The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 28, 1916, Image 1

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VOL. XV. NO. 1
Uu matUruoiUr Mt o( Coot re ot N H4h, mt
M. C. Brosslor Tolls of "Great
Dividends that Come From
Building Now Rail
Road Lines
Marshfleld lind North Berid Royally
Entertain Thousands of Merry
Celebratora With Varied
Program! and Parades
" (Ily J. 0. DIMM.
"Thoro la a ltttlo city near Eugeno
called Springfield, aud tboy bavo a
llttlo organlxatlon ther6 called the
Go Getters,"' said Judgo Pottor in
Introducing our follow townsman, M.
C Ilrosslor, who was on tho program
for an ad'dross at tho Coos Day rail
road Jublloo tait Thursday ovontng.
Mr. Dressier In hla addresa told or tho
advantages to be .derived by tho coast
country and In tho Wlllamotto Talloy
In th6 completion of tho Natron cut-off
and tho making of a transcontinental
line' through Springfield and eastern
Oregon. Mr. dressier said a 'part:
"When I came here this morning I
thought I w&uld bo a stranger but I
found friends on every hand. I am
here to represent a llttlo city that Is
so much ovorshadowod y tho larger
city that It II almost forgotten by the
state. And whllo I am horo to rep
resent tho city of Sprlngflold I also
dcslro to rep'resont tho state and dis
cuss It's future development.
"Wo bavo a great work boforo us
If wo would Increaao our dividends.
The railroad Is tho forerunner of civ
ilization and In ordor to develop each
section wo must havo linos running
out nil over tho state. Tho Natron
cut-off will bring us 800 miles nenror
the mlddlo west. It will mnko us 'four
days nearer tho great cltloa of tho
enst and glvo us tha most dlroct lino
from tho Pacific coast to tho east
"We must all stand togothor in this
development and make It n business
proposition. We have much less popu
lation bore In Oregon than tho state
of Washington for tho simple renson
Hint thoy huvo rail lines runulng dl
roct to the cltlos of tho mlddlo west
Wo havo millions of foot of timber
going to waste becauso wo havo no
railroads to market tho product.
"Tho sentiment of tho great major
ity of tho massos of the people seems
to bo against tho railroads and cor
porations gonorally. This In not as
it should bo. A bill should bo passed
by the state legislature to remedy
this condition and create more con
fidence. "Springfield extends a frlondly hand
to Coos llay through mo as It's repre
sentative and pledges It's hand and
heart to sluiro In tho future develop
ment of this grout country." .
Judgo E. O. Pottor, of Eugene acted
ns toast master and asldo from tho
ilodlcntlon oxorclsoa mid tho address
of, M, C. Drossier addroBsos woro mudo
by Jmnos Wlthycombo, Oovornor of
Oregon, and prominent men from Port
land, San. Francisco nnd tho Coos Day
country. Tho nponkors gonorally told
of tho Important part Coos Day will
havo in tha future dovelopmout of tha
Btnto and her possibilities nnd ad
vantages In having physical connec
tion wjth a groat railroad corporation.
Marriage of Eugene Lane to Coos Bay
Upon tho arrival of tho Eugono
special at North Dond tho festlvitos
began with tho marriago of Eugono
liana to Miss Coos Day. Governor
Ithycombo performed tho coromony
which united tho commercial Interests
or tno wiuamouo vnnoy wnn mo com
orclal InforeBta df Cods Day. Gerry
wntklns of Eugone; wtfs tho grbohi
k id Mss Gladys ROddy of Marshfleld
was tho brldo, Tho host man was
'('"Heinle") Ailrlan of Springfield.
Free Clam Bake
Ono of tho Intorostlng features of
tho colobratlon was the clam bake at
Chnlestqn Day on Friday, It was ostt
hiated thUt fdo6 peoplo wore fed with
hta food nnd horo Is tho menu togflth
or with tho quantities requlrod to
serve tho groat crowd, 1600 pounds
salmon 200-5 gallon cans clams ,200
dbzen crabs, CO bushelB muscles, 80
gallons salad, 8 gallons salad dressing,
100 poundt tr 400 gallons coffoo, 400
loaves bread, but tor popper and salt
Thoro woro tablo accommodations for
1C00 peoplo and it was all free to tho
Everything In tho two cities
was In holiday attire and tha parade
at Marshftold on Saturday would do
credit to a city of many inoro people.
Duslness men woro ropresontod and
tho products of that country woro
shown. Thoro woro many brass bands
and marching clubs from Portland,
Salem .and Eugene. A logging train
of 40 cars with htigo logs, piled high
and containing 300,000 foot was ono
of tho novel fodturos of tho parade.
Thoro was a long row or go carts
decoratd In many colors and pushed
by bablos.
During Saturday afternoon the
wator front provod very popular to
tho thousands of visitors. Hero were
many contests, log rolling, tugs of
war, motor boat races and ns a fitting
climax to tho wook of festivities thoro
was a night parade on tho bay in
which many boats took part. They
woro brilliantly illuminated with dec
orations and lights of many colors and
presented a very pleasing effect.
Tho Railroad Jubilee which has now
passed Intd history marks a now epoch,
In the commorco and development of
Oregon. After 40 years of struggle,
with only the old stage coach and
water transportation to tho .outside
world, the completion or the railroad
from Eugene to Marshfleld and physi
cal connection with thb Southern Pa
cific system, gives the bay country
easy access to the commerce of the
Had Time of Hla Life at Wedding
I of Mill Coo Dav and
Eugene Lane
"Ilolne" Is homo ngnln, well, happy
and a llttlo bit sloopy. "Everything
I was lovely, tho whwo affair, tho hos
pltallty, and oven tho brldosmnld,"
said .Heine. You know Honry Adrian
' bent man at tho wedding of Miss Coos
of tho Sprlngflold Garage, was
Day and Eugcho Lano at North ,Dond
' Thursday nftornoon.
' "Nobody, excopt tho brldo and
groom, was nervous at tho big core-
i mosy," continued Heine. "We only
I hnd an hour to cat somo lunch, wash
up and then got Into those Prlnco Al
berts after tho train arrived. Jt took
some hustling nnd wo would havo boon
on tlmo If tho groom has shaved be-
I foro ho left homo.
j "As soon as tho governor had tied
j the coremoninl knot wo wore escorted
I to our flont and headed tho big parade
j at North Dond. Tho Rosarluns of
I Portland had tried to capture tho
groom all day, nnd as soon as tho
parade was ovor thoy got both tho
; brldo and groom. It wns up to the
brldo's mhld and I to hang on to tho
wedding enko. And wo hung on al
right. t "After tho excitement of tho bull
, gttmo and (other things) tho bridal
j party dined at tho Hotel Chandler
' and ontortnlnod thomsolvcs during tho
ovoning, Thou wo wero dragged off to
tho big open air dunco. Doforo tho
dnnco thoy took us to tho dedication
of tho now Simpson park whoro the
brldo cut tho woddlng cako. It waB
somo cako, too, about two feot squaro
or moro. Tho brldo did good work
and cut It Into soveral hundred plocus.
There are still some of tho crumbs in
my coat pocket.
"Thoro wasn't much doing on Fri
day, except tho clam bako and tho big
dnnco at Marsh fl old In tho ovenlng,
Saturday Was our big day. Wo headed
another parado and then wofo guests
pf tho ladles of tho Daptist church to
lunchoon, The bridal committee saw
to it that wo saw tho whole town,
nnd wo saw It tho. Wo had a groat
float In tho water carnival. It was
lighted with colored lights.
"Talk , about hospitality, thoy have
It at Coos Day. We got back yestor
day morning. It was sort of hard to
loave, but . O, yes tho girls aro com
ing ovor to Eugene about the mlddlo
of (he month perhaps. Thoy may at
tend the Lano County Fair, And when
thoy como we'll bo right down at tho
train to seo that thoy aro woll taken
care of. Tho bride and bride's maid
aro somo girls, beliovo mo."
Discussion Regarding Up-Keep of the
Booth-Kelly Watte dates la
Not Settled
Tho City Council held a special
mooting Friday ovonlng to decide
whether Mill street should have its
location changed ovor the mill race
nnd In front of tho grist mill. L. E.
Parsons, englnoor was instructed to
set tho monuments In tho form or
places. Somo discussion was held con
cerning tho waste wny gates of the
Dooth-Kolly mill raco and the proper
partlos to keop them In repair. The
Question Is still unsettled as to whblh
or tho Dooth-Kolly company shall keep
the gates In repair or whother tho dtp
will order them changed.
J. E. Edwards, town marshall for
Springfield sold flvo lota Saturday at
tho city hall at ono o'clock to recover
money duo tho city for delinquent
street and sower assessments. Lots
9 nnd 10 In block 70 Wasuburno'o ad
dition to Springfield was bid in by tha
city recorder and sold to the town of
Springfield for 1119.66. Lota 8, 9 and
10 In block Si of tho Washburno addi
tion was also purchasod by tho city
for 9$.26.
san fraciscians are
Well Pleased With
visit t6 springfield
Spent Two Hours Frfday Mornlrif
Getting Acquainted With Mec
chanta-Soma See Sight
Promptly at 7:30 Friday morning
nlno coaches containing 75 members
of the San Francisco Wholesale Trade
Excursion arrived at the Sprlngflold
depot Tho reception committee that history of natlbna.
had been appointed by the Springfield j The mysterious and unnatural re
Duslness men's club were on hand t0 tcntlon of peace between these two
moot the visitors and see tp it thacou,,,,,,,-- for moro fhan two years
entertainment and all of tho courte- nftor the outbreak of the European
sles would be shown. Guides wero!nfliM mmi urst i, ivini.. ahi.
furnished by tho Dooth-Kelly company
to show tho visitors through one of
tho largost and most modern of tho
lumber mllla on tho Pacific coast
After making tho tour through tho
mill, tho San Franciscans came over
to town and visited tho merchants and
business men. Thoso who did not care
to visit wero taken In cars out into
tho country. They woro shown tho
beauties of tho McKcnzIo aud the
farming country that lies tributary to
Sprlngflold and wero finally takon up
on Willnmatto Heights and given a
panorama vlow of Sprlngflold and all
of tho adjacent country.
Tho party had been visiting at Coos
Day and interviewing the business
men of tho Coos country before tho
Railroad Jublloo had started. They
only remained one day of tho celebra
tion before thoy camo to Springfield.
This trip Is strictly a business propo
sition with the men who are making
it They aro getting personally ac
quainted with their customers in
southern Oregon and at Coos Day.
When thoy left San Francisco thoy
had nbout 85 per cent of the whole
sale trade from this territory and ex
pected to have about 95 per cent when
thoy wont home.
At 9:30 their train pulled out o tthe
local depot for Cottago Grovo where
they expected to mnko another visit
boforo going to Rosohurg, whoro thoy
oxpocted to spond tho night Satur
day tboy visited nt Grunts Pass, Med
ford and nt Ashland.
Springfield Planing
Mill Completes,
Woodwork for Methodist Church
The Sprlngflold Planing mill has
completed tho wnidowB and finishing ,
work for tho Methodist Parsonage
xiiu wiituuw uuuiua mi tuu viiuiwu
huvo been sent to Portland to bo fit
ted with special art glass and will not
bo finished for a wook or more. The
now windows for tho church and par
Bonago will cost $2570.00 . The mill
has boon vory busy filling special
ordors, having made 500 applo boxes
for Junction City arid 600 applo boxes
for Eugeno,
Goes East for Bride
Edgar Martin, civil englnoor for tho
Dooth-Kolly company loft today for
Atchlnson, Knneas, to tako unto him
Bblf a brldo of his own choico, Mr.
Martin doos not oxp'oct to be gone
long, In fact ho and Mrs. Martin ex
pect to be at homo In tho now Porklns
houso on Ninth stroot after September
Official Announcement Sent to
Kaiser Tolling of Action
By Italians
Plana are to Help Allies Conquer
Macedonia Refuse to Accept
Conciliation from Teutons
Rome, Aug. 27. Daron Sonnlno, min
ister of foreign affairs, announces that
Italy considers herself In a state of
war with Germany.
The official announcement of a state
of war between Italy and Germany has
aroused great enthusiasm here. Cheer
ing crowds are parading tbe streets,
applauding the government's decision.
Diplomatic circles here expect inter
vention In the war by Roumanla
against the central empires tomorrow.
Italy's Official Announcement
The official announcement of Italy's
declaration as given out here tonight'
"The Italian government declares in
the name of the king that Italy con-
aiders herself to be in a, state of war
With Germany aa from August 28 and
begs the Swiss government to convey
this information to the imperial Ger
man government"
Italy's declaration of war on Ger
many brings to an end one of the
strangest situations recorded In the
ance and which resulted on May 23
1915, In an open break between Italy
and Austria-Hungary.
Means Open Break With Germany
Though thrown Into the maelstrom
of a war against a world in arms by
her Harpsburg ally, Germany has not '
boen officially at war with Italy until
that country now has made the long
expected move. No aim In the diplo
matic field has been more ardently
pursued by the kaiser since the begin
ning of tho war than to avert an open :
break with his former ally.
Italy's action does not come as a
surprise. It has been predicted, prom
ised, threatened nnd even unofficially
announced ns often as Roumania In
tervention on tho allies' side and this,
too, si now expocted to become an ac
complished fact before many more
days have passed.
War Declaration Foreshadowed
Tho course of the Italo-German re
lations have taken since August 1,
1914, nnd today's Inevitable outcome
wore mnrked nnd foreshadowed by tho
following outstanding events:
At the beginning of the war Italy
renounced the Triple Alliance and de
clared war on Austria-Hungary, yolld
lng to an overwhelming pressuro of
public sentiment nnd rejecting sweep
ing territorial offers from her former
ally. On August 23,1915, she followed
this up with a declaration of war
against Turkey, Germany's pot pro
tego. On Fobrunry 1G, last tho Italian gov
ernment requisitioned 34 of tho 37
Gormnn steamships in Italian ports,
nnd tho climax came on tho third day
of the present month when Italy gavo
notlco to Germany of the termination
of the Italo-German commercial treaty
of 1891, which would havo expired at
tha end of 1917,
Cooking Ability Will Be Demonstrated
at the County Fair
Tho "schbol girls of Lano county will
bo given tho chance to tioinbnstrato
their ahlHty at cooking rioxt month
at tho Lane County Fair according to
school superintendent, E. J, Moore. All
of tho school girls' Industrial clubs
will bo asked to compote in the cook
ing contosts.
Since school startB at almost tho
same timo as tho Fair there will not
bo much chance for tho girls to got
together boforo to get their work In
good shapo, Tho cooking contest has
boen ono of tho big features of the
school exhibit for tho last year or
two and it will be mado as important
this year as boforo.
M O.ore and N. A. Rowe Have
Many Experiences on Trip North
Injured on Return
D. M. Goro and N. A. Rowe return
ed yesterday morning from a six
week's trip to Alaska where they
went on a business and pleasure trip.
Doth men were unfortunate on their
return on the boat A spar fell from
tho main' mast of tho ship and struck
Mr. Rowe on the aide Injuring him
qulto seriously. Mr .Goro went to
his assistance and in doing so came
In contact with a part of the wireless
apparatus and received a severo shock
and had his hand badly burned.
Francis Lamberty accompanied the
gentlemen on their trip north and
found a position in a drug store at
Douglas, Alaska. He has a very good
position and Is making good, but he
Is not In love with the country and
the climate . Ue sends his regards to
his friends In Springfield.
According to Mr, Gore business is
good at Juno but some of the mines
have closed down In other parts of the
territory. They had a fine trip all
the way, with the exception of the
kcixtt AFiDitrris
F4f rner Sprr!nHe& ' titan, Hid ftsffty
Frtenas'H4r Graduate" ef '9fate
.Friends received word of the death
of' a rdrmer resident bt "Springfield,
Grover Kestley of 961 Clevelaad; aire.,
Portland, -August 24rl916 -after an un
successful operation for appendicitis,
at the age of 31 years. Mr .Kestley
was well known In Springfield having
moved here with his- parents- from
Wisconsin and lived here for six or
seven years. He attended the Univer
sity o fOregon and was a member of
the graduating class In 1908 and a
member of the Beta Theta Pi fratern
ity. He was also a member of the
Eugene Elks lodge No. 357.
After leaving the University, Mr.
Kestley moved to PorUand and has
been an employe of M .Seller and Co.,
for the past few years. His father,
John G. Kestley, resident of Sprin
gfield, has been with him and his
family in Portland for ihe past year.
Mr. Kestley leaves a wife, Mrs. Opal
Kestley; son John J. Kestley; broth
ers, John J. Kestloy ,of Eugene; and
Walter Kestley of Springfield; sister,
Mrs. Mary Hollenbeck of Gilroy, Cal
ifornia; and father, John J. Kestley of
Funeral services were held from
Immaculate Heart of Mary church,
Stanton st, and Williams ave., Satur
day, August 26, 1916 at 9:30 a. m. In
terment was made at Mt Calvary cem
Union Services Well Attended at the
Christian Church Last Sun
day Evening
Rov. J. S. McCallum of Eugene
preached tho sormon at tho union
church services nt th6 Christian church
last evening. The building was filled.
Rov. J. T. Mooro of the Methodist
church saslstcd in tho services .
"It is hard to conceive what life
would be without faith," Bald Rev.
McCallum. Most of us have faith in
God from our childhood. We should
grow In this faith that we havo and
become stronger.
"Christianity will stand tho . most
rigid test man can put to it. It has
for It's agents the strongest minds and
tho greatest men and women the world
has. There Is, no socrqt society that
can toko the plapo of the church. Se
cret societies have their places and
they should be kept in their places.
Wo should all do our part In building
up the Kingdom of God. Wo inay havo
worldly wealth, but bo poor towards
G6d. In this coqilUln w,e.are failures.
"There are usualiy many people In
the cofiiniiinlfy who do not go to
church and who will not support the
chhrch. Tjioso peoplo would not he
fouriS UVIng Vn & community wh,ora
there are no churches. They want to
live, th tc cdra'hu'hif.y hat has church
(h'lh'tttiOB tyee'duBe iVlh'g conditions
and the people are better ti live with.
They do not do tholr part"
Four Brotherhoods Leave Fur
ther Negotiations to a ,
Large Committee j
Railroads Stand Pat on Eight-hear
Proposal Senator' Newlanda
Brings Measure to Congress I
Washington, Aug. 27. President
Wilson's efforts to bring about peace
between the railroads aid their em
ployes seeme'd to be confronted with
failure at a late hee'r toalght
Early in the day .the -648 repreeeata
tlvcg of the four brotherhoods decided
to leave further negotiations In Wash
ington to a special committee of 24
The rtSmalBXerof the mm were 6rer
4d to re tuna te their home districts
Each -carried with him Coal iBStrae
- Hons Ib evest ef a strike. y
Strike, May Be IntvKaMe
This ia. Itself .wa. cesyiactsf evi
dence that a.irisi wa Imminent aad
the gravity of he. sitaatloa was fuf
'ther empiyseif- whea lite tdfit&t
!Freldet Samtol Lea ' ot the J(&b
sylvan 1 . system . jmkm4 a ital&Mat
that wa ..ceastrae -as aieaniac; tha
realiroad managers deemed a strike In
evitable. President 'Wilsba summoned Chair
man Newlanda of the senate Interstate
CommercecemmltteeiaHd Secretary of
the Interior .Lane to the White House
and renewed the request for lgtsla
tlon he desire's passed at this sessioa
of congress.- " - '
Proposed Measures Considered
It can be stated authoritatively that
the following measures were con
sidered: First The passage of a bill estab
lishing the eight-hour day as a basis
for hours of labor on railroads.
Second Ah amendment to the In
terstate Commerce act, authorizing the
Interstate Commerce commission to
take the question of wages into con
sideration oh adjusting rates.
Third An amendment tothe medi
ation act making conditions to bring
about strikes or lockouts affecting
interstate commerce unlawful until a
general commission, to be provided in
the bill, has Investigated and reported
on the merits of the dispute. This act
to be patterned after the Canadian
law, which has proved successful.
Senator Newlands promised the
president before leaving the White
House ho would canvas the situation
with his colleagues in tbe senate to
morrow and report bacx at the earliest
possible hour. He is understood to
have given it as his opinion that the
legislation can le placed at this ses
sion .
White House Meeting Today
The railway executives have an ap-'
polntment at the Whlto House tomor
row morning at 10 o'clcock. Tonight
neither side was certain that tho en
gagement could bo kept
The- chairmen of tho rallwny brother
hoods met at tho DIJou, theatre and,
after resolving to go homo, wero given
the sealed instructions.
Tho subcommittee of 24 was ap
pointed with full powers to effect a
settlement if possible. The committee
was specifically instructed that It fcai
no power to accept terms tha provide
arbitration of the question of an eight
hour day.
Swimmers at Mill Pond .Lose Valu
ables From Clothes
During thb last few (lays while boys
have been&wlmmlagJin the raco at tha
Booth-Kpjly mill their clothes- haYa
been looted and -mosey and, yaluaWea
takon. The jjulprlt or culprits have
nbt been dtrnltel located but J, B.
Edwards, town marsWil, is collect
ing evidence. A' watch, abnle mimer
and tobacco has been reported takea
from the bath house at the edge ot
the pond.
Since the days have bben, .getting
warm-er rhaiir'b'ds-arid several, girls
are iriaklag .'regular tr'lWto the'swW
miug placesi near' thei towa. The 'mill
pond and the rlyer near the brda
I seem to be tbe rivals for the largest
crowds. ,