The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, April 03, 1916, Image 1

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    Ore. IMorlfcl foe. X
Continuing the Sprlngfiold Nowa and Lane County Star, Which Woro Consolidated February 10, 1914,
ui'it 'iMifr 44rttfttlt,.)MKrtil, MMWlild-
Mm mnltiruuitir net of vmit of M rh, mil
VOL,. XV. NO. 19.
r 1 HL
probably half the coBt ao It wub
wuh already quarried out.
Rospcctfully yours,
Member of the city council.
Workmen for tho contractor
who oroctod tho rcfUso burner
for tho Booth-Kelly mill hero, be-
, w. n.
; RE
Marshal J. E. Edwards, who,
"The two cheerful things that
the signs hold are the wider de
mocracy and the open door thru
I which raw material max Iass to
jhelp In the reconstruction of the
vast areas war has destroyed.
I "This Is an electric age and
copper must be furnished for the
re-equiptment of vast Interests,
and vast and widespread as will
be granolithic construction In
Industrial centers lumber in
I ritinrif f tnu rf Yoi(i'a mnfynthfla
it i.
jjimuw, mtiwuu uiuui uugmuui " v q,..,i ,.iw Vw, cr ""server, accortung to n. m. auio Tourist camp
bf tho road, both from San Fran- covcr- . Bawd"?1 caught In the Mnvo voi,m,nr nimorvnr. nau. mil.,.,. ii,.H i.pp,.
olsco: Suporlntondont F. L. I .JLttA fall, too; was unusually heavy, work for the past
. . . . . , Irrntt urnrlr flifu Mini-tilnrr tnlsliwr! . .
Umtt Itlnl.ttHAIJlflAMt WtJ S Itlll. l.4f4llf-t I 7L.'W mi! 4-1. C. 1- 1 T TT T?1.1 1- II II SI II T II If H III Til SI I' II I II 1 1 1 ! I . - - -
general manager of tho ,f . J ?" pl f, r" lest snowfall fbr tho month In by virtue of his office, Is also the will be immediately wanted for bUrt;met$iiot i
..,,... n,.m,. ,.,....,...,,.. t n 01 lllo DUniCr DCtWOCU U10 COI10 ,i... 11.1 i , t. i,.- hn lining liiiflfUnp' nf niTinihtflPB "ulfc ui jrcaio.
7."r. V.VV"'.'.,.,r'!:.wronor and tho homlHnherlenl ".V"1 "l wuh-unainnan oi uie opnngueju rr.""T" V"T7;"rwaa competely destroyed by fire
BiffX are the Tnly so
few davs mnk- "d easily transported supply. - "
iMinnmmm, ""loiuii "hiv llin nltin fllllinrtVln irnvn i-nnin r.n.1 UIUII IWIUU UIU I1UI - lllg UITUIIgUincnUi lO reOJJeil Uie ' IT WO tHOUSand SaCKfl Of nOtatOCS
". "Ar'.-lT lira mill burn In 111., iinlll,,.. '. iiicm, a 111 siiitui
fiiiri iiiiuuiiii i iwiruirn iMiriiuriiiiiri i - -
Sunday afternoon on their way!,'1,,
m urmiiiiii, ;'r inc
Uiirckhnltor Inspected tho local,0"1 ro,n, framework ho that ,nche8;
while the train stopped for oil 11,(5 sawdust cannot lodge. , T1
Mr. Scott had no information
at all to give out at this time,
saying that ho was hero on an
inspection trip only.
Mr. Harlow "wished to good
ness" that the lumber business
would become so good that tho
riniiiimnv wruitil lw rnmnrllpfl tn
finish th Natron cut-off, but ho 1 0,1 lp
tho mayor has acrreed to take un as much to favor farmers as city
The maximum tmncrature for, with Mr. Klovdahl thJ matter folks. I comnanv fn -which flnhnrc nsu-i.
till llinnlll wna l!fl nn tUrt 10lti nf unltin. thn litidrllurr ntitl t f!nt1f nlnf ffltl nf llfjhwHVR !lf Ll ... 1 1 ,i -r,
PIIQIMCCQ MCM'c oi un . " ""'"t "' """"'"fa , , o rf ., T il"c wue largely Jiiiurusieu. ir.
wJiT T uflin DLiCT a1111 thc "dnlmum was 28 on tho grounds another year. -great expense just to parallel iwas operated for only a fetf
HULL) A BANQUET ,14th, making tho mean for "It is a little early yet to have the railroads seems to have been Inionths and was then abandoa-
,tncmonin4&.2. Tlie average of ia camp ground," said Mayor tnc poucy oi tnose in control or jed it was equipped to make
i a, i . . rn n i l. t.
iiiiiii urn uiHuui iu uu maximum ImncraturcR wns 53.3 Morrison tit r mornincr. "but wg mines.
a foaturo of tho meeting of tho,a,i tho minimum dally read- made such a great success of it I At least
Iimihiiiuiw uu h emu i nursuay iK8 was 37.1. .. ,! last year we cannot afford to on statd
,ooi ing, oomg served at t.ano s. There were 4 clear davs. 8 let It eo bv this vear. We have spent to
'An invitation nns neon extend- imriiu ir..,,i,, m ,.i,.,i in t, nnin,n unn tmt tn tho
t ........ A
Norman, and
had no information as to liow ,eml' ,ia ofJ" Oregon Power' tho 14th and tho 24th: hall oh ;
soon that might be. Icombany office, recently ro-'eth and 22nd, and a thunder-'
Mr. Darlow is assistant to.lovod to this city, to attend. jstorm on the 19th.
Wm. Hood, Mr. Hood supervis
ing tno engineering work on now
work, and Mr. Darlow on main
tenance work.
The special arrived over tho
oast sido lino at 3:40, and left
at once for Wendling, returning
from that place at 5:40. They
did not go up tho Oakrldgo lino,
but loft at (J o'clock for Port
laud by tho west side lino.
half the money spent
highways should be
enable the farmers to
railroads to market
year will be their crops.
I No one knows what is to be
,'come of the railroads that have
ed into boost for wood silos. their main lines parallelled with
Must Take Own Medeclne . hard surface state hichways at
, for all the lumber and mill work ; The president believes in the great cost.
nccesary to complete the build-Iforce of example. He said:i To look at their empty trains
There were killing frosts on the expense
"T- I
City Treasurer Lillian Gorrle mg. Extra material at high !"When every lumbrman has and see the hundreds of motor
last Thursday received from the prices Bhould be eliminated. 'built for himself and family a vehicles carrying passengers
county treasurer $1800 as the "The retail building material modern moderate cost, attrac- and freight leaves but one con-
uint turn over ui luxes couecicu inurumuu bnuuiu ueai uircci tlve. convenient, step-savinc, ciusion.
-ii iuu iuiu run.
lamp chimneys, jars, and other
small articles of glass.
Springfield, Or.c., April 3..1Q1G.
To the Editor: In yot
Retailers Told to Boliove In Lum
ber and to boost Its Sale.
More than twenty thousand
I tons of wood flour, valued at
;$30000, are used annually in in
with thc consumer and not thru cozy cornered bungalow home, ! Unless highways are built to in united states in two Avidely
tho contractor, carpenter and pleasing to the eye, exceptionally bring traffic to the railroads as dmerent industries, the manu
architcct. They are selling ser- attractive to the community; I well as take it away from them racture of djmamite and the
vice and not building materials." 8ay when we lumbermen build many will go into bankruptcy. ( manufacture of inlaid linoleum.
Old Association Uuothical land live in this kind of a home,f If highways were built out to Wood flour Is .also used in
In lila fnnnrt T Af PMwfnwl ' w5 w,u Hlt i'1-"- l UUIll- muic, luc nmc uou o ...fvo.wuu uuuu6l
of Walla
in part:
your Issue
of March 30th Is an article sign
ed by Mr. Fenwlck giving his
tIcws on the Itock Crusher deal. 1 nesday at tho Chamber of Com
I would like to glvo my views on nicrce. In its territory $37,245,
the samo deal. 1 000 Is Invested In tho retail lum-
lu the first place I hearln have ber yards. Regarding tho sale
the motion that was passed by of substitutes for wood, his re-
the city council at Its last meet- port contained one stiff poke at
mnnttv Hint nil! tnimtntn in flin Hint Or VplliPlPC! -arnlllfl nfiVHTlPf" OaiUieai DaDOr. and 111 SPVPml
WTrtllrt MnnlrlAiit i 11.1.111 1-T uiUb Jill I.V-1 1111. 1111. 111 11 11. " " " " . . . . . ' -
wniia, presiuent, said . ... , i n nthr tmincfrioc
i,. ,t,f ,, lUivorce courts uaiusb uie wives " iuuui,ui. ',. uuo
l ULUtVt. inai Uie sun , j,o,A, f tt,n 1 Thp nmn ton nn twpntv milps Of the means hv -whlph tha Viiica
uiu iuu iiiuuiuuiB Ul 'nf flin nl,l otvln noannlndnn linn,"4- -" ui"" uiw v,um- - - - ..0.
tho Western Retail Lumber 't nSr to riio SS5.V ThV vSrt munlty are placed on an equal out would be brought to a daily product of our lumber mills is
Dea!crX.aBSOcl!&tIo lumberman's,Ave. '.martet andeyerx f
to the report of A. L, Porter, sec- S, 5,,fnT S ! ;r 3K far as home surroundings go. - four miles of a good road lead- means of disposal than the
rotary, presented at the opening s never entireYv cle??- and lThIs would be seating con- ing to the railroad station would burner. Since a total of 36,000,
,r i.i. i,.. P was neer eniireiy ciear, anut ... .,. " (ii,,n,i i,n tim nmmtnr oi nnf nnn rnrfls nf cnr.ii i,r.,Cf
1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 WIN U III M.l I W U11U UIJ tllW VUU1IU.I UllU .JUL w - mj ull HUdbV, 1Q 111 W
nn " ' j, j
Peter Atherton i 1 Ul" LUC 1 UI" uauo
certainly was never explained
'any printed page: wns in my
judgment, wrong, if not uneth
icol. At least, it was not Ameri
can." Fail to Touch Customers
The Rev
Simpkin, of Salt Lake City,!
known as Parson Simpkin, told it r
the dealers how he saw trade flUgG vTcUl lOT
.UllUUlUUiS UUtll Ul J tOCI. j
and what the future holds in 1
duced each year at sawmills in
i the United States, of which
'about one-half goes into the fur-
iiiices as iuei wmie tne rest is
burned as refuse to get rid of it,
J .1 1 t - 1
ing. Mr. Perry made thc follow- the sawmill men: "Wc find on " n 'Ln,fR,,,p?f , " store. In speaking on the sub-
1"B motion: , nvestigatlo.i that a large num- IJoct. "The Haudw-riting on the
run tno proposi on oi W.l, ucr or lumuer manufacturers ; , , " Wall,". he said in part
f ffin1imi fni ilin tmrnlinani nf 'vflffla ilinf m rfu lit at rfr rnll
the rock crusher, and etc., bo ac- !all tho substitutes for wood and b""a V e, ' i iC0Iii?i
D V A : there is no lack of raw material
J"AV Vu, knives for industries which can develop
.ways of turning this waste to
, account
j The two huge girders for the All wood flour-using industries
.-...i,....i. .i.. , . i , ........ , . oven clurinc nroanBroiis tluioi?:
iucijuuoon, a. a luuicioii imu j.,uwii i m operuie retail lumocr, '.w- -7 " ' i,: "" ,, "For 8 months the world's ,
...... ... ; ....v. i 1. . i T7 i
b" ? nom.H,no t0l"iCaoV "rr,,Xu n L; stalled at the Booth-Kelly mill, 'cream-colored flour having Kood
cepted on the basis of 2,000 ! most of these lumber yards sell V OICV w powers. The wood
mho niiiin.iiv.tu mm ueivimiiiviu , . . ... east, ana tne WOfK OI nULUIlir snprtPO thnt maxr lm nco,
yards of crushed rock or gravel
to bo delivered as the City may
require it at tho bunkers. Tho
City to use gravel and crushed i Its members ho said:
rock exclusively from this plant "Wo have induced
rnmnnt nlin lnoo "
On the educational campaign ? ,"i" wuo auc
o association is waging amonV Krest Jl8 ourselves in our mater-
i. jiais. lie weni 10 aim ins imnu
a larco;was mate ul y tne architect
lt?(1 wealth l,as flowed into the Unit- tlmber fading cmne, being in- require a ' or er fight
s to .wealth lias flowed into tne unit- t u d t tl Booth-Kelly mill. 'cream-minrpH flnnrhnvin;
t ,1 .i 1 ii east, and the work of putting species that mav be used ar
near the Ume when in place wiU begin tonlor- confined to the light, non-resin-
iiutc iu uo uiui,acu up, ao uit UI UilUltJUVer WOOQS llKe POpUlaT,
.nnHs nrn tno hfiaw for tho dfir- iSnriifo mliUo nt. .,,1 ....i
1 UV.I1 UAV.IIIHIIUIJ 11UUI LIU CI 1illllU ,fU UllIU 1 1 1 VI 11 1.U VI 11 HULU , . , v." . . . , . , 1 1 .111. , . Tt , 11. I . , 1' v.., MlllbW 11111VJ a.tiu uuiiuiai
within three vears. Provided number of vard niannirnrs mul
wno planned, uy tne contractoi ine poeriy 01 Europe, uie r. The girders are almost as 'are the snecies most used. Afill
that if tho dtv should not re- others to purchase and stud v o.irl supervised, or by the car- wiue entrance or woman into m- long as thc two flat cars on .waste, free from bark, furnish
quire 2000 yards within three (correspondence scl,ol course. ne"t,er wno mi"V, After Ul is?we,"-"e" iiwhich they are brought. Work much of the raw material for
years then tho purchaser Bhall so they may become proficient lr"aVx,v "?A 01 erecung tnem coum not ue making wood flour.
refund at the rate of 50 cents per In the reading of blue printed iY0 who should have been first
yaru ror tne amount not taken. pianB anu 111 tno Knowledge ofi ,
lali wlint in An ttrlMi
A JIU Will blllidUl IU &Ut Iliaii t V ITIVU 1.IIU 1UUIC1U11 Ul"
bonds to the city for tho faith-; tor they sell It to the consumer."
of co-
f ul performance of the contract. Mr. Porter gavo a number of
And that should tho city re- kernals of advice as follows:
nllll'n mnrn niMialinil vnnlf fliiml "Sllhnt IHlo olil fnrnt iiadrlllnn 'COul
i(u vnMia iviioviinmiK ot oil ' apiinmoa invnntnii Mn.ii .,,i The man in Iowa who loses a
..VVV 111 VI 1) iiiu. jrillV.IIUOV.1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1I1VV.11VV.V1 VJJ iiunil 11 1 1 VI
Reganllng the need
operation ho said:
"This is but a small world of
ours; Acquaintanceship is not
confined to one's own town.
furnlBh tho samo at the rate of
CO cents per yard.
Motion carried by Coffin and
Peery voting yes, Fenwlck vot
ing no.
I do not wIbIi to take Issues
with Mr. Fenwlck but simply to
give my viows as they appear to
mo. You will see by tho motion
that was passed that tho city is
to receive 2000 yards of gravol
It does not say $1000. After a
very careful investigation I find
that It haB cost the city from 70
cents to $1.00 per yard to quarry
out and crush . Now striking
an average of 85 cents per yard
(which I think is fair) you will
seo that tho city is getting $1700!
for its plant, which I think Is a
good round price for it.
You will also see by tho mo
tion that tho matter of interest
can, bo taken care of for tho
season that tho city can demand
Immediate delivory if it sees it
to do so. Now friends this Is
only a dlfforonco of opinion be
Hweon Mr. Fenwlck and myself
in which I hope there Is 110 feel
ing aroused. I will leavo it tp
you to bo tho judge. Ono more
litem I wish to call your atton
lion to. In conversation with
Ir, Powers in regard to tho
MiruBhing for less than 50 cents
(per .yard ho Btated that this vwas.
adopt modern sales methods.
modern credit methods, sell your
raw material at cost and make
your profit out of knowledge and
and sorvico. Then you will bo
succe8sful,.an economic necess
ity and have little competition.
"A salo is never a good sale
unless both parties to tho trans
action profit.
"Quit ndvortisinc and talkinc
about substitutes and advertise
and talk the things niado of
Paragraph Porterisms.
"Quit talking service and pre
pare to deliver and sell It.
"Work to build up tho towns
and tho farming communities;
encourage stock raising and di
versified fanning i spend some of
your money to Dring real farm
ors to this unoccupied Western
"You cannot increaso con
sumption or croato Business in a
territory whore there Is nothing j
but lack rabbits and sago brush.
"Many, it not all, of tho retail
lumbermen's probloms will dis
appear whon he learns the art of
correct soiling. A credit sale
is not comploto until n dofinato
time for paymont Is agreed upon
in writing.
"A modern lumber merchant
should bo able to quote apBctf'
house bill to a mail order house
hurts my business in Washing
ton. Should I fail to satisfy a
consumer, that man's friends in
California and Montana become
doubtful of their own local mer
chants." Mr. Crawford told how his
own company sold tho material
for a silo but tho farmer's car
penter so built it that the ensi
lage would have been quickly
spoiled. The company's service
department rebuilt the silo, and
at a demonstration, including a
dinner to a neighboring farm-
ors, tho ensilage waB cut, the silo
properly filled and a failure turn-
7v . puyuieuiH una oegun today because cars were j For use in dynamite, tho trade
the full-nerved struggle to take being loaded beyond the point 'demands are said to require a
from us the advantages the lastjwhere they will have to be un-'white wood flour, since the
18 months have given, these will goaded. A third car, bringing freshness of dynamite stock is
set a new line In the economics a quantity of fittings, is expect- indicated by a light color. Dyria
pf industry and Ave shall feel ed bef0re the end of the week. ; mite flour must also be very ab-
"AtVl ?fh? h ovpr all hut sorptive, so there will be no leak-
After the war is over an out iwnncTDui mhtcc nr ,.iti,
11. I 11WWI ivirvi. IW I ..w uO "I iiiuv5iv,Gii!t3 WUMl WC
lumber, cotton, copper and food . . flishp(1 nrnifn' wiipnf nm,
products, and n a leBser meas- . i, f rlf? nYYnfDM
lire structural steel, will find a tes for legis ature announce, " jwd totorial ea
verv narrow market ugumsi. uxijernuuuiui meusures XJzZit ."iiS
The efficiency and labor- 4
saving machinery in which ourlmw: ti , .....
margins have depended are" nlcu" w Wl" uuuu 0'uuu
gone, for keen American obser-, '"u-
vers note with surprise the a-1 ivwuuu, un y. i. iw., ,
dontlon nf the othnr in thi work-! miles from Portland will get
shops of Britain, Franco and,tn"raotOj7 m
Russia I Dal,as Peppermint distillery
"Do not think this reading of ,toe establlslied Here,
it.- . mi? I Portland Wood Pine Co.. cet
:i in n frn .big contract for steel bands, A prize of $5 will be awarded
unibe -h x sh pmonHna bear' Wishkah water project in onrow to the Mntstant who
the name but vou cannot cet Washington. has made the greatest gain in
uie name, nut you cannot get( GoldHlllMininginuu5tryreJvptes since the previous count
(Continued on Page 3)
$5 Prize to be
Given Tomorrow
our elaborate lino, you may
buy our wall papers, be
causo thoy aro handsome,
but you'll find another
Strong argument' in the
years to como when you
seo how well they wear. We
l.'iopo you will investigate
when you read this ad be
causo wo aro proud of tho
new lines wo are now showing1.
TJ.2Yar-H )radon HardwareCompany
'viving, lungsten found and also;in the News-Merchants' Votlngr
sri antimony. uuuiuat. it uoesn t maiier ac
Bend Shovlln-Hixon mill ex- all if you are now far down the-
'pects to cut 300,000 feet dally list, if you made a greater gain
soon, employing several hundred J than a leader, you get the coin,
men. and you are that much noaror
I Gaston is busy laying water j heading out and winning tho pi
jpipo. ano on tho final count. Get busy
I Hood River East Fork Irri- (for the time is short,
'gation Project being completed. 1 Followig are tho cadidates.
1 Toledo J. S. Akin, will build Helen Roberts 40,825
store building. (Silvia Strubln ; . . .27,475
.Mill City booming, Potter Lbr, (Airs. Deibert liucknuni . .25,275
Co.. starts pril 1: total output
of all plants about 300,000 daily.
Oregon Logging railroad of
Marsjifleld, has incorporatd.
Hotels . will fight to abolish
Welfare Commission in next leg-
1 ' ttt!"' ,
Hazel Redmond 10,250
Ruby Crabtree , ; 8,975
Kyaffitus 8,250
Mabel Diiree .7,850
OhlpiQ Woolley. .,,-. 7,000
Gertrude Williams ,i;900
Duttee Fischer 1,050.