PAGE FOUR TUB SPRING FIKLE NEWS THURSDAY, AUGUST 17, 1010. If OpenSfcason For Deer Aug. 15 Long List of'UaW for AreSeWtOt by Game Commissioner Deer hunting eoasoa opens tomor row and the ousters And vould be busters aro taking their rifles down from the shQlf..anct;aro polishing thorn ujftfor use this taU We are' printing a copr of the hunters' and anglers laws as they apply to Lane county for 1916. Hunters and anglers licenses may be secured from any county clerk by applying tn person, or by application signed by two freeholders on regular Swan. Wood Duck, Wild Turkoy, Least Sandpiper, Western Sandplpor, Soil tary Sandplpor, Sciul-palmatod l'lovor Snowy Plovor, and all other birds of any kind, except those on which Uioro Is an open soason. THURSTONNEWS THUKSTON, Aug., IS. HWm Grace WHburn ot Salem la TMt) friends I at this place. Miss Joyce Too tors of Cottago Grove is visiting at the homo of Mr. aad'Mra. Taylor Neodhani. A. Miller and family attonded tho Tonnossoana picnic at the Coburg brldgo Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Itarrry Russoll and son, Jack, returned home Sunday from a visit with Mr. and Mrs. George Pot ter and famtly at Yoncolla. Mr .and Mrs. Ira Gray and Mrs. Bert Matthews left Tuesday for an I outing at Belknap Springs. Miss Laura Mltchel 1b homo after blank which may be obtained from , tw weeks, v,sit with reiativea and coiiflty clerk, or from any of the reg-: frtend8 at cottago Grove, Dorcna and ular appointed representatives of tho Drain. Fish and Gamo commission. , n honor ot tho Rlmvorsary of Mrs, Civil War veterans may obtain llcen-J John Prce.8 birthday, hor mother, ses free from the county clerks only, ( Mrs Perry Edmlston, entertalnod at upon proof ot service. No license Is dinner Sunday tho following guests: required to angle lu salt waters for Mr and Mrs John p,.,,. Mr Mr8 non-game fish, nor is a license neces- Walter Edmlston. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy aary for women to hunt and angle. Kdmlston, Miss Grace Wllburn, Mis- Women who hunt for and kill deer scs ,nez and Mlidred Prlc0i WIlla Ed. must have licenses to obtain tags. Open Hunting Season Buck deer with horns August 15 to October 3K , Silver Gray Squirrels September 1 to October 31. J Bucks and Ueese--October 1 to January-IS. (Feueral law.) Ralls and Coots October 1 to Jan uary 15. (Federal law.) Shore birds, , black breasted gold en plover, Wilcon or Jack snipe, wood- nilston, Leone Price. Edmlston and Curtis WALTERVILLE NEWS WALTERVILLE, Aug. 15. Mr. and i Mrs, Andrew Tengs nnd family uccom- panied by Mr. nnd Irs. Martin Tol lefson and Ingolf Soleim drove up to j Walterville Sunday in tho former's j car. They were Joined by Mr. and j Mrs. M. Momb and family ot this i place and they all went on to tho flat, lmtf-lnirv- tn llinlp (nctnlitnnn n.1,... cock, and greater and lesser yellow-j.. ,,., r . . . ...... had a fine picnic dinner and snent the day. legs October 1 to December 15. (Fed- j eral law.) .- Chinese Pheasants. nnd Grouse Oct ober i to Cctooer 31. Dot fcs September 1 to October 31. Bag Limits Buck deer with horns 3 during any season: " j - Silver Gray Squirrels 5 In any sev en consecutive days. Ducks, Geese, Rails, Coots and .Shore Miss Amelia Miller of Eugene It spending her vacation with Miss Hilda Emmerich on tho McKenzIe. Miss Gall Wearln has gone to Eu gene to visit for several days. Matthew Momb commenced thresh ing at his own home Tuesday. I ctmiurtkle trn M biiii iArinu ili awnii'iwiia rvn ( unuiun I IUM in FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Lane County H. L. Studloy, Plaintiff, vs. William R. West, Mrr William It. WoaL -and all persona unknown, It any, avlg or claiming an .Interest ar aetata in and to the heretaafter To rWHHaw. JCWR, -Mra. WIJHaw it, vvoh, ana nil porsons un Known, ir ally having or claiming ah interest or estate in and to tho hereinafter de scribed real property, and tho aboro named defendant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, You aro hereby notified that' II, L. studloy tho holder of Cortltlcnta ot Delinquency numborod 1290 Issued on tho 7th day ot October, 1913, by tho Tax Collector ot tho County of Laho. State ot Oregon, for tho amount ot $7,45, tho same being tho amount then duo and delinquent for taxoa tor the year 1912, together with penalty, Interest and costs thereon upon tho real proporty assessed to you, ot which you aro the owner ns appears of rec ord, situated In said County and Stato, nnd particularly hounded and describ ed as follows, to-wit: Lot number (0) six. In Mock num. ber (d) Six, tn Midway Park, In Lnno county, State ot Oregon. You are furthor notified that snld It. U Studloy has paid taxoa on said premises for prior or subsequent years with the rato of Interest on said amounts as follows: On March 31, 1915, the sum of $.02 for taxes of the year 1914. On March 5, 191C, the sum ot $.52 for taxes for tho year of 1915. All of tho above amounts bear In terest nt tho rate of 15 por cent per annum. Said Wlllnm It. West as tho owner ot tho legal title ot tho above describ ed property na the snmo appears of record, nnd each of tho qthor porsoiiH above named are hereby furthor not!- i n.i ,!... it' i c....ii..; ...m .. title of tho above .lo- AV" .V" "JI"?.. ' ' ,"' RrrlhA.l nmnnr.v n !, o, "' vircuu . unri ui mu i. mull nil i , :, ., ' ,. V, .r" Stato aforesaid for n decreo foreelort- nn, nw nn,n,i nrn i,rw t..J IT "K wIuhI the property abovo to tho Circuit Court of the County and l uuo nioresam lor a decree foreclos SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN FORECLOSURE OF TAX LIEN In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Lane County It .L. Studloy, Plntnttlt, vs. H. B. Kopner, Mrs, H. B. Kopnor, and all poreesa unknown. It say having or claiming an tatorMt,er estate In aad te Ute kareteafter described real property. Defendants. nor, and all persons unknown. It any, having or claiming ah Intorost or es tate In nnd to tho hereinafter describ ed real proporty, tho abovo named de fendants, IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGONi You aro hereby notlflod that II. L. Studloy tho holdor ot Cer tificate ot Delinquency numborod 1196 Issued on tho 1th day of October, 1913, by tho Tax Collector ot the County of Lano, Stato of Oregon, for tho amount ot $2.17, tho aamo bolngi tho amount thon dUe and delinquent for taxes for tho year 1912 together with penalty, Intorost nnd costs there on upon tho real property nssossed to you, ot which you are tho owner as appears of record, sttuatod In said County and Stato. and particularly boundod and described as follows, to wlt: Lot numbered (1) one In block num borod (1) in E. E. Kopner's Addition to tho town ot Springfield, Lano county, Stato of Oregon. You aro further notified that said H. L. Studloy has paid taxes on said premises for prior or subsequent years, with tho rate of interest on said amounts ns follows: On March 21, 1914, tho sum of $2.97 for taxes for tho year of 1913. On March 31, 1915 the sum of $2.85. for taxes tor the year of 1914. . On April 6, 1916, tho sum of $2.07 tor tnxes for the year of 1915. All ot tho amounts bear Interest I from dato of payment nt tho rato, of 15 por cent por annum. Said H. B. Kepnor as tho owner or me legal ing the Hon against the Dronertv above described, and mentioned In said Cer tificate. And you aro hereby summon ed to appear within sixty days after the first publication of this summons, exclusive or tno day or said drat pub lication, and defend this action or pay the amount due as above shown, to gether with costs and accrued Interest, Birds 30-iin any,;seven consecutive days.' . Chinese Pheasants .Native Pheas antsand Grouse 5 In one-day includ ing 1 female Chinese pheasant, and 10 Aflat. Tla..,l.n rmn.A.ui. l . Inm! In PAaa nf vttf fnllitA I. .7 A m ted to her home from a trip to tho ' d,ecre w", bo rendered foreclosing tho - MW i linn nt on 11 ,nVno nn.1 n 1 1 n , , Kltson Springs. Mr. and Mrs. O. N. Kaldor and son Jewel, of Eugene visited at the Kal dor home Sunday. The sermon. entitled "Tho Destruc- to any sevenconsecutlve days, includ-1 ,0n "ftfe8U!' Prf y Rev. Wal- ici uuhj ui oprmgueiu last sunuay night was largely attended. Chilly LaDuke of Eugene spent the weeK end with Messrs. Peter George Momb: .Ing-2 -female .Chinese pheasants. Prairie. Chickens and' Sage Hens 5 in one. day axti 10 in any seven con secutive days. Quail 10 in tny seven consecutive days. Doves 1Q. in one day or 20 in any seven consecuti e days. Geese kllleJ in Wasco, Shenian, Gil liam, Harney. Crook , Morrow and Umatilla may be sold after having metal taSs attached. . Open Angling Seasons " . Trout over si- inches April 1 to Gctober 31 Bag limit 75 fish or 50 pounds in any on 3 day. Trout over ten inches All year Bag limit 50' fish or fifty pounds in one Cay. Bass. Crappies, Williamson's White FishT'dalVFtslT ml Graylings-AH year Bag, limit 40 pounds in' one day. "Yanks'' in WtfJlowa. Lake All year, except September 15. to October 10 Bag limit 50 pc-'onds in pne day. ;lt i Always Unlawful To kill 'Mount in Sheep, Antelope, Elk; Beaver, Fe nale Deer. Spotted fawn. Sliver rhMsahta, English Par tridge, Hungarian Partridge .Franklin"" GrousS; or Fool Kin,-Bob-White QUail", Rev. and Mrs. Rogen and family of Eugene accompanied by Miss Hflden visited at the Kaldor and Momb' homes last .week. N C. Richardson of Lewiston, Cal Ifornla. isjislting at the Devor home. Arthur Campbell was down.4o Eu-. gene Saturday on business. "Miss Cora Devor accompanied by i. W. Kicnaruson attpmlpH hor f.iM.i v. . ,iuu lien ot said taxes and costs against tne land and premises above named. This summons is published by order of tho Honorable G. F. Skipworth, Judge or the circuit Court or tho Stato of Oregon for the County of Lano and said order was made and dated this 31st day of July 1916, and tho dato of the first: publication ot this summons Is the. 3rd day of August, 191C. All process and papers In this pro ceeding may be served up6n the under- and islgned residing within the State of Oro- gon at the address hereinafter men tioned. L. M. TRAVIS, Attorney for Plaintiff Address, Eugeno; Oregon. Aug. 3,10,17,2431: Sept 7.14,21,2S,OcL5 NOTICE OF SALE OF PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT SEWER ASSESSMENT Notice Is hereby given that by vlr- uernico Lamb s weddlnr nmh.h ! r m iS UNIQUE Apiew Tint Mas leen Fmwns far a Third ef a Century HMJHE RICH RED IURLEY TASTE l Chewlnj is Uw only way to get the rh taste of the tobacco leaf. And the only form of tobacco in which you get the leaf as Nature made it is- the plug fbrm. A chew of Spear Head plug tobacco bas a Wonderful flavor such as you never did and never will taste in any other1 tobacco. .That Spear Head flavor is unique, mellow, fruity, everlastingly delicious end atisfying. Spear Head has been famous for a third, of a century as the richest, tasti est of chews. It's made of sun-ripened, red Bur ley. And it's produced by the most mpdern methods, which develop, the luscious flavor of the leaf to the su preme degree. If is safeguarded at every step in its making. The factory is cjean and san itary the processes arc' pure-food pro cesses, When the choice red Burley has been pressed into mellow, sweet Spear Head plugs you have a chew that "simply can't be" equalled. ,( . iSffear Ijead . is, the' high quality chew of the world, . Try Spear 'Head you'll never again be satisfied '.vith any other chew. In 10c cuts, wrapped in wax Sunday and acted as bride's maid Miss Winnie Piatt of .Springfield is attending the meetings held here. Miss Evelyn Scott visited at the hm.e.0.f May -Carne'y near Thurston, aionaay. Ted GeBaur hauled freight for the store Monday and Tuesday from Springfield. Mrs. C ..L. Scott and family attend ed th-j Lamb wedding at Goshen Sun- aay and" Miss Vashti Lamb came hom with (hem to ynfit. Miss Clyife Hall of Eugene was here last week getting subscription's tor me bpringfield News. N0TrLrP,;8'ALE 0F PROPERTY FOR DELINQUENT STREET- ' y ASSESSMENT ISotlce is hereby rivrfn that k. i. tue of a -warrant issurfd to me by ihe Town Recorder of tho Town of Spring, field, Oregon, and commanding me to levy upon and to jell, as upon execu tion, the lots 9 and 10' in Blobk 70: in Washburne'a Subdivision of the Springfield Investment and Power Company's Addition to flnrlnvflnM Lane County, Oregon, to make and to' pay the sum' of 178.84 IpvIpH n,i assessed against said property, with interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum from tho 29th day of April, 1911 for the cost of im proving NINTH, street from Main street to North "G" street in aaid Town by grading and gravelling the same; that the said sum was so levied and assessed against Bald property by Ordinance No. 233 passed by the Com mon Council of said Town on the 27th day of April 1911 and was approved by the Mayor of said Town oh said date, and that such assessment wbb en tered In the Docket of Town Lleng by the Town Recorder on the 29th iday of April, 1911, and that the same, and the whole thereof Is now due, unpaid and delinquent, NOW THEREFORE, In compliance1 with the said warrant and In; satisfy said lien and assessment with costs of such sale, I will on Saturday the 20th day of August, 1916, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M, and 4 o'cl Ck P, M to-wlt at the hour of one o'clock p. M. on said date, at the front door of the Town Hall, on. Main street between Second street and Third street, In the Town of Springfield.; Oregon, offej- for sale, for cash, subject only to thp jlght of re demption, the premises abve des cribed, or so much thereof as may be 'required to make the amount of said assessment, with interest and accru ing costs and disbursements. JOHN E, EDWARDS Town Mrrshal of tho Town of Spring field, Otcgon. July 20, 27, Aug 3,10,17 Town Recorder of the Town of Serine field, Oregon, and commanding me to levy upon and to sell, as upon execu tion the lots 8, 9,-and 10 In block 84 in Washburne's Subdivision of the Springfield Investment and Power Company's additlop' td" Springfield, Oregon, to make and to pay tho sum jot JCS.WJevIed arid assessed" against said property,' with Interest" "thereon at tne rate or 6 percent perannum from the 24th day oTJeccmbor. 1909. for the cost of "coiftmictrng"' sewer in tho alley betweeCNoHIT-iy street and North "E"street from.MIU street out ,rt ah ) n, . V., W -tA n -waa so levied ehjd. .Msesfle 'against said property by Ordinance No. 135 massed by the Common Council of said Tor c-n b 13th" flay, tit December, 190' a"hd -wai ariDroTtrfbr 'tii Marnr of said Town on said date, and that suoh aaesssment. was entered in the Docket 6f4JTowri 'Llfeas bj W& Town Recorder on the a4tbddy offDecember, 1909 ihd th&t the game: aha Ujo' whole thereof- Is now. dup. unpaid aad'delin- 9ufJU , inj!ii(cirUKtf, in compliance with the said' warrant and In order to moned to appear within sixty duys aftor tho first publication of this sum mons, exclusive' ot tho day ot said first nubllcatlon. mid defend thin ac tion or pay tho amount duo as abovo ) shown, togethor with costs and ne ed interest, and in case of your failure to do so, a decreo will be rendered foreclosing tho lien of said taxes nnd costs against the land and promises abovo named. This summons Is published by order .if thit llnnnMhln n CM. ...-. . 1. i ttiu iiuititaifiu VI. 1-. tjl,jnuilll, Judge of tho Circuit Court of tho' State of Oregon for tho County of J L&no nnd said order was made and 1 datod tho 31st day of July, 1910, and tne date or tne urst publication or tills summons Is tho 3rd day ot August, 191C. AH process and pnpors tn this pro ceeding may be served upon tho under- signed -residing within thp" Stnto of j urcgon ni tne audress noreartcr men tioned . L. M. TRAVIS, v Attorney for Plaintiff Address Eugeno, Oregon . Aug. 3,10,17,24,3l:Sopt 7,14,21,28 Oct. 5, and disbursements, I will on Sat urday the 26th day of August. 1916, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M to-wlt at the hour of one o'clock P. M. on said date. at the front door of the Town Hall, on Main street between Second street and Third street. In tho. Town of Springfield, Oregon, offer for sale, for cash, subject only to the right of re demption, the premises above des cribed, or so much thereof as may be required to make the amount of said assessment, with interest and accru ing costs and disbursements. JOHN E. EDWARDS Town Marshal of the Town of Spring field, Oregon. July 20, 27, Aug 3,10,17 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department ot the Interior, U. S. Land Office nt Roseburg, Oregon, August 2. 191C Notice Is hereby given that Melzar Rico, of Fall Creek, Oregon, who, nn fnnlta1v 11 1Q13 mnda Tnmaaladii I En fry, Serial No. 08559, for tho S. E. Ni B. V4 or soctlon 20, Township 18 s., Range 1 E WiU.lmette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land abovo described. before I, P. Hewitt, U. S. Commission er, at his office, at Eugene, Oregon1, on vth'e 18th day of September, 1916. ' uiaimam names as witnesses: Adolphus ICIntzloy, of Fall Creek, Oregon, -.i . , Ed; Shoults, of Fall Creek, Oregon. Logan Neot, ot Fall' Creek, Oregon, John Kissinger, ot Fall Creek. Oreron. Wvll. CANON Register Aug. 7,10,14,17,21.24,28,31, Sept. 7,11,14 NOTICE OF FORFEITURE Lano County, State of Oregon. July Zi, 111IU. To Martin MattBOn and F. Mitchell. You aro horoby notified that I havo ex pended $200.00 In labor nnd Improve menta upon tho Princess and Creases lodes as will appear by certificates filed July 24, 1916 In the office of Re cordor of said county In order to hold said premises under tho provisions of section 2324 Revised Statutes ot tho United States, being tho amount re quired to hold the same for the year ending December 31st 1915. And if within ninety days from the service of this notico of publication) you. fall or this notice of publication) you fajl. or refuse to contribute your proportion of bucu cipcauuure as .co-owner, your in terest to said' claim' will become the property bf the subscriber Under sec tlos 324. , " CHARLES DAVIS, Co-owner Thtir 7, 27'. to-OcL 24L. ' ' NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice Ji'ttereby given that' by. an order of the 'County court of Lane' county, Oregon, duly made and entief ed" on record oa the, 31st day of July, 1916, the undersigned waa duly ap pointed administrator of the estate of John Dernhardt, deceased. All persons having claims against the said estate are' hereby notified to present them duty verified to the'mv .1 I v.. n.l n t-iifAH. C V. a. r. r. within satisfy said Hen aasesment with costs noaths from the date of thla notice. Dated at Eugene, Oregon, this 31st day of July, 1916. L .TA .TRAVIS Administrator of the estate of John Bernhardt, deceased. Walter B. Jones, attorney. Aug 3, 10, 17, 24, 31. I) It's the uniform unva rying heat of a good oil I. stove, and the perfect control, that keeps the juices in that pre serves the savory ! goodness of the meat -r-and gives that even brownness all over. In bisiier foisti a cleaner, cooler kitchen, and lets fuel expense NEW PERFECTION OIL cqmStove All lhconvinlnciof gat. Cu6ktvrythlngt ny wood or coal rang will cook, but keep Vour kllclinncaol, Tho long blua chim neys do away with all smoka and small. In 1, 2, 3 and 4. burner alien, ovona aaparato. Also cabinet models with ' I-'Irelrss Cooking Ov cin. Auk your dealer today. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (ClIlliMllIt) au J-tiC jp . . For 8nle Oy f" i : BEAVER-HERNDON HARDW ARE COMPANY. a 11 CMwntieia. IX THE "GREATER OREGOirl with new bull(llni. Iellr ixiulpment. Hfid mnnr aildlllon to 11a fnrullr, lha Unlverillr of Oregon will becln Ite forl,.flrft xmr.Tueo. uar, Sieniler 1, 1SIO, Hlielnl trnlnlna- In Oommerea, Journalltm, Arrhltreturt.IjiM,MelltlnTMehlna'. Lllirn. rr Work, Mualr, rhrelral Irnlnlna ami Flna Arte. Imtkd nmt atronc tlepnrtmanU of Liber al Ktlurntlon. Mbrarr of mora than 08,000 rolamei, (If. in bulldlnci fullr caulpped, two eiilendld nninnitunii. Tuition Free, normltorlei for man and for women. Kxpena Lowest. Write for trecntaldr,nil(lreilnrKecUtrnr UNIVERSITY OF OREGON KlIOKNK, Or.KOOrf j "tiwrouc"oHu '. Coos Bay Railroad Jubilee August 24, 25 and 26 Boost for Coos The Qreafeo;f Celejbr jtlpn in Years Cooh Hay Country Invites he world to celebrnte tho coming of the railroad. , ijosuitality Ib the Keynote of this celebration. i . PROGRAM NORTH. BEND DAY Aug. 2f4kh ," 1 . k v4-. , J .f W J .-a n Band Concets SKgaVlog Carernonlea Dedication Simpson Park Stree't Carnlfa Tat'er Spora. I'arades-Drljr Ooidonspike', , Aug 29tK l Trips by rail and boat to CoquIS, liandon, Myrtle Point. Powere, Coo Bay .Musiel-Reef, 8uasefBa. CkpV Arajo'.1 iJaa rood' oWe? at Cbarlestoa Bay; nshlBat LakU'de.lAtrlrAWCo'is'fi Industrial Parade Water Sports Auto Racine Illuminated Launch Parade Fireworks Dancing Horse Racing. ' Low Round Trip Fares On Sale Aug. 21 to 20 'Inc. Return Limit Aug. 31 Ask Local Agent JOHN M. SCOTT, Qen. Pass. Agt Portland, Oregon SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES COOK WITH GAS i .'t . .i t Oregon Power Co, i