TU I n..M,. Unuj stream or motor travel is pass- wcuncBuny z:uu 1 16 LanB UOUntV NBWS'lng. also to clean up neighbor- AM. All the ladles niu uunu wuuiiij nunu,iifb,(iu lh h whtch railroad Wednesday 7:00 W. A. DILL, Editor and Mgr, Wednesday 2:00 P. M.LndloB are invited. through which railroad Wednesday 7:00 P. M. Choir tracks run. When motorists i rehearsal. "Hind dilapidated buildings. 1111 Thursday S:00 P. M. Prnyor 'kept grounds, stables decorated meeting. Published Every Monday and; with circus posters, etc., theyi Thursday by the Lane County cany away a disagreeable 1m- First Baptist Church. Publishing Association. Ipresslon. ! Row Will N. Ferris, minister. - ' The view from the railroad j Ulble School at 10:00 A. M. rates op subscription car a usually one of tumbled ; "Better things constitutes our Ono Year .... $i.go jdown chicken coops, piles of aim. Let each ono do his best Blx Months .... .75insiics ami rubbish. Property and our church and school will Three months .... .bo owners nerhans say to them- contmuo to grow m mtorcsi anu selves that the strangers that in numbers." - Advertising rates furnished on nppll cation. Member of the Willamette Valley Editorial Association. THURSDAY, MAY 4, 1910. Ir ontorod In (hp usunl way, jmt as tho llttlo hoard 'grown Into lnrgor do nominations, tho thrift of tho child Is correspondingly stimulated. When amounts of ono dollar or moro nro ac cumulated, tho amount can ho trans ferred to tho regular mivlnga "depart ment of tho respective hanks and In terest paid thereon. As a banking proposition tho plan Is of course n profitless one, as tho expunso of lite clerical labor entailed to keep accurate account of tho mi nute transactions will probably ho con- islderahly grentor than tho earnings NO NEW HIGH SCHOOL The voters of tho Springfield school district Monday turned down by a heavy vote the prop osition to bond the district for $30,000 for a new high school. Saving of taxes that would be required for interest was given as the reason for the defeat. Inasmuch as the premium bid for the bonds would have paid half of the Interest for the first year, and the repairs that will have to be made will cost twice what would have been saved in interest, it is hard to see where miss bv won't know who It is Gilbert Miller, Supt. uqpomw. or that keeps such a looking place. I 11.00 A. M. Sermon by Pastor. j which tno unnKs must act as rnitnrui All the same, they know tho, Thome, "Fishing Time," Point-,"IU- "owovor, tho profit. idea name of the town. ed, Practical and Pleasing. Good,'8 nt tll dotonulnlng factor In tho Many towns, realizing the Im- music and decorations. j movement, it Is an educational Idoa portanco of the effect produced I S.00 evening sorvlec ot song "lonB rational oconomlc lines, and tho tmvninrQ tni.- itninn n nmUn nnd sermon. Suocial music. Rov.!KuKno unnks ftro certainly to ho com. ilittle nark snots near railroad Ferris will speak to tho question imondcd In getting bohlnd It to assure utnt nna mu nlnntr mn n ctrnoto i"wnv RTUllll ve ill icoimruv UYU11- r.. iliuiiuiia tutu uiuiio u i ' ' r w w w - - It is astonishing what a chance ing hour?" rnn ho mnde in a tllnev snuare ! All are cordially invited. by planting a few trees and Strangnrs always welcome. shrubs. Every town should have a committee to look specially after thn annearance of these arteries of travel. The owners of prop-1 Ferguson, Supt. SUMMONS In Church of Christ 9:45 A. M. Sunday school, Mr. the Circuit Court of tho State ot Oregon for Lano County. Stewart McKay, Plaintiff, vs Jorgen Holm, Defendant. In tho nnmo of tho Stnto ot Oregon: You nro hereby required to appear nnil nniunii tl... nnninlnliil flln.l .ln. ertv abuttine on them should be !H:00 Junior Christian Endeavor, you In tho above entitled Court and urged to co-operate in a general 'Mrs. Lansbury, Supt. . ! cause on or heroic- the 22nd day of cleanup and beautMcatlon move 1 11 :00 a. Conimunion and ZiffiSft o rue' "of ment. If a railroad won't clean morning sermon. ! publication ns tho tlmo for you to the rubbish out or its right of! 0:30 P. M. Christian Endeavor appear and answer, nnd if you fall to ... " .nn r t I n 1 . . . Way, tlie townspeople COUIU , COU I. iU. EjYUIUUK ouivrcs. Bu appear iniu iiiiBwur, lor wnni mere- better afford to do It themselves: Wednesday 7:30 P. M. Prayer "i'pJ?1""" than to let it' remain. If a screen ( Meeting. the real saving lies Witnm a f t ld be I)lanted along! Thursday 7:30 Choir Rehearsal.' 0f. year or two a new-building will;the back ds ning rail-' E- C. WIG MORE, ! w troad tracks, the trave er in n : i-asior, mmy gooa Darn wtu oe avan-, , , h0 able when the present building fMt,t r fi hannniflo anrlraLr iinncihln t ... UllUlGlJ UUUiHIUlUi 1 for relief demanded In said conmlnlnt ton ftle herein nnd for tho wholo thoro- THE TOWN BEAUTIFUL Albany Herald. CHURCH NOTICES This is an age of tourists and touring. People keep their eyes open as they pass through towns, anxious to see what re finement and civic spirit they can find. A town that beauti fies its public streets and that dav school. has attractive residence grounds i 11. A. M. Sermon subject- draws interest from all over a "The End of God's Thoughts for The relief demanded Is tho fore elosuro ot a cortaln mortgage execut ed by you, and for judgment against you for tho sum of $100.00 and Interest thereon at 9 per cent per nnnum from the 17th dny of July, 191.1, and J7.0S Methodist Church.' Corner Second and B streets James T. Moore, pastor, phone 117-W. Next Sunday 10 A. M. Sun- wPTWcaatntr, in 1 0 state. - Towns ought to take the greatest pains to beautify the His People." 7.00 P. M. Epworth League. 8:00 P. M. Song and Sermon streets through which this Subject "Relative Values." Free Methodist Church. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. Preaching services at 11 a.m. .tnxoii paid and Interest thereon, and Pmvnr niul iirnl?r. orvlpP nt ,2r,0 08 Pontiff's nttomoy fee nnd lrajer anu praise sen ice at tho C0gt8 nn(1 ,jBt,uraemont8 of tho P. M., preaching at :30 P. M. suit, and for a decreo ordering tho Tuesday, 7:30 P. M Young sale of tho lot numbered 12 In block .nnimlu'siiravnrmnplini' .numbered 2 In the High School add t Midweek nraver meetinsr on !,on 10 Sprlngneld. Oregon, tho snmol lUiuweeK piaytr niLLUiib on ,)0lnB th0 rem8CB C0Verud by plain-1 inursuay ai :u i-. J.u. rtirr's mortgnge, and applying the pro- A cordial invitation is extend- i ceedB of said sale to tho payment or In eu tO all. 0iu juuBHiuui, linn uurriuK aim lore- AT l? PTTir rc iciosini, you oi, nun jrom nil rigni, tine ai. i. Kjiiiuua, (interest and equity of redemption In, as tor. innd to snld promises. " 1 Tltln Hllftitiinnu 1.1 i.iilillitl.fitl liw n. ' POBERT DUTtNS Lodge. No. ,,, ; " V""" f " , " n, ! i. ai. r jvuciuut uuu t,i , i - r .i.:t April 10th, 1910. FRANK A. DEPUE. THE "BOSS" KNOWS THAT THE MAN WHO IS PUTTING MONEY IN THE BANK IS NOT WASTING TIME SPENDING IT. HE MUST BE ON THE JOB, HE KNOWS THE VALUE OF HIS JOB AND HIS TIME HE DOESN'T LOSE EITHER. HE KNOWS TIME IS MONEY HE WANTS MONEY. WHEN HE GETS IT HE PUTS IT IN THE BANK. IT IS SAFE THERE.. IT HELPS TO HAVE A BANK BOOK. HAVE ONE. BANK WITH US. I 78. Accepted Scottish Itito Uni versal and Symbolic Free , Masons meets first nnd third Friday evening In W. O. W. 1 nail. Visiting brothers wel Attorney for Plaintiff. Special Rates East From SPRINGFIELD to Principal Eastern Cities Via CALIFORNIA .On sale daily: June 1st to Sept. 30th, 191G Stopovers allowed Return limit: 90 days from date of sale not to exceed Oct, 31, 1916. "To start right is to end right." THE SHASTA ROUTE is the right way to start Attractions enroute SEE Mt. Shasta Shasta Springs San Francisco Los Angeles Southern Salifornia Beaches Panama California Exposition Mt. Lassen Yosemite Valley como. T. n. Harris Secretary. P. A. Johnson n. w. M. WILL TEACH THRIFT IN LANE COUNTY SCHOOLS NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION T 1 m in i y Dank and the Hank of ,, : v.oa. urogon uury w. , . , ThoniHon, of Vlda, Oregon; Carl Swan- Education a system of 80n. of VI.,n. 0recon. navo suoinitteu to tno Apr. 0-May 11. J. M. UPTON, Register. In LIMITED TRAINS on all Southern Pacific routes Ogden Route "The route of the Limlteds." Sunset Route "Through Storyland." El Paso Route "The route of the low altitudeo." Call on local agent for further information or write JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Ore. SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES Department of the Interior U. S. Lnnd Office at Roseburg, Ore gon. April 3, 191G. Notice Is horeby given that Elmer E. Eggleston, of Vldn. Oregon, who on Juno 9. 1909. mado hoineitead entry serial. No. 05169. for SWU. Section 34. Board of Education and Eugene Banks i Township 16S, Range 2E, Wilnmotto Formulate Plan of School Meridian, lias filed notlco of Intention c,ui.n, eu.., to make flnal flvo year Proof, to estnb- savings system jHh c,alm tQ thQ ,ftn(, aboV(j doscr,be(1 Tho Eugene Clearing House Asso- e' J; ;,!,0w'"' U- S" Vfmim ,,, , , .. .. , ,i sloner. at Eugene, Oregon, on tho 15th ui.uii, luiuf. loiub uiu iniuu iuuuiiih tlay of May, 1916. j financial Institutions of tho city, tho Claimant 'names as witnosBes: Wal- First Kntlnnnl Ilnnlf. Uin Puirnna I.nnn tor E. Post, of Villa. OroCOIi: William & Savings ' IJoard of .Commerce, have submitted to 'school savings that has met with the unqualified endorsement of the Board, land "thrift" the cornerstone in tho j material welfaro of the Individual and nations will be instilled into the young minds of tho pupils ot the pub lic schools. ' , This is certainly a step in the right direction. At' a tlmo In life when tho minds ot children are most plastic and bus ceptlblo to tho Influence born of the wisdom of maturer years. When hab lt and saving is but a habit are most easily formed, and bad habits are most easily broken. The Invitation to Join tho thrifty little army Is extended to evory public school child In Lane County, whether he or she be In attendance nt a city : or a rural school. The bulletin would be glad to seo I both parents and teachers encourago i mm spiciKiiu movement, it means much to the future of any child. The plan of operation Is most aim pie. Deposits will bo accepted by any I of the three hnnks mentioned In as small amounts as ten cents. A bank passbook Is Issued to tho aspiring young financier In which each doposlt The Best Groceries For Less Money COOK r WITH GAS Oregon Power Co, SUMMONS tho Circuit Court of tlie Stato of Oregon for Lano County. Stowart McKay, Plaintiff, vs O. M. Larson and Emma Larson, hus band and wife, Defendants. In the name of the Stato of Oregon: You and ench of you are hereby re quired to appear and answer the corn, plaint filed ngalnst you In tho abovo entitled Court and causa on or before tho 22 day of May 1010 the said date being the time specified by tho Court In tho order of publication as tho time for you to appear and answer, and if you full to so appear and answer, for want thereof tho plaintiff will apply to said Court for rollof demanded In said complaint on file herein and for tho wholo thereof. The relief domunded Is tho fore closure of a cortaln mortgage executed The Fifth Street Grocery Thos. Sikes, Prop. Phone 22 Weaver. Kern Weaver, Samuel Wos 10 William Wesco, Effe Maud, Run sell Mattlx. Theodore Muttlx, Anna Hauso, John C .Weaver, Ferdinand Edgar, Mrs. C. W. Lehman, nnd Wil- i Ho weaver. jlN THE NAME OP THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each ot you aro hereby cited and required to appear In tho County Court of fho Stnto of Oregon for tho County of Lane, nt tho courtroom thereof In Eugono, Lano County, Oregon, on Tuesday, tho 0th day of May, 191C, ut 10 o'clock A. M. of said day and then nnd thoro show cause, If any exist, why an order ot salo of tho real estate belonging to said cstato should not bo mado to pay the charges, expenses and claims against said estate, and that said or- Dr. ADALINE KEENEY FERRIS Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Office, Baptist Parsonago Corner Socond and C Stroota HOURS: 9 TO 12. PHONE 40 J. H. BOWER Lawyer. Ofllco 774 Willamette St. Phono Eugene C99 Homo Phono 132-J Eugene, Oregon W. F. WALKER UNDERTAKER by you a"ZlSdg1nentS - "ffl "SI ' 3? "Wif ?hJnln? n 1?: 'i '"r1 1 decedent without notlco where tho In & .1.0 j.i. ,i f 0liJ,irf IIUI ; ven,or' an(1 nPPralscment of tho cstato 5v?qV,.J Lnl ft ',y ,1?i13 a"(, lHl.ows that all the property within ll&lT, JrlUlcton of the' Cocoes not i t, : I-"-"";; " oxecco jjou.uu ilin rrn u nnt iHaliimnrimnntn .0 rv vv T uv,vu U1114 IHU WWUU1 Ull UIOUU1 flu 1 11 Villi! 1i FUNERAL DIRECTOR dor direct the administrator of suldj office Phone 62; Residence 671 VDiutu tu nun iiiu i cm uniut. wi duiu ' JJmk Msln A the suit, nnd for a decreo ordering tho sale or Lot 10 in Block 22 nnd lot C This citation Is Issued pursuant to an order of tho County Court of Lano county. Oregon, in tno abovo entitled onmo Imlnl' hn nromliioii o.u..r,.,1 l. . . . ' 1,0 Pr0Pen" OCStriOOU in 1110 PO- T"r.iV" " " .r tllion for the order to sell and which See Edwards &Brattaii For Farm and City Property Exchanges a 'Specialty Springfield Phone 30 Oregon SSStSireie'S 18 Branlod' ,at CAREFUL, CONSCIENTIOUS FRANK A. DEPUE. Attorney for'Plnlntirf. CITATION TO HEIRS In tho County Court of th Stato of Ore gon, for Lano County. In tho matter of th estato of'flamiiol J). Weaver, deceased. v " To Mrs. Hattlo Ego, Miss Ella Martin, Gust Martin, Charles MartlnV P. V. Weaver, Rachel Weaver, Frank E. Weaver, Mrs. Charles Link, Mrs. May Frees, Clark Weaver, Russell D. W. ROOF, JEWELER SPRINGFIELD, OREGON PINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY fnrPinim. vniV nV '.n,i Vmm ii t Commencing at a point South 20 do- ap I 1 Ule n?erLtyand euultv oHedl nn 30 m,n- Ea8t a d,8tanco of Tl A T 1 fST MTT ta ud to uuTSnffi f re,10,npUon ! 21-5 feet from a point whlcn is North 1JB II LI S TlT V 8,mm,8 -frm center of section tS township 20 ht Vann .p'nuntv t W T i?S I So,ltl1 a"K 2 t Willamette mori. .0LIa,nn0,,.Co"nty 0resn. Iatod April ;tllan. (henco 8 48 ,, lo min, w 20C.4 v., fAiilt IVifin... Qnnll. OK ilnw Oft m n 2CH feet: thonnn RniiHi 7R ilnp. in mln PHONE8 Office, 3; jsust aiu.9 feet; thenco North 20 dcg. 30 mln. 30 W. 404.3 feet to placo of beginning, containing 1.89 acres. moro or Jess, In Lano County, Oregon, ( Witness tho Honorable 11, L. llown, (T O f1 H tH T Judgo of tho County Court of tho Stato J $. LxlllUOn, IV1 U of Oregon, Lano County, and tho soal Practice Limitari ti or suld Court hereto affixed this 31st practice Limited tl da1ntMarc,,i1,?10;1 , ... ,, J Eye, Ear, None and Throat. 'I'll A III f ft tT Mln 11 no niilillnn Inn tins citation is April 3, 1910, Attest STACY M. RUSSELL, (Seal County Court) County Olork I DR. J, E. RICHMOND ' Residence, 116-J Over Commercial Bank, Springfiold, Oregon. Graduate Nurao Attending 306, White Temple, Eugene. HERBERT E. WALKER NOTARY PUBLIC Office In City Hall, Springfield, Ore Why not save and doposlt In 6ur Savings Department one-twelfth of your total taxes each month? By so dis tributing the tax burden over the entire year, It will not seem so heavy. 4 per cent on savings. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, EUGENE, OREGON.