o IF ITS IN THE DRUG LINE WE HAVE IT SoCIM cMoteS I i : ' y DAY a NIGHT EASTMAN KODAKS AND SUPPLIES K 111 111 V J III: I l J. I L-m.7HB4B 'Mt ni:vki? aUUUTITUTC PHONE 31 : Tales of the Town J x niifilnofw is (ucxl til tho IIunioiiH Hliop. Suvo L-U by buying Roxnll Bcliool TnblotB nt I'eory'a. 4 Mrs. J. V. Volgauioro of Mtir colu waH in Sprliigilolil today. 1 1. W. Swof ford of Donna vns in Sinlugllcld today on bimliioHH. WALL PAPER In Home very nttmctivo dcslgUM Junt arrived. J. 0. IIOLHKOQK. L. Mnthowu of (ionium was Colgnto'n Talcums lDc at I'orry. Spray in any quantity. J. 0. Ilolbrook. 1"op tho boBt hIioos, got thorn at tho liarncHH Shop. N. J. Nyhart of Camp Crock wan In Springfield Wednesday on n bUBlncHH trip. Tho Prunvllle Buiwliino club held a very pleasant mooting hint Thuralay afternoon at (ho homo of Mrn. 0, II. Noal and will meet again on March 30 with Mm. Harry L. CIhibo. ' Mr. and Mrn. Truman A. Chafic of Prunvllle, entertained at din ner Friday, Mar 17th, in honor of their Hrot Wedding annivcr Bary. Tho table wan prettily de corated with gi'eon and white. Tliono Invited werjjJMr. and Mrn. J. W. CIhibo, Mr. and Mra. .1. C. Atkinson. Mr .and Mrn. F. 13. ChaBO, Mr. and Mrn. Harry L. Clutfco. On Saturday afternoon Mrs. Nina Mcl'hergon entertained the Pino Kotdlo club in honor of those who had birthday in March. The honored ones were Mrs. Arno Nelson, Mrs. Thos. Ohlnon (Eugene), Mrs. John Tomseth, Mrs. Winnie Thomp son, Mrs. Nute Griffin. Those present were Mrs. A. Montgom ery, Mtb. J. E. Stewart, Mrs. Vina McLean, Mrs. J. II. Bru mctto, Mrs. Cora IHnson. Mrs. Virgio Tovvnsend, Mr. Jesse Smitson, Mrs. It. L. Van Valzah, Mrs, Kathryn Horton, Miss Daisy ToniBoth. After a very pleasant afternoon or Conversation and needle work the hostcos assisted by Miss TomBcth served delic ious refreshments. SATURDAY 1 A new Peery's. Colgato soap at Look over our line of new Sprint; coats and waists. COX & COX. Disc Conrad Nelson moved Into (ho Stnnlger house at Sixth and A streets the last of the week. - fn..i I Hear tho new Edison sltlon with the Oregon j0er Phonographs atPeery s. eo.npany as outside wlrcman. Mr nml Mrg B n 13rablmin In paints, oils, varnish and " clilldrcu of Eugene spent Sunday- with her sister in. in sprtngnoiu on uuhuuwh mm . color8( AhvayH gUl(I t0 Hh()W (sprmgneiu. I wgiu. . . Igodfi. J. C. HOLDROOK. T. IS. Iano and F. Wado of Croswoll wore registered at the Elite last night. Big shipment of ladles and children' low shoos just arrived. COX & COX. I S. W. Wood, who resides In it... fit i l.ltjf 1 . ..... i U1U DIUWIUI 11UUIUUII, muvuts lO Good rollaine fire insurance; morrow for Bcclda, Minnesota,! io assessments; no membership on a business trip foe. Pay once and you aro done. II. 13. Walker at the City Hall. , Mnxda Lamps. I am now Mm Mriiiiiffipttmir'a nirnnf mill ... . ...I I. T 11 1 ... ... - " rJ 1 w .J. wnuo oi rurimim i ui nftve a supply or tlie various which the adult flies can enter, or tho screen will do little good. The discs are small hexagonal pieces of tarred paper such as is used for roofing, with a slit from one corner to the center where a small star-shaped cut is frnadc. They are inexpensive,, easily applied and may be used for a number of years if proper ly cared for. If applied when tho plants are set, they will pro tect from seventy-five to ninety five per cent of the plants from tho maggots, where ninety per cent, or more, of the unprotect ed plants would be destroyed. J. M. ALCORN, Acting County Agriculturist. Full size can,Good Quality Peaches, per can 25c j 3 Cans Good Peas .j Large White Beans, 2 lbs, I Dry Onions, per pound, 25c 25c 2c '14 Lbs. G. Sugar, $1. Limit 14 pounds to, a Customer I These prices are for one day only PHONE 9 i.rJ Knox's Sanitary Grocery. Successor to Nice and Millers rt E552ESZ32EtS3 Springfield, with a view of lo eating noro. Kynnlzo, our now varnish, all colors, for inside, or out side work. J. C. Ilolbrook. George Halo of Hale was in Springfield yesterday afternoon for a short business visit with 13. 12. lirattaln. slaiofl In stock. J. C. IIOLBItOOK o o o TJjo prayer mcotlugs in the Chase neighborhood are being well attended, tho highest at tendance being 42 and an aver ago attendance of 35. Host for the Sole Have the old ones torn off and lot Hall the shoe doctor put on some new ones. Also new shoos for sale. tf it it W. L. McCuHoeh, chief on- gin cor for the Oregon Power uvsut jtuij t uiib iu luiiuo jt via- teniay on business for tnc com pany. INDUSTRIAL NOTES Hev. II. D. M- McLaughlin, assistant master mechanic for the South- C. Ethell will occupy lorn Pacific company, was in tlie pullpt at thcKreo Methodist ; Springfield this morning on an church In West Springfield on ! inspection trip. Sundny evening, and Mrs. M. MIhh Mabel January, who was J. Ulnlr will sneak in the morn-1 The National operated on at th Eugene hospl-lng. tal, was brought homo Monday, now being convalescent. The Sunshine club gave an In- ! Ileligious Ex-j hlblt from tho Panama-Pacific exposition including the welfare . exhibit on which tho MetropolM teresting program "Speckin day jn Life Insurance company re- tUlVUU 111 Ok II1U, Will UU Ull ua- hibit in Eugene all of next week. Excavation of the basement ,u the dlstrik skool" In the of tho now Methodist church school house at Prunvllle last had to stop late Saturday after- Friday evening which was well ' noon on accouni oi mo ram, attended and enoyed by all. which maue ino earin ioo suciiy to 'handle. Mrs. V. II. Pollard and tho Tlin W P T TT will linlrl n i .Mother's metoing and silver tea w y.nrr nr r ohmimi nrrivrxi 'at the homo of Mrs. M. Fenwick, I Monday evening to take up his ; ll,n,ld 8t!i?,e Fr!llay5 ,MlVrc,i .nrt, nu annnrliinii.lAii 21 frOlll 2 UHtil 5. A SllbjCCt Of fliliilron urn nvnontod homo to- afpimMmi nr tim nnr AinMinfiiofr : vital Imnortancq is on the pro-1 morrow from Oregon City, church, but finding that the rain ,sram. ... 2t where they have been visiting imd delayed the excavation, hoi for the past two weeks at tho returned homo Tuesday. ' The sign board owiYcd by the home of her parents. I , Willamette Poster company on I Marion Bigelow of Walter- Main street next the Oregon E. E. Urattain returned Tucs- yllle moved his sawmill equip- Power company's ofllco, Is being day evening jTrom Mapleton, ment tlie first of tlie week to extended GO feet to the Vitus whore ho had boon for a few a point on tho Willamette-Pa- building. Another board 40 ft. days visiting Ills daughter, Mrs. clflc at tho month of the Wilt- In length is to be put up at Otto Rice. Mrs- Urattain will cnt, a tributary of the Siuslaw. once, but the location has not remain for a longer visit. He has a large quantity of logs been selected. to cut, obtained by tho clear-! " Rev. Ferris will discuss Sun- itlg of tho railroad right of way, I Mrs. F. B. Titus, who was day morning the supreme mo- nnd ho also has some fine stand- quite seriously ill last week, is tlvo in observing tlie LordB Sup- jug timber- somewhat improved- . II cr son, per. A message conducive to Earl Titus and wife of Bally, better understanding of the Former Sheriff Fred Fisk, and Mrs. .J.ohn Adams, a Christian's duty to his Master, now supervisor of a road district daughter of Junction City, re am! his brother man. on the military road beyond turned to their homes the first Oakldgo, was in Springfield yes- of tho week. Mrs. Stillman Space has been partitioned off tordny. lie states ho has a crow Pratt, another daughter, is still from Dr. Pollard's waiting room of men nt work at Point Look- here, bu Mr. Pratt returned to for a dental office for Dr. N. W. ,out, repairing tnc roau. ae m-.jjaiiy Tuesday. Enjery, who moved thither yes-.tends to mako It possible for au terday from the Odd Follows itomoblles to cross the Cascades building. He can be reached .this summer by this route. The by Dr- Pollard's office phone, road us far no Oukridge is al-20-J. 'reorlv in pood shape. Salem, March 20. American Telephone & Telegraph Co., are doing important and confiden tial work with representatives of army jyid navy to perfect system of communication unequaled by any other nation. Harrisbufg Sommerville-and Gorham will erect garage on Pa cific Highway. Portland Gas & Coke Co., r,re not held responsible for typhoid germs in drinking water used by employes. Astoria 25 out of 30 indus tries on lower Columbia in oper ation employing 10,000 men. Geo. W. Dafoe of Detroit, Mich., opening new sawmill at Bandon. Walker. votes for $2,5Q0 union Ilifih school. North Bend cets a new depot 20 by 40 feet. Harrisburg 0 carloads Hops shipped direct to London, England. flrnirnn r rnvlvlncr the-flax in " o " f dustry and extending tne mint industry. St. Helens has monthly pay roll of 560,000. Eugene Contract let for school house to cost $13,492. St. Johns E. H. Walkins is erecting a 30x70 foot concrete creanfery building. Coluihbia beacli opposite Van couver to be improved for sum mer resort. Geo. L. Pcrvine of St. Johns, Inventor of vacuum fire place, wants to establish factory. Million dollar shipbuilding plant planned for Linnton. Allen & Lewis may locate job bing house at Bend. New 930,000 business uiock is started at Bend. IKE FLTOi OF NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tlie Interior U. S. Land Ofllce at Roseburg, Ore gon, February 23, 191G. Notlco Is hereby given tbat Eliza E. Dowett, of Vlda, Oregon, who on May 1. 1009. made Additional Homestead Entry, Serial No. 01052. for the S of SW4 of Section 22, Township 10 S, Uange 2 E.. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make Final Five-year Prodf, to establish claim to the land above described, before L P. Hewitt, U. S. Commlcaioner. at his office at Eugene, Oregon, on the 28th day of April, 101C. Claimant names as witnesses: Carey V. Tomsoi, of Vlda, Oregon; John F. Minney, of Vida, Oregon; Carl E. Swanson, of Vida, Oregon; Herbert K. Baldwin, of Vlda, Oregon. J. M. UPTON, Mar 20-Apr. 24. Register. Really Saved the Tax payers, says Eick Burton Our present Assessor in a oubllshcd statement in which ;tho pronoun "I" frequently oc curs, and in which he deplores the fact that the public remains unprotected from "malicious" designs and "deception," warns us beware of those persons making claims of large sav ings, then goes on to inform us that he has saved the taxpayers Seventy" Six Thousand Dollars in a period of four years. How unfortunate for we "other" taxpayers the O. & C. R. R. Congressional Lands are again in the hands of Congress ;for final disposition, and there are no taxes being paid on them, although assesed, and that other 'railroad property, as well as .ill Public Utilities, are now, and have been for several years, as sessed by the State Tax Com mission a"d not by our Assessor, otherwise our taxes might have continued getting lower (?) and lower (?), as this chimerical saving continued, to increase. As our Assessor warns us. let us be not deceived by delusions of large savings, you Mr. Tax payer, know better than anyone Jelse whether or not your assess-,-ed value has been raised in pro jportion, and whether your taxes have been lowered by this cbiiri- i i In my declaration of candi dacy I made the following mod- est statement: First That I would keen on ithe job myself, and eliminate & head deputyat Twelve Hundred " Dollars per year. Seqond That I would so write tax rolls, that according to James C. Parker, Tax Collector, a man who has had 8 or 10 years experience In collecting taxes in Lane County, had they- been so -written he could have saved $2,-'-000.00 on the expense of tax col- ' lecting this year alone. I therefore ask your earnest consideration of my declaration that I could anil would, if nomin ated and elected Assessor, REALLY SAVE the taxpayers during the next term of office at least $10,000.00. Yours to help lower taxes, Pd. Adv. (2) D. P. BURTON INJURIOUS INSECTS Continued from Pago 1) OUR AI M Is to supply our customers with the best the market affords. jWe carry a superb line of staple and fancy groceries. Everything select ed witn. great care. One trial will convince you that you iay no more than for inferior articles r Larimer's them. The traps may bo visited .early in tho morning and the slugs killed. Cutworms Probably the best method of handling the cutworm is by tho use of. tho poison bran mash. It is prepared as follows: Mix well 2F pounds of bran and one pound of Paris green or White arsenic. Dissolve one or -two quarts of cheap syrup in ,just onough Water' to make a crumbly mash when added to tjio poison bran. Do not mako it thin and sloppy. Sow tho I poison broadcast, in tho even iP'g at tho rate of 15 pounds to ho aero. Keop poultry away jfrom tho poison. Tills mash may bo used to ad vantage for tho garden slug in Iteadstead of using tho poison leaf bait as given above, If de i slr,ed. Cabbago Maggot This Insect pest may bo handled by screon I ing in the plant beds to keop tho , adult files from depositing eggs about tho stems of tho young j plants, and then by placing tar- rod paper discs about tho steins pf tho plants when transplanted. Ir The screen may consist of Jcheeso cloth stretched over an eight to ten Inch board framo placed about tho beds. No open ings should bo left through 'Ml HEAD" A Ghew That Has Been Famous for a Tfurd of a Century HAS THE RICH RED BU8LEY TASTE Chewing is the only way to get the rich taste of the tobacco leaf. And the only form of tobacco in which you get the leaf as Nature made it is the plug form. A ciiew ot tpear neaa piug looacco has a wonderful flavor such as you. never did and never will taste in any other tobacco. That Spear Head flavor is unique, mellow, fruity, everlastingly delicious and satisfying. Spear Head has been famous for a third of a century as the richest, tasti est of chews. It's made of sun-ripened, red Bur ley. And it's produced by the most modern methods, which develop the luscious flavor of the leaf to the su preme degree. It is safeguarded at every step in its making. The factory is clean and san itarythe processes are pure-food pro-, cesses. When the choice red Burlev has been pressed into mellow, sweet Spear Head plugs you have a chew that simply can't be equalled. Spear liead is the high quality chew of the world. Try. Spear Head you'll never again be satisfied with any other chew. In 10c cuts, wrapped in wax paper, f THE COOD'-JUDQE FEARS THE WPODWAHS UIFEj YOU ABE NOTCOINC. rZTN fr ,TS THE REALj MAN you are not alone in your desire for a than, small cbew that will give you tobacco (atlsfaction, W-B CUT Chewlnj the Real Tobwco Chew, mm nt, hut tlnJit nl-.it too ntnt. A 'mill chew utUSet you belter and U,U loof er thin twice the monsr WUI bay la eh ordinary kind. Yon can tell by a quality teit that it la lU ttul Tibacct Cint. "Notice bow the salt bring out the rich tobacco taate." Made by WEYMAN-BRUTON COMPANY, SO Ucioa Sprt, New Yotk CUy T" i ii WOOD-LARK TRADE MARK jkois oisr J QUICK, CERTAIN. 3 deadly: -c ALWAYS HEADY, JVEVICH VAILS. Deatrovs saulrrela. ironhcrs. Dralrlo doers, sacra ats. Apply early In tiprlng when the hun pry pests awake from Winter's sleep. Money Back If It over falls. "Yood - Lark,v for 2 years baa stood every test.' It's qrop Insur ance against rodent peats. Manufactured by Clarke-Woodward Drug Co., rtlaai!, ,Ir;-" sou. Buy f ruat y-tr tWaJotv . Sgingfield Feed Co. 4 Jk K' K m T U ft H H