The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 28, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Monday, August 28, ioig
j ffl
.! i
Will Sell 250-pQO Acres of Land and
Apply the FVeeeed to Public
k Washington. Aug. 26. Dills dlroct
Ins the secrotao1 ot tho Interior to solt
250.000 acres ot public land tn each
ot 10 western plates, half tho proceeds
to. go Into tho general reclamation
fand and halt lno a road tund tor In
terstate roads, aro ponding on tho cal
endars of both branches of congress.
Tho house bill. Just reported from
tKo commltteo ou public lands, bears
tlio name ot Representative Taylor ot
Colorado and Is tn tho nature of an om
nlbus bill, various bills of llko charac
t'er for tho benefit of particular states
having been, gathored Into ono mens
ure. Tho bill In Its present form was
in fact dratted In, tho department of
tho lntorlor and has tho approval of
Secretary Lane.
Aid In Road Building
The effect or tho bill would bo to
divert to road hullUlng one-halt ot the
proceeds from land sold undor It At
tho present time' the proceeds from
public land sales go Into the reclama
Uon fund.
The bill applies to tho states ot Art
zona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Mon
tana, New Mexico, Nevada. Utah, Wy
oming and Oregon. It directs tho sec
retary ot the interior to designate 250,'
000 acres ot irfrid In each state, the
Itihd to be 'served, non-mineral,
non-timbered. semi-arid, surveyed pub
lic lands which, aro not, in, his opin
ion, susceptible of s'uccessfu llrrlgation
at a reasonable' 'post from any Tchowri
surface water supply."
Highest Didder Get Tract
The land Is to be offered to the
highest bidder, la tracts not exceeding
320 acres, id per ct down and the re
malnder In 10vaaaual payments, the
purchaser being ( required within five
years to place not. less than halt In
cultivation, fence jhe. land, develop a
water supply, and expend not less than
$1000 In Improvements.
The one-half, of the proceeds going
into a "public 'roads fund" is to be used
in tho construction of interstate pub
lic roads within-tho limits of the state
from which the-taoney is received, the
secretary prescribing rules necessary
to carry out the purpose ot the act
- - -
ter not known to bo susceptible of lr-
" -"'iraclne a serious nhnrtntro whlMi will
known surface Tvater supply, and the
purchaser among other things. Is re-
milrprl tn i!orlni a wilor annnlv with.
. n - , ...
in five years and make extensive im-
, , .......
provements. the benefits of the bill
i-rouuu.y , vo resinciea 10 certain came ln for considerable caustic com
localities where a supply of artesian ment on account of what was termed
water is easily obtainable, or where , -their ine-ratim.! tn th ,nn,i
profit can be aforeseen from irrigation
development at a cost above that
which the government Is prepared to
c. c.
Foster of
Mrs. L
Eugene Buys from
.A. Farris
Mrs. U A. Ferris traded the "Home
Restaurant to C. O. Foster for real
estate ln Eugene Friday . Mr. Foster
of Eugene took i ossesslon of his new
business Sunt'.ay morning. Mr. and
Mrs. Ferris found their work toocon
fining is the resnm given for tho trans
action. They v.-lll build a new bunga
low on their Eugene property and will
remain in Spring "eld for the present.
Mr. Ferris is an experienced carpen
ter and painter and with the assist
ance of his two sons, who follow his
trade, will build .heir new residence
in Eugene. Mr. Terrls owned a store
in Leaburg last -Inter and prior to
this followed his trade In Portland.
Marcola, Oregon, Aug., 2C Mrs. J.
Walker tnd daughter, Miss Pearl left
for Knight's hop yard Monday.
Mr. and Mr3. If .M. Anderson and
daughters Elsie an-1 E. D. Mead motor
ed to Wednesday.
Ronald Sherman, Mable and George
and Otto Chapman "hiked" up the Mo
hawk river to spend a couple of days
. J. S. Churchill was in Eugeno last
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Johnson motor
ed to Eugene Thursday.
Mrs .W. H. Sul'iivan and daughter,
Miss Pearl, were ln Eugene last week.
Mra Walter FlacWer motored to'
Springfield one ddy this week.
Sherman Spong left Tuesday for
North Bend.
Mrs. f; E. Maple has been ill for
several days, but is better now.
Mr, and Mrs. II. M. Anderson and
Mrs. F, A. Nlckerson motored to
Springfield riilay.
Mfa. L. Jackson Is visiting her
mother Mrs. E. P. Shlnn of this city.!
Walter Trotter of Mabel has moved!
to Marcola this week.
Clara, Mabel and Pearl Smith and
Lucy and Carl Vander Sterre left
Tuesday for Knight's hop field.
Mr. T;arisleyi.:1d family, of Mabol
Jiave also moved to Marcola .
C. Dixon, Manager of the Booth
Kelly company Tells of Car
Commenting upon the action of tho
Willamette Valley Lumbermen's assoc
iation Jh Portland - Friday, to bring
suit for $250,000 damages against tho
railroads In tho Wlllamotto "valley for
their alleged failure to furnish suffi
cient cars to meet the demand ot the
shippers. A C. Dixon, manager of the
Booth-Kelly Lumber comnanv. who at-1
tended the mooting, said yesterday "A good start has been niade con
that the car shortage has caused the slderrag the fact that the flax was
Willamette Valley mills a loss Of near- planted late In this country." said Mr.
er a million dollars than $250,000.
At the meeting at the Imperial ho-
tel Id Portland' Friday J .N. Neal, at-
tornoy for the association, was Ir
slructed to gather all the evidence
he deemed necessary against the rail-
way companies and to file suit If he
sees fit It Is expected that federal
mandamas proceedings will be lnsti-
tuted first.
an... i . . .. .
I. The ,umbennen assert that there
jnas oeen discrimination against th
Ia the d,8tributlon of ThejP aro
, undoubtedly result In tho shutting
down of a number of ml,8 un,esa
j Thjtrmatter called for an earn 1
nei is naa.
cusaIon at thlg meetini.. Th riim.,.!-'
feeds them during the slack times."
Collection Enlarged for Use of the
Reading Public
Those who make use of the Public
Library will be pleased to note the
list of new books received the past
week by the librarian. The following ;
comprise the new list.
Buried Alive A. Bennet
Orthodoxy Chesterten
Put Yourself ln His Place
- - Charles Read
When a Man's a Man
Harold Bell Wright
Nan of Music Mountain .... Spearman
1 American Business Manual on Ad
ministration. 2 Buying, Manufacturing and Selling,
3 Organization P .11. Montgomery
Nails Driven Home George Sargent
Natural Law in tho Spiritual
World George Sargent
Mayor Returns Home
E. E. Morrison, mayor of Springfield
md potato dealer returned from a
long auto trip to southern California
yesterday. Mr. Morrison went as far
south as Los Angeles in the Interests
of his potato business. This morning
he went out to his hop yard and
helped to get picking started.
Mrs. O. F. Klzer returned home on
Sunday evening from Portland where
she has been visiting her sister of
Fossil, Oregon. Her sister has been
very 111 and went to Portland for treat
ment Mrs. Klzer made a hasty trip
on to Westport, Oregon to visit with 1
her sons and daughters.
There will be a plcnicof all Pennsyl
vanlans at the Walker Grove, Tuesday,
August, 29, beginning at three o'clock
All Pem.fcvlva'nlans aie requested l
co'ito-an.: '.Wrir tholr '-'".kefs.
Eighth Graders who have been con
tiqned must report to the County
Superintendent's offlco August 31,
and Soptombor 1., In order that they
can go on to tho High School.
A. P, McKINZKY, Clerk.
Government Expert Makes a Tour
of Inspection of Growers' Fields
In the County
That most of tho flbor flax grown In
Lane county this year looks good and
that a good start has been niado on
the experiment -here was tho state
ment of F. C. Miles -of tho offlco of
fiber Investigation of tho department
of agriculture, who was shown about
the dltforeflt flax fields and through
tho flak mill In Euirnn RitnrrfoV
I Miles after his tour of Investigation.
"One thing-I advise tho farmers to do
Is to properly prepare the soil and
'seed bed for the flax. If they do not
they will never make a success of flax
growing. Some fields which I ex-
amined today were not thoroughly ure-
pared and as a result the crop Is poor."
Mr. Miles found that tho flax In
Lane county Is practically all cut and 1
j ...
most of it has been hauled to tho
wuuuv an cut ana j. Pho,pS( w M, Casterllnq and II. E.
most of It naa been hauled tn thnlTnir tr nr tr..n.i.
. .
mill ln Eugeno or taken to the retting I
fields two miles west of tho city on
thn Rlmlrn rnorl Th. l,l.k I- i
lowed to ret In the open air by tho
dew ,8 t0 be uaed f tn manufacturo
.or tow. but that which is retted in
w illVIt to i U IIUU 1U
river water In tnnl hnii. rr
noa will h .,,! fr nu.
Titus Funeral Held
The funeral of Mrs. F. B. Titus was
hold at the Christian church 2:30 p.
m. Friday . A large number of friends
attended and Rov. O. S. O. Humbort
of tho Eugene Bible University offici
ated. Interment was made In Laurel
Hill cemetry, Springfield. The daugh
ter, Mrs. Jennie Ethel Adams of Park
er, Washington, was unablo to attond
the funeral services.
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Lane County
II .L. Studley, Plaintiff,
Sarah E. Patterson, tho unknown
heir? of Sarah E. Patterson, and all
persons unknown, If any, having or
claiming an Interest or estato In and
to the hereinafter described real '
property, defendants.
To Sarah E. Patterson, the unknown
heirs of Sarah E. Patterson, and all 1
persons unknown ,lf any, having or'
claiming an Interest or estato In and to 1
the hereinafter described' real prop-i
erty, the above named defendants. 1
OREGON: You aro hereby notified
that H .L. Studley tho holder ot Cer-
tincato or Delinquency numbered 1239
issued on tho 7th day of October, 1913,
by tho Tax Collector of the County of
Lano, State of Oregon, for tho amount ,
oi w.b'j, tno same Doing tho amount
then duo and delinquent for taxes for
tho year 1912, togethor with ponalty,
Interest and costs thoreon upon tho
real Drooertv nssosHnd tn vnn nf which
you aro the owner as appears of rec-'
oru, situated in said County and Stato, :
ana particularly bounded and describ
ed as follows, to-wlt;
N. E. V of tho N. W. Vi of Section
10 Twp. 19, S, or Range 4 W. of tho
W. M, in Lano County, State of Ore
gon. You are further notified that said
H, L. Studley has paid taxes on said
premises for prior or subsequent years,
with tho rate of interest on said
amounts as follows:
On March 2J. 1914, tho sum, of $11.02
for taxes of the year 1913.
On March 31, 1915, the sum ot $7.38,
f6r taxes of tho year J914.
"On April 5, 1916, tho sum of $7.90 for
taxes of tho year 191E
All of said amounts bear Interest
from date of payment at the rate of
15 per cent per annum.
Said unknown heirs of Sarah
E. Patterson, deceased, as tho ownor
of the legal title of tho above de
scribed property as tho samo appears
of record, and each of the other per
sons above named are hereby further
notified that H. L, Studloy will apply
to the Circuit Court of tbo County and
State aforesaid for a decree foreclos
ing the lien against the aronerty abovo
tltlcato. And you aro hereby summon
ed to appear within sixty days after
the first publication of this summons,
oxcluslvo of tho day ot said first pub
lication, anu uotonu tnia action or pay
tho amount duo as abovo shown, to
gother with costs and accrued Interest,
anu in case or your tulluro to do so, a
decroo will bo rendered foreclosing the
lion ot said taxes and costs against
the land and premlsoa above named
Thts summons Is published by ordor
or the Honorable O. F. Skloworth.
judge of tbo circuit Court of the Sin to
ot Oregon tor tho County of Lane and
said ordor was made and dated the
12th day ot August. 1910. and tho date
ot tho first publication ot this sum
mons is tho 14th day of August, 1910.
aii procoss and papers In thts tro-
ccodlng may be served ucon tho under-
Bitched residing within the State of Ore
gon at the address hereinafter men
tioned. L, M. TRAVIS.
Attorney for Plaintiff
Address. Eugene; Oregon.
Aug.14,21,28. SopM.11.18,25, Oct.2,9,10
Notice Is hereby given that by vir
tue of an Execution and Order of Sale
issued out of the Circuit Court of tbo
State ot Oregon for Lane County on
tno I5tb day of August lsiu.upon n Judg.
mcnt rendered In said Court for said
.County on tho ICth day of August, 1916
ln nu actlon wherein the Plaintiff, M.
' "P0. recovered judgment against
ihoJn' e"-.k 0! .
I 1 . ni. lasiemnq anu u. ti.
(Tabor for tho sum of Five Hundred
va V U U 14 It ut a V V IIUUUIUU
Plvo and &8-100 ($505.58) Dollars with
Interest thereon at tho rate of 8 per
Made in Springfield
Eggimann's Candy Kitchen "TIIE farmer's friend
The House of Quality ED. DOMPIER
Buy your Ice Cream V tho dlsh-tho pint tho quart BUBBies. WugOllB, Hacks, HaniCBS, Saddles,
tho half gallon and tho gallon Horses and Cattle for sale
Made by tho new power machine. At I buy and sell all kinds of Junk
EGGIMANN'S CANDY KITCHEN phone 61 Phono 29 South 2 arid A Stre6t3
to Springfield with a good, up-toIaUi stock ot COMPANY
hund-mado harness and accessories, and am roady
to servo my old customers again and wolcomo now aKQXl nnnno Tnmi
ones. Shoo repairing done better for less money. 8A8"' mxS'
This Is my specialty. All I ask Is a trial. 1 uiinino, srAIIl RUILDINO
Extension Tables, Drop Loaf Tables, IlroakfuRt
GEO. SETTLE MAIN STREET rn,)I('"' Klhon Cablnuts. Cupboards, Safos,
. Stop Ladders, Prult Roxos Dorrv
Opposite Auto Camp Grounds Crutos, Folding Clothes Hacks:
Water Proof Shoe Oil Springfield Flour Mills
ALL KINDS OF LEATHER Try mo, Oot acquainted. You will llko mo Rest
valuo for yur mony f n"y "our In Springfield.
Wolf & Miller noxall
Harrieas Shop You know 1 nm wo11 llkod hy 0,1 ura makers.
1 White Mountain Ice Cre'afo "made in springfield ,
Because it's made at homo IN f he
and by home people, and because SPRESrGMELD NE' W33
Phone 48 Subscription $1.50 per year Phono 2 '
como to tnoir aid and will sell from this dhV''ry
For light, heat and power. only! IW
"Made in Springfield." coc per gallon, ic0 for full quart neo,8root ou- nt
Call or Phone, Eugeno 2C9
fWo-rm Powpr Cn EUGENE chemical works
uregon rower o. v. j0S. sco-b, pasTor
I Factory on Rlvor Road to Springfield
cent por annum from tho f iftoonth day
of August 1010, and tho furthor sum
ot Twenty eight nml 00-100 ($28.90)
Dollars costs, which Judgment .was on
rolled and docketed In tho 'Clerk's
otllco of said Court on tho 16th day of
August 1910, and said Execution to mo
directed commanding mo In tho name
of tho Stato ot Oregon that In ordor
to satisfy said Judgment, costs and
accruing costs to sell tho following
described real property, being tho
property attached In said action, vis;
Tho South three (3) acres of tho
Cant half of tho North half ot the
Southwest quarter of tho Northeast
quarter of Section 17 In Township 19
S.'R. 3 West of W. M .In Lane County
Also tho North half of Lot 7 Lots 8
and 9, and North half ot Lot 10 Illock
2, in Mapleton, Lano County, Oregon,
. Also the Southeast quarter of Sec
tlon 30, Township 16, 8outh Range 10
W in Lane County, Oregon. ,
Now, .therefore, in tho name of the
piio oi wregon,, anq in compliance
with said Execution and Order of salo,
A n . ft a '
I will on Batarday the 23rd day pf,
Soptembor. 1918, between tho hours.
Dopiomgor, ueiwoen tno noura.
of ,9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p, m, 1
for cash, subject to redemption, all
too rignt, tuio, and Interest of tho
nbove named Defendants and each of
them In. and to tho above described
reo1 - - -
Sheriff of Lano County Oregon
Uy D. A .Elklns, Doputy.
Aug. 21, 28, Sept. 4. 11, 18.
to-wu at one o ciock p. m. on said day 3Qg White Temnle EuffCMa
at the Southwest door of the County,' , " t TTf ' C,U"
Courthouse, at Eugedo, Lano County, ' ' 1 ' J 1 y !l n ,r' .
Oregon, offer for salo at public, auction. 1 iL BdfifcftT titnkNA"laaih: tiL
Thru tho Inland Kmplra
Grand Canyon of Columbia
Amorlcnn WoiidorlntHls
Glacier and Yollowstono Parks
Rouud Trips at Low Fares Dully
uutll Sept. 30 via Tho North
Dank Road, Stopover wharo
you llko.
'North Bank Rail and
26 Hours Sail
on tho ships of DoLuxo Sorvlco,
8. S. Northorn Pacific and
O rent Northorn for
San Francisco d $32,
Prom any Oregon ICIoctrlc Rail
way point
Ticket Includes meals and berth.
This routo saves tltuo and
money and Is n delight
ful trip,
Sept. 24 to Oct. 8
Prom Mlddlo West to Wlllamotto
I soil propald tickets.
II. It .KNIGHT, Agent
Eugeno, Oregon
Springfield Garage
H. 8ANDQATHE Proprietor
I&bJuxihfc a Socclalty
Main, be I. Fsurtn and Fifth. Phbfle 11
gprWaPiELD - orIon
O. R. Gullion, M; D.
'rsetlcs- LlmlttS it
Ey. Ear, No and Tflfoai
127. aL- e ,,,,..-.1
cV;. aiw- e
WOWUat Nursfr Atteprflng
78, A. M. l. Afccient 14
Accepted , Scottish Rita Uni
versal and Symbolic Frea
iMasos nieats first and third
Friday eventag in W. p. W.
balL vfslttnc brothers wel-
T. D. Itarrls
P. A. Johnson
It W, M.
described, and mentioned in nald Cer-