The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, April 24, 1916, Image 3

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" wi:
5 Tales of the Town
Neat flliQQ repairing nt the
Harries Shop.
Wo nro cloning but our
stock of implements nt coat. M,
William Carney of Lebanon
waa In Springfield the latter part
of the week visiting friends.
Try a real glass of Root
Beer-the kind that comes in a
stein. KotolB Drug store.
Exterior woodwork of tho
Oregon Power company's of-
flco was repnlnted Saturday.
Wo aro agents for Buttor
Ick patters. Come In and look
over tho latest fashions. COX
6 COX.
Good reliable flro Insurance.
'No assessments; no membership
fee. Pay once and you aro done.
II. B. Walker at tho City Hall.
Sporting goods and fishing
tackle at M. C. BroBslor & Son.
Tho weather is flno and so
Is business at tho Harness Shop.
James Laxton motored to
points In south Lane county yes
terday. Hall tho shoo doctor for tho
best In tho west. Fifth and
Main streets.
rinnhnr Prtlnnn Rliirr Tn
otrovnr irnrim, 0n0,ia ntwi fowl!. Dressier, Mrs. Dan Gore, Mrs.
Izcrs at the Feed Store. Howard Parsons, Mrs. Ernest
mm Lyon, Mrs. Walter Herndon,
Atty. Alfred E. Ball of Harris- c,ad Ntl- Mfrs. C. F. Eg-
hnrn- wnu n m-lfifnilfl nlnv gUUM!, MrS. D. W. ROOf, Mrs.
...... 0, ......... UJ.....D..v.. iifll. mi i ..!.. .1,
of Linn Nesmith. i VU'UUV.. " ';. U1
iciuu win ue iiciu ui me nome oi
Fourteen schoolmates sur
prised Theron Newman Satur
day evening on the eve of his de
parture for Montana. Games
and music made tho evening
pass all loo quickly, and then
a dainty luncheon was served
by Mrs. Newman assisted by the
lad's school teacher, Mrs. Flan
nlgan. Those who attended
were Floral Fiannlgan, Artls
Flannlgan, Vencta Morrison,
Phylls Kcstcr, Alice Mortensen,
Lavon Russell, Marnll New
man, Harry Ragan Wilbur Hay
don, Wcndal McKinney, James
CornolluB, Theron Newman,
Vlrvll Jones, Clarence Kester,
Mrs. Flannlgan.
Tho Gleaners held a most en
joyable session Thursday after
noon at tho home of Mrs. W. F.
Walker. Tho members present
were Mrs. William Donaldson,
Mrs. Riley Snodgrass, Mrs. F. W.
the guest
Leave your thirst at our
fountain, tho parting will bo
sweet. Ketels Drug store.
County Agriculturist Alcorn
was in Springfield Saturday,
and called at the News olilcc.
,Mrs. BresBler.
Ninth and
C Sts.
The Thursday BOO Club met
I with Mrs. M. M. Peery at seven
o'clock dinner, Mrs. Peery and
Mrs. Edessa Cox being joint hos
tesses. Honors of the evening
0 WW Vftl Jt. IllJUlVlit I'll Om
i i ,i , , Martin (Vancouver B. C), Mr.
Orogon Cassimerc Bulls, -j. Boutin (Bayfield, Wis.), Mr.
every thread wooland guariin-;nnd Mrs. Welby Stevens, Miss
teed fast colors. COX & COX. Marie DcPuc, Mr. and Mrs. B. A.
' iWnshhnriifi nml Mr. Wnlter
Please note tho reduction In KfaMv (I'nrn tlin minute rt ihr
Please note tho reduction in prices for laundering Tdilrts, all ciui) The next mcetlne will be
Atty. Benton Ubwnian ofi
Hillflboro spent Friday and Sat
urday in Springfield visiting rci-
Miss Elolah NcwnTan and ;
brother Theron loft Sunday
night for un extended visit with
their father at Hamilton, Mont.
fOeo. Ketciium of Fall Creek
apent thcwcck-enil Jn Spring
field on business arid visited at
the home of his sister, Mrs. J. P.
,The work of preparing the
baseball grounds south of tho
post office is progressing rapidly
under the management of Ron
ald Roberts.
Mrs. 0. 0. Voss of West
Springfield was taken to the
Springfield hospital vtoday; noon
and will probably undergo an
operation for an abcess within
a Sow days.
v ff
The Easter program of music
was given at the Baptist church
Friday evening to a crowded
house. The stereonticon failed
to work, so the cruciflxtlon
pictures were not show until
Saturday evening, when another
large audience turned out. The
Easter Services Sunday were all
well attended.
And room for 7 FULL-GROWN pas
sengers, too don't forget that. You can
ride with 6 other people all day in this
Studebaker without getting cramped or
crowded to death. It's big, roomy, restful.
."We'd just like to take you for a little ride
in either the FOUR ($875) or in the SIX
($1085) and show you what Studebaker
means by ROOM. Come in today.
Springfield Garage
40 H. P.
$8 7 5
F. O. B. Detroit
50 H. P.
F. O. B. Detroit
.i t
(Continued from Pago 1.)
ncnso noio mo rcaucuon m prices ror laundering Tuurts, an ciui, The next meeting will be
rices for laundering Bhlrts, all negligee shirts, 10c; pleated 15c. jhekl" at the .home of Mrs. Carl
ogllgcc shirts. 10c; pleated lGc. THE CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Fischer on Wednesday, April 2G,
HID CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Whcn Mrs. Fischer and Mrs. m!
- Through the efforts of City
Marshal Edwards, many lots are
being cleared of rose briars and
other unsightly shrubbery, and
tho alloys aro being cleared of
all rubbish cans.
Wo Just received a shipment
qf 17 cases of shoes, consisting
of children's sandals, men's san
dals, old ladles comfort, boy
"scout and others, nt the Harness
-We are selling some shoes
nowdays at tho Harness Shop.
We arc closing out our stock
implements nt cost- M. C.
Dressier & Son.
Ually will be joint hostesses at
seven o'clock dinner.
:Secd potatoes,
lnaf tit '
$2.25 cwt.
while they
c lb. back lots,
Springfield Feed Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Welby Stevens,
Walter Wheeler and J. E. Ed
wards motored to Cottage Grove
A pen of pure-bred New Zea
land rabbits, tho property of J. J.
Drowning, was exhibited in tho
Ketels Drug Store window yes
terday and Saturday, while a
pen rabbits, part New Zealand,
uuiuiiKuiK iu ivuii mivimiy. Thcro wi bo a mothers'
was exhibited In tho Holbrook ' of. of n.ft w r T n
window. Another striking East- g xWoT5. Third and E
er wjmiow was mm in uiu i.r- otnnit! n-t,n.t nn
0 r2S,nt2:30.
imor Grocery.
Resurfacing of east Main
street and of Second from Main
to the blrdgc, is now nearly com
pleted, only a little railing re
maining to be done. The scari
fier was returned to tho county
court Saturday noon, after all
tho work desired had been cut
up with tho heavy machine. The
streets will bo graded up to a
uniform surfneo, and will then
bo rolled, Marshal Edwards cut
his hand bndly Friday while
making some adjustments in the
lovors of tho scarifier.
Wanted 500 kids to eat
ico cream cones at the Palace of
Sweets. 2 cones for 5c.
9 O
. Miss Ramona Stover of the
Eugene Bible university, spent
the week-end as the guest of
Miss Ruby Seilseney.
Mrs. Hanson of Portland, sis
ter of Mrs. Geo. Catching and
Mrs. .Vhi . Williams, spent tho
week-end in Springfield.
Harry Stewart and family and
L. M. Deebo and family and Jos.
Boutin went to Cottage Grove
to sjiend the day yesterday.
Miss Margarette Sebhart of
Eugene and Miss Marjory Knott
who lives north of town, spent
Sunday at the Senseney home.
Timbers for the rock bins for
the plant of the Springfield Sand
of tho S. P. yard and is stacking & Gravel Co. are being framed
the surnlus slab east of the Fifth and put in place. Tho crusher
street causeway.
to convey is that the raliroad
executives of the United States
aro very deeply obligated, not
only to the Investors in their
proportls, but In a like degree to
the public from which they de
rive their revenue, and which
they should protect from any
unjust tax, although they are
anxious to be absolutely fair to
j their employes.
nere are approximately 42,-
000 employe's on the Pacific sys
tem of the Southern Pacific!
company, and of this vast army
but 6,600 are involved in the.
j present wage controversy. If
will do your rough dry wash at 5 cents a pound. Special
rates for very large washings. Give this a trial, work called
for and delivered promptly.
have to suffer. And the mer-parties in
chants and the business men
who have railroad men as cus
tomers would quickly feel the
tieup's -effect. It would be as
critical to' them as to the ship
pers, for a large portion of every
dollar they pay us in freight
money returns to them through
the hands of our employes."
Mexico, Chili,
manla. Canada, British East
Africa, British Columbia, Eng
land, British Guiana and Pan
ama. Since the establishment of the
Forest Products Labratory at
(Madison, Wisconsin, over 120,-
000 strength tests have been
completed upon 130 species of
American woods.
Some white ash from Tenne
ssee, recently tested at the Mad
ison, Wisconsin, Forest Products
ibrotherhool leaders fn rofnsp fn tnrv nt xtnriidnn wtRonjiRin was 'Labratory. was sold by the lum
aronraie ana strike unless the the first one or its kind in the uti wuiyauy iuwuti iu
carriers meet their demands be world. This labratory not only aeroplane company for ?500.
put into effect, the ensuing tie-! furnisher information for deal- per thousand, i his is said to be
up would be for the possible ben- ers and users of forest products the highest price to which ash
efit of these 6G00 employes, in all parts of the United States, has as yet soared.
What of the balance of our 42,- but it has also been called upon Incense cedar is now being
000 employes? Thev wnnpl n furnish nffvvntinn 'or -'-" for nenoil Bints. '
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Wash
burno of Junction City spent the
week-end with his parents, Mr. t
and Mrs. B. A. Washburne, here, j
The Booth-Kelly Co. has ar
ranged for tho use of a portion
Well Built
Is Built To Win
but in building brain and
body, often the daily diet
. lacks certain essential mln-
- vrnl elements.
i,v These necessary factors
1 aro abundantly supplied by
..the field grains, but aro
lacking in many foods
especially white flour, from
which they nro thrown out
" In the milling process to
make tho flour white,
tnado of wholo wheat and
limited barloy, supplies all
ho rich nutriment of tho
grains, including their vital
ninernl salts, thoso all-ne
cessary builders of actlvo
brains and vigorous bodies.
To build
right, eat
i ,
I'Tihere's a Reason"
purchased from the city was
moved to the new site Friday.
o e
W. F. Walker, Henry Korf,
E. A. Bean, Rev. E. C. Wigmore
and Mr. Barnard went, to Wal
terville Sunday afternoon where
Rev. Mr. Wigmore addressed
tho Odd Fellow and Rebekah
lodges. Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Mor-,
tensen drove up later to attend
the same services.
The Ladles Aid of the M. E.
church la making extensive pre
parations for a "Trip Around the
World" social, to be given tho
first of May. (
m m m
The Cedar Flat sawmill Is load
lug a carload of bridge timbers
nt tho local S. P. yards. Tho
lumber Is hauled., by wagons
from Cedar Flat.
Carl Fischer, manager of the
Sheridan Lumber Co., came up
Friday to spend tho week-end
with his family here. Ho will re
turn to Sheridan tomorrow. i
Because of a coniliet of dates 'FR nS T0 ,TTersey
thern will bo no vaudeville nt tho bv c- B- Ucardorf, Jasper, Ore
lEugeno theatre tomorrow night,
The Nine-Act Version of REX BEACHE'S
Stirring Story of PANANA
7:15 and 9
Classified Ads
For Sale, Rent, Wanted, Etu.
A Worth Successor to "
7:15 and 9
The Spoilers
but next Tuesday there will be LOST Breastpin with name ofi
il. . - 11 .... A .... I . . .
'the usual excellent program.
E. E. Brodie, of Oregon City,
and Phil Bates of Portland, pres
ident and secretary of tho Ore
gon Stato Press association,
wore callers at tho News ofllco
m o
"Chappie" Williams, train
master for tho Willamette-Pacific
gravel service, is sufforing
from a badly swollen hand, tho
Infoctlon resulting from a small
m m m
Ed. L. Ayors of Junction City,
candidate for tho republican
nomination for county commis
sioner, was in Springfield Satur
day calling on his frlonda and
making now ones.
D. S. Jordan received a tele
gram yesterday announcing tho
death of Alvah Davis, formerly
of Springfield, at Woodburn, at
G:30 p. m., Saturday, Ajnll 23.
IIo .leaves a wife tfnd'jOne,' child.:
No -further particulars were" r&
Leave at News of-
LOSTw-Tieket punch at railroad j
crossing at ond of street car,
lino. Finder lca,ve at the News 1
FOR SALE Sowing machine'
good as now, Jev.ol rango, re-,
frlgorator, sectional book case
hall sot. 33G E. 9th St. Eu
gene, Phono 37(5. !
FOR SALE Tho northwest cor- i
nor of 2nd and Main St., lots t
a and 10, this property is well
situated for a hotel, High
school, City hall, Masonic
Temple or any public edifice.
Easy terms, see M. M. Peery or
write Paul Bettelhelm, Visalia,
Kathlyn Williams T
Wheeler Oakman
HIS great photodrama is considered
ers." Both storiesSHRDLU UPUP
the worthy successor of "The
Spoilers." Both stories were writ
ten by Rex Beach, and both have been
filmed by the Selig Company. Written by
the same author, produced by the same di
rector and enacted by the same stars that
appear in "The Spoilers" makes the pro
duction extraordinary in every detail, "The
Ne'er Do Well" does not contain a dull
moment. There are hand-to-hand con
flicts, a great fire, beautiful tropical scen
ery and an all-star cast, featuring Kath
lyn Williams and Wheeler Oakman.
These two wonderful and popular screen
artists, together with the Selig All Star
cast, that made "The Spoilers" famous",' in
cluding Jack McDonald (Slap Jack in "The
Spoilers"), Hank Clark (Dextrys in "The
Spoilers"), and others, all combine to
make "The Ne'er Do Well" one of tho
greatest film dramas ever jirajented.
Every one who saw "The Spoilers" will
want to see its successor, "The Ne'er Do
Well" will smash all previous attendance
records. Wo advies coming a few minutes
early that you may see tho picture from
the beginning of the story.
TRY TO COME EARLY and avoid tho
later crowns.
bred Partridge Wyandotte, 75
cents for'IG. Mrs. W. L. Hol
llngsworth Douglas Gardens.
Phoiie Snrbicjhjldl 24W An
FOR SALE Good farm wagon1
Children lOc; Adults 15c
and harness. L. M. Cagley. ;5