The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, May 25, 1916, Image 1

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Continuing tho SprlngfJold News nnd Lane County Star, Which4 Woro Consolidated February 10, 1914.
it4f tTitnwrJI. Muliititil t.Arnitnii. mgiih1
Um inattcr uiidif not of Connie ul M rhi lh"i
VOL. XV. NO. 34.
flngfiold Man Eloctod to Poot
inis morning at uonvon-
tion in RoeobOrg.
Position Considered an Especial Hon.
or, as Qrand Warden Decomes
Grand Masterin. Two Years.
thai W,
'rocolvod hero today '
Wulkur, tho local un-
dertnkor, was this inoniliig ch'otod
. n ... .,... .uh. c , d a,,,p,nonU of rolIed ,mrIoy
.O.O. I., now ii convention nt I OH0.Jirai( nm, (ffor()nt fcm,8 ,mV(j ))Con
K" V '"coming-in gradually during tlio last
tilltut 'tnn ... n l).lli r v.
about 300 majority,
Mr. Walker has boon a member of
the Odd Follows lodgo for some 10 or
12 years, has gone through tho chairs
unit Is now I'nst Grand.
V'jho )Ms!llon of Grand Warden is
cWnl(lorod an especial honor, because
automatically, tho Warden succeeds
to the Deputy Grand Mnstorshlp tho
following year, nnd to tho Grand Mas
tership, tho highest honor possible
the year after' that. '
Mr. Walker has attended all past
Grand Lodgo conventions, nnd Ins
twice boon placed before tho Grand
lodgo for tho ofllco to which ho has
just been eloctod, onco coming within
u few votes of election.
Sprlngflold Iodgu No. 70 has been
V. , , Y . " . . r.
getting lots of now members lately,
nnr.un , n c i.!. ... ,ni '
mado Noble Grand nt tho llrst meet-'tho
ing In Juno, and altogether has been
fn.,. .i.i. i. '
"' " 'v
u uu.uiui fvuia, jv uuw nun uuutiv ,
125 membora.
Tho now Qrnnd Warden Is expected
homo tomorrow night.
"Ole" Solelm S. H. 8. '15 Tel. of His
w..u U-.I, in oi.u a
New Work In Richmond.
A letter rocolvod this week from
Albert Solelm, Sprlngflold high school,
'15, by Ilorbort Hansen, states that
the writer Is at present an employee
of tho Standard Oil company at Itlch
mom!, California. "Olo" writes:
"I hnvo "worked for tho Standard Oil
company about n month now. and
havo been promoted threo times. I
began with thirty dollars per and ut
present am gottlng sixty-llvo dollars,
My present position Is n clerkship forjtho Sprlngflold High school, has boon
tho blacksmith and mnchlno shop do- engaged by tho DoMoss Entertainment
partmonts. I can now realize my high- 'company to tutor two little 'oys who
CBt nbmltion, nn olllco man. j belong to tho troupo. Sho will Join tho
0"I 'have been ovor to BerkeIoyand 'company next fall nnd will travel with.
tod Bill Barnes, a former S. II. S. ! them during tho winter. Miss Bsrtsch
graduate. His address Is 3010 Har-.wlll roceivo n very substantial salary
per' a'troot. Mao Lyon Is nt Corning, nnd havo all of her traveling expenses '
Just a little way from hero. Mary: paid.
Hartung Is nt Oakland, but I do not j Tho DoMoss Entortalncrs travel up
know hor address." and down tho coast and mako most of
Mr. Sololm's address is 934 McDon-
aid avenue.
Put New Train on Sunday
A now pnssongor train, tho Eugonb
limited, to run botwoen Portland and I
Eugene on tho 8. P.,"wlll bo placed on
tho run next Sunday, according to nd- j
vices received this wook at tho Eu-j
gone ofllco. This train will mnko tho!
run from Portland in four hours and ,
oiio minute, leaving Portland nt 8:00
A. M., and arriving at Eugeno nt 12:01
P. M. On tho return It will leavo at
1:00 PVM.i and nrrlvo in Portland at
C:01 P, M. This train is to tnko tho
pjiirio ot Nos. 53 nnd 54, which will bo
(Tim off nt that dato. No. 53 Is tho
GtUlfornln train, put on for Exposition
travel, which now arrives ot Eugeno
nt 12:30; whllo No. 54 returns north
nt nn early hour In tho mronlng.
Puttlnn In new Tennis Court
A now tonnls court is being con
structod nt tho cornor of Main and
Sofcond streets for a numbor of em
ployees ot tho Booth-IColIy Lumbor
company, among whom nro Nols Jen
sen, E. Martin, and Joo Lushy.
Work has boon going on for about
two weeks, progressing ns quickly as
tho wonthor vwlil pormlt. It Is hopod
tho court may bo finished and tho not
up this wook.
High School Closes Week Earlier.
'At. a special 'mooting of tho school
ikJR-d hold Tuesday evening It was do
cldod to closo the High school torm
on tho same dato ns tho closing ot
tho grade schools. This will bo on
Juno 2 Instead of Juno 9 ns first
New Timbers Being Put In unci Pond
Oatoa Doing Repaired; President
Reports Business Uood. '
Iniprovomcntii In tlio way of putting
in now timbers mid Axing tho big Brof p,o(J wth ntCr3tato Com
gates for raining und lowering tlio
onil, nro now being
innld at tlio
8prlngflold Flour mltls.
a, ii. unxor, uuniness manager aim
ZTn? s
lian increased steadily clnco Inst year.
Vo look for good business right
along," ho added.
A forco of four Is now employed nt
tho mills; tho dally output la about
'40 barrels. Thin Includes Knoxull,
llukore, whole wheat nnd graham
' ,,,,, ,,,,,..
' "
month. A carload
of wheat is ox
poctcd this week.
M. C. Bressler & Son Will Refit Hard
ware Store With -New
A carload of fixtures, worth S2G00,
Including sldo wall cases, four glass
front show cases, a cash register, a
desk and several other pieces, was re-
coived by M. C, Dresslor & Son Mon
day. Tho fixtures woro purchased
.from Dotgnl & Fleet of ABhland
i ...... u .1 7 .,1
"When wo havo thoso sot up, we'll
l. . nnn a, M.r m ni
line," said Mr. Dressier.
Hn nnlil
ho had purchased tho goods Just now
i. nny,rt,,ni, t,. ,
- -Kt-
ilium u ouiwuiu jnn-u.
Tho hardware business Is picking up
according to Mr. Brosslor. who stated
that their genorai saios would avorago
v..w.. .w-
now onothlrd bettor than they did at
! ri. ,.r..n., i.
...A. on nnlml f. In ,liA nt tillllflln
'materials. Tho hardware man a so
inrodlctK continued bettor business for
Sprlngflold in tho future, although ho
thinks it will como gradually.
... '
u, . JTTm.,,, ... -.
m.E. m.uo. 00.lBCn wv ... . u.wr
for Children of the
..... - ri
Moss Family.
Miss Mabel Bortsch, who is a mom-
bor ot tho teachers' training class nt
tho western states drulng their winter
..... . . ... . . .
Hours, 'inoy navo oeon at springuciu
sovornl tlmos. During this last wlntor
ithy entortnlnod tho peoplo of Spring-
flold nt tho Baptist church.
Lowell School Standardizes
Tho "Lowell school will (hold
standardization rally noxt Saturday
under tho supervision of Miss ..Vera
Kimball. Tho exorcise will occupy
tho whole day and will bo hold in tho
'Brovo Just north ot tho school houso.
i Tho children will have churco ot tho
nrnirrnm In tho mornlnir. n lmsknt
lunch will be sorved nt noon
A. Wo,lls. nsslsant superintendent of
public Instruction, wfll deliver tho
prlnelpul address ln tho afternoon.
Opens New Grocery
A now cash grocery store has boon
opened on Main street Just opposlto
tho Bell Theatre, by J. P. Sheppnrd,
formorly of Coburg. Tho stock valued
ut about $0000, consists mainly ot gro
corioH and working men's clothes, such
ns overalls, Jackets nnd glovos. Quito
a good deal of now goods hits been ro
colvod lajoly, according to tho propri
etor. - 1
Mr. Shoppard bus boon hero slnco
May 12j na to remaining ho says, "If
tho peoplo will glvo mo a chance to llvo
I'm going to stay by thorn."
Mr. and Mrs. Shoppard are llvingnt
tho corner of Main and B streets,
llubort- Bonty ot Talent nnivod
Monday ovonlng and is assisting In In
stalling tho now fixtures In tho M. C.
Brosslor & Son hardware store, Mr.
Bontloy will bo hero about two
morco commission ays ron-
land Sooks Advantage.
Declare Rose City
Should Not Go Into Group With
The Dalles and Bond.
Washington, May jTho Wlllam-
otto Valley Manufacturers' association
In a brief niod with tho Interstato
cuninuss.o.., M.ur umi
Portland lumber Interests nro tpuch
",oro " " a
, nnnH. , t. A M 1 1 1 ..
ferontlal against tho valley mills than
they are In tho rate charged on lumber
from Portland and Hrldal Veil Into
Utah and Idaho territory.
To support tho equality of rates bo
.twecn tho Wlllametto valloy and Port
lond Into this consuming district Is
tho purposo of tho brief of the AVII-
lametto vnlloy mills, which was pre
pared by Joseph N. Teal and W. C.
McCulloch. Tho vnlloy manufacturers o( the whoto reducing tho share Oregon
'declare that Portland is not entitled to counties could recolvo from 30 to 20pcr
g0 nto a Broup with Tho Dalles andiccnt- This would make the division 20
Bend, and to defeat tho nroDosed dir. :Pcr ccnt t0 tne stale tor schools, 20 to
ferontlal against themselves have In-
tcrvoncd In the easo
tcrvoncd In tho case.
I Controlling Facts In Situation.
There are ten controlling facts In I
tho situation, savs tho Intervenlnir
l" uauon, Bas mo intervening
"rlof, in summing up the caso. These
ttro summarized as iouows;
. . .
. First Tlio first rates woro estnh.
. i... . .
iibiiuu irum me wiiiaraeiio vaney into
umi, in 1897. when tho Southern PacI -
I 1 I II
"o wns rrn Independent lino.
soconu i anty in tno rates from
,nrriinrv in m,o.iinn , ,,... .
territory In question was maintained
from that dato to 1908.
"' 0 ClUUlgO 10 a OlITOrCnt Bl
In 130S was not hroni-ht nhonf no ',t,
' "os "tLk unon fho t
ro8Ult r an attack upon tho rato, but
.nc nortu r Tortland.
Fourth Tho effort of tho. Ilfforontlnl
aru auininarizcu an iouows; ,
vir.i ti,,. n,, , . I The amendment was beaten, 53 to
Ulh Id mri. .h tho S.otl,cm;l" the point ot no
vn8 l0 cnilnnto tl o Va Hoy m lis as M lle was on'y tr'ng to save a lltUo
! J" ..?.." C.a"y ml"a n8lmore for the federal covernment. and
luiiiiiu-i iHH iur liiih uuHinesB.
1 FIfth-From 1901 to 1913 tho Union
.., ,.,. onlnrn innin w. ,,n.
' . -. . -
dor n common mannccment. nmlor
I Give Parity Rates In 1915.
Sixth In Juno, 1915, after tho merg.
or was dissolved, tho Southern Pacific
again named rates from the valley on a
parity with Portland.
Seventh In Octobor, 1915, a routo
wb cloned through Portland to Utah
for tho valloy mills, as well as
through Ttosovillo, Cal.
Eighth Tho purposo of tho present
procedure is to secure a fixed differed-
t,al to obtain a monopoly of tho lumber
trade for tho Portlnnd nillls.
Mnth Tho only territory reached
i... .- ..n.. ...iii- ....
"i mum un u ruio imruy.
with Portland is ovor tho Southern Pn-'
die and Its connections to the south
ami over tho Union Pnclflc and Its
connections, McCammon, Idaho, and
enBt, nil other territory being closed by
prohibitive rates.
Tenth Averaging tho distances,
Portland possesses nn advantage in
mileage ovor tho valloy mills of only
miles in a 000, lie nul
125 m"8 ln a 1000-m,1 liaul-
Six Springfield Men on Jury.
Tho following local men woro sc-
looted for tho circuit court panol for
tll torm by County Clork Rus-
BC nnu &"er' or monoay: unas
W. Piatt, R. L. Drury. Waltor GIllos-
pio. Sprlngflold R. P. D. No. 1; Win. C.
Myors, Springfield, R. P. D. No. 2; D.
S. Jordan and N. II. Mann.
Beaver-Heriidon Hardware Company
Takes Matter Up Again Today
After Getting in Tangle
over Procedure.
Amendment .Cutting Down Counties'
Share from SO to 20 per
Cent Is Oefeated.
... , , , - .... . .
Washington, May 24. Tho senato
, j.. ' '
subcommittee on tho Oregon & Call-
1.H1 ,n.1r.l ,..,..,.,.,
fornla land grant bill today authorized,
to tho full committee on the ; fines .here-
' ,
in nttlnnflniftni ftin linifsn lilll Tlila
0 amendment to the house bill. This
, will hasten" action as soon as the bill
'8 received from thc house
Washington, May 24. Tho houso ad
journed at C o'clock In a tangle over
'1'10 vlBIon of proceeds made by the
0reson nnd California land, grant bill.
Foster oi Illinois nau secured tne aaop
Uon of an wncndniont in commltteo
counties for roads, 40 for reclamation
iand 20 for the federal treasury.
When tho bill bad been finished by
sections nnd reported to the house by
. rur8- ul1 ucmanuea a
. amonJi
I P . oie on 1,10 0Slcr amena
ri i ti i r i . i
I aJltJilLa
, . . . , .
I Tlin nmonrtmnnf wan hontnn Kfl n
60. Foster then resorted to filibuster-
. . .. . . .. . .
,nB tacucs' n,BKInB lne Plnt or no
quorum Speaker Clark found no
nnnlm' rMnt -,! ho-, r ih.
demand for a call of the
House was wunorawn, and no motion
lort d Kltchln the house
oi luajomy jauer uiicnin, mo nouse
house was withdrawn, nnd no motion
i ".. . .
t 1 ms mrows mo ngni on mo noor
tomorrow morning, with the result in
i . ..... . . .
i Z
A . . , ' .
, lu,J- r"Bwr " urB'"B "IB nHmeui
Isald he was only trying to save a lltUo
I mo for tho fmlorni covommont nmi
peop' 01 .u.reB" sno ,,u aKIee 10 I
a iair proposition liKe mat. -Foster
won in committee of tho whole, 29 to
1 24, on a count by tellers and he re
peated his victory, 33 to 32.
Bitterness Shown In Debate
Mondell of Wyoming accused mem
bers of tho committee ot not standing
by the bill as they should and tho
charge was hotly resented by Baker.
umerness was snown as mo oeoaie
lengthened. Slnnott and Hawley offer- !8tudcnts havo put forth especial e-f
Ing repented amendments for more lib- ;fort8 t0 mako thla program the best
oral treatment for Oregon. ,of the yean Qne featurei whlcn l8
Hawley s effort to secure 10 per cent j wortny ot noto ,s Ul0 lwo.act comedy
of the proceeds for port districts pro- :put on by the 'dramatic section, which
voked Lewis, whoald ho could ndt ,8 an hour of B0,d ,augh The folIoww
conceive of a constituency so ravenous'. nc. ,. thfl dn,nPI, nrernm-
'as to ask for it.
Slnnott, offering an amendment to
keep the land on the tax rolls, dedlared
"e uouutcu power to resist title, ah-
soiutely, in tne government. Lenroot
retorted that ir Oregon is entitled to
tho taxes, it has no right to any share
of tho proceeds, and Ferris character-
ized it "only another attempt to roach
the hand into tho crib."
Former Springfield Man Dead.
James Randall, u formqr timber
cruiser nnd lately in business in
Sprlngflold, but who has been living
nt his homo at 1432 Orchard street
hero for the past sovornl months, died
suddenly at homo at 2:30 Sunday
morning at tho ago of 57 years Heart Iay 2;' MoJer- Woodmen at Eugeno; never abla to i0CatQ th6 body Ho
trouble was given as tho cause ot hlaj;'"ne ? at MauQl: Juno 11 nnd 18 at,saya that they two campod wUj,m two
death-Eugeno Morning Register. Thurston. The team will play Har.,m,e8 of thQ t whoro thQ 8koiolon
Do the mosquitoes come in
at night and sing about
your room? If so, we can
help you right away. Come
down to our store and order
screens for every room hi
tho house, and they will be
delivered to you promptly
and put ln placo as well, if
you desire, it.
Match to Occcr June 10 at Junction
! City; Local Player Who Had
; Blood Poisoning Is Better
I Tho high school tennis team plans to
a ,nat,ch of two fi,nsIC8 an" nre
uiiuicn nun iiiu uiiuuuu viiy IV til II
jon June 10 at Junction City. Return
games will probably bo played hero
tho succeeding Saturday. Tlio players
ar0' c,arcnc manager, Ivan McU
Kinney and Frank aibbs.
I Tho Junctlln City team wished to!
mpp, ttlfl inpn, lmmt,.. aa,rfi;iv t,t
tlio match had to be postponed, because
- . -
,of Ivan McKlnney's Inability to qlay
,at that time. Mr. McKInney has been
suffering with blood poisoning in his
, ...
left foot for some weeks, but Is now
. , . ,
Improving, and it is hoped ho may bo
ftMV pw w Juno 10
T,)(J b . fl tournaments
mw oa at tho hleh 8chool( proBreS8-
Ing as fost as tho weather permits.
They will probably bo finished in two
weckg aftcr whcj, thSBeml-flnaIs will
bo played.
" I District Attorney, J. M. Devers, Tells
Fruit Growers Sizes of
Berry Boxes
J. M. Devers, district attorney for
.Lane county, has made a statement
regarding the use of berry boxes by
lrult growers. Many of tho farmers
,ot the county have mado Inquiries con-
mlmlntr ,nn I n noscorl hv ,ma ,00, 1
, 7 T . ,
legislature concerning the size of berry
x,, r,M .k!
It 1 1" I Ji'vi'rM ill l Hrll rt- I K 1 1 1 M
I - - j--
law m fnllnm-
law as IOUOWS.
i .
"D D uaoivcio ubcu
' i .. i ,.
V , "l""ttnuc"":o' ,u,aw
c4,":,f "6"ucnico, rasyucrrics ur
similar berries shall be ot the Interior
scapfcJ'iy of 67.2- cubic inches (dry
Quart) or 33.6 cubic Inches (dry pint)
an 11 shall be unlawful to offer
. -
expose for sale" or sell strawberries In
..- .1. . .1
v- "vc""
ard provided, that nothing with-
!n .hi,, RPPtin Rilflii i, rnnBtnie,i n
T way preventing The "s 7
blackberries. logan -
horrlPB. msnhorrtM or Kimiiar WHoa
wolSht or In boxes or baskets of
greater interior capacity than 67.2
r"""1 . .
wo,sn or m ooxes or
ater interior capacity
ruhln in n Tina "
Two-Act Comedy, Violin Solo, Piano
Trio, Reading, Stunt, and De
bate are Features.
The last llterarv socletv nroirram
of tho year w, be hold Prday n,ght
at g 0.ciock tho Hlch school. The
U.i.n. ... .
ivtunu boio mini iiicnuruson
'patriot stunt Music section
"For a' That" . Roy Penny
piano trio....MIsses Scott, SIkes and
Snappy debate, "Resolved that there
I is more pleasure In pursuit than In
possession." Elecution section
"My -Cousin Tim," 2 act comedy....
..Dramatic section
bvurjuau is mvueu 10 s
feature program. A ten-cent admls-
B.uu wmuo cuan, , ueiny -
'nmiRps of tno Hlph Rplionl Annnnl
Announces Baseball Schedule.
Following la tho schedule ot tho
Sprlngflold baseball team: Sunday,
a jrisuurg anu urownsvuio also. proo -
l'ably somo time in June, according to
I u.w.1,1 n..M, rn. i.
havo played only ono gamo thus far
this season, that of last Sunday, when
they beat tho Atlas club of Eugeno, ?
to 18.
Hyland Brothers Move Machinery
Hyland Brothers logging machinery,
consisting ot four donkey engines,
tools, and cables, arrived hero Tuos
day aftornoon from the Hyland cump,
where a logging contract has Just been
finished. Tho machinery will now be
moved to Tunnel No, 1 at Notl, on
tho Wlllametto-Pnciflc railroad, whoro
a logging contract for the Booth-Kelly
compnny"'wlH bo startod.
The Noedlecraft club mot this af
tornoon with Mrs. Milton Bally. Light
refreshments wore served.
lour us fnllnu-n- '
,aW as iouows. icomtiaBlon
lo '. ", lonnd, ta( hi, v
C. L. Morris Says It Is That sf
J. R. Bucknum, Who Dis
appeared 18 Ytzrs Afv
Rifle, Watch and Coins are Taken to
Eutene by County Sheriff fer.
Examination by Frntfa -
that was found Monday1 a few Wiles
Above Mabel as that of his friend J. R.
: Bucknum, who bad become lost white
hunting 18 years ago aad pirMted
in the woods. He turned ria a
report to the Sheriff J. E. Parker who
-wcnt t0 Mabcl aHd fero8ht the
and all the belongings that could 'b
found to Eugene. Mr. Morris of Ifsrrki
burg was the hunting copankw ihe
day that Bucknum disappeared.
With the remains was found aa eJd
fashloned silver watch, of Elgin make,
which Mr. Morris does not remeher,
and tnero was a Winchester rifle aad
seven cartridges, six of them kvoded
and one empty. There was a pocket
knife and several coins, two of the-m
( being silver dollars. One bore (he date
xavs, wnicn was me same year taai
Bucknum was lost. '
The rifle found near the remains Is
a Winchester, which is the saae saake
that Bucknum used, and the cal bre la
u,u tuVwc i"lti
'M5 wh,ch Morris th,H Pe
I . w m.
i Bnc A oa that if thu ran rviAri w bla
v. ?,
, ,
. ,v, ,, u.i
i " - y
was found, bu his gaiter shoes, oea.
talnlng loggers' calks la the soles were
found intact and la. a fair state of ree
ervation. The. rifle, too, was in a. good
istate of orafiervatioa ABBareatlv it.
or',nn, th 1, L
had not laid oa. the ground, but yra
supported several inches above it, oa
some brush, and later aaderbraeh had
"wn over it It was oa.thia acco
rown er lu " W8 oauuB "as
, ' "r Z ,
Sheriff Parker and J. L. Dillard. aa
attache of the sheriff's office, drove to
'the scene pf discovery In an auto-
. .
i mobile and brought the skeleton to Eu
' gene. Mr. Morris was then called, and
!he came to the c'ty and declared the
remains to be those of Bucknum. Tho
dead man's son, Herbert F. Bucknum,
formerly of Coburg, now residing at
j Santa Rosa, Cal., is expected here to
day to further Identify the articles
found with the skeleton as being
those of his father. -
The skeleton was found by John Co-
holl. n loireor In tho omnlov of ffa
Coast Range Lumber company. He
yB that he had passed the spot where
tho bones lay a numbCr of times, but
jha(r never happened to 'look that way.
jMonday he peered into tho brush oa
the bank of cash creek and saw the
i i.iPI,rhP,i n,i moovproW. Th
r..n. . . . . ... ...
j rine was noi iouau oy mo suerm at
jthe time he was there, rbut was ua-
(earthed by Peter Smith, wood super-
intendent of tho Coast Range com-
pany later.
Lost in November, 1CSS.
It was on November 18, 1898, that
Bucknum was lost Ho and Morris
were hunting doer and became separ-
nturl Thnt nlpht- snow full to n.
0f 10 or IS Inches. The next day Mor-
hunted ,onB for h,8 companIon ad
flnBlIy ,Vent homo anrt organized a
I : .
searching party, Tne party spent sev-
leral weeks In tho woods, but failed
Un lorntn tho hoilv of tha mlsBlnc man.
, Tnpp,H lllintBll f. 13 R(.vera,
nlfK lnnffor fhnn .,. nthcr mnn.
wag found
j , ' ......
Bucknum was a blacksmith and wa3
botwcon 45 and50 at the tlm of
h's dlsappearanco. He was n member
!l "l0 um'e"
I 1.1m 1I4a n mi Minn a mon rvr
order, and his life insurance money
was paid by tho order to his widow.
Slnco then Mrs. Bucknum has died.
Tho lodgo erected a monument to his
memory in tho cemetery at Harrlsburg.
Dolbort Bucknum, "who lives at B
and Eighth streets, is u son of J. R.
Meteor Tennis Club Meets,
Tho Meteor Tennis club rnef last
night at the homo of tho vlce-prosl
dent, P. L. Travis, Tho clubiConsider
od levying somo taxes, aad dteCHSsed
plans for a tournament' to coaao &K
probably eono tlmo within the next