The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, May 08, 1916, Image 1

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    A NP
Continuing the Springfield Nowa and Lane County Star, Which Woro Consolidated Fobruary 10, 1914.
2 1
VOL. XV. NO. 29.
eUmlefnitroto( Coiigw nM r!i, Jfi7 ;J
1 Flli
HEi 1119.20,2
r r
Tho ICpwdrth Lcnguo. of tho
Methodist Church 1h preparing to
entertain the 13th Annual Eu
gene Dint lid Up worth League
Convention In Springfield May
ID, 20 and 21, One hundred vIb
itlng delegates are expected from
Corvatlla, Albany, Lebanon, ISu
geno, Cottago Grove, Junction,
Brownsville, Drain ond other
valley towna.
i closing session of the convention
'at 8:00 will bo nddrcHogd by Itov.
J. I. O. Spencer of Salofh-nhu will
coitcludo with Installation, of c.
;trlct oflleors and farewell scr-:
vice. '
j All sessions, unless otherwise!
specified,, will be Jield in tho M.
IS, Church, and are open to the
public. An especial invitation Ik
A .... .1 - -t t. 1. - - I
, uxteuficu to uio young pcopio oi
.the local churches.
Ihu Tri initinruf.
IM IU flufiflUUn .
According to an announce
nicnt made today by Leo Travis
chairman of tho democratic
4Povo mfder charteY. Several!
other schooners ITf eTsupposed to
bft hearing tho' river ttrload lum
ber for Autralia. At leant two of
them are expected td reach Kere j
in Umo to clear iti May. - . ;
I If it were possible to charter
suitable vessels tiro lumber com-'
inercc from Portland and the
river to foreign countries, It is'
claimed, soon would attain Its,
old-time proportions. There Is
of the United
j The Eugene retail lumber yard p!.!?! If the people
the Booth-Kelly company is " nT","? X" State ever possessed tho 'klea
9 be abandoned the first of
y committee, a concerted June and the Eugene retail trade L""f ri"
-T-. UU. ! fl-'.lH.. IAnw rll nmnn ln t... f.lnmli. nfllu In liu olinnllllt (IImhI ffnm tin --t-OI, f UIC BlLUrfUUll
for a Maximum 'Organization Wclby Stevens of Springfield tolplant af Springfield, according ' i,," ;,,',!L iniw m . opments of the last few months,
of Industry aayo Prof, Stafford nominate him for county clerk to an announcement today by " '"J"1 l P raff;"tejy Although lumber has made some
ofStatoU. on the democratic ticket. These Ii. L. Lewis, sales manger for the aP Lion to rurnim cm-WOjiderful 8trI(jc8 prfces havo
friends had had the matter up company. J, A. Grimn will con- i"rr" r, V i;" ,T.m." . Vtr remained reasonable lit the face
2KS had " .or has existed, it must vee
; dissipated by the business deyel-
Unlvcrslty of Oregon, Eugene, with Mr. Stevens, alllast week, Unite In charge of the Eugene Vrrin,rnVw h n. cnorn)ous advances iaalraM
24. A mooting of the re- and ueciacu touay to appeal to retail ousiness. wun ins oiuce ac f: a mm every otner arucie m tne iist,ot
v-aimolnled OrfcEon com- democrats over the county to tUe general offlccs of the com- .X ..o 7 manufactured or sold, In.
uiBt year s convention wa conti
held at Cottauo Grove, and In mlttee of tho nnvnl couHiiltlnir
past yoara tho Leaguee have board, of which Georgo C. Ma- tne ballot.
convened In all tho larger towna boii of Portland in chairman and Dcmocratn see
ti. nnm..n for ships beliiK overdone until P f ,X
in the contest ?W retail yards in Eugene for iS .Tftfe 1 Prices, have generllly-for.
of tho district. This is the ilrat o. P. Stafford. nrofCBaor of being waged among the republi- tho past years, nut it lias been - y ami Ul? S00 of th trade, ?W their
tlmo Hurt Springfield has been chemistry in tho State Univor- cans, an excellent chance to ueciaeu tnat tne retail ousiness d t0nna;e following lhe,prIce8 wn, asking only a rair
favored with tho convention, and 8lty, Is a member, will probably elect their candidate. (Can be operated from the head JJJJJ LSSbeAmi ? tIJe,lr Production, In-
It is honed she .will Improve tho be held in Portland this week, mi- simm .wnR rOiofutn nmv- mce and from the mil at l nt 'LZi .tead of taking advantage of
opportunity offered by this At tho meeting a Burvoy of the 0r of Springfield in August, spring leui more proiitamy man. or ihree years on?lom to bo??,t P"ce8
occasion to servo tho visitors of state's "war resources" will Yftii WIT t m Ani, nf .maintaining separate yards X' ?rJn0, ?lra I 'get the money while the getting
the state. Tho .delegates will nrobablv bo arranged for. A w. m. Sniton. nmi wn oinntwi amI a separate omce.
arrive Friday aftornoon, and will state's war 'resources nro tho by tho people for a term begin- lgfr Ql ,nP nF, aVe tpaim
.v. v........ ...... v, , ' . w..v, iiiiik iii iuvuiiiu;i ut uiu Buiuup". z.., riinmrr pniMnu
vs,i I Wit- uiir iiiwi I
after the restoration of peace.
, is good.
j The policy of the lumbermen.
;has been to recognize tho truth
lit. . . -v
homes of which ono half the re- ably nt short notice for military year. For two years Mr. Stev- !,r"
rnilwri nimihor lifivn mronilv nun ...... t. dr
; i gna nun uuuu uiiuiiiuuii ui uic r . . .,., rtr .. j i
neon secured. I A survey or war resources romi8 and bridges committee of u. ) 'Y ""j "u
The program for tho sessions ' would call for an inventory of the county taxpayers' assocla- a.L!,.?Pm;? K
lsbclng propareu Dy L'rcs. u. is. establishments that Uo now, or tion l,KU , UttW,'Ub,
WIllIniiiRonof Albanv. nndnrom-: could In oinerconev. inalco mina. "110 today, and this mornings
iBestpboimsurpassed in Interest ammunition, army equipment MR STRAHORN BACK. ! SkJ Sd L",i S'i";
ami neipiumcss. apcaiers. arc sucn as oianKots, toou supplies. . BOOSTING INTERIOR Ti.;' "V:;" .r" ries and nrunes is broucht out In There is no getUngaway from
comlng from Eugene and Salem. ; transportation material, and I ,1 tho fact, however, that lumber
UUUIV. suureucuu uuuiuwoaiv, - . . ' . . nt-inoc oro rMU Inn Tn T ttmhar-
Care in Picking and Packing ; of the proverb it is not the rua
Will Develop New Outlets for away horse that does the work."
Fresh Cherries and Prunes. T,heyare m,re tfb"
.IHze the market than to take in-
Thc importance Of careful ?5teU. nrofi.ts ?or. a short time.
73 Picking and handling in prevent- T,nen ,aPse lnto a Penoa or
With an extra gang of workmen w ln c, fru ts as cher-
The conference will onon Friday other essentials,
evening with an informal recep-j The plan of the naval consult
tlou and get-acquainted social ing board of the United States,
gathering. Saturday morning of which Thomas A. Edison Is
and aftornoon will be given over chairman, is first to arouse the
to convention business, At Co'-'whole country to tho need of
clock, woather pormlting, a pic-; making Industry the basic line
. - : .I1T . T T . 1
n:i i D..IIJ r , tu. - ,j , t ', xi . contains a renort of exneriniRtits wmesiueiiimiuuiuw. uumuei-
A" -1?2"" iS 'hat covers the tracK. ZSr'S&tiSSSi&SZ
tt wuiiaiaiEL. .
I to, Portland.
An n0!rnm nf iHitherto it has not usually been has advanced from 20 to 25 cents
Dfflotwl TVfnv R Pnhnrt T7 ooh AAA Mtnnn nnn mviIn(r In flin IOUIia DrOUUlUie lO SD1D ireSn oumc Duppuci;, "iuuumft
7t rtxhioz. &T0r,n tir s p?-
UUU1' i,ww..v.. . ....o, ...s..... ....w r,..ii, p. tnoin., t..ii i . t. .i i. ..,.1,1 icion to uistant marKts Because ' miuiciucuia,
1.1c supper will bo servca on tne or defense, on the theory that dtoS ra- 'Klamath Falls tob is exner-!of the unsatisfactory conditio togeUier with camp supplier
river. At 8 o'clock Prof. Dun of tho nation is likely to win which )sn rciurneu to loruanu jes Kiamatn l'aiiB, too, is exper v. , nrnfiiicf irrlvc have advanced, from 20 to 100 -
the University will glvo an illus- can supply most munitions of gjjgj JiJS uPet &BSSmt& A$? demon': pe pent and yet lumber prices,
trated lecturo on "ISarly Christ- greatest speed to the men at tho mic. in) over ine proposeu inies, said, a new lumoer mm nas . . . , . , . . although, higher than they .were
lauity nnd-Monumonts of Rome", front. - mid atljacent territoiy, In-Cen-lBn nut t- on Upper Iflaiiwth t
.iiiirifivr i i r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ni i 1 1 1 1 iiitv. ixixiyiimiiui iiri'n iiitijiiiiiii iii CT w t - -
v ... . ' 1 1 Alt Qnlinfit
-.- . . i tr f . . m t i am cn rr nTnrnr norn nn r rnor kivc luc uicii nuu utitc iuvcolcu.
Mooro wlll.conduct a prayer and dustry is accordingly necessary air. mnc ones uavc oee D c near inere ffe aertte their money in the industry .a
communion service m cnurcn.iror bucccsb," saiu I'roiessor "I, J. m. i ,t "V , f i.rr..,,iZ little hone of . disnosinc of the fair return.
For Sunday School and Morning Stafford. "The national com- wi , vl,T"BlKl,ta u' , ui,7 , ut . .
Worship the convention will be mittce is undertaking an Invon- doubtless will give new Impetus mil s. The largest mill at Kla
the guests of tho Eugene Chap-.tory of 30.000 firms." ' ,..u . -i ;"ts ,,..; in "77" , seUing at $5.50. $8.50 and $11
""ram much gratified at the iViirnK are believed to. be 50 then advanced -toJWO JJ.B0
new dr velopment that has taken night shift. ;appiicawe also to otner secuons ;" ,
Ul LII CUUHU)', " - T' " " Z
The losses which shinners of .nothing of an astounding char-
UlllU Ul WIIVUlllUHIIlH IUJIUIIB UlUL iHIlUr uy-lliuuin;is Ul lUC luniuci - "f l a ro onnrnvimnfolr 1 KO
iiusii unerry uiiii prune urop oi "o "i-i" --'j v
this rerion in distant markets, higher than last year. They were
tors. At G:15 there will be a
Mliiuu puling jii;uiiw d iiutuiiuimi
meeting lead by Miss Lena Now
ton of the local League. Tho
Oregon City Reconstruction
and repair of present bridge pro
nosed, cost SI 0.000.
place in all parts of Central Ore
gon In the last year," he said.
"No part of it seems to have
stood still. Even the most isol
ated sections are making sub
stantial progress.
"Perhaps the most notable de
velopment Is taking place at
Plants Could Operate at
Full Capacity.
RUNN NG 10 HOURS A DAY 'cnernes ana prunes are aUe V""" " - S
KuumjunuuKOMu 'chiefly to brown rot and to other ,tUe-Increased cost of labor and.
it T- m..:iui funirl whtoli n)n entranrff SUODlIeS.
li i uiiiictiiu vvui c Avciiitiuia rwi -o .. o"-- , . . . . :-u
m...1.&ft...u r i ithmncrh niims nno itwiio drin nr There Is another item which
'other "ijirles to the fruit. The must not be overlooked and that
Ikw,, t incf ho rnntmUeii i is tonnage. Formerly to San
,Bend. This is due primarily to Portland, May G. Beginning .proper orchard practice, on; the "".r adce7 $51 50 T and
the recent completion of the two 'yesterday, the Inman,.Poulsen jother, hand the loss from those Then it i advanced to ?5 . owfl
,big lumber mills thCVO, TUO'.pilll will run to capacity "forms of
,n 1 ..!. ..ti. i.. it. v . .i n. a tnnl- liinltli-i. cntinrl frnlf ran ho 1 ne rate lO Oail rCUro Wiia Ha
o . XT . 1 tVl , t; i ,iuwn uua viuauy uouuieu in- wvkiioui uie season, luniina , . "Tr . , , j -low ns S3 RO then went to S6 B0
See it at KeteU'-Plle up the Votes for Ion in,,tu? it . yl ?to?tfly tcot,min m.d 6y curerui na, ?f io- -e3t-a-?SL!LrS
iiiuuuia. a uu iiikii. ouiiuui oi.ii-.ui iiuuuci uuuj. a. jivrvauw.. , --- - - Inlren nr S7 tne Ilieuest nnc
dents recently took a census.and of the mill will be sent down the fact the investigators stored var- ,.takeji at y tne gi pn
reported 3300 residents. And .coast and to points in the inter- tous lots of carefuUy handled since the ban nrancisco esrts
ffiVf voto noincn n ' With the increase in other art-
Your Favorite Candidate
, If when yo do a kind act you
should fatally wait for the gratl-
who have been working for the
prize, will bo the bettor for the
. sr . -. . .1 i i i.i. i lort fniir fnr vrtrv np nor mriR in n.
"ni i, m i,m,.'coii( t ons were made as nearly. iuuuiiuiiiB uuea, mnawK to-
of the most Important cities in to keep the plant in steady oper
I 1 li. .111 l. hi v 1 (I ll
Oregon." - anon.
Mr. Strahom expressed jmr'tr iay.
tudo-vouniltthtthorebviiilssthe i. i. ,S,-7. iX, Avirf hMnlto Sanrclty of ton-under
one niano and on v ono who can u v.. ..----". - t. '.t fM1i
tho development In the rural' nags consiueraoie mmoer yrui."""-;
fas possible Identical with those double what they, cost a yar' -
litn ntnnn n1 nnlv mici irYin non
rtitnti ii tiff 9 if flrklriry m ntl nt 1 . A
uhd failing lo get what you have ) wh'0 a to ho tho one? Tlmt
foolishly desired, lose all the joy jis to bo the momentous question.
Of life, or, having got it, lose tho 1 Do they at times see a vision of
other ehancos of being satisfied. I tho dray stopping at their door,
Best keep oh trying then; what the men unload, tramping Into
which the fnilt Would "I "'."'J inautjiueu, it is au
la actual' "commercial "ed even by Uie. those who
no rura -Hugo luwu ruu" a: n Vi." i k flfA nrfSliirtlced. that the rise in
nnmmmilHpq. niul nvnrtlin hlirh- . lfiaVP Portland and tile river for'y"W, Uiw BUU ui u uuyb --a-f"- - ' ,,t7A
O.W1I1 leave i""- ouuwcu miavcii-t)" . . . -
interests, -for Melbourne m M0p feet, of only 0.5 per cent .of, decay. -;.n;.
The In the
wav cniiRti'iintlnn In which nffshortf htlttu this month'.
much activity is beintr disnlaved. . Schooner Cafner DovoAVill leave handled fruit showed an average
, ;for Melbourne wrtrr uuu.uuu leet, oi v." v
i nhout half of which ia loaded at while the coi
Lalte. are making the Multnomah Lumber com- innt snowed practically
iced car? 25 'l1fam- f
d fruit showed an average ! Just now tho wooden flngle
Tiie sprockles interests, ;for jvieiuourne wrtir yuu.uuu leet, uj v.o ucf"j -Th ei,m.ftep nf nanoi and racs
which own the Jsoda deposits about half of which ia loaded at While the commercfallv anl!ert ; The slioi te of papei a raf
Aii.oii t nim ni,inn, ti f, . u o i, t t lov rnm . f ni 1 1 flliowGd nmcticall v 6 times lo5e iiner wun otner juuie.
is done for others you have done the house with the beautiful in- "7,' 'n.' for iiwinn-' nanv's mm The other half of .the amount. At the end of 10 Hsed r patent roofing, has put
twice for yourse , for what . s .slrument t ho reward or the r mont Q'f tflIs resourcei says M'r. 'her cargo was loaded at West- days the carefully handled fruit " iuon macena bo
your cuu uuu uujoct muu iiuiiii-ijiruwuua iiiiu uuuuuvur. nuw Strahom nort
nosH, which follows greed.
A piano is never a foolish pos
session. Every tlmo you spend a dollar
put it some place where you can
get a voto coupon and then turn
it over to your chosen candidate.
You won't bo tho only one doing
this, and how do you know but
that your little help will turn tho
trick and put tho prize whoro you
want it? You people who get
out of yourselves once In a while
and do something for somebody
'else, aro beginning to learn tho
true secret of a happy life, and
once you get In tho way you will
keep It up forever you will
speedily see that tho millonlum
Is no flcklo dream, but a blesBed
reality, to ho brought about by
just such simple means.
, No use to shout about tho vlr
''tue of tho piano or other prizes,
,,AU havo becomo familiar with
x.thom. Now is tho time Tor
steady, determined effort,, tho
'.kind that wears and toars and
Tnmkes character In tho doing.
TLvory ono of theso contestants,
,i,n7i i k m ant nt Hoonv hnri ihigh in price that builders are
steamer Hazel 'the commercltlly handled lots .returning to the shingle. This
much Interest did
such a dream?
dreams of your
would you feel
realized? Don'
. milUBB Ul 1UU IU J.UU lUllC'S lrUIIl riCi UUlKU Will UU UIOUUIUUCU Uy Alio imi.uihi.ih. ""'"J -Ia. n 1, no... rlnman
would have verv much the same t, ,..,, Li., -n-n? .t.n t t m.inn prices to meet the new demand
... lalujtuVlUY tlHU JL'aiSiey UlS- lUO XJUIIUr UUUlllUliy, WllUW U. ymtUbU, . I. Il,n nM ftillw (nnllflail In fin
fee ing could you in some way trjcts w fl J ' .. BUlmlieut Moore & Co. ilaVe the Carrier Similar results were obtained were
aS8ISl or nave assisted 111 tne 1 , j 1 l-i . i-t . , . !frnm PvnRrlmonta with nrunes "tfai uio iimuuiuuiuicio unvc uom
H . i . H although with them the percent- 'P18J1 XSS'
'.iTJ hut ,j t v.,v. Imnroved the grades of their pro-
UUU Ul UuLU V iUl UULU UtlllliUA - I ' . . . . . . . ,
?UU imt. ... rniln . . . n n T I.. ... "I . . A T i mi. n I UInl
ttl i. 1 A V WVJl I1IUUQI.1 V 111 VJCllLtiil! AA4U A-lllLiail
linvo you not nn ic fini0i,i.; i. hii, ,.,in inim nn cnmoM.l..y 1 9. H nor cent or 8 Hhiflfl ns much, wcniauu uao ui uccu VuuuuCU
own? And how ZZSto" i,Vfmmdr mmU Is approximately the t any one brand or d sWct, hut
to. have them tna nt i,i i.n..ia,it,ii.iwi.trt n.nimw nhinn tlnift rfinnlrcd to fshfn frtilt from' to mo smngies irom au umerepi
tvbu think vou 1 "'-.rXA . u' , : ; ; V. districts. Instead of raising
realizations of some laudable
ambition? Try It and see. Put
forth forth tho effort. Bear In
mind some of tho contestants
whom you would like to sec a
winner and then gp out and
When one can play It, all with
in reach of its. sweat sound nro
benollted thoreby.
Remember that eight of our
leading merchants nro interest
ed in tills contest and glvo 25
voto coupons with every dollar's
cash purchase to those who ask
for them, ' j
Tho names of the merchants
who aro giving handsome prices ,
und helping to imiko4UQ .contest i
a hltr success are'ns follows:
(Continued on Page 4.)
when you choose wall
papers the one whose ar
tistic judgment you think is
superior, or the ono friend
whoso point of view is sim
ilar to yours, Two heads
are better than ono. It is
only our mission to display
before you the most elabor
ate lino of wall papers you
over cast your eyes on, at
a range of prices that need
n't worry ydu.
Beaver-Herndpn Hardware Company
cially handled and carefully
handled fruit was smaller than
with cherries. It is pointed out,
ihowevor, that although every
effort was made to have tho con
ditions approximate those In
actual transportation, It Is prob
able that tho fruit kept bettor in
; the iced car used for these tests
' than it would in tho ordinary re
frigerator car in transit.
Experiments were also con
duct, givaing a better shingle to
day for the same "money, or- a
few cents more, than was charg
ed a few months ago for a lower
grado Portland Telegram. , .
Willamina Three sawmills
h,ero are running on full time
Culver Two-story brick; and
several residences building and
sawmill contemplated,
Portland city council planning
dud boo;' ; h fulb7hana- fo route iltneys g SSS
led and commercially handled a1?"11!0
fruit In determine the .value of iy ui reuyijeu uy hviwi, uiu a
truit up uecernune tne.yaiuo oi , . f meralv taidnt? cream
precooung ooioro pmcmg -mo
fruit In . the refrigerator car.
Theso tests show that precoollng
(Continued on Page 4.)
lpsteadof merely taking cream
pi uusuiQss.on carime5 uuu giv
ing no' service to "far distant sec
tions as street cars ara requlretL