The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 28, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    MONDAY, AUaUST 28, 1010
4 4,4.1.4
: Town and Vicinity j
". 10 .Mnplo of Mnreoln vlnl(uil hero
with frloiulti Hiindii)'
Will Doilil of Natron was a shoppor
in (own this morning,
W. It. McOulIoclr mill (sons roport
good flidiliig In (ho McKoiuia Sunday.
J. I,, Olnrjj onino homo from Snloin
to mioni) Sunday with his family.
Ml8nes Miibln mill IJdna Duryco nro
camping nt thu Knight hop yard.
' Olyilo W'oIIh of tho Wolln Dairy wan
! In town on buslneH .Saturdny.
MrH. Cornndo of Mabel was In town
on liUrttnuMii Saturday.
Wntur wltiKM nt roory'B ,
Mr. inn Mrn .Joo NmI nro going to
tho John Soavoy hop yard thin woek.
M. C. IlroABlor wont lo ARlilaiul Hun
day on a Hovoral dny'n liuulnoas trip.
any MoNlor of llnydon Hrldgo wan
in town thin morning.
Will Motdilor of llnydon Hrldgo was
in Ibwn Saturday afternoon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Pongrn of Eu
gono inltod with tho inttor'a mother,
'Mrs. Alfred Illglow, Sunday.
Mr. Moto of Wondllng In In town to
day for treatment of nclntlo rhounin-
(ihoo repairing. Wolf &
Mr. mid Mra. II. M. Anderson and
family of Mnrcola visited at tho M .V.
Kndlcott homo Sunday,
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. I. Cappn nnd sons of
Salem nro visiting with Mrs., Capps
slHtor, Mra: JM. Ucauchnrd. - v
Mr, nnd Mrs. Walter Trottor of Mar
cola went to the Senvcy hop ynrd to
day. MIbo Francos Unrtlott went to Full
Crook thin ovontng to visit with Mm.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Fmnk Gordon return
ed Saturday from Dolknnp springs nnd
report killing a largo lynx.
Meeting of Hughon-Falrbanks club
Friday night Full attendenco Is de
sired. Wlnchostor nmmunitlon. Dresslor &;
Mr. "nnd Mrs. John Pnrkor and fain-;
iiy enjoyed a picnic at tho McKcnzlo
Ilrldgo Saturday.
Winifred May began his now duties
at the First National Dank this morn
ing. Mr. and Mrs. Will House nnd Poto
Chnso roturned tho last of tho woek
from n trip to Kitson springs.
C. E. Swarts, 0. 13. Kossoy and M. 0.
Dresslor rot 11 mod Friday from a trip
to tho Coos Uny colobrntlon.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Harry Slmhnn wont to
tho Clark and Washburno hop yard
Mrs, C. E. Neot of Wondllng visited
tho last of tho woek with Mr. and Mrs.
D. S. Jordan.
Koop tho fllos off the cows with "Fly
Bouncer" 7Cc a gallon at Peery's.
Harvoy Collins la now driving tho
Springfield Food company's delivery
Tho Springfiold Flour Mill rocolved
throo enr loads of wheat tho last of
tho wooli.
Mrs. C. n. Carlton nnd family wont
to tho Clark and Washburno hop yard
f Joo Chirk of Monmouth Is visiting
with his brother, Wilinm Clark. Mr.
Clark works for tho Monmouth Horald,
, Mr.-nnd Mrs. D. S, Heals and fnmlly
jotumod Saturday from a camping
trip to Kitson Springs.
ClovoB, overalls, shirts and box at
Wolf & Miller's.
Miss Esther Sherwood of Coburg Is
spending a few days nt tho homo of 1
U M, Cagloy and family on nth nnd U.
f MIbh Klalo Anderson i of Marcola
yjsltod with Miss Helen Itoborts Sun.
Thomas 8ololnvof .Camp CrooK
tranBactod hUHlnoss In town Satur
day, jtf . n
j Mr. I). Crouch ret 11 mod Saturday
from Voncolln whore alio hua been v1h
itlng lior mother.
Fly Knockor 78c p'or gnl, Urlng con
tainer. Springfield . Food company,
MW AIIco Kostor, who In employed
nt tho MgKlmnnn Candy Kltalian loft
(-It I morning for n waek'o vaoatlon nt
.Vowport, ,
Joo J.unhy nnd Waltor miliar or tho
llootli-Kully mill rotuniQd tho lftrit of
tho week from a limiting trip to Glan
dule. '
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. C. Travis, nnd Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur I, Wlug of U Port.;
Indiana aro apBrnllng a fowday at tho j
fish hatchery.
Tho lifHt mens'
Hhooa nt Wolf A
Mr. and Mrs. P. A. McIConzlo. J. M.
Wllhrow. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slowurt
and fumlly rotunied Friday from a
nluo day's outing nt iiollcnnp springs.
Mr. nnd Mrs. C. U. Lyon enjoyeda
trip to Mnrcola nnd Mubol Saturday
Hrnioon camping ovor night nnd
ruturnlng Huuduy ovenlug.
.Mr. and Mrs. Will lilflhop nro mov-
Ins today from Second street north!
of Main lo their nnw l.nrn,. ,,n ,.rni.,i
and G streets.
- W I
(Inn oils, olounors and grcaso, Hros
slor & Son.
John Parker returned tho Insl of
tho week from a hunting- trip nh'ovo
Onkrldgiv and reports good flailing
biit poor hunting.
Frnnk' DoPuo hns a four year old flg
tree in his yard which has rlpo figs
upon it. Tho troo wnu started from
a twig and Is of a white vnrloty.
K. II. Mastorson resigned his posi
tion in tho Uooth-Kolloy blacksmith
shop Friday nnd will go to his ranch
at Camp Creok.
Mrs, Price's canning powders at
i'eory's Drug Store.
Mrs. Claud Washburno of Junction
Olty Is spending sovornl weeks with
Mr. nnd Mrs. II .A. Washburno while
her husband is nway on a hunting trip,
Hob and Jerry VanVnlzah returned
Friday morning from nn extended
camping trip on Simpson Creek. They
did not know tho condition of their
fnthor's hoalth until reaching home.
Dr. nnd Mrs. W. C. Rebhan and
daughter. Constance, nnd Mr. and Mrs.
a. Ai, ucavor enjoyed n swim and a
picnic suppor nt tho pnrk by tho Hour !
mill Fridny evening
I.ndlcs' and chlldrons'
& Mlllor.
shoes. Wolf
J. C. Mullon reports having u cherry
troo In his ynrd on Seventh and 13
streets still hearing fruit. Tho troo
......... )
hns been bearlnp fruit an season but!
tho vnrloty Is not known.
Claud Wushburno nnd Mr. JohtiBon
of Junction City went last woek on a
three week's hunting trip to Warner
Mountain. They took threo burros to
pack tholr supplies.
Mrs. A .C. McCracken or Portland
Is visiting ut tho homo of hor parents
Mr. nnd Mrs. T. J. McCracken. Mrs.
McCracken will return to hor homo
Tuesday accompanied by MIbs Leota
Do you wish to becomo well? If so
call on Dr. Murphy, a drugloss hoalor,
359 Main stroot.
Roily M. Baker resumod his regular
duties ns conductor on tho Wlllamotto
Pacific from Kugeno to Roedsport yes
terday morning, Mr. linker was
chungod to tho San Francisco Spoclal
during tho Coos Day celebration.
Those registered ut tho Springfield
hotel Fridny, Saturduy and Sunday
woro; John Trottor, J. V. O'Lonry of
McKenzio Hrldgo, Eldon Warner of
Fnll Crook, Clair MoIIonry, Lowshen
Ward of Coburg, nnd Ed. Monota of
For tho best up-to-dnta shoo repair
ing,' try Hall tho Shoo Doctor, Fifth
and Main stroots.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cuslck, Mr. and
Mrs. R. P. Mason, nnd Miss Simpson
of Albany passod through Springfield
thiB momlugf on tholr way homo from
Polov BnrlncH. Mr. ('oniric In n mm. 1
hor of tho J. W. Cuslck nnd Co. Hank
of Albany.
Mr. and Mrs, S. MorohouBe and
daughter of Ashland stopped at the
local camp ground Saturday for ro-
pairs. They wcro returning over tho ,
How's This?
Wo offer Ono Hundred Pollnro
Reward for nny cano of Catarrh
that cannot lw cured by Hall's
Catarrh Giro.
V. J. C1IKMKT A CO., Toledo, O.
We, tli iiMilcrMKiK-!, Iiavo known K. J.
r'liewy for tin Inst IS Vrnr, mid tiftllove
Mill perfectly honorable In nil foiialnrw
tra rienctlon nnd ilimnclnlly whin to curry
out nny nltlltntlMM nmd? Iiy lil flrmj
'VpMo, Ot,
Ilnll'H f'nlnrrli fur lit Inllon liflrbinlll'.
nrllnu illronliv iiiHiti llin '.liloinl nilil'ntll-
1 1 V upon tlievl'loiH
of lht nzrlnn. T
?t eHu iwr.t
i nn nuriuri-d iti in nsim. imKimoninwj
iiy nil Itrniuruin,
UnY 1'Hinlly nil tor rNtlptln-
Northnrn highway from Iowa having
mad tho bastorn trlji over tho"Lln
coin highway. ,;
JntiioB Hart of Codnr Flats was a
Hhoppor In town today.
I)r. It. U. Van Vnlzoh iH roportod a
Ilttlu hotter this afternoon.
Mr M. J. MclClin rocolvod n lottor
from Mr. McKlin in Weod, California
tolling of a snow stonn last wMk.
Mra?. A.' Homdon of AsJilnnd . Is ' olllce of Uooth-Kclly. Tho Springfield
visiting Bovoral weeks with her son ( learn conslstod of I'orcy Tyson, Ed
W. Herndon and family. , ' Sr Mnrtin, Harold I'eory, Ivan Mc-
Frod Wllklns of Glonada wag taken
to tho local hosplUl with a brokon
wrist Friday.
Mrs. Uov Hownrd was takon homo
from tho local hospital Saturday' af tor
an oxtendod Illness. '
Do you wish to bocomo well? If bo
call on Dr. Murphy, a druglosH healer,
359 Main street.
Miss Dawson, formerly a nurse nt
tho local hospital, will return tomor-
row from Knstern Oregon.
' Prof. F. G. Young of tho University
of Oregon brought 11 load of pcachea
to town from his ranch today.
J c- Mullen stated that the HugheB-
"""""" ""- Ufeiu
Ml.l. t .1.1 1. .l
Mrs. A. MoPhorson, who lias been In
tho local hospital for tho past two
wooks Is able to-bo taken' noma today."
Mrs .It .P. MortenBen nnd daughi-
tors, AIIco and Margarot roturned
Saturday. after an extondod outing at,
MI8SO8 Marjory and Muriel Shay
of Cottago Orovo doparted last night
after visiting among iriends and rel- Immediately after sir o'clock Friday
ntlvcs. ' evening, a number of young ladies
were seen carrying baskets, packages,
Tho Oregon Power company is put- cups an(l waterraelonB to the park by
ting In n water moter on Main street the flour ralIJ and endless to say a
botwecn third nnd Fourth an din front gooa tImo wn8 ,n 8toro for 8omo ono
of tho Toggery. Tho water was fine and, by persts,
Good reliable fire Insurance. No as- ont crrrU w,th 11,0 UEe of Bt,cks. at
sensments; no membership foe. Pay eel was taken frora tno m,n raco
oncj fcnd you are dene. ri. E. Walker Arter a seacr&l examination ho wa3 re
al the City Hall. turned to tho water. A nice Are was
kindled and ovqrybody assisted In
Mrs; Ada Hurlbutt tf Westport, preparing tho supper, which could not
Oregon arrived Sunday evening with 1,0 surpassed. Tho wit and fun enjoy-
hor mother, Mrs. O. F. Klzer to spend ed around the table can only be Imag-
a month visiting with friends and rel- lned Napkin8i tUero wcro n plenty
ot,VCB' 1 but plates and forks ot the right sizo
Mrs. M. J. McKlin returned Fridny wore nt a Premium, however, every
from Trent where she has been spend- one found n P,aco t0 eat 111,(1 many
Ing a woek with "her slater, Mrs. H. D. of the "Bod things' soon disappeared.
Roads. Mrs. McKlin leaves today
to spond a week with another sister,
Mrs. Roy Edml3ton of Thurston. 1
Tho gravel trains that had been
ballasting tho. Wlllamotto Pacific from
tho Oakrldgo pits started again this
morning after laying off on account .
of tho excursion trains going to Coos I
Tin v I
,w i.. will, tuitw, ,tilt fjaiUUO ,11 Lilt? LIU1
Mrs. Myrtlo Towors and sons camo'w, m t.
from Wnlla Walla. Washington to vis-
It with Mrs. Power's parents. Mr. and !
Mrs. Ira Young. Mrs. Powers left Sat-'
i fA n r try lini linma I rt Tmtlnrwl ovirl
..v. ...
nor sons, iinroiu anu fsorvai mic sun;
day to Join thlor mother.
Some of tho Springfiold people go
ing picking at tho Morrison yard nre;
Mrs. Al Perkins, Mrs. L. M. Doobo,
Mrs. Pearl Ovlatt, Mrs. McMunn, Mrs.
L. Lopley and daugluor Gladys, Mrs.
S. Gay, Miss Fern Travis, Miss Her
nice Cngley, Miss Gambor, and Miss
Jessio Walke
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mabe came to
visit with Mrs .Mnbo's undo and aunt,
Mr. and Mis. D. S. Jordan. Mrs. Mabe
was formorly Miss Hrilla Ingram ot
Springfield. Mr. Mabo roturned Sat
urday to his work with a Booth-Kelb
logging crow and Mrs. Mabo went to
Harrlsburg to visit her sister. Mrs,
Loona Elnfoldt .
Thoso registered nt tho Elito hotol
Fridny, Saturday and Sunday woro:
J. II .Vincent ot Redmond, L. R.
Jackson of Albany, Roy Edwards of
Albany, J, T. Klntzley of Jaspo'r, Jack
Hoart of Ashland, J. S. Kllnck, R. R.
Ilallnrd of tho S. P. Co., F. J. Gardon
shire of Marshflold, p p .Kntury, R.
II, Wilson of Marshflold, E. M. Daslar
fo Marshfleld, A. J. Nyo ot Marshflold,
and H. Hamilton ot Rosoburg.
Truo economy is what wo savo In the
long run. The wise man foods his colt
tp make it grow. He pastures his cow
to eot a g00(l flow of ra,lk nnd P,nta
1,18 ll0"R0 0 mnlte It Inst. It COSta
very little more now to'pnlnt a houso
than it did a year ago. Probably notj
more than ?2.00 on an avorago. Make
your home boautlful whh tho best
paint on tho market Phennlx Puro'm. All are cordially invert,
Paint, Guaranteed. Sold by J. C. Hoi- MEIKLE & JOHNSON
brooK. I Evangelism
Percy Tywn 8how$ Up Visitor
Singles as Well as In the
- . Doubles
Tho Springfield, TenniB club wan vlo
torlnM yseisrdny in practically all of
tho' inflchfl played with tho rncmhera
of (ha Wondllng loam that enmo down
to curry Off the honorK ywiterday, Tho
matches wore played on tho court at
Sixth nnd A utroets. I'orcy Tycon of
tlio local club wan tho Htur of tho
nttornoon, winning ovary match In
which ho was uutercd.
The visiting playora wore, John Ma-
JthorB, boo)ikoopr at tho Wndllng mill;
l ay Abrams, Jog superintendent; N. C.
'"nm "TrL1Ut.0ndont; "a"y!
iiiiur, mur, j. jiunoriHon, asniauiui;
C. 12. Xeot, planor man; and lUlph
Martin sales manager of tho Kugeno
Kinnoy, Frank GU)bs and Ray Lcmley.
Tho matches wore as folio wn: Ma
thorB nm, lL Marlln vcrflUs T and
! R Martlni wo hy SnrInfnoid. Jlob.
orl80n nd yorma I'ccry nnd Mc
Kunoy, won by Springfield. Tyson de
ioaiou iviamera in olnglcs, and Martin
dofeated Taylor. Tyson also carried
away tho honors in singles against
R. Martin . Abrams and Niclson vcr
; bus Glhbs anu Lomloy, won by Wond
llng. K. Martin and Tyson versus
Taylor and Mathers, won by Spring
During tho afternoon tho players
and spectators were served with ice
cream and lemonade. A return tour-
;namcnt will bo played at Wondllng
BO,no llmu ,n tf,o future.
ooino of th0B0 who ,Inwn frnm
tlc mill town to take in U10 matches
, wcro: Mr. and Mrs. Fay Abrams, Mr.
and rs- JoIln Mathers, Mr. and Mra.
,,arr' Taylor. Mrs. A. E. Taylor. Mrs.
"owning. Mr. and .Mrs Langtreo, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer ' .N'cet, Mr. nnd Mrs.
Collino fend boos, Mr. and Mrs. N...C.
N'ellson and' daughter
inose taking part In the ovoning'r
Jolllflcatian wore: Misses Lena Now
ton, Jessie Walker, Edna Swarts, Es
telIa Mart,n- Marjory Camber, Graco
Walker, Olive Smith. Alice Kester,
Theda Porkns. Florence CofJln. and
Mae Lyn-
. ,. T77I it 1
1... t n t... m
onJoj.ed the picnic were: Alborta
WhKo Luc0 LamDort( Eearl Nys.
. ...
trom,Alvlna Guntley, Gladys Nystrom,
Agnes Courtwrlght, Lola Lybargor, Ina
Wade, Walter Thomas, Lillian Baker,
Robert Palmer, Helen Mullen, Harold
Powers, and Budd Powers.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Cox and daughter
Ardls, Mr. and Mrs. John Wlnzonricd,
Mr. and Mrs.- Clnrk Wheaton, and Mr.
nnd Mrs. Jess Smltson enjoyed a pic
nic Sunday near Seavoy's ferry. Tho
men fished from a boat and caught two
salmon, ono weighing nearly 40 pounds
whllo tho ladles were obliged to fish
from tho bank. Just to make things
even Mrs. Cox caught six fine trout
and the fishermen had nothing mora to
say about tholr fishing ability .
Mr. and Mrs. A. M .Beaver, Dr. and
Mrs. W. C. Itebhan and daughter,
ConBtance, and Dr Palmer of Mablo
had a picnic a tSoavoy'a ferry yester
day. Card of Thanks
We wish to express our slncoro
appreciation to our' friends and neigh
bors for tholr sympathy during tho
illness and bereavomont of our wlfo
nnd mother.
Lane County Iowa PIcntc
Tho Lane County Town. assocIaUon
will hold tholr annual picnic hack of
tho Butte at Eugene, Saturday, Sop
torabcr 2,
The Tent
Evanrnllptln Services. Sundnv 8 n.
in.: EvenlniM. oyont Fiturdnv' S n.
Digging a Ditch In a Flash
Things move qiilrkly nowadays. The
village of ycMicrilny Is tomorrow's
metropollM. Rpfwi Is n requisite, and
newer iiiciliiidx that suiuck of rapidi
ty nnd labor nnd money saving are In
Ditches tfint once consumed many
lai x of liimd or machine lalo'r nre 11 w
ldliK Itliisjrd out In iiiiniixt the twin
kling of 1111 eye. Ity degrees man Is
leiirulng to fidopt sonic of iifilurn'n sim
ple, but mighty fortrs. An.! the gul-J
IIok mid vnlicy tlmt old .Mother fourth
! linn created by her natural upheaval
1 ami cruptloim are liciin; dnpllniicd In
n oiunllcr wuy by muiiiu of the more
pioyu-fHlvo nnd up todnlc fanners.
Digging dllches with dynamite Is
simply n newer and more improved
mclliid of trench building The int-Ui-od
employed In wot work Is simply to
piiiii'h IinleH flom tlglittu,i to twenty
four Indie deep along the line do.-drfd
to ditch and then loud each hole with
I charge of fio per cent straight dynu-
Ixing siretcfies of ditcn in lie loaded
and llred a one time. One cap placed
$2C0 LOTS FOR $.75
For the next 3Q..days we offer you your choice 'of ny lots
unselected in Central Addition to Spririgfleltl 'for , 575.00
pay us 10 per cent down and we will give' Vou plenty of
time on. the balance and. make the payments ' easy Ibe
numbers offered at this price is limited this w know ia
the biggest bargain ever offered in Springfield. ' Ldbk them
over and remember the sale lasts 30 days and no'lbilger.
E. E. Kopner, D. W. Roof, M. M. Peery, Springfijold; A. C.
Barbour, Route 2, Eugene, (Residence SpVingfleTd function)
With new bnlldlnr. better eqnipmeabant
Bunr nddltlon to tta faculty, the UnlYert!t7
of Urecon will beztn lt forty-f lrat Tear. Tne.
L dar. September 18.
npecisu intininc in tonnneire, jooniaiuin,
Arch I lecture, law. Medicine, Teaehln tr, Ll!rfi
rr Work. Mnite, Plijlcl Tmlnlnc and Tina
Art. Large and ttroni: department af Liber
al Education.
IJbrarr of more thaa 63,000 volnmea, flo
teen bnlldlnci f ally equipped, two iplendM
TatUon Free. Dormltorle for men and for
women. Kzpente Ioweit.
Write for free catatdei. addreitlns BocUtrar
Floyd Bartlett and Merle Hill re
turned Thursday after a short outing
near Oakridge. They brought a few
slices of bacon, home.
Uniting Learning and Labor
In its Sir Schools and Forty-eight De
partments is engaged in the great work
of uniting Learning and Labor.
r orty-smn acaooi rear upens
SEPTEMBER 18, 1916.
Degree Courses requiring a four-year
high school preparation, are ottered in
tbe lol lowing:
AGRldOLTORE. 16 Departments:
COMMERCE, 4 Departments; ENGIN-
UliKINU, U Departments ; MlMiib, a
Departments: HOH.ESTRV. 2 Depart
ments; HOME ECONOMICS. 4 Depart
ments; anil PHARMACY.
Vocational Courses requiring an
Eighth Grade preparation for entrance
are offered in Agriculture, Dairying,
Commerce, Forestry, Home Makers, and
Mechanic Arts. Pharmacy with a two
year high school entrance requirement.
SCHOOL OP MUSIC Piano, String,
Hand and Voice Culture.
C-'Inlinruc and beautiful illustrated
booklet free.
Addresi Tint Rkgistrar,
TJfflct in City Hall, Sprlngfleld, Ore.
Edwards & Br at tain
For Farm and City Property
Exchanges a Specialty
Springfield - Oregon
Phone 30
PHONES Office, 3; Residence, 11S-J
Over Commercial Bank,
Springfield, Oregon.
In a cnrtrldec of dynnmlto in ilic aid
die nolo of the line of charged Ic'wand
llrcd will do the work.
A single row ot holes can 11 illy be
depended upon fo excavate a ih 11 from
even to nine fref wfdc and nl t thir
ty to forty Inehex-dptp. Who larger
ditches are required the hole . .in bo
made deeper and' fi'mded lie t, of
two or rnori- lines qr holes, si from
three to fwiir feet jipart, can .. used.
Incldoiluiliy (Jie litifcw can be u: de in
Mie loUKhoHt klilti'oJrjiwump or -n tlood
muck iMMlrt. whore other ii'e.ii'U oi
Ollclilng are prnrthqlly impo l i.o.
Whan the noil ifjtlnr or tlx- w,-athcr
is (op cold to nse tliejSropagx. 1. metii
od of blasting described ai o lo v
freezing fnrni or ift6ntplng p. vder
used In holes sprold fnrtl.e npn
often In Inrc dltclle as far is ti -
or live feel. In thin case 0 1 ht- o
must be primed with nn elc. ? ca .
-is the explosive shock will no orap..-
giilt? In dry ground.
The. cheapest lineal. foot o' ma!l
llllfU l nlifliltiofl hv tivlritr j
( tiring method and farm or sin;.ioin
1 powder
Th Ditch.
Pacific Conservatory of Music
731 Willamette Street
! j. T n
The School of Music where all the
Legitimate Instruments and Musical
Studies are Instructed. (
Ellsworth Crocker, President,
Mrs. Ellsworth Crocker, Sec and Trea.
Attended to Promptly
Springfield and Vicinity
Leave orders at tbe News Office
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon
Office, Baptist Parsonage
Corner Second and C Streets
Office Phone 62; fiesldence 07-4
West Main St.
Amblers Dancing Academy
Eugene Phone 345
Learn to dance before fall season
opens. Threo classes weekly.
Children's fancy dancing, Saturdays
2 p. m. Rates Iteasonable
China Painting
To all who will tako a term of 12
lessons I will give
Tho two free lessons will gtre
you a pleco pf china ready for tho
first Are.
New is a good time to begin to
Orders solicited. 330 A'trook f
WTHrTS 3MorTO5w-i.' hi