The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 31, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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TI 1UKBDAY. AUGUST, 31, 1916
Tho Royal Molghbor social club mot
Tuesday afternoon, August 29, 1916 at
the homo ot Mrs. Nolllo Itngan. Tho
afternoon was spent making fancy
work and In social conversation. Hop
picking rendered It tniposslblo for nit
ot tho membors to attend . Thoso pres
ent wero: Mrs. Jennie Kathburn, Mrs.
Inez Schrlvner, Mrs. Urn flossier, Mrs.
Rebecca Lnthrop, and Mrs. Nolllo
Ragan, Mrs. Nolllo Endicott was a
guest of tho club. Tho noxt meeting
of tho club will bo hold at the homo
of Mrs. Inct Schrlvner. In Soptembor.
Tho Pennsylvnnlans of Springfield
and Eugeno hold their annual reunion
and plcntc at Walkers grovo at West
Springfield, Tuesday evening. Tho
ladles had prepared a bountiful table
cupper to which all thoso present did
ample Justice. J. C Dtmm, who was
president of the organization last year
was reelected. Miss Kato Lansbory
was also reelected as secretary. Plans
wero made for the Keystone staters
to got together mora often and to get
more ot thoso born In tho land of Wil
liam Penn to join the organization and
have more social occasions.
The local Rebecca lodge will give
Mrs. C. H. Stevens, a sister member, a
"Kitchen Showor" Monday evening at
their recular meeting, to replace a
portion of the loss sustained by the j
burning of her home and household
goods. Mr. and Mrs. Stevens moved
from Springfield to Eugene about
three weeks ago and shortly afterward
took a camping trip to the coast and
their home burned leaving nothing
but their camping effects.
Rev. and Mrs. J. T .Moore and Her
bert Moore wero the guests of Dr. and
Mrs. W. H. Pollard tor lunch today.
Doesn't It scorn strango after seeing
two ntcn and a boy spend weeks ot
nights and days canning tomatoes,
carrots, parsnips, pumpkins, cucum
bers, beets, beans, pons and squash,
nnd In fact fruits and vegetables ot all
kinds, taking stuffed game birds, fish
ot many varieties that abound In our
stroams, pictures of Inrge tatted stock
grain nnd dairy ranches, and n photo
graph ot a largo town about tho sUo
ot Tncoma with the name "Springfield
painted on it, nnd a bulging list of
property for salo tucked away In In
side coat pockets, thoso two men nnd
one boy leave for Alaska taktng tho
best wishes ot tholr friends, ot anx
ious, expectant over-taxed property
owners. I say doesn't It seem strango
to see these same men, minus tho boy
back home Insldo six weks with, a sob
storey on their lips, a hobble in one
leg, a sore "tummy," and a wireless
wire burn on one grub hookT
Of course it may be that tho cross
arm from a telegraph polo fell fifty
feet and landed on Nate's "tummy"
while he was sitting In a steamer chair
on a boat fifty miles from land but
how In the name of Sam Hill could
a man get burned with a wireless
It might be all true enough, but
might it not have happened thusly?
That while they were telling the na
tives 'of Douglas about our fine
scenery, our atmosphere, our natural
resources, our large payrolls, tho splen
did business opportunities of Spring
Held and of tho fertile richness of the
soil of the adjoining country. Might
it not be that a huge old Grandpa
Totem Pole could stand the pressure
no longer and it did fall and smite
Nate on his "tummy" and burn Dan
on his "glad" hand (so that he has to
shako left handed) and did scare Fran
It might
August 26, 1916
There was a good run of cattle here J back Into the drug business?
yesterday, 1150 head. Cows were In j have been so, for surely the way of
very good demand and prices were j-the transgressor is hard.
15 to 25 cents higher. There was r Yours, DOC.
very liberal offering of steers and they
found a slow sale. Prices were 15 to West Springfield News
25 cents lower. Prime heavy steers j West Springfield, Ore. Aug. 31. Mr,
selling at JG.75 which was 25 cents atu Mrs. H. E. Lee returned from
under last weeks top. The bulk ot Buell, Sunday and will remain during
steers sold $6 and $6.50. Quality not his wife's illness
being as good as a week ago. Cows ' Mrs. Frank Ellison and daughter
.-were ot very good quality. As a rule are home from Wendllng this week.
the bulk selling over tl 5 cent mark. ' Roy Vincent returned to the coast
There were a number of loads at J5.3R j Tuesday after a visit of two days wltft
and J5.40 . Bulls and calves sold his parents.
(Continued from page one)
ged, streetcar was moving at speed of I
about five miles per hour, which was
reduced to about one mile per hour '
at time collision occurred When the 1
brakes were first applied, motorman
Mr. Prater owner of West Spring
field peach orchard commenced pick
lng peaches Monday.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Lee, on
Tuesday. August, 29, 1916 a baby girl.
R. O. Hadley of Oregon City, will
give an address at the Woodmen
Hall on Main between Second and
ot streetcar opened oander valve, but j JhIrd 8treet8' Springfield. September.
an examination of car and appliances,
by member of Board, disclosed that
both sand pipes, leading to forward
wheels of forward truck, were missing
and further investigation disclosed
that these pipes had been removed
from the car on Friday, August 18th,
by Equipment Inspector. Fred Greln-;
ner, account defective connection, and
bad not been replaced for the reason
that die, of required size, was not
available at streetcar shop, to re-
thread connection .and, Instead of im
mediately arranging for the repair
work to be done at public machine
Bhop at Eugene, and, for the further
reason that no relief car was available
Inspector permitted car No. 851 to be
operated in this condition, and which
contributed to motorman's Inability
to stop the car on the descending
grade. Air brakes on passenger car
851 were operative and In good work
ing condition, the sand box being
about three-fourths full of sand, when
inspected by board members.
2 This Borad finds that responsi
bility rests with.
Section Foreman, C. B. Johnson,
who was supervising the spreading
of hot asphalt between, and outside of,
the rails (for purpose of filling cracks
and preserving planking Incident to
track repairs), account failure to
place sand on top of the hot asphalt, i
to prevent Its being picked up by
flang and tread of wheels, and carried
to curve at Main and Mill streets,
where the most of It was deposited,
from action of flang on outer rail of
curve, the Foreman having exercised
this measure of precaution, after
discovering that a collision had taken
Equipment Inspector, Fred Grelnner,
who 1b charged with duty of making
careful Inspection of cars before leav
ing shop .and who, In this case .was
negligent to the extent of having re
moved thousand pipes and failed to
have them -replaced; and
Motorman, Ttfarsh Martin, who ne
glected to mako no inspection of car
No. 851 .which Inspection would havo
disclosed that the sand pipes wero
missing, this condition making it lm
posslblo to prp'vhlo flow of sand to
rails, to preyenT wheels from slipping.
o T7nmtriMiii"iM??1tilti-T'Non.
1st at 7:45 p. m. The subject will be
one of much Interest at this time to
all thinking people. All are cordially
Invited to be present.
Admission free. No collection.
Nottco Is horeby given that by vir
tue ot nn execution nnd order ot nnlo
Issued out ot tho Circuit Court ot tho
State ot Oregon for Lnno County on
tho 14th day ot August, 1D1CV on ti
Judgment rendered In -said Court In
said County on thu 12th day ot Aug
ust, 1916, In a suit wherein tho Plain
tirr, W. II. Sholloy, as administrator
of tho ostnto of John Sholloy. deceas
ed, recovered judgment against tho do
fendents, James W. Jones, C. K,
Kompp nnd llolen Kompp for tho sum
of Twolvo Hundred Twonty-throo and
15-100 ($1223.151 Dollars with Inter
est thereon from tho 12th day ot Aug
ust, 1916, at tho rate ot 8 per cent per
annum, nnd One Hundred Fifty nnd
no-100 ($150.00) Dollars Attorneys foo
nnd tho further sum of Thirty-two nnd
40-100 ($32.40) Dollars costs, which
Judgment was enrolled and docketed
In the ofilco of tho Clerk of Bald Court
In said county on tho 14th day of
August, 1916, nnd snld Execution to
mo directed commanding mo In tho
nnnio ot tho Stato ot Oregon In order
to satisfy said Judgment, nttomoys
fees, costs, and accruing costs to sell
tho following described real property
Lots numbered 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6, 7. 3,
9, andlO In block 13 and all ot lots
1, 2. 3. -4, 5, 6. 9, 11, 12 ,13, 14, 15. 16,
In Block 19, and lots 1, 2, 3 ,4, In
block 20 In tho Story Subdivision ot
College Crest addition to Eugono Lnno
County, Ore. as platted nnd of record,
being pago 41 ot plat book number 4
of the records ot Lano county, Oregon.
Now, therefore,-In tho namo ot tho
State of Oregon, and in compliance
with said exocutlon and order ot salo,
I will on Saturday tho 16th dayot Sep
tember, 1916, between tho hours ot
9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'cloch p. m.,
to-wlt, at ono o'clock p. m. on said
day at the southwest door of tho
County Courthouso at Eugene, Lano
County, Oregon, offer for sale and sell
at public auction subject to redemp
tion all the right, tltlo and interest
of the above named defendants in and
to the said real property.
Sheriff ot Lane County, Oregon.
By D. A. Elklns. Deputy.
Aug. 17, 24, 31. Sept. 7, 14.
The Merchants of Springfield
Invite Everybody to Attend
Classified Ads
g For Sale, Rent, Wanted, Etc.
TO TRADE One span mares, weight
1000 pounds, 8 years old, in good
condition, harness and wagon for
second-hand Ford. Call at John
Seavey's hop yard. Dick Jones.
Will the person who took twn hnntr
books and a deed from my coat
pocket at Kompp's Livery barn on
Saturday night. Please mall them to
box 245, Springfield and avoid trouble
Ed. Dompler.
WANTED: By young experienced
farmer steady position on a dairy
farm. Box 47, Route 2, Eugene.
WANTED Experienced girl for gen
aral house work. Apply to 710 G
street, Springfield. t2.
LOST Pink cameo ring with silver
band at picnic Tuesday. Return to
News ofilco .
FOR SALE: Good wagon, harness
and hayrack, L. M. Cagley.
OR SALE Nine acre farm one fourth
milo east of Creswcll. River bottom
land all In cultivation. Has four
acres of loganberries, one and seven
eighths acres In rod raspberries In
bearing Intermingled with four year
old apple trees. Has house) barn,
and modern chicken houses with
fenced in parks. Can bp hail at a
bargain. Address A31, caro of Tho
Sprjngfleld News.
FOR SALE OH TRAD.E3 Sjamjl trult
ranch within sight of Creswoll. Will
consider trade on Springfield resi
dence property. Address, O 31,
Sprii.aflold :'3.iS.
Notice Ib hereby given that by vir
tue of an Execution Issued out of tho
Circuit Cour tof the State of Orocon
for Lane County on the 1st day of Aug
ust 1916 and by mo received tho 1st
day of August 1916, in an action whero-
in on the 12th day of March 1910, In
the Justice Court for Eugene Justice
District L. M. Travis recovered Judg
ment against the Defendants Irving
Walcott and his wife Wnlcott ftruo
'name Etta M. Walcott) for the sum ot
$146.05 with interest at tho rate ot 6
per cent per annum from the 12th day
of March 1910. less tho sum of $5.00,
creuueu Jan. u, uiu anu JLU creuiiou
Feb. 5th 1910.) nnd the further sum
of $8.60 costs which judgment was en
rolled and docketed In tho ofilco of
the Clerk of Circuit Court on the 14th
day of March 1910, and said Execution
to me directed commanding ma in tbe
name of the State of Oregon that out
of the personal property of said De
fendant, or, if sufficient could not bo
found, then out of the 'real property
belonging to said Defendant in Lane
County, Oregon, on or after tho said
14 day of March 1910. Being unable
to find sufficient or any personal prop
rty belonging to said Defendant. I did
on the 1st day ot August. 1916. levy
on the following described real prop
erty, to-wlt:
Northeast quarter of Northeast
puarter (NE V of NE V) of Sec
tlon number Two (2) In' Town
ship number seventeen (17) South
Range Three (3) East of Will. Mer.
containing 40 acres of Land In Lane
County .Oregon.
Also lot number eight (8) in block
number twenty-three (23) in College
Hill Park now a part of Eugene, Lano
County, Oregon.
Now, therefore. In the namo of the
State of Oregon and In compliance
with said Execution and In order to
satisfy said Judgment, costs and ac
cruing costs I will on Saturday the
2nd day of September 1916, between
tne nours or 9 o clock a. m. and
o'clock p. m. to-wlt; at ono o'clock
p. m .on said day at tbe Southwest
door of the County Courthouse In Eu
gene, Lano County, Oregon, offer for
sale for cash, subject to redemption,
all the right, title and Interest of the
above named Defendant in and to the
above described real property.
Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon
By D. A. Elklns, Deputy
Ang. 3, 10, 17, 24. 31.
Notice Is hereby given that, by vlr-
tuo of an order of the County Court of
the State of Oregon, for Lane County,
made and entered August 20th, 1916:
licensing mo, as guardian, to make
such sate, I will at Marcola, Oregon
on and after the 1st day of October,
191G, at 9 o clock, a .m offer for salo
and Hell, at private sale, to tho highest
bidder for cash, all tuo right, title,
estates and Interests of George Chap
man, Otto Chapman, Oslo Chapman
and Josle Chapman; minor biers at
law of Ida M. Chapman, deceased, in
and to the following tract of land, to
wit: Beglnlng nt the Southwest corner
of D. L. C. No .39, Notf. 7415. In Tp.
16 South Itng. 1 West of Wil. Mor. nnd
running thence North 2. 02 elm. East
2.89 chs. South 3.77 chs. thence North
easterly along the center of County
road to a point 7.05 chs, thence West
8.25 chs. to center of Mohawk river,
thence Southwesterly down center of
river to a point 2.13 chs, West of tho
beglnlng point and thence East to tho
place of beginning; 4 acres, moro or
less, In Lane County, Oregon: '
Subject to tho approval of said
W. J. CHAPMAN, Guardian
A. B. Wheeler, Attorney.
Aug. 31, Sept, 7, 14, 21, 28.
Saturday, Sep. 9th
There will be Bargains and Bargains Galore,
Groceries, Drugs, Hardware, Furniture, Meats,
Shoes, Clothing, House Furnishings will be of
fered at prices you never dreamed of.
Save Your Dollars for This Great Event
"The Dollars Will Go Farther"
For 8ale '
To mako room for young" slock. 1
will sell two dozen lions and ono mirfe'
bird, Silver Camplnes-, for $12.00 If
taken nt once.
II . -.ortF, 7,th. and E atB.
Springfield .Oregon
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon for Lane County
II. L. Studloy. Plaintiff,
ra. ' -
Nicholas Sorglevsky. Mrs. Nicholas
Sorglevsky, and all persons un
known, If any, having or claiming
an interest or estato In and to tho
hereinafter described real proporty,
To Nicholas Sorclovskv. Mrs.' Nich
olas Sorglevsky and all persons un
known, If any, hnvlng or claiming nn
interest or estate In and to tho herein
after described ronl proporty, tho
aoovo named defendunt.
OREGON: You aro hereby notlllod
that H. L. Studley tho holder of Cer-
tincato or Delinquency numbered 12C0
Issued on tho 7th day of October. 1D13
by tho Tax Collector of tho County of
Lane, State of Oregon, for tho utnount
or J5.H3 tno samo boinK tho nmnunt
then duo and delinquent for tnxos for
the year 1912 togothcr with ponaUv.
interest and costs thereon upon tho
rnl proporty assessed to you, of which
you are tne owner as aDDcaru of ri'e
ord, situated In said County nnd State,
and particularly bounded nnd describ
ed as follows, to-wlt:
Lot 5, Block 21 .Emerald Heights .In
the Town of Springfield, Lnne County,
ui egon.
Vou aro further notified that said H.
L. Studloy "ins paid tnxos on s.ild
prtmlses for prior or subsequent years mo rato of Interest on said
amounts as follows:
On March 21, 1914. tho sum of $4.95
Tor taxes r.. the year 1913 .
On March 31, 1915, tho sum of $4.26
for taxes ac tho year 1914.
On April 5, ll'JC, tho sum of $4.15 for
taxes of tho year 1915.
All of the above amounts bear In
terest at the rate of 15 per cent per
Said Nicholas Serglovsky ns tho
owner of the legal tltlo of tho above
described property as tho samo ap
pears of record, and each of tho other
persons abovo named aro horeby fur
ther notified that H. L. Studley will
apply to the Circuit Court of tho
County and Stato aforesaid for a do
cree foreclosing the lien against the
uroperiy auove described, and men
tioned In said certificate. And you
are hereby summoned to appear with
in sixty days after tho first publica
tion of this summons exclusive of' tho
day of said first publication, and de
fend this action or nay tho amount
due as above shown togothcr with
costs and accrtlcd lntornst and In enso
of your failure to do so, a docroo will
bo rendored foreclosing tho lion of
snld taxes and costs agnlnst tho land
and premises abovo named.
This summons Is published by order
of tho Honorablo O. F. Skin worth.
.Tudgo of tho Circuit Court of tho
Stato of Oregon for tho County of
Lano ami said nrdor was mndo nnd
duted this 21st day of August 1910,
and tho dato o ftho first publication of
this summons Is the 24th day of Aug
ust, 1910.
All process and papers In this pro
ceeding may be served upon tho under-
signed residing within thu Stato of
Oregon, at tho address horolnuftor
Attorcny for tho Plaintiff
Address, Eugeno, Oregon.
Aug. 24,31,Sept.7,14,21,28, Oct.5.12,19,20
Notice Is horeby given that by an
order of tho county court of Lano
county, Oregon, duly made and entor
cd on record on the 31st day of July,
VJIG, thu undersigned was duly ap
pointed administrator of tho eutato of
John Bernhardt, deceased,
All persons IiuvIiik claims aeulust
ho said estato aw horoby notified to
proHont thorn duly verified to tho un
dersigned at. Eugono, Oregon, within
vlx months from tho dnto of this
Dated nt Eugeno, Oregon, this 31st
day of July, 1910.
Administrator ot the estuto of John
Bernhardt, deceased.
Walter II .Jones, nttornoy.
r. 1 . 1. KlM
oieauy, cveniy uis
tributed heat, un
der perfect control
makes a good oil
stove wonderful
for baking.
tits.. -
Fir Bat
Ptarl Oil
good oil
is just
city fins. If you
haven't a New Per
fection you've missed
comfort for years. Bakes,
broils, roasts, toasts. More efficient
than your wood or coal etove.and eoita ! lo op
orate. Cut out tlx coal-hod and wood-boH drudfferr.
Kpt your kitchtn cool. The lonii blua clilmnaya prevent
moke or odor. In l,2,3and 4-burntr alica.ovenaitparate.AlM
Cabinet Modele with PlreleeaCooalngOvene.Aik your dealer today
For Sate By
SeasoA Faro
Week End'
trip ahotld not bo delayed
"Oregon's promler beach rosort"
Ib not far awny and la easily
Daily Trains
from Albany and Corvallifl. Low
round trip fares aro available.
Good hotel accomodations. Pino
Burf bathing. Boating on Ya
qulna Hay.
You can't beat Newport
for a place to enjoy a vacation
Aslc nny local agent or wrlto to
John M. Scott .General Paeeonger An't
Portland, Oregon
Southern Pacific
o ;iwwmjmvmm.-": .
Aug. 3, 10 17, 24, 31.