I o THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS -'rf 5,'l?'l etif.urirawu.it 1 riuitftM. Prison, mmooikI Il nwltMumlur not of OoiiKtrt nr M annmil SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST, 31, 1916 VOL. XV. NO. 2 TIME ED FOR RAILROAD STRIKE ON SEPTEMBER 4TH. Efforto of President Wlloon nnd Sonntoro Fall to Bring tho Railroads and tho Men Together Again PROPOSED LEGISLATION IS GIVEN OUT TO PUBLIC i Southern Pacific Bendi Out Orders to Refute Shipment! of Perishable Goods; Take Other Freight ? i Subject to Delsy lt - trt Washington, Auk. 30. Tho combin ed efforts of President Wilson and congress fulled today to got tho lead ers' ot tho railway brotherhoods to jioiitpono tho dato sot for a general strike September 4, which Is Labor day. Tho loglalatlvo branch of tho gov crnniont appears to bo aorlously di vided. Tho Democratic loadora agroo that only a part of tho president's pro gram can bo enacted at this timo Tho railroad executives' advisory committee decided tonight to accopt tho ontlro legislative program, but they want It all or nothing, Tho brothorhood leaders havo taken steps to combat many Important features of Uio proposod laws. All thought of adjournment ot con gress has been postponed Indefinitely, j . President May Appeal to Men President Wilson took undor consid eration Uto advisability of making a public appeal to tho unions through out tho country to disregard tho strlko order for 30 days If tho leaders ro malned obdurate. .-. W ,Q. Leo, chairman of tho train men's brothorhood, Issued this stato- tuent: "No powor under heaven short of a satisfactory sottlomont with tho exec utives can provent tho mon from strik ing on Labor day." A. B. Garrotson, chairman ot tho conductors' brothorhood suld: "You can say emphatically that tho question of postponomont of tho strlko la not oven undor consideration." The Three Proposed Laws Tho thrco bills upon which a hear ing will bo hold tomorrow nro In sub stnnco as follows: First An amendment to tho Inter state commorco act making olght hours a logal day's work on all rail roads engaged In Intorstato commorco. This tontntlvo moasuro proposes for n wago commission of throe mombors, two of whom shall bo rocommendod by tlin rnllrnmla nnd tlin lirntfinrlinnda which shall obsorvo and report on ad-! iiilnlstrntlvq and financial offocts. It j also authorizes tho Intorstato Com morco commission to lncronso frolght rates. Sqcond A provision to mako strikes nnd lockouts illogal until after an In vestigation by a special commission nnd to lncronso tho offoctlvonoss at arbitration. Third Giving tho president author- lty to ppornto railroads as military noco8slty nnd for tho transportation of ninll nnd to Impress mon Into tho sorvico for this purpose ! Nearly all of tho railroads, and os- pclully tho Southorn Pacific company iHsuod ordors yostorday that thoy' would not rocolvo any porlBhablo , f-.,l.,M tl.nt nnt l, .lnllvnrn.t Its destination boforo 7 a. m. Saturday ! mornliiR Sontombor 2. Frolght not ' porlshablo will bo rocolvod aubjoct to lndeflnlto dolay. This embargo on porlshablo goods, .no in ni , 1 .V ...ow ,v.J ...0 tho loss of millions of dollars worth ot fresh fruits and vogotablos by tho growers ot Oregon and Washington. Southern Pacific Makes Appeal Tho Southorn Pacific company mndo annppoal t otholr omployos yostor day calling attontlon to tho failure of formor Btrlkos, tho rocont lncruso in pny and tho Iobh ot poiiBlon rights for thooo who voluntarily quit work on account ot tho Btrilto, Tho statomoiit says: "It should ho born In mind alBO that no great strlko such au now throatons has 'ovor' had a successful termination for tiio strlkors . You will romombor tho rosult ot tho strlko in 1804. "Strikes fall becauso tho rights of tho third and most mtorostod party, tho public, aro not conslderod. Much misery, destitution and want follow In tho wiiko of strikes of this kind. Pension rights are lost, homos nro sacrificed and all with no ultimate gain.'' Will Reduce County Pay Roll Tho strike will not only offoct tho shipments of Lano county fruit, food supplies and lumber but It will also groatly cut Into tho Income Savon railroads will bo hatnporod In their train acrvlco and tho employes that aro now getting approximately $100, 000 a month will not bo drawing pay checks. 8. P. to Quard Property Tho Southorn Pacific company aro making adoquato plans for tho protec tion of their property during tho rail- road strike Thoy will run their pas- BCnoo nt Monmouth turns out only , nacnt taxes, sanitary conditions at songor trains according to schodulo j i60i leaving school authorities to so-' the Southern Pacttic depot and other and will havo sovoral hundrod men to iect (ho balance as best thoy can. Tho Important questions, was held Mon guard Iholr proporty during this timo. j rural HChools uro shown to bo tho chiof' lay evening at the council chambers Ton mon will bo placed at tho Eugeno dopot. Thoy will bo armed and will bo proparod to uso forco to seo to It that there Is no molestation of the mon who aro running tho trains. Pensioners and men holding small jobs will bo put on train crows to keep tho passongor traffic on tho move. S. P. PASSENGER SERVICE MAY SUFFER LONG DELAY Local Agent Notified to Inform Pas sengers that Schedule 8afe Only Until Sunday Night M. L. Franco, agont for the Southern Pacific company at Sprlngflold, ro eolved notice this morning to Inform ill passengers that tho railroad com pany will not guarantee to haul pas songers to, their .destinations after Sunday night, Soptember 3. Aftor this tlmo on account of tho railroad strike j that may begin next Monday tho pas songor sorvico may bo Irregular and delayed. BOARD OF INQUIRY MEETS TO MAKE FINAL DECISION Investigates Trolly Accident at River Bridge and Gives Out the Details Tho bonrd of inquiry that mot to do tormlno tho cnuso of tho accident of tho street car running Into tho work train at tho east end ot tho river brldgo last Tuesday ninkcB tho follow- lnB rPrt: Tlll( btard ""ds that caBtbound strootcar No. 851. collided with rear ond of work car No. 4, on curve at Main and Mill streets, Springfield, Oro gon, 8:23 A. M., August 22nd, 191C, damaging fenders of both curs to ox tout of ?1.00. Thoro woro no casual ties. Work car No, 4 shoving flat car (No. 2090) undor load of seven yards scroonlng (approximately 19,000 lbs) moved nhond of streetcar No. 851 trom First and Ulalr Btrouts, Eugono, to Sprlngflold .and, whon attempting to pass around sixty-foot radius curyo . nt Kf..li tn.l Jifllt .. . . i ' . 1 1 nt Main nnd Mil) 'stroots, nt speed of j between two and four mllos per hour, I stalled on traok, duo to condition of rail, as hereinafter doucrlbod. About rtftOOn Or twenty BOCOlldB after bolng. Btal,eland dtlnlng that work car ( uu,u "Ul uu ,""uul"uJr inovuu, nnu nttanlu(nn (lint wnns 19 mniilr ... . I , V . . , i obBtructed from vlow of approaching ' cars, by brick building, HubIi with Bhlowalk, motorman nt onco dotallod .., I. 1 , . iiiuiiiuui ui uiuiv iv hub airuuicur 1NO. 851, which was known to bo following. Streetcar was flagged when passing around 145-foot rudlus curvo,, 185 foot back from roar of work car, Motor man of Btroetcar at onco applied brakes, and rovorsod motor, alternat ely, In an attempt to Btop on tho ono und two-tonths por cent doscondlng grndo, but, by ronson ot rull being vory allppory .caused by crudo oil from curvo. (appllod to lnlnlmtzo rail wear, flaug wear, and iioIsq) and asphalt, tho lattor ehrrlod to rails and curva nfter passing over portion of track, to which this mutorlal had Just previously boon appllod, was unable to bring car to stop In tlmo (o avoid colliding with rear ond of work car. Whon first flag- (Coittlnt'od on I'ngo Four) WOMEN WANT NEW NORMAL Fee) Need of Training 8chool Esi of the Mountains Pcndloton, Oregon, Aug, 30. Wo men's clubs ovor tho stnto nro join ing tho ranks of tho supporters of tho Inlatlvo moasuro providing for Uio es tablishment of a normal school flf. Pendleton. Puront-Teachor organlf int Ions nro also enlisting for tho cacti palgn. jf Ono of tho first public endorsements rocolvod for tho moasuro was from' Airs, i;nnncs ii. tjastner, presidont ai V t W I Vf)UII VUUIOIIUII Jk TV UIUCU n Club. "Boliovlng that tho tlmo has arrived when It Is nocossary to mako additional provision for tho normal, training of our public school tenchors." sho states, "and that tho great tils J tanccs in our stato mako It advisable that a school bo Iocatod In tho East orn soctlon, I thereforo moso heart ily endorso tho location of said normal school at Pendleton." Thero arc 1000 vacancies in Oregon schools each year, according to tho infn miiK.rint.in.iont nn,i iim nnrmai sufferers because In such schools the percentage of normal trained teachers 14 1816- Ib lowest At the sarao tlmo tho noed. T acting mayor, Melvln Fenwlck, for highly trained toacuors Is great- ln the absence of mayor E .E. Morrl cst In rural districts becauso of tho son wns appointed to interview A. C. nbsenco of supervision. LOCAL MERCHANTS TO HAVE DOLLAR DAY FOR SHOPPERS " Tempting Bargains Will be Offered to Everyone by Springfield Mer chants, Saturday, Sept 9 . Tho morchants of Springfield will r"" w mua- hold their first annual Dollar Day Sat- ,Ument ta. 5?nc"I at th sow h, urday, September 9, when they wlll-ffi". 'fi ,neBr th,d ?fd give merchandise of all kinds, 5"VB f",W,-ng nd will-be a day when efery mercJInnt in ?p at Tth 'T.' Springfield will give greater value f "0 9' wh,ch m ?. f. ,iit . . .t t. 'south east corner of the grist mill." for tho dollars spent than they have,,, . . . . . -,,, . ' Mr. Parsons was Instructed to pro- offered for years, . . . . ..... . l . . pi.1. m , - ,... .iu .... .,.,.! duco a Pat ot Mill street from Main fnmiiv . T a . 1 family can go to tho store and cell togged out from head to foot ln those I now clothos thoy havo been savl 'toe money for all summer. And thoy will ill 111 r-nmn In nt hn IU.. v . .,bUk -v... o..i ,u uujo laiur. more will bo shoes for Jonny, a dress for Mary, a cap for the baby, a new coat for mother, a now suit for dad and all ' of thorn will be cheaper than they would " on n oru.nary shopping Then when tho clothes are dny, wa, u.u n.u money mat was saved and buy grocerios and other things at astonishing low prices. l,,.l.t l. !. .t. . uuvbu i mis- uouar Lay proposition ments. sound good to you? Tho morchants j M Was decided to Instruct the South aro making great plans to Bee that tho era Pacific company to connect nil wants of overy ono is satisfied. An-1 their toilets, sinks, nnd drains from nouncomonts of tho great bargains will the depot to nnd with the sower with begin to appear in tho next issue of in thirty days. tho Nows and when you como down I A pool nnd billiard license was town noxt week you will And surprls- granted to T. C. Luckoy and C. H. Ing displays of Dollar Day bargains in Hadley. tno storo windows. MJLL OWNERS THINK PLANTS MAY OPERATE Coos Bay Lumbermen Bellevo It Will Not Be Necessary to Shut Down If Bio Railroad Strike Comes Marshflold, Or., Aug. 30. Local lum- ,lor ni111 owners hollovo that it will not i lin lin.tiK"i t-i In nlxil .1 n I i I. - . I bo nocossary to shut down In tho ovont of a Btrlko If It does not last long. Tho mills will run as long as they can if a strike comos. Whilo most of tho employes ot tho Smlth - Powors logging trains belong to mo oromornoous, moro is some ques (Inn it I 1 mu. wmiu.ur n.uy woum oo airociou Some of tho employes think thoy would not bo required to go out If a strlko Is called and othors think thoy will. II. J, Mohr, local agont of the South orn Pacific, has recolvod ordors not to receivo livestock or porlshablo goods which will not roach destina tion by Septorabor 2,. Small Newspapers Suffer Moat Washington, Aug. 20. Declaring that many small newspapers will be forced to suspond unless news print (nowspnpor) can bo obtained at re duced rates, tho federal trado commiss ion today Issued an appeal to tho News Print Manufacturers' association, com prising virtually all manufacturers l tho country to como to tho roscuo of tho emallor papors. Publishers nro now paying fr. i 4 to 8 conts a pound tor their nows print as against 2 to 3 conts por pouud January 1, B IS TRANSACTED AT COUNCIL MEETING Booth-Kelly Company Will Fur nish Lumber for Waste Way; City Does Work LUCKEY GETS POOL LICENSE Engineer Parsons Instructed to Set Monuments for Mill Street at Present Location Discussion of tho waste way gates on mill street, improvement of south Second street, the subject of delln- the meeting adjourned from August Dixon, manager ot the Booth-Kelly I company In regard to the up-keep of j the waste way gates on Mill street i The marshal and city recorder at tended Mr. Fcnwick and arrangements were made ln which the Booth-Kelly cmpany furnishes the lumber and the j city furnishes tho labor to fix tho wasto way gates on Mill street south of Main. Work was started Wednes Enclneor. L. E. Parsons renorfed lithe re-cstabllshment of Mill street ln front of blocks 10 and 20 of Springfield 10 80Uth D streot m the P,at b00k aD(l . .... , notes of location. SPECIAL USB Tho contract of L. E. - m . gtrcet( wltn R M pareonfl a8 I ' wa8 read and approved. , Afomv T nPnnoa , progress on quent taxes and stated that condition , , ,, urer rendored u hard to determme tne proper owncr of property assessed, m. n i - . . i . . , iwtuiucr mi uuiuunzeu 10 bo- ; curo present ownership of property ;ln cases wnere they ar0 not known and rewrIte tno old Bancroft a88eB8. As no wood bids woro received, J. W. Coffin was appointed to purchase wood not to exceed 15 cords for the city Hall Application to auait the city books was received from Will Williams and Dolton Hammel of Eugono. Dofore adjournment, claims wero al lowed to II .C. Ether, ?1.55 and N. B. Butler, $3.00. WENDLING PEOPLE HURT Push Car Runs Into Open Switch Throwing Them to Ground A pnrty of Sprlngflold people wore bruised but not sortously Injured yes- torday afternoon when thoy wore- thrown from tho track as the push car ran into an open" switch near camp 8 ot tho Booth-Kolly company about twolvo miles above Wendllng. Thnso In tho party wero: Mr. M. G. Hutchi son and small daughter, Eunice, Mrs. Jackson, Mr .Howard, and Mr. Bonnet, All of tho party received. Injuries, Mrs. Jackson had her foot severely hurt and It was thought the little, girl was sorlously hurt but today, she is gottlng along nicely, Players Stop Here A vnudeylllo party of Seattle who aro on their way to Rodondnv Califor nia nro stopping at tle Springfield auto camp for a coupio of' days and aro playing at tho Boll Theatre, Tho playors are: Harry Odoll, Miss Alllo Hart, Miss Phyllis Hughos and James Whltehouso, auo kuuimtL oi u. ju x arsons ior t. ,i . . ,, ,h lmnmmn( nf a...K o ' ,lwere m fa,r,y Good shape," Mr. Mor- BAND WILL PLAY TONIGHT i New Program to Be Rendered By the I Local Organization Tho Springleld Band has another concert ready for this evening In tho park providing tho weather Is favor able. Tho leader, A. Perfect, will bo present and many of tho boys who havo boon away on vacations aro again ready to tako up their places in tho band. Tho program provided Is! as follows: March, Tho Booster Klein Overture, Garden of Eden Barnard Serenade, Sweet Dreams of Thee .. . Evans Waltzes Eleanors .. l!uff Selection, Past and Present Dalbey Schottesche, Carnation ..Howell Intermezzo, Sweet Isabella Young Medley, Southern MeIodIesBeyer March, American Soldier Meyers Star Spangled Banner. Installs- New Advertising Device W. J. White, manager of tho Bell Theatre, has received three new re volving poster frames, which work by means ot electricity to display the bill posters. Tho bills are fastened in the frame and revolve slowly dis playing the different reatures of the Alms. The now poster frames are In stalled in front of the theatre and are painted yellow. One ot these frames will be sent to Cottage Grove where It will be used to advertise the films used at Mr. White's Theatre there SPRINGFIELD LOOKS PRETTY GOOD WHEN AWAY FOR AWHILE ? . Mayor Morrison Tells of Interesting Trips to Bear State Potato Hi Business Is Good "I did not talk to one person who has Jived in Springfield while I was in California who Is not planning on the day when ho can come back here to 11 VfiaiaEr5rrisonwno' Fas' Just returned from a long trip through California. Mr. Morrison traveled In his auto for 26 days and covered about 2500 miles. He went as far south as Los ai ..n-K jt Z . i - j i risen said. "Some places they were uau auu UUtD 111 a WUllB COU1Q ODIV i ko iuu raues in one aay. I was struck with the appearance of the roads In southern California. There they have trees planted on both sides of the ; "f8-, Thfe tad be I ""l cu,"uu , t rs lo Keep i tnem alive, it tne pople here in Ore- , , . gon would work half as hard as the people of California to make things desirable to retain them in the nation look nice we would have a paradise ai service for that long. nero-" It is probable. Captain Schumacher Mr. Morrison made his trip in the said, that the men will be disbanded Interest of his potato business. He and allowed to return to their civilian said the early crop in the south is occupations, in tho meantime being very short and the late crop may not 'kept under their federal oath. be so largo as usual. The potato bust-! ness was very good, he said. Ho ox- STRIKE SCARE SPOILS pects that he will be able to sell all of the potatoes he has this winter In California. FARMERS GET NEW MARKET Coos Bay People Want From Springfield Produce . . Z 7Z... ' Opening of the Willamette-Paclflc mllroad has a ready shown that It will - InZll 18 17 7 trading for. Sprlngflold. A few days ago a freight that had been running three times a week was scheduled to run every day, A great quantity of freight is already " ?B , .. ...uiuuis mo imowh omco receiv- cu i.ivuiijr Hum u luatuuiii ui iuursn- field asking for Information regardln- potatoes and apples. He wants to get his winter's sepply of vegetables from tho Willamette valley. His neighbors nro also anxious to net sunnllnR Springfield farmers have a4new marke for their produco In Coos Bay. ORGANIZE A HUGHES CLUB Local Men Go to Cattage Grove In Republican Interest Fred. W, Walker, D ,S .Deals and J, C. Holbrook nsslstod'stacy Russell arid Dr. T. W, Harris of Eugeno ln organ izing a Hughes-Fairbanks club at. Cot tage Grovo Monday evening. ,A rous ing meeting, .was held and Elbert Bede was elected President, Mrs. Clara A. Burkholder, vice president and Worth Harvey, secretary-treasurer, with a membership of 145. O. H, Foster ot Eugono delivered the principle address ot the evening. OREGON SOLO ES ARE TO BE SENT TO STATE CAMP General Funston Instructed Relieve 15,000 Men On Duty at Border to OTHER REGIMENTS SERVE Move to Come Immediately O. N. G Will Take Up Quarters at Camp Wlthycombe Washington, Aug. 30. The follow ing announcement was made tonight by tho war department: "The war department tonight di rected General Funston' to return to state mobilization camps the regi ments from Ney York, two from, New Jersey, one from Maryland, two frea Illinois, two from Missouri, one from California, one from Oregon, one from Washington and one from LoHlsIana, making in all about 15,000 of tea National Guard. "In view of the fact that there. Is substantially this number ot troops who have not done patrol duty on the border is felt that this number can be spared. "In a few days if transportation facilities remain undisturbed, tho de partment intends to order home more regiments and possibly to replace them with troops now m their mobi lization camps in the several states." That Camp Wlthycombe, near Clack amas station, is ready for the recep tion of the homecoming guardsmen is the statementof Captain Schcmach er, temporarily In charge here, Wa- ter-sappiyaHtivsaBHary'facilitleB.-- tabllshed before the boys went to the border, are In good condition, he says. and the whole regiment can be ad mitted on a moment's notice and taken care of properly. laB Presumpuon is mat tne Third The presumption is that the Third - u m.ufcuioij moboiIzed but be rBtaIncd At iniHnirv -win n nr tg tmmnH(o.nir 'Camp Wlthycombe as long as there is . vuuuw ui uicu uum uceucu ior nnv nhnnna .f ,V.I t.l . j . active service on the border. When they entered the federal service they took the oath of enlistment, which covers a period of three years or un til mustered out The war depart ment thus has a hold on them the same as It has on the regulars for tho full three years if it is thought JOY OF MANY CAMPERS Oakrldge Train Brings Several Parties Home This Morning After Short Vacations I Many people in response to the no- tlce given by the railroad companies. ralng tnmj,e to reach thelr d nationa before September thlrdt aro desortlnK tUoir camplng grounds an shorten,ng thelr vislta A numb of Eugene people passod througn s fleld tw mornIng on the,r rolnmPtrom hlmtng tr!ps nd v,s)t8. Mr and Mrj John Wllborn nnd son Clarence wero ,.,, frm !, , , ,. ridge. Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Harlow and family and Mr. nnd Mrs. E. P. Harlow left their camp at Oakrldge. Mrs. C, L. Goll and children had been visit ing nt Lowel. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Westropo were visiting their son, Ernest at Jasper, Mrs. S. J. Hansaker had been visiting Mrs. W. L. Bristow at Pleasant Hill. WEED BURNER WORKING Train Left Local Yards Yesterday on Lebanon Branch Tho Southorn Pacific weed burner left the local yards Wednesday morn ing to burn along the Woodburn Sprlngflold branch under the direction of rqadmnstor, Scott whose district la below Coburg. The weed burner la composed ot tho burner, nn oil car, two water cars and a coach and Is operated by an engineer and is at tended by a water gang of mon wb see that no tlos aro left a!n&