The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, August 03, 1916, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, AUQUST 3, 1010
day . sm v
rem aiiiHH
: Town and Vicinity
Ecglninnn'a for quality.
A fishing llconao was lasuatl Tuos
t tiny t6 l-'roil Tryon of Hprlngltold.
Mica Grace Colllnn In suffering with
n Hovoro cnao of tousllltls.
J. ,0. l'otltt of Portland wan In town
O. H. Kossoy and A. W, Weaver
drovo to Monroo on business Tuesday.
. ' . "
Mra. Llalo Cray roturnod to her
homo at Thurston tho first of tho .week.
Mm. I'rlco'a canning powders at
I'cory'a Drug Storo.
.Mrs. Stroud Lour wns In from Upper
Camp Crook Tuesday morning.
Orvlllo Howard la In Nowport
apondlne a fow dnys with his mothor.
B. W. Mclloo of Trent whm In 8prlug
flold this morning.
Bllcod watormolon on loo at Kggl
inoun'o .
W. II. Uognrt of Trent wan trading
In town thin morning.
Tho name of Dr. J. E, Murphoy was
added to tho subscription list Of tho
Springfield Nowa today.
Mis Nora Soronson plana to leave
tomorrow for a weeks' outing at
Prunovlllo, visiting frlonds.
Ho you wish to boenmo well? If ao
call on Dr. Murphy, a drugloss healer,
3G9 Main atreet.
Mra, J. W. Mnkonson nnd son,
Chnrlea, of Camp Crook, are In town
A. I Berry of IaQrnndo apent a few
daya last week at tho homo of W. L.
4 Howard McKlln haa been allocking
liny for hla uncle, Hoy Kdmlston, at
Thurston aovoral days thla wook.
Mlaa Eathor Braltaln wont to Maple,
ton Tuesday morning to visit with hor
ulster, Mra. Otto nice.
Tho city haa' finished repairing tho
pavement on either aide of tho Third
and Main streot railroad crossing.
Mlaa Wlnnlo Craves and D. It.
Crush, of Aatorla, are visiting at tho
bomo of tholr cousin, C. E. Lyon.
Wo have just received 8 cases of
rubbor boots, shoos and slickers, Wolf
Wolf & Mlllor.
.Miss Shirley Mooro, who Iiqb been
teaching at Klamath Kails during tho
past wlntor and spring, has roturnod
to hor homo In Sprtnglluld.
Miss Mno Tillman, of Albany hns
been spending tho weok visiting at
tho homo of hor aunt, Mra. J. C. Hoi
Miss Lillian Maker roturnod homo
from a so voral days' visit at tho homo
of horunclo and aunt, Mr, and Mra. O.
C. Baker, at Itosoburg, last ovonlng.
Tho firm of Wolf & Mlllor la putting
Jn a now stock of ladloa, and child
ren's shoos. In tho past thoy havo
handled only mon's shoos.
Wo nro equipped to rcclean CLOVEH
and VETCH aood thlB fall nnd will buy
all tho aood you havo to soil. Spring
aeld Feed company.
Tho C. A. It. Clrclo will hold Its
regular mooting tomorrow afternoon
in tho W. O. W, hall. Thoro will bo
H. 13. Codfroy of Hudson and Oram,
wholoaalo grocers of Portland, was In
Springfield on his regular visit this
A carload of White sowing machln
cs was unloaded for tho M. C. Bresslor
and Son Hardwaro conpany this morn
ing. There aro 125 machines in a car
load, h.
Mrs. L. Ward and daughter Dorotiiy
left last wook for their homo In Port
land aftor-vlsltlng a fow wdoks "with
Mrs. Ward'B brother, W. L. Arnold,
of 'SoUth Sprlngflold.
Household goods havo boon moved
from thd'Sprlngfleld depot to Walter
vlllo tof V. D. Butler of Portland. "Mr,
Duller, Is an operator for tho Oregon
Powor company,' ' -n " ' :' !
,1V' V. ' !
Good reliable flro Insurance No as
sessments'; n6momborshlp foo. ' Pay
onco atd you aro done. II, E. Walker '
at tMTSIty !KH.
Water wlnga at Poory'a ,
William Plank, of Eugono called at
tho Soronaon homo Sunday.
Mra. Patterson of Eugono apont
Tuesday with Mra. Vina McLean.
J. M. Hounds of eastern Oregon la at
tho Sprlngflold hotel.
Mr. and Mra, Ccorgo Spores and aon
nro shopping In town.
C. J. Hurd,of Pleasant Hill, was a
Sprtnglluld visitor yesterday.
Andy Stevens nnd sons motored to
town from Camp Creek today.
Pickaninny Special at Egglmann'a
Candy Kitchen.
Mr. and Mra. J. L. Wright of Port
land wore Springfield visitors on
Mr. Wnllnco of Kali Creek waa do
ing business In Sprlngflold this morn
ing. Mrs. J. A. Allen Is Improving after
n wcok'H Illness, nnd Is now able to
be out of bed.
Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Spawn, together
with sovernl of the neighboring famil
ies, Intend going for n fishing and out
ing trip up tho McKenzIo sometime
next week . They will remain out
aovoral days.
Havo you soon tho Gorman sub
morslblo? No 7 Well neither havo I.
Hut If you. had your feet submerged
In a pair of Hall tliu Shoo Doctor's
shoos you would bo contented. Also
good repairing. Main street between
l'lfth and Sixth.
Mr. and Mrs. Ccorgo Dean nnd famj
lly passed through Springfield Tucs
day morning, on tholr way to Marcoln,
whero thoy will reside. Thoy have
been living nt Lowell.
Carl Lahman and family were look
ing around nnd visiting In Sprlngflold
tho first of the week. Mr. and Mra.
Lahman may decide to move to this
city from Eugeno.
In a lotter rccontly received by John
Ketols, tho Information Is given that
Francis Lamborty, formerly of Spring
flold la employed by tho Drle Drug
company, of Douglas; Alaska.
Do you wish to become well? If so
call on Dr. Murphy, a druglcss healer,
359 Main street.
Hllbort Cagley Is qulto seriously 111
with pnoumonta. Tho boy has not
been feeling well for about a week,
find for the past threo or four days
has been compelled to stay In bod.
Mrd, D. W. Itoof who was taken to
tho hospital Sunday ovonlng and who
underwent nn operation for appendi
citis that night, Is getting along as
well as can bo oxpected.
Mr. and M)s. J. C. Hoi I) rook and
family motoTod to Brownsville Sun
day, bringing Miss Bontrlco Holbrook,
who has boon visiting thoro, homo
with them ,.
Wo thought wo hnd evprybody shod,
but thoy Just keop coming for more
shoos. Thero Is a reason. Wolf &
Al Montgomery Is painting his
houso on E botweon Third auiffourth
stroots, white with cream trimmings,
Mr. nnd Carl a I rani aro living In tho
houso. . s
hti, r m.i..i
.uuiftuit ivuiniuuii, ul iuuuui, miu .
has boon In Eugono undergoing treat-
ment for an Injured eye, tho accident
occurlng aovoral wooks ago, left on
his return homo Tuesday. His oyo
has Improved.
Marrlago Ilconsos woro Issued on
Tuosday to John E. Smith of Sprlng
flold R. V. D. No. 1, and Miss Cath
orlno Holler of Sprluglleld, and to
AmoB W. Marshall and Roath Pitch
ford, both of Mnbol.
You can buy your feed cheaper at
tho Sprlngflold Food company's waro
houso. No rent, no drnyago, no de
livery. Tho saving Is yours. Inves
tigate. Claud Slgnor left yesterday for a
fow days' visit with hla sister, Mrs,
Ernest Conloy, at Wnltorvlllo. Mr.
Slgnor, whorls employed at Hampton's
storo, bognn a two wooks' vacation
Tuosday evening,
Mr, and Mrs. J, J, Bryan and daugh
ter Crystal, accompanied by Judge E.
L. Bryan and wife of Caldwoll, Idaho,
and Mr. and Mtb. Bon Conger of Eu
gene, left yesterday or a short stay
at Alsoa Falls.
ao Harhort, df Thurston was in
town visiting with hor sister yesterday.
Tho Ilooth-Kolly teams nro hauling
lumber to Camp Creek, whero repairs
will bo made to tho Mdgo In a fow
daya. v
A. S, Fay and hla daughter aro both
recovering nicely from Injuries receiv
ed In a buggy accident about a weok
ago. , J
Keep tho flics off tho cowa with "Fiy
Ilounccr" 7Cc a gallon at Pcery'a.
F, I). Tcachout of Thurston brought
In a eruto of fine Law ton blackberries
to tho Fifth street grocery thla morn
ing. These are tho first to ripen, hut
Mr. Tcachout will havo lots of berries
Do you wish to become well? If so
call on Dr. Murphy, a druglcss henler,
369 Main street.
J. C. Dlmm, Sr., of tho Springfield
News, leaves tonight for Modford, to
attend a four daya session of tho
Oregon Stato Editorial Convention.
Tho News will be published Just tho
Methodfat Church
Comer Second and I) 'streots.
James T. Moore, pastor. Phono 117-M
Next Sunday, 10:00 A. M. Sunday
iy.00 A. M. Sermon.
C:30 P. M. Epworth League
8:00 P. M. Sermon.
7:30 P. M. Wednesday, Choir Re
hearsal. 2:00 P. M. Wednesday. Ladles Aid.
8:00 P. M. Thursday, Prayer Meet
ing. Free Methodist Church.
Sabbath school at 10:00 A. M.
Preaching services nt 11:00 A.
Prayer and praise service at 7:00
P. M.: preaching at 7:30 P. M.
Tuesday, 7:30 P. M. Young Peo
ple's prayer meeting.
Midweek prnyor meeting on Thurs
day at 7:30 P. M.
A cordial invitation Is extended to
all. M. F. CH1LDS,
Church ol Christ
B. C. Wigmore, minister.
9M5 A. M. Dlhle school. L.
Cagley, supt.
11:00 A. M. Junior Endeavor So
ciety. Mrs. Lansberry, supt.
Baptist Church
Itov. W. Norton Ferris, minister.
Dlblo school at 10 A. M.
I3o)b and girls remember the library
Is now open for use. Read good books.
Gilbert Miller, Superintendent
Dlvlno Worship nt 11 A. M.
Sermon by Pastor.
Theme and Text, "Is It I?' Pointed,
Practical, Personal question, "Is It I?"
Speclnl music and decorations.
Uaptlsm of threo persons will follow
this service.
All are rordfally Invited to attend
these meetings.
Strangers always welcome.
By James Courtney Challlss
If you were poor and I were rich,
I wonder how 'twould be,
And If I'd bo as mean to you
As you havo been to me.
I wonder If I'd never glvo
To you a slpgle cent,
And put you In the street because
Vou couldn't pay your rent.
It you should coiuo some wintry night
And kindly ask for bread, .
Saying the little ones were cold
And crying to bo fed,
I wonder if I would refuse
And tell you to begone! '
I wonder If I could say "no,"
And let them hungor on.
If you should como to mo In tears
And, sobbing softly, say:
"Oh, sir, my little boy is dead
Please help me help me pay
Tho man tho mnn to burv hlm.'
Would I from whore you stood
;Turn co,(1 nWfty without a word?
I wonder If I would.
I wonder ( I'd selfish be
And hoard away my gold,
And novor glvo to charity
To all appeal bo cold.
For if I would, and had no aim
Beyond this, I am sure
That I can say most earnestly:
' "Thank God that 1 am poor!"
Not tho one who says, "I can't"
Nor tlo ono wlto says, "Don't care"
Not tho boy who shirks his work '
Nor tho ono who plays unfair.-
But tho ono who says, "I can'
And tho one who says, "I will'
Ho' shall bo tho noble man,
Ho tho-placo of trust will fill. .
' 1 1
Coniferous timber has been found to
bo better sillied than any other for tho
production of othyl alcohol.
There are f92 consumers of tauntn
In the United States who use annually
380,090 corda of chestnut wood.
Slip a few Prince Albert
smokes into
smoke your fill
it proves out
Prince Albert
without coupons or premiums. We
prefer to give quality!
There's sport smoking a pipe or rolling
your own, but you know that you've got
to have the right tobacco! We tell you
Prince Albert will bang the doors wide
open for you to come in on a good time
firing up every little so often, without a
redrett You'll
Notice Is hereby given that by vir
tue of an Execution Issued out of tho
I Circuit Cour tof the State of Oregon
for Lane County on tho 1st day of Aug
I ust 1916 and by me received tho 1st
day of August 191C, In an action where
In on the 12th day of March 1910, In
the Justice Court for Eugene Justice
District L. M. Travis recovered Judg
ment against the Defendants Irvln.
J, Walcott and his wife Walcott (true
name Etta M. Walcott) for the sum ot
$146.05 with interest at the rate of i
per cent per annum from the 12th du
of March 1910. less the sum of $5.or
credited Jan. 13, 1910 and $10 credited
Feb. 5th 1910.) and the further sum
of 8.60 costs which Judgment was eu
rolled and docketed In the office o
the Clerk of Circuit Court on the 14th
day of March 1910, and said Executlor
to me directed commanding me In ttu
name of the State of Oregon that onl
of the personal property of said De
fendant, or, if sufficient could not be
found, then out of the real propert;
belonging, to said Defendant in Lane
County, Oregon, on or after the sal
14 day of March 1910. Being unabk
to find sufficient or any personal pror
rly belonging to said Defendant, I dii
on the 1st day of August, 191G, lev;
on the following described real prop
erty, to-wit:
Northeast quarter of Northeast
puarter (NE U of NE tf) of Sec
tion. number Two (2) in Town
ship number seventeen (17) South
Range Three (3) East of Will. Mer
containing 40 acres of Land In Lane
County .Oregon.
Also lot number eight (S) In block
number twenty-three (23) In College
Hill Park now a part of Eugene, Lano
County, Oregon.
Now, therefore, in the name of the
State of Oregon and in compliance
with said Execution and in order, to
satisfy said Judgment, costs and ac
cruing costs I will on Saturday tho
2nd day of September 1916, between
the hours of 9 o'clock a. m. and 4
o'clock p. m. to-wlt; at ono o'clock
p, m .on said day at the Southwest
door of tho County Courthouse in Eu
gene, Lane County, Oregon, offer for
sale for cash, subject to redemption,
all the right, title and interest ot the
above named Defendant In and to the
above described real property.
Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon
By D. A. Elkins, Deputy,
Ang. 3. 10, 17, 24, 31. i
i int' i- ' pg spea
!' ' iaMaaaaaaaa.aMaaiaaiMaaaaajaiaMaaawaaaaai mmmmmmMmmmmmin n i aa mm i n
your system!
heard many an earful about the
patented process that curs out bite and parch and lets vou
without a comeback! Stake your bank roll that
every hour of the day.
has always been sold
has been wasted and
dock up tor a Iresh start.
You swing on this say-so like it was a tip to a
thousand-dollar bill ! It's worth that mliaobi-
ness and contentment
Ttili u
Tful yourself
in HER placed
9 m r 7
Why not get a good
oil stove so that dur
ing thehot weather
your wife or mother
or&kteror daughter,
can prepare the
meals in a cool, com
fortable kitchen?
For Sale By
OWc in City Hall, Springfield, Ore
Prince Albert
the national joy smoke
like your smoke pest
will be sorry you cannot
to you, to every man
who knows what can be
gotten out of a chummy
jimmy pipe or a m amirs
cigarette with
Prince Albert for
THE Prlnc
ltd' tin, and In
tact. rvtVT Princ
Albert Dackaer. ha
Iht mem
a tea) fneasage-to-roa
CD lis reert tidr. YeraH
oi u nur
leads "Poce Patented
Jnlr301h.I907." Thatmeaoa
that the United State Govern
ment haa granted a patent on tha
process bjr which Prince Albert la
made. And by which tongue bita and
throst parcn are cut out I Every
where tobacco is sold y oollnnd
Prince Albert awaiting- yea
in topDT ted bass.Se: tidr
red tins, loci nanaaoma
potma and hatpponnd
tin humidors and In
that clever crystal
glass humidor, with
sponge - moist ener
top, that keep tb
tobacco In suck
fine conditio-
There's no overheating
the kitchen with anup-td-date
oil cook stove. It's
just like cooking with city
gas. The burners con
centrate the heat at the
different cooking points.
No wood or coal or
ashes to lug. No
waiting for fires to
catchup. The long
blue chimneys do
away with all
smoke, and smelL
In 1,2, 3, and 4-butner
sizes, with of without
ovens. Also cabinot
models with Flreless
cooking oven.
Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon
Office, Baptist Parsonago
Corner Second and C Streets
HQURS: 9 TO ll ' PHONB 4
i. - .