The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 21, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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' 21, 1918.
i m i
i :
New Document Provide fop ReA-
esslng Property for Sewer
RESOLVfeOUiaUio Common Coun
dl ot tho ToWn.oprtngflold, Oregon,
does hereby pposo an nmoudment to
the Town Charter ot the Bald Town to
be known as Soctlons 145 nnd 118, pro
Tiding tor the re-assessment of tho
eost ot improvement ot any street or
alloy, or for tho construction of any
noyrer. In castytho or'glnal assessment
is xold for any reason.
The proposed amendment being as j assessment tho Council shall declara
or parcel ot land affected by such re
assessment, or to his agent, If tho ail
dress of such owner or agont Is known
to tho Recorder, and if not so known
then such notico shall be directed to
such owner or agent at Springfield
Oregon, nil to bo dona at least twenty
days before tho timo fixed to make
such reaascssmnoL Provided, , that
tho two weeks publication retorrod to
may bo had within nnd during said
twonty days. At tho time appointed
thorefor, or such other time as the
Council may adjourn to, tho Council
shall proceed to make such reassess
mcnt InUho manner described. Tho
Council ha making such reassessment,
shall givo an opportunity to any prop
crty owner whoso property may be nf
fectcd thereby to appear In person or
by counsel nnd bo heard In reference
thereto. Aftor having mado such ro-
To amend tho Charter of tho Town
of Springfiold, Oregon, being an Act
entitled "An act to Incorporate tho
Town of Springfield and to repeal all
acts and parts ot act relating to tho
corporation ot tho Town of Spring
field aud all acts, amendatory thereof."
tho samo by ordlnanco and tho sanio
shall bo a final determination ot tho
regularity, validity and correctness ot
tho reassessment, except as heroin
otherwise provided, and subject to tho
right of appeal. Such reassessment,
shall bo entered in the Docket pt
Town Liens and shall bo enforced
and collected In ltko manner as or-
Filed in tho office ot tho Secro- dinary assessments for local lmprove-
tery of State oa tho 10th day otjmonts arc enforced and collected
February, 1893. by adding to said Act under ' this charter. All sums
Sections 145 and 14S. authorizing and I mid on necount of anv former assess
providing for the re-assessment of tho 1 mont for such improvement shall bo
tost of improvement of any street or credited to the proporty on account of
alley, or for the construction ot any which the samo was paid ns of tho date
pewer. In caoe tho original assessment of such paytuenL
Is void for any reason. I Section 146. Any person who has
The -Town of Springneld-does ordain med objections to such now assess
as follows: j ment or reassessment which have not
Be it euacted by tho people of tho been satisfied by the action of tho
Town of Springfield: j Council in said mattor may appeal to
Sectionl. That tho Charter of the ' the Circuit Court of tho State of Oro
Tqwn of Sprjngfleld, being an act en- j gon for the County of Lane from the
Sjtled "An Apt to incorporate the ; assessment against any property own
vTown of Springfield and to repeal all j ed by him, or In which he has an in
scttf and parts ot acts relating to tho terest An Appeal shall be taken by
corporation pt .the Town of Spring-1 serving notice- of appeal within twenty
eld and all acts amendatory there-! days from tho passago of the ordi
ot" Filed Ma: tfiefv-offlca cf the' Sec 1 nancd adopting the assessment or re
retary of Stateon-the'-iOth -day-of; assessment, upon tho Mayor or Re
February, 1893, be amended by adding corder, and filing tho same, with tho
two new sections known as sections ' proof of service, together with an un
145 and 14S as follows: j dertaking with ono or more sureties,
Section 145. Whenever an assess-J who shall have the qualifications of
ment for the grading, graveling, pav- sureties on bail, and If excepted to
ing or otlierwiso improving any street 1 shall Justify in the samo manner, Con
or alley, or for the construction, recon-, ditioned that such appeallant will pay
Btruction or ropair of any sewer or I all costs and disbursements that may
sidewalk, or for any local improve-' be awarded against him on appeal,
ment which has been, or may hereafter not exceeding five hundred dollars.
be made by the Town, has been or Such bond and notico ot appeal shall
shall hereafter be set aside, annulled be filed within twenty days from the
and rendered void, and its enforcement servico of cuch notice In the office of
refused or enjoined by any Court of the Clerk of said Circuit Court, to
this State or Federal Court having ( gether with a copy o ftho reassessment
Jurisdiction therein, whether directly , so far as the same affects the property
or by virtue of any decision of such of the appellant. Any number of per
court, or when the Council shall be in sons may Join in such appeal, and the
doubt as to tho validity of such assess- only question to be detirmined therein
ment or any rart thereof, the Com- shall be the amount of special benefits
mon Council may, by Ordinance make equitably to be assessed against the
a new assessment or reassessment property of each person Joining In said
upon the lots, blocks, or parcels of appeal. The Jury shall view the prop
land which h,.-e been benefitted by erty assessed, and its verdict shall be
such improvement to the extent of final and conclusive-determination of
their respecTT e and proportionate the question. On such appeal the fact
share of the full value thereof! Such that one called as a Juror is a tax-
rearsessment rhall be based upon the payer of the Town of Sprlngleld shall
orig-nal benefi'i; of such improvement not disqualify him from acting as such
to the resrecive parcels of land ( Juror. The Town shall be considered
ass?"0'l at tin time of its original ' the plaintiff and such appeal shall be
making, but chall not exceed the conducted and bo heard and detlrmin
amount of 3uch original assessment, ed as far as practicable in the same
, Interest thereon from the date of the manner as an action at law.
delinquency of the original assessment If the amount assessed by tho Jury
may bo added at the discretion of the ' against any appellant be not less than
Council. , ; that fixed in tho assessment appealed
Such reasoeso-ient shall be made In fromi the Judgment, In addition to de
an equitable niai ner as nearly as may ' daring the assessment found, shall be
be in accordinc with the law In force entored against such appellant and his
at the time it i. made. But the Coun- j sureties for his proportion of the costs
cil may adopt a different plan of ap-! of such appeal, to be detirmined by
portlcnaient of benefits when In its i the Court, The samo fees and costs
Judgment it 13 essential to do so to i shall be taxed and nald imnn
secure an equitable assessment. The ' appeal as are allowed In other actions I antl was approved uv 1110 Mayor of
proceeding rer ired Dy the Charter I , , ' said Town on said date, and that such
of the Town of Springfield to be had ' Mae "arbert of Thurston spent Sat- assessment was entered In the Docket
Prior to making of the original, (" In Springfield visiting friends T.rmnTayVian iS
, ment shall not Lc required to be taken 1 anu ln shopping. tnat tne Ba(d balance, and the whole
or. had within the Intent of this act. ' E- K" ftdBers, a member of the j thereof with Interest thereon from tho
Such reassessment shall hR mniin nn.i I Rodgers wholesale tea and coffee ! "th day or January. iuiu is now uue,
shall become a tharge upon the prop-1 houBe of Tacoma, visited at the S. H.'
-ertupon which the same is laid, not-' Baker home Friday, Mr. Itodgers is
withstanding the omission, failure or , an 0,(1 friend of the family.
neglect of any officer body or persona '
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Lane County
II .L. Studloy, Plaintiff,
Sarah 11 Patterson, tho unknown
heirs ot Sarah E. l'attorson, and all
persons uuknown, It any, having or
claiming on Interest or estate In and
to tho hereinafter doscrlhed roal
proporty, dofondants.
To Sarah K. Pattorson, tho unknown
holrs ot Sarah li Patterson, nnd all
persons unknown ,lf any, having or
claiming nu Interest or estate In and to
tho hereinafter duscrlbod real prop
erty, the nbovo named dofondants.
OREGON: You nro heroby notified
that II .L. Studloy tho holdor ot Cur
tlflcato ot Delinquency numbered 1239
Issued on the 7th day ot October. 1913,
by tho Tax Colloctor of tho County of
Lano, stnto or Oregon, for thu amount
ot JS.59, the same being tho amount
then duo and delinquent for taxes for
thu year 1912, togothor with penalty
Interest and costs thereon upon tho
real property assessed to you, of which
you uro tho owner ns appears of roc
ord, situated ln said County and State,
nnd particularly bouudod and doserlb
ed ns follows, to wit:
N. E. U of tho N. WV.U of Soctlon
10 Twp. 19, S. or Rangd 4 V. of tho
W. M. In Lano County, Statu ot Ore
You nro further notified that said
II. L. Studloy has paid taxes on said
premises for prior or subsequent years,
with tho rato of interest on said
amounts as follows:
On March 21, 1914, tho sum of $11.02
for taxes of tho year 1913.
On March 31, 1915, tho sum ot J7.3S
for taxes of tho year 1914.
On April 5, 1916, the sum ot $7.96 for
taxes of the year 1915.
All of snld amounts boar interest
from dato of payment, at the rate ot
15 por cent per annum.
Said unknown heirs ot Sarah
E. Patterson, deceased, ns the owner
of the legal tltlo ot the abovo de
scribed proporty as the samo appears
or record, and each of tho other per
sons abovo named ara heroby turthor
notified that II. U Studloy will apply
to tho Circuit Court of tho County nnd
btato aroresaid for a decree foreclos
lng the lien against the property abovo
uescriDca, and mentioned la said Cor
Uficate: And you ara heroby summon'
ed to appear within sixty days after
tho first publication of this summons
excluslvo ot the day of said first pub
llcatlon, and defend this action or pay
the amount due as abovo shown, to
gether with costs and accrued Interest,
and In case of your failure to do bo. a
decree will be rendered foreclosing the
lien or said taxes and costs against
the land and premises abovo named.
This summons is published by order
ot tne Honorable Q. F. Sklpworth,
Judge of the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon tor the County of Lano and
said order was made and dated the
12th day of August, 1916, and the dato
or tho first publication or this sum
mons is the 14th day of August, 1916.
All process and papers in this pro
ceeding may be served upon the under
signed residing within the State of Ore
gon at tho address hereinafter men
tioned. L. M. TRAVIS.
Attorney for Plaintiff
Address, Eugene, Oregon.
Aug.14,21,28, Sept.4,11,18,25, Oct2,9.16
Uniting Loarnino nnd Labor
In Us Six School Rnl I'ortveluht Ur-
! partmenti 1 engaged In the Rtmt work
NOTICE Is hereby given that by
virtue of a warrant issued to me by the
Town Recorder of tho Town of Spring
field, Oregon, and commanding me to
levy upon and to sell, as upon execu
tion, the lots 1, 2 and 3 In block 3 of
tho Extended Survey ot the Town of
Springfield, Oregon, to make and to
pay the sum of $108.00 being the bal
ance of an assessment against said
property, with Interest thereon at tho
rate of six per cent per annum from
the 19th day of January, 1910, for tho
cost of constructing a sewer In tho
alley between North "A" stroet nnd
North "C Btreet from Mill street
east to 9th street in said town; that
there was assessed and lovlcd against
said property tho sum ot $120.00 and
(hot there has been paid thereon tho
sum of $12.00 that such assessment
was so made and levied by Ordinance
No. 139, passed by the Common Coun
cil on the 18th day of December, 1909,
Notico is heroby given that by vlr,
tuo of an Execution and Ortlor ot Snlo
Issuud out of tho Circuit Court of tho
Statu of Oregon for Lano County on
tho lCltt day ot August lQIG.upon n Judg
ment rendered ln said Court for said'
County on thu ICth day ot August, 1010
In ii h nmltr.,, imIiaw.Hi. Ill In.lM ,
V. rone rTyA ' of uniting Learning mYMr.
tho Dofondants Josso A. Pholps, 11. 1 Ferty-eigMh School Year Opts
J. Pholps, W. M. Castorllno nnd II. E. ' SPPTFMRFP. I R I H I R
Tabor for tho sum of Flvo Hundred I OCricmocil 10, IJIU.
Flvo and C8-100 ($505.58) Dollars lth I Degree Counoi requiring a four-ytr
Interest thoroon nt tho rato of 8 por "'K" school j)rcMrtlon, urc ollcred In
cent por annum from tho fifteenth dny I ,,,c following
ot August 1910, nnd tho further aumi AOKlCULTURlt, 16 Department;
of Twonty eight and 90-100 ($28.90) auiJiKKCK, t wentmmenu,
Dollars costs, which Judgment wnn on
rolled and docketed In tho Clerk's
office ot snld Court on tho 15th day ot
August 191G, and said Execution to mo
directed commanding mo In tho name
of tho Statu of Oregon that In order
to satisfy said Judgment, costs and
accruing costs to sell tho following
described real proporty, being tho
proporty attached In said action, vie;
Tho South throo (3) acres of tho
East halt of tho North half of thu
Southwest quarter of tho Northeast
quarter of Section 17 In Township 19
S. It. .1 West ot W. M .In Lnuo County
Also tho North hnlf ot Lot 7 Lots S
and 9. nnd North halt ot Lot 10 Block
2, In Mnploton, Lano County, Oregou. ,
Also tho Southeast quurtor of Sec-j
tlon 3G, Township 16, South Ilango 10 j
1UUUNO, tl Dcpnrtmentds MINKS, 3
Deportments: I'UUKSTKY. - Depart
tnrnt. IIOMU HCONOMlCS. 4 Depart
ments; nnd PHARMACY.
Vocational Course requiring an
Highlit Grade prciirnllou for entrance
arc offered In Agriculture. Dairying,
Commerce, Forestry, Home Mnkcri, and
Mechanic Arts. Phnrmncy with a two
year high fchool entrance requirement.
SCHOOL OP MUSia-Plano, Siring,
Ilniul nnd Voice Culture.
Ctnloi;ue nnd Wmilllul illutrntrl
booklet free.
AlldlCM Tint RKOtHTHAn,
I w-7-IJ IO toV'7'lv) COHVA1.I.IH, UKKOtN
Pacific Conaorvatory of Music
731 Willamette 8treet
School of Music whero all the
W n n.,n r,n. ...... .
Now, thuroforo. In tho nnmo of tho v'", ,
Stato of Oregon, nnd In compllanco IOLA
with said Execution and Order of sale, (CELLO
I will on Saturday tho 23rd day of' UASS
nf 9 nVlnrk it. m. nnil i VnrV i m 11 u
to-wlt at ono o'clock p. m. on said day legitimate Instruments nnd Musical
nt tho Southwest door of tho County hiuuiob nro instructed.
Courthouse, ot Euronn. I-nnn f!ountv. ' t?n ,.
" ----- - "----- ,-, ., "I ciiBwurm brocner, rreaiacni,
Oregon, offer for snlo at public auction,1.. P k r,., . ,. ......
for ensh. subjoct to redemption, nil .-w,".., """"
tho right, tltlo, and Interest of hn !
abovo named Defendants and onch "f ,
them In and to tho abovo described.
real property. j
Sheriff of Lano County Oregon
Uy D. A .Elklns. Deputy.
Aug. 21, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 18.
In the Matter of the Estate of William
J. Kinney, Deceased '
Notico Is hereby given that by an '
order of tho County Court of Lane
County, Oregon, Corn M. Drew, has
Ambloro Dancing Acadomy
Eugene Phone 345
Learn to danco boforo fall season
opeua. Three clnnscs wockly.
Children's fancy danr'ng, Stturdnya
2 p. in. Itti-H Jtou8oua!'o
"p?1? BP?m. Al"'8lntrlx of omc, phon, 62; hWd.nce 67-J
MW tutu V v IlllUtil f i 1VIUMV I U V f
ceased, and all persons having claims 1
against said estate, are hereby, by said
administratrix notified to prosont thot
samo, duly verified, within six months
from this dato at tho Law Offices of i
Swafford and McGlnnls, Sulto 312, C.
& W. Uullding, Eugene, Lano County,
Oregon. S
Dated July 19th, 1916.
Swafford and McGlnnls. Attorneys.
July 24, 31, Aug 7, 14. 21.
Read tho News Classified ads.
West Main St.
, PHONES Office, 3; Residence, 116-J
Over Commercial Bank,
J Springfield, Oregon.
Thru tho Inland Kmplro
Ornnd Canyon of Coltimlilii
American Wonderlands
ainclor nnd Yollowstouo Parks
Round Trips nt Ixjw Fnros Dally
until Kept. 30 via Thu North
Dank Road. Htopover whoro
you like.
North Bank Rail and
26 Hours Sail
on tho ships nf DuLuxo Survlco,
S. H. Norlhorn Pacific nnd
Orent Northern for
San Francisco RTru,;d $32,
From any Oregon Electric Hall
way point
Ticket Includes meals and burth.
This route huvc time nnd
money nnd Is u delight
ful trip.
Sept, 2-1 to Oct. 0
From Middle West to Wllluiuetto
I sell prepaid tickets.
II. R .KNIGHT, Agont
Eugene, Oregon
Springfield Garage
H. SANDCATHE Propriotot"
Kcimlring a Specialty " '
Mala, bcL Fourth and Fifth. Phono
O. R. Gullion, M. D.
Practice Limited tl
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Graduuto Nurse Attending
306, White Temple, Eugene.
Edwards & Br at tarn
For Farm and City Property
Exchanges a Specialty
Springfield - Oregon
Phone 30 -'1
In the Matter of the Estate of Ell
Perkins, Deceased
Notice is hereby given that by an
order of the County Court of Lann
withctanding the proceedings ot tho u.y TOntrtVdmffl
Council or any officer, contractor, or , the estate of Ell Perkins, Deceased,
other person connected with such ' ntl all persons having claims against
work have .been Irregular or defective, 1 ln,e ,8a'u ""e, are hereby, by said
to comply with the provisions of tho
charter of the Town of Springfield con
nected with or relating to such Im
provement or assessment, and not-
whether, such Irregularity be Juris
dictional or otherwise. Such reassess
ment shall not be made in case of a
Btreet improvement wherein a remon
strance sufficient In law to defeat the
same shall have been filed prior to the
letting of the contract therefor. The
Council shall by - resolution declare
generally the property' that will be
benefitted by the Improvement for
which tho assessment is made, and
Bhall appoint -a time and place not less
than twenty daj'3 distant when it will
meet for tho purpose of making such
reassessment. The Town Recorder
shall give notice to all owners of prop
erty to be affected by such reassess
ment, ot the time and place fixed by
the Council for making such reassess
ment, by publishing a notice in a
newspaper of general circulation in
said Town once each week for two
wooks, nnd by mailing a copy of such
Sc'i'e the ov;,ors of ach tract, lot
administrator notified to present the
same, duly verified, within six months
from this date at the Law Offices of
Swafford and McGlnnls, Room 312, C.
& W. Building, Eugene, Lane County,
Dated July 2), 1910.
Swafford & McGlnnls, Attorneys.
July 24, 31, Aug 7, 14, 21,
Notice is hereby given, that seal
ed bids will be recceived by tho Re
corder of the Town of Springfield,
for Fifteen (15) cords of Dody Fir
or Second Growth Fir Wood, bidders
to state price ot each kind.
Said bids will bo received until 8
o'clock P. M. Monday, August 28th.,
191C,sald wood to bd delivered at tho
Town Hall in said town on or before
tho ICth, day of Spptember 191C,
Tho Council reserves, tho right to
reject any or all bids. Dated this
ICth, day ot August 191C.
Aug. 17, 21, 24. Recorder.
I nnnalrl nnil fl All nnflPn t f
NOW THEREFORE, in compllanco
with the said warrant and In order to
satisfy said Hen and assessment with
Interest and costs and disbursements
of sale, I will on Saturday the 2nd day
of September. 1916, at the hour of ono
o'clock P, M. on said dato, at the front
door of the Town Hall In tho Town of
Springfield, Oregon, offer for sale for
cash, subject to the right of redemp
tion, the premises above described, or
so much thereof as may be required to
make the amount of said assessment,
with Interest and accruing costs.
Town Marshall of tho Town of Spring
field, Oregon. July 31, Aug, 7, 14 21 28
Department of the Interior, U, S.
Land Ofllco at Roseburg, Oregon,
August 2, 1S1C
Notice is hereby given that Melzar
A, Rice, of Fall Creek, Oregon, who,
on January 31, 1913, made Homestead
Entry, Serial No, 08559, for tho S. E.
Vt of N. E. V of Section 20, Township
18 S., Range 1 E., Wllllmetto Meridian,
has filed notice of intention to make
Final Three-year Proof, to establish
claim to tho land above described,
before 1. P. Hewitt U. S. Commission
er, at his office, at Eugene, Oregon, on
the 18th day of September, 1910.
Claimant names as witnesses:
Adolphue Klntzley, of Fall Creek,
Oregon. ,
Ed. Shoults, of Fall Creek, Oregon.
Logan Noot, of Fall Creok, Oregon,
John Kissinger, of Fall Crook,
W, H. CANON Register
Aug. 7,10,14,17,21,24,28,31, Sept 7,11,14
Made in Springfield
j Eggimann's Candy Kitchen 'the farmer's friend
The House of Quality EE. DOMPIER
Buy your ico Cream by tho dlsh-tho pint-tho quart Buggies, Wagons, Hacks, Harness, Saddles,
the half gullon and tho gallon Horses and Cattle for sale
Made by tho now power machine. At I Uliy and Bell all kinds Of junk
EGGIMANN'S CANDY KITCHEN phone 51 Phono 29 South 2 and A Stroots
to Springfiold with a good, up-tolato stock ot COMPANY
hnnd-made harness and accessories, and am ready
to servo my old customers ngaln and wolcomo now Qlai, rnno -ft?,. lfHJ
ones. Shoo repairing done better for less money. 8A8U' fo0
This Is my specialty. All I ask Is a trial. , 1 mlNlNa STA, UUH.DINa
Extension Tnbles, Drop Leaf Tables, DroakfaBt
GEO. SETTLE MAIN STREET Tttb1' KIttcl,0 Uublnotn. Cupboards, Safes,
n a o a btop- Lll,,llura. ITult Iloxos Uurry '
Opposite Auto Camp Grounds Cratos, Folding Clothes .Racks ' ,
Water Proof Shoe Oil Springfield Flour Mills
ALL KINDS OF LEATHER Try mo, Oet acquainted; Yon will llko mo nost
valuo for your money, of any flour In Springfiold.
Wolf & Miller noxall
Harness Shop " ' know 1 nm wo11 "kocl by n11 bmd "akora.
White Mountain Ice Cream "made in springfield"
Because It's made at homo ,N THE
and by home people, and because SPRINGFIELD NEWS
springfel dBEr e a m e r y every mondav and THUR8DAY
Phono 48 8ubci(lptlon $1.S0 per year Phone 2
U U V A.AA X A como to their aid and will sell from this day Dry
For light, heat and power. Sffi 8o J?e.
"Made In Sprlngfleld." fl0c pt)r 1Cc for " imtt. neol8foot Bt
Call or Phono, Eugcno 259
UregOn rOWer VO. V. W SCOFIBLD, Proprietor
Factory on Rlvor Road to Springfield