i) THURSDAY, SHPTIflMIllCIl, 7 TUB SPRINGFIELD NEWS PAGE TOMS, ) KNOX'S Sanitary Grocery WILL GIVE SOME EXTRA $1.00 BARGAINS IN BREAKFAST HOP PICKERS HOUSEHOLD WASHDAY COMBINATIONS COMBINATIONS COMBINATIONS COMBINATIONS H Cans Standard Milk ....$1.00 G pounds Good Coffee $1.00 12 Cans California Peas ...$1.00 ONE DAY ONLY - - - PHONE 9 PROMPT DELIVERY Swarts & Washburne Picnics, 8 lb. $1.00 , hi v! . s ' Good values in other cured and f resh meats for your Dollars at Fit ft 5 , 1 ? 4 iJ k Swarts & Washburne SATURDAY ONLY' Extraordinary Attraction "The Melting Pot" 1 fl T PRODUCED BY Walkei" Whiteside FROM- L L - Tfie Biook of the Satae NfkWe I? E 4 T FEATURINQ Walker Whiteside E T , R THE WORLD'S MOST ECCENTRIC ACTOR R E 1500 PEOPLE SIX MASSIVE PARTS 650 SCENES Price 5 and 15c MATINEE and EVENING r Why not save and deposit in our Savings Department one-twelfth of your total taxes each monthV By so dis tributing the tax burden over the entire year, It will not seom so heavy. 4 per cent on savings. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, EUGENE, OREGON, SOIINFOiAIl FOR SPORTSMEN IT 18 UNLAWFUL To rob any birds' nosts except such birds ob aro not protected by law. To hunt without having hunting llconso on porson, and to refuse to show samo on demand of proper officer or owner or representative of real proporty where hunting. To hunt at night. To soli or havo In possession plum ago of protected birds. To bunt on any gamo rcserratlon. To dlsgulso sex or kind of any game. .To hunt door with dogs. To llo In wait near licks whllo hunt ing door. To soil gamo of any kind oxcopi when propagatod according to law. To shoot gamo from public high ways or railroad rlghts-ofway. To wantonly wasto game. For aliens to hunt without a apodal gun license To shoot from any power, sink or sneak boat or sink box. To hunt on enclosed or occupied un enclosed lands without permission of owner. To trap fur bearing animals without a license. To burn tulcs between February IB and September 16, oxcoptlng by permit from Stnto Game Yvardcn. To havo In possession moro than 40 pounds of Jerked venison , To trap, not or ensnaro gamo ani mals, birds or fUn, except as expressly provldod, To hunt within tho corporate limits of any city or town, public park or comotroy, or on any campus grounds of any public school, college or univer sity, or within tho boundaries of any watershed reservation as sot asldo by tho United States to supply water to cltlos, or within any national bird ot game reservation. To resist gamo wardeno or other of- flcern charged with tho enforcement of tho gamo laws. To angle for any fish without having a, license .on person, and to refuso to show same on demand of proper oHl-cor. To fish by any means other than br hook and line. To use salmon spawn In Willamette river and tributaries south of East In depondonco station, Marion county. To cast lumber waste, dye, chemi cals, decaying substance, etc., or to uso powder or poisonous Substances in streams. To fish, at night or on stream within 00 foot below any flsnway. To soli trout, bass, crapples, cat fish, white fish or grayling. To maintain an Irrigation ditch with out having It screened at the intake. The following are not protected at any time: Duck hawk, sharp-skinned hawk, prairie falcon, goshawk, English sparrow, groat horned owl, northern shrike, cormorants, American morgan- sor, crows and ravens, magpies and bluo Jays. WEST SPRINGFIELD West Springfield. Sept. C Mrs. Ethol Jolllff who has boon liolnlni? Gladys Leo with her ' fruit canninrr burnod her arm with hot water Tuesday. Misses Maybello and Mao Prltts com- moncod picking hops Monday. Samuel Coffy and fnmilv from AH. zona visited nt PrlttV Sunday. Itay Vincont and Mr. K6se left Tugs- day lo work In tho tlo camp. Mlseos Dola and Ruby Vincent will bo with their parents 'this weok. Ed Grawford rotumod from Buoll Sunday and will remain permanently. Miss Myrtle Little from Cottatre Grove vllsltod at tho Loo homo Wed nesday. CEDAR FLAT ITEMS ' Quite a number from hore are pick ing hops 'at the Hill yard. Miss uuby Sutherland visited her mothor, Mrs. Prod Thatcher Thurs day. . -"t--i i y-imrxxQ Goorgo Easton was in Eugeno Fri day. Mrs. E .Conloy spont Friday and Saturday with hor mothor in Spring- Hold. Mr, W, M. Cooloy and grand- dnughtors Abblo and Josophlno woro In Eugono Saturday. ' Itlchard Hart of Florence, Montana Is homo visiting his parents. H. C. Hart and Miss Julia Godsoy woro in Eugono Saturday. Mrs. 0, T. Pinkston and daughter Throso woro in Eugono last weok. Mlssos Julia GodBoy, Eva and Stella Hart callod on Mrs. It. Parrott Wed nesday ovonlng, DONNA PER80NAL8 Donna, Sopt. fi.E. L. Itoborts aud fnmlly from tho McKenslo valley are moving on tho A. Lathrop placo, which has roeentfy been purchased by Mr. tho fields. Mrs. Fred Summers who, has been visiting at tho home of Mrs. Frank Ithono has returned to hor horns in Eugene. MIbb Evelyn Miller who has been visiting at (ho homo of J, li. Ilobortson has returned to hor home In Spring field. Miss Hester Ward from Fisher's mill Is working at the horn oof Jamos It. McGce. Edwin Johnson of Eugeno visited at the homo of Miss Jennie Turner Saturday and Sunday, Mrs. Cora Gustln, Mrs. M. A. Trun not and son, Miss Kate Hay den, Mrs. Fred Argath and daughter little Muriel wcro In Eugno and Springfield on busi ness last weok. Miss Ethlyn Nicholson has been sick for the past fow days but is feel ing better now. Thore Is to he a business meeting of the Donna Christian church Wed nesday, Sept. ?. Tho meeting Is for tho purpose of raising money to meet expenses. Rev. N. R. Workman, pastor of tho Christian church of Marcola, preached to tho people of Donna Saturday. J. IL Hayden Is having the founda tion laid for his new residence. J. J. Lewis shipped his last car load ow wood to Eugene Monday Sept 4. Altogether thls-makcs about one hun dred and sixty cords of oak and ash wood which ho has shipped to the Wil liams Fuel company this summer. I THI OD dWC HAKH fT rHASAHT TOR THC 919 TfM I wn ketiyi reftMrr m ft a tin TCAcco.TMC I irMLl CHCWTHr LAtTS I AHB SKTISflKS. I h I potfr wony-.rM surraico , with thi rial. T nit r n rM,wl AMD WICLBtvlor. I 1 .' WHEN oooe you know W-B CUT Owwh you are wise to rich tobacco. And when a man once knows quality he's got no patieBce with ordinary tobacco. You like the way the touch ot salt brings but the Savor also that a little nibble out lasts a big wad of ordinary two for one and bow it does satisfy! Dealers that want your trade keep W-B CUT Chewing 10c a pouck. mdt ly fRMAR-KOTOif COMfAXT, V. Stmi, Kr O' H .C. Auld of Eugene was in Donna Audrey Lewis last week. last Thursday on business. J. B. Robertson has shut down his mill for the present j John Adams has. made a lot of cider, J. H. Kennedy and family left for tho Hammitt brothers' hop ynrd todav. Miss Lottie McMurry of Marcola visited at the borne ot ner friend Miss There was to be a. young peoples' party at the Donna hall, last Saturday evening, but on account of the heavjr rain only six were teere. Two is a couple, Three Is a crowd, , i Six at a party Is ail the rain allowed. Can You Beat Ti ? 102 Newspapers Delivered to your Home for $1.00 ... $ A Y ON L Y i. Itoberta, TlirwUll 5' 'V ' . viHiilty has ceased oxjt ACcniMit of Ua hodvy ratrs Mo f i of tho giuhi cioya aid bottluK out 111 jp YOU CAN GET ;;T3ie SpriiiMd . sweM ' A WHOLE YEAR FOR ONE DOLLAR QQThis applies to old subscribers as well as to new subscribers, but for advance payment only. Subscribers now on our books may take advantage of this offer by paying their arrearages up to date and one year in ad vance. Out of town subscribers may take advantage of this offer by mailing their re mittance not later than DOLLAR ! PAY; SEPTEMBER 9 ' .; . r ; it; I t ' .f