The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 10, 1916, Image 1

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ihmi fotnurr il. Iill-it 1artiifl4l1,i)rson,
uultefuaatr Ml of fancro ol M Mb, l7
Survey From British Vlowpolnt
Of Socond Year of Gront
England Better Prepared With Muni
tlons and Allies Are Making
Advances Steadily
LONDON, AtlK.i 9. Wliffo quail
Ceil Ainurlcun MtuduulH of tlio war
from thulr special position probuhly
to hotter nblu to mini up tlio situ
iitlou ut tlio ond of tlio second your
of tlio conflict than any of tho bol
HccrontH, It nmy bo of Intorcitt to pre
lient tho following flurvoy from tho
British viewpoint. Wlillo I am unablo
to cite my authorities, I cuu vouch for
their high standing.
First and foremost, tho Urltlxli Hoot
Id now stronger lit ovory respect Mum
over beforo In ltd history and Its dom
ination of tho seas Is inoro nearly
The Teutonic powers occupy 107
000 jujuaro miles. Of course, the
character of the occupied territory
has to bo taken Into account and u
Ktudy of the world's ump does not
settle tho argument.
The host estimate of tho present
situation is obtained by recalling tho
stuto of affairs In 11)15. Wlillo tho
Gorman advance on tho west had been
dellnltoly chocked tho Teutonic pow
ers wore conductliiK a successful cam
paign In Hussia, and followed that by
overrunning Serbia and MontencKro.
On the Austrian frontier Italy was
making no headway. The large Anglo
French Army was neutralized In Gal
Ilpoll, and In Armenia tho Turks wore
holding their own everywhere. The
Initiative then lay with Germany.
The initiative now Is definitely In
the bands or tho Allies. Tho Anglo
French forco which was tied up In
Galllpoll was successfully removed
nnd mado avallablo on other fields of
vvnrfaro. Tho Serbian army has boon
reconstituted and Is presenting a for
midable front to tho Hulgarlans, who
bad been led to bollovo It was non
existent as a fighting entity.
Success In Mesopotamia
Dosplto tho loss of tho garrison at
Kut the Mesopotamlan operations re
sulted in tliq comploto domination of
Sliatal-Arah and tho Turkish prov
Ince of Irak by tho British and tho
elimination of Gorman influence in
South Persia.
Hut It Is In Europo that tho sceuo
Is changed most strikingly. With tho
German failure at Vordun tholr pos
session of tho military inltlativo carao
to an ond. Tho sumtnor of 1916 has
seen tho beginning of a great com
bined attack on the Austro-Gennan
defenses. Tho Anglo-French forcos
nr slowly but surely driving back tho
Germans on tho Sotnme. In tho dif
ficult Alps tho AUstrlans'1 are receding
beforo tlio Italians. Tho Russians ore
advancing rapidly on tho Hungarian
frontlor and reconquering tho Aus
trian territory which they won In 11)14
nnd had to relinquish In 1915, whon
the Teutonic Allies chorlsliod tlio fal
lacious belief that tho Russians would
bo unablo to coma back.
With tho continuance of Russian
successes in that quarter, Gormany'
recently ronewod oxprosstons of ap
prehension rolatlvo to numanla or
qujte comprohonslblp and after tlio
.gathering of tho harvests has boon
. completed, matters may bogln to movo
fita'rtllngly in southeast Europe.
England ..Now Ready
In regard!' tho situation In Eng
land particularly, It may now bo said
ithat this country ouly recently roach
cd tho point'' of roudJnoBs for tho
buge continental war In which she Is
engaged with wholohoartodnoBs.
This may bo guagod among othor
things by tho fact that boforo com
pulsory Borvlco was Introduced In
March, 6,041,000 mon had voluntarily
Joined hor forcos.
Groat Britain's output of munitions
last year was still inadequate. Hor
resources in organization, men, and
machinery slnco last yeur liavo pro
ceeded to such a degroo that Great
13rltuln now Is turning out more than
enough supplies for an enormously
increased army, bo that she 1b ablo
to rondor assistance to her nlilos in
this direction uIbo,
Steal Car from Sllverton Man and
Rob Store at Coburg
A Ford automobllo was stolon from
tho prlvnlo garago of Iloscoo Lang
loy of Hllverton at midnight Wednes
day, August 3, by throe convicts who
oncapnd from the flax farm botwoen
Sllverton and Salem . Tho thieves aro
still at liberty.
Tho robbors hid In tho willows near
Harrlsburg and Thursduy night broke
Into Mr. Drury's store nt Coburg. It
was discovered that they had tire
troublo twlco at Coburg but this only
emitted n slight delay as tho car was
equipped with repair supplies. Tho
party was seen at the Halo farm near
Harrlsburg Thursday aftornoon and
wore traced to tho Euro no brldgo but
no further clue has been obtained.
mr. uang.oy was in ie.a mis
afternoon scoxing information inui
might load totho arrest of tho con!.
vlctn nnd restore his stolen car.
Wants Agency For H. E. Pitts' Butter
Mold and Wire Binder
J. A. Garrard of Seattle was In
SprltiRflold recently to confer with II.
K. Pitts, president or tho Springfield
Planing Mill company. In regard to
a butter mold and a wire binding ma
chine, both of which have recently
boon Invented and patented by Mr.
Mr. Garrard, who Is In tho
iinrtlwarG nnu woodon waro i)uinc8
I.unil,onn roociill.. nd boo.n.o .o
Interested -that ho called on Mr. Pitts
hero In an effort to secure tho Wash
ington ngency for tha product, as
well as for tho butter mold. Mr.
Pitts say8 ho has not yet decided
about tho matter. Tho butter mold
has Just been put on tho market, and
tho wlro blndor will bo ready to In
troduce In a very hsort tlmo.
Tourists are Much Pleased With Re
ceptlon Received Here
C. S .Suttzor. prcsldont of the Red
Wing Advertising company of oa
W tot. Minnesota, and George Anno of
San Francisco, California, stopped nt r -
tho auto camp tho first of the weck. bvomen and a child, passed south
SuUze; id he had been calling through West Springfield. They had
o salesmen In Portland and would a four wheeled, rubber tired light
nass through TexaS to see his son at(Sn with a covered top. On thn
Z lo Z til Z militia. Mr. Suit- top was painted this inscription.
. mnn "From Coast to Coast, Bound for
zer wus luruiuii """"f-h'--
and worked for the New York Sun and
Chicago Times besides owning sever
al papers of his own.
Tho Springfield camp ground was
the first auto camp thoy heard about
and praised It highly. They said that
this type of work shoUid be oncour
agod. and they wanted the Springfield
people to know that thoy thought It
flno to have a placo to "play Indian."
Tourists Can Stop at Poujada When
Up the McKenxlo
A frco camp ground for tho con
venience of tourists has boon oponcd
at tho Poujado Ash hatchery; up the
McKcnzIo river about 25 miles from
Springfield. Tho Poujado fish hatch
ery Is maintained by tho state.
Free water, wood and eloctrlc lights
uro provided, according to M. L. nyck
man, superintendent of the hatchory
who has Just completed-tho work of
clearing off tho ground by working
during his sparo tlmo.
Tho oloctrlclty for tho lights is pro
vided by tho hatchory dynamo, '
Boys' Industrial Clubs Working Thru
State Department of Education
L, P. Harrington, Industrial worker
for tho stato department of education
roports that some of the boys Indus
trial clubs of the Wlllakenzlo and tho
Norkenelo districts northwest of
Sprlngflold aro growing some of tho
best corn ho has seen this year.
Tuesday morning Mr. Harrington
and Miss Bosson visited tho Thurston
district and mot with tho club mem
bers from that school as well as thoso
from tho Maplo nnd tho Davis schools
adjoining. Thoro woro 21 members
of tho clubs In tlio meeting, ull of thcia
carrying on some sort of tho club
Mr. Harrington took n number of In
teresting pictures of tho boys nnd of
lia irlrla nt wnrlr 'Wlllftll lia will 11HO
tliu f5 t " . .., I
In some of his illustrated lectures in
his travels ovor tho stato.
Gang of Mon Come From Cor
vallis and Eastern to Do
Work Here
Bricks Along Tracks Will Be Taken
Up and Replaced With Planks
Early Next Week
d ntm beK
, , ,. ..., , ..
iilvnniiio . . . vj .'" ... - - -
! in repairing tho roadbed of tho local j
; street car lino Wodnesdty. A train
,,inlrlnir ,,, millIllMl of thn Ioc,
load of carpenters camo In Tuesday ,
night over tho Woodburn-Sprlngfleld
urancn irom Asnianu. 'iiioy aro iroiv tuuu& muu uu nuuinu iu wi wm
tho Corvallls and Eastern railroad, j munlty, regardless of age, race color
I'art of the large crew of men wont 'of political ambitions. Tho commit
to Wnlchcster on tho Southern Pac-jtccs had an enthusiastic meeting
Iflc main line, Bomo wont up the Mo Tuesday evening and made prepare
hawk mm tnc remninuer will do the tlons for a great time next Tuesday
work In Springfield. afternoon and evening.
It Is tho Intention of the strcot rail- The afternoon will bo devoted to
way company to tako up tho brick sports and other amusements which
that have been doing Hervlco along the j will keep all laughing from tho time
trolley rolls and replace them with j A writ, a I tin with nunhfilt
jjiiv huh wivdo m..
romo.o.l d replaced tvIHi wood.
Snrlnefleld has nearly a mllo of
trolley car track and It will tako some
time to complete tho Job. Tho men
aro now working in tho local yards
preparing tho timbers that will be
used and dressing the lumber.
Men Pull Wagon WlthCampIng Out
fit; Women Also Walk
Tho Pacific htahwav has become
The I acme highway uas uecome
vory popular for tourist rtavel and all
KlUUg Ul sMIiSlllO Ul ItlU IUUU um; j
scon wending their way to the north
- , ,
or to the sou. 1. Yesterday morning
Washington, D. C."
The wagon carried their camping
outfit and It was drawn by the two
men. Tho women followed In the rear
and ono of them carried a small
Will Succeed A. I. O'Reilly Who Goes
To Marcota Schools
C. E. Ferguson, whq for eleven
years was In tho employ of the U
nlted States government as school
supervisor In tho Philippine Islands
was elected by the county board of
education on Tuesday as county school
supervisor to auccoed A. I. O'Reilly
who has resigned to accept the prin
clpalshlp of the schools at Marcola.
Mr. Ferguson' lives In Eugene.
Mr. Ferguson was selected out of a
list of ten applicants. Provlousto go
ing to tho islands, Mr. Ferguson was
engaged In teaching in tho county
schools' of Iowa and of North Dakota.
After returning from tho Philippines
nbout a year ago ho has finished his
college course at tho University of
Oregon, graduating with the class of
The new supervisor will enter upon
his dutlos August 15.
Mill Gets Big Order From Creswell
An ordor ha8 Just been received
from Creswell by tho Springfield plan
ins mill for botween 4,000 and 6,000
orchard boxes Altogether with this
order, and tho work thoy aro doing
for tho new Methodist church and tho
parsonage as woll as othor regular
work, tho mill Is kept quite busy Just
now, prcsldont H. E. Pitta reports.
Oxteam Goes Through Springfield
Yesterday afternoon a man nnd a
woman with an oxteam hitched to a
two-horso wagon passed through
Sprlngflold Thoy had regular liar
nesB with brldlo and bit on their oxou
nnd tholr wukoi. contained their camp-
inn niltflt
Thoy hail a buggy trailing
...n -
behind the wagon and woro leading a
few cattle.
Young People of Springfield To
,Take Half Day Off For
Cafeteria Luncheon Will Be served
By "Eats" Committee For All
Hungrey Ones
Three thirty next Tuesday aftcr-
nonn In tlin limp, nnrl Emnrnlcl
- - - - " i -
Heights Is tho place that has been do
elded to hold the Big Young Peoples'
picnic of Springfield. This picnic is
for the benefit and enjoyment of every
arrive uuw. . u.M .
can tor mo nne cnieienu luncueuu ai
... -
six thirty. Then the sandwiches, cor-
Uln .will bo .orv.d Ital will nulo
everybody that goes to tho picnic
laugh Inside with the Joy of netlng.
The committee on site will have
swings for tho girls and seats on the
soft sides of the rocks for the boys
with great piles of firewood to make
the hugo bonfire that everyone will
enjoy after the shadows begin to
creep around. Then the entertain
ment committee will bo busy keeping
(things going and seeing to it that
.something new is sprung every once
,n awh,,e' There ,S n Un, 8et t0
M bQ home.un.
i ,
1 f 1 1 mnftiinf1
Everyone Is planning on going.
There is no especial placo to meet.
Just go to Emerald Heights north of
town and you will find the crowd. Or
course you will bring your appetite
with you. It will cost money to buy
all tho grub you are going to eat. So
tho finance committee and the "cats"
committee have gotten together and
have arranged an elaborate cafeteria
supper for the large sum of twenty
cents. Now you won't bo able to get
anything to eat on tho grounds for
love nor monoy If you don't, have one
of thoso little blue tickets to give to
the caBhler beforo you get your "hand
out." You had better see Leota Mc
Crackcn, Ida Carson, Merle ChaBe or
come to the News office and get a
ticket for yourself and one for that
friend you are going to tako along.
Remember the whole twenty cents is
to be spent for tho good things you
will got to eat there are no profits
In this game.
Don't forget: Throe thirty next
Tuesday afternoon at Emerald Heights
and If you can't get oft before suppor
time come then. If you can't come
until eight o'clock, come then we'll
nil be there to help you have that
good tlmo.
Musicians- Will Entertain the Public
At Auto Camp Grounds
Tho Springfield City Band will give
another concert at the auto camp
grounds on Main street tonight. These
concerts have been much appreciated
by our cltlxens and the band boys
who give so much of their time with
out remuneration need to be encour
aged. Let us make them feel that
tholr efforts ore appreciated by show
ing our presenco at these concerts.
Some complaint has been made that
many children congregate at or near
the band stand and make bo much
noise that it Is very unpleasant for
tho musicians.
Prunes May Be Shipped Fresh
J. O .Holt, raanogor of tho Eugeno
Fruit Growers association, has receiv
ed an offer through which tho prune
growers in tho vicinity of Eugeno may
receive one cent a pound green for
tholr fruit shipped fresh If the grow
ers so dostre nrrangomonts will be
mado to ship them from the cannery,
but it is desired to ship nt least 10
car loads.
Highway Leading to Fifth Street In
Springfield Comes in For
Its Share
The county court Is advertising fgr
bids for three important road Improv
ments in this county. The first ono
calls for 8S95 feet of macadam road
leading from the north end of Fifth
street in Springfield to tho Wendllng
branch of tho Southern Pacific rail
road on the road leading to tho Mo
hawk valley.
Another ono calls for macadamiz
ing o f6830 feot of the Eugene El
clra road from the end of the present
macadam out of Eug"in over Crab-
tree hill auu connecting up with the
next stretch ol macadam. This will
givo a good road from Eugcno to tho
brldgo over Coyote creek a distance
of more than eight miles. The other
ploco of road will bo 5200 feet of new
dirt construction road around Cape
Horn in the Lake creek valley. This
new road will eliminate a dangerous
precipice overlooking the creek and
will eliminate a heavy grade.
The bids will boopcned by the coun
ty court September first and the con
tracts let so that the work may bo
done this fall before heavy rains be
Three Trains Daily Haul Material for
Ballasting New Roadbed
The Southern Pacific company be
gan working at the Natron gravel pit
on the Oakrldge branch of the road
Tuesday and three trains began haul
ing the gravel to .points south of the
Umpqua bridge of tho Wlllamette
Paclflc line Wednesday.
Three trains are used to haul tho
gravel, one from the pit to Spring
field and two from Springfield to tho
places along the road where tho bal
last is to be used. These trains will
u uy uiBui ai aprmgneia ana the position ot the employes this at
one helper engine , will tie" up at Eu.' ternoon
6Cne ' "We have simply accepted the
Trainmaster, W.J. Williams has hla'fr,end,y offers of the Federal board
headquarters at Springfield while the of med,atlon and conciliation. The
gravel trains are working. , ,ssue ,s slmp,y one or mediation, not
The gravel is used In ballasting the "arbitration. In mediation proceedings
Willamette-Pacific road bed which Is nn onfi R hound to accent the oro-
Just being completed from Eugene .to
Marshfleld on the coast
Pupils of Miss Amy Carson Appear
Next Friday Night
The pupils of Miss Amy Carson of
bprlngneld will give 'a piano recitaj!
tomorrow nvpntntr nt Christian8'
church at eight o'clock. The persons wand M,f8 Nora Sorenson of Spring
who will appeal on the program will . fieId 8 e,ected 8 Commercial teatjH
come from Donna, Marcola as well cr for the' next term. Miss orwsoa
as from Springfield. j ,s weU known among the social cli-
Th'e following program wlU be ren- c,eB hre ? h uht thre
dered: , 'n Springfield high school. She haa
Piano solo, Warbling of the Birds," , diploma from Monmouth and -
Kimball, Jennie Turner, Donna. had special training In the Eugee
Piano solo. "Dance in the Barn." Kllck-; business college. She taught In th
man, Ellen Lambert. .
Piano duet, "Spanish Dance," Mosz
kowskl, Cleoao and Lavelle Barker
Pito solo, "Morning Mood," Grieg,
Miss Carson.
Vocal solo, "A Winter's Lullaby."
Ethlyn Pdwers. "
Piano solo, "Wild Kose," Streabbog,
Flossie Richardson.
Piano solo, "Wild West," Wlenrich,
Mabel McPherson.
Reading, "When Company Came,"
"At Auntlo's House,- Marjorie Knott
Piano solo, "La Serenade," Shubort,
Miss Carson.
Piano duot, "Home Sweet Homo." Bis
hop, Mary Vulgamore and Mildred
Workman, Marcola.
Piano solo, "Sparrow," Hoffman,
Golden Nelson.
Piano solo, "Pretty Birds Walts," Do
Lancey, Marian Clearwater.
Readtng, "Lasca," Miss Carson.
Piano solo, "Scarf Dance," Chamlnade,
Pauline Duguld, Marcola.
Vocal duet, "Dreaming," Eastman,
Ethlyn Powers and Mabel Duryoe.
Piano solo. "Fifth Nocturne," Loybach,
Lottte MoMurray, Marcola.
Piano duet, "Mexican Serenade," Lan-
gey, Pauline Duguld and Lottie Mc-
Murray, Marcola.
Lodge Members Hold Picnic
The local Robekah lodge hold a pic
nic in the grove back of tho mill Tues
day evening of tho members and tholr
families. Henry L. Westbrook, Grand
Master of the I. O. O .F. lodge was
a guest and the local band rendered
several musical selections and Joined
tho festivities. A picnic supper wns
sorved and wolnors were roasted
ovor the camp fire. The evening was
spent In fun and laughter,
Big Railroad Strike Averted ly
Agreement t Permit Fed
eral Board to Act
Does Not Mean. Necessarily. That
Arbitration Will Be Accepted
By Either Side 7
NEW YORK, Aug. 9. nepresonta
tlves of tho railroad employes an
nounced this afternoon that titer
would accept the offer of the Unit
ed States board of mediation and con
ciliation to submit their demands to
mediation, provided action Is iramed
lately taken. tfrf
Acceptance of mediation by the env
nloves came as a bin surmise. X:
had been officially stated by big"hro5U-x
erhood officers that they "would JIB
cuss the differences with the rail
road managers, but that a third party
was unnecessary."
It Is believed the personal plea of
members of the United States board
brought about acceptance by the train
men. That means at least postpone
ment of the strike that would hava
called out 400,000 men and tied ap
250,000 miles of railway on 225 -railroads
of the country.
It was believed by representatives
of both sides that mediation negotia
tions will start Immediately as de
manded by the brotherhoods.
A. B. Garretson, bead of the con
ductors' brotherhood, in explaining;
posa,s 0f the intermediaries."
j '
Cmmercial Teacher Was Elected and
Matter fif Repairing High School
Is Discussed
The regular monthly mmeling of the
chool board was held Monday even
Thurston high school last term. v
Besides the regular routine business
the matter of repairing the high
school .building was discussed. No
conclusion was reached further than,
a carpenter will he employed to exam
ine the building and report at a' fu
ture meeting.
Rebuilding: Mill Race Bridge .
The city ot Springfield Is rebuilding
the mill rape bridge at the headgatea
on Mill Street south of Main. All
of the old posts, timbers and sllla
will be removed and replaced by new
ones and new decking will be laid.
Over 8000 feet ot lumber will be used
In the construction ot the bridge.
Grand Master Surprises Rebekas
Grand Master, Henry L Westbrqqtc,
surprised the local Rebecca lodge
Monday evening by an unexpected vis
it Through tho confusion ot dates
Mr. Westbrook arrived on the wrong
evening to visit the Eugene I. O. O.
F, lodgo and camo to Sprlngflold and
surprised the Rebecca lodge members.
Truck Hauls Two Cars Lumber
Oliver W. Johnson who Is hauling
lumber by motor truck from the Booth
Kelly mill at this city to tho Oregon
Electric depot at Eugene, yesterday
hauled ton loads ot 6500 feet each or
a total of 65,000 feet It made two
car loads,
E. C. Hills, gamo warden, who has
Juat returned from the vicinity ot
Oakrldgo reports deer to bo plenti
ful In the mountains. The season in
this county for killing doer opens on
August 15.