ft k tl i " nli.. 11 Irioos not alter tho fact that tholForrls, followed by baptism. UD LailO .llUUnif IllWS loflflCoattathoimbllcrilowovc!', Thi8 dny's mossgfem lioj. W. A. DILL, olio. !s4i .1 appreciated by Jrtivory Editor and Mgr. hAutol increased wnecb. tuxes (1 m lnUB,c iq 1 u t Published tW KM .' . 4 . I ' ' - AtidWcost or material, on tno t ho heart 'nnd earnest bomhoii Every Monday tmdlollibr, -the margin remaining fur inspire tho soul. Idends, improve-1 ah uro conwuiy mviieu. minus in nmv sn : oirueuia iiiwuya wuiuuntu small that if the employes suc ceed In their demands for $100,- Thursday by the Lano County hiferost, dlvldei Publishing Association. 'lu01l('8 and extern HATES OF SUBSCRIPTION r --v., rt . . . ti rn iSix Months .... '.n 000,000 moro a year railroad Three monthc - - .50 ' commissions will likely lmvo to Advertising rates: furnished on nppll-l start revising rates upward In- cation. t. ' ' tat end of downward. In other ; words, the situation Is such that I these demands concern the pub- , more than the railroads from THURSDAY, APRIL 20, 1916 I the fact that they aro insepnr 4 !ntiiy linked with an increase In Member of the Willamette Valley Editorial Association. BUILDING A TOWN ! rates. Church of Christ 9:45 A. M. Sunday school, Mr. Ferguson, Sunt. 11:00 Junior Christian Endeavor 11 :00 a. m. Communion and I . i morning sermon. Meridian, has nicd notlco of Intention to lunko llnnl II vo year Proof, to ostnb. llalfelnUn to tho land above described, before 1. IV llowltt, U.,8. Commis sioner, nt Eugene, Orogon'.lon tho lDth day or May, 1910. Claimant imuioh an witnesses! Wnl tor B. Post, of Vldn. Oregon; William r. lloyorlln, or Vldn, Oregon; Cnry W. ThoniHon. or vldn, Oregon; Curl Hwnu son, or vidu, orogon. J. M. UPTON. Apr. G-Mny 11. Resistor. SUMMONS In tho Circuit Court of tho Stnto of I Oregon for Lnnn County. iStownrt MoKny, Plaintiff, vo O. M Lnrnou unit Emma Larson, luu- bnnd nnd wife. Defendants. In tho ntuno of tho Stnto of OroKon: u:30 p. Ai. Clirlsuan Endeavor ou "d each or you nro norohy id- 7an P At Tvnnlmr QorvtoAo inuireu to appear una answer tno com ,,. ,!.. -,oa ii r i plaint filed against you In tho ivhovo ' -iuyi entitled Court and cnuso on or boforo iuuumiB. iino i-a any or May luiti mo said unto Thursday 7:30 Choir Rehearsal, i toK tho tlmo specified by tho Court n. winMnnm I In tho order of publication as tho tlmo w " lfr ou to appear and Jnswor, nnd If """u" you ran to so appear and nnswor, Tor Tn thn rnnrso of a recent ed-, Hanroau employes couiu not itorial on city building, and Eu- choose a more inopportune time gene's chances of being the to ask for a general advance in second city in Oregon, the Reg-1 wages. When tho devastating ijster says: war in EurPe ,s over tno que3- "All over the country there jtion confronting American wage are strategically located tank earners will be that of finding towns and whistling stations a market for their labor instead 'that relied wholly upon their . of flxlug a price for it. James J. tiatural advantages, -while notlHllL iar away are hustling cities that j A , Js a d Hunt themselves up In tne face er f0p any community. If of obstacles. Natural advant-jUie communlty is g00(I enough age alone will never make a,for yQU and yQur Jocal papor ,s great city. , , !god enough for the community, The statement is indeed true. fe g Q a . 1 r friends once In a while. You t 'Iff, t"!! I T be doing good, the paper 1111 I' i lirjlll. 11ILLI1I11I 111 T imnv Free Methodist Church. Sabbath School at 10 a. m. do some good, and then we'll all be good fellows. 2242 ft. ship here. CHURCH NOTICES cation, and the beneficence of 'outsiders may help a little, but It is not safe to trust to these alone. A year ago a beet sugar concern was in the field about Springfield, looking for a loca tion. It left seed to be tested, but no one here took any care Methodist Church. to see that these tests were Corner Second and B streets carried out, and the result was James T. Moore, pastor, phone the tests failed; the sugar com- 117-W. bany had nothing on which to! Next Sunday G:30 A. M. Sun- 1ik?p pstiimrpq for i factorv !rise meeting. This service is base estimates for a factory der th ices of the E and the investment of half a worth League. At this hour the million dollars in Springfield is triumps of, the risen Lord may deferred. be most fittingly observed. All Springfield has just as good are invited. The sacrement of an opportunity of being thehtrd's suPPer willbe adn,in" second city of Oregon as has ! 18 Nest' Sunday 10 A. M. Sun- jjiiigene. ve are just as iavor- i(ay school. Come swell the school to overflowing on Easter morning. 11. A. M. Sermon subject "Lesson from the Cross." 7.00 P. M. Epworth League. 8.00 P. JL Easter Concert. Wednesday 2:00 P. M. Ladies want thoroof tho plaintiff will aunty to said Court for rnllof donmndod In said complaint on fllo horoln and for i , ... -r i. i.. i -, ... mil wuuiu iiiunHJi. riauuiii swTiui!Bttiua.ui, Tho roltuf donwnded Is tho foro Prayer and praise service at closuro of a cottnin mortsaKo oxocutod 7 P. M., preaching at 7:30 P. M. tiy you, and for JudKinont asalnst Tuesday, 7:30 P. M Young jou for tho sum of JIGO.OO and Interest ,., ,.!:,,. ...ii,,. " thereon at 10 per cent per annum people s prayer meeting. :froIn 4th ,,ay of Jul; 1913 nI1(l Midwcplc prayer meeting 011 $35.19 taxes paid and Interest thereon. Thursday at 7:30 P. M. and $26.00 as plaintiff's attorney too A cordial Invitation is extend-!"1"1 th. f1,8 nnd, dMumomonti of n1, . tho suit, and for a docreo ordorlnR tho eu lO an. l8aIo of lMt 10 n nlock 22 Rnd ,ol 6 M. F. CHILDS In block 23, all In Emerald Holghts Pastor. addition to Springfield, Oregon, tho 1 'satnti belnc tho nromlRoa cnvnrml liv nODEHT BURNS lJdRO, No. plaintiff's mortKako,.nnd upplyltiR tho 7S, A. M. F., Anciont and proceeds of said sale to tho payment Accepted Scottish Hlto Unl- of snld Judgment, and barring nnd versal and Symbolic Free foreclosing you of and from nil right, Masons meets first nnd third tltlo Interest nnd equity of redemption Friday ovenlng In W. O. W. In nnd to said promises, hall. Visiting brothers wel-' This summons Is published by order or tno uon. u. u uown, County Judgo P. A. Johnson .of Lane County, Oregon, dated April It. W. M. 10th, 1910. I FKANK A. DIC PUB, NOTICE i Attorney for Plaintiff. i if.. 4Msf IkMiiL 1 come. I). Harris Secretary. You I X VJH (.11 liUI LUJ UUUUCU IU Astoria-McConnlck inter- forthwith cut all wild rosc,briar; ! .i- i i i woods, thistles and brush on I racru nil vii litr nnmrnnr in iiiiiiii ' - w SUMMONS MEMBER rlKEIAL 1ESM 5Y5TIH OF BANKS ft OVER ONE HUNDRED MILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN GOLD WAS PUT UP BY THE " FEDERAL RESERVE" SYS TEM OF BANKS, IN TWO DAYS, AS A BASIS ON WHICH THE U. S. GOVERNMENT ISSUES MONEY. OUR BANK IS A MEMBER OF THIS "FEDERAL RE SERVE" SYSTEM. WE CAN TAKE OUR SECURITIES TO OUR DISTRICT "FEDERAL RESERVE" BANK AND GET MONEY. YOU CAN GET YOUR MONEY WHEN YOU WANT IT WHEN IT IS DEPOSITED IN OUR BANK. afKsna BANK WITH US. 96-223 4r4 ably situated as regards the center of the state, and the con fluence of many rivers, as is Eu gene. Our freight rates from Portland and fromthe east are Identical with those of Eugene. We have iust as much and lust! Aid as desirable territory on which Wednesday 7:00 P. M. Choir to locate a great city. All that 1 VU.,"' .street and alley adjace ,t thereto Or0Ron for Inno County. and remove the same .therefrom stowart McKay. Plaintiff, va Jorgon in compliance "with. Ordinance! Holm. Defendant. No. 104 of the Town of Sprinc-' !n tno ,m," ot lho sta& ot Orojcon neiu, Oregon and do this under n(,nn8wer the 'cdmpiaint niia nwin the pains and penalties of the )0u In tho nbovo ontltled Court nnd Ordinances and Charter of the cause on or beforo the 32nd lay oi . Town of Springfield. A,a' 19,G "10 3a,tl dato bolng the tlm, j WHofinSii Si y publication us tho tlmo fur you to 1 nuny April -1. nnnnnr nml nnitwiir. nnil IT full n By order of Town Marslinl, .so appear and answer, for want tn-re- i j 'of tho plaintiff will apply to said Court 1 OAl I Fnr? WAOOAMTC iror roller demanded in so.ld compliunt Notice is hereby given that I'0f. will pay upon presentation ! at , Tho relief demanded In tho foro my office warrant Of School closure or n certain mortgngo oxecut District No. 19, of -Springfield, ed b Jr.Ju' nd '0&nonf ,a1,lln8' uregon, up to and lncludUlg, thereon nt 9 per cent por annum from Warrant No. C89. -Intbrest tho 17th day of July, 1913, nnd $7.08 ceases after April 14, 1910. ; taxes paid and Interest thoreou, and Dated this 10th day of April, ?,2C-00 a,a P'"''ill,T? nWorny fu(J a"(1 tn-tn ' tho costs nnd disbursements of tho t vTnvfnv -,, , 8U,t' a,,(1 for a docrJO ordering tho A. P. McKINZE , Clerk, sale of tho lot numbered 12 In block numbered 2 In tho High School addl- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ' ,tlon to Springfield, Oregon, lho same Department of tho Interior ! being tho premises covered by plain-, U. S. Land Offlce at Rosehurir Om. tiff's mortgage, nnfl applying tho nro- V gon, February 23, 191G. ceods of said sale to tho payment of jl iNoiico is nereoy given mat Eliza E. aia juiigmeni, ami onrnng ana ioro Dowett, of Vldn, Oregon, who on May closing you of, and from all right, title i. ihii'i rnniin Aiifiitifinni iinmnn.n.ui ninmRi nnfi nrmiiv nr rnfinniniwiri in I oe Best Groceries For Less Money The Fifth Street Grocery Thos. Sikes, Prop. Phone 22 is needed is a llitle push a lit tle effort to bring to Springfield business enterprises that might .seek some other location. Now let's get busy. . :Entrv. Rerlnl Vn funr.) fr.- it,, an. nt nml to milil rrinilHi inursday :UU 1. Al. Grayer ,sw of Section 22. Townshln lfi K. This summons Is published by or- ivontory and npprniHotncnt of tho estate (THE PUBLIC WILL FOOT THE BILL Since 1904 the wages of rail- meeting, First Baptist Church. Rev. Will N. Ferris, minister. TJible School at 10:00 A. M. Gilbert Miller, Supt. r Special Easter program of un usual interest following brief survey of lesson. There will be no intermission but one contin uous program in connection way employes in train service on with which Rev. Ferris will the railroads of the United speak to the topic, "Some of the States have Inprewd ihont 40 Jys or tne l'lvst aster-tiue;" btates nae increased about 4U all of vhlch wfll constltute a Range 2 E.. Willamette Meridian, lias dor of tho Hon. H. L,. Uow filed notlco of Intention to mako Final .Judgo of Lano County, Orog FIvoyear Proof, to establish claim to April lOtli, 1910. within not the land above described, before 1. P. Hewitt, U. S. Commissioner, nt his offlce at Eugene, ufegon, on tho 28th day of April, 191C. Claimant names as witnesses: Carey W. Tomsonor VIda, Oregon; John F. Mlnney, of VIda, Oregon: Carl E. Swanson, of Vida, Oregon; Herbert i k. uaiuwin, or viua, Oregon. J. M. UPTO.V Mar 20-Apr. 24 FRANK A. DBPU13. Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Dopartment of tho Interior U. S. Land Office at llosoburg, Ore gon. Mnrcli 18, 1910. Notlco Is hereby clven that Jullua 'neck, of VIda, Oregon, who, on October OT. ICltA mnt. tlnmAuinnil T..n. Register. ; Ser(ai No, 06093, for Lots 1 and 2 and NE4 of SEV and SB4 of NE't of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I Section 4, Township 17S, Rango 2B, Department of tho Interior , jWlllnmotto Meridian, has filed notlco pcx lciu uui me yu6 .ci8ervlce tnat wm uotn piease andKon. apni j, lam. ; proof, to establish claim to the land railroad itself (the rate per ton-!blessi Do not miss it nor fail tol 'l?11';0 's "oroby given that Elmer 'nbovo described, before I. P. llowltt. f - , 4. . , hrinn- vmir cnoflnl i?notor nffor E" Kgleston, of VIda. Oregon, who on U. S. Commissioner, at his olflco, at mile for performing the service) pnng your special Easter offer- Juno 9 i909 made homestead entry Eugene, Oregon, on tho nth day of have actually decreased 0.02 per ,inS , You w 11 not weary, but serial, No. 05159, for swv Section 34. May. loic. u.cl "lUB 0.30 p M Senior and Junior paying their employes more the meetings. railrads have charged the peo-j 7:30 evening service of song pie less. Probably lower rates and sermon. Mrs. J. E. Rich are due to reductions by federal mond will sing "The Holy City." and state railroad commissions grSSiVSS.1' jnore than to voluntary reduc- j A Great Conviction" will he .tions by the railroads, but this the theme, discussed bv Rev. D. W. ROOF, JEWELER SPRINGFIELD, . ORECON FINE WATCH REPAIRING A SPECIALTY den II. Pcndcll, of Vldn, Oregon: John F. Mlnney. of VIda, Oregon; Hon F. Mlnney, of VIda, Oregon; William Schornlg, of VIda, Oregon. .1. M. UPTON, Mar, 20-Apr. 24. Reglstor. ! CITATION TO HEIRS In tho County Court of th State of Ore I gon, for Lano County. I In tho matter of th estate of Snmncl D. Weaver, deceased. i ro Mrs. Hattlo Ego. Miss Ella Martin, Oust Martin, Charles Martin, F. V. weaver, Rachel Weaver, Frank E, Weaver, Mrs. Charlon Link, Mrs, n. County "hows that all tho property wl ,'on, dated Jurisdiction of tho Court does oxttco J.JUU.UU. i This citation Is Issued pursuant to an order of tho County Court of Lano County. Oregon, In tho above entitled estnto dated March 31st, 191C. Tho property described In tho pe tition for tho ordor to noil and which will bo sold If tho order Is granted, Is descrlbod as follows: Commencing at a point South 20 de grees 3G mln. ' East a dlstnnco of 21.G feet from n point whl.-n Is North 88 degrees 34 minutes Last 171.2 feet from center of section 18 township 20 South Rango 2 East Willamette meri dian; thenco S. 48 deg. 19 mln. W. 205.4 font. HmnM Qiiillli "If. .torr mlii I.-,.-, 255 foot; thenco South 78 deg. 10 mln,!0"'" Phone Bfc East 219.9 foot; thenco North 20 dog. i West 3C mln. 30 W. 1C4.3 feet to place of beginning, containing 1.89 acres, moro or loss, In Lano County, Oregon. Witness tho Honorable II. L. Ilown, Judge of tho County Court of tho State of Oregon, Lane County, and tho seal of said Court hereto affixed tills 31st day of March, 1910 . The dnto of the first publication of this citation Is April 3, 1910. Attest STACY M. RUSSELL, (Seal County Court) County Clork Dr. ADALINE KEENEY FERRIS Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon Olllco, Ilnptlst Parsonage Corner Socond and C 8troots HOURS: 9 TO 12. PHONE 40 J. H. ROWER Lawyer. Onico 771 Wlllnmotto St. Phono Eugene C99 Homo Phono 132-J Eugene, Oregon W. F. WALKER UNDERTAKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Residence 67-J Main St. See Edwards &Brattaii For Farm and City Proporty Exchanges a Specialty Sprlngfiold Phone 30 Oregon COO NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION ' Dopartment of tno Intorlor. , U. S. Lnnd Olllco nt ltoseburg,, Ore-, gon, March 8, 1910. , I Notlco Is hereby given that Waldon l nuriuii 1,11111, 1HJ-H. IT x, r ...1 May Frees, Clark Weaver, Russell iV" '"oV. ,o, ' i,uoh""' .rV ' Weaver. Fern Weaver. Samuel Wes- ad Kntw Serl, No 00604 for i ho ' v.o. William Wesco, Effo Maud, llui. 8W 1-4 of NE 14 NW 1 4 of SE 11 iffuB?' John?eWoaver Ferdinand " of BWl-i of VAa SwV llnuse, John t- .woavor, ieruinnnii ,!. w H. ,, a R wiiinmnii., ntnr. niiu, liaa filed notlco of Intention to CAREFUL, CONSCIENTIOUS Dentistry DR. J. E. RICHMOND PHONES Office, 3; Residence, 110-J Over Commercial Bank, Springfield, Oregon. WITH Edgar, Mrs. C. W. Lehman, and Wll- iw "piiw tjamf nrc I'lif rtatp flp ' '"10 Flvo-Yoar proof to ostab- Tllfc NAME Of a I E B rA l E OI ,8h ,,, , tho )al(l , .lescrlbed. FFi&S'K.S11 iif ;or O. R. Guliion, M.D. a3l.f, '" Vi ? AJ Mhinoy of. VIda. Oregon, Wlllla.n I Hciiormg ot Vldn, Oregon, J. M. UPTON. of Bald day nnd then nnd there show causo, If any exist, why an order of sale ot tho real cstato belonging to said estate should not bo made to pay the charges, expenses and claims against said cstuto, and that said or der direct the administrator of said iestato to sell-the real cstat of said estato under tho provisions of Hoc Hon 1257 of Lord's Oregon Laws pro viding for tho salo of real estato of a Oregon Power Co, , HERBERT E. WALKER fr, li.V ?t NOTARY PUBLIC Office In City Hall, .Springfield, Ore, Mar 13-Aprl 17. RoglHtor. I Graduate Nurso Attending ,306, White Temple, Eugene. Why not save and deposit In our Savings Dopartment onc-twolftlt of your total taxes each month? By so dis tributing tho tax burden over tho entire year, it will not seem so heavy. 4 por cent on savings. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, EUGENE, OREGON.