The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, March 13, 1916, Image 4

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    BLYYSBY & CO. SERVE Arkansas, lown, North Dakota, South
;" i' OOOflnn. POPlll ATinM Dakota. Oregon. Montana, Idaho, III-
..UUU.UUU rUrULA 1UIN noj8i nml Wisconsin. Tho Company
(Continued from Pago 2) I has eomo lntorcat In all tho llyllshy
vw.j.-.- w- - jutntti- proportion, tho combine! ourn
of this country, Ho will nsslst the Inca of which for tho yoar ending Oc
Byllsby Company in proparlnR cases! lobar 31st. woro as follows:
before utility commissions, and courts I Qros earnings In 1015, $1$R,33G,
in valuations of public utility and in-, SOD; In '1914, $14,213 J.G54; increase, 7.5
dustrlal proportios and also In tho per cent.
management of tho public utility on-1 Expenses, malntonanco and tsxoo.
torprisos. In 191C. 57.90S.778; in 19U. $7.G3!),101;
Over 92 per cent of total revenues gain 3.G per cent,
of tho H. St. Byllsby & Company Not earnings In 191R. ?7,42S,08l; in
properties roprosont light, power and) 1914, $G.G35.553; gain 13.4 por cent,
gas, Tho company has four stroot i Mr. Byllsby has taken out somo 45
railway pronorllos located nt I'uoblo. ! patents on various electrical dlstrlbu-
Colo.; Ottumwn, Iowa; Fort Smith, ition sytoms and electrical apparatus.
Ark.; and Fargo, North Dakota. Thoro , From 1SSG to 1S90 ho was tlrst vice
are no Interurban lines owned or op- president of tho Westlughouso Mac
erated by Uio coiajany. Two telo-jtrlc. and Manufacturing Company of
phono exchanges nro operated, ono Pittsburgh, and also nTKuaglng Utree
at Minot, North Dakota, and the other , tor of the Wcstiughonso Electric com
at Kalispell. Montant. Waterworks j pany of London, Kngland.
plants ore operated at Albany and at: All his Hfo H.M. llyllsby has been
Springfield. . Oregon. Steam heating an ,olcctraJ mnn- s invontor. author j
r, -..i t.. -i.i. lfcml oxccutlvo ho has contributed a
S Graud Forks. .Minot. and Ot-, Ho Vrugglod through , adversTty
jan(1 nas rpnejjj ROa 0( SUccoss
Gains In Business. (with a record which many men on-
The growth tn business of the two engaged in public utility undertakings
II. AI. Byllsby & Company holding have occasion to envy. Today nt tho
corporations during the past year has '. ago of 57 ho is probably tho hnnlost
oeen above the average The North- working member or his organization,
cm States Power Company showed: Now York Commercial, Feb. 16. 191G
gains for tho year ending October 31,
1915. as follows
Electric customers, 1915, 65,774; 1914,
65,106; gain. 10.66S; gain per cent,
Gas customers, 1915, 10,790; 1914,
Continued from Page 1)
SVcffiAmfc coupons you can get from
06S; 1914. 172.000; gain 2S.06S; Baii i e Pal)er between now and 6
per cent, 16.54. o'clock Wednesday evening; get
The Standard Gas
panys record for
Elfrtrlf rnsfnmpra
in 1914, 165,473; gain 1S.552; gain per merchants
1 ff--
Mlss Doatrico IlOlbrook
Miss Vornu Tagg f,
Miss Hhodcs ; ,f
Miss Anna Rutlodgo V
Mrs. II. A. Korr :M
Miss Druco rinrtios
Mrs. Tom Allon -ii
Miss lltuol Uoilman t v
Mrs. Dale Mununoy
Mrs, F. K. Lonbart
Miss Poarl Snook "-' -Miss
Iftistol Parrlsh
Mrs. Elinor Ferguson ,y
Miss .lcsalo Walker s4
Miss Mablo January f
Miss Ethel Conloy
.Miss Ruby Sonsonseyiij'
Mrs. Zolla Cantrell
Mies Grace Collins. '
Mies Grace Male
Miss Estolla Martin ,Wt 1
Miss Mabel Fandrontrf'. ,
Miss Silvia Strubin
Miss Ruby Crabtroo
Mrs. Snrglo Snccd
Miss Mary Putnam
Miss Gertrttdo Williams:
Miss Mnblo Durce
Miss Eva Titus, Marcola.
Thoro was a good congrega
tion out both morning and ovon
Ing. In tho morning Uov, Ferris
spoke on Christ's Mission for his
people In Sprlngilold, from Uio
toxt, "I pray not that thou
shouldoat take thorn out of tho
world, but that thou Hhouldst
koop Uiom from tho ovll."
Sprlngilold is a good place to
tost a man's piety. It Cannot bo
touted in cither honvcu or hell
bocauso in houvon all is peaceful
and thoro is no antagonistic
condition to try our falUi and It
cannot bo tried In hell for piety
cannot get thoro whoro all Is
evil and nothing good.
How dooa this strike you?
"It doesn't matter hov smooth
or how agreoablo or how nolt a
man Is, I haven't any nso for tho
man whom everyone praises iui
admires and feeds taffy to; who
has a string Tor a backbone and
a wish Instead of a character."
Piety calls for strength, and that
means overcoming opposition
and that makes enomles.
Piety consists of faith, to do
the right thing regardless of
consequences, hope to sustain
our efforts and nationce. which
II. Pendoll ot VIda, Oregon, who. onllnmHos minmlnR to ln lnvnil nml
January 25, 1911, mndo Second Home-;.,.,J,ntTn to i, rnri'Ivrm
stead Entry. Serial No. 06694. for tho .ns lo uo 'P."?" . i
sv i-4 ot nk i-4. nw it of sk i-4 Tho causo of Christ Is com-
and E 1-2 ot SV 1-4 of Section 4, town- Ullttod to tho Holy Ghost and to
Department of tho Interior.
V. S. Land Olllco at Hosoburg,, Ore
gon. March s, 1916.
Notice is hereby given that Wnlden
Tuxedo's Grip
by Walt Mason
Tuxedo is the gripping smoke, n boon to every buyer;
you take your pipe of English oak, of meerschaum,
clay or briar, and fill it with tho fragrant weed, the
choicest man can gather; and then you have a smoke,
indeed; and are you glad? Well, rather. Tuxedo
has no kick or bite, suggests no "morning after;" its
mission is to bring delight, and
fill your heart with laughter.
It caught tho sunshine of the
south, when it was green and
growing, and brings that sun
shine to your mouth, when
out the flmokc you're blowing.
"Tuxedo's in n class alone," its
smokers arc declaring; "it has a
fragrance all its own, that baffles
all comparing." And thus it
grips the men who smoke, and holds their true affec
tion; their trusty briar pipes they
stoke, and never know dejection. jC&axP
'the TldfS" suuscnuers, or om ones to wp 17 S range 2 K. Wlllamotto mer- u8, to convert tho world and to nroduclnir wood aloohol
Hie bamo POrlOll IOI- ronnn- nn1 envn Hin pminnnc il n Jinn niml null nf Intnnllnn In .' .... . . . . IIIUUUtlllK OUU lUCUllOl,
, ioir. icno,. 'that are given by the following !?k0. W f.'vo-Year proof to ostab- h"UUS", . ,b' t C?.nn , I'l" I . Doma.ui Exceeds Supply.
y-v, i , - - iiiaii ciaim 10 mo aim nuovo ucscriucu. v... ,..,v.u
cenL 1L24.
Total II. connected load, 49S.605
in 1915 and in 1914, 449,465; gain, 49.
104; gain per cent, 10.94.
Kiloratt hour output, 1915, 404,044.
77S; tn 1914. 357,464.324; gain 46.5S0.
454; gain por cent 13.04.
Gas output, thousand cubic feet, in
1915, 9.S90.42S; in 1914, S.97S.6S7; a
gain of 911,740; gain per cent, 10.15.
The total number of customers in
all the H. M. Byllsby & Company
properties In 1914 was 30S.00O; In 1915.
317,000, or a gain or 9,000 during the
year. Considering the fact that the
bringing of natural gas Into Loulsvillo
during last year eliminated the two
meter system, and that each meter Is
counted as a customer, the total gain
is very satisfactory. Very different
figures would be shown If the Louis
ville customers were counted on the
same basis in 1915 as in 1914.
The Standard Gas & Electric Com
pany controls or is heavily interest
ed in public utility properties in Minn
esota, Kentucky, Washington. Okla
homa, Alabama, Colorado, California,
Hayden & Metcalf.
M. C. Bressler & Son.
Ketels Drug Store.
C. E. Sales Toggery.
I. D. Larimer.
Wolf & Miller.
Swarts & Washburne.
Mrs. D. Crouch.
The following are candidates
for the piano contest:
Miss Helen Roberts
Mrs. Ernest Lyon
Mrs. Silas Gay
Mrs. Delbert Bucknum,
Miss Dutte Fischer
Miss Gladys Withrow
Miss Grace Sidwell.
Miss Lucile Copenhaver
Miss Marjorie Machen
Miss Francis Travis
Miss Chloie Woolley
Miss Lola Barr
Miss Elsie Holverson
llsh claim to tho land above described.
or, at his
the 11th
Claimant names as witnesses. Jul
lus Beck of Vldn, Oregon; John V.
Mlnney, of Vldn, Oregon; Benjamin K
MInnoy or VIda, Oregon,
Schornlg Of VIda, Oregon.
Mar 13-Aprl 17. Register.
moan increased oillcloiicy. Sonio
'motors tndav ttmnnrmta tn Km
"A supply of tho motor fuel pounds pressure. This prensuro
I. i Hewitt, v. s. commission- but they are kept by the power 'rob , 0V":' jf, w th th , n o n w I in pressure
figs IS: - f flot1,3 f""h SuSioi! JAffiihfiolfi? colioi VZ
i Mm ictd i a i wotpq ,lH motor spirits ami poweriuii explosion.
C AS mi th Lu nib e r Co at ?,Uch' ,8, U0 k00JI"K ,nc0 W,th WoultJ Cot Rid f Smoll
A. OIUIUI LiUUlUei L.O., 111 in m-nilnollnM ni milmtin MU. 'PI... ...... i..i.i ,
William Mnrhilpltl rnloR umiiipi 10 ni Y Ui umi, i u u.iu u iiiuuiiui wuillil (10
wiiuam Aiarsniieiu raises ii(,ts iu per saj( Alr oakleaf. "Alcohol much In thn cnnunRtoii nnniina
pitiir i iiiii inoti niiffiiii ...... . ... . .. " v.w.,..
T&ffa 13 more Catnrrh In this section C.
tha country than nil other UUeusca put
St JohnQ Lumber Co closed ?, ,UH 7, 00 ui Viy ?0," 10 or u' city, to allovlato tho mo
!fo -18 " onthl SSl7re?uine on- h W )on' ov !f lllco,1101 cni l01, oxhnuHt nulHanco. tho foul
leStlors w th '50 mwi bH l)r,,u?ud 'm wood waste. Binolllng gases and tho emart-
Lumbermen demand Yanuina ; i tZ u. uA . .. "v.....uo'..."" " ,u'u"1 "u,
nunuiiL uuu imtiuuiK iiiroiiKii an avenuo
toffhnr. nml until thn InHt fnw Youm I. t ",,,uu,u "l 1'
vraa suppoae.l to 1, tnournble. For a " ". ' "V'", u .Will COlltillUO tO bo SO III tilO wllOIO 11 fOW l)U8V HlOtOrs UrO
mvat manv vnara c lortors nronulinefil It a HUirKOt l)lOdllCt. . " "UJ '"ululn iuv
local Ulscaso nnd pn-w-rllM'tl locul re mo- i nnnnrlo a,.v tlmt Il,,frt ... . . . PrnHg UWHy.
Ti'".1" ""v. ".mu, AlCOlini t'liti Jin nrnliu.fiI Tli. ,.,.,, n,..i ,.i i.i i.
dies, and by conatuntly fnillni; to euro i
with local treatment, p
able. Science has prov
constitutional utoeaae,
nulres conHtltullotml
Catarrh Cure, nmnufni-tdred by K J need it incur- nuick silver mines no:" I oiulon 'c "-"' i a uu iuhhuii iiiiu jtironoi nns
.??nAM;iinCfr Julc K 8 "J" " 1 mo .VS ,tv' fro,n triv, cotton, fruits and not boon used, chlofly. Is that It
'tr?AroK.!?; !rA;'h l ?,i8 a L SI .pS- a,m?st kind of vogetablo costs about 11 cunts to produce
CheC Toledhi l,e i& pklS to OpO.l tlldr Sawmill this " ,',3 . " 1"" i il. U
. " T. -ww...... w. isiho liut HllKl'll. llUWl'Vt'l.
with tho grantor demand on
gasoline, a substitute, or at
v Jill I IIJ-lltIll
Made in
Pnnnllflitlnnnl rtir,. An ih market.
tnken Internnlly. It nets directly on tho i""t. jJjq cOUIltrV.
blood and tnucous Burfnceii of lhoi.ytcm. , Roseblirg Will SpOlld $75,000 wn 1 nr enrf
They offer one hundred dollar for nny ' ... . , 1 ! . i nnrUOr TO Oturt.
k- circular, jruptuwuig bcuui Husiroyeu oy Gasoline bcepmos volatile at least a co-worker, will" be piii
Addr: F. J. phevbt A CO.. Tol.So. O. , " , A, UIOOU Ileal, 'JS.U UOgrceS. I'JUlVlOllt ROOll mill tlm trnvni ti
ith rSwa Btorti bulldog lUcohot1 bri,,oa ,an ofl,0,nto th,,,lt iilghly iirobabfo
Se?chni.8tartS bUlM,nfc S VWn&Jr that alcohol will be tho iiltiniato
'nauel m l 1 starts o, era Uons '"iA.W. ,A,c"n.' . Thoro arc now but two plants
again by
Sold by tlrrffKtita. f.r
Tt lUU'a Kamlly l'UU for corM'n.tlon.
11 starts ot orations couree. inuicaies uiai aiconoi Thoro aro now but two plants
'nuSgKoSted HSB nSm'ATltwxM "T f0'!"
Monmouth creamery. LCl?J ?JjJ"t ?2 5 i. ?toJA0. W .ftl-
Portland man claims to have " " V T" " .A ' 1 " V. " : co' un.. ,H " iN.Pri 1 ;aI0,inu
discovered secret of hardening bo ol'to with w is ITSi S l aSS.
Patronize the Payroll of Your Home Town
House of Quality
fi Fine Line of Box Goods, Fresh
Made, Put up to Your Ordar.
Hot Drinks, Ice Cream and Soda
Eggimann's Candy Kitchen
You know I am
well liked by all
brOad makers.
Hard Wheat Patent
Try me. Get ac
quainted. You will
like me. cBst value
for your money of
any flour in Spring-field.
We can give you morefor your money
in flour and feed of all kinds than any
other place in town.
tupiici. cnonlinn nr nlso lifivi unnin lrlml 1 . 11 ..
Rainier mill re-opened with f n ,n,or hontor to tnrt ti r Y A h . V , u"Bv'im,
full crpw : a, 8"Pcr-uoator to start the mont, tho sulphuric acid used
lull won, nlorlirl nna At rit yntn tl.A i .1 ..
j Marshtleld Kmse & IJanks ZmiicMinu n n in f t.'. V.V .1 l"1cT 01 . c"m f
lci,iVnr,i ,.,ini.w, i ha uppj'oatiou so n8 to foiTU an Inordinately large. IJettcr moth-
- , .--c uxiiuiHivu mixLiirn ik ii mmritr ot m o
...V.... f f.(nll
t T- ,.T i .. r .. ,, UtWHt
i ivubitiuiii.i ui iHiuin .Ji nines
south of Klamath Falls working
for electric road from Malin to
Klamath Falls v'.a Poe Valley
ur.'! f.lcac.
, Pendleton Blewett Ilarvcs-
Springfield Bakery
Bread, Pie3, Cakes, Cookies, etc.
Wedding and Party Cakes a
S. Young, - Proprietor
Springfield Planing Mill
Manufacturers pt
Extension Tables, Drop Leaf Tables, BDrcak
fast Tables, Kitchen Cablnsts, Cupboards,
Safes, Step Ladders, Fruit Boxes
erry Crates, Folding Clothes Racks.
Rlilnvsirrl now
1-. " w..,,..w,,...0 nvtj nnivn mivnirn ir n ttintfivv m .i t
una Huiiiw uuvu uiiuuicu iiiu
nlnnt. tn tirmliiff nlrnhnl nt Invv
The fact that alcohol takes n cost from tho cheap material on
higher temperature to make It every hand, says Mr. Onkloaf.
volatile would in many wnr, jU8t one other factor in favor
bo in Its favor. It would be Df tho alcohol Is, that Its ex
tJ!: PloHlon does not produce nearly
, tor Co., of Spokane, plans fac- woui,i )JC losnencd. as high a tompernture. It is ab
,tory here. , Aicoi,0i gnB a30 can j,0 co,yy. nolutely clean and according
i Passenger service over the pressed much moro than gaso- to those who have exporiment
'Srnnc.nn. "" In tho ,,rOBOI,t h,Bh 8J,f C(l wltli It, Is said to bo an Ideal
ISSfiffi "1ITa, th!f 7kl "'V; " lntrnnl co.nbus.on
!of $100,000 stock to seSure bar- milch 1,1 ila favor n'ul AVOul(1 otmlne.
vester factory.
Hood River Beginning May
1, GOO men will be employed by
Oregon Lumber Company.
Oregon to get new people and
keep those we have must make
it possible to start enterprises
with private capital not rely
only on those possible with pub
lic aid.
By the grace of the eDmocratlc party
our chicken raisers have got to com
bat the Chinese, so we will come to
their aid and will sell from this day
slel Dry Meat Scrap at 2 1-2 cents a
pound to chicken raisers only. Wo
also wil sell clear, pure neetsfoot oil.
at COc per gallon, 15c for full quart.
Call at or phone Eugene 259.
Factory on River Road to Springfield
For light, heat and power.
"Made In Springfield."
Oregon Power Co. i
SPENDS ITS MONEY AT HOME : : Water Proof Shoe Oil
Tho Lane County News divided Its
expenditures last year, thus:
Supplies bought outside of Spring
field, including paper and now
machinery 20.4 p. c.
Supplies bought tn Springfield, In
cluding rent, etc 19.1 p. c.
Payroll, entirely In 8prlngfleld 60.5 p. C.
80 Spent at Home
Wolf & Miller
Harness Shop
(Continued from page 1)
j satisfactory use must bo the one
which will take it in any and all
j "Except in somo cases, as in
factories using only one or two
species of wood, or in some mills
(manufacturing only a few spec
ies, as for example, the 'yellow
pine mills of the south, the non
homogeneity of the waste has
operated against its efficient
utilization of the waste mater
ial. "All woods, however, have
point in common, and that is the
fact that they all contain more
or less of tho cellulose which
makes up the fiber of tho wood
along with an incrusting sub
stance called 'llgnin.' Any pro
cess which therefore can mnko
use of this cellulose would
therefore, overcome the object
Ions (regarding size, as larger
pieces could readily be reduced
to smaller form mechanically."
Process of Manufacture.
"The process, brlefely, con
sists of digesting saw dust or
hogged and shredded wood with
a dilute mineral acid at from GO
pounds or moro of steom press
ure. Tills converts part of tho
wood in a mixture of sugars.
Tho latter then arc fermented,
Have Yon Friends
Coming to Oregon
Denver . ,; 32.B0
Kansas City .32,50
Ft. Worth 43.G0
St. Paul f. ....32.50
Milwaukee ...39.09
Knoxvlllo 49.70
Fures from other points in proportion.
Chicago $$40.50
DcsMoincs . . ...... .35.31
Oklahoma City .37.75
St. Louis 38.10
Winnipeg ..32,50
Prepaid orders will bo accepted by Oregon Electric Agents
and all other information cheerfully furnished.
H. R. KNIGHT, Agont,