The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 10, 1916, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Editor of News
Tells of Excursion
Crater Lakei,'. Siskiyou Highway,
Orchards of)Suthern Or agon
Among Attractions Visited
w A hearty wolcetno and greetings,
from all sides Is tho way tho- editors
of the state and -their 'wives were re
ceived on thoir arrival at Mcdtrod last
Friday for the annual meeting of
Oregon Stato Editorial Association.
Free eutortalnmctit had been provided
by J. A. Westcrlund of tho Hotel Hol
land) and the hotels wero taxed to
capacity to accotnmodato the visitors.
There wore banquets, music, auto
drives, special entertainment for the
ladies and every hour aside from the
business sessions of the convention,
was made up of a scries of pleasant
surprises. The auto rides comprised
trips to tho Oregon-California state
line, Crater Lake, and trips through
the great orchards that have become
so famous in tho Rogue River Valley.
Hon. Benjamin C. Sheldon of Medford,
was master of ceremonies and to him
is due the success of the Itinerary
which was so ably managed, not a
single detail having been overlooked.
Drive Over Siskiyou Highway
Friday afternoon tho editors and
their wives were shown the pear or
chards, packing, houses and were tak
en to the Oregon-California state line
over the Siskiyou highway, a stretch
of 35 miles, and back to the Llthla
park at Ashland. Here a picnic
luncheon and a special program was
provided which included a band con
cert by the onkland Boys' Club band
and a dance at the Bungalow. While
at Ashland the editors inspected the
auto camp which is perhaps the best
equipped in the state. Tents for shel
ter and protection are furnished, and
tables, lockera and gasaccommodations
for cooking meals.
While tne editors were holding their
business sessions on Saturday the lad
ies of the party were entertained by
the Greater Medfrod club and the
College Woman's club of Medford at
luncheon and in the afternoon they
were taken out through the valley on
an auto sight seeing trip. The men of
the party were served luncheon at the
University club.
The sessions of the Oregon State
Editorial Association were brought to
a close by one of the most successful
banquets ever held at Medford. The
program was elaborate and aside from
the retresiiments there was a feast
humor. The ban
the Hotel Medford
and given by the
Methodist Church
Comer Second and n streets.
James T. Mooro, pastor. Phono 117-M
Noxt Sunday, 10:00 A. M. Suuday
ll:0A, A. M. Sorraon. ,
6:30 P. M. Bp worth Leagua
8:00 P. M. Sermon. '
7:30 P. M. Wednesday, Choir Re
2:00 P. M. Wednesday; Ladles Aid,
8:00 P. M. Thursday, Prayer Moot
Free Methodist Church.
Sabbath school at 10:00 A. M.
Preaching services at 11:00 A. M.
Reverend Ethol will prcac the sor-
mon In the morning.
Prayer and praise service at 7:00
P. M. Preaching at 7:30 P. M, Mrs.
Chllds will havo charge of this a'or
vlce. Tuesday, 7:30 P. M. Young Peo
ple's prayer meeting.
Mldwoek prayer meeting on Thurs
day at 7:30 P. M. .
A cordial invitation 13 extended to
Church of Christ
E. C Wigmorc. miulster.
9:45 A. M. Bible school, L. M.
Cagloy, supt.
11:00 A. M. Junior Endeavor So
ciety. Mrs. Lansberry, supt.
Sunday morning theme, "Christ at
the Door."
Reverend J. T. Moore will preach
at the union son-Ices which will be
held In the Methodist church.
on tho 7th day of Octobor, 1013, by of 113.35, tho sama bolilg tho amount
thq Tax Collector of tho County of 1 thou duo and delinquent for taxos for
Baptist Church
Rev. W. Norton Ferris, minister.
Bible school at 10 A. M.
Boys and girls remember the library
is now open for use: Read good books.
Gilbert Miller, Superintendent.
Divine Worship at 11 A. M.
Sermon by Pastor.
The Lord's Supper will be observed
and the hand of church fellowship
given to the new members.
Special music and decorations.
Members and friends requested to
be present. A cordial welcome is ex
tended to strangers.
John Robertson of Donna is mail
ing preparations to start his saw mill
to cut a lot of logs he has had on
hand since last winter. He will, cua
his timber Into railroad ties.
of wit and good
quet was held at
Saturday evening
Blanche M,
. Woods, De-
Commercial Club.
The Crowning Feature
The crowniis feature of the occa
sion was ;he trip to Crater Lake.
This was ma.Io possible through the
cooferation o: the Jackson county
court and the details were very ably
worlced out by Hon .B. J. Sheldon.
Automobiles were provided and every
body was expected to be ready for the
long Journey or 82 miles from Medford
by six o'clock Sunday morning. The
roads were In 3plendid condition and
the drive was made in from six to
eight hours.
That night tfc?re were registered at
the Crater Lake hotel 458 persons and
they had traveled in 101 automobiles.
In the evening before the great tire
place In the large reception room W.
u. oieei superintendent of the park
was introduced and he told how he
struggled and spent the greater part
of his life in ..n effert to establish
a national park. He said when a boy-
he found a scrap of paper which gave
a description of this wonderful lake
Jn Oregon and he then determined to
fcee it. He came to Portland and
".searched for nine years before he was
-able to locate the lake. Mr. Steel
then conceived the idea that Crater
Lake should be rotode a national park
and after seventeen years of tussling
.with congress his dreams were real
ized and congress set aside 249 square
miles to be known as Crater Lake
National Park.
ilr. Steel explained how he had gone
to Washington and succeeded in In
fluencing the government in appro
priating $700,000 as a continuing ap
propriation for the building of high
ways In the park.
Crater Lake National Park
Crater Lake National Park was
created by an act of congresu, approv
ed May 22, 1902, and consists of 249'
square miles on the summit of the
Cascade range of mountains. Crater
Lake has a surface area of about 20
square miles, Is C177 feet above the
level ,pf the sea and has a maximum
depth' of 2000 feet of pure water, a
deep Jndigo blue in color. It Is sur
rounded by an unbroken wall of fan
tastically carved rock and cliffs 20
miles in extent and from 600 to 2000
feet In height, the whole forming an
awe-inspiring phenomenon beyond the
power of words to describe.
Heat' the Ncr. Classified ads.
In the Circuit Court of the State
Oregon for the County of Lane
L. K. Page, Plaintiff,
Tony C. Schulhauser,
Schulhauser and B. '.
To Tony Schulhauser, Blanche
Schulhauser and B. R. Woods:
OREGON, you and each of you are
hereby required to appear and answer
.he complaint died against you in tho
lbove entitled Court and cause on or
before the 24th day of August 1916
said date being the date and time spec-I
Ined by the Court In the order of pub
lication, as the time for you to appear
and answer, and If you fail to appear
and answer, for want thereof, the
j plaintiff will apply to the Court for tho
relief demanded In said complaint on
file herein, and for the whole thereof.
The relief demanded Is Judgment
igainst Tony C. Schulhauser and
Blanch M. Schulhauser for the sum of
125.00 and interest thereon from the
25th day of February 1915 at the rate
of 10. per cent per annum until paid
and $25.00 attorneys fees. Judgment,
for the sum of $70.00 and Interest
thereon from the 13th day of March
1915 at the rate of 10 per cent per an
num until paid and $20.00 as attorneys
fees, togteher with costs and disburse
ments of suit, and 'or a judgment and
decree adjudging and decreeing that
both mortgages of the plaintiff to be
the llrst lien upon the following de
scribed premises: Lots five (5) and
3ix (6) of block four (4) of the E. E.
Kepner addition to Springfield, Ore-
ion together with the tenements
hereditaments and appurtenances
thereunto, belonging or in any wise ap
pertaining and that the mortgage of
ijeiendant B. R. Woods adjudged to be
subsequent In. time, inferior in right
and subject to both mortgages of the
That a decree be made foreclosing
uoin mortgages on the nlaintltr and
that the aforesaid real premises be
sold by the Sheriff of Lane County,
jregon to satisfy the aforesaid Judg
ment, and foreclosing you and enoii
of you of all right, title. Interest, claim
and equity of redemption in and to
saiu real premises and every part
This summons Is DUbllshm! hv nnlor
ui me nonorame M. u Down. Judite of
the County Court of the State of Or.
gon for the County of Lane dated July
thu year 1012 tORothor with pbnnlty,
tntorost and costs thoroon upon thu
real propory nssossod to you, of which
you nro tho owner ns appears of record
situated In said County and Stnto, nnd
particularly boundod nnd described ns
follows, to -wit:
Lot two (3) Block six (0) ltomlrlck's
Ainenuoa Addition. Eugeno, Lnna
County, Stnto or Oregon.
You aro further notified that said
11. L. Studloy has paid taxes on said
promises for prior or subsequent years,
wnn tno rata or interest on said
amounts as follows:
On March 21, 1914, tho sum of $11.25
for taxos for tho year of 1913.
On March 31, 1916, tho sum of $10.35,
for-taxes tor tho ycaar of 1914.
Ou April C, 1916, tho sum of $10.62,
for taxes for the year of 1915,
All of tho amounts benr Intorost
from date of paymont at tho rate of
1G per cent per annum.
Said J. Noble Jones, Jr. an tho owner
of tho legal title of tho nbovo do
scrlbod property as tho same appears
of record, and each of tho other per
sons abovo named aro hereby further
notinod that 11. L. Studloy will apply
to tho Circuit Court of tho County nnd
Stnto aforesaid for a ilocroo foreclos
ing tho Hon against tho property nbovo
described, and montloued In said Cer
tificate. And you nro hereby summon
ed to nppeur within sixty days after
tho first publication of this summons,
exclusive of tho day of said first pub
lication, and defend thin nctlon or pay
tho amount duo ns nbovo shown, to
gether with costs nnd accrued Interest,
nnd In enso of your falluro to do so, n
decree will bo ronderod foreclosing tho
lien or said taxos and costs against
tho Innd and promises above named.
This summons Is published by order
of tho Honorable U. F. Sklpworth,
Judge of tho Circuit Court or tho Statu
of Oregon for the County of I-ano and
snld order was made und dated tho
31st day of July 1916, and tho dato of
the first publication of this summons
Is the 3rd day of August, 1916.
All process nnd papers In this pro
ceeding may bo served upon thu under
signed residing within the State of Ore
gon at the address hereinafter mou
tlonod. L. M. TRAVIS.
Attorney for Plaintiff
Address, Eugeno, Oregon.
Aug. 3,10,17,2431: Sept. 7.14.21,28,Oct.r
i mw m
Lano, Stnto of Oregon, for tho amount
of $7.46, tho samo bolng the amount
then duo nnd delinquent for taxes for
the year 1913, togother with ponnlty,
intorest and costs thoroon upon tho
real property assessed to you. of which
you aro tho ownor as appears of roc
oni, situated in said county nnd Stato,
aim panic-many oounueu ami uoscrin
ed as follows, to-wit:
Lot nunibor (6) six. in Block
bcr (6) Six. in Midway Park. In Lane
county, stato or Oregon.
You aro furthor notified that said
H. L. Studloy has paid taxes on satd
promises for prior or subsequent years
wnn mo raio or interest on said
amounts as follows:
On March 31, 1916, the sum of $.52
for taxos of tho year 1914.
On March B, 1916, tho sum of $.52
for taxes for tho yoar of 1915.
All of tho above amounts bnr In.
tercst at tho rate of 15 por cent por
Said Wlllam R. West as tho ownor
of tho legal title of tho abovo describ
ed proporty as tho samo appears of
record, and each of tho other oorsons
abovo named aro horeby further notl-
nou mat u. l. studloy will apply to
tho Circuit Court nf Ihn Pntintv nn.l
Stato aforosaid tor a decree foreclos
ing tho lion against tho proporty nbovo
described, and mentlonod In said Cer
tificate. And you aro horeby sum
moned to appear within sixty days
after tho first publication of this sum
mons, excluslvo or tho day or said
first publication, and dofend this nc
tlon or pay tho amount duo ns nhove
shown, togother with costs and ne
ed interest, nnd in case of your falluro
to do so, a decree will bo rendered
foreclosing the Hen or said taxes and
costs agalust the land and premises
abovo named.
This summons Is published by order
or the Honorable O. F. Sklpworth,
juugo or mo circuit Court or tho
State or Oregon for tho County of
Lane and said order was made nnd
dated tho 31st day of July, 1916. and
the date or the first publication of this
summons is tho 3rd day of August,
All process and papers In this pro
ceeding may bo served upon tho under
signed residing within tho Stato or
Oregon nt tho address hereafter men
tioned .
Attorney ror Plaintiff
Address Eugene, Oregon .
Aug. 3,10.17.24,31:Sept 7,14,21.28 Oct. 5.
Lane County, Stato of Oregon, July
24. 1916.
To Martin Mattson and F. Mitchell..
You aro hereby notWled that I havo ex
pended $200.00 in labor nnd improve
ments upon tno i'rincesa and Creases
lodes as will appear by certificates
fllod July 24, 1916 In tho office of tlo.
coruor or said county In order to hold and all persons unknown, If uny, hnv
saiu premises under the provisions of ing or claiming nn Intorost or ostnto
section 2324 Revlsod Statutes of tho' In and to tho hereinafter described
United States, being tho amount re- real property tho aboved named do
quired to hold tho same ror tho vear fnmlnnJit.
ending December 31st 1915. And If IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OK t Men to of Delinquency numbers
Cook in a
cool Kitchen
All the h(Mt W cwKM
tratetl wkr k m nMi
Jcm veil coo! and
makes for bettor cooking
Why not coolcwlth
a modern oil stovo thin Bum
mer and bo comfortable?
Bakes, broils, roasts, toasts.
More efficient thnn your wood
or coal stove, and costs leas to
Better cooking becnuso tho
Icr, more evenly distributed
heat, under perfect control
like Kits. No smoke or smell.
In 1, 2, 3 and 4-burner sizes,
ovens separate. Also cabinet
models with Tireless Cooking
Ask your dealer todny.
For Sale By
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Lane County
It ,L. Studloy, Plaintiff,
Henry Cutler, Mrs. Henry Cutler ,nnd
all persons unknown, If any, having
or claiming an Interest or ostnto In
and to tho hereinafter described real
property, Defendants.
To Henry Cutler, Mrs. Henry Cutler,
In the Circuit Court of the State of Homeopathlo Physician and Surgeon
Oregon, for Lane County I Ofllco, Ilaptlat Parsonage
H .L. Studloy, Plaintiff. j Corner Socond and C Streets
.. vs. HOURS; 9 TO 12. l'HONB 40
H. B. Kepnor. Mrs. II. II. Kepner, and
an persona unknown, if nny, having
or claiming an Intorest or ostnto In 1
and to tho hereinafter described real '
proporty. Dofcudnnta
To H. II. Kopnor, Mrs. II. II. Kep
ner, nnd all persons unknown, If nny,
having or claiming nn Interest or os
tnto In nnd to tho hereinafter describ
ed real property, tho abovo named defendants,
uiihOON: ou are hereby iiotlflc
win i ii. i,. studlcy tho io dor of
Office Phone 02; f.esldenc 87-J
I West Main St.
yiuiin ninety days rrom the servlco or OREGON; You aro horeby notified
tins notice or publication) you rail or that H .L. Studley tho holder or Cor
this notice or publication) you fall ori tlflcato of Delinquency numbered 1165
refuse to contribute your proportion or! Issued on tho 7th day or October, 1913,
such expenditure ns co-owner, your In- by the Tax Collector or tho County or
tnMtlt I r nnl.l UI ...III t n ' T 0 I. .
terest In said claim will become tho
property or the subscriber under sec
tion 2324.
Thur 7, 27, to Oct. 26.
Lano, State or Oregon, ror tho amount
or $8.43, the samo bolng tho amount
then due nnd delinquent ror taxes for
the year 1912, togother with penalty,
interest and coats thereon upon the
real property assessed to you, of which
you aro the owner as appears of rec
ord, situated In said County nnd State,
and particularly hounded and describ
ed as follows, to-wit:
Lot number soven (7), in block num
ber two (2. In Hum's Addition to tho
a Dentistry
her, J
1196 issued on tho 7th day of October,
1.1 Id, II y Milt 1UI COIIIU-llir nr llw, rtrt r
County of Lane, Stato of Oregon, for! wn' J' 'riMUNU
tho amount of 2.17, the samo bolng PHONE8 Office, 3; Residence, 118-J
uio u mourn men duo ami delinquent
for taxes for tho year 1912 together
with penalty, Interest nnd costs thoro-
Notice Is hereby given that by vir
tue of a warrant Ihmpi1 in ma i,v itm
Town Recorder of the Town or Spring-:'rown of Springfield, Lano county
ueiu. uregon. anu commanding mn tn ul "-'s
11th 1916,
Attorney tnr Plaintiff
, - ..........
July 13, 20, 27. Aug 3, 10, 17, 24.
levy upon and to sell, as UDon execu
tlon the lots 8. 9. and 10 in block 84 In
Waahburne's Subdivision or tho
Springfield Investmeht and Power
Company's addition to Snrinefleld
Oregon, to make and to Day tho sum
of 159.10 levied and assessed against
said property, with Interest thereon
at the rate of 6 per cent per annum
from the 24th Aar nt rWnmhn,- lOna
for the cost of constructing a Sewer
in tno alley between North "D" street
and North "E"atreet from Mill street
east to 9tb street; that tho said sum
was so levied and assessed against
said property by Ordinance No. 135
passed by the Common Council or said
Town on the 13th day or December.
1909 and was approved by the Mayor
oi saiu Town on said date, and that
such asessaraent was entered in the
Docket or Town Liens by the Town
Recorder on the 24th day or December,
1909 and that the same, and the whole
thereof Is now due. unpaid and dolin
NOW THEREFORE, In compliance
with the said warrant and In order to
satisfy said lien assesment with costs
and disbursements, I will on Sat
urday the 26th day of August,
1916, between the hours of 9 o'clock
A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M., to-wit at the
hour of one o'clock P. M. on said date
at the front door of the Town Hall, on
Main street between Second Btreet
and Third street, In the Town of
Springfield, Oregon, offer for sale, for
cash, subject only to the right of re
demotion, the premises abovo des
crlbed, oro'much thereof as may be
required to make the amount or said
I assessment, with Interest and accru
'ing cosu ana disbursements.
Town Marshal or the Town or Spring
field, Oregon. July 20, 27, Aug 3,10,17
FORECLOSURE? nr Tiv i icu
In the Circuit Court of th
Oregon ror Lane Cnuntv
H. L. Studley, Plaintiff,
William R. West. Mrs. Willi am
West, and all persons unknown, If
any, having or claiming an Interest
or estate In and to the hereinafter
described real property, Defendants.
To William R. West. Mrs. Wllllnm
R. West, and all persons unknown, If
any having or claiming an Interest or
estate In and to the herelnarter do
scribed real property, and tho ntinvn
named derendant.
OREGON, Von nn hereby notified that
H. L. Studley tho bolder of Certlflcato
of Delinquency numbered 1290 issued
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon, for Lane County
H .L. Studley, Plaintiff,
J. Noblo Jones, Jr., Elizabeth Marie
Jones, and all persons unknown, if
any, naving or claiming an Intorest
or estate iri and to the hereinafter
described real property, Defendants.
To J. Noble Jones, Jr.. Elizabeth
Marie Jones, and all persons unknown,
If any, having or claiming Intorest or
estato In and to the hereinafter de
scribed real property, the aboyo nam
ed defendant
OREGON: You aro hereby notified
that II. L. Studloy tho holder of Cor
tlflcato of Delinquency numborod 1191
issued on tho 7th day of Ocinhnr mm
by the Tax Collector of tho County of
Lano, Stato of Oregon, for tho amount
You aro further notified that said
II. L. Studley has paid taxes on said
premises for prior or subsequent years,
with the rate or Interest on said
amounts as follows:
On March 31, 1915, tho sum or $6.82,
ror taxes for the year of 1914.
On April C, 1916, the sum of 8.30
ror taxes ror the year or 1915.
All or the amounts bear Interest
from date of payment at the rata of
16 per cent per annum.
Said Henry Cutler as tho owner
of the legal title of tho above de
scribed property as the same appears
of record, and each of tho other per
on upon tho real property assessed to
you, oi wnicn you aro tho owner n
ippoars or record, situated In said
County nnd Stato. and particularly
hounded und described aH rollows, to
wn: Lot numbered (1) one In block num
bered (1) In B. E. Kepner's Addition
to tho town or Springfield, Lano
county, Stato or Oregon.
Vou aro further notinod that said
II. L. Studley has paid taxes on said
premises for prior or oubsequent yoars
with tho rate of Interest on sulil
amounts ns follows:
Ovor Commercial Bank,
Springfield, Oregon.
Cn March 21. 1914, tho sum or $2.97 i VIOLA
ior taxes ror tno year or 1913.
On March 31. 1915 tho sum of
for taxes for tho year of 1914.
On April 6. 1916, tho sum or
ror taxes ror tho year or 1915.
All or the amounts bear Intorest
from dato or payment at tho rate or
15 per cent per annum.
Said II. . Kepner as tho ownor
or the legal title or the abnvn Mn.
scribed property as tho samo appoars '
or record, and each or tho othnr nor.'
Kona above named are hereby further sons abovo named are hereby further n i J?
notified that H. L. Studley will apply 'notified that II. L. Studley will apply KHwAfrle Jr Rff Hi
to the Circuit Court of tho County and to tho Circuit Court of tho County and 1 U" t,r l I
stato aforosaid for a decroo rorocios- For Farm and City Pronertv
Ing tho lien against the property abovo i - - . .
described, and mentioned In said Cor- exchanges a Specialty
iintuiu. aou you aro noreov summon. t i .u
od to appear within sixty days after opnngneia
Attended to Promptly
Springfield and Vicinity
Leave orders at the News Ofllco
Pacific Conservatory of Musio
731 Willamette 8treet
The School of Music where all tho
Legitimate Instruments nnd Musical
StudleB are Instructed.
Ellsworth Crocker, President,
Mrs. Ellsworth Crocker, Sec and Tress.
State aforesaid for a decree foreclos
ing tho lien against the property abovo
described, and mentioned in said Cer
tificate. And you are hereby summon
ed to appear within sixty ..days-aftpr
the first publication of this summons,
exclusive of the day of said first pub
lication, and defend this action or pay
the amount due as above shown, to
gether with costs and accrued interost,
and in case or your failure to do so, a
decree will bo rendered foreclosing the
'Jen of said taxes and costs against
the land and premises above named.
This summons is published by ordor
of the Honorable G. F. Sklpworth,
Judgo or tho Circuit Court or the Stato
or Oregon ror the County of Lane and
said order was made and dated the
31st day or July 1916, and the date or
tho first publication of this summons I
Is tho 3rd day of August, 1916. 1
All process and papers in this pro-i
the first publication of this summons.
excluslvo or tho day or said first pub
lication, and defend this action or pay
tho amount due as abovo shown, tn.
gethor with costs and accrued interest, '
nnd In caso of your failure to do so, a i
decreo will be rendered foreclosing the
Hen of said taxes and costs ngalnst
tho land and premises above named. :
This summons Is published by order
of tho Honorable G. F. Sklnwnrih.
Judgo of tho Circuit Court or tho Stato
oi uregon ror the county or Lano and
said order was mado and dated this
31st day or July 1916, and the dnto or
the first publication or this summons
Is the 3rd day or August, 1916.
All process and papers In this pro
Phone 30
ceedlng may be served upon the under- ceedlng may bo served tioon the under.
signed residing within the Stato or Ore-; signed residing within the Stato or Ore-
gon at tho address horcinaiter men
Attorney ror Plaintiff
Address, Eugene, Oregon
Aug. 3,10,17,2431: Sept. 7,14,21,28,Oct.5
Notice Is hereby given that by an
order of the county court of Lano
county, Oregon, duly mado and enter
ed on record on the 3lBt day or July,
1916, the undersigned was duly ap
pointed administrator or tho estato or
John Bernhardt, deceased.
All portions having claims against
the said estato aro hereby notified to
present them duly vorlfled to tho un
dersigned at Eugene, Oregon, within
six months rrom the dato or this
Dated at Eugeno, Oregon, this 31st
duy or July, 1910.
Administrator of tho estate of John
Uornlmrdt, decoasod.
Walter U. Jones, attornoy,
ug X 10, 17, 24, 31.
t -. . i 1 1 , . .
kuu ui iiiu uuuruHH ueruinaiier men
tioned, L. M, TI1AVIS,
Attorney for Plaintiff
Address, Eugono, Oregon.
Aug, 3,10,17,2431: SepL 7,14,21,28,Oct.5
Notlco Is horoby given thut Lydlu x
Clark has boon by the County Court of
tho Stato of Oregon, In and for tho
County of Lano. appointed adminis
tratrix of tho estate of Ellzaboth J,
Rovore, deceased.
All porsons having claims acnlnst
the estate of said docensed are horoby
notinod to present tho samo, duly veri
fied at tho law ofllco of John C. Mullen,
In Sprltigflold. Oregon, within nix
months from this tho 13th day of July,
July, 13, 20, 27, Aug s, io Attorney
Offlct fn City Hall, Springfield, Ore
78, A. M. F., Anclont aad
Accopted Scottish Rito Uni
versal and Symbolic Free
Masons meets first and third
Friday evening In W. O. W.
hall. Vlsltlnc brnlhnm wel.
T. B. Harris
P. A. Johnson
R Wk M.
China Painting
To nil who will tnko a torm of 12
lossons I will glvo
Tho two froo lessons will glvo
you a ploco of china ready for tho
first ilro. '
' Now Is a good tfmo to boglu to
propara ror Xmns, )
Orders solicited. , 330 A otrqot