The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 07, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Drug Bargains on
i Springfield Dollar Day
1 (I02. 5c School Tablets with 1 doz. Gc PoncHs....$1.00
A ?1.25 Self Filling Fountain Pen $1.00
A regular Dollar Fountain Pen with a 40
cent box of Highland Linen Paper.... $1.00
I A regular 75 cent Cox Eaton Crane's Ltnon Lawn
( with a 50 cent Loiter Sealing Outnt....$1.00
A regular $1.00 Safety Razor with Shaving
i mug and soap $1.00
X A regular 1.00 box of Lowney's Chocolates with
a 50 cent Character Doll......'! $1.00
A dollars worth of Toilet articles with
a 50 cent box of Lowney's Chocoltltes..$1.00
: A regular 75 cent Hair Brush with
I . , a 50 cent Hani Rubber Comb $1.00
' A regular One dollar bottle Hair Tonic with
any 25 cent Shampoo Soap..'.-.,....'.;-. $1.00-
A regular $1.00 Humidor of Tobacco with
a 35 cent Pipe..... ... $1.00
A regular 75 cent Bottle Toilet Water with
a 50 cent package Face Powder. $1.00
A regular $1.50 Hand Mirror. $1.00
A box (6 bars) Maxlne Elliott Soap with
a 50 cent jar Nyal's Face Cream $1.00
A regular $1.00 package Security Stock Food with
a 50 cent package Security Poultry Food $1.00
$1.50 worth of Nyal or Penslar Family Remedies..$1.00
A regular 75 cent Kodak with three rolls films $1.00
A regular $1.00 Hot Water Bottle with a 25
cent Flannel Cover. $1.00
Any $1.00 purchase entitles you to your choice of
any 25 cent article in the store, providing you have not
already taken advantage of the special offer.
While this sale Is strictly cash, we will be glad to lay
goods aside for you if you wish to call for same within
3 days.
We invite those who can not come to town, to try
our Mail Oredr Service. Cut our Add out of the
"NEWS" Mark articles wanted, encolse check, money
order or stamps and we will do the rest. We pay
Rains Do Not See mto Have Any
Serious Effect on.Thli Year's
Hop Crop
... I
State Troops Home Again
(Continued from pngo ono)
bnsolmU league, which. In ntlll rn i
nlng; ho got himself uppolnttnl WoIIh
Fnrso express agent bo ho could Idaho
money ordors out of the Hohllnru' pay
checks tt bo nont to t ho folks tit
homo, $4000 being thus sent; ho nlso
Induced thu sohool authorities of
Portland nnd Oregon to nllow two
points credit toward graduation for
t ho Rtudont-soldlors, (ho points IioIiik
mllllnry training.
The Inst of tlio troop train hearing
CompnnloH 12, F, (liind 11 arrived nt
Kugono nt 7 p. ni. Tuesday. Thuro
thoy entrained and after forming In
lino marched up Wllhunutto to Kiev
enth street nnd hack to the train. Tbo
Thoy woro
Tho wot weather of tho early part
of tho week alarmed tho hop growers
on account of motd and llco hut tho
ardor of tho pickers does not appear
1 to ho dumponod. Two conches anil a
' baggage car wero needed on Wcndllng
I train number 93 to bring tho crowd
1 of hop pickers from Cottago Grove
, Sunday und several wagons conveyoJ
tho now coiners to tho James Senvoy hoys niado a lino showing.
i hop yard. Kvory dny many local pick- In good health but had the appearance
1 era movo their camp effects to various of a now race. Tho warm rays of n
j hop yards. semi-tropical sun had douo Its work
I Most of tho early hops are picked and their skin Is brown, but their eyes
I now nnd the lato hops will bo picked In are bright and their muscles toughened
. a comDarntlvelv short tlmo. Thn flr by their cxnorloncos.
load of dry hops was received at tho ' On tho train was Paul I). IMinni. of
Springfield Feed company warehouse Portland, son of J. C. Dlmm of tho
last Friday from tho Palincr brothors Springfield News. Linn Nosmlth nnd
; hop yard. i Ralph W. Collin, former Springfield
Tho prico of hops this season Is not hoys passed through on an earlier
equal to tho cost of production at the train.
. present tlmo and, with tho exception I
of those having their hops contracted, I A Few of ur ' Dy Specials
their croDs. Tho tlmo ntiil lntmr n ' Flour
spray tho hops booius to be almost a Johnson's Best.,
the hop growers are losing money on Cupid Patent ....
completo loss on account of weather
Picking began at tho Ivanhoe ranch
luesaay. About 125 pickers aro cm
ployed there. At the James Seavey
yard picking began this morning with
about 900 pickers. The other ynrds
are also busy harvesting their crops
and every one desiring employment nt
this work have been accomodated.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wing and daugh
ter, Ermal and Emma Travis expect
to return to Springfield after visit
ing at the W. R. Wing ranch near Irving.
S. B. Larimer of Halsey is spending I Those registered at the Springfield
the day In Springfield. Hotel Tuesday were: George H. Gibbs
. Lowell Slkea is asslsUng C. E. Brat- of Glena'da, Mr. and Mrs. Ole Solelm
tain gather up cattle from the Sluslawaad family, MA. EE Wiise, O. O. Foster
Town and Vicinity
The bridge across the mill race on
Mill street north of Main is now com
pleted. ' Frank Parrish returned home yes
terday from the harvest fields in Wash
ington. Mr. and Mrs. George Read of Corn
ing, California arrived in Springfield,
this morning.
Mrs. Price's canning powders at
Pflftrv Tinier Rtnrn
and John Trotter.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Herrick and fam
ily expect to move from Sixth and B
street to the house formerly occupied
by Mrs. Jessie Newman on B street
betwen Seventh and Eighth.
HUSBAND CRAVES? Cut this out,
solve the answer and receive a prize.
Watch tho next issue of our paper.
Miss Mary Rouse who will teach in
the grade school moved to Springfield
Prominent Eugene Resident Found Urv
conscloua at Hotel After Stroke
of Paralysl Died Last Night
Eugene Bosse of Eugene, died at tho
Good Samaritan hospital at Portland
last night following a stroke of paraly
sis which occured sometime Tuesday
night. 1 :
He was found unconscious at the
Perkins hotel there yesterday morning
and taken to the hospital in an uncon-'
sclou8 condition. He did not regain
Mr. Bosse, who was 76 years old,
was bom In Belgium, coming to this
country when a young man. He was
prominently connected with the Com
mercial club of Eugene and was also
the propagator of the flax Industry in
the state. It was in the interests of
this work that he made his visit to
Portland, arriving in the city several
days ago.
Bran .' ...... $.S0
Mill Feed $1.05
Dairy Chop $.90
Oil Meal $2.00
See our windows for bargains In
poultry and stock supplies, salt, ate.,
Springfield Feed company.
Notice In hereby given that thn
'Board of ICquallrnllon for Lano County,
Oregon; will attend nt the court house
In said county on the second Mon
day of September ,brlng tho 11th day
thereof, 1916, nnd publicly oxamlno tho
assessment rolls nnd correct nil errors
In valuation, description or qunlltlo.i
of Innds, lots or other property assess
ed by the assessor; and It shall bu the
duty of persons Interested to appear
nt tho tlmo nnd plnro appointed.
Dated this 10th day of August, 1010.
County Assessor for Lnne County. Ore.
NOTK Taxpayom wishing to ex
amine tholr assessments before thu
mooting of the Hoard of Kqunlliatloit
will please call during tho week Im-
martlntoly preceding snme.
Aug. 24, 28, 31, Sept. 4, 7.
Miss Crystal Bryan visited the foro
part of the week with her aunt, Mrs.
Allco Bryan of Eugene.
""All persons Interested aro notified
that tho contractor on Co. Road No. 56
tor Sec. 31. Tp. 16 8., R. 3 E., W. M.
has completed his work and tho County
Surveyor has filed his certificate of
completion, and any person, firm or
corporation having objections to .file
to the completion of said work may do
so within two weeks of tho date of tho
first publication of this notice, in tho
6fflce of the County Clerk.
Dated SepL 5, 1916.
Sept 7, 14, 21 County Clerk
in the Clroult Court of tho 8toto of
Oregon for Lane County
II. U Studloy, Plaintiff,
Wllllnm It. West, Mrs. William it.
West, and all persons unknown, It
any, having or claiming an Interest
or estate In and to tho hereinafter
described renl property, Defendants
To Wltllam It. West, Mrs, William
II. West, nnd nil porsons unknown, If
any having or claiming nn Intoront or
estate In nnd to tho hereinafter do
scrlbod real proporty, and tho nbovo
named dofomlant.
OREGON, You aro hereby notified that
H. L. Studloy tho holder of Certificate
of Delinquency numbered 1290 Issuod
on tho 7th day of October, 1913, by
tho Tax Collector of tho County of
Lnne, Htato of Oregon, for tho amount
of $7.45, the same being tho amount
then duo nnd delinquent for taxes for
the year 1912, together with penalty,'
Intorest and costs theroon upon tho
roal proporty assessed to you, of which
you nro tho ownor as appears of rec
ord, situated In said County nnd State,
nnd particularly bounded nnd describ
ed ns follows, to-wlt:
Lot number (6) six, in Block num.
bor (6) Six, in Midway Park, in Lano
county, Stato of Oregon.
You aro further notified that said
H. L. Studloy has paid taxes on said
promises for prior or subsoquent years
with tho rato of interest on tald
amounts as follows:
On March 31, 1915, the sum of $.52
for taxes of tho year 1914.
On March 5, 1916, tho sum of $.52
for taxos for tho year of 1915.
All of the abovo amounts boar In
torest at the rato of 15 per cent per
Said Willam R. West m tho ownor
of tho logs! title of tho abovo describ
ed property as tho same appears of
record, and each of tho other pontons
abovo nnmod are heroby farther noti
fied that II. L. Studloy will apply to
tho Circuit Court of the County and
Htato aforesaid for a docreo foreclos
ing tho lion against thu property nbovo
described, nnd mentioned In said Cor
tlllcnto, And you nrohnroby sum
moued to appear within sixty dayii
after tho first publication of thin limn
inoiiB, exclusive of tho dny ofj.snld
tlrut publication,' and defend thin no
tion or pay tho amount dfio an nliovo
(.liowii, together with costs and ne
ed IntercHt, and In enno of your falttro
to do so, n deurvo will bo ronuored
fororlonllig thu lien of said tnxen and
com In against the laud and promises
nbovo named.
Thin tiuuimotin In published by order
of the Honorable (1. F. Hklpworth,
, Judge or tho Circuit Court of thu
I Statu of Oregon for thu County of
, lnno and said order was made and
i dated tho .list day of July, 1010, and
j tho date of tho first publication of thin
summons Is thu 3rd day of August,
1 1916.
I All process nnd papers In this pro.
ceedlng may ho served upon tho under
nlcuod rvsldlng with tho Htato of
Oregon at tho address hereinafter men-I
Attorney for Plaintiff
Address Eugnn, Oregon
Aug, 3,10,17,24,31, Hopt7,14,2t,2B, Oct.5
You'r Next
For a first clans ahavo and'
tho best hair cut over'
"Made In Springfield"
Ono trial nnd you always
como back to tho
O. K.
Barber Shop
Your Credit Is always good
Mrs. E. J.
daughter, Is
Hansett of Salem, his
the only surviving rel
The school board neld its regular I with her mother and sister tho first of
meeting luesaay evening ana only . me ween ana are living in the Spores
routine business was transacted.
M. M. Peery returned Tuesday from
bouse on Fourth and F streets.
Rev. W. N .Ferris arrived home hav-
AJbany where he was called to attend jng spent three weeks vacation vis-
the funeral of his sister, Mrs. J. Goin. j uing relatives in The Dalles, Ore. and
Earnest Skinner had his little finger
mashed, Tuesday, while working on
the monorail in the Booth-Kelly mill.
. The services at the tent at G street
bear Fifth are being continued each
evening except Saturday, at 8 o'clock.
, Hunting licenses were issued to Lee
Logan of Springfield and R. L. Ed
Wards of Fall Creek.
Just received a nice line of felts,
all shades. Reasonable prices at Mrs,
1 The Free Methodists began a camp
tneeting at Cottage Grove Wednesday
ftvening, Levi Neet took Rev. M. F.
Cbilds and others to the services.
Miss Vera Perkins is employed at
the Palace of Sweets In tho place of
Mks Elsie Holverson, who was mar
ried Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Worley and fam
ily moved from Wendllng to tholr
home on Sixth and K streets yester
day. Mrs. C. A. Thorpe of Eugene will
be operated on at the Eugene hospital
tomorrow morning by a Springfield
Keep the flies oft the cowa with "Fly
Bouncer' 75c a gallon at Peery's.
Those, registered at the Elite hotel
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
Vere: Mr. and Mrs. E. Lynn of Perry
dale, Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Williams of
Dallas, A. Eres of Perrydalo, V. Wil
liams of jDallas, J. R. Sancag of Baker,
D. M. Parsy, and George W. Lwesay of
Harold Peery and Ivan McKlnney
leftj.Tueday on a hunting trip abovo
Oajridgi . jjj.,
Miss Alice Darling la spending a
""wuielc with her grandparents, Mr. and
itifL Cash Mead of Walteryllle . a j
Mrs. Rllty Bnodgrass, daughter Max-!
laa,. and ;jjon Kenlth h?M0 this even-
Ifflfor San Francisco, to spend sovor-
Spokane, Wash. He will occupy the
pulpit at the Baptist church Sunday
morning and evening.
Joe Lusby and Walter Hiller spent
Sunday at Harrisburg.
Dr. Palmer and Miss Barr of Mabel
wero guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. C.
Rebhan, Sunday.
The Elite hotel had a large plate
mirror installed In the reception hall
Lowell Noble, small son of Mrs. Guy
Noble, had his foot stepped on by a
horse, mashing four of his toes, the
first of the week.
Mrs. Sam Darling and children re
turned the first of the week from Cot
tage Grove after an extended visit
with relatives.
Bids for Improvement, Springfield to
Hayden Bridge are Rejected
Some of the contracts for the build
ing of the new roads in the western
end of the county were let by the Lano
County Court Tuesday.
Bids for the reconstruction of the
western end of the Hayden bridge high
way, from Fifth street, Springfield,
eastward, were rejected as 'too high
No further action has been taken In
regard to this improvement.
Ole Solelm completed his contract
on the McKenzIe road in the vicinity
of Vlda Saturday evening.
Appointed Truant Officer
Rev. John M. Perkins of this city
was on Tuesday named as county
truant officer for school districts of
the third class, those which have less
than 200 pupils. His duties are to see
that the children of school age at
tend the schools In their respective
districts. Rpv. Mr. Perkins has been
looking after the poor in Juvinlle court
Rev, J. T. Moore Is attending the work in the county and he will com
meeting of the board of trustees of bine the two duties.
Klmhntl rnllpio (n Tnrflcnl tnAam xr- '
Moore Is a member of the board of
trustees. j
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kingsley of
fortland visited at the J. W. Coffin
Baptist Church
Itev. Norton Ferris Pastor
Bible school at 10 a. m. Let every
member be present at the reopening
homo Wednesday. Mr. Kingsley Is 60rv,ce- """o" Minor, Hupt Divine
now on the pension list of tho South- Worsll,P ttt 11 a- m- Po8tor Fe"i8 will
preacn. special decorations ana music
Theme of sermon will bo "Tho Light
Men do Not See."' Senior and Junior
Meeting nt 0:30 p. m. Evening ser
vice of song and sermon at 7:30 p. m.
Thome "A Baptised Man.'' We cor
dially invite our friends to all these
services. Strangers welcome.
era Pacific company, having been an
employe for over 60 years.
Charles Pool, owner of the garago
and undertaking parlors at Halsey,
formerly the editor of the Lane County
Star, renewed acquaintances In town
today and paid a friendly call to tho
News office.
; Harvey Brown and Charles Fischer
loft for Bend, Monday but their fam
illes will remain In Springfield for the
.Mr' a.9d M"o- 8. A. Sage of Eugene
Yisltod in Springfield tbo first of the
IfeUle, A. SJanbo of Creswell was in
town Monday,
Miss Alice. Jlolcomb and -daughter,
Edith, went to the Clark and Wash-
True economy is what we save in the
long run. The wise man feeds bis colt
to make it grow, He pastures his cow
to get a good flow of milk and paints
bit) house to make It test. It csts
very little move now to paint a tease
than It dW a prOr-aao. Probably 4t
naoro than a.C0'pa nn average.' Make
ycrar borne beautiful with the bast
paint n the matkot-Pheonlx Pure
Paint, Guaranteed, Sold by J. C. KM-
The Merchants of Springfield
Invite Everybody to Attend
Saturday, Sep. 9th
There will be Bargains and Bargains Galore,
Groceries, Drugs, Hardware, Furniture, Meats,
Shoes, Clothing, House Furnishings will be of
fered at prices you never dreamed of.
Save Your Dollars for This Great Event
"The Dollars Will Go Farther"
T "f
9 hlmirtbm ,r
Oregon Po we r Co.
. iiii
'W;3reeks with Mrs. SnodgrasB brother.
1. 1
burno hop yard Monday,
.11 rirnn nn