THURSDAY, AUGUST, 24, 19lfl THIS SPRINGFIELD NEWS face IF IT'S JN THE DRUG DAY II M HI Bill SGi&W EASTMAN KODAKS TOWIl VlCiniUV I v H -H' Mlia MrJno Mhrader returned Tuesday from a trip to Portland. C. K. Ilrattaiii left Ttiaiidny on a trip to Hlatehluy and to Marelilleld. It, 0. Muklnson of camp Croek was In town oil business Wednesday. Mrs. l II. Thus who has been vory 111 Is roportod vory low. F. W. Walker, Is In Portland on busi ness. Water wings at I eery 's , Harry Hush lit Wlnborry transacted business bore Tuesday, Elmer Cox, youngest sou of Mrs. Hon Cox, lu suffering with rheuma tism , W. L. Dunlap Is now working In tho Knox grocery. Mrs. J. A. Ooduiun, nnd Mr. anil Mr, a T. Wilson visited at tho J U. Coil man borne in Dexter, Wednesday. Mrs. Luclnu ItlebnnlBou went to Corvallls Wednosduy lo visit with her daughter, Mrs. II. Armltago. Mrs. V. Williams Is spending tho wook In Kugonu with bur sister, Mrs. 0. S. Holler. Wluchestur ammunition, llrosslor & Son . """Mr. and Mrs. Jim Howard of June, tlou City wore In town ou business on Tuesduy J. A. Crnbtree retumod from tho logging camp at Wenallng to spend a few daya at bis home in Camp Creek. Uruco Umsbery who Is being treat ed for rhoumatlsm at the Kugeiio liou- pliai is improving siowij. w. Mr. and Mrs. U K. Durrln returned iroitl tllOir irip lO UICIIUIOUU, wail- TW..I..V ,.,.!,. fornla, 1 uesda) opening. Mr. and Mrs. Claud Nott returned . the llrst.o the week from a trip to 1U..., ' n . i r-m -Mr. anil JVirs. u. t, uson nnu mm- Til WV I L ily from Fischer's Camp are spending wrnK nt tho water tank In the local a few weeks with Mrs. J. A. Godmnn. j ynr(8. Keep tho llles oft the cows with "Fly qu 0b, ci0anors and greaso, Urea Bouncer" 75c a gallon at Peory's. j Bler & Son. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Moore and Thernn ' The gravel trains are not working Cogll returned Tuesday nftor sovoral today on nccnunt or tho excursions to months In Eastern Oregon. Mnrshflcld. One crow of men are help- Mrs. Alice Ilolcomh left today for , Ing on tho log train nnd tho other Murshfleld to visit her sou Sam Hoi-1 crews are working with tho excursion comb. ! trnlns. A. J. Parkins and daughter, Theda, nd Ilrattnln roturnod from Portland Camion Hnrwood, and Vera Perkins i Tuesday evening after disposing of a returned from Newport Tuesday. Tear load of cattlo that ho had purchas Mrs. D. Crouch left Wodnosdny for'ed near Mapleton. Mr. Brattaln ro- Yoncolla whoro she will visit her . mother, Mrs. Applegato. Qcorgo Settle went to Lebanon Wed nesday having recolved word of tho death of his brotiior's wifo, Capt, and Mrs. C. U. Winn nnd son, Curtis, spent Wodnosdny evening with tho Holbrook family. Tho boat mens' shoos at Wolf & Miller's. Mrs. R. II. Mlllor will louvo tho lat ter part of this weok for Newport to spend a fow days. Mrs. Jim Fox of west of Eugont spent Wodnosdny at tho Ceo. Ditto homo In this city. Miss 0 race Sldwell who 1ms boon at Cohurg for tho past two months ro turnod homo for a couplo of days last night . Mrs .Kolla Cantroll nnd children moved from Emerald Heights to B street between Sixth und Seventh . You can buy your feed cheapor at tho Springfield Food company's wnro houso. No rent, no druyago, no de livery. Tho saving is yours. Inves tigate. Mrs. L. Crow who was suhmlttod to an oporatlon at- tho local hospital -Sunday morning Is doing nlcoly. Tho small sou of O, C. Thurmnn ha an oporatlon for abscess of tho necli yesterday. Dr. and Mrs. W. C. Itobhan nnd daughter ,Constanco, and Mr. nnd Mrs. A. M. Doaver enjoyed a plcnlo supper by tho rlvor TuoBday evening. Miss Alice Holcomb of Albany ar rived Wodnosday to spend a tew days at tho homo of hor uncle, J. C. Hol brook. J. P, Fry recolved a toiegram Wed- , $ 200 LOTS FOR $ 75 Ifof tho'rtot SO days wo offer you your choice of any lots uiisolodtetl in Central Addition to Springfield for $75.00 pay us 10 per cent down and wo will give you plenty of timo on the ibulanco and mako tho payments easy Tho numbers offered nt this price is limited this we know Is tho biggest bargain oyer offered In Springfield. Look thorn over and remember tho stjlo lasts 30 days and, no longer. E. E. Kepnor, D. W. Roof, tyl. Nl. Peery, A. C. Barbour, Route 2, Eugene, (Residence Springfield Junction.) LINE PHONE 31 AND SUPPLIES iwsday stating thnt his Hon Lloyd wan seriously III In Orluttt, South Dakota UCtr an oporatlon for nppondlcllls. Minn NYmHh Hiirfln Miss Fracls Hurt'lott will leava tho (Irat or noxt wool; to visit with friends at Kali Crook uud Natron. She will he gone several days. Mm. llert Williams, of Eugono ,wlio Han hon acting as-temporary stenogra pher for tho Oregon I'owor company In lntllsioad with a had cold. jfVum I11' 1,tmlon of I,ra,n' U- U- 1Ja,lttrd of &Mlller. tho s j, Co j, 0 crnnor. of A"fin. A tennis team from Wondllng will,, . . . ., . , ,,, , , ... ,, , land, It. J. .Menus, 01 Aoniana .wlllard WilM the 8. P. Co, C M Perkins, of 14M 11 Ik 4 I II I TUN UVI ttllilUJ f iihiviii Poory. and Krnnk Olhhs, Sunday. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. 10 .Barnard left to day for a trip to Murshflold, Mr. Ilnniard Ih taking his vacation from tho Oregon I'owor plant. W. L. McCulloch, chief engineer a thu Oregon I'owor plant left thin mon. Ing for Dalian where hu will Inspoc thq power plant. , Mrs. Oscar Shear and children of Crow left IIiIh morning after visiting several days with Mrs. Emery Itlchard-. son . , . ; Mrs. Price's canning at Peory's Drug Storo. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Smith of I'orU laud uro Btuyiug at tho home of Mrs. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mnr lock during tlio latter's absence through harvest. J. W, Chandler Inspector for the Southern Pacific -and 'Wlllametto Pn- I clflc companies at Albany enmo to tho local yards today to iifspcct the boil ers of tho engines ho re. A. C .Travis and wifo nnd Arthur I Wing and wifo of La Porto, Indiana, .vI1, KO to hutcherv tomorrow for f(JW )ayB Mr Wng want(j l0 .... hl. ,.,, nt PI,.c,lnc Ornirrm trout ". . 1 nIlt, Bnimon. JoIm oIoctrIc.a foP ,hn 1 SolIthorn Pcflc company at Portland camo to Springfield Tuesday In answer (0 ..mfoty first call" to InBitect tho turned Wodnosdny to his family who aro camping at Mapleton, Tho crow that bus been replacing tho brlckB along tho trolley tracks with plank on Main street havo com pleted their work from tho enst end of tho car lino to Soventh street. Tho work Is progressing rapidly and will. ho finished nl a couple of weeks. For tho host up-to-dato shoo repair ing, try Hall tho Shoo Doctor. Fifth and Main stroots, Thoso registered nt tho Springfield hotol Monday .Tuesday and Wednes day woro: Earl Qrout of Eugene, W. Wolkoo of San Francisco, Mrs. Grout, Mr. and Mrs, N. J. Hayes of Corvallls, S. Ward of Portland, Wllllo Henderson of Cottage Qrovo, Mtb, Arthur Orlntly and family of Skamokawa, Washing ton, W .11, Pendoll of Vldn, J. Bock of Vlda, L. L. Morris of Brownsville ,and Luwls Josophsou of Vida, Paul Scott nccldontly camo in close contact with a piece of iron at his homo on Eust Maui streot at 7:30 last evening and had a piece of his upper lip taken out. A local physician fixed him up and ho Is alright now except for n little stiffness in tho location of the wound. Mr .und Mra. Frank Whltnker and Lee Iloblnson of Independence visit ed with Mrs, It. II. Knox Tuesday on tholr return from Belknap Springs, Mr. Whltnker Is an old frlond nnd for merly worked lu tho Knox store at Indoponjdonco. Eloctrlc shoo repairing. Wolf & Mlllor. Miss Margaret Qosslor loft for Bel. llngham, Washington Tuesday. Thoso, attending hor to tho train wero: Mr. land Mrs. Phil' Gassier, MIhhok Mary West and World Lybargor, Joa Cramcl, 7'iMark Jorios, Ralph Dristo, Chester Elnpass, ntid Hobart Kccny. Tlio W. C .T. U. will meet at tho liomo of Mm. J. II. Camboli, corner of Tenth, and H streets, Friday afternoon at two o'clock. Thero will he election of ollicoro pirnl mumhurH are asked to bring their reports. , Gloves, overalls, shirts and pox at Woff & Mlllor's. Mrs. N. W. Emory and William Pdb lard returned on tho train Wodnori day morning from a camping trip near OakridKo. Tho rent of tho party: Dr and Mrs, W. H. I'oiiard and daughter Jowel, Mrs. J. Hainan and daughter, Naomi of Portland, and Dr. N. W. I Emory roturtied In an automobile Do you wish to become well? If so cull on Dr. Murphy, a drugloss healer, 8G9 Main street. Thoso crglstercd at tho Elite hotel Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday wore: W. A. Leonurd of tho B, P. Co. Mrs. Doano and family of Jasper, E. Portland, J. It. Daker of Portland, IU It Koolen of San Francisco, M. A. Markt of Seattle, 0. E, Oroeg of Seattle, h. s M. Newbury of Corvullls, and F. A. Franklin of Corvallls. Do you wish to become well? If so cull on Dr. Murphy, a drugless healer, 36 Main street. Mrj. A. McPlierson who Is recover ing from a recent oporutlon, will bo ublo to lcavo tho local hospital in a ( f,4iv ,lnv Jr H Q Vfln VftIzall wh(j ,mB be(m seriously III at his homo on Second and A streets for the past weok is no better' today. No word baa been re ceived .from the two sons. Dob nnd GoraliV, .whp are camping 22 miles above Oakridgo and parties were sent Mondny from Onkrfdge to bring thorn home. It Is also impossible to send woru to the eldest son, Dr. Laurie Van Vnlsah, who Is ou Ills way from Panama to tho United States, until hu readies his destination. True economy is what wo save In the long run. Tho wise mail feeds his colt to mako It grow. He pastures his cow to get a good flow of milk and pnlnta his house to make It last. It-coutn 1 . ... very nine more now 10 panu a House Probablv not "'f" '. L0'. f."ot your homo beautiful with the best paint on tho markot-Phconlx Pure moru man t.uu on an average, iuuito Paint. Guaranteed, brook. Sold by J. C. Hoi- CEDAR FLAT August, 21, Hop picking began on Tuesday at tho Easton yard. Mr. Lane Morris left for a short stay In Albany Mondny. Kntheryn ZnCher left Saturday for her homo In Eugene after a short visit with friends here. Kate Irvln of Eugene spent Sunday with Eva Hart. ' Dick Easton, Jr. who hns been work ing at Mabel returned Friday. May Gutherie spent Mondny with Erdlne Cnrnthers at Davis. Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Baker are visit ing relatives at Dexter. Mr. John Herndon who has been In Washington for the past two months camo homo Saturday . Mrs. T. C. Gutherie' spent Sunday with Mrs. G. T. Plnkston. Mr. nnd Mrs. T Williams spent Sun day at Waltcrvlllo. Mr. Goorgo Easton visited Marion Comthers Sunday. Mr. W. M. Cooloy. Mr. and Mrs. John Cooloy, Mrs. A. Huchlns nnd son, Hornco woro Eugeno callers Satur day. Jas. Hart and son wero In town Sat urday. Mr. Walter and Claud Lewis left for Washington Tuesday. Miss Madge Hambol spent Saturday nnd Sunday with Mrs. God. Williams. Mrs. Guthorio spent Tuesday after noon with Mrs. Jas. Hart, Card of Thanks Wo desire to express our lienrty thanks and appreciation to the many frlonds who minlBtered with such dovo tlon during tho Illness and death of our beloved husband nnd fnthor; also for. tho beautiful floral tributes and other expressions of sympathy and love. MRS. E, C. WIGMOKE IIAUQLD W10MOUE LA GRANDE WIGMOnH FB.ONA WIGMOUB A. J. WIGMOUB A. WIQMOItB ,; FLORENCE KNOWLES MR. AND MRS. G. W. B1TTINGEU. CAMP crT-ek 'Camp Creek, Aug. 22. The Itov. Glllot preached his farowol! sermon hero Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. MnstorBon and daugh ters, Clnra, Dorothy and Inza Crabtreo motored to Junction City Sunday after noon. M ti.lfl Afva 1M CtM.t.l .....I .M.. -.... .v. ,.n, , t kJlll'UU UIIU luuiuy spent" tho week-end with rolatlvds hero. Marlon Chnso is hauling cord wood to Eugeno. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jack ani fam ily attended church nt the Unner Camp Greek school houso on Sunday attonioon. Poultry Raisers Have Exhibit (Continued from Pago One) In a largo, well-lighted building located in such a poeltlon that at least DO pet cent of the entire attendance, will view tills free exhibition. Den Y. Keono the well known Judge, will placo a awarin on poultry at this show. "There will bo no poultry show hold tlilmyonr on th Pacific coast that ot fors better opportunltlpg for tho hred or and exhibitor from a ntnndpolnt of soiling value, and every assistance will j be given the exhibitor to gain tlifc ....... . "Tho Lane County Poultry assocla Hon Bollclts your co-oporatlon In m Ing this show tho one 'Mg show of tlf; west and at the same time assures yo of fair and honest treatment" CAS FITTER IS OVERCOME William Smith Plucklly Stays on Job' Until Overcome ' William Smith, gas fitter, from Eu- gond while working on tlio gas main op Ninth and C strcots Wednesday after noon was nearly suffocated with gar ;IIo stopped work twice thinking h could work tho effect of tho gas pas I Ing into his system but tho third time he attempted to work ho was ovorcomo .and a fellow workman took him Into tho I. May's residence. A doctor urn nurso wore sent for and the man wa brought out from under tho Influent of tho gas in about two hours. Mr Smith will not be able to work fo 1 several days. Investigation Is Held rt:e Eugene Electric Railway com pany is holding an Investigation 1 Springfield this afternoon .to ascer tain the cause of the street car acci dent that happened at the east eno of tho river bridge last -week. One day last week tho work cars were com Ing off the bridge toward Sprlngfleh nnd one of theregulnr cars was fol lowing it Tho street car was unable lo slow down enough on tho down grade off the bridge to keep from running 1 to tho work car. A collision cousc qoiuo damage to the car and it had to be taken off the run for repairs. THURSTON ITEMS Thurston, Aug. 22. Mr. Stanloj Gray lost a valuable curr last week. A ' heavy hail storm hit this placo last Thursday, it did but very little damage, however. Miss Florence Piatt of Eugene ic visiting at this place . Wllla Eomiston spent ,the day with Beatrice and Winnie Morris in Eu gene Saturday. Miss Maud Lewis of Corvallls Is spending her vacation with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Piatt of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Gray had a very pleasant visit wjth Mr .and Mrs. Hiram Miller and daughter, Margaret, at Land last week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Edmiston and daughters returned home Friday from a visit with Mr. and aire. Heston Rhodes and family at DeXter. Mr. and Mrs. George Messer, son, Scotty, and Hattle Lowe left Mon day for Waltervllle where they will camp and pick early hops. Mrs. O. A. McMahan, Mrs. J. Bertsch Mrs. Homer Fhetteplace, Miss Eliza beth McMahan nnd Verna Phetteplace visited at the O'Rourko home at Davis Friday. MARCOLA PERSONALS Mnrcola, Aug. 22. H. M. Anderson motored to Springfield Saturday. Mrs. Elizabeth Workman has re turned from Mabel where she has been visiting for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Anderson and sons, Charles and Clarence, and Mr. and Mrs. II. Gregerson motored to Cohurg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F, W. Titus and fam-1 ily motored to Hnrrisburg Sunday. j Mrs. II. M. Anderson and daughters, j Lilly and Elsie returned from Foley! Springs Saturday where they have I been spending the week, Mr. F. E. Maple took a bunch of boys to Blue River Sunday to spend the day. The boys wero George and Otto Chap man, Ronald and Sherman Maple and Leonard Brlggs. Mr, S. G. Splser of this town has piircha8ired a new Ford car. Amy Carson is visiting hor brother Merle Cobb of Marcolo. Wm. Chapman and Thos. Dlckerson drove to Wondllng Sunday, On a busi ness trip. Tho Marcolu school houso Is receiv ing a now coat of white paint, when finished will make a great- Improve ment on the building. Thos. D. Hanson was In Eugene last Saturday on a business trip., R. Garrison has also purchased a now Ford car. Martha Andreas went to Eugene Monday morning on the train, She Intends to spend tho week there. N. A. Baker and I. A, O'Reilly were In Marcola Monday. Mnrlo Dlckort, Eva Titus, Gladys Ross and Lottlo McMurry "hiked" ovor tho trail by Wondllng to Camp Ton, last wook. A box social was held Wednesday evening at tlio school yard, Tho pro ceeds wont to benefit tho Marcala Public reading room , ( TMI 600P UUOae HtWS STWKWCHT9 Of fACT BWlttH OTAJjwa. ) -Jl TMIMK,"W'B COt 13 1 I THE K3T TOBACCO mL I TMTS ttCMJUIHCf) TMtWOtB,BOTSOHt LfTAKt A BI4 CHtW. K l I rtUX)W3 TmMK n TOOl THtV 010 or omeiKAftyl I atftOMg ) J '1 TOBACCO. W- 18 0OAUT y; "OLJ'LL find some when you get to using W-B CUT Chewing. A little bit hides away in your cheek unnoticed and gives two-for-onc more satisfaction than a wad of ordi nary stuff. Men get to calling it the gentleman's chcv became it don't disfigure the face and cuU down rfrtadinif and tpitti. f. A 10c pouch laiti twice at long a a dim's wortlot ordinary cht. if. Give W-B CUT the quality tett. Ihia fc7 WEYMAN-BXUT0N COMPANY, 50 IMoa &), Kev Yk Ctj ' The'Charra of NORTH BEACH j ; tJ?-j --"- ' ' lies in it3 easy simplicity and quaint ;' A 2S?v" bomcline33. Regular North Beach u f WBClCT "N. visitors are those who appreciate and s MpvOv A enjoy the resifulnerfi of natural L jjLgVgs life down-by-the-sea. I, J? North Beach QUEEN OF PACIFIC COAST RESORTS is easily and pleasantly reached by a short trip from Portland on one of the O-W. R. R. & N. Steamers, "T. J. PoTTEa," "Eassalo," "Harvest Queen" Season Round Trip fA ff Week (JO flH from Portland 44kUU End tpO.UU Ask Local S. P. Agent for Fares, or write the General Passenger Agent, O - W. R. R. & N. '"PORTLAND for Free Folder and Other Information Fred Bressler returned from Port land Wednesday. We are equipped to reclean CLOVER and VETCH seed thls fall and will buj all the seed you have to sell. Spring .ield ieed company. VVALTERVILLE PERSONALS Walterville, Aug. 23. Mrs. Kenner and daughter of Iowa are here visit ing tho former's sister, Mrs.'Devcr. Born, Saturday August, 19, 1916 to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smeed, a son weighing ten pounds . Mr, Johnson anfl family started for Uieir home at Fresno, California . Mon day morning after an extended visit at the Morse's home. Miss Gilma Kaldor of Deerhorn spent Sunday with Miss Malena Momb. Miss La Vera Lamb of Goshen is here visiting Miss Cora, Devor and they are both engaged in picking hops at Easton's. Miss Vera Dorflinger returned to her home at Eugene Monday. Mr. M. Momb threshed for Mr. Will Smeed Wednesday. There are many people from Wal tervllle picking hops at the Easton yard. Classified Ads For Sale, Rent, Wanted, Etc. Will tho person who took two bank books and a deed .from my coat pocket at Kompp's Livery barn on Saturday night Please mall them to box 245, Springfield and avoid trouble Ed. Dompler. WANTED : By young experienced farmer steady position &b a dairy farm. Box 47, Routo 2, Eugeno. WATTBEcperlenced girl for gen aral house work.' Apply to 710 C street, Springfield. t2. LOST -Pink cameo ring with silver band at picnic Tuesday. Return to Nows office , FOR SALE: Good wagon, harness and hayrack, L. M. Cagloy; HERBERT ..E. WALKER rJOTARY PUBLIC Offlc fn City Hall, Bprlngflelcl, Ore. D. Wi ROOF, JEWELER SPRINGFIELD, OREGON FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY TMV 9TH MM Any MAM CAN PROVE tT.WITH AtMAJXCHtW thinrfs out about real tobacco ,mwnT, of NORTH BEACH lies in ite easy simplicity and quaint bomcline33. Regular North Beach visitors are those who appreciate and enjoy the resifulnerfi of natural down-by-tue-sea. CAREFUL, CONSCIENTIOUS Dentistry DR. J. E. RICHMOND ? PHONES Office, 3; Residence, 116-J' Over Commercial Bank, Springfield, Oregon See Edwards & Br attain For Farm and City Property Exchanges a Specialty Springfield - Oregon Phone 30 Pacific Conservatory of Music 731 Willamette Street EUGENE OREGON VIOLIN INSTRUCTION VOICE VIOLA ON ALL PIANO CELLO WIND HARMONY BASS INSTRUMENTS THEORY The School of Music where all the Legitimate Instruments and Musical Studies are Instructed. Ellsworth Crocker, President, Mrs. Ellsworth Crocker,-Sec and Treas. PIANO TUNING Attended to Promptly Springfield and Vicinity orders at the News Office S. E. STEVENS Dr. ADALINE KEENEY FERRIS Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Office, Baptist Parsonage Corner Second and C "Streets HOURS: ? TO 12. PHONE 40 W. F. WALKER UNDERTAKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Office Phone 62; Residence 87-J West Main St Amblers Drictng Academy Eugene 'Phone 345 Learn to danco before fall season opens. Three, classes weekly. Children's fancy dancing, Saturdays 2 p, m. Rates, Reasonable China Painting To all who will take a term, of 12 lessons I will give TWO LESSONS FREE The two free lessons will give you a piece of chtaa ready for the first fire. Now is n good ftme to begin to prepare for Xmas, Orders solicited, 336 A street MRS. M. D, PALMER 1