0 THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS nutlnUwlf act of Oongr l M rb"l7V SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY SEPTEMBER 11 1916 VOL. XV NO. 65 FIRST DOLLAR DAY VOIED BIG SUCCESS BY - Morchfinto nro In Fnvor of Mnk- Ing tho Evont nn Annunl Thing Horo BAND ADDS TO OCCASION In Spite of Hop-Picking and Slight Rain Many Strangers Come; Townspeople Turn Out Well Dosplto tho ruin nnd tho fact (lint a goodly por cont of tho clty'H popu lation Is nt tho hop yard. Sprlngflold'a Unit Dollar Day wnn u huccors. Of tho 17 or 18 merchants Intorvlowod, nil but two or throo woro most enthusiastic In favor of tho idoa and almost all of thotn wcro for making It an annual event. Ono man ovon wont so far an to say ho didn't think annually wast often enough. Sovoral of tho clty'H business housos will continue tholr Dollar Day offers tomorrow, Eugcno's Dollar Day. Thoso few morchnnts who noticed no especial activity last Saturday wcro without oxcoptlon In busjnossos In which It would havo boon difficult to attract pooplo to buy until the articles . wcro needed. However, each of thoso nttcatod that ho bad bad a "fair" day, and that It tho others woro In favor of a Dollar Day each year, ho would bo too. "Pino! Away boyond our oxpoctn tlons," was tho answer received most often when tho business pooplo were asked how Dollar Day was going. "Tho best over! A regular Fourth of July and Christmas,' was ono annwor. At BUSINESS MEN ono place of business it was Btated , flf extonB,on thnt several tiroes, Ss many as BjlB1!lBB nnJ or 0,octr)o nCB0 pooplo had boon at once. Several tIml aro not now bolnB 8ervC(1( nccord, morphants put on extra clerks and ono , tQ A u , oud U1 1 " I x? i.. .in i. .. i.-uii- Not only did business move briskly ntho various staple lines; the ,confoc- camo in ror a snaro. "liusinoss nas; ii i mi. am i i 1 . . neon Tory saiisiuciory. n.o .... pretty good." one of tho proprietors I Not bo many of tho farming pooplo ' as would havo boon liked woro In Sat-I unlay, but this Is grain, fruit and hop season, and tho morchanta woro not disappointed, as thoy had oxpoctod that many of thoso folks would bo un-; nhlo to como. Thoro wore however a considerable number of strnngors In town nnd tho townspeople responded loyally. Also tho fact that Saturday was payday, holpcd. Not only woro tho merchants pleas ed with tho Idea, but "tlio patronB nlso showed tholr appreciation of tho of-, forts mndo to glvo them good goods at a saving. "Many of tho customers stated that thoy thou-ht this was a , good thing to soa Springfield doing' ono of tho business mon said. 1 Attractive displays of merchandise accompanied by plainly markod prlco cardc woro to bo seen almost In all the city's show windows. Onoof tho most ntrlklng of thoso dtsplayod dollar bills scatterod promiscuously over piles of Bpnp, a swoaior, uisuob, ic. Ono of tho factors which marked tho auccesfl of Springfield's first Dollar J Day was tho playing of tho city band In tho evening. Tho musicians, lod byjB0 Director ronoci, gnvo mu iuhuwiuk cars was sont ospociaiiy irom call program on tho stroots between tho fornla. hours of 7:30 and 9:00: Tho cnr Bi,ortngo shows no chango, La Travlata Walter according to Information givon out at United Wo Stnnd Hays j tho local ofllco. Tho mill is now Golden Gato Drown working on California and oastorn Impromptu Dalbory ordors, and will havo work for a full Lyric Overture Mncklo-Dryor , crow as soon as cars enn bo socurod. Zounvofl , Huff Thoro is a rumor that 50 cars may Tulip Tlmo In Holland Whiting i)0 brought from California to Oregon Orchards Crosby Wolcomo .". Bonnott Tho Booster Kloln Rodondo Fonton Southorn Pnatlmo Hays Morry-ao-Ilound Perfect J. F. Volaamore Trades Farm Mnrcola, Oro. Sopt. 9. J. V. Volga moro lias tradod his eighty ncro farm for ono of fourtoon ncros, two nnd ono half mllOH north of Eugono, owned' by Bort Rupp, Tho considerations nro riot known. Mr. Rupp will tnko pos session of his now homo Oct. 1 For tunately for thp nolghborhoop Mr, Vol gamoro will hot loavo, as ho hns bought tho Cox proporty In Marcola and has rented tho Rayor llvory barn. WILL SECURE FIGURES ON FREIGHT TONNAGE Business Men Appoint Committee To anther Statistics To Submit To The 8. P. Officials. At n mooting of tlio HtiHlnass Mon's ,,cliil) of this city hold nt tho Stovens i Perkins lmll IiihI Thursday evening, a commlttoo was appointed to socuro tt"t'C1' 8pringfoid showing (ho approximate freight tonnago nvulluhlo In the town and vicinity. Tho roport Is to bo mibmltted to tho Southern Pa cific railroad officials. Tho mombom of tho commlttoo nro O. II, Kossoy, 12. 12. Kopnor and J. C, Dlmm. Other business transacted nt this mooting Included tho tondorlng of a vote of thanks to M. C. Dressier for his address nnd good boosting for Hprlngflold and tho Wlllnmottu valley nt tho Coos Bay celebration. I.ottors wcro read from tho Cham bers of Commerce of San Francisco, Mnrshflold and Eugono . Tho San Francisco lottor, which wns publish od In tho Iaut Issuo of tho News, was ono of appreciation for tho courtesies oxtondod to them on tholr rocent visit horo. Tho lottor from Marshftold offer ed tho services of tho citizens of that placo In helping to secure tho i early completion of th Natron cut-off. From Eugone camo an Invitation to Springfield to attend tho Hound-Up and fair. LOCAL O. P. PLANT MAY GET EXTENSION JF OCCASION ARISES H. M. Byllesby Party Pays a Short v Visit To Local Holdings; Nothing Definite Yet The Improvements which will prob ably be made to tho local Oregon Powor plant, should occasion arise for tho samo, will likely consist prln .- t 1 . . - . l. i , i w-. w. UlQ rcagon f h vIglt pad hero early Satunlay morning by IjUIlBlUUrilLZUIl Ul BUCU UILL'UfilDUB Uyllcsby party, Mr. Ingalls Tho men arrived hero about i!00 nnU Btnycd ony nbout ,lalt an hoP ftUll0UKh ,ator ,n (ho da. 8omo of tho district managers returned nnd ,nado n tour of tho plant, AUhoUBh a COnrorenco was hold In Eugeno Frlday between II. M. Byllesby, hoad of u hU Dyllesby and company, and tno manaBor8 of tho various brnnch plantB of tho Oregon Powor company nnd the Northern Idaho and Montana Power company, susldarles of tho formor company, no definite plans will bo announced until tho Dyllesby party returns east. Thoso included ln tho Darty visit jng tbo Springfield offlco Saturday moraine ro: jt m Byllesby. J. J. o'Urlon, and W. R. Thompson, of Chli cnB0. Ehnor DoVer and D. II. Kllngor- man. of Tacoma: and a number of district manngors from Kallspell, Sand Point, Marsbfleld, Dallas and Corvallls. B-K CO. RECEIVES 3 CARS 8hortage Situation Is Practically Un changed, It Is Stated Threo carfl( tho flrat lnc0 Wodnoa day, word rocolved at tho Booth-Kelly yards horo today. Of those, ono will bo sont East and tho othor two will I to California points. Ono of theso but thoso would bo dtstrlbutod at all Orogon lumbering points, and would not moan a drop it) the buckat.lt Is said, A llttlb rollot Is galnod by tho local mill by shipping over tho Orogon Electric About two cars dally nro bolng sont to Eastorn points ovr this lino. Mr .and Mrs. Martin Expected Home B. E. Martin, civil pnglnoer for tha Booth-Kully lumbor company's plants in Oregon, is oxpoctod homo tomorrow, with Mrs, Martin, Mr. nnd Mrs, Mar tin, who woro mnrrlod in Atchison, Kansas on Soptdmbor 5, will mako Springfield tholr homo. Thoy will Hvd In a now rosldonco recently built by Goorgo Perkins on C stroot, botwoon v nmi iv. ECIG NESS OF MEXICAN PEACE PLAN IS REVEALED. Amorican-Moxlcan Joint Com mission Would Stop Wranglo And Rogonorato Country WILL CONSIDER 12 STEPS Plan Believed Most Likely To Be Ap nmVKtt. Prnulrtoa Pnr With. -'A' P.-., . ....... drawal Of U. 8. Troops . Now London, Conn., Sept. 10 Tho far reaching scopo of tho peace plan; of tho American and Mexican Joint commission was ovcalcd tho first tlmo Saturday. It Includes not only tho settlement of tho border wranglo, but also tho social, political and econa nomlc regeneration of Moxlco. Every pliaso of Mexican life is botng discussed, every typo analyzed at tho conference, tho sorvllo peon, tho ma rauding bandit, tho rapacious landlord. Tho American mcmoers or the com mission have formed tho opinion that tho murder of Americans and the seizure of American property in Mexi co aro only tho outward symptoms of the Mexican disease. The belief that the country must bo born again, re created, according to new ideals, be fnro the dangers of fresh revolutions and renowed border raids shall have been ended. Twelve Steps to be Considered Tho twelvo different steps toward this end to bo considered by the com mission aro: 1 Protcctipn of the border. 2 Establishment or American garri sons along a lino of blockhouses from tho Oulf of Mexico to the Pacific ocean, a distance of 1800 miles. 3 Tho organization of Mexico's standing army into various detach- mnntn. whlnh will ho nsslcned to the . - " pur8U,t 0f Villa and other bandits. Tho Cnrranza envoys promise to isolate Villa so that he will no longer bo a monnce to Americans. I Tho allotment of land to dls- chargo soldiers and peons so thoy will no longer have tho Incentive of follow - ing brlgandngo for a living . i ino enactment or mw8 enaniing theso people to acquire the lands thoy cultivate. Would Teach Agriculture 6 A system of government aid by which these ignorant Mexican farmrs may learn to develop the land to tho full oxlont 7 Reformation of the Mexican way of levying taxes, which frequently amounts to confiscation. The estab lishment of a land tax similar to that ln the United States ,. , , 8-Th, otlucatlon of tho peon and lower classes In ways of living and lines of industry which will make them want peace Instead of war. 9 Tho establishment of present flat currency upon a sound financial basis. 10 Tho husbanding and safeguard- Ing of tho national revenues according., .., , . . , , , . ,ory caught the Germans massing for to an agreement which guarantees ' mnn, . ,,.., J tho purchasers of Mexican bonds and makes possible tho floating of a largo Mexican loan. 11 Immediate rehabilitation of tho Mexican railroads at a cost of $5,000,- 000. 12 A treaty between Mexico and tho United Statos which will give Mexico this government's moral sup port In these reforms. As In tho border question Is of first importance It was taken up nt the;cIprocal artnierylng near Calonne, first mooting. Of tho plans suggested by both Mexicans and Amerlcams,the ono bollovod to bo most ltkoly approv ed, provldos for. tho withdrawal of American troops from Mexico. Neutral Zone Is Planned Assignment of. Amo'can troops to various posts on Amonca soil along tho border is to follow, togothor with tho establishment of a neutral zono 20 to 100 miles wldo along tho ontlro international lino. Tho Amorlcan troops will be posted on tho frontiers of Texas, Now Mox lco, Arizona and California. Block housos will bo built and armed at in tervals to permit of tho cooporatlon ln an omorgoncy. All nro to bo called, connoctod by tologrnph, telephone nnd wlroloss so If Mexican .banditti try to break thsough nlong ono or moro points all of tho Amorlcan-troops can j bo brought Into piny Immediately. ES IN FRONT OF DOUALAOINI GAINED BY FRENCH Weakened German Force Fights Desperately But Is Unablo To Stem Advance RUSS ALSO CLAIM CAINS By Austro-Hungarlan War Office Paris, Sept. 9. A grand assault by tho French forces carried the whole system of German trenches In front of Doualaumont, tho war office an nounced tonight in reporting opera tions in tho Verdun region. The assualt was delivered on tho 201st day of the great battle around tho French fortress. Tho Germans, weakened by tho withdrawal of men and artillery to stem the allied of fensive of the Somme, fought desper ately, but were swept back by the irresistible advance of General Po tato's men. The counter-attack was the heaviest blow struck by the French since the Germans began the drive on Verdun with a smashing infantry atack on February 22. It was preceded by a blistering artillery Are that wrecked the first lino of German trenches. The German batteries, at first active, were almost completely silenced and made only a feeble reply. London, Sept. 9. Tho Austro-Ger-,man forces defending Halicz, the for tified city 60 miles south of Lemberg, have -blown up tho remaining fortifi cations of tho town and some of them have been occupied by the Russians according. te-a;,Reater dispatch from Petrograd tonight The fall of Halicz la a matter of hours. Tho dispatch adds that tho bridge ..... .. . . .. tiuao uiu uiioiBier uub oeen mown up . ftnd that tho nusslans hold the left bank 0f the rivcnS retreating Teutons. Two troop trains wore wrecked by tho Russian fire. Tonight's official Austro-Hungarian J war otco 8tatCmcnt admits that tho , Russians in the Carpathians, east of j tho clbo vallcy 8Uccoeded ln taking Violated nortinns-of our front" London, Sept 9. In a great smash against tho Germans north of tho Somme, on a front of 6000 yeards, about threo and ono halt miles, this afternoon, tho British carried the re mainder of tho village of Clnchy and scored other important successes, General Halg reported at midnight Tho attack was made on a front jxtendlng from HIghwood (Foureaux Wood) to the Leuze wood, a mile northwest of Combles, where the Brit ish lines Join the French. Territory In the region of GInchy near Leuzo wood and east of the High. "wood was captured, the British ad vancing on this front 300 yards for a gain of 500 yards. Northeast of Pozleres another great a counter attack and Inflicted heavy causualtles. Some prisoners were taken in tho operations around GInchy nnd 60 moro Germans were captured near Pozieres. Tho lighting at GInchy, whoro the British obtained a footing early In the ivpek was particularly severe. British artillery euunonaaea Ger man trenches on the VImy ridge, oppo site Souchoz, and near the Inn known as tho "Rod carabat." Thoro was re Culnshy nnd botween tho La Basseo canal and Nouvo Chapolle. GInchy is tho last romalnlng forti fied placo separating tho British from the important German railway center of Comblos. Comblos Is now under fire from three sides, by the British from the northwest and west and by tho Fronch from tho southwest. Its fall Is now bollovod to bo a matter of a fow days. Tree Bears Fine Fruit S. H. Richardson, who lives on Wil lamette Holghts brought 'somo egg plums to tho Nowb office Saturday that measured eight Inches ln circumfer ence. Mr. Richardson said that the plums wore grown on a troo Just in its second year of bearing. Thoro woro 2(i plums on one short branch. Between throo und four bushols wojro hurvostod from tho treo. I RENGH O. B. KESSEY APPOINTED TO LANE TAX COMMITTEE Will Represent This Locality In Body of 45; Springfield Now Has Three Members O. D. Kcssey of this city has just ! been notified of his appointment as a member of tho tax budget committee for Lane County for tho ensuing year. Mr. KeBsey stated this morning that ho had accepted tho appointment but thus far ho did not know Just what his duties would bo or when they would commence, A portion of tho letter from the secretary of tho execu tive committee, O. W, Griffin, of Eu gene, follows: "This committco is composed of 45 members, of whom the five who act on tho cxecutlvo committee were chosn by the taxpayers at the annual meet ing held at the court house on Decem ber 23, 1915. This consists of C. M Young, chairman, C. J. Hurd, B. A. Washburno, Fred Fiske, and G W. Grif fin. Of the 40 additional members of the committee, 20 are selected from the different farmers' granges of the county, and the other 20 are scattered throughout the county so that every section may be represented. "You aro one of the members se lected to represent your particular lo cality and it is earnestly hoped and requested that you accept this ap pointment" E. E. Kepner of this city has also been appointed a member of the tax budget committee for Lane county. BRIDGE WORK BEGINS EITHER TUESDAY OR WEDNESDAY LIBBY Six of Eight Men Will Be Kept Bus For Three Weeks; Estimated Cost Is $600.00 Tomorrow or Vednesday will see the beginning of the work -of rebuild ln$.the approach.- to the Springfield bridge, said County Surveyor H. M. Libby this afternoon. The work will require about three weeks, during Jwni, Mm iT . C,hf m kept busy. The estimated cost is $600. Tho stakes were set by Mr. Libby Friday, soon after the county court Issued an order authorizing the work. The portion to bo repaired is about 200 feet loner, nnd Includes that stretch which slopes upward from the road to! Leaders of calle on the the main level of the bridge, which is ' P"Ment and warned him if the, reso 18 feet above the ground at the river J ,uUon8 t0 a vote' they would be bank. Concrete footings will be put ' aPProvetl two to one. The president's under the eight new Umber bents answer was a summary demand that which will be installed . This work, which will be the first done, will bo done by W. C. Hall, who has the con tract MAN INJURED AT SEAVEY'S Clarence James Nearly Crushed 20 Bushels Of Oats Falling From Platform By Clarence James was severely injured and badly bruised Friday morning at the James Seavey ranch as 20 bushels of oats fell from a platform attached to a hay fork, striking him on the back, as he. stooped over, and knock ing him from the platform on which he was standing. The men were rais ing the grain in the barn by means of a hay fork, which had a platform at tached to it Mr. James, seeing the platform tipping as the cable broke, stooped to let the grain go over him as it fell, but caught hts foot and was struck on the back. Mr. James was brought to the local hospital and after having an examina tion and x-ray pictures taken was found to be badly bruised both in ternally and externally but no bones wero broken. He Is getting nlong nicely at the present time. LARGE REALTY DEAL MADE Springfield Men Trade 420 Acre Farm To J .H. Farley of Ontario The exchange, made by J. W. Mach en nnd A. J. Perkins of their 420 acre farm on Camp Creek, nbout nine miles east of Springfield to J. H. Farley, for a two-story business block at Ontario, Oregon, was reported by Mr. Machen, who returned home Thursday. Tho proporty on each side is estimated at the value of $30,000, Mr. Machen and Mr, Perkins purchased tho Camp Croek farm from Dr. J. McClomman Hender son of Eugeno last November, Mr. Farley expects to arrive September 15 to take chargo of his farm of which qftft nnraa nrn llrwlnr rllltlvntlnn. 1r. Perkins left Lakosport, Idaho today on 1 a trtp to Chicago. 64TH CONGRESS IEDIAS0NE0F CREAIEST RECORD Besides Foreign Legislation, Time Was Found For Im- 4 portant Home Measures j 'PREPAREDNESS" IS THEME What Congress Did During Sections And The Efforts That Failed fire Enumerated 4 J The 64th United States congress closed its sessions Friday with one of the greatest records ever made by a legislative body In America. It had Inherited the problems of the Europ ean war and of Mexican bandits. It had outlined an extensive legislative program and carried out Its work to a splendid completion. Called on twice to back the president In steps which it thought rarely meant war with Germany, and actually ap propriating millions for the Mexican punitive expedition, It nevertheless found time for half a dosen domestic measures of major importance and to approve the heaviest appropriations la American history. "Preparedness," led in attention throughout The largest naval appro priation the world has ever known in peace time, and the next but one larg est army budget, were approved. Back, of every economic measure child la bor, rural credits, U. S. merchant ma rine, workmen's compensation, was the cry of "Industrial preparedness." Though the Democratic party never lost its hold on legislation, and though President Wilson at all times was the admitted pilot, pot & single measure passed both houses on strict party lines; - -The most sensational episode of the session was the fight over the Gore . , ... , and McLemore resolutions, warning Americans off armed, merchant ships after Germany had given notice It In tended torpedoeing them. Avowedly ? the president's foreign policy mey urougai uie cniei executive uuu congress into sharp conflict mey oe laDiea. i nree or iour aays passed while the fight was organized from the White House. Then his con gressional lieutenants struck, and the resolutions were overwhelmed. After thatf conBresa xcePt tor one halting excepuon-accepiea me presiaenis leadership ln foreign affairs without question. A short conflict loomed when the president personally visited the capltol and told congress he had sent Germany a virtual ultimatum over the Sussex incident Suddenly houndreds of thou sands of telegrams, ln five or six iden tical forms, poured in from every sec tion of tho country. There were hun- drcds of bushels of them. Astounded, congress wavered in Us attitude. , In a smashing speech, Senator Hust- ing exposed the demonstration as backed and financed by a German-American organization. Officials of the latter admitted it, and the affair bo- came a cloak room Jest From the time, the session opened, the pot of Mexican affairs never ceased boiling. Half a aozen Republicans led by Fall and Borah in the senate wero insistent IntervenUonallsts. As the bandit raids into American terri tory developed, border Democrats be came restless. What Congress Did During Session Reorganized and tremendously in creased both army and navy. Made biggest appropriations ln his tory of congress. "Preparedness" to tals close to $700,000,000 are tho larg est peace-time military budgets ln the history of the world. Stopped shipment in interstate com merce of child labor products. Passed rural crdlts act guaranteeing long-term, low-rate loans to farmers. Granted Philippines greater self-government, Placed heavy expenses of govern ment on munitions, Incomes and in heritances. Passed $42,000,000 rivers and har bors bill. Passed act for government-owned 000f2i5oreSJ2!!La (CoLtlnuemrPagoHFourr w"v"'1