MONDAY, .-AUGUST 21, 1016. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS fage rnnm 4 IF 'IT'S IN THE DRUG LINE WE HAVE IT .NIGHT i"rii EASTMAN KODAKS AND SUPPLIES ! Towii and Vicinity Mr. hiiiI Mra, C .11. Ward woro shop purs from Catnn Greek Saturday. i , John Hurt wan n shopper from Hon tlrlck'H Bridge Saturday. , 0. 'I'. Wilson of Mnrailn wihi In town on liuttliicHH Saturday, . Mr. J. P .Fry returned from Jnnpor "Friday afternoon. , Water wlngn ut Peory's . E, M. Young of WuUurvlllo wna In town Saturday morning. Mr. nml Mrs. J. 10, Nlco visited with relatives near Itluorlvor Sundny . Miss Murgarot flossier loft today for jUolllngham, Washington. J. U. Clurk ruturnod homo from Sa Join Saturday, Mr. nad Mr. J. 1). Godmnn and fnm tly of Dextor Hpont Sunday with Mr. Codman'H mother, Mm. J, A. Oodman. Winchester ammunition, llrosnlor & Bon . Mr. and Mrs. Truman Chase of Prunovlllo visited at the 13. M. Young Itomu at Waltorvlllo Sunday. Mr. and Mrn. J. C. Morlock and son John loavo tomorrow for Junction City fhoharvent work . Mr. and Mrn .C. E. Lyon, Misses Stella Martin and Mao Lyon spent t Sunday In Cottngo Orovo. Mrs. Al Montgomery went to Walter- , Tlllo Saturday to stay a fow days with,' her daughter, Mrs. Horbort Smeod. Keep tho files off tho cows with "Fly Bouncer" 75c n Ration at l'ocry's. Misses Mary and Gladys Davis of Lorano, Oregon aro vIsltlnR with Mrs. Mclvln Fonwlck. k Mrs. D, J Glondonnlngtls staying at tho SprlriKflold hotel durlnR tho nb sence of Mrs. Al MontRomory. Mrs. Mnbol Horbst was brouRht homo from tho hospital Friday even ing. Miss, Edith Wholploy of Tangent is visiting with hor cousin Alloc Rey nolds for three wcokB. Fly Knocker 7Gc por Ral. Bring con tainer. Springfield Food company. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Kennedy of Lea burg were In town on business Friday afternoon . Tho hops aro rapidly maturing and tho growers nro much worried on ac count of tho cool damp weather. Mrs. C. O. DoVoro of Croswoll re turned homo yestorday after visiting with hor sinter, Mrs. Uny Lemloy. Gruco Emory departed SaturUay morning for Portland whoro sho wilt Visit hor slstor, Mrs. Myrl Llghtfoot. Everybody needs it stored for emergency In a well-developed, woll-pro-Bervod, woll-nourlahed body and brain. Grape-Nuts food stands preeminent as a -builder of mado of tho entire nutri ment of whole wheat and barley, two of the richest sourcos of food strength. Grape-Nuts also Includes tho vital mineral olomonta of tho grnin, so much omphaslzod In those days of Investigation of real food values. Crlep, roady to oat, easy to digest, wonderfully nourishing and doMcloua. "There's a Reason" for Grape Nuts PHONE 31 Mrs. C. J. Hnydor from Hoqulum, Washing!. visited with Mrs. Via Wllllninii tho latter port of tho week. Dr. W. II. Pollard camo down Satur day mprnlng from Ills enmp neiir Oak rldgo, but returned In tho afternoon. Mrn. II. F. Parsons, who roeently moved to North Ilond Is spondlng tho week with frlonds and relatives, i Tho host iiioiih' shoos al Wolf & Miller's. Mr. Klntzloy from Fall druck, I). H, Ilouls, and It. 8. Wyud wore Saturday shoppora In lown, O. W. Carson'cnmo homo from Bally Hie latter pari of tho wook and Ih suf fering with an attack of tonsllitls. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. H. Peas from Ilnyden Urldgo wero In town Saturday after noon Henry Adrian relumed to work at tho local garago Saturday after a va cation spent nt Newport. Do you wish to become well? If so call on Dr. Murphy, a drugless healer, 359 Main street. Mrs. J. S. McKay has been 111 at her homo on Eighth nnd F streets for tho past wook. Mr. and Mrs. Jim McPhoreon and baby wont to Marshflcld Saturday for a short outing. Mrs. Eda E. Wills of Carleton Is visiting with her sister Mrs. J. W. Co til In for a week or ton days. N. S. Birch departed Sunday for a business trip to KtckeraJI In Polk county. Ladles' and chlldrons' shoes. Wolf & Miller. Joe Lusby nnd Walter miliar of tho Booth-Kelly mill loft Friday for' n week's hunting trip at Glcndalo. Miss Opal Holvorson left Saturday morning for Ooldson whore sho will teach tho coming term of school. W. B. Whoolor returnod last night from a hunting trip ton miles cast of Eugene on Sponcor Crook with a nlco pair of deer horns. Miss Mildred Scott from Ontario, Canada, and Miss Eva Scott, from Sa lem, havo boon spending a fow days with Mr. nnd Mrs. Norwood Cox, Mrs. Price's canning powders at Poory's Drug Store. A. N. Datson, an employe of tho Booth-Kolly mill at Wendllng wns taken to tho Eugene hospital Friday for treatment. Mr. nnd Mrs. McLaughlin nnd baby of Ilosoburg moved Into tho aionden nlng houso on Seventh nnd F streets yeuterdny. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Donaldson, I. A. Nlco, Mr. nnd Mrs, It, Miller nnd fam ily, C. M. Mlllor of Ilosoburg spent Sunday at Iho fish hatehory. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Parker, Miss Hollo Dunlap, nnd W. L. Dunlup went to Flschor's mill and to Wendllng Sun day. dun oils, cleaners and greaso, Bros slor & Son. Mr, and Mrs. J. J .Bryan and daugh ter, Crystal and Ed Bryan departed this morning for n fow day'B trip to Bolknap Springs. t Mr. and Mrs. Lestor Miller of Yon- colla nnd Mrs. Miller's mothor, Mrs: Poylo of Eugono visited with Mr. and Mrs. J, A. Cox Saturday afternoon. Mrs .Alfred Blglow wont lo MAr cola Friday to vIbU hor daughters, Mrs. Ira Coin, Mrs. M, Goln, and Mrs, B. Mltchol, Mr, and Mrs. M. M. Poory and Mr, and Mrs. P. WV McDonald of Sclo ro. turned from Belknap Springs Satur day aftor n ton day's outing. For tho host up-to-dato shoo repair ing, try Hall tho 'Shoe Doctor. Fifth and Main streots. Mrs, W. M. Lnnsbory returnod Sat urday morning from a visit to hor son C. V. LanBbory and family at Door horn. Mr. and Mrs. A. M, Bonver, Mr. and Mrs. Wnltor Horndon nnd' family, Miss Minnlo Boavor, A ,M. Beaver and son Meredith of Ashland spent Sunday nt Soavey'a forry. Miss Kate Lansbery returned homo Friday from Notl whero she. had boon oponding tho weok, and loR Saturday morning for Deerhorn whero alio will l8it her brother nnd family, How's This? We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Reward for rtny case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Curo. V. T. PtIISMRr M.. TnUAa. O. W, tlm iinrtcMlKncI, have known K. J. Cheney for the Inst 18 years, nd believe htm ptrfectiy honorable In nil business transact ion and flmmclnlly able to entry out nnr omignunnn miuie uy mis nrrn. iv nhl irntlntitf miuln tiv NATIONAL 1IANIC OF COMMICIICE, Toledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure In taken Internally. Minn directly upon the blood nnd mu cous surface nt llio system, Testimonials sent free. I'rlro 76 cnt per bottle. Sold by nil Druggist. Take Hall family Mil for constlpstloo. Grant Hendricks was in lown from I lend rick's bridge today. Joy Walkor Is working for tho South ern Pacific company in Eitgcno. Misses Mary West nnd Doris Ly bargor went to Eugono this afternoon. Dr. It. a. VanValznh Is seriously III j nt his home on Second and A tstroJUi Mrs, II. A. Wnshburno who lias boan miifn til nt lmr homo on Kocnnd nnd A streets Is Improving slowly. Electric shoo repairing AVolf & Miller. Mrs. L. Crow of Wendllng under went an operation nt tho local hos pital Sunday morning. Mrs. It .II. Brown of Eugene was In town yosterday on business nnd visit ing friends. Born to Mr. nnd Mrs. Horbort Smeed of Waltcrvlllo, Saturday morning Aug. 19, 1910, nn eight pound boy. I. Ii. Larimer had tho namo on tho owning of his store repainted last week. Mrs. K. C. Howard was operated on'TnvInr ,, wlf at tha M at tho local hospital Saturday morn- Ing and is doing nicely. Floyd Bartlott and Merlo Hill left ' for five or six days hunting at ridge. H. J. Cox, bookkeeper at tho Booth-! Kelly mill wont to Eugcno on busi ness this nfternoon. Good reliable flro Insurance No as sessments; no membership fee. Pay onco and you aro done. H. E. Walker at tho City Hall. lluby Senseney went to Thurstbn r Walter L .Tooze of Dallas, who Is yesterday In the Interest of Christian publicity chairman of the Hughes Endeavor work, campaign committee of Oregon was a j visitor In Springfield Saturday after Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Madison from noon- Ho ls n,aiing a tour of the tho Peppermint ranch near Coburg vis- 8raancr towns of this section of the Itcd at tho Frank Fischer home Sun day, j Mrs. H. C. Cook and baby from Iloso burg joined Mr. Cop yesterday and will occupy tho J. P. Fry houso on A street botwoon Sixth and Seventh. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lyons and daughter Pearl and Milton and Wil liam of Wendllng vlsltod today with Mr. nnd Mrs, C. Lybargor. , , o. . .... Mr. and Mrs. J. Stroud nnd family motored down from Wendllng and vlsltod with W.- S. Dunlap Sunday oven Ing. 1). C. Scott of LaPinc surprised his old friends, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. P. Fry, Sunday ovcnlng. They had not mot for ton years. Gloves, overalls, shirts and sox nt Wolf & Minor's. W. L. Dunlnp, who has been em ployed in I. D. I.arlmor's grocory for the past five years, has given up his position and Magnus Prmlor will take his placo . Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Larimer and family, Mrs. Dort Vincent of Eugene, and Miss Lola McPhorson motored to Dluo Illvor Sunday and returned mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carmen .who woro returning from Foley Springs to their homo In Albany, visited with Mrs. It. a. Van Vnlzah and Mary Roberta , tho latter part of the week. Rficnr Mnwtn ftf rtnntli.K ..... ! " " " I I.llll c.itvjdiiuv, u. u.,.,u. cVtVLlt "WjjboUt honor of his slstor, Mtss Bllza'ti i,nt Mnrtln. Prlilnv nvnntnir nt iha 'ai . ' " nwne oi Mr. nnd Mrs. H. C. Hngon Orf,gono 0, H. Itobortson, Rnd Vnrents, Mr. uhd Mrs. Ed. llobortfivjn, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. A. James, nnd, Mr Benuchnrd ro turned Friday Ibin points along tho McKonzle. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holbrook nnd fnmlly nnd Mr. nnd Mrs, J. B. Edwnrds I moved their camp from Seavey's forry I Iho latter part of tho week on account of tho rain, Cash Meed, of Woltervillo, 11, 0. Mnkorson of Cnmp Crook, Ira Gray of Thurston, and William Gantz of Hay-1 dltn Bridge woro among the Saturday , shoppors. win wacuon wno nad his foot cut moro than ?2.00 on an average. Make last woek ot the Booth-Kolly mill and ' your homo beautiful with the best was taken to tho Eugene hospital for . paint on tho market Pheonlx Pure treatmont Is doing nlcoly nnd will bo Paint, Guaranteed. Sold by J. C. Hoi able to come homo tho last of the brook. week. ' I ' I The ball game yestorday arternoon Mr, A. M .Boavor and son Merndlth resulted In n score of 15 to 12 In favor who hnvo boon visiting with Mr. Bon- of tho Sprlngllold second team. Tho vor's son, A. M .Beaver of Sprlturflofd Creawoll team Old not nnnoar bo a vol. rfitlirni'il thin murnl rr fn .Itrtl,, mw. a I.. 1 - -""M(, mi mult ..uiuu hi Asu,a,, . Mr, and Mrs, Atilla Norman of Eu-, gone loft Saturday for Chicago whero tlioy expect to locate. Mr, Norman J was rormeny general manager or tho Wlllnmotto division of tho Oregon Power company. Herbert Hansen, who recently went to Portland and is employed by tho United States Rubber company, spent Saturday evening nnd Sunday with his grandmother, Mrs. M. J, Blair and old frlonds hero., Mr. and Mrs. E. 0 .Motcalf, Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Motcalf, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Haydcn and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ditto, and Mr. atid Mrs. Dclbort Ilucknum spent Sunday nt Soavoy's ferry. Mr. nnd Mrs. Itobort Hill of Colfax, Wnnhfnglon arrived Saturday in their Pierce Arrow auto for several day's visit with Mr. and Mrs. . A. Wault burn nnd with Mrs. E. U. Loo of Hu geno and friends In Junction. Llttlo Margaret Swarts, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Tom Swarts' of Natron ! Btoppod on a nail whloh ran' nearly through her foot, nnd sho was brought I to ono of the local physlclnna Saturday for treatment. Do you wish to become well? If so call on Dr. Murphy, a drugless healer, 359 Main street. O. B. Kcssoy nnd Welby Stevens nnd fnmllles nrrived at Odoll lake Friday near the end of their tour through j southern and eastern Oregon. Theyj expect to hunt deer while at Odell and j will return to Springfield about tho I mlddlo of the week. L. A. C.iitcK nnd wlfn nnd S. H mco 8aturday cvenInB on theJr woyl homo tQ DMm rom Be,knap SprJng8 ( whore they havo been for a wdek . Mr. i Onk-jCntes Is editor of tho Polk County Observer. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred Bressler went to Portland Friday and Mrs. Bressler started Sunday evening for a two month's trip to Clearwater, Nebraska, i whoro she will visit her parents and friends. Mr. Bressler expects to re , turn this evening. state lining up the newspapers for t'je , fall campaign. j Twelve dollars and sixty cents Was , raited at a box' social given' last week j at the Methodist church at Marcola. -The social was well attended nnd keen interest was taken when the boxes wero put up on tho block. Tho money . that, was raised has been given to the new reading room that has been re- cently opened at Marcola. Mr. E. O. Sutton took the following persons to the fish hatchery yesterday: Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Goddard, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Wooley, Mr. nnd Mrs. Win. Lansberry, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Graves, Mr. and Mrs. T, J. McCrncken, Mr. nnd Mrs. L. E. Thompson, Mr., nnd Mrs. G. Hall, H. Wolf, Mrs. U. H. Parks, Miss Vera MUlerand Mrs. J. P. Vaughn. I t Those registered at the Springfield hotel Friday, Saturday, and Sunday wero: C. A. Lewis of Portland, S. B. Larimer of Fall Creek, C. C. Bryant, W. F. Beryerllu of Vida. B. F. Smith, j Frank Mlllor, of Wendllng, Mr. and , ' Mrs. Low A. Gates of Dallas, Mr Mrs. S. B. Taylor of Dallas, Irr XUtea, tA3Y' Earl GrUt 0t E'.-S and V. VVUKUU. Mrs. John Pnrkr fC ftd children, Dr. nnd Mrs. Dundy - TMA fnmllV. filla Pnrlf. ' or Mrs W - " tor and ' - "ol(lre1SOand daugh- ' Ali James Parker of Eueenn ! rotur- f tX y,m from , ., j cr-miilng trip nt Oakrldge. John Pnrk-1 w aud li'rank Warner took pack horsesJ frAtvi rl,.i.l j 1 go 35 miles beyond Oakrldgo to . Two auto loads ot Pruhevllle people Friday, Saturday and Sunday were: went to the fish hatchery Sunday and J M- R- Jacksou, of Newburg, C. J. Mc except for a slight collision of tho two Cormlc of Newburg, J. J. Jonspn of cars which will necessitate a few re-1 LaGrande, 0 .C. Kroner, Portland, Mrs. pairs tho parties returned safely. I K- A- Woodson ot Denver, Colorado, Thoso taking the trip wero: Merlo, Elmo, nnd Claronco Chnse, Miss Camel of Rosoburg, Misses Nellie Bailey, Maud.o Chase, and Bornico Sapping flolt1, Mlss Wnnia Vitus, and Marvin, "omer, ami cnesior unase, True economy is what wo save In the long run. The wise man feeds his colt to make It grow. Ho pastures his cow t0 Bot Bd How of milk and paints nla houso to make it last. It costs very llttlo raoro now to paint a houso t than it did a year ago. Probably not ........... . . 1 1 . . m. iiuk-vi loam iook us pinco. tnosa In tho Springflold second team wero: Ifffiil H. Lauder is the Canny Scot, who always knows just what is what, and people say he's grown quite rich, by always know ing which is which. One thing's admitted by the bunch, which is that Lauder has the punch. Where'er he does his sprightly chores, he packs the houses to the doors; he sings his songs so pass ing well, the auditors stand up to yell. Withal, he is a thrifty soul; he wisely will not spend his roll, until he's sure he vill not fail to get full value for his kale. That's why he always asks for "Tux" when he would spend his hard earned bucks for baccy, in his pipe to puff he knows Tuxedo is the stuff. Great men, wise men, in every land, all tell us that Tuxedo's grand. THE "GREATER OREGON" "VVHH new butlillnca. better equipment, end man? nddltlon to IU facultr. the Cnlvenrtr of Oregon will begin Its forty-ttrjt Tear. Vat day. September 13, 1B1G. Speelnl training In Commerce, Joaraalltm, Architecture, tAW.3felIeln.Teaehlnr.t!bra' rr Work, Music, Physical Tralnlne atui Pino Art. Large anil strong department of Uoe al Education. Library of more than 68.009 volumes,. flit teen buildings fully equipped, two splendsB gymnatlums. ... fc Tuition Tree. Dormitories for men aad fan women. Expenses Ixiwest. Write for free catatdgs, addressing- Registrat UNIVERSITY OF OREGOH JOAOll HALL I" KUOEffE. prifigfield Homemade BEST THAT'S MADE" The new Baker at the Springfield Bakery has Years of Exrrience . ljCi Brefki Making If there was a be' aer way tQ make bread hQ yfQm Jfc T ake a Loaf Home with you today '-n you have your next Party or Picnic let us bake your cake SPRINGFIELD BAKERY F. A. WESOLOWSKA, Prop. Howard Cotton, Jess Campbell, 7. rolllns nrnn Rhnhan. Phil. BlshoD. T I Tl T TTIolnh Vornnn uuluuo tctou, o. utwvu, nathburn, and C. Starks. Those In the ... , . McPhers0 Caivlll Bossorman, Arlo Nettleton, Frank Smltson, John Morlock, S. Ulrlch, and J John Asnworui. Ray McPhernon umpired the game, Thoso registered at the Elite hotel Hazel Manwaring 01 Marsnneiu, U. T. Talt of S. P. Co., N. Doppelman of Portland, E. C. Neat. Ed. R. Viesho of Salem. William Hack ot S. P. Co., J. W, Webb, R. R. Ballard of S. P. Co. F. G. Harris ot Bend, D. H, Talt of Acme, and B. 0. Scott of LaPino. CEDAR FLAT Goo. and Henry Hart returned from a short hunting trip up the river. Walter Lewis who has been working ut Mnbel returned homo Wednesday. Mrs. Lano Morris visited with Mrs, Geo. Hart Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. G. T. Pinkston spent Wednes day with 'her mother, Mrs. T. C. Gutherle. Misses Mary and Margaret White who recently arrived from California spent Wednesday with Mrs. Williams. Boyd Overstroet is hauling lumber to the II sh hatchery. Mrs. Samuel Be(sell who has. been working at Wendllng came home Wed nesday, HARRY LAUDER World-famoat Scotch C dian, taytt "TuxeJofor mlldntti, Ut) and fragrance, Tli haccofot me. With m filed v!.lh good old TL DO. all mtt trouhlct r UK 'it In tmoke, In all mu a rli. aide traceh fee ltl to J .J Hi equal as a thu-lur". eool'iatllni, taeel-flaet I tobacco. TUXEDO tat'-ci me completely. OREGON had PIANO TUNING Attended to Promptly Springfield and Vicinity Leave orders at' the News Oco ' S. E. STEVENS Dr. ADALINE KEENEY FERRIS Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon uiuue, uapusi parsonage Corner Second and C Streett HOURS: 9 TO 12. PHONE 40 ROBERT BURNS Lodge, Np. 78, A. M. V., Ancleiil sm4 Accepted Scottish Rite Uni-. versal and tonbojjs Frea Masons meota flrst and third Friday opening in W- O. V ha,ll. Visiting brothers wei- como. T. B. Harris P. A. Johnson A Secretnry. R. W. M. D. W. ROOF, JEWELER SPRINGFIELD, . OREGON PINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY China Painting To nil who will take a term of 12 lessons I will gfve, TWO LESSONS FREE Tho two free le&sons wIH give you a piece of chtoa ready for the. first Are. Now is a good time to beP to prepare for Xmas. Orders solicited, 836 A street MRS. M. D. PALMER m r 1 mi w Sucat rc u alI Bread