THE SPRINQFIEL NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST, 2-1, 1010 ?AGE FOUR RAILROADS WANT U. S. SUPERVISION;' NO STATE MEDDLING Believe That .federal Government Can Jake Cans rSltuatlon Without Other CommlMtoni ,U the railroads ot tho Untied States nro to be rcgulatod Intorosts ot tho public tho nature ot tho situation dic tates that such regulation shall be ex clusively by tho fodoral government To continue tho present policy ot oe-onlluate regulation by tho tederal goTornment and by forty-eight states, with diverging and conflicting Inter ests and Ideas often purely local In character but general In harmful ef fect, Is to construct uniform Improve ment and prevent efficient and econ omic developemoot ot railway and transportation servico as a wholo, A chain is no stronger than tho weakest link, and, so far as interstate commerco and national efficiency of tho railroads are concerned, unless the railroads as a unit are Improved, developed and adjusted to the general seeds of the pubHc along the line ot a well coucloved general ,plan, econo mic and efficient service can hardly be expected. For example, consid ering the general plan ot efficiency, ot what benlfit would Its facilities be It the connecting carrier was not able to recieve and handle the traffic? Or, in what respect would through Eervtce be Improved it all the roads leading into Chicago Increased thler facilities and Improved thler service unless the connecting lines out were able to handle the busjeess? It would simply mean congestion and delay. For this reason the whole scheme of transportation regulation and de velopment should be uniform and gen eral and the Interstate, Commerce Commerce Commission should be In vested with complete authority and control, the present state commissions being Included in the plan of organiza tion as regional commissions . Such a plan contemplates making the whole system of transportation and regula tion uniform, harmonious and efficient There is Interstate and Intrastate mail service just as there Is interstate and intrastate freight service, but the pub lic wisely confides to the federal gov ernment exclusive regulation of the malls and would not even entertain a suggestion ot co-ordinated regula tion by the states. Apart from es sential privacy and merchandising of postage every reason sustaining ex clusive federal regulation of the pos tal service may be urged in support ot exclusive federal regulation of all In terstate crrrier3 and commerce. NORTH BEND CCOULDN'T WAIT (Continued from Page One) to be the largest ever gathered in ihls part ot the state. The mock nicrrlage of Eugene Lane and Miss Coos Bay will be the first formal event, taking place at 2 o'clock. Miss Gladys Roddy ,who was elected bride, has selected a white satin cos tume. Miss Virginia Clarke, who ran next in the contest, has been invited to be maid of Innor. An interesting feature is the fact that she is a daugh ter of the late F.-ancis Clarke, who for years worked : secure a railroad for Coos Bay, SCORE OF LOCAL BOOSTERS (Continued from Page One) Sherman Spong, Myrtle Copenhaver Mrs, C. L. Scctt -nd Mr. and Mrs. F .E. Barnard, S. H. Eaker. Have Martfage Certificate The allegoric icarrlge ceremony unit ing "Eugene Lane" and "Miss Coos Bay" Is to be complete In every de tail. Even the marriage license will 6e on hand, properly filled out, and when Governor Wlthycomb pronounces the magic words that will unite the for tunes of these two people, he will hand them a beautifully engraved and fram ed marriage certificate . The engrav ing Is the work of M. A. Albin, of the Eugene business college. The certifi cate reads as follows; "Marriage Certificate. State of Oregon, County of Lane ss, "This is to certify that the gover nor of the state of Oregon, by authority of a license bearing date of the 15th day of August, A. D., 1916, and issued by the county clerk of the county r,f Lane, did on the 24th .'.ay of A::.TUst, A .D 1910, at North :,enrt in the county of Coos, In thp ;,utr. foresaid, join In ties that bind, iuigcne Lane, of the county of Iie, state of Oregon, and MUs Coos Ba. of tl county of Pooa. state of Ors. by It mutual consent." There are blanks for the lames of the witnesses to tin ceremony and one for the uaie of 1 governor. Serve Se.- Fo 'Dinner . :!. t ..Uu novel .lures of the en-w-nninment of visitors at Coos Bay during the railroad jubilee and which many Lane county citizens will probably enjoy ts tho sea food dinner, which will bo served at Charleston bay Friday, tho socond day of tho cel ebration. This ts expected to bo tho most elaborate thing ot Its kind over held In tho state ot Oregon. Moving pictures will bo taken ot tho dtnors. Friday ts tho day set apart for the vis iting ot the Coqullle valloy and other outside points ot Interest. To the peoplo ot tho Interior ot tho stato tho beach will naturally bo a great at traction, and for that reason the big free dinner was planned. Charleston bay Is tho natno ot a small bay Just Insldo the entrance ot Coos Day, From that point It Is walking distance to tho ocean beach, tho lighthouse and other places tho visitors will wish to see. Charleston bay can bo reached from tho cities by both gnsollno boat and automobile and there will bo ample ot both means ot transportation to carry several .thousand persons to the popular seaside resort SOCIETY A number ot friends and relatives attempted to give Mrs. H. E. Walker a surprise party Wednesday evening but wore only partially successful. ,1 1 :s Marion Harper Invited Mrs. Walk i er to take an auto ride and on their return found tho party assembled. Th J evening was spent in playing garnet ! and partaking ot delicious refresh I ments. Those enjoying tho evening ; were: Mr. and Mrs. H .EX Walker Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wheeler, Mr. and Mrs ,M. L. France, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Bally, Mrs. A. S. Walker, Miss es Marlon Harper, Jessie, Walker Grace Walker and Alice Kester. CHUflCH NOTICES Methodist Church Corner Second and B streets. James T. Moore, pastor. Phono 117-M Next Sunday, 10:00 A. M. Sunday school. 11:00 A. M. Sermon. 6:30 P. M. Epworth League 8:00 P. M.iSermon. 7:30 P. M. Wednesday, Choir Re hearsal. 2:00 P. M. Wednesday, Ladles Aid. 8:00 P. M. Thursday, Prayer Meet ing. Free Methodist Church. Sabbath school at 10:00 A. M. Preaching services at 11:00 A. M. Tuesday, 7:30 P. M. Voung Peo pie's prayer meeting. Midweek prayer meeting on Thurs day at 7:30 P. M. A cordial Invitation Is extended to all. M. F. CHILDS, Pastor. Church of Christ 9:45 A. M. Bible school. L. M, Cagley, supt 11:00 A. M. Junior Endeavor So ciety. Mrs. Lansberry, supt Rev. J. S. McCallum ot Eugene Bible University will preach at the Union Church services Sunday evening Baptist Church Rev. W. Norton Ferris, minister. Bible school at 10 A. M. Boys and girls remember the library Is now open fdr use. Read good books. Gilbert Miller, Superintendent. Divine Worship at 11 A. M. The Tent Evangelistic Services, Sunday 8 p. m.; Evenings, except Saturday, 8 p. m. All are cordially Invited. MEIKLE & JOHNSON Evangelists Potrland Market Report Aug. 21, 191C Cattle The week's market opened with quite a fair sized number of cattle, over 1200 head. j Quality, while nothing fancy was quite fair . The best steers sold at 7.00 and cows fairly well. Taken as a whole some strength was developed, especi ally In the cow section. All other di visions were steady. Hogs The hog receipts were dls sapointing as far as numbers went. Only a thousand head being received Monday. Prices showed some strength at 9.70 for tops. The market closed steady to strong. Sheep Nearly 3700 head were re ceived Monday on a steady market Top lambs are still quoted at 8.25 and other grades In proportion. Market closed steady. Announcement There will be a picnic of all Pennsyl vanlans at the Walker Grove, Tuesday, August, 21, beginning nt threo o'clock All Peni j-.vlvanlans a, r requested t co'iip ar '.ring their kets. KATfc LANSBERY Socrotai, Adve .jt.j.j Uetterv Springfield, Oregon, Aug. 2. 191C Mr. Will Johnson, Miss Mildred Thompson, M Dick Baker, Miss Oracle Bailey, Mis. G, G, Conell, and Miss Tnelma Hubscn. A charge of one cent will be made on. all adver tised letters. HARRY M. STEWART p. m. Good reliable fire Insurance. No as sessments; no membership fee. Pay onca and you are dene. II. E 'V? lker at tho City Hall. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notlco Is hereby xtvon that sealed bids will bo recolvod by the. County Court of Lane County, Oregon, nt Eu gene Oregon, un to 11 o'clock n. m September 1, 1910, nt which time said bids will bo opened, for , tho improve inetit ot tho following roads. SS95 linear toot County Road No. 278 Sprlngftold-Haydon Bridge. 5830 linear foot County Road No.131 Elmlra Road.1 2600 linear foot County Road No. 3S1 Capo Horn. 2700 linear feet County Road No. 381 Capo Horn. In accordance with tho plans and rpeclflcatlons on file with tho County Clerk ot Lane County. Plans and specifications may bo ex amlned at the offico ot tho County surveyor. Each bid must be nccom panlcd by a certified check for G per cent ot tho amount bid. Tho right Is reserved to reject any and nil bids. Dono by order of tho County Court this Sth day ot August 19 1G. STACY M. RUSSELL. County Clerk Aug 10, 17, 24. NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE ON EXECUTION Notlco Is hereby given that by vlr- tuo ot an Execution Issuod out ot tho Circuit Cour tot tho Stato ot Oregon for Lane County on tho 1st day ot Aug ust 1910 and by mo recolvod tho 1st day of August 1916, In an action where In on tho 12th day of March 1910. lu tho Justlco Court for Eugono Justice District L. M. Travis recovered Judg ment against tho Defendants Irving J. Walcott and his wife Walcott (Into 'namo Etta M. Walcott) for tho sum of J146.05 with Interest at the rato of 6 per cent per annum from tho 12th day of March 1910. loss tho sum of $5.00 credited Jan. 13, 1910 and $10 credited Feb. Sth 1910.) and tho further sum of $8.60 costs which Judgment was en rolled and dockotod In tho olllce ot tho Clork of Circuit Court on the Nth day of March 1910, and said Execution to mo directed commanding mo In the name of the State ot Oregon that out ot tho personal proDorty ot said Do fendant, or, if sufficient could not be found, thon out of tho real property belonging to said Defendant In Lane County, Oregon, on or after tho said 14 day ot March 1910. Being unable to find sufficient or any personal prop- rtv belonging to said Defendant, I did on the 1st day ot August, 1916, levy on the following described real prop erty, to-wlt: Northeast quarter of Northeast puarter (NE of NE Vi) of Sec tlon number Two (2) la Town ship numbor seventeen (17) South Rango Threo (3) East ot Will. Mer, containing 40 acres ot Land In Lano County .Oregon. Also lot number eight (8) In block number twenty-three (23) In College Hill Park now a part of Eugono, Lane County. Oregon. Now, therefore, In the name of the Stato of Oregon and In compliance with said Execution and In order to satisfy said Judgment, costs and ac crulng costs I will on Saturday the 2nd day of September 1916, between the hours ot 9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock p. m. to-wlt; at onb o'clock p. m .on said day at tho Southwest door of the County Courthouse la Eu gene. Lane County, Oregon, offer for sale for cash, subject to redemption, all the right, title and Interest of tho above named Defendant In and to the abovo described real property. JAMES C. PARKER Sheriff of Lano County.' Oregon By D. A. Elklns, Deputy Ang. 3, 10, 17, 24, 31. SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Lane County H ,L. Studley, Plaintiff, vs. H. B. Kepner, Mrs. H. B. Kepner, and all persons unknown, If nny, having or claiming an Interest or estate In and to the hereinafter described real property, Defendants. To H. B. Kepner, Mrs. H. B. Kep ner, and all persons unknown, If any, having or claiming an interest or es tate in and to the hereinafter describ ed real property, tho above named de fendants, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby notified that H. L. Studley tho holder of Cer tificate of Delinquency numbered 119G issued on tho 7th day of October, 1913, by the Tax Collector of the County of Lane, Stato of Oregon, for the amount of $2.17, tho same being the amount then duo and delinquent for taxes for tho year 1912 together with penalty, interest and costs there on upon the real property assessed to you, of which you are the owner as appears of record, situated In said County and State, and particularly bounded and described as follows, to wit: Lot numbered (1) one In block num bered (1) in E. E. Kepner s Addition to the town ot Springfield, Lane county, State or Oregon. You are further notified that said H. L. Studley has paid taxes on said premises for prior or subsequent years, with the rato of Interest on said amounts as follows: On March 21, 1914, the sum of $2.97 for taxes for the year of 1913. On March 31, 1915 the sum of $2.55 for taxes for the year of 1914. On April 5, 1916, the sum of $2.07 tor taxes for the year ot 1915. All of the amounts bear Interest from date of payment at the rate of i5 pel rent per annum, Said n. B. Kepner as the owner .' the sgal title of the above do- crlbed roperty as the same appears ot reco j, ana each of the other per sons above named are hereby further notified that a. L. studley will apply to the Circuit Court of the County and Stato aforesaid for a decree foreclos ing tho lien against tho property above described, and mentioned in said Cer tificate. And 'ou are hereby summon ed to appear within sixty days after tho first publication of this summons, exclusive of the day of. said first pub lication, and defend this action or pay the amount due as above shown, to gether with costs and accrued Interest, and In case of your failure to do so, a decrco will bo rendered foreclosing the Hen of sail taxes and costs against tho land and premises above named. This summons Is published by order of tho Honorable G, F, Sklpworth, Judge of tho Circuit Court ot tho State ot Oregon for tho County ot Lano nnd said order was mado nnd dated thin 31st day of July 1916, and tho dnto ot tho first publication ot this summons Is tho 3rd day ot August, 1916. All process and papers la this pro eomllnir may bo served upon tho under- signed residing within tho Stato ot Ore gon at the address hereinafter men- tlouod. L. M. TIIAV18. Attorney tor Plaintiff Address, Butane, Oregon. Aug. 3,10,17.2431: Sopt 7,14,21 J8,OcL8 In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Lane L. K. I'uiio, Plnlntirf, vs. Tony C. Schulhauser, Blanche N. Schulhauser nnd B. R. Woods, Do. fondants. SUMMON8 To Tony Schulhnusor. Blanche M. Schulhauser and B. n. Woods: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OHKaON, you nnd each of you are horoby required to uppear and answer tho complaint filed agalust you In tho above outltled Court and causo on or before tho 24th day ot August 19)6 said dato being tho date nnd time spec ified by tho Court In tho order ot pub lication, as tho tlmo for you to appear and answer, and It you fall to appear and answer, for -want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho relief demandod In said complaint on file herein, ami for the whole thereof. The relief demanded Is Judgment against Tony (X Schulhnusor and Blanch M. Schulhnusor for tho sum or $125,00 nnd Interest thereon from tho 25th day of February 1915 nt the rate of 10 per cont per nnnum until paid and $25.00 attorneys fees, Judgment for tho sum of $70.00 and lntorost thoreon from tho 13th dny ot March 1915 nt tho rato of 10 per cent per an num until paid and $20.00 as attorneys fees, togtchor with costs and disburse ments of suit, nnd 'or a Judgment nnd docroo ndjudglng nnd dccroolng thnt both mortgages ot tho plaintiff to bo tho first lien upon tho following de scribed premises: Lots five (5) nnd Btx (6) ot block four (4) ot the E. E. Kepner addition to Springflold, Ore gon together with tho tenements hereditaments und uppurtehanccs thoreunto belonging or in any wise ap pertaining and that the mortgage of i defendant B. R. Woods adjudgod to be jsubsoquent In time, inferior In right and subject to both mortgages of the plaintiff. That a docroo be made foreclosing both mortgages on the plaintiff and that tho aforesaid real premises bo sold by the 8herlff of Lone County, Oregon to satisfy the aforesaid judg ment, and foreclosing you and each of you of all right, title, Interest, claim and oqulty of redemption in and to said real premises and overy part thereof. This summons Is published by order of the Honorable 11. L. Bown, Judge ot mo county Court or tho Stato of Ore gon for tho County of Lano dated July 11th 1916. FRANK A. DePUB Attorney for Plnlnllrr July 13, 20, 27, Aug 3. 10, 17. 24. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Office at Roseburg, Oregon, August 2, 1916 Notlco Is hereby eivnn Mint Mnlmr A. Rico, of Fall Creek, Oregon, who, on January 31, 1913, mado Homestead Entry, Serial No. 08559, for tho S. E. M of N. E. U of Section 20, Township 18 S Rango 1 E.. Wllllmotto Meridian. has filed notice of Intention in mVn Finn! Thri-yi"vr Proof, to establish claim to tho laud above described, boforo I. P. Hewitt, U. S. Commission- or. nt his office, nt Rnepnn. Drop-on nn tho 18th day of Soptembcr, 191C. uiatmani names as witnesses: Adolphuo Klntzley. of Fall Crook. Oregon. , Ed. Shoults, of Fall Creek, Oregon. Logan Neet, or Fall Creek, Oregon. John Kissinger, of Fall Crook. Oregon. W. H. CANON Tlnirlntor Aug 7,10,14,17,21,24,28,31, Sept. 7,11,14 NOTICE OF FORFEITURE Lano County, Stato of Oregon. July 24, 1916. To Mnrtln Mattson and F. Mitchell.. You are hereby notified that I have ex pended $200.00 In labor and Improve ments upon tho Princess and Creases' lodes as will appear by certificates filed July 24, 1916 In the office ot Re corder of said county In order to hold i said promises under the provisions ot section 2324 Revised Statutes of tho United States, bolng tho amount re-' quired to hold tho same for the year ending Decembor 31st 1915, And if within ninety days from the service of this notice of publication) you fall or, this notice of publication) you fall or1 refuse to contribute your nronortlon of 1 such expenditure as co-owner, your In-1 terest In said claim will become tho property of tho subscriber under sec tion 2324. CHARLES DAVIS, Co-owner 7. 27, to Oct. 26. Thur COOK t Oregon Power Co, ft NEW I OIL COO No cool, wood or ashes to lua no waiting for the firo to bum up, Bet ter cooking because of tho steady, avMiIy-tlis-trlbutvtl beat, under perfect control All beat concentrated n the cookiagaadMttradiated arouMd lh re. The lone, blutt chinnoys prevent all smoke and smttll. liakce, WclW, rU, touts. More tftcltnt than your wood or coal stuv Mid CoU less to operate. ASK YOUR DEALMt TODAY. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California For 8alo By BEAVER-HERNDON HARDW ARE COMPANY. that vacation Season Faro Week End $470 Southern Pacific THE "GREATER OREGON"! With new bullillnr, better rnulpmrnt, nnd in ii n r mlilltlon. to III fnmiltr, the Unlvrriltx of Omfon vr III becln tta fiirtr-flrit rear, Toe dnr, September 1)4. 1010. Hpcclnl training- In Commerce, Journntlam, Architecture,,Millclii,Trliliit;,I,ltra tj Work, Muilr, 1'lirnlrnl Trnlnlnr mill Pine Art. Lnreennit atronr liitpartmeiiUuf Liber al ttlurntlon. Llbrnrr of more than 03,000 volumra, tit teen building fully equipped, tvro aplendnt BTmnmlunii. f Tuition Pree. Dormltorfe for men and for women. Kxpenaea Loweit. .Write for free cntAtoca.addreiilnc ResUtrar UNIVERSITY OF OREGON KUOKNE, OREOON WITH r like 5as -for comfort PEfl SECTION bSTOVE For Best Results Use Pearl Oil Better cooking and a cleaner, cooler kitchen. Now serving 2,000,000 homes Tn 1, 2, 3 and 4. bumilie,wlih or without oven. A I no cabin! m o d I s with Flirltt Cooking Ovtus. trip should not bo delayed Newport "Oregon's premier bench rosort" is not far away and lit easily reached. Daily Trains from Albany and Corvallls. Low round trip fares are available. Good hotel accomodations. Kino 48tirf bathing. Uoatlng on Ya fjtihui Hay. You can't boat Nowport for a place to onjoy a- vacation Ask any Jocal agent or writu to John M. Scott .General Passenger Aa't Portland, Oregon L HCW COUCATIONAU GAS