Ore. litatorl&l Soc. THF I ANF 1 JTlIlt MJrl iJj Continuing tho Springfiold Nowo nnd Lnno County Star, Which Woro Consolidated Fobruary 10, 1914. fttMMt Cif u'i' d,l'MI,i' Vimi1nl l,.')rniii, oo(inil-' p!n mn ttcrilii'ler nrl of Cohkm ol M rMi, ft"i SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, MONDAY, MARCH 27, 1916. VOL. XV. NO. 17. COUNTY two HONOR PUPILS BUSTED FOR 6 WEEKS PERIOD SPRINGFIELD LADS ARE OFFICERS IN CANADIAN ARMY NOW EN ROUTE Air. and Mrs. S. Young have jtmt received advices that their bomb, Sam and Will, who Joined tho British army at Victoria, 11. C Boven or eighth months ago, are now on their way to Lon- CITY AGREES 10 BUY QUARTER BLOCK SUITABLE FOR GITY HALL-SELL CRUSHER CARS COMING IN FREELY FOR LUMBER SHIPMENTS The Southern Pacific com-i pany Is bringing in large num-' hers of cars to supply the de-' jmands of sawmills in Spring-! (field and at points on the Mo hawk. In fact they are coming faster than thy can be loaded, ! Hv iiMlm-. ol' tlin Inwn minifl! itnrnKf nn llin ilnht. nnil tlm nliv don. and will prohaly sco Berv- li Uiw..h.i ,.,itinri moniini' Knt- would lo fililo in f11 Ha nrdaont and the sidings at various non Inn I at Irnn u f.n C'lim lwin llAnli I - . ... ... . . - I 1i IvAll MAlnin n n ft It n C I A- ivv in riiuiui;, crniii nun um nn nv nvnn nc. t in nwn w ac- . a Bito nn Main Ktront mr nv-"""- indium, oic iuu ui nun i unit . - : : - i - - i. The following pupils received 1! liorlinl' ilM miwln a quarter-block w highest grades in their re- H u nonii. city hall, if there are site for or enough to pay for this prop i 1 AUi the highest grades in their re- ,cuy nan, u mere are no jugui vny. uiw,.Htm ir,.,i,i,.a rnr tin. iiihI six- ... obstacles. And Ujo price paid is me matter or selling tne rock week heiiod of the Second term OALL IVIUKt- vyakkan i t in a nominal one. At the same crushing plant, now located on j of the 11)15-115 school year: , r, , session agreement was made to the hillside south of the Booth- wivut AAIIph rtmmlinrri. Dol-'. u?unly,J '.rcw.8ur,e.r UrH: sell tho city rock crushing plant Kelly mill, occasioned more dis- - mi u fn mil ir in n imiir ill mi m i . i ir r . ..n ... LO U KrOUI) OI IOCUI DUBIUUSH IUUU CUbSlUU. 1M Con Its, W. iUC- .i.kHMi if niitilnii,lliti tiniintu . .. . ...... Mlddlaton and J. w. offered $850 for ntly raising amount to be rrrnshnfl rnp.k. taxes, and another turnover of If t.!1K n frn,ltnirn nf i2n foot on .'delivered within the next three ing cars. lv Stevens. Constance Hebhan. ' bnnn.wi iiinlm iUix. Kdlth VUM" . ""i""K v"',u In exchange for crushed rock, uuilocn, A- n nl L" l'milNIco. )y,ul,t,l "tlYin roct;1yuu romi The site to be purchased be- Machen first i a Nnrnuin Wright. V:. 11 .ut? loiiKS to tlie C. A. Woolcy 03- the outfit, subseuue A..r.XV,: ; n, , h p.,- ?.vor .or .W. mfll wc.?'i tate. and lies at the southwes. this to S1000, t'is ...u......v " " " - - f firillir fll H f 111 TI f 1 !I III I t H I1 IK. I JiLlll III 1.11 1! I'll. V 111 IUooii. Thlrtl IJ Veda Glgstad, Viv ian Itagan, Allcne Qastle. Third A Alice Tomseth, Hil da Spnrfeldt, EIbIo Phillips- Fourth 15 Lawrence uruco, The contract to print the bal lots for the May primary was awarded to a Eugene printing firm Friday afternoon by the $1073.07 consisted of 11)14 tax- Fourth aml of 132 on B stree1., years, at a price of 50c a yard (County court at $16.30 per thou- u, uuiiiK uit- iiiuu uiii.uvf. and has three small dwellings, at the bunkers. More than the au'lu 1 IViIJrwm since the collection of taxes be- whIch uro rentcd, The price to, 2000 yards can be had at tho qued between 40000 and 50,- gan the first of tills month. ,bG mii(1 totals $2430. but i notssame rate if the city wishes it. 0 b.a?ts for the whole coun- Wlth the cancellation or on-' ,, : ,. .,. Pnvinirnn.1 fTh rftv nseBs 500 to 700 ty, which win make the contract L-' 4 a I nfrnrrnf Itnf ttrAAti (P IT II 11 n r I Contract Let to Print Ballots ChWer Mvers Carl Lewis. ! v, " . , . ,n XiK all a cosh payment Paving as- t'lhe city usees 5UU to 7UU Fourtl. AFlenco lilzer, Proxliimtcly $20,000 of the 8C88ment8 totaling $G40 are yet yards a year in street repair M. I oof Hazel Jones. iS!!!lW5TC4:.lilJ?yto come due, and a mortgage work, and the rock taken from Pirth Il-ClmrlCB Kirk, Lalluc 1111 be called n is ?700 to,b8SVe,U' ,T?" .vnnson Crvstal Drvan. i . cautu in aH )ftiance 0f about $110 to is to'c WUi A-SSii Lan,'aM nlorc tttX mo,,ey ,B rc-be paid to the Wooley heirs. At !E Mabel Itoof, Hazel Jones I Stevenson Fifth Guv Fisk. James Cornelius. Sixth H -Ellen Tomseth, Mor riBon Miller, ltay Coo. Sixth A Mlldren Miller, Ves to Larue, Kdwlna Parsons. Seventh B Will Wright, Syl via Strubln, Lowell Slkes. Seventh A Velma Gore, Cliarles Glrard, Floyd Campbell Power Company to Move Wednesday ' it. - i i . r-f r- n rt iuu quarry iius cohi ioiii to to yu cents a yad at the bunkers. Editor.) the jneeting Saturday evening, Recorder Walker reported to Asserting that none but Eu gene printing offices were able to handle the work, the County court and the County clerk, re- uncu wM .i i ii m City Attorney S. P. Ness was (the council that the mimirA showed that the crusher cost Tt" . :,' IL" not prepared to give an off-hand i opinion as to t"e right of the, $2050 new six years ago, and city to acquire this property , the motor used in its operation without an election, but prom- fcost $275. ised an opinion today. The ' When the question came to a councllmen all agreed that the vote. Coffin and Peery voted price was a very low one, and !uye, and Fenwick voted no, ex- JThe News and the Cottage Charles uiraru, iioyu uiupuuu. fjOMOrni offices of the Oreeon ",'V'i i Eighth n-Ethel M"lhBM'owcr conn "Hi will be remov- UA 8tltca ds,irable one for a p aining that he thought the Ellen Webb, Mary Chase. To Sur gficd from Eugene c,ty aU' 1 ,C,y ttCC0"1,"IBly MUf ouW receive more for the ... . ., . ...i... r.. ,-, lu Olll IIIKHvlu liuiil xllKUIIU r-cil ti vnonln nn finnniltlnfr mtffli nnil lint linllmrnrl n I'Jiguiu a i xuiuii oiuvuiiHuu, on wodnesdav of this week ac- (wv..M . "- "j- .,v..v.. Thelma Crouch, Sidney Warner, j, 1" or n '8)laVn(8K'1e the offer, subject to the poss Hill- jcash dea both in Ue sale of the Of tho 4R honor pupils, 19 are r,(. nf n ,8J " "co", Ity of legal restrictions, and as plant and the purchase of crush boys and 2(5 are girls. bui finu here " bcK 5 to so,?" a,8 th, Jlttorncy htt nded. ;Cd rock would be more satisfac- .wuiiunib line i ucnif, iuHiiv.li iu ...I,,, ,tir iinposnrv Ktnns to tnrv nil nrnnrifl. N. S- ROBB CHOICE FOR coinpieuon. a lonuy ior uio dose the barga!n t The city attorney will draw a general public has been railed, i diBcussinc the nronosition. contract of sale, whicli-will also TvViiMTV Ar.Dirm tiipi;t " i m uiscussmg me proposmou, coniract or saie, wnicir win aiso COUNTY AGRICULTURIST off along the south part of ho C0UnciImen figured that the rent include a bond from the pur- un Mn iTtn,. hw Com. T'Jll lL:" iB'n,ffiK.th. of tho "ouses would pay the in- chasers to protect the city. Idaho Man Is Soloctod by Com missionors' court rnl of tint Ktinrr Slinlvlmr 1 I- - - w -1 - -w cj now being, placed In the vault. 'A part of tho office supplies N. S. Hobb, now connected moved over Saturday, with the agricultural department Tliose stationed in the office of the University of Idaho at here will be A. Norman, vice Moscow, Is the choice of the president and general manager! county commissioners' court for of tho Oregon Power company;: Lane county agriculturist, to A. L. Ingalls, auditor; J. J.j succeed It. H. Coglon. The selec- Keely, assistant mull tor; Uss i tion of Mr. Hobb is not definite Leach, stenographer. j as yet, it being necessary to oh- Dale Mumey will continue to tain the sanction of the author- have charge of the Springfield! Itios of the Oregon Agricultural part of the company's business.! colleuo who have that depart- Marie Young and M. Tuel will i MURE GOUNT CON I ESI fhustllng wnfbef the priqe of siic Icess. Are you going to win it? Or are you going to take a va ' cation and let the other girl beat i you to it And probably by a few votes at that? OLD BUILDING IS CONDEMNED BY 5TATE INSPECTOR Official notification that tho High school building is unsafe was received by Thomas Sik'es, chairman of the school board, last week. The notice comes from the office of Labor Com missioner O. P. Hoff, upon the report of Inspector W. B. Chance, who inspected the building nearly ten days ago. In his communication, Mr. Hoff cites the lieeping of oils under a stairway as a danger ous practice, and he demands that timber braces be placed to support the second floor over the assembly room. The inspection was made at the request of State Sphool Su perintendent J. A. Churchill, who was here two or three weeks ago. COUNTY CLERK URGES QUICK REGISTRATION Approximately one hundred Grove Sentinel had asked to be persons in Lane county regis allowed to submit tenders. tered each day of the .week, jMarch 18. according to tlie bf- OREGON USES mcial tabulation completed Sat- WASHINGTON LOGS urday by LlOyd Howe, deputy n , .county registration clerk.- Of Oregon produces annual y ap- numbr 234 were women proximately 1,610,000.000 board Count Clerk sta M .R feet of logs, but consumes over sell issud an nt -t to two billion or 27 per cent m!d to te w0 have4deiayed excess of her Jog production. Registering. The registration She draws. heavily on Washing- books wilf close on fcTuesday ton for this excess. Aprii lg Oregon consumes annually Following is the official regis over 2,200,000 cords of fuel tration to date: wood, which, reduced to board Republican : 5721 feet, amounts to over 1,105,000,- Democrat ,... I....2485 000-feeL - - '. Sbcialistty.:fe3375" The State of Washington pro- Independent 214 duces approximately 5 million Progressive 51 board feet of logs annually, but Prohibition , 225 consumes only a little over 4y No Party ..' 213 ! million board feet. The balance . THEN IHE FINAL ,,,. !i,,. t ,Jis sent to Oregon for manufac- Total 9284 Whatever number of votes h)rp fa Females ,-3187 you may have in the second count will be placed to youri credit in the final count, which j iwil 1 be made in May, but if you inline iuu ruuiesi aiu now you Work From Springfield Public Schools attend to outside wire work in Springfield and vicinity. meat In chargo. Mr. Hobb, If ho conies to lCu nruno to act as the county farm adviser, will receive a Baiary oi uKtA i nuk i ntKN buys $2000. Tito county will pay half 1500 NEW FREIGHT CARS of tills and will furnish $500 be sides, to bo used toward ills expenses- The stato furnishes a similar sum. A total of $3000 Is available for the salary and expenses of tho agriculturist. will land the S5 that is offered T, n riol,it, , ti,0 ,tfr On Wednesday evening, Ap.'il as a sneclal prize at the count on " "r Z 4. at 7:30 o'clock, the ballot box ; Tuesday. April 4. And all the i in tlie News Voting Contest will j votes cast during the entire con .bo closed for the second count jtest will determine who is to get Union Pacific Orders 11 Bag-gaao-Mail Cars-7-S. P- Will Buy 10 Locomotives. According to the Railway Age for leadership in one of the most InterestinK events which lias been pulled off in Springfield. In this contest the candidate who has made- greatest gain since the first count of a month ago ; will receive $5 In gold as a prize. No matter what your standing brook, And catch the fish with my lit tle hook. When our school is out and books arc through, hustling on the part of the other contestants would place them right up among the leaders. New i hi; Bwiuuiiwii w. ...vww uiuii, 'v"vttiwi nwn ,nay have been at the conclusion ; subscribers are what count the made by a vote of two to one, ordered 50 refrigerator cars of fhe firgt t If ,ou ,ake 'most in this contest, because for Judge 4 Harry L. Down voting from the Haskell & Baker Car greater galn over that count ieverj-new subscriber brought in, against it. Judge Bo wn says he company and authorizqd the thn any Sther condidate, you j the person bringing it in is en desires to go on record as being same company to resume work ,, ,i,n, sr. pnf hiBiminn UmA tn r,nnvntZa nri Kfinvntes opposeuio ine uinngoiaeou ity on luuu uox cars previously con- lf ha(1 but 35 votes iu the ls gven for each reiiewal wJliie , agriculturist, and has told the traded. The Chicago & North- t made March 15 an(1 you,4oo votes are given with each other members of the court so western Is reported to be pre- d , r gain than the back sul)Scril)tion. many times. However, he says, paring specifications for 2000 , , er vou will r et th e money. ! nPnr . ,1,,Hi tint Hip hillot if tho other two are in favor of wooden box cars in place of the mnE or '..JS, " " Lni.?n.SltS WlSAlim" E " 2 !l-f! ..c: 0 or 25,6oorKnd the leader iZerAMi lll'lll 111 Mil Mil. 1IU llllV I11LV C 1L llllll'll III! V II 1111 V IITI'I'IIIIV 1 1 1 A X i " - right to do so, as they are m tne majority. the piano these special counts cutting no figure in the grand Th are the things I'm going final roundup. There is nobody to do so far ahead, according to the J first count, but what a little Hunting chipmunks all the day, Fishing trout along the way, Woods and pastures, we'll tramp them through, These are the things I'm going to do. Out to the barnyard the hens to feed, Into the barn for the wheat I need, To gather the eggs I'll get twenty-two. These are the things Pm going to do. TO RUN FOR SHERIFF i Ill'St COUlll IllUlveS a KlUIIianrn nml linvo nil vnnr vntPB in withdrawn. The Union Pacific inf m,n lnRR n.nil vmI vm, ycZrtZ"m go a s has contracted ior 11 comuina- ,,.. Hm ri Pm.w( fnr Vonr- iVi i.:; oi,, ,w Where the ' .w ...... 4...'... .. Illilllt; JIllll L11U 1 tT) If 1 L tVlll Uli till I . . 1 IU uu. trawberry picking, brook goes trickling, the meadows And swim in the brook so clear and clean. ' When our school is out and books are through, , These are the things I'm going to do. I will go -where the little birds drink, t And here the song of the Bob-o-link. When our school is out and books are through, These are the things I'm going to do. I will watch the squirrels climb the logs, To keep out of reach of the great big dogs. When our school is out and books are through, These are the things I'm going to do. J, P. Barnard Sooks Romiblican the market for 100 locomotives. Nomination at Primaries :Tlie llumbird Lumber company A II f Ija nvnuHrtn oiwl ltlic?fltllfr I 1 iuid uiu.u u. luuuimni.u .w. Ilo ,g rCnUjretl to Will, niHl the OUC A fourth aspirant for the logging railroad in Idaho. wllo lg the most actIvo an(1 wll0 olllcc of sheriff of Lane county j . uses the best judgment and busl- becamo candidate yesicruay, i. wumuitBum yiwuwa '" "- mess sense in her canvass, is the as quickly as it is Followig are the cadidates. Helen Roberts 40,825 Silvia Strubin 27,475 Mrs. Delbert Bucknum ..25,275 I will hunt the grouse that drum and drum, And hear the lazy honey bee hum- things I'm going When, our school is out and uooks are inrougn, These are the things I'm going to do. mibjecT to tho publican pi more than 4V, billion feet of lro Vl 1 laAd t i". rt,gSelRaStonSCKnUm "lO'&O ,.i rtM. .n.wii- lmuhnr nonrlv hnlf n million n mazei ntuiuouu j.u,-uu IIMliy uiuuiiuu, niv uvy i.'ih'- V Will COUlO WUUUUl LUU UAIlUHlll-iTiil. Pt-nlitvoo 55 07R date is C. P. Barnard, who for Pieces oi inin, ami over ty. o- turo of a penny by the one who 'trt - years has been associated with Hon shingles. Of this quantity lcaptures tho prIzCi mtt eternai the firm of Bangs and company cuuhuiuuh umy vvi im iu Eugene. I of the shingles, and 12 A per James C- Parker, tho present ,.cont of the lath. Of the lumber inoumbent, is tlie democratic produced she consumes 17Vj candidate for nomination. Tlio- per cent, or over 700 million of mas Balloy Is alBO seeking tho feet, about two-thirds of which ofllco on tho democratic ballot. , is used for building purposes. Emmet t Howard is seeking the About one-fourth of tho build ropublluvn nomination iu oppo- ing material, of the lath, and of llnn in Mr. Hm-nurd. i the SllillKles, Is UBCtl fll King Mr. Barnard said ho has not county, in which Is located tho, decided as yet whether ho will city of Seattle 8,975 (Continued on Pago 3) circulate petitions or not. Washington produces approx imately 8 1,-3 million linear feet of poles and piling, and con Tlin Stntn nf Wlisllllllltoil COll sumes annually over 3,300,000 sumes about six million' linear ,cords of fuel wood. Reduced to feet. board measure, this amounts to j BakerPortland concern will approximately l,(572,ooo,ouu operate .tj,uuu guiu,unjugu uu SPRING IS COMING and you will be wanting Kardening tools, a rake, hoe, shovel, pruning shears a lawn mower and other implements of industry, chase too- Wo can servo you with them all, as well as hard ware of every description. No finer or more complete stock has ever been dis played In this town. Como and inspect it, nnd pur- By th brook so bright and clear. There's where I shall throw my spear, To go the little trout clear through, These are the things I'm going to do. In the hay fields, big and wide, On the mower I shall ride, And plow the mammoth hay field through, These are the things I'm going to do. GARDNER. KNAPP. ,B eaver-H rn don . Har dwareCompany Summer Vacation I'll go fishing in the running brook And catch the fish wh)h my little noon, When our sohol is out aiid books are through. These are the things, I'm going; to uo. I'll roam - In the- .woodi land I'll hunt the woodland from side to end, i ; And through the thicket my dog ..I'll send. When our school is out and books are through, These are the things I'm going to do. I'll go w,here the wild beasts, go to, rest, , And -where the forest birds build ' 'their nest. . ' When our school . is out and books are through, -These are the things I'm going . to 'do. And last of all and best I must say, I'll go' barefooted every day. When our school is out, and ..books are.ithrough. yjjBtheh!ng.If am. going.Jto board feet. Burnt river. bright and green,-' " 1 RAYMOND C013- j t ttf- i