The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 07, 1916, Image 1

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1 JlJlLi
VOL. XV NO.-64
lima iinittrunder not nl Conitre fit M nrh, 187V
fcirow of 22 Mon Will Put In Now
Pltitoa nnd Truss Rods
Othor Improvomonts
8prlngflold People Speculating on
Next Move of Railroad Officials
Only Rumors Go Now
Tlio Southern Pacific brldgo ropolr
crow of 22 rnou under foromnn Ed
ward Kraxlur began work on thu rail
road brldga oyer tlio Wlllainotto river
Tuesday morning. Tho crow brought
. a trnlnload of brldgo building material
which will bo usod In making tho
brldgo safo for heavy traffic. At tho
Arcsunt tlmo tho brldgo across tho
river will only haul locomotives ot
second class, Tho largo onglncs that
arc usod by Eho Soutftom Pacific
company cannot bo brought across tho
river. Now plates will bo usod as well
as mauy now truss rods will bo put in
tho spans to make thorn stronger.
Tho craw has flvo supply cars with
them. Ono Is flxod up so that It Is
a comploto blacksmith shop with a
forge, anvil and all ot tho other Iron
working dovlcos usod in such work.
A boiler and comprossod air machlno
Is mounted on anothor car. All of tho
power usod in drilling holes for tho
now work comos from comprossod
Concroto working machinery won
also brought to tlio Springfield yards
with tho repair train. A largo con
croto mlior, pile drlvor, donkoy on
ine, bailor nndsaveral other- devices
ffiavo boon unloaded near ono ot tho
nldo tracks. It has not been definitely
stated as to whether tho concroto
working materials will bo used. It
looks as if tho crow would have loft
this machinery In Portland if thoy
had not oxpoctod to uso It. Thero
In rumor that this gang will enlurgo
tho piers of tho brldgo whllo on tho
Job so that tho company can con
struct a doublo track thoroughfare It
Ib estimated that tho stool repairing
will roquiro about threo weeks.
Take Over Wlllamette-Paclflc
Tho operating department of tho
Southern Pacific company will tako
ovor tho Wlllamotto-Paclflc from tho
construction department ot tho road
on Octobor 1. Tho brldgo will bo fin
ished by that tmo and it looks quite
-4Jke)y that tho company Is making
preparations for a now schedule It
Is probablo that freight and passonger
trains will loavo Sprtngflold for Marsh.
Hold Instead ot starting ot Eugene.
;y J. H. Dyor, assistant general man
4agcr 6t tho Southern Pacific and F.
Durckhaltor, division superintend
ent accompanied by tho division engi
neer camo to Springfield In an auto
this morning. Thoy looked ovor tho
condition ot things In general and slip
ped out ot town boforo anyone was
nwaro of tho fact.
Musicians Will Contribute Much to
Success of Dollar Day
Tho Springfield city band will give
concorts on tho stroot botwoon Second
and Fifth stroota Saturday ovonlng,
TJio band will bo out at this tlmo
Q account of Dollar Day and will
"contrlbuto much to tho buccobs of tho
big merchandising ovont
Our cltlzons all appreciate tho of
fortH of tho band boys to provide on
tortalmnont nnd In cooperating with
tho business mon in making Dollar
Day a buccobs.
On account of tho concerts to bo
glvon Saturday thoro will bo no con
cert tonight.
Proprietor of Pool Hall Charjjed With
Violation of Prohibition Law
F. S .Gourley, who conducts a pool
hall at Marcola was arrostod by Sheriff
Parker, Tuesday, chargod with giving
a quantity of alcohol, to Alf WUtse,
'ixed 10 years on Monday.'
"District At(ornoJr'Dev6rB accompani
ed Shorlft, ParkoVtoIiVcoli'and aftor
an examination, hold before Justice ot
the Peace Churchill';, aolirld was
bound ovor lo. tho mn?liy SwltU
Commllteo Will Ask Council Tor Use
Of Olren Tire Whittle Which
Hoo Deen Discontinued
Exemption pajMirfl utul n gold Imdgo
i of honor wuro awarded to J. C. .Mullen
Tuosdny evening nl tie regular meet
! Iiik of tho Flro Department. Mr. Mul
len has Hvrvod hovoii yonrs on tho
voluntary flro dopiirtment nnd Is now
fxompl from poll and road taxes nnd
; Oregon stntua nn n rownd for his sor
I vices. To show his appreciation, Mr.
'Mullen slgnod up for sovon years more,
j A commlttoo of tho flro department
was appointed to confer with tho flro
land wntor commlttoo or tho city coun
cil in regard to tho rostorlng ot tho
slron flro whistle Sovornl of tho mem
burs hnvo mlssod fires becauso tho
present moans' is not an adoquato
summons nnd tho flro department re
quest tho restoring of tho slron, which
has boon abandoned on account of
frightening tho children.
Fall Term Opens on September 18 In
Springfield; Several New Teachers-
Among Instructors
Just 10 mora days and tho wheels
ot Springfield's educational system
will begin to turn. On tho morning of
Sopteraber 18, ovoryono of tho 20
teachers will bo in their places ready
to onroll tho pupils and assign lessons
Prospects oro bright for a largo at
tendance this yoar. Tho high school
repairing has been completod so both
buildings aro ready for tho children.
Sovcral of tho familiar faces of the
toachcra who wore hero last year will
bo missing, but now ones will take
thor places. Tho teachers in tho
high school VIII "bo'P. M. Stroud, prln
clpal; Vera Williams, history, Efllo
J. nodes, English and Latin; J. F.
Qoddard, Manual Training and othor
subjects; Nora J. Sorenson, common
clal subjects; Anna McCormlck, do
mestic sclenco.
Tho grado teachors havo not all been
assigned their work yet and It will not
bo doflnltoly announced how the grado
work will bo dlvldod up until suprln
tondont, It. L. Kirk returns from his
vacation. Tho teachors who havo been
elected nro, Mrs. Luclna Illchardson,
Mrs. Gladys S. Smith. Lacy D. Copcn
haver, Amlo O. Young, Draco E.Wnlk-
er, Bess Palmer, Mary Rouso, Frances
Qartlott, Mrs. E. C. Page, Merle Nlm
mo, and Harriet Vilas.
Two of tho now high school teachers
aro graduates of the stato University,
ono is from O. A. C. and the others
aro graduates ot tho Oregon Normal
at Monmouth.
John Olrlch of -Prunevllle Attacks
Henry Hukrald and Injures Him
Severely In Quarrel
John Olrlch, of Prunevlllo north ot
Springfield, was found to bo sano
today by tho oxamlners and is still
In tho county Jail as tho result of
attacking a neighbor in a quarrel Tues
day night Criminal charges havo
boon issued against tho man and ho
will havo to await a hearing boforo
the grand Jury.
Olrlch and a neighbor, Henry Huk
riod bocamo engaged in an altorcatlon
Tuesday night ovor a horso nnd Ol
rlch, it Is alloged, struck Hukrotd with
a hunting knifo, inflicting a very slight
wound fn Hukrold's side. It 1b sald(
that Hukrald knocked him down onco
or twlco with n club during tho altor
catlon. Ono of Olrlch's horsos entered Huk
rold's pasture during tho day and the
lattor tied tho animal up. When 01
rick wont to Hukrold's place to got
tto horso tho two men qunrrolod, re
sulting In tho alleged ossault.
Hukrold wont to Eugene yesterday
and sworo out a warrant for his neigh
bor's arrest. Doputy Sheriff D. A.
Elklns sorved tho warrant' and brought
him to Jail. It is' claimed that 'tlio
man, wlio la aged: between fib and 65;
yoars, ats as If he is'lnsano, and h-!
fore a criminal charge was pressed
against him no was given an oxamlna-
Arrivo at Camp Wlthycombe, at
Clackamas on Monday and
Tuesday After Long Trip
Not the Same Thin,, Sallow, Raw
Recruits that Left In July for
Mexican Border
"Homo again," yelled tho First bat
talion, Third Oregon militia, as ono
man, when tho troop train pulled Into
tho Clackamas yards Tuesday morn
ing, and tho Job of unloading was
But fow of tho citizen soldiors were
very glad to get homo oxcept for tho
opportunity of seeing their loved ones.
That was somo factor, but if it could
havo been eliminated, it is doubtful If
tho boys who were stationed at the
Mexican border would havo wanted to
roturn at alL They wero having too
good a time.
The first tralnload ot Oregon troops'
consisted of tho First batllllon, com
posed of companies A, B, C, and D
the machlno gun company and tho
headquarters company minus the
mounted detachment.
Tho second train, "nmprlslng the
Third battalion, companies I, K, L, and
M, came In at noon, and tho third
train, consisting ot tho Second bat
talion .companies E, F, G, and H, ar
rived Tuesday night Tho final train,
ca.ri7.lng, the animals and a lot of
heavy equipment arrived later.
The officers were enthusiastic over
tho. buccoss of-the campaign on the
border but wero plainly disappointed
that the recall sounded when it did.
But when orders were received from
Major General J. Franklin Bell that
tho stato troops leave tho border, tho
Third Oregon was thn first to an
nounce its readiness to depart The
order was received at noon last Thurs
day. At 9 o'clock next morning Colonel
McLaughlin wired that his regiment
was roady. As a matter of fact, tho
homeward Journey began at 4 o'clock
tho samo day.
And so tho Oregon boys are homo
again, having added many pounds to
their wolght, strength to their muscles
and vast experience to their genral
stock of knowledge, they learned
how to live on beef and beans and
be happy. They learned how to do
a million things that had always been
dono for them In civil life.
As soon as tho train pulled in on
Its siding at Clackamas Colonel Mc
Laughlin directed tho unloading to
begin. Sauada from each company
were detailed to take care ot the
property assigned to each and deposit
it convenient to the newly arranged
company streets.
Tents Are Put Up
Tho tonta began xo riso first ot all,
though the cooks saw to it that the
camp kltchons wero promptly In
stalled. His general orders for detraining
given, tho colonel and his staff ad
journed to the headquarters cottago,
whero endless detail work was en
gaged in. And outside soundod tho
nolso of splitting wood, tho voice of
company sorgoants ordering tho men
to unload motor trucks, tho rustle ot
canvas as tents slid up.
It was all very military and very
orderly, each soldier having his or
ders nnd carrying thorn out In ac
cordance with tho dlscipllno ot actual
military conditions.
To Continue Training
Indications nt tho camp woro that)
tho Oregon troopa would not bo mus-
tored out for an Indellnlto poriod.
"Military training will bo continued
hero as It was carried on at tho Moxl-
can border," said Colonel McLaughlin,
"Wo havo IB days' rations. Wo havo
no instructions about mustering out
tho troopa."
Chaplain Gilbert Complimented
Major Gllhort, chaplain of tho rogl-
mont, is credited by tho men with
having accomplished great things for,
the boys that woro outside tho tech
nical duties of a chaplain, For ex,-
aniplo, he secured pornjlsjilon from
Uie Ban1 uiego scnooi auinoniies 10
nliqw tho soldiers to attend ichool
cither day or night He organised a
(Continued en Page Four)
Dr. R. G. Van Valzah Succumbs
After Long Illness of
Brights' Dlsoase
Has Lived Here for More Than 20
: Years Was Practicing Physl
' ' clan for Many Years L
pr. It. O. Van Valzah died at his
homo at the corner of Second and A
. streets, at 5:20 p. a, Tuesday evening
after having suffered for a long time
with Bright's Disease. He was aged
63 years at tho timo of his death.
Dr. Van Valzah was taken seriously
111 a fow days after the return from
an oxtended trip to the mountains
abavo Oakridge and his decline la
strength was very rapid. Tho at
tending physicians and sane were
a!o'tO give but little relief and little
teeeeWas held for his recovery. Word
Jrwutsnt to relatives of his conditton.
Dr. J. W. Van Valzah of Tacoma ar
rived In time to see his brother. Dr.
Sr L Van Valzah returned from Pana
ma, reaching bis, father's bedside a
few hour?) before ho passed away.
Ho was,. a successful physician and
surgeon and won many friends during
his stay hero. For tho past seven
years, Dr. Van Valzah has retired from
practice on account ot falling health.
He was a member ot tho United Ar
tisans and Woodmen of the World
Dr. Van Valzah was born at Boals
burgx Center county, Pennsylvania,
OcJob'er 8, J863. He was' a graduate
of the college ot Physicians and Sur
geons, Baltimore, Maryland In 1884.
Ho was united in marriage with Ada
Bernlco Shannon February 8, 1887 and
In 1889 moved to Hughesvllle, Penn
jsylvania, where he conducted a drug
tstore. In 1892 the family came, to
Springfield. They moved to Ashland
in 1893 and returned to Springfield -the
j following' year and have resided here
'to the present time.
Dr. Van Valzah Is survived by his
wife, Mrs. Ada Bernlce Van Valzah,
three sons, Dr. SL. Van Volzab, Rob
ert C 'Van Valzah, and C. Gerald S.
.Van: Valzah; his mother, his mother,
MrsiiM.; E. Van Valzah ot Paulsboro,
N. J. a' sister, Mrs. Annie V. Reeves of
Paulsboro, N. J., and two brothers,
Dn J.- W. Van Valzah of Tacoma. and
Dr. John A. Van Valzah ot Raleigh,
South Carolina.
The remains will be taken to Lew
isburg, Pennsylvania whore interment
will be made in the family burying
ground. They will be accompanied by
all members ot the immediate family.
The body is now being held at the local
undertaking, parlors unUl Saturday
when it will be shipped east
Tho remains may bo viewdd at
Walker's undertaking parlors at Main
and Mill streets, after one o'clock Fri
day afternoon and Friday ovning.
Plans Were Made for Membership
Contest and Captains Appointed
To Take Charge
Tho Ladles Aid society of the Metho
dist church held their annual election
ot officers yesterday afternoon at tho
church parlors and Btarted a member
ship contest to be carried on for two
months. About twenty ladies wero
present and several now members wero
Tho officers elected were: Mrs. N.
W. Emery presldont; Mrs. J. W. Coffin
vlco president; Mrs. Will Bishop
secretary and Mrs. J. W. Smith treas
urer. In tho membership contost tho mem
bers woro divided Into groups with
Mrs. O. B. KeBsoy and Mrs. L. May
as captains. The contest will bo car
riod on for two months, then tho
loosing group will be obliged to serve
a luncheon to tho winners.
Mf: and Mrs. Harry Neot moved to
Bpringfleld' and wll liVo on Q street
between Soventn ana uignin. uni.
NbeHias been visiting in Myrtle Creek'
and ' Mr. Noet has boon working at
Walla Walla, Washington,
Two Vacancies are Filled and the
Members are Now Ready for
Their New Work
Tho two vacancies in the library"
' board, caused by tho death of Mrs.
F, Koolilor and tho moving away of
Miss Lillian Corrlo, ,liaVo beon filled
by Mrs. W. H. Pollard and Mrs. H. E.
Walker, appointed by the mayor, E. E.
Tho library, board consists of six
members and the mayor of tho city;
two members aro elected to serve one
year, two members serve two years
and two members serve three years?
Threo of the members are appointed'
by the mayor and three are elected
by tho board. Those serving on the
board at tho present time are: Mrs.
N. W. Emery, president; Mrs. L. K.
Pago, secretary; Mrs. H. E. Walker,
treasurer; M. M. Peery, H. M. Bower, I
Mrs. W. H. Pollard, and mayor, E. E.
Morrison. Mrs. Hannah Hill Is the
Tho board is now working to get
out a new line of books.
Tell of Benefits Received and ef the
Pleasures Received en Trip
'Through Oregon
E. E. Kepner, secrtary of the Spring-,
Held Business Men's club received a the business Is Interstate. They nave
letter yesterday morning from the appealed te the Interstate commerce
men of San Francisco who visited, our commission. They nave done every
city on the Wholesale Trade excursion thing they know, to do, and still the
telling of the good things of their trip, car shortage Is .mounting higher every
The general tone bt'the letter is fine day.
and Springfield is made, feel thai her , mmg jQ 0reg,B kaye orderg ,or
efforts to entertain and please the thousands of carloads of iHmber. The
visitors were not in vain. They feel Iumber .market Is rigorous. Tho
that the results ot; toewcursloAjWUl . utC9094i The.lvHUeraea bare,
be a great licneflt tothose who came" bJd vBjon8 ot recovering from tlie dfr
to Springfield as well as to the mer- pression 0f the last two or three
chants visited. ! years. But Instead of tho industry
San Francisco Chamber ojt Com
merce, Sept 2, 1916.
Business Men's Club, Springfield, Ore.
In behalf of the members ot the
San Francisco Chamber of Commerce
Wholesale Excursion to Coos Bay and
Southern Oregon, who recently d .
the great pleasure ot visiting your city.
I tako this means of conveying to
you and all others who assisted in
entertaining our party, their sincere
tnanKs lor tne many courtesies exiena-
ed to them, which were deeply ap
preclatedby, every member of the Ex
cursion. Our trip to Oregon was one of tho t
most Interesting and enjoyable excur-
slons ever undertaken by us. We
made this trip for the following rea
ons; I -we began running our mill the
Tho San Francisco business menlflrst ot May," said Mr. Seufert. "and
wanted to know personally the mer- n-Q tjme 8ince then have we been able
chants in your city with whom they to get the number ot cars we wanted,
have been doing business and to study ; e are now 8hort 84 cars and unless
their needs and how they can best j Bome relief comes pretty soon we will "
sorvo them. have to shut down. We cannot get
We want the wholesalers, bankers. out enough lumber to meet our pay
and manufacturers of San Francisco ron8 even.
to know more about your section of i Our yards and wharves are crowd
Oregon, Its resources, its progress and 0d with lumber, ready for shipment
the possibilities of its future, and it -ve have, orders on the books three
will thus be benefited by the publicity ana four months old which we have
resulting from our trip. j been unable to fill, although the turn-
We want your business men to
know moro about Sn Francisco, its
facilities for supplying mercnandlse re
quired by them and what it has to
offer as a market tor the products of
your section, and to cultivate th feel
ing that interests and those of San
Francisco are mutual and each is di
rectly concerned in the growth and
prosperity of tho other. It is our aim
with your assistance, to advance tho
Interests of tho entire Pacific Coast
Wo know our recent trio will bring
us still closor together In bonds of i
neighborly friendship nnd bo mutually
helpful, nnd again wo thank you for
tho cordial welcome and courtesies
extended to us.
Faithfully yours,
Chairman, Coos Bay and Southern Ore
gon Excursion ot San Francisco Cham
ber of Commerce.
New Pipes Ready for Hop,, Drier
Complete outfit , of, pipoa for a hop
drier was sent from (ho .Long & Cross
plumbing shop. todaj.jjL. will be ro
raembeHd, tha Mr, .JmMon's hop
house, was.fburnedjast fan, .rendering
it necessary to build a new., ono. Mr..
Edmlston will begta picking his aops.j
Booth-Kelly Mill is 116 Cars
Behind in Filling Orders of t
Months Ago
Several Mills Have Had to Close and
Others Have Had Several
Orders Cancelled I fp jj
Unless the car shortage Is relieved
very soon the saw mills of the state
will be compelled to close down and
thousands of men will be thrown out
of employment In speaking of tho
situation, A. C. Dlzon manager of the
Booth-Kelly company said:
MWe will have to close both of our
mills If, the car situation does net" get
any better. Lumber is piling up and
we gab find no place for it . At the
p reseat Use we are 116 cars snort of.
what we oaght to feare that Is, we
baVe .orders and the lu&Ber on aasd
te All .that nuay cars fer teraediata
Lumbermen nave begged the rail
read company fer ears. They nave
appealed to the Oregon nubile service
commission, which, is helpless because
UvlniHnr nut Into the nrosnerltv wave.
It is being forced to the verge of ruin
through the neglect of the railroad
company to properly serve this terri
tory. Theso facts come from the reports
of many lumber mills. Only last
Saturday the Sheridan Lumber com-
nnnv was forced to shut down its mill
anfl 10 men were thToym out of cm.
ployment because the mill could not
get tQ move tre&t pllea
of ,umber whIch aro crowding tho
company.8 warf t6 capacity.
T. J. Seufert vice-president of tho
Coast Range Lumber, company at
H viand., said yesterday his mill will
have t0 close down unieSs the
Southern Pacific will furnish them
some cars. That will mean 200 more
men thrown out of Jobs,
bor is all out"
"Within tho last week or two orders
for 10 carloads have been cancelled
and placed with Washington mills be
cause the people who wanted tho lum
ber could not wait any longer for us
to make tho shipments. We are now
In recelDt of letters saying that moro
orders will bo cancelled unless ship-
ment is made right away,"
The Sllverton Lumber company has
orders for 15 carloads of special lum
ber material for California customers,
and today the Secretary of the Wlltem
otto Valley Lumber Manufacturers' as
soclatlon received an appeal from the
company for help In getting the rail
road company to furnish cars.
Reports from Washington are to the
effect that no car shortage is felt
there. The result is that orders aro
being taken from th Oregon mills and
placed with tho Washington mills., The
Oregon mills are losing desired cus
tomers. Mrs. C. R. Sheppard of Fresno, Cal
ifornia is stopping a tlay, or 'two at
the home of her brolhefn-Iaw, J. P;
Sheppard,. on her return f rosa a trip
tQ tlio oast. , Mrs, sheppard Is accetk-
panned ,by her efew, Ray Sheppard.
I ef Hutehiasea, HlMtwfc