlieaee, reriulrm a rotmlltullonat treat
mrnt. Hall'e C'ntnrrh Cuio I taken In
lornally, acting directly .upon the Mood
and mucous lurfacv of the nyotem. thnre
liy dmtroylnir the foundntlnn of tho din
ne. nnd giving thn pntlenl ilrenuth by
liiilldliiK up thn cmiRtllutlon and mmlmlri
nil I lire In doing lln work. The proprietors
have so much fnlth In Its curtillvn pow
ers that they offer One llundrml Uollnm
foit nny cum Diet It fall to cure, fiend
for lint of trtlmonln1,
Addrnei V 3 I'liKNKT A CO.. Toledo, O.
Hold by All DruiKl.l., Ite t ,
Take lleU'f VauMy I'llli or conttlpAlloo.
Ada Slgnor, freight agent at tho
local olllco of tho Southorn Pacific
ofllco, roturned homo Friday from a
six week's vacation spont In Spokane, j
and Wnlla Walla Washington.
Tho Sprlngfiold banks wore open
from C:00 to 8:00 p. in, last Saturday
Soptombor 9, to accommodate thoso
who wlshod to cash tholr pay day
chock, s I
Tho Knights and Ladles of Security
will hold tholr regular mooting and
nisiif Inn r t rif r r lti1ne '
ing In tho Woodman hall at 8 o'clock.
Refreshments will bo nerved. C. E.
Uoynolds, president
Do you wish to becomo woll? If so
call on Dr. Murphy, a drugless healor,
3C9 Main street
Mr. and Mrs. Clnudo Washburo re
turned to tholr homo in Junction City
Saturday aftor visiting with tho for-
mor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. A.
Washburno and friends for tho past
two wcoks. j
Itov. W. N. Ferris, pastor of tho Bap
tist church of this city, has received
an Invitation to return to an eastern j
church, whore ho was onco pastor, but'
tho Invitation has boon declined andl
Itov. Ferris will remain in Oregon.
Loo WIlBon, who has been employed
nt tho Booth-Kelly mill here left Sat-j
unlay for Lcona, whero ho will be em.
ployed as ratchot setter at tho Loona
mill. Mra. Wilson will remain hero
for tho present
I havo a nlco lino of all new shapes
In velvets and tailored hats at reason
able prices and Invito your Inspection.
Mrs. M. N. Thompson's Millinery
store. j
L. E. Danks, operator at tho Oregon
Power plant, will, begin a two week's
vacation Wednesday. Mr. Danks plans
to tako In the Round-up at Eugeno, and
will probably spent a part of tho re
maining time up tho McKenslo. !
Oscar Loo was expected homo from
Nampa, Idaho Saturday evening. Tho
boy has been vlaltlng for the past
month with an undo and aunt, Mr. and
Mrs. D,.W. Gray. Ho will reenter
school here.
Lynn Ncsmlth arrlvod Saturday
from tho Mexican bordor on a fur
lough to visit at tho homes of his
foster-parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. 8.
Hurch and his uncles, J. L. Clark arid
B. A, Wnrshburno and many friends,
Mr, Ncsmlth returned to camp Withy
combe this morning.
Good rollablo fire Insurance. No as
sessments; no membership fee. Pay
oncu and you are dene. II. t Walker
nt tho City Hall."
, Mrs. M. Valgrecn of Kllldccr, North
Dakota, departed for Ban Francisco
Inst week, after staying nt tho Ameri
can hotel for tho past month, waiting
for hor brother who had broken his
leg to Join her, Mrs. Valgreen resum
ed hor Journey alono as her brother
was unablo to meot hor hero.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Neet of Wondllng
spent Saturday and Sunday hero with
friends and Mr. Neet purchased a new
Overland In Eugeno to take tho place
of tho Ford which -ho recently traded
for real cstato In Portland. Mr. and
Mrs .Neet wore accompanied homo bv
tholr nephew, Mono Castile.
A. E. Scnseney, who had the mis
fortuno to have two of his toes crush
ed while shoeing a horse at his shop on
Fourth street between A and B a week
go, is able to be around but still suf
fers much pain. The horso stepped on
his foot tearing tho nail from one toe
ud badly crushing the other toe.
M. M. Pccry and Dr. S. L. Van Val
znh took six o'clock dinner with Mr.
nnd Mra lffiM-v Rfpvnrt Prldflv nvon.
ing. Dr. Van Valzah left for tho east!
Saturday morning in company with
his mother and brothers. They took
tho body of their father to Pennsyl
vania for burial.
Truo economy la what we save In the
long run. Tho wise man feeds his colt
to make it grow. Ho pastures his cow .
to got a good flow of milk and paints '
his houso to make it last It coals
very little more sow to paint a beano
than It did a year ago. Probably sot
more than $3.00 on an average, Malta
your home beautiful with the belt
paint on the market Phebfaix Pare1
Paint, Guaranteed. Sold by J. C. Hoi-j
brook. I
A splendid audience greeted pastor
Ferris of -the Baptl church at the
rnoYnlng Hour ot worentp yesterday.
Itev .Trunk Day, a former pksto'r was
present and preached an excellent
sermon. Brother Day and family al
ways receive a cnnllal welcome to thfa
city and community. Their many
friends and relatives .esteem them
highly for their works' sake.
Those registered at the Elite hotel
Friday, Saturday and Sunday wore:
Myrtle Evens of Denver, Colorado; S.
II. Jackson cf Portland; L. K. Brick
son of Portland; V. E. Poole of Port
land; Clair McIIenry, J. O. Ohlson of
Corvallls; Arthur W. Hagor of Port
land; Jessany Roberts of Portland;
flao Parlln of Corvallls; W. G. Boll of
Itooeburg, and B. W; Brlggs of Rose
burg. Mr. and Mrs Arthur Stout of Wcnd
llng wore in town today.
Mrs. J. A. Flannagan and son, from
near Goshen are spending the day in
town .
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Wilson and son,
Raymond, loft today for Springfield,
Missouri where thoy have purchased
a fruit ranch.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Emery and family
of Eugeno spent Sunday with Mrs.
Emery's parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. R. W.
W, A. Sheridan of Moscow, Ihaho
arrived Saturday -nd will make his
home with his daughter, Mrs. D. E.
Otto Hanson who has been employed
at tho local bakery has received a tele
gram calling him home to Oregon City
whore his father is very ill.
Mr. and' Mrs. L, May and son, Win- J
nlfred, Mrs. J. W. Coffin and daughter, I
Miss Florecne motoredto M onroe Sun
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Nlckerson of Mar-
cola were expected to arrive today
to visit with the latters sister, Miss
Mary Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. Nlcker
son aro moving to Dallas.
Mrs. Lester Hoaglln, who has been
visiting her father, Gene Martin of
Marcola and friends in Springfield -was
called home to Walla Walla, Washing
ton today on account of the sudden
death of her father-in-law.
Mrs. Elsie Davis went to visit rela
tives on the Mohawk Saturday.
The small son of Charles Cupp broke
his arm at the FisMeVa camp at Mar
cola Saturday and was brought to a
local physician Sunday. Some diffi
culty was experienced in setting thn
broken arm.
Those registered at the Springfield
hotel Friday, Saturday and Sunday-
were: J. W. Simmons of Portland,
Joe Wakefield of Vlda. L. W. Culbes
kan of North Bend; Jim Criss Wilbur
jWJltj&e, rthuraelkflap of. ilcKenxle
Bridge, BerJ Nesbltt of, Camp Creek,
G. ?L Glbhfl, Meivih Renfro and cousin
Mr. Renfro o'f FaU Creek, Jack Harris,
of Donna Mr. and jirs. F. Nelson,
John Trotter, Earl Grout, Mr. and Mrs.
P'. O. Murray of silverton, J. O, Ans
mus of .Burns, D, it Coleman of Burns,
C. .6. Foster, Jack Harris, and Geo.
Hill of Not!.
Thru tho Inland Empire
Grand panyon of Columbia
American Wonderlands
Glacier and Yellowstone Parks
Round Trips at Low Fares Dally
until Sopt. 30 via Tho North
Bank Road. Stopover where
you like.
North Bank Rail and
26 Hours Sail
on the ships of DeLuxe Service,
S. S. Northern Pacific and
. Great Northern for
San Francisco fi;d $32.
From any Oregon Electric Rail
way point
Ticket lacludes meals aqd berth
This route saves time, and
money and Is a delight
ful trip.
Sept. 24 to Oct 8
From Middle West to Willamette
I sell prepaid tickets.
H. R .KNIGHT, Agent
Eugene, Oregon
Pacific Conservatory of Music
731 Willamette Street
The School of Music where aU the
Legitimate Instruments and" Musical
Studies are Instructed
Ellsworth Crocker, Present,
Mrs. Ellsworth Crocker, Sec and Tre-
78.. A. M. F-. ABcfifctkHi
Accepted Scottish Bite Uni
versal K&i Symbolic free
Usysess x??s first aad flakd
Friday evening la M,- O. W-
halL VJtfitlng brothers wel
T. B. Harris P. A. 'Jbhasoa
Secretary. R- "W- &z
COX & cox
Dollar Day Specials
All Specials on Sale for Cash
One Day OnlY, Tuesday, September 1 2
8 yds. curtain scrim
10 yds. dress gingham
9 yds. dress percale
3 yds. dress mohair
20 yds. wash dress goods
5 prs. ladies burson hose
4 "corset covers, regular 35c
3 corset covers, regular 50c
$1.5o ladies gowns
1.25 ladies waists
All ladies dress skirts
7 yds. kimona crepe
Men's Furnishing Goods Specials
Reg.5oc men's undershirts 3 for l.oo
Reg.5oc men's un.drawers Spr.l.oo
Reg. 1.25 men's dress shirts l.oo
16 lbs. white beans $l.oo
13 prs men's eanvas gloves
5 men's ties
Reg. 10 cent men's socks 13 prs.
Reg. 25 cent men's dress socks 5 pr.
6 lbs. roast bulk coffee l.oo
3 lbs. Dwight Edwards depen
dable coffee l.oo
25 barsclean easy soap l .oo
25 bars white wonder soap Ioo
15 lbs. 20 m t borax powder l.oo
v 0 m t ?arx chips l.oo
50 lbs. blue ribbon dairy salt .65
! 50 Ibifcrewashed half ground salt .33
lOOlbs.rewashed half ground salt. 60
1 doz. wide mouth mason jars pts. .59
1 doz. wide mouth mason jars qts. .69
1 doz. wide m. mason jars half gal..89
1 sk. princess hard wheat flour 1.50
' 1 sk. booster flour 1.25