The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, March 27, 1916, Image 3

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    Mother's We
Silver Teaspoon
pSEI BP8 Iflui
With every 50c pu relume sclect
od from good displayed In our
window, wo will give one bouu
tlful Silver Teaspoon Free.
Til l(u something homo to moth
er; she will apprecluto It.
WALL PAPHIt In nomo very
attract I vo designs Just arrived.
Kyunlzo, our now varnish,
all colors, for imildo, or out side
work. J. C. Holbrook.
In paints, oils, varnish and Kennedy.
docorelH In dainty and durable
colors, AlwayH glud to Bhow
gods. J. C. HOLimOOK.
C. I. Gorric loaded two, and
hls,Hon-ln-ldw, Harry Withers,
loaded one ear of potatoes today
for fihlpinont.
Mru. Howard Kennedy of
Soattlo Ik visiting In Springfield
at the home of her mother, Mrs.
Mazda Lamps. I am .flow
the -Manufacturer' agent and
have a supply of the varlouu
sizes in stock. J. C. IlOLUItOOK
Good reliable fire Insurance.
No assewwionU; no membership
fee., Pay once and you are done.
II. E. Walker at the City Hall.
$10,000, Really Saved the Tax
. payers, says "Dick Burton
A upeelal 'committee of the
Gleaners will meet Thursday af
ternoon with Mrs. Charles Eg
glmaii. '
The Willamette Poster Ad
vertising company is preparing
to erect 75 feet of billboard on
Fifth street between A and 13,
just north of the Sonseney black j jottex-listvo Hall the Shoe doctor
fitnitn siioj). repair those old shoes. Also new
. , , , ones for Bale.
George Vallier waded a cari
today with household effeefs j. e. stanlger and Claud Val-
and hay and grain for his horses Her left Frldav for Richmond.
, and will ship thdm to Richmond, California, where Mr. Stanlger
; California, where he wllll spend wjn have charge of a paving
the summer. crew, and Mr. Vallier will drive
a team-
A Parcel Post social will be
given in the M. E. church FrI- There will be a meeting at the
day afternoon and evening, Mar. Lincoln school Wednesday even
31. Ice cream and cake will be lng, March 29, at 7:30, for the
served. There will also be a purpose of organizing a Parent
short urogram. Everybody is in- Teachers Association. All In
jtcrested are requested to be
Our present Atwessor in a
published statement In which
the pronoun "I" frequently oc
curs, und ln which he deplores
the fact that the public romains
unprotected from "malicious"
designs and "deception," warns
us beware of those persons
making claims of large sav
ings, then goes on to Inform us
.that ho has saved the taxpayers
Seventy Six Thousand Dollars
in a-period of four years.
How unfortunate for we
"other" taxpayers the O. & C.
R. R. Congressional Lands are
, again in the hands of Congrcsb
for final disposition, and there
are no taxes being paid on them,
although assesed, and that other
railroad property, as well as all
Public Utilities, are now, and
have been for several years, as
sessed by the State Tax Com
' mission and not by our Assessor,
otherwise our taxes might have
continued getting lower (?) and
lower (?), as this chimerical
saving continued to increase.
! As ovir Assessor warns us, let
lis be not deceived bv delusions
' - lUltllllCS.S is
t mi r i-u m ilHarness shop.
xtueo ui uuo jluwji t
Spray ln any quantity. J.
C. Ilolbrook.
For the- befit shoes, get
them at the HarnoHB Shop.
, present.
Councilman M-Fenwlck, who n,..
has been confined to his home 1 le JU"al pS
.i i... ,.,.,.0,,., c hibit from the Panama-Pacific
,UcT suK Smoauto Z&W
at the to the special council meeting '.v- ' ' a"v01"'Xv
Saturday night, and was out StVlTSS It
My dental olUce has been
removed to the second floor of j The Oregon Power Co- com
tho Sutton building, Fifth and pieiod Its flume today to the
Mlllll. PlirillO Ilnl. 17.11., nnml ...wl .,,111 l.non.
J)R. N. W. EMERY. after get the water for the boil- fnfij 'TJo frpSCwitHf??
nr rllroff frnm ihn nond. In- ln a Lcoum concert wUh Mrs-
illicit in Eugene all of next week.
I o
Mrsi. A. Middleton returned
today from Salem where on
near Monroe, wore over Sunday
Miunn Kinixinv nf .Iiihiiop wur i visitors at the D. S. Jordan home
in Springfield on business Sat- on South Second street. Mrs.
iininv iMubo was formerly Miss Urllla
t rttt
Mr. mul Mr KYiiohI Mnlio nf ......1 r e , .in oanv i uaiciiur JIUU Mlhb WIIIUI-
-.. niiijiii ui liuii liii: 111111 i4.-,z w r i
inosite the
feet of flume were required.
o o o
11. I). McKlnney, a member of
the Eugeno water board, and
the owner of considerable nron-
porty In Springfield, was over , company
this morning on hiiHlncBs.
Plailt. AUOUt M)V , fonlv nf M,o TTnlvnrcltv
Oregon School of Music.
Ingram of Springfield.
R,P,V; J; T" l00r ? th?MM ' TI,C Glee rlub of the Eugene
tfhodiot church, and Rev,
.: Ferris of the
W. N
Tl.i l 1. ...... ..... ' " "
W. L. McCulloch. chief en- v ..v ... ;ccrt in t,e FIrst christian
glncer lor the Oregon Power cxciinngeu pumus huimny ct- church of Eugene on Thursday.
pany, returned on Thursday , V Aiarcn auin at r, ai. ine
ling from a trip to Dallas, I congregations. The phi i of e- program will Include Glee num
spendence and Albany, to in.ClmnRlng was a complete sur- berS( quarettcs, Sextette, Solos.
I even
llwIi-iIWktlflfill M '1 i wl A tf
.v,,i, pi,n. r in,.(i,wi ni.f. (ho rnnnmnv'K nlnntu (. ,1'rise to all the church-goers
was an over-Sunday guest at the .those places
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A,
Dill. He expected to leave to-
Tom Billings, fuller
and readings. The club, under
t"e direction of Prof. Henry P.
Cox & Cox purple trading i Filer, of the School of music.
nt tholstamps given with each 10c cash ,has been rehearsing for several
-day. . for Niunna, Idaho,, to. take Uooth-Kelly camps above Wend jmirchase and i accounts pal J months in prej)aration for this
. " . .. . . it., r. .11 .ill. i.i 'III ilnird I r r r . L . . . I .. T . .
img, reiunieci to tnat piuce sun-1" iuM v uuju. cuut-uri- hiubil- iuvcis can:iui
day evening lifter spending a'ver our premiums. We give afford to miss it.
charge of a cheese factory.
U P u
F. A. See, of McFnrland. Calif- day or two with his mother. $1.00 worth of trading stamps
Is a guest at the F- W. Strubln Mrs. M. VUlllngH. He reports ,"ee the lust Saturday in eacli
home. Mr. See formerly lived there' is still ten Inches of snow I month. COX & COX.
In Springfield and Is well pleased in the camps, and what seems
with Its progress, this being his like three inches of water un
flrst visit here In seven veurs. 'v Mip snow.
That "Wade Right In"
1 Feelina
first thing In the morning comes naturally with right
Daily food plays a big part, for unless it supplies
'proper rebuilding elements and is promptly digested,
one's mental and physical power is bound to suffer.
the whole wheat and malted barley food, provides all
the rich nutriment of tho grains, Including their vital
mineral salts phosphate of potash, etc., lucking in
tho diet of many, but 'which are necessary for balanced
upkeep of body, brain and nerves.
Grapo-Nuts has a delicate nut-llko Ila'vor; Is always
ready to servo with cream or milk; Is easily dlgestlblo;
and yields a wonderful rturn of health and energy,
"There's a Rea3iM,',
Mrs. F. 13. Lenhart returned
Saturday from Monmouth, at
which place she had been visit-
I S. P. engines 2030 and 20S5 ing her father, D. E. Stitt, who
I were taken to the front on the Is ill. Her sister, Mrs. Guy C.
WHlamette-Pacific Saturday, Scheible, returned with her.
and will bo ferried 'across the Mrs. Scheible had been assisting
Umpqua river for use between her father on his paper, the
that river and Coos bay, until Herald, but he has now sold it
'the Umpqua bridge can be com- to R- B. Swenson of the Ban
pleted. Service to Coos bay, , don Recorder. Joe Clnrk. form
with the transfer at the Umn-.erly a member of The News
qua. will begin as soon as the staff, is now with the Herald,
track has been sufficiently bal- and will continue under the new
lasted. 'owner.
Social elites
The Prisollh Sowing club on- the members ojftho G. T. clnb
joyed a very pleasant afternoon and friends gathered at the
on Frldav at the homo of Mrs. home of Miss Florence Coffin
M. .1. McKlin. The invited guests Thursday evening. Fancy work
, wcro Mrs. Walter Williams, Mrs. and music constituted the even
N. W. Emory. Mrs. John Parker, ings entertainment. Dainty re
Mrs. C- E. Swarts, Miss Edna .freshments were served. Those
Mrs. W. L. Dunlan, Mrs. J. W. attending were: Grace Walker,
Whitten Swnfford (Eugene.) Lillian Gorrie, Alice Kester,
The club members present be- Grace Male, Edna Swarts. Jessie
ing Mrs. W. L. Rouse, Mrs. Wal- Walker, Chloe Woolley. Marinn
tor Herndon, Mrs. Norman Harper, Frances Bartlett, Stella
Howard. Mrs. J. M. WIthrow, Martin, Lena Newton, Ella
Mrs. A- P. McKinzoy, Mrs. W. C. Young, Olive Smith aiu Flor
Rebhnn, Mrs. D. S Beals, Mrs. ence Coflln.
I. D. Larimer, Mrs M. J. McKlin. j ?
The house was very prettily de- j The Thursday pive Hundred
corated with Orogou grane and d b dellghtfuly entertaln
duffodils. After the usual past- , t (lmner af the home of Mr.
time of sewing a delicious two fl Mrg u M stewart. Mrs.
course luncheon was served. stewart aml Mra. A. P. McKin
Tho next meeting of tho club ,,,. inint unetps rinffn-
will be with Mrs. A. P. McKinzey 11s wo Juged througu out the
I ,.. 11.. .lnnnn4..r.
The Gleaners met with Mrs
! The Booth-Kelly lumber auto
,was laid off for repairs Saturday.
S. Meek brought a load of
.cured meats and lard from. Co
burg to the Knox grocery last
, week.
j m
! F. II. Day alid family have
moved from Brownsvilel to
' Springfield, and will reside in
the Gilkey house on D street
between First and Second.
I U 9
i Try a. sack of our Booster
.Brand Flour, if-you like it tell
'vour neighbor, but if you don't
like it tell us and get your money
Iwk. $1.30 per sack. COX &
E. G. Sutton last week pur
chased the Springfield-made au
to truck from the Springfield
flour mills, and will do a general
draying business. Fred Thomas
taught,him the operation of the
The Modern Woodmen ant1
the Royal eNighbors will give
a public entertainment Thurs
day evening, March 30. at their
hall. The program will consist
of musical and literary numbers
and there will be games and al
so dancing for all who wish. M.
F. Haruesty of Astoria, district
denuty. will be nresent to make
a brief talk. The public gener
ally is invited.
A pesky litle Ford jumped the
track at FJ'th .and A streets
at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon,
and broke a fire hydrant off a
short distance below the surface
of the ground: The water shot
up five or six feet for a time,
and was finally shut off. Re
pairs were made tndav. The
owner of the car did not leave
his name.
j Thanks.
! Net being bl to o&M per
sonally on all the kind friends
i with whom wo have dealt In the
;past seven years of business in
! Springfield, we wish to take
i this means of expressing our
! thanks to all-
of large Havings, you Mr. Tax
payer, know bettor than anyone
else whether or not your assess
ed value has been raised in pro
portion, and whether your taxes
have been Idwcred by this chim
erical saving.
! In my declaration of candi
dacy I made the following mod
est statement;
First That I would keep on
the job myself, and eliminate a
head deputy at Twelve Hundred
Dollars per year.
I Second That I would so write
tax rolls, that according to
James C. Parker, Tax Collector,
a man who has had 8 or 10 yeara
experience Jn collecting taxes in
Lane County, had they been so
written he could have saved $2,
000.00 on the expense of tax col
lecting this year alone.
I therefore ask your earnest
'consideration of my declaration
that I could and vould, If nomin
ated and elected Assessor,
REALLY SAVE the taxpayers
during the next term of office at
least $10,000.00.
Yours to help lower taxes,
Pd. Adv. (2) D. P. BURTON
' R. N. Cranfield moved to
Portland last week to accept a
position there. .
H. C. Bird is improving his
home onnorth Fifth street' b'y
the construction of porches.
Miss Christine Miller returned
to her home at Monroe last;
week after a visit with Miss
Maud Morelock.
! E. E. Morrison last W'eek
shipped a car of potatoes and
three of hay to points south. He
also received two carloads of
seed potatoes.
Miss Brilla Ingram, formerly
of Springfield, was married on'
Thursday, March 16, 1916, to
Ernest Mabe, formerly of Wal
ton, now of near Monroe.
Continued from Page 1)
Eva Titus 8,250
Mabel Duree 7,850
Chloie Woolley 7,000
Gertrude Wililams 1,900
Duttee Fischer 1,050
Even if hairs are turning grey,
hearts don't change much after
oil. A bor of Vogan's will arou3e
many an old time memory.
fortland, Oregon
1'lccre la raore Cawrt.i In this pccUoc 02
i the country all olher diseases put
f together, and ui.ul the last few- years
I was suppose .1 to be iiscurabl. For a
?;r?et ma .y years du. tors pronounced H A
oral dsstahe and iircserlliud loOal reme-
Sirs, and ly cmslanlly falllug to euro
v.illi treatment, lirancuiima It Incur
t able. Science Ims proven Cutarrh to ba a
J comtttutionnl disease, and therefore re
I quires constitutional treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cute, manufactured by F. J.
' Cheney & Co.. Toledo. Ohio, is ttie only
Constitutional cure on the market. It la '
taken Internally. - It nets directly on tho
blood and mucous surfm'es of the system.
They offer one hundred dollars for any
cnfce it falls to cure. So ml for !rculars
and testimonials.
Addrew: F. J CHENEY & CO.. Toledo- O.
l?old by Dn cslBtB. 75c
Take Hall Family PilU for cortfoatloa.
rooms in a pretty uecorauve
cnlinma Afror iUnnfr fhft OVP11-
W. F. Walker on Thursday after- , wns s eut in progressive
noou. The timo was spent with Flvo Humlre( The honors foil
sowing and n social timo. A do- tQ Mrgi c wheat0n, Tiie guests
licious luncheon was served the ; of tne evenlng woro: Mr. nnd
following members: Mrs. Ernest ,MD A Washburn. Mr. and
Lyon, Mrs. Riley Snodgrass, ( Mj.g A nerriclc, II. Perry and
,lrs' W ? ' ?JIS" R IJ. Boutin, (Bayfield, Wisconsin)
Goro, Mrs. Win. Donaldson, Mrs. The clul) win have ,t8 next reg-
D. S. Beals, Mrs. Claude Knott, , , meetlng at the home of
Mrs. C P. Bgginmnn Mrs. Mrs c. wheaton.
Wayne Calkins, Mrs. Howard
Parsons, Mrs. W- P. Walkor, , ,
Mrs. Elzia Stevens, Mrs. W. Dancing and cards were the
Herndon. Tho next mooting will order of tho evening following
be with Mrs. D. S. Beals on April the meeting of the Knights and
Gth. A committee has been ap- , Indies of Security Ihursday
pointed to make arrangements , evening. About 50 were present
for an entertainment on April , for tho evenings pleasure. Punch
1 14. Tho program will be an-, was served,
nounced lator- i I
The Pino Needlo Club will
Complimentary to Misa Ella hold Its regular meeting next
Young who experts to leave the Tuesday afternoon with Mrs.
first of the week for Portland, Jesso Smitson-
Tuxedo Nights
by Walt Mason
When the day's work's done, and the good old sun
lias sunk in the well known West, then I stretch my
form by the fireside warm, I sit at my ease and rest.
Then I take my pipe which is mildly ripe, as the pipes
of good smokers are, with a chortling soul then 1 fill
its bowl from my glass Tuxedo jar. And I smoke
ease, and my trouble tiees
the place where dead troubles
go; and my worries seem, in
my waking dream no longer to
have a show. And I say, "In
deed, it's a noble weed that
drives all the ghosts away, and
clamps the lid on the cares
that skid around through the
busy day. The worries and
woes and sucn things as those
in ihe daytime leave their scar, but there's rest at
night and a calm delight in my
glass Tuxedo jar; thfyt.
ill fl
to II