The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, September 04, 1916, Image 1

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n i hi iihiihii l'i ii ni i i ' ti mf ilini m Villi
Commission to Investigate Ef
fect on Transportation
Lines; Law Goes Into
Effect Jan. 1, 1916
The Prompt Action of Congress In
Passing the Adomson Bill Averts
A Possible Tleup of Railroad
Traffic as Expected
Washington, Sept. 3. Prosldont V.
son slopped at tho Union station horo
this uiomlnK onrouto from Shadow
Inn, N. J., to Hodgcnvlllo Ky., long
tmough to elfin tho Adomson Mil,
which ostabllshod an olght-hour day,
effective January 1, 1017, for ullon
employes on Intorstato railroads.
Tho ordor for a national railroad
strlko at 7 o'clock Monday morning
was cancolld. This action followed a
mooting of tho 13 brotherhoods' chlofs
at tho National hotel hcadquartors.
Messages wore at onco put on tho end
loss chain to bo flashed tho country
over to gonoral chairmen to call tho
ntrlko off.
Ends Fear of Strike
This action followed a day of do
boto, much of which was conducted
undor circumstances singularly dra
matic. It concluded two weeks of sus
pense during which tho nation was
confronted with a strlko order, sot to
becomo oporatlvo on tho great rail
ronds on Soptombor 4.
Tho bill Incorporated two of tho six
moasuros suggestod by Prosldont Wil
son to congress.
Provisions of Bill
It provldon:
.aAn. eight., hour day for, all pm
ploycfl ongngod In operating trains on
Intorstato rallroodB with tho samo pay
as now glvon for 10 hours' work and
pro-rata ovortlmo.
2 A commission to bo appointed by
. . . t
President Wilson to Invnsilgnio nnu
... . . t 1
roport on tho offect of tne oigm nour
day as applied to railroads.
Tho onrollod copy of tho Adnmson
Mil wns nlcnod by 8poakcr Clark of
tho houso soon aftor 0 o'clock Satur-
Six minutes lntor Bona-
uay evening. oi
tor Clarko of Arkansas, ns prcniuum
pro torn of tho sonato affixed his signa
ture. Brotherhood Leaders Notified
President Wilson dlroctod Socrotary
Forstor to notify tho brotherhood load
era ns soon ob the bill was Bignod.
It was loarnod that tho brotherhoods
would havo boon satisfied to rescind
tho strlko order If congress passed tho
olght-hour law without attempting to
fix wages. The fact that congress es
tablished a precedent for an olght
hour day law la considered a big vic
tory. Ellsha Leo, chairman of the railway
managers' commlttoo loft Washington
today for his headquarters in Phlla-
tinlnhla. Ho said ho had not boon nhlo
to dotlrmlno whoro tho effect of tho Jfl p)ont(Ui enough to supply all do
Adamson law would begin or whoro It . umnils Bays ono 0f ur local butchers,
would end. Duo to tho fact that tho summer has
Tho advisory committee of tho rail- J becn cooJ nnu Bi,OWory, grass has
ways, It was learned, will mooi in (
Now York at an early unio 10 no
tormlno whnt data and ovldonco will
bo submitted by thorn to tho commis
sion croatod by tho now law to mako
nn InvoBtlgatlon and roport tho effects
of tho eight-hour law.
A toBt will bo matter for discus
Blon at tho samo tlmo.
Three Ways For Opening Fight
Thoro woro snld to bo throo wnya In
which tho fight on tho wbbo feature
of tho act may bo openod.
First By tho railroad refusing to
pay tho qmployoB nffoctod by tho law
tho wngo proscribed In tho bill, which
amounts to ton hours pay for eight
hours' work with pro rata pay for
Socond An nmondmont of tho law
at either tho abort or tho noxt regular
session of congrosB, or ropoal of cer
tain provisions In tho act.
Third By Injunction brought by
Tallroad stockholders to provont tho
companies from paying tho mon at
tho rato proscribed by congross.
Today tho brotherhood leadorn woro
husy preparing a circular to bo sont
to mombors. This document will ex
plain tho Bottlomont of the strlko
question and ropoat tho provisions of
Ibo bill.
State and Federal Aid Will Be Asked
for .to Build Road from Coast
to Klamath Falls
At a mcotlng of tho roads committee
of tho Lano County Pomona Orange
held at Eugono Saturday afternoon a
resolution was passed (indorsing and
approving tho project to build a high
way from Florence, on tho coast to
Klamath Kails. This proposod road I
will pass through Springfield and over 1
the summit of tho Cascado mountains
by way of tho old military wagon road. ;
Tho resolution ausptcd by tho
Orango calls for federal and stato aid
In tho building of tho road and om
phaslzlng Its importanco as a com
mercial post and ..military highway
and of Its advantago to tho entire
stato as woll as to tho federal govern
ment Tho roods commlttoo of tho Pomona
grango represents 23 Oranges of Lane
county with an approximate member
ship of 1600.
Tho people of tho Lake Crook region
havo prepared a petition which they
will present to tho stato highway com
mission. Tho petition urges that body
to uao fedoral and state money for the
opening up of this road in preference
to further Improving highways that
aro now open and can bo traveled the
year around, or spending the monoy
upon scenic projocts for tho pleasuro
of tourists and tho Idle rich.
Tho petition waa road at the nicot
inic o ftho roads committee of tho
Orango . It contained 05 signatures
Friends Surprised at Quiet Wedding
Occurring .this Morning
Miss Elslo Holvorson surprised her
friends this morning by bocomlng the
wife of Richard Davis of Eugene at
Eloven o'clock. A aulot wedding cer
I I t.. ....... ...111. nnlv
oniony won iium m ousmo
Immediate rolatlves prsent The brldo
woro a black taffetta silk suit and tho
.groom was dressed in grey.
Tho newly wedded couplo oxpoct to
loavo for liosoourg in a lew unys
whoro Mr. Davis has boon employed
by tho Boll Tolophono company for tho
past two months.
Mrs. Davis haH been employed at
tho Palace of Sweets this summer and
only gave notice of her Intention of
entering a now pathway of llfo this
Th News Joins with friends In wish-
ing Mr. and Mrs. Davis long llfo and
Rain Has Made Pasture, and Beef Is
Better Than Former Yeara
n.. much uottor this year and
b(jcn g0(d nm, t,J0 cntUo Bro much fnt.
tor and In hotter condition than In
former years. It Ib unnecessary to
havo any moat shipped to tho local
aiarkot as tho supply moots tho do
Thoro 1b also some registered stock
in tliU locality. C. E. SwartB Iiob a
Jorsoy herd started on his ranch on
tho Natron road. Two of tho cows are
half Bisters to Katy F.
Supervisor Elect Resigns
C. H. Furgoson, recently elected as
auprvlsor of schools In LaiiQ county to
succood T. I. O'Reilly, who had hold
tho position for sovoral years, has re
Bignod boforo actually taking up tho
duties of tho ofllce. Ho has announced
that ho will accept tho prlnclpalshlp
of tho Hudson grado school In Port
laud to which ho was rocontly elected.
Mrs. B. A. Washburno and Mrs,
Claudo Washburno wont to Newport
Mr. and Mrs. Courtwrlght and two
boiib, of Coming, California, arrived
Friday In n wagon and are looking for
a location,
Miss Blrdlo Bruce, returnod homo
last Saturday evening .from two
weok's visit with frlonds.
DKfcOCRATIC RECORD I kT disposition to boast of what
tba DetOeratlo party fcM aeeoMfllefceC M has merely done Its-duty.
It baa. merely fBtSilled Its expllett ??OMi9, Censtractlve itette mH
be weighed against ifMlrsetlve temmul and reaction,
RKPUBLICAN RECORD The RBtllca party was put out of
power because of fallare, practical failure, and moral failure; because
It had served special Interests and mt the country at large.
TUB TARIFF -The Tariff lias been revised, not on tho principle
of repelling foreign trade, but upon the principle of encouraging It
FEDERAL IIESEIIVE ACT By tho Federal Iteservo Act tho supply
of currency at the disposal of active business has been rendered elastic,
taking Its volume from the liquid assets of dally trade, and theso are
assessed by bankers who are In touch with local conditions.
MERCHANT MARINE Effective measures havo been taken for
the re creation of an American morchant marine and tne revival of the
American carrying trade Indispensable to our emancipation from the
control which foreigners havo so long exercised.
HELPING: THE FARMER For tho farmers of tho country wo
havo virtually created commercial 'credit by means of tho federal
reserve act and the rural credits act They now havo the standing
of othor business men In tho money market
HELPING LAUOR Tho workingmcn of America have been given
a verltablo emancipation by tho legal recognition of a man's labor as
part of his life and not a mero marketable commodity. We have effected
tho emancipation of tho children of the country by releasing them from
hurtful labor.
FOUGHT IJV DIG INTERESTS There Is one circumstance con
ncctml with this program that ought to bo plainly stated. It was re
sisted at every stop by tho Interests which tho Republican party had
catorcd to and forstored at tho expense of the country, and theso same
intercuts aro now earnestly praying for a reaction that will savo their
FOREIGN AFFAIRS In foreign affairs we have been guided by
principles clearly conceived and consistently lived up to. We havo been
neutral. Whoro the rights of our own citizens became involved this
was our guiding principle: Property rights can bo vindicated by claims
for damages. The loss of llfo is irreparable. Neither can direct viola
tions of a nation's sovereignty await vindication in suits for damages.
THE MEXICAN PROBLEM We bolleve that the people of small
and weak states havo tho right to .expect to be dealt with exactly an
tho pcoplo of big and powerful states would bo. Wc have acted upon
that principle in dealing with the poeple or Mexico. They are entitled
to attmcpt their liberty and so lofllf as I havo anything to do with
tho action of our great government' shall do everything In my power
to prevent anyone standing in their, way. I am moro interested
In tho fortunes of oppressed men and pitiful women and children than
in any property rights whatever.
Sues for Support of Herself and Child
ren and Seeks to Recover Shared
of Property
Mrs. Mlnnlo Mllbort of .Marcola Sat
urday began suit to require her hus
band to provide support for herself
and children. The samo suit asks the
court to restrain the Bank of Commerce
from paying over to the defendant, J.
G. Mllbert, any money from tho sale
of tho Milbort homo until the court
shnll hnvo decided what disposition
to make of tho monoy. Tho plaintiff
alleges that early this month defend
ant mortgaged tho place for S00 and
sold personal property for $400, and
taking the wholo $900, departed osten
sibly for Sprlngfiold, Mo., but In reality
to Flagstaff, Ariz. Plaintiff alleges de
fendant mado a definite statement that
ho would havo nothing more to do
with her or tho children, and Blnce
slnco bIio has not resided In Oregon
for one year nnd cannot therefore
seek a divorce at this time. She al
leges deeds have boen signed for tho
sale of tho Marcola place for $1000 or
$500 more than tho mortgage, and she
says alio Is entitled to at least a share
of this money.
Eugene Fruit Growers Association
.. Has Order for 15 Car Loads
The Eugene Fruit Growers Associa
tion have received an order for 15 car
loads of prunes to be shipped groen.
When tho embargo was put on perish
able freight a few days ago, on account
ol the threatened strike ono car load
was ready for shipment It was put
In cold storage.
On Saturday when tho perishable
frelgnt embargo was lifted tho prune
growers wero at onco notified and
they aro now busily engaged In har
vesting tholr crop and making deliv
eries to tho cannory from which place
shipment will bo made.
Mable Properties Change Hands
J. E. English, a well-known farmer
of Mable, In the Mohawk alloy, has
sold his farm of 90 acres to E. Chap
man, of Eugene, tho transaction being
for cash. Mr. English has moved to
Eugene to rosldo and Mr. Chapman
will occupy tho farm.
Another doal Just reported Is that
whoreln.Ed Condon has traded his 160-
aero farm noar Mable for a wheat farm
of tho samo acroago near Pasco, Wash.
Ho woll move to tho Washington placo
this fall.
Clifford and Albert Woavor of
Thurston wero in town on business
this morning.
John Neft of Carloton Is spending a
fow days hero with old friends.
M. M. Poory doparted to Albany Sun
day morning In response to a tele
gram telling of tho doat,h of his Bister,
Mrs. dolus at the Mercy hospital of
Wefjerjtforklng on Wood Drive and
Slipped into Vater; Local
' '" ""Physician Was Called
Isa Griffin and Willie Petit of Fall
Creek narrowly escaped drowning last
Friday afternoon while working on a
wood drive in the Willamette river
about a mile west of Springfield and
near the E. E. Lee ranch. Willie Petit
trying to dislodgo a pllor of cord wood
was carried out Into swift .water, and
was unable to get back. He slipped
Into the water and as ho could not
swim, Isa Griffin tried to savo him but
was handicapped being immediately
grasped by the arm and pulled under
the water. W. F. Griffin seeing his
son in the clutches of the struggling
boy called to him to catch hold of a
rock while he ran for Mr. Lee's boat
about a Quarter of a mile distant A
local physician was summoned but as
he arrived he saw the two young men
scrambling out of the boat which had
becn secured in due time and carried
them to the opposite bank of the river.
Both parties recovered from the ef
fects of their plung into the water and
returnod to Fall Creek Saturday even
Motorcycle Gets Tangled Up Between
Two Automobiles
While riding his motorcycle across
the county bridge Saturday, Will
Rodenbaugh was thrown from his ma
chine and badly bruised as ho struck
a loose plank while attempting to pass
between two automobiles. Ho is able
to be around, however, With a patch
or two on his face.
. On Friday evening he was arrested
for exceeding tho speed limit on Main
street nnd after paying tho customary
fine was released.
Man Gets Insurance In Two Weeks
Charles Stevens who rocontly moved
from Springfield to Eugene and sus
tained a completo loss when his house
burned while tho family wero at the
'const recotved $300 romunatlon for
tholr household goods from the Lon
don Fire Insuranco Company of San
Francisco. J. P. Fry, local agent
states that Mr. Stevens received pay
ment two weeks after the ftro on Aug
ust, 20, 1910. Mr. and Mrs. Slovens
aro staying with the latter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Shaw.
Frank Root was In town from tho
Mohawk Saturday on business.
Miss Gladys Leach returned to her
duties as stenographer at tho Oregon
Powor company's office tho last of
the wook after a two wook's vacation.
Miss Francis Bartlott returned Sat
urday from Fall Creek where she has
been visiting frlonds for several days.
Merl Arnold and sister, Mildred who
rocen' - moved with tho!r parents
from Springfield to Pleasant Hill spent
Saturday hero.
Veteran Mail Carrier Spend Month
yisKInf SeVne ef Hie Early
R. W. Smith, veteran rural mall
; carrier, who left here a month ago for
the east returned yesterday noon.
Mr. Smith went east as far as Chi
cago but his principal stop was at St
'Charles, Minnesota, where he visited
the scenes of his childhood. Time has
brought many changes in tho onco
familiar places.
Business generally was good said
Mr. Smith, but everything was at a
j high tension on account of the threat
ened railroad sirme. in Minnesota aim
North Dakota tho threshing season
was on and the grain was panning
out very poor. In some Instances Mr.
Smith tho returns would hardly pay
for tho threshing. The failure waa
caused by extreme hot weather and
black rust The prospects are good
for a heavy corn crop.
Some Springfield Parents Will Enter
Better Baby Contest
Several Sprikgfleld parents have
registered their babies for the better
babies contest which will be conducted
by direction of the Fortnightly club
in connection with the Lane county
fair. Seven physicians have been en
gaged for the examination and the
dental association will have charge, of
the dental work.
Those from Springfield who have
registered are: C. W. Hanson, IL F. D.
2; Walter Herndon, E R. Gano Dr.
J. E. Richmond, L. E. Danks, John
Edmlston, R. F. D. 2; H. A. Withers.
R. F. D. 2; D. J. Beals, It F. D. 2;
Morris Knight, R. F. D. L
Marshfteld People are Interested
At a meting of the Chamber of Com
merce of Marshfleld held Friday night,
a resolution was passed offering the
aid and cood will of Marshfleld to the
citizens of Lahe county ""in bringing
about 'the Completion ot the Natron
cut-off. In commenting on the prop
osition, Hugh McLain, president of the
Marshfleld Chambr of Commerce said:
"It will bo tho biggest thing to Marsh
fleld that can happen If we can make
Coos Bay the terminus of a transcon
tinental line."
Returns From Coos Bay
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Barnard return
ed Thursday evening from Marshfleld
and Mr. Barnard resumed his work at
the Oregon Power company plant Fri
day. The travelers visited the British
prison ship, "Success" anchored at
Coos Bay. Dummies were placed In
the cells and everything was preserved
as they were originally years ago. The
ship was once sunk but was raised
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Matlson of the
Peppermint ranch north of town vis
ited with relatives hero Sunday.
D. W. R'off returned Sunday from
Wendllng after transacting- business
for several days.
Dr. W. H. Pollard returned from Sa
lem Friday evening
stroyed by manipulation ot the mone
market, a service whoro legislation
cannot bo controlled, intimidated o
suppressed by the panic trust"
Accomplishments Enumerated
James enumerated some of the ac
compllBhmcnts of the Wilson admlnls
tratton. The federal reserve act, he
said, freed tho country from th
"Monoy oligarchy," destroying at th
samo time tho "money trust" and the
panic trust
Enactment of the child labor law.
an Increase in savings deposits, at
tainment of a position of world lead
ership In tho matter of exports and
prosperity everywhere were credited
to President Wilson by the Kentuck)
Ian who, after predicting another Wil
son victory, said:
"Tho great convention which noml
nated you was neither controlled' no
Intimidated by any un-American or
foreign Inlluonco, It had tho heart
beat and spoke tho true sentiment ot
the country." t
Led by Senator James, tho notifica
tion committee reached Shadow Lawn
at 1 o'clock,
A contingent ot boy scouts deli
gated to preserve order, raised th
lag- in front of the mansion. Tho
president's personal flag ,wlth a red
eagle surrounded by stars on a back
ground of blud, was brought from
Washington and was raised when ho
began to speak,
Woodrow Wilson Agrees to Lead
Party to Victory or to De- ,
feat at Coming Nov- J
ember Election ;
Senator Ollie James of Kentucky
Makes Notification Speech and
Recites Service Rendered by j
Democratic Rule J
Long Branch, N. J. Sept 3. Before
an Immense crowd massed over the
beautiful grounds of Shadow Lawn,
President Wilson yesterday accepted
his re-nomlnation at the hands of the
Democratic party, outlined the achieve
ments of this administration and scor
ed the Republicans as a "party of
masterly Inactivity standing pat to
resist change."
The Democratic party, the president
said, holds to very deSaite ideals.
"We believe the energy and rata
tive of oar people shonld be set free
I as we have set them free and not con-
centrated In the hands of a few power
I ful guardians as oar opponents havo
.again and again sought to concen
trate." Outlining the record of his party
I the president said the Democrats have
virtually created commercial credit
for the farmer, had "given a veritable
emancipation" to the wprkingman,
had released the children of the coun
try from hurtful labor" and in addi
tion to many other things, had pnt
through national defense legislation
greater than ever "seriously proposed
tunoa .UxeresponslbUlty of an entire
1 nnlltfral .nartp
And, he concluded in this discus
sion ,"we have come very near to car
rying out the platform of the Progres
sive party as well as our own; for we
are also progressives,"
The president said his foreign policy
was built upon two fundamental prin
ciples that property rights can be
vindicated for claims for damages, bul
that the "loss of life is Irreparable."
The president advanced his Mexican
policy as an issue on which he would
stand in the face of any criticism.
Senator James Notifies President
A record of "peace, prosperity and
happiness," while the old world stag
gered beneath a load of sorrow, in
sures President Wilson's reelection In
November, Senator OHIe M. James, ot
Kentucky, assured the president ia
formally notifying him ot his nomina
tion by the Democratic convention.
"With an enthusiasm, unanimity and
earnestness never surpassed In the po
lltical life of America, the representa
tives of the purest democracy In the
world, have summoned you again to
lead the hosts of peace, prosperity and
American righteousness," said James.
Sounds Call for Service
They call for your service to Amer
ica and mankind, the service you so
amply proved to be the highest type
known to ,Uie governments among
men, a service that has given Justice
to all men upon free and equal terms,
a service that has restored taxation
to its historic and constitutional
function, a service which has freed
trade to Individual and hones, en
deavor, a service which has lifted
from the tables and homes ot the
plain people of America the burden ot
taxation they havo unjustly borne for
more than a half contury and have
placed It upon the wealth and for
tunes ot the land, a service which has
denied to the trusts of Republican
creation a hiding place in our econo
mic life, a service to the tollers ot
America which has lifted them from
the level ot a commodity to the high
plane ot a human unit In our Indus
trial life, a service which has digni
fied them the great array of workers
of field, factory and mine, a service
which has opened the courts to all
men upon equal terms ot Justice and
constitutional Uborty, a service which
has treed tho money ot the nation
from control of n money oligarchy
and lodged it In tho hands ot the
government, a service which has de
stroyed two trusts the money trua
and the panic trust, a service where
business cannot, be oppressed or d