The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, April 03, 1916, Image 2

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    ttmm inintnntim
2fte $e0 $d(tetf oJK?
The Lane County News
W. A. DILL, Editor nnd Mgr.
Published Every Monday and
.Thursday by the Lane County
Publishing Association.
One Year .... $1.50
Bis Months .... .75
Three months .50
.Advertising rates furnished on -Application,
Member of the Willamette Valley
Editorial Association.
-MONDAY, APRIL, 3, 1910.
Is there any particular reason,
we wonder, why Springfield cit
iens should peddle this town's
trhnhlns to tho EutreiiG' tinners?
Friday night's Guard contained
a long article from "Taxpayer"
criticizing the sale of the city's
rock crusher to private parties.
The News published a commun
ication of similar tenor Thurs
day, and is ready to open its col
umns" for furthr discussion, for
or against the sale. There was
no need to Interrupt Eugene's
perennial discussion of the Am
azon with one of our own prob
lems. Again, about a week ago
. someone felt called upon to get
a letter from the state labor
commissioner condemning the
present high school building
and to take it -to the Register
for publication. Of course it
was published.
But why give these local prob
lems undue publicity. They can
be worked out here at home,
without troubling our neighbors.
The News is a local newspaper,
ready at all times to assist in
the solving of local problems. It
represents Springfield to the
world, and as a business enter
prise brings into Springfield far
more money than it sends out.
No othr paper spends here more
than a tithe of what it takes up.
The News' business is here,
.and it seeks to be a true reflec
tor of Springfield life. If the
citizens feel that they have to
run to Eugene to get their griev
ances published, or to do all
trading, to the detriment of the
Springfield stores, and conse
quently to local advertising, The
News will feel at liberty to seek
elsewhere for the business that
its growing list entitles it to.
Elbert Bede of the Cottage
Sentinel, in his own paper, and
in th Sunday Register, publishes
charges that the conduct of
county affairs is unduly expen
sive in Lane county, and in both
places he refers to the effort
The News made to submit a bid
for the printing of the ballots.
Here are the facts: When
the report was given out that
the county printing had been
given to one Eugene firm, The
News investigated and found
that the award pertained only to
a list on which bids had been
We desired to bid on!
some of the larger work, and ac-1
cordingly wrote the county clerk
asking for specifications on the
uauui juu, uuu usauiiii& luiii mat
we felt our plant sufficient to
-handle the job in a proper man
ner. That was about March 21.
On the afternoon of March 24. 1
'a. frjend in Eugene called us to;Kc-ke, 'Twas not always so, for
fiay the court was about to let j Deputy Cleric Lee told us at this
the contract for the ballots, and same interview, of the bids for
we hastened to the court house, I large envelopes for use by elec-
. . . . . . a : i i ii . i t
arriving just in time to see tne
county judge open the bids. We
n . . - . 1 . . . . I a . 1 1 1 ..II n . I V L' I f 1 i 11 I I I II Ilir. 1 I II I 11 11 (1 n i ml 11 .in iiiii .
why we had not been allowed to ibid only $190.00. countenance of Mr Hutch a fleeting JN THE NAj,E op T,,, STATK 0f
make a bid, and Judge Bown -TrnHov.inr wr,i" ,,,, , prtKOON: vou and each of you are
.t,i. TiTimo t Taw1h ip I fiwalloH'my ttoids. apologized J hereby cltod and required to appear
. ... 'i. "'11LV.r1. -1 "l '- Itufus genially. hn the County Court ot Iho Stato of
111B COUIH.V CierK IS rcsnon-l"""
sioie lor tne proper printing ana
care or tne ballots, co we con-,
suited with him before making
a contract. He told us he had ,
to have a deputy to watch the'
wnrlr nnrl wnnlrl thprrtfnro Inalot
thnt tho. nrintiinr lm lnno In
Eugene." and had to walk over four miles
Next we interviewed the clerk, i to the school house. lie had one
and were told by Mr. Russell of the first play sheds in Lane
and his deputy, Mr. Lee, that 'County built for his pupils and
there had been rto demand that got it furnished with gymnasium
the printing be done in Eugene, i apparatus. Now he is going
bitt that "if the contract were j ahead with some extension work
.awarded to a ' shop outside of ,at the State University so as to
Eugene, that the successful bid- 'keep up with the tlmse. In com
der be required to put up a bond Iparison with his lifelong faith
of $5000, and pay the expenses .fulness of service, how mean are
of a deputy to supervise the i the enternal vest!
work." jgations, and electioneerings that
jur. iiusseii tnen nanueu us his .
freply to our letter of a few days
before, in which he discussed
the awarding of county printing
in general,, and ending with this
"."a I understand 'the matter
at' the present time, the County
Court expects soon to accept
Copyright. 1015, by the Star Company. All foreign Rights Reserved
Tlie Missing Heir
OW strange are the vagaries of
fortune! At the very Instant
when the anient believers in
Utile Joe were filling their j
lungs for u final shout of triumph a
guy little red balloou tlarletl out ou
the truck, where the horses were
pounding down the stretch, whirled
saucily lu frout of the favorite's nose,
shot straight up In the air uud sailed
merrily across the Infield toward the
green hills aud tho blue sky. For only
an Infinitesimal space of time the nerv
ous Utile J 00 bad shied and .checked
his sieed, but that space was enough
to let u dun colored stranger of the
name of Tippy Hash under the wire at
IS to 1.
"The hound!" mumbled a small inau
at tho rail, and his face was so blauk
in the first moment of disappointment
that It brought a chuckle from the ad-
Joining large gcutlemau with the round
pink race.
"Cheer up. neighbor," he consoled:
"the walking's good."
The small man thus addressed cast
on tho tlorld big J. Itufus Walllngfonl
a sldewlse glance a slow glance and a
cautious one. Cordial of wanner was
the florid one and Jovial of eye and
broad of white walstcoa and In his
rich cravat glowed a $2,000 diamond ,
Quite reassuring. Hut nevertheless tj.e !
small man glanced once more to (In-
right aud to the left before ho an-
8'"llad a 'hundred on that rabbltr he1
"Well, a hundred's n hundred." chuct
led the big man.
"It's n thousand when you lose It on 1 stranger was moist lipped at tho
a red balloou." objected the lean and j thought of a bet so attractive,
lank Bhu-kle Daw, climbing down from j "Certainly!" A slight Hash of tern
the fence, where he had been perched 1 pcr ,i the broad chested Jim. He
like a Jumping Jack on a stick. He ; turned to the stranger. "You're on.
set on his head the silk hat which he 1 neighbor, for a hundred."
had been waving In encouragement to The pallid blue eyes almost siwrklcd.
Little Joe and smoothed his pointed , uule Stranger was not there at the
black mustache. At that moment ! bcgluulnz of the nest race, but as
Blackle's eye caught the glisten and ,
gunt or someiuing wuue in me crowu. ,
It was the head of Onion Jones, so ,
bald that It looked freshly peeled, aud I
Onion was winking and making mys j
terlous signs at the rate of about seven
to the second. Giving Jim tho "high
sign." Ulaekle slipped away and, fol
lowing Onion to the grand stand,
found there Violet Warden and her
sister Fannie, both their pretty faces
flushed with excitement.
"There's the man!" exclaimed Vlo
let. her blue eyes dancing as she
caught Blackle's sleeve.
"Mr. Hutch! You were standing
right by him-Percy W. Hutch! We
followed him out here."
He got $-10,000 from us." said Fan
nle, and her checks turned a shade
pinker as J. itufus happened to look
up and catch her musing gaze. "lie
Is No. 13 011 the list." She opened her
little notebook nnd pointed to a list ot
name. Twelve had been scratched
bids in the matter of the ballots
for the icoming 'primary elec
tion." And fifteen minutes before
this unmailed letter was handed
to us the court had made the
The Sentinel comments, also
upon the fact that the two bids
submitted on th ballots were so
close together $10.50 by the
Guard and- $16.20 by Yoran &
juugys. un mese ine uuaru
hid $37, the Rigister Job Shop j
1, -Ui.I i l. i i
me puunc scnoois or i-.ane
county, uregon, lor twenty i
years; his father taught for
twenty-tnree years In the same
vears in the same county. When
thft vfilincor. TorInn hnrrnn innoh- '
liner ho WAR rmlfl $2i.fin n moiitli I
disgrace the tremendous school
system of New York! We'd like
to present the New York Board
of Education with a picture of
the Jordans, father and son, to
hang on the walls of their luxur
ious offices. Io might suggest
something to their peanut
minds. Collier's.
aisceuauittJMmmunes i
out: Ttio tniriceniii wns rcrcy y.
Hutch. MHo Is a lawyer, but he Is
never In his office. Wo don't know
much more about him."
"Leave that to us." said Ittacklo.
"We'll tell you all about him when wo
hand you that $40,000. Md Iwick to tho
works on the jump, Indies. I kiss you
chnstely on the foreheads."
Ills long legs were springing rtcwr
the steps n second after, aud. nodding
significantly toward the small man as
he approached Walllngford. he enrao
up to the rail ou the other sldo of Mr.
Hutch nnd asked:
"What do you think of the next race.
"Lady t.on." J. Itufus promptly re
plied, waiting .'or his cue. "I know
Ijidy Lou's sure money, because she
was touted to mo by a barber whose
cousin was a stable boy ten years
"No chanc?.1' was the contemptuous
answer as Rlackle grinned at tho small
innu. "I'll tell you why. No I.ndy'
horse has won a nice this meet. Lady
Swlscoe came In last In the first race
today: Lady Sandy fell down yester
j. ii broke her collarbone; Lady
nrenms was ruled otr the track for
staggering under too much Imp. Nov-
crtucIl;s.,, j,sey. mv boy. I'll let you
u, ( ur nKnlust rield-for a bun.
em ..
j Kufu; WJ1H , roJoot ,hw
r . r m1
something In
., ",.,.
" , r hl. wmmlMmtbim
' 1 . , ..-
" ,rt ro1' " ,n,bt'ol,c' lmt re
a SoupwU." gayly cd
luacKie. ami ne vhikcu 111 1110 mini 11
! man. "Hotter set In. stranger."
"Any more at that pricey The
Lady iMXl streaked past the Judges, an J
casy winer over tho field by three
g00,j lengths, there was a mumbling
Just back' of 4uo Ugt plnU fnced Jm,
nnd the lean Jumping Jack on the fence
the small man. Imploring to the very
last for some hound out of the pack to
overhaul the winner.
"Oh. I guess I'm a boob!" exulted J.
Itufus, turning his round nnd nullautly
beaming countenance on Mr. Daw and
Little Stranger. '"I guess I'm a hi. I.!
Gentlemen, produce and smile!"
"That wasn't In the bet," objected
Blackle, relinquishing Ids hundred, nnd
at that moment both Mr. Daw and Mr
Wnlllngford turned In response to a
low gurgle from Little Stranger. HI
, huml , ,,, ,,,,, H,cUet nmi there
was a green pallor ou his face, a green
glaze In his eyes.
"I've been touched!" ho husked.
"Somebody lifted my leather!"
Blackle and Walllngford looked nt
each other speculatively. Illncklo grin
ned. '
"Well, such things will happen. Mr.
Welsh," snld Walllngford. with a sus
picion of n snarl. "If yon will lenvo
your pocketbook exposed Just before
you have to pay a bet. Mr. Welsh, we
must all take the consequences. Mr.
Tho small man. his green pallor CITATION TO HEIRS
turning to purple Indignation, was ln tho County Court of th Stnte of Ore
struggling for speech. i gon, for Lano County.
"My name's Hutch." ho hotly stated, 'iu the matter of tit ostnte of Samnol D.
"1 got rolled out for 5-100. and the only j Weaver, deceased.
consolation I have Ik for u frosh rm
man to call me n wclshcr! Would I
have come back here if I had luleiiilc I
to welsh iu this but? No living man
can put a linger on a crooked act of
"How about a dead one?" suggested
N'''1"'. ";' I'een Jim Walllngfonl
TlinnliM." rofinn.l 11,.. hiuiiltml .,.
somewhat mollified, "if yon gentlemen
are going intn the city ufter the m-xt
.nice im like to mm- you stop at m
"ieo koi timt hundred.'
Tl"'-V VI'1" " Ml ""ifh's oiihe.
Where they saw several letter IIUm
"nuked "IHchnrd Liimly" imd "Luml.v
Estate." Hutch gave Walllngfonl :i
check for $100.
"We owe you a dinner, sport." Wal
llngford urged, pocketing the rlml;
"You should hove that much of a rake
off ou a rough day. Come out, ami
we II open a bottle of bubbles!"
"I'll Join you luler," snld Mr. Hutch
as he saw them to the door.
Wonderful entertainers. Mr. Wal
llngford arid Mr. Daw. A dinner for
Mr, Hutch, an evening nt the theater
with Mr. Hutch, a supper to Mr
Hutch, a luncheon, n spin to n ro.ul
house, hospitality on tup all the time
But nt the end of three days iho enter
tnlnment committee withdrew Into
Wnillngford's downtown suit In a hotel
near tho pulsing red heart of Broad
way, nnd glunlmed. The pretty War
den orphans had been scut out to
"frnuio' a spirit medium scare foi
Percy, but even the after world was
of no interest to hard Ilutcli.
TP 77 nr . I
"If you cunt tit tiny business wiM
,, ,,,, w.wJ rum wllv ,0-t yoM
can maw grmiiiiuni mu incim tu mi
committee, a man so Imtdtiondcd that
he was more reitful to the eyes with
Ills hat 011 Onion Jones. "I ain't seen
a piece of money for so long that I
wouldn't know how to make change
for a nickel."
When Onion had departed with a bor
rowed twenty Jim turned to Illuoklo.
"What Is tliN new hope" be ile
"Loavo it to me!" And there was the
map of (jloo In the beady black eyes.
"Not If you're cooking up uny strong
uriii play." protested Walllngford. "I
never saw the Inside of a Jnll but once,
mid I got my llrst gray hairs Just try
ing to get out."
"Vor. didn't get your streak of yellow
there." retorted lllueklc. "You took
that In with you. Now you listen to
ine I'm going to have the goods on
Hutch before I go to bed tonight, and
you'll help. The girls are waiting for
his forty thousand, and I'm whetted.
Itlns for drink!"
"Whut'll you have?" asked Walllng
fonl. going to tho phone.
"Anything." grinned ftlncktc. "I
want alcohol ou my breath when Percy
gets here."
When Mr. Hutch came blithely and
eagerly to lie entertained at no expense
to himself he found Walllngford tils
clear eyed ami gonial self, but the
nsiinlly chipper Htacklo Haw, redolent
of whisky, the fumes of which rose
chiefly from tho lniels of his coat. Mat
nodding in a chair. Ho roused himself
Instantly, however, aud grubbed Mr.
Hutch by thu hand.
"Wad to see you. sport!" he greeted
the visitor with thick cordiality. "Let's
go out and get it 1 appetite!"
Mr. Daw was mi her a nuisance that
afternoon. He was usually the life of
the party, but now he was a deadener
and. moreover. 11 constant source of hu
miliation to hs companions. Ile went
to sleep In leather padded nooks In
.1 . . ...... ......... I .1... r..t.....l . . al...
I several hotel bars, aud he constantly
1 went to sleep In the limousine, though
f whenever the machine stopped he woko
i with a Jerk. They couldn't lose him
from tho party. No. sir!
In the olIW of Mr. Hutch, where J
Itufus luvarlably left something to
come after the next day. tired nature
Blacklo Was Still Snorino, and They
Threw Water In Hia Faco to House
ut lost had Its wav. Mr. Daw slni'.i
(Continued on Pago 4.)
ro Mrs. natuo. I'.go, Ansa liia Aiarnn,
I Gust Martin, Charles Murtln, r . V.
i Woavor, Itacliel Weaver, Frank K.
( Weaver, Mrs. Clmrlos Link, Mrs.
1 May Frees, Clark Weaver, Ilussoll
Weaver, Fern Weaver, Hainuoi wos
i;o, William Wesco, Kffo Muud, Hus
soli Mattlx. Theodore Mattlx, Anna
Hauso, John (! .Woavor, Ferdinand
Edgar, Mrs. C. W. Lehman, and Wil-
Oregon for tho County of Lano, at tho
courtroom thereof In Eugcno, Lnno
County, Oregon, on Tttemluy, tho 9th
day of May, 1910, at 10 o'clock A. M.
of said day nnd then and there show
cause, if uny exist, why an order of
salo of the real estuto belonging to
snld estate should not ho niado to pay
tho charges, expenses and claims
against said ostatu, aud that said or
dor direct tho administrator of said
estuto to sell tho real ostat of said
ostato under tho provisions of Sec
tion 1257 of Lord's Oregon Laws pro
viding for the salo of real estuto of u
decedont without notlco whero tho In
ventory and appraisement of tho estate
shows that all tho property within
itl'O jurisdiction of the Court does not
nvm SHfiO.OO.
This citation is issued nuVsuant to
an order of tho County Court of Lano'
County, Oregon, In tho abovo entitled
cstato dated March .'list, 1910.
The properly doscrlhed In the pe
tition for tho order to soil nnd which
will bo sold if tho ordor Is granted, is
described as follows;
Commencing at u point South 20 de
grees 20 mill. Vz East u distance of
21.G feet from a point which lu North
88 degrees 34 minutes East 171.3 feot
from center of section 18 township 20
South Ilungo z East Willamette meri
dian; thenco 8. 48 deg. 19 mln. W. 20M
ree.W thenco uoutu ;io nog. .it mm. uast
2C5 feet; thence South 78 deg. 10 mln.
The Best
For Less Money
The Fifth Street Grocery
Thos. Sikes, Prop. Phone 22
Kast 219.9 foet; thenco North 20 dog.
M mm 30 W. 4(14.3 feet to plnco
of beginning, containing 1.89 neres,
more or less, In Lano County, Oregon.
Witness tho Honorable II. U Ilown,
Judgo of tho County Court of the Stato :
of Oregon, Lnno County, nnd tho seal
or said Court hereto affixed this .list
day of March, 1910 .
i The dato of the first 'publication of
this citation is April a,
(Seal County Court) County Clork
Department of uio Interior.
U. S. Land Olllco nt UoBoburg,. Ore
gon, March S, 1910.
Notlco Is hereby given that Wnldon
II. Tondoll of Vldn. Oregon, who, on
January 2f, 1911. mado Second Homo-;
stond Entry. Sorlnl No. oboim, ror tno
SW 1-1 of NE 1-4, NW 1-4 of SE 1-4
anil E 1-2 of SW 1-4 of Soctlon 4, town
ship 17 S, range 2 E, Wlllumotto mer
Idla, has filed notlco or Intention to
mnko Pinal Plvo-Yeor proof to estab
lish claim to tho land above described,
boforo I. 1-. Hewitt, U. 8. Commission
er, nt ills office ot Eugeno, Oregon, on
tho lith day of May, 1910,
Clalmnnt names no witnesses, Jul-.,
lus Bock of Vldn, Oregon; John P.
Mlnnoy, of Vlda, Oregon; Benjamin P,
MInnoy of Vldn, Oregon, William
Schornlg of Vldu, Oregon.
Mar lH-Aprl 17. ltoglstor.
Springfield Garage
Repairing a Specialty
Main, hot. Fourth and Fifth. Phono 11
Ofllcf In City Hall, 8nrlnafleld, Ore
Why not save and doposlt in our Savings Department
one-twelfth of your totul taxes each month? By so dis
tributing tho tax burden over the cntiro year, It will not
seem so heavy.
4 per cent on savings,
1 11 11 mm 1 mm
Homeopathic Physician and Surjjeon
Olllco, Baptist Pnrsonngo
Comor Second and C Streets
Office 774 Wlllumotto St.
Phono Eugeno C99
Homo Phono 132-J
Euoene, Oregon
Office Phone 62; Kcsldence 07-J
West Main St.
Edwards &Brattair
For Farm nnd City Proporty
Exchanges a Specialty i
Springfield - Oregon
Phone 30
PHONE8 Office, 3; Residence, 110-J
Over Commorclal Bank,
Sprlngflold, Oregon.
O. R. Gullion, ML D.
Practice Limited tl
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Graduate Nurso Attending
306, White Temple, Eugene.