The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 10, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    TIHHtBDAV, UTQU8T 10, 1010
A Guaranteed 25 Cent Tooth Brush
With every package of
"Our Favorite" Tooth Paste
Offer Good Only While Goods
Are On Display
i - - - - -
: Town and Vicinity
Mrs. Hoy Howard Is 111 at her homo.
Walor wings nt Poory's .
A. P. McKlnzoy transacted busi
ness In Kugono tho first of tho week.
C. J. Noel of Fall Crook was In
town Tuesday morning.
James Hart from McKonzio Ilrldgo
was In town on business Wednesday.
Mrs. (loorgo Wllllan. or Wnltorvlllu,
spent Monday In Springfield.
C. L. Scott is spending a fow days
at Newport.
Molborn Hartlott Is employed ut tho
Springfield Planing mill.
Ladles,' MIssos and children's shoos.
Como In nnd get titled. Wolf & Mlllor
John Morgan of Harrlsburg was in
town on business thin morning.
Joy Walker in running tho general
delivery wagon for tho present.
Tho Ladles Aid mot with Mrs. J
W. Collin Wednesday afternoon.
llov. II. S. Bishop of Croswoll trans
acted business In town today.
E. E. Hrattnln roturnod Wednesday
from n business trip near Mercer lako
J. U. Cowdon was a shopper from
tho Mohawk today.
Keep tho Hies off tho cows with "Fly
llniitii-nr" 7Sn n enllnn nt Poorv'n.
M. V. Endlcott transacted business
In Marcola Wednesday.
M. C. Iiresslor returned Wednosdny
from n business trip to Ashlund.
J. P. Fry sold his Maxwell nutomo
bllo to A. I), Huddlman yostorday.
Quy Moshlor of Hayden Ilrldgo was
In town on Tuosday.
MIbsob Myrtlo nnd Lucllo Copon
haver nro spondlng a fow days at
MIshob Huth Parsons and Ilutli
,Lansbory walked to Eiigono Wednes
day afternoon.
Mrs. Price's canning
Poory's Drug Store.
powders at
Miss Druco Uarnos returned tho
first of tho wook from Newport whero
Bho spent her vacation.
A. Lnthrop from tho Mohawk was
in town on business Wednesday morn
ing. Mr. nnd Mrs. E. G. Hoyden roturnod
Tuesday after spending two woolts at
Dolknnp Springs.
Mrs. Q. Slovens loft tho foro part
ot tho wook on on oxtondod visit to
Urldgoport, NobrnBkn.
Fred Million nnd William McCul
loch fished down tho WHI"otto Wed
Tho Gleaners will moot with Mrs,
W. SnodgrnBH Friday nfternoon In
stead ot Thursday.
Do you wish to become woll? It so
call on Dr. Murphy, a drugloBB liealor,
359 Main streot.
Mrs. D. W. Hoof Is getting along
nlcoly after her operation. Sho is
still at tho Springfield hospltnl.
Miss Amy Carson roturnod Wed
nosdny from Wendllng whero sho has
boon Instructing a music class.
Mrs. D. M. Coin and chlldron of Mar
cola nro vlBltlng tho former's mothor
Mrs. Alfred Ulgolow.
Mrs. Sadlo Mutthows who has boon
visiting her mother in Portland ro
turnod homo tlo first ot tho wook.'
Pickaninny Special at Egglmann'u
Candy Kltchon. 1
Dr. W. 0. Itcbhan and A. N .Denver
cainn down from their camp nhovo
Oakrdga for supplies Tuesday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Kcmcri Edwards of
Wlnbery uro tho proud parents of a
nine pound boy born Tuesday.
Wlllntnetto-Pncinc engine 2100 was
brought to tho local yards Wednesday
for light repairs.
Kd. Whlttakcr who submitted to a
major operation last weok Is mlprov
Ini: nicely.
Do you wish to bocomo well? If so
cull on Dr. Murphy, a druglcss hoaler,
3G9 Main atrcet.
O. J. Howard assistant machinist of
the Southern Pacific yards returned
from Newport Tuosday.
Tho Springfield flour mill received
a car of wheat from Rowland this
Frank Herman and J, W. Morgan
or Coburg transacted business this
morning In Springfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Prlco of Mar
cola motorod to Portland tho first or
tho wook.
J. P. Fry Is fitting up ono of his
houses on A street betwoon Sixth nnd
Seventh streets, for light housekeep
ing .
Mrs. S. W. U. Haynes and Mrs.
Frank Wood of Kugcne visited with
Mrs. Pearl Courtwrisht and Mrs.
Grace Harblt Tuesday.
For tho host up todnto shoo repair
ing, try Hull tho Shoo Doctor. Fifth
' and Main streets.
Dr. und Mrs. J. E. Itlchmond nnd
family roturnud Tuosday from an
outing pr a Weok nt Hendrlck's bridge
on tho McKonzle.
Mrs.J. Frost, daughter or Otto Ilrab
ham was takon to tho Eugono hos
pital Wednosdny afternoon nnd may
havo to undergo an oporutlon.
Mrs. Fnnnle Cornelius who has been
cooking' nt camp number 9 at Wend
llng returned to Eugene tho first of
tho week.
menu's .
wntermclon on Ico at Eggl-
Mrs. James Evans nnd daughter,
Alice, returned Tuesday evening af
ter n visit of several wooks at Abor
(loon, Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Pocry ofSprlrn?
Hold nnd Mr. and Mrs. P. H. McDonald
ot Sulo, Orogon, aro spending a two
weeks' vacation at Uolknap Springs.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Walker ro
turnod the first ot tho wook from
Prlnovillo. Thoy walked most or tho
Wo havo Just received S cases or
rubbor boots, shoos and slickers, Wolf
Woir & Miller.
Jim Stownrt, Tad Luckoy, Harry
Stewart and Poarl, Courtwrlght wont
to Lako crook near Triangle lako to
fish tor crawfish.
Miss Mary Hoborts sorved a birth
day suppor Tuesday ovonlng In honor
of Mrs. W. A. Hodman and Mr, J.
Mr. nnd Mrs. William McCulloch
and Bona, William, Earl and Robort,
roturnod Tuesday rrom u Jwo weeks'
camping trip nt Salt Crook springs.
Mrs. Georgo Lnrison, and dnughtor
MIsb Clara, and son Jesso, loft yes-
tordny aftornoon for an outing ut Oak
rldgo, whoro Mr. Larison is employed,
Mrs. Horbst, Wlfo of E. F. Horbst of
tho Sprlngflold Creamery , has boon
sorloitBly 111 and Is Improving nlcoly
nt this time.
Good rollablo tiro Insurance. No as
sessments; no meraborship fee. Pay
onco and you aro done, II, E. Walker
at tho City Hall.
Mm, Emily F. Stevens of Springfield
nnd Mm. A. T. Ilonnott of Eugono ro
turned Tuesday from Newport wlioro
they spoilt two weeks,
J. C. 1)1 m in of (lie News returned
Tuesday morning from Medford whuro
ho attended the ntintinl convention of
tliu Oregon Hlato Editorial nssoclatoln-
Mm. E. C. Wlgmoro went to Port
land last Tuesday on business for the
OreEon C .W. II. M. of which dim In
stnto president.
Mr. nnd Mrs. 13. F .Hmlrituf formrely
ownern of tho Dull Theatre arrived
Wednesday In tliolr oar from Portland
for a visit of u fow days.
Wo tiro equipped lo recloan CLOVER
and VBTCH need thin fall nnd will buy
ull tho seed you liavo to sell. Spring
aold Feed company.
U. It Grush nnd Mis Winifred
Graven of Astoria left this morning t rnska, who nro looking for a location
for their homo after an extondod visit j passed through Springfield this morn
with Mr. nnd Mrs. C. E. Lyon. , Ing. They expect to pass through
- Salem and Seattle nnd go on to Brit
Mrs. II. Ilcadlo and daughter Miss BH Columbia.
veimn ueniry anil nicco Miss Gentry
of Albany nro spending tho day In
town with friends.
Tho Waltervlllo church will com
mence revival meetings Sunday, Aug
ust 13. Waller Ilnlloy of Springfield
will preach.
F, H. Adams of Lebanon is register
cu i wio wiiu noioi. air. Adams Is an cxt0ndcd trip. They will probab
assisting with tho painting of tho now i ,y brlnB tllIer 80n Mcrlo omo wUh
Methodist church. lhcm ns he ,8 ,,, fn th0 1,011
Mrs. I. Endlcott of Camas, Washing-' t,,erc
ton, deported for her homo Wednes-1 Vnmnn mm mlRRlnnarr no
day morning after an extended
at the homo or Mr. and Mrs. O,
visit ;
Mrs. M. N. Thompson and daughter,
Oladys, arrived
take charge or
horo this week to
tUU UlllllllUlJ OIU1UI
recently purchased from Mrs. Dclbcrt
You can buy your toed cheaper at
tho Springfield Feed company's ware
house. No rent, no dray ago, no de
livery. Tho saving Is yours. Inves
tigate. J. A. Gllbaugh, county coroner of
Clatsop county, and Mrs. Gllbaugh
wero In town Monday. They wero on
their way to Belknap Springs for a
short ouUng.
Mr. and Mrs. Calvert of Junction
City nro visiting this week with tholr
daughters Mrs. Uudd McPherson or
Springfield, and Mrs. J. D. Edmlslon
and Mrs. II. C. Baugh ot Thurston.
Tl.. r..r n..u r-. ... .
o milium riuur miu reports
largo orders for grain bags by the
farmers for the coming harvest. Two
men havo placed an order for over
3000 bags.
Mrs. Sam Holcomb and two sons
departed to their homo In North Bend ,
tho foro
part of tho weok after an
visit with Mrs. Alice Hoi-
Will Dlshop has purchased tho
houso and lot on Second and D streets
now occupied by Georgo Cox, of Mrs.
I uuurgo v;aicnmg. j ne transfer was.
made by J. J. Brownjng.
Wo thought wo had everybody shod, j
but they Just keep coming tor more j
shoes. There' is. a reason. Woir &
Mr. nnd Mrs. M. M. Male and daugh
ter Grace and son Ivan visited at tho
homo ot Mrs Male's cousin, J. II. J
Tho Booth-Kelly company havo ono
dopartment ot their mill running a
13 hour shift and nro sending out two
cars ot lumber n day over tho Ore
gon Electric rallwny from Eugeno.
Mrs. Guy Knapp has moved from
Fourth and D streets to tho home or
hor sister, Mrs. A. L. Ingals at Mid
way. Mrs .Knapp will retain hor mu
sic class for the prosenL
I, A. Valentino, chlof flremnn ror
tho Orogon Power company, accom
panied by his wiro. loft on Saturday
for Newport whoro thoy will spend
two wooks by tho seashore.
Egglmann's for quality.
CharloB Tryon and family, who have
Bnent two months visiting at tho F.
E. Lonhart home, loft yesterday for
Croscont City, California. Mr. Tryon
Is a cousin of Mrs. LonhnrL
II. E. Leo or West Springfield nnd
son and two daughters, will be homo
Saturday from Sheridan whero they
aro employed by tho Flachor-Boutin
Lumbor company.
Oscar Loo departed Thursday morn
ing for Nampa, Idaho, whoro ho ox
poets to Join his aunt for a throe
weeks' camping nnd hunting trip in
the mountains.
Dr. and Mrs. Eugono Kestor plan
to loavo thts evonlug for n month's
stay n tho cast. Dr. Kestor will takq
a postgraduate course In olthor tho
P. nnd S, of Now York pr tho Chicago
Polyclinic school. Dr. R. P, Morton
boh will tuko enro of Dr.Kostor's prno-
t ee during tho Intti-r'n ubsrmo.
Ion a HcIboII, II. M, MnthoM, J. II.
Mober of Mill City, C. It. Whlttock,
II. Hauler of Astoria .nnd John Hucher
wero roglstored at tho Springfield ho
till Tuesday,
Mrs, F. I), Titus, Who has boon scr
lously III at her homo on south Main
street for tho past five nnd ono half
months, wag slightly hotter yostcrday
afternoon. ,
C. r. llryant of Albany, an adjuster
for tho Oregon Klro IlollfAsgoclatlon
of McMlnnvlllo Is In tho city In con
tention wlththcburnlng of tho J. I.
Harliro homo.
II. C. Cook and A. F. McKcnzIo ar
rived horo Monday from Koscburg and
nro employed on tho grovel train haul
ing from tho Natron pit to south of
tho Umpqua bridge. They are reg
istered at the Elite hotel.
Two parties from Rushvlllo, .Neb-
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holbrook, Mr.
and Mrs. J. E. Edwards and families I
established a camp at Seavoy's ferry
Thursday Mr. Holbrook wfll spend I
the nights at camp and return to his
store every morning.
Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Durrln started
to Itlchmond, California, Tuesday for
clety of tho Methodist church, met
with Mrs. J. T. Mooro Tuesday after
noon. The lesson was: Books on
Missions. Dainty rerrcshracnts were
served after the lesson study period
, . 1,,, I
daughter Ennal from StIIIwoll, Ind
iana arrived at tho home of Mr,
Wine's sister. Mrs. A. C. Travis the
first of this week. They expect to
spend two months in the west.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jones and family
are visiting at tho home of Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Allen. Mr. Jones has
been living at Acmo, Oregon the past
year and now expects to go to his
i ranch at Blakelyviile.
Mr .and Mrs. W. A. Emory and
daughter Audrey or Eugene aro stay
j ing with Mrs. It. W, Smith during the
! absence or Mr. Smith who Is -attend
j ing the mall carriers' convention a
' Chjcago. Mr. Emery isemployed a
: tho Eugene gas plant
I Rev. M. F. Chllds or the Free Meth
odist church of West Springfield will
preach at Landax Saturday evening,
on Wlnbery creek Sunday morning at
eleven o'clock and nt Warner school
house on Fall Creelc at eight o'clock
Sunday evening.
I. W. Webb, H. R. Gardner, Roy
Reynolds, M .C. Hamilton, W. G. BeB,
G. F. McLaughlin and J. Hall were
registered at the Elite hotel Tuesday.
Tho first three men are bridge car
penters, and the others are mcmbera
Of the gravel train crows.
Lowell Sikes had tho misfortune to
run a nail Into his root Wednesday
evening while walking 'along Fifth
street. Tho head of the nail was
caught In the pavement and entered
over an Inch Into the boy's foot Ho.
ran about a block before he met somo
ono to pull It out. '
Mr. and Mrs. Wolby Stevens and
Mr .and Mrs. O. B. Kcsoy and their
families left Thursday morning for
n camping and hunting, trip. They
will go to Ashland, Crater Lake, Klam
ath Falls, and Odell Lako whero thoy
expect to do their hunting, then on to
Bend. They expect to return over the
McKenzle Pass.
Mrs. Fred Montgomery and small
son, James, returned home to Spring
field yesterday from Oakland, where
they havo been visiting at the homo of
Mrs. Montgomery's father, James
Starr. Mrs. Montgomery Is almost en
tirely recovered from the effects or
a runaway which occurred about a
month ago.
Oregon Power
ed tmi toon iwom riHP wit wtw
nt QVAiiTy I
llt you SINTLCfCN l
YOU can't hide the truth that's why men who uso
W-B GUT Chewing know what quality tobacco is.
A small chew of the real tobacco tucked away
in the check gives men the tobacco satisfaction they
A geatletBan's cberr it cats down grinding and pittig and thtre'i
do unwieldy wad to roll Ground In your mouth or to plug out (be chec.
Give WB CUT Chewing the quality tcit sad Ieara what tehteto
atitfictioa is. '
Huckleberries are said to be plen
tiful in the mountains In tho vicinity
of Wtndllng.
Piano lessons by University ot Ore
gon music student, CO cents per hour.
Inquire at News office.
Organize Hughes-Fairbanks Club
A meeting ot all those who recently
signified their willingness to Join a
Hughes organization and of all other
Interested persons has been called for
Friday evening, August 11, at eight
o'clock. In the Stevens-Perkins hall,
for tho purpose of organizing a Hughes
and Fairbanks club.
Physician Has rvlany Difficulties
One of the local doctors found It
Jim cult to get home after a profes
sional call at Wlnbery Tuesday nighL
The homeward trip was only begun
when bis Ford refused to go without
gasoline. A two mile walk to a farm
house and a two mile drivo further
to a garage which was closed made
the doctor wonder how he could get
home. Finally a rancher was found
vho consented to draw a gallon of
gasoline out of his car and the doctor
resumed hia belated Journey. A small
Trade caused some anxiety when the
Tasollne -was nearly exhausted but tho
byclcian succeeded In reaching his
home In Springfield about three o'
clock in the morning. .
Coos Bay
Railroad Jubilee
August 24, 25 and 26
The Greatest Celebration in Years
Coos Bay Country invites the
world to celebrate the coming
of the railroad. Hospitality is
the Keynote of this celebration.
Aug. 24th
Band Concerts Speaking Caremonlqs Dedication Simpson Park
Street Carnival Water Sports Parades Driving Goldensplke,
Aug. 25th
Trips by rail and boat to Coqullle, Bandon, Myrtlo Foint, Towers,
Coos Bay .Mussel Reef, Sunset Bay, Cape Arago. Sea food dinner
at Charleston Bay. Fishing at Lakeside, Launch trips on Coos Bay.
Aug. 26th,
Industrial Parade Wator Sports Auto Racing Blnmlnated
Launch Parade Fireworks Dancing Horse Racing.
Low Round Trip Fares
On Safe Aug. &1 to 26 Inc.
Return Limit Aug. 31
Ask Local Agent
JOHN M. SCOTT, Gen. Pass. Agt
Portland, Orogon
kmok ww
- cuT rm '
t rwi 1 bcHwr mm toI
:bwithI ssiHDAHsrrruKcl
TUT t THO Si WHO U3t r-r
30rttD WTTmI
A number or Jolly SpringfleH girls
clad in hiking togs, with fishing poles
and lunch baskets, chaperoned by
Miss Lena Newton and Mlsc Olive
Smith, started tor .Fall Creek yester
day morning. Thoy hit the dust o fthe
road about half past six in the morn
ing and expect to camp at their destin
ation for afew days and live on the
fish they catch and the vegetables
from tho farmers' gardens near by.
The camp supplies were sent to Jas
per by train and taken to Fall Creek
by auto truck. Those taking the trip
were. Misses Dorrls Sikes, LHdle
Smith, Dorothy Miller, Lilllan' MHlll
gan, Grace Thomas, Marion White,
Gladys Lepicy and Audrle Perkins.
Reports say that the McKcnzIe
road pass is now in gpod condition
and anydne can bow cross without
difficulty. '
A now fire-fighting tool baa been la
vented by a forest ranger in Califor
nia which consists of an interchange
able hoe and rake. It is said to be
tho best tool ot Use cort yet devised:
Experiments with Jack: pine have'
shown that it 13 wolf suited for male
ing kraft paper. On some of tho
National forests this tree Is used to
plant land that is too poor to grow
other Umber.