The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, May 11, 1916, Image 1

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Continuing the Springfield Mows and Land County Still', Whloh Ware Consolidated February 10, 1914.
i"iMl!lVrii'il, AhrliigAM,frtnti, Mieoonrt.
et, milter umUr ict ot Oongre of M rch, im
NO. 30.;)
DoclBlon of tlio town council
to rofer to the peoplo tho mnt
tur or thu purchase of an auto
mobile equipped with chemical
tanks and other flro-llghtlng up
pumtUH, was thu moBt important
business tit thu regular meeting
Monday evening. Thu question
will hu added to thu lists sub
nilttcd at thu Hpeclal city elec
tion Juno 1!).
Thu question of tho purchuKo
of (ho apparatus wub brought
before the council at a banquet
of the volunteer firemen, to
which tho city officials were
Humnioned after they had begun
their regular session, and thu
UocIbIoii to rofer the matter to
the peoplo was reached after the
council had resumed its bcsbIoii.
The apparatus suggested will
cost between $ir00 and $2000.
and the council did not care to
incur this expenso without spe
cial authority. It Is proposed to
pay this amount from the gcn
eral funds of tho city not by
the sale of bonds.
Discuss Water (Contract
Another matter of conse
quence taken up was that of the
renewal of (the contract with
the Oregon Power company to
furnish water for municipal pur
poses. Decision was dofcrrcd
until Saturday night, when an
adjourned meeting of the coun
cil will bo held.
Street lampB were authorized
installed at Third and 13 and at
Sixth and C streets.
Tho bond for $1000 given by
the Springfield Sand and Gravel
company to Insure delivery of
gravel in payment for the city
rock crusher, "was approved.
Night Ofllccr Solelm was glv
on lenvo of absence for two
The treasurer was authorized
to use $1400 of tho 'general im
provement sniklng fund to re
deem general fund warrants.
Arrangements have boon com
pleted by the Lane county court
to place tho employes of tho
county, on road work, under tho
stato worklngmen's compensa
tion act. Tho men at work on
Tho Emonon club met Wed
nesday afternoon at the homo of
Mrs. W. A. Dill, who leaves
Shortly for tho summer at the
coaBt. Nearly all the members
turned out and club rules being
cuBt nsltle delicious refreshments
were served by tho members as
a pleasant surprise for Mrs; Dill.
Quantities of snow balls woro
used about tho house and one
of tho most pleasant sessions of
tho year waB enjoyed. Those
present beside Mrs. Dill woro:
Mrs. Ar Valentino, Mrs. Harry
Whitney, Miss Ethel Conley, Mrs.
Henry McCullum, Mrs. M. L.
France, Mrs. E. E. Morrison, Mrs.
Eva Sutton, Mrs. Silas Gay, Mrs.
I. V. Jackson, Mrs. J. C. Ilol
brook, Mrs. J, E. Edwards, Mrs.
Marvin Drury, Mrs, II. E. Wal
ker, Mrs. Fred Montgomery,
Mrs. Ray Lemloy, Miss VIn Mc
Phorson, Miss Lulu McPhcrson,
Mrs. Percy Tyson. Mrs, J. O.
Root waB tho guest of tho club,
Mrs. II. E. Wulker will bo the
hostess at tho next meeting,
May 24, at her charming home,
Cedar Cono, on B street.
i !
There was a very enjoyable
musical and literary entertain
ment under tho auspices of tho
Young People's society given by
tho DoMoss Concert entertain
ers Inst night. Tho Baptist
church was very comfortably
filled by tho audlonco which was
appreciative and called forth tho
best efforts of tho talented art
ists. It la hard to choosb antongst
so many good features but tho;
handbells and the xyjophono
Social cfc(ptes
tho rock crusher at Tucker Point
on tho upper McKenzIa rlvbr
near Vida, at tho present time,
will con'io under tho act at once
and when tho other crushers uro
put to work the men employed
directly by thu county in road
work, will bo subject to tho act
and If any of thorn nro Injure
or killed tho state will pay In
demnity. While tho county has had no
bad nccidouts in its road crows
In lato years, the members cf
tho county court deem it a safe
and expedient measure to take
advantage of tho stato law and
pay tho regular dues to tho ac
cident commission for protec
tion. Register.
I There will bo a meeting for
,voters of Springfield and vicin
ity at the Uaptist church at 3
o'clock Sunday afternoon. Dis
trict Attorney Dovers will attend
and there will be one or two
other speakers.
The Public schools will make
a complete exhibit of school
work nt the County Fair on Fri
day and Saturday of this week.
Teachers will be in chargo of the
exhibit for tho purpose of ex
plaining the work In detail.
Citizens of Springfield arc in
vited to visit the Armory in Eu
gene on Saturday and sec tho
work of the Springfield schools.
Prospects for the Lane county
school rally and industrial fair
as being one of the best ever
held In Eugene, according to E.
.1. Moore, county superintendent
are very bright. The weather,
which was so stormy during the
beginning of the week, gives
every indication of being fair,
and every school Is outdoing Its
former efforts to make a fine
showing In the parade, at the
school fair, and in the athletic
"There will be fully as many
schools in tho parade as last
year, with floats and drills, and
tho big armory will bo crowded
with booths," said Superintend
ent Moore, "and space will have
to be economized in order to ac
comodate everybody."
Manv booths will be put up
made from pieces of hurdwood
took well, as did also some old
fnshloned college songs. Playing
two comets at the same time by
'one man Is an unusual perfor
jmunce and was well done. The
'nart of the nroceeda troimr to the
young peoplo will bo applied on
ipurcnaso pneo or tno pinno iney
: bought a short tlmo ago.
Mrs. W. C. Rebhan entertain
ed yesterday afternoon in honor
of her daughter Constanco 7th
birthday anniversary. The after
noon was spent in playing
games. The prize for tho don
key game was won by Lucllo
Bowman, and the one for tho hat
contest by Ada Reunite. Mrs. A.
D. Ruddlman assisted Mrs. Reb
han toentertain tho little folks,
while Gertrude Johnson and
Ethel Kepner nsslsted with tho
dainty refreshments. Those pre
sent were: Maxino Snodgrass,
Marjorio Ruddlman, Dorothy
MaBtorson, Du Etta Duryoa, Lu
cllo Stewart, Ilazol Rennle, Lu
cllo Bowman, Alberta Maylje,
Mildred Thompson, Fledlth
Scrlvnor, Florence Montgomery,
Eleanor Kopnor, Ethel Kopner,
Gertrude Jackson, Vetra RubsoII
Loudoll Williams, Artis Cox,
Ruth Sales, Mnrceda Sales, An
notet Williams, Dorone Larimer.
Tho Progressive Twonty-two
will moot tomorrow evening at
tho homo of Mrs,, A. McKin
zoy on D streot beJ-weQii1 Gth and
7th, 'All members' aro requested
to bo present nB thoro Is import
ant work. , , ;
Last Call
Tho last duyB of tho great plnno contest conducted by
the Lano County Nows and tho Springfield Merchants
are at hand. Tho ballot box', will bo closed at 6 o'clock
Monday evening, May 16, ahd tho final count will be
made then by tho Judges, Dr. J. B. Richmond, Fenner
Travis and Herbert Hansen. ' Watch for tho announce
ment of tho awards.
Contest Ends Monday
Get nil tho votes you can for your candidates. Pay up
your subscription, start tho paper coming If you are
not now a subscriber, get ballots from the merchants
listed on tho Inst page. But got tho ballots and VOTE
(and arranged today, and by to
morrow morning at 10.30 the
inrmorv will be readv for visitors
Mttv nt ilm vnrnl clinnlH. hnw- 9
over, will not have their cxhibltsk
In place until the afternoon. if
j I IIV tllllll,,w ujrv.a..) v.w..vmw
will be held at the Central school
building, starting promptly at
1:30 p. m., Friday, Tho third
grade contest will bo held in the
third grade room, the fourth
Igrado contest In room 4, and bo
on. Tho contestants in the third
Igrade are asked to have a white
rcdTflf I. gr cn S V owl
ribbon pinned on them; rourtn,
red; fifth, green; sixth, yellow;
L ' "fXVfcrni.w
t,UlllUDkO till- '-'
Ibut are
not in the work ati1,u"' u,UDt , .
I The street pageant will be
started promptly at 11:30 on
jv v
I reX frontmg " forth ' in the jt
oi i? r m, rficf rwJ
I tab :1m nar : and the numbered i nominated: President, Bill Hill,
'streets west of Olive w"h be used !Frank GIbbs- Vice-President,
'for nreSlon It wl 1 n ove Ilav Bally, . Floyd Kester, Glenn
iiortW Secretary, Leota Mc-
mt To wflamette, soTh IfeKffSf
Willamette to Thirteenth, east gaglev. Treasure Jer Van
on Thirteenth to Oak, north on YvHn?A?' KL.w
Oak to Sixth, and west on SIxthfe"; -Ed or of AnnuaL Dorothy
wii,n,Mo n,wi .iionoran Miller, Bill Hill. Business Man-
The ges Tof oats ai d drills
who are B B nmdace Mrs'
w no arc u. u. urunuage, airs.
W. F. Osburn
Osburn and Professor
Aver, will occupy the bal-
of the Paine building, at
Mn r..,h l.onrlniinrtff. nt
Fred Ay
tflirk A (tnn r linnrlniinif ntQ fi f
the corner of Tenth avenue and
Willamette street, and any spe-
cial features in tho drills or on,
the floats should be shown at ,
that place, says the superinten- j
dent. When the line is all on
.Willamette street the procession '
will be stopped at the bugle call
of "Attention !" and the flag sal-
ute will be given as directed. The
flag salute will also be given on , ,
Oak street after the line has! Since stock growing is the Mr. Martin's plans for talcing in many sections of the County
been ranged up on that street, leading industry of the farmers part in the practical affairs of last year. It is already appear
Tho procession will be formed around Divide, Mr. Martin, tho the community might be profit- ing in several places this spring
and marshalled by a detail of local school teacher at that place 'ably introduced into other sec- and plans should be made for
officers or men from the coast has made plans for giving his tions of the County by the local avoiding as much of its injury
artillery corps. pupils and the farmers of that f teachers. Such work is not only as possible,
t The crowd will Gather at the section some practical work in of value to the farming interests : it is a very difficult insect to
narks at 2 n. m.. where the ath -
wlio navo Had no training by an
expert trainer will be entered as
"Class A."
A special rate of one and one-
third faro for tho round trip will
be given on all railroads for Fri-1
day and Saturday and a special
iium win WWS.U tuu iiuuihu uiiuu
to their homes on the Mohawk
after the exercises are over on
Mrs. Minnie Knhlor who has
been sick for sometime at tho
homo of her cousin Mrs. Sadie
Perkins, Is still unconscious and
very low.
letlc stunts for the grade schools a meeting was called at the
will be held. The high school school house recently nt which
athletic stunts will be held in j the initial steps in the work were
connection with the interschol- taken. The County Agricultur
astic track meet at the Univer-,jst was in attendance to give
sity track under the direction of ! suggestions along the line of
Trainer Hay ward, and those !woric that should be taken up in
Beaver-Herndon Hardware Company
CPUflfll WflTCC
ril IllS II II II 1 1 1 T il
. The editor of the S. H. S. An
nual Informs us that the Annu
al will be ready for distribution
thc first of next week.
The contents of this year's
annual aro far superior to pre
vious years' the cuts being es
pecially good. Th'e improvement
V" G"oI. Tlte Improvement
. Students who have bought an
.,,,. . ... tt
Locals and Personals
Nominations for Student Body
!,. 1. 1.1 rnl....,U..
the High chc ,ol auditorium
The following officers were
ser, Glenn Woolley, Floyd Kes-
ter- WilUe Rodenbaugh. Basket
nu ., la-,T -ir01,-iri,oi,
r 7 r, ' rTi
rak bbs- Debate Manager
ber f Executive BOard frOll
Alumni, France Travis
County Agriculturist Offers Suggestions to Farmers
Commends School's Stock Judging Work Corn with a Good Ear Best for Ensilage
Crop Curbs Cucumber Beetle.
Written for tho LANE COUNTY NEWS by J. M. ALCORN. County Agriculturist.
istock judging.
I connection .with the farm live
! stock and Mr. Conner, of Cot -
,tnfr nrove. took un the poultry
emi Qf tho work,
I Meetlngs are to be held twice
each m0th at whIch time the
farmers wiu bring in stock rep-
rnqontntivfi of the leadlnc breeds
of that section. These will be
used in the judging work con -
ducted by some local man who
understands stock, by the Coun
ty Agriculturist, or by a man
from the animal husbandry de
partment of tho Oregon Agri
cultural college
Tho fly is responsible for
typhoid fever and other dis
eases. .The fly transmits
more, sickness, than any
Other- - medium,, Keep
ribreast with" tho onward
march of progress and help
exterminate tho fly. We'll
furnish you tho rustless
screons that will stand the
wear and tear from sonson
to season. Everything in
hardware , (
Ready for Final
The revised totals follow:
Miss Helen Roberts 63,375
i Miss Sylvia Strublnwr 30,950
Mrs. Delbcrt Bucknum ..,.25,625
Miss Eva Titus, Marcola... 24,050
MI83 Ruby Crabtree,
Camp Creek 15,300
Miss Hazel Redmond 13,250
Mis Mabel Duryec 8,925
Miss Chlole Woolley. 7.000
Pengra. Sadie Allen. Member of
Executive Board from School
Board, Marvin Drury.
Flora and Myrtle Llndley were
absent Monday morning on ac-
count of land slide above Jasper
manmbu1Cuuw, lishing association.
Mr. Heckart gave a quiz Mon- j This action of the directors
day morning in History IV. The followed the resignation of W.
grades ranged from 50 per cent a. Dill, for the past two years
to 90 per cent. editor and manager, who wishes
The election of Student Body to leave to accept a position. faa
officers will be held Thursday, city editor of the Albany Daily
The Penmenship and spelling' Herald. Mr. Dill takes up, his
class are now taking writing un- j new work June 1, but will' bo
der Miss Flannlgan a teacher in jin Springfield for some time to
the Lincoln building. close up the business of the
Glenn Woolley and Ray Bally! Lane County Publishing asso
were absent from school .Friday. I elation.
We are still enjoying our old
building and will for the next
four years (?) Providing it don't
fall down.
The regular literary society
will meet Friday May 19th. A
good program is expected.
The big High school Annual
will be out Monday. Price 50c.
Don't miss the High school news
of the year.
Elsie W. to Frank "Give me
a definition for tennis.
Frank (startled) "Who?"
Tennis has stopped because of
the bad weather, however the
games of the tournament will
continue when the courts can be
played on.
A set of games are
played and the person winning
the largest number of the games
will win the prize. The girls
playing in the tpurnameiitwHQvi.
are: Vera Senseney, Elsie Hoi
verson, May 'irlpplett, Fern
Travis, Wanna McKinney, Leota
McCracken, Eunice Parker, Lila
Miller and Iva Hill.
Miss Grace Male '15, finished a
successful term of school at
Deadmond's Ferry, May 4.
.of the County, but also results in
increased efficiency ,of the
The Corn Crop
Those who are to grow corn
this season should get it planted
as soon as ground is in shape
after these rains. Local seed of
good variety will usually give
!better results than imported
seed. Enough seed should be
planted so that a good stand will should be planted a few days be
be left after the injury from in- j fore the regular crop so that it
sects is deducted. Seed should i will be up and ready to attract
always be tested for germlna-! the beetles before the main crop
tion before being planted.
For silage purpose a corn that
abl , stalk shouW be used
The la stalk uguall
ery large stam usually
makes silage that is too bulky in
proportion to the food materials
it contains, and best results can
not be obtained from cows fed
on silage from large sappy corn
with a small percentage of ear.
More good cheap feed can be
'obtained from a few acres of the
right kind of corn put into the
silo than In any other way,
Most farmers running six to
eight or more cows might pro
fitably make use of a silo. Sil
age may also be used to advant
age with young growing stock.
A nice lot of silage is especially
desirablo during the dry summer
weather ns well as for winter
use. A silo, a few acres of corn, jbeen sprayed,
and a fow good dairy cows' If pumpkins, squash, etc, are
would go a long way towards (planted in corn fields and other
making profits on many farms 'places where injury Is likely to
in tho County that are not pay-: bo done the beetles will feed on
ing as now conducted. these and thus do less damage
The Spotted Cucumber Beetle, to tho regujrii crop.
rvuia liicnnt rU1 nnnc!i1nrnlli ' T AT. AI.f!flPM
did considerablo
damage to garden and lleld crops j
J. C. and Walter Dimm, of Eu
gene will take charge -.of the
Lane County News, newspaper
and job plant, next Monday, Kayf
Ing (signed a contract late last
;rectoreJof the rne CoUnty Eub-
Monday afternoon with the'dl
Ane juessrs. uiram ana exper-
lenced printers and newspaper
having been in the busi
ness in Pennsylvania before
coming to Oregon. Mr. J. C.
Dimm will have the business
management of the News and
Mr. Walter Dimm, who gradu
ates this year from the Univer
sity of Oregon, where he spe
cialized in the journalism cours
es, will have charge of the hews
Speblal to tho Lane County News
Camp Creek, Ore., May 10,
Mr. Mackeson has returned to
this home here from California,
where he has been visiting a few,
HlJB. Gossler and family were
Eugene visitors Saturday.
kCfieseir'aml"" Guy "Stephens,
iui liiaaieisuu, rieu urauuec,
) Lester Nye, F. W. Thurnman and,
Mr. Owen were at Thurston
j St. Helens Quarry Co. resumes
operations with about 25 men.
handle, since it does not feed on
poisoned foliage sufficiently to
.make poison sprayes very ef-
fective. The thing that seems to
work best is the planting of a
trap crop along the borders of
the garden and between the rows
of the regular plantings that are
subject to its injury. The trap
crop should be some plant that
the insect feeds on readily and
Icomes up. When the other, plants
come up they should be dusted
with powdered arsenate of lead
mixed with good ashes, air slack
ed lime or dust. When older,
the plants may be sprayejl with
zinc arsenite, one pound to GO
gallons of water or with lead ar
senate paste, three pounds to 60
gallons of water. The dusting
and spraying will help to drive
the beetles to the trap crop
where they may often be killed
If no trap crop Is used the in
sects will feed on the, sprayed
crop at or below the ground
line where the spray does not
reach, or they will wait until new
growth appears at the tips or the
plants and then feed on tills
where they will likely injure tho
(nlnnt more than
if It had not
Acting County Agriculturist,