The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, March 13, 1916, Image 3

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m i&f PH0NE
PUT "mlSWKf 31
: Talos or tho Town ?
BiiHlnena Is good at tho
HnriiUHH tthop.
W. T. Drury of Jtinpor was iti
Springfield on buBlnosa Satur
Welby Stovenn wufi confined
to .lilu homo today .hy rouHon of
U ,
Cora Crenshaw of Donna waH
In Springfield Friday on a shop
ping trip.
HonHt chlckon dinner, 25c,
Tuesday, March 11, in Baptist
church basement.
Mre. J, F. Volguinoro of Mar
cola was In Springfield Frlduy
on a biiHlucBB trip.
MIhr Esther Smith of Amity
was In Springfield Sunday vis
iting with fricudH.
MrB. Anna Ulfl, NuHone
corfietierro, will be at Mrs. U.
Crouuh'B millinery Btoro on
TuoBday, March 11.
Horn On ThurBday, March
0. 101(5, to Mr. and Mrs. 0. 0.
Vobb of WcBt Springfield, a
Frco motion pictures of the
Modern Woodmen of America
sanitarium at Colorado Springs
at tho Hell theatre Thursday,
March 1C.
MIhb Iva Cox of Lundax, who
was operated on at tho Spring
field hospital ten days ago, will
bo ablo to return home within
a few days. Her .father was
down to bco her Saturday.
Tho main part of Mrs. M.
Billings' barn, tho roof of which
wns, crushed In by the late
snow, 1iub been torn down. The
shed part on the cast, which in
cluded the stable, will bo left
' standing..
Tho Junction City "Punkln"
filed articles of incorporation
Saturday, with W. C. Wash
bunio, J. II. Miller, C. E. LogB
don, Ed. L. Ayers, S. L. Jensen,
W. W. Hicks and Chris Ander
son as Incorporators. Capital
stock $2500.
Earl Dillard, electrician at tho
Booth-Kelly mill, suffered se
vcro electrical buniB Friday
when he caught hold witli both
hands on nn object carrying
2300 volts. Small burns wore
made on every finger, and it
wns necessary to have a physi
cian dress tho wounds.
"Eating for Health"
consists In selecting food that will surely rebuild tho
tlssuo cells of brain, nerve and muscle. In this daily
rebuilding certain elements richly stored in tho field
grains are all-Important.
made of whole wheat and malted barley, supplies ln
splendid proportion all tho rich nutriment of the
grains, including their vital mineral salts, phosphate
of potash, etc., lacking in tho usual dlotry of many,
but necessary for building and storing up reserve
Grapp-NulB comes In sealed packages
fresh, crisp and rendy to oat. It hns a de
licious nut-llko flavour, Is easily and quickly
digested and, with cream or good milk,' Is
an ideal ration for health.
"There's a Reason"
Sold by Grocers overywhore.
--Spray In any quantity. J.
C. Holhrook.
! Baptist Chlckon Dinner, on
.Tuesday nyto, 0 tillate.
i Mrs, B. O. Smith of Natron
I underwent an oppcratlon at tho
Springfield hospital Friday.
Tho Pniaco of Sweets sales
room is being made more con
venient by the removal of a par
tition. ' Mark Young nnd crow of line
men went to Coburg Friday to
repair Oregon Power' Co'., lines
in that place.
' Tho Jitney between Spring- j
field and Eugene Is expected tot
resume operations the last of
jthe week, according to manag
ers of the company.
! Flour
j Cupid Best Patent (All Blue
stem, at $1.00 per sack; $0.20
1)1)1. JohuBou'H Best Blend at
i$1.20 per Back; $4.50 per bbl
I Wo savo you money. Feed
j o
: Cox & Cox purple trading
BtampB given with each 10c cash
I purchase and on accounts paid I
in full within 30 days. Look
'over our premiumB. We give,
St.OO wortli of tra'Mnit Btumns .
free tho last Saturday In each;
month. COX & COX.
FISH. You wouldn't like to
be one, would you? But would
n't you feel like one If you found
after won hud bought shoes in
Eugene that you could do bet
ter at Hull, tho Shoe Doctor's?
Sur-r-r-e, Mlko, you would. Al
so good shoe repairing. Main
near Fifth.
Tho cnBe of L. N. Roney vs.
,Tax Collector Parker waB ar
gued in tho circuit court at Eu
gene today, Foster and Ness ap
pearing for plaintiff and Thomp
son & Hardy for til county. The
complaint was amended to show
that plaintiff had tendered his
tax, less tho road tax alleged
to be illegal for Eugene and
Springfield, nnd that this was
refused. Tho fcourt took the
matter under ndvlsemcnt.
Riley SnodgrasB, a brakeman
on train No. 215-G, handling the:
freight of the Mohawk valley,
was painfully injured at Mar-:
i ... i.i i i i .. i
MJUIil. WIIUU 1Mb 1IUUU CUI11U 111 uuii-
tact with the counterweight at
tho water tank. A deep gash
.was cut over his right eye, and
no was icnocicca irom tno car
on which he was riding. Tho
wound was dressqd at Marcola,
and he lias been taking a layoff
since tho accident. A little more
nnd It would Jinvn ) fptol.
For tho best shoes, get,
mem at tno iiunicss biiop. '
m a,
WHllnm Iilller mudo a trip to I
Coburg Thursday to visit wlthl
Mr. and MrB. II. Smecd of i
Wnltorvlllo were In Springfield:
on Saturday.
W. F. GJlfltrap, manager of
tho Morning Register, was in
Sprlngllold on business today.
m x
F. C. Montgomery waB down
from Camp Creole Saturday to;
visit ins parentis, Mr. una MrB,
Al. Montgomery.
II. E. Walker last wek re
ceived papers appointing him a
notary public for the four years j
ending March 1, 1020.
Iliulcr Rhoades of Scatlc and
ir t l i n t. ...... ..lift
ii. r. iiiiuuuuM ui iukuiiu vjbii-
ed Thursday evening with Mr. :
and Mrs. Dale Mummcy.
Good reliable flro Insurance.
No assessments; no membership
fee. Pay once and you are done.
II. E. Walker at tho City Hall.
Mazda Lamps. I am now
tho Manufacturer's agent and
have a supply of the various
sizes in stock. J. C. IIOLBROOK
Tom Gorrie returned to Port
land Sunday evening after he
had spent a few days visiting at
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. I. Gorrie, east of town, i
Try a sack of our Booster ,
Brand Flour, if you like it tell;
your neighbor, but if you don't !
like it tell us and get your money
uacrc, per sacK. uua si
Fred Deirleln has accepted a
position as machinist at the
Springfield garage to take the
place of Milton Bally, who is
now superintendent of the
Fischer-Boutin mill.
The regular monthly meeting
of the Ekklcsian class of the
Methodist church will be held at
the home of Miss Florence Cof
fin, Ninth and B streets, Satur
day evening at 8 o'clock.
Tho city council will meet in
regular monthly session this
evening. Matters tq come up
include the light contract, and
the election of a successor to
Carl FlBcher, who has resigned.
W. F. Walker went to Dexter
Saturday to conduct the funeral
of tle late W. 11. Parker, who
died Friday as the result of in
juries sustained a week ago
when his barn fell under the
weight of snow.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gano op
nnnd their Home restaurant in
their new quarters Saturday. A
large number or persons caueu
during tho afternoon to inspect
the new place, and especially the
electric dish washer.
Clivo and Chester Taylor, Bud
Woods and Clarence Alford re
turned to Coburg Friday, hav
ing finished the driving of pil
ing lor the foundation of the
new timbe-loading crane at the
Hooth-Kellv mill here.
i 1 1 1
1 1 II --y:''"'iiirrrn a jumjin
Without Grease and Without Water
A Delicious Pot Roast From the
Windsor Kettle
(Note Adjustable Ball)
Place the kettle empty over a low flame.
In the heated kettle, sear the roast on all
sides; then turn the fire down to a mere
flicker. When half done turn the meat
over. Thus cheaper cuts of meat may be
made as palatable as more expensive cuts.
The "Wear-Ever" Windsor Kettle may
be used for many purposes every day in
the year. CIip the Coupon get
your Kettle today for only
The four-quart Windsor Kettle
which regularly noils for 1.80 Is
offered for a limited time at the
special price so you can see for
yourself. If you do not already
know, the difference between
"Wenr-nvrr" and other kind a of
aluminum and enameled utensils.
Get the kettle at tho special price,
on or before March 21, 1016, and
you will understand why so many
women prefer "Wear-Ever" to other
cooking wares.
Fill out the coupon
T. J - J 7 .
urmy it, to us wuuy:
Special Service Coupons
given on Aluminum Sales
Social cHptes
The Progressive Twenty-Two
were entertained Friday evening
by Miss Alice Kester at the home
of her sister, Mrs. W. F. Walker.
The usual business or toe order
i was transacted followed by the
election of officers for the ensu
iing year. Those elec'ed were
Mrs. Mable Gay, President; Mrs.
H. A. Korf, Vice. President; Mrs.
L. E. Durrin, Secretary and
Treasurer. Those present were
Mrs. J. P. Fry, Mrs. Lee Clark,
Mrs. II. A. Korf, Mrs. H. E. Wal
ker, Mrs. L. E. Durrin, Mrs. M.
Bally, Mrs Chas Dorrity, Mrs. S.
Richmond, Mrs. Mable Gay, Mrs.
Elzia Stevens, Mrs. J. E. Rich
mond, Mrs. E. J. Collins, Mrs.
T. B. Campbell, Mrs. Wm. Don
aldson, Mrs. Jessie Newman, Mrs
W. F. Walker, Miss Alice Stani
ger, Miss Alice Kester. The next
meeting will be with Mrs. H. A.
Korf on April 14.
I The Priscilla club held a very
enjoyable session last Friday at
the home of Mrs. Walter Hem
don on F street between Sev
enth and Eighth. At the close
of the afternoon tho hostess
served a dainty two-course re
past. Guests of the club were
Mrs. Gilbert Davis, Mrs. Aldred
Beaver, and Mrs.'R. V. Wilhelm.
Club members present were
Mrs. D. S. Beals, Mrs. I. D. Lari
mer, Mrs. Norman Howard, Mrs.
: William Donaldson, Mrs. A. J.
McKinzey, Mrs. M. J. McKlin,
i Mrs. William Rouse, Mrs. James
Withrow, Mrs. W. C. Rebhan
and Mrs. Herndon. The club
, will meet next time, March 31,
at the homo of Mrs. McKlin.
Tho Women of Woodcraft
gave a most unique and delight
ful "school days" part Wednes
day evening at their hall. The
ladles, dressed as they had been
In those by-gono days, brought
their lunches and spent tho eve
ning in school day games. Some
45 on joyed the evening thus.
Tho monthly business meot
ing and social of the Christian
Endeavor socioty of tho Chris
tian church was held Friday
evening at tho A. C. Travis
home. At a late hour, Mrs. Trav
is served refreshments. Thoso
present woro Miss Amy Carson,
Miss Ida Carson, Miss Nellie
Nixon, Miss Ellon Lambert, Miss
Sadie Lambert, Miss Ethlyn
Get This $1.80
Kettle For Only
$1.07 1
(I Wti) "Wear-Ever" Coupon (fjf$)
lFaKM J1.!' 'Pt thl coupon and JI.07 In payment WHtff
1afflKtY f. one Wear-Evtr" four-quart Wlndtor Kettle, whlc IflflWi
JW9l reeularly for 1.80. provldrd you present tho coupon l
fPVi!WK ln P"on t lor on or before March 21, 181C. and write AbKmRA
. On.yhonVrt?l.yir,oDm.oia cuJ.o'Vne'r. f """"
Hardware Co.
.. 1
Powers, Miss France Travis,
Miss Ruby Senseney, Miss Wan
na McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. S.
Sneed, Carol Morrison, Ivan Mc
Kinney, Allen Rothwell, Walter
Mountjoy, Delbert Bucknum,
Mr. Penny, Clarence Hill, and
Mr. Burn of Eugene.
1 Some of the pupils of Mrs.
Flannigan's room of the Lincoln
school gave her a surprise party
at her home Friday evening. A
god jolly Ume wos enjoyed, play
ing games after which refresh
ments were served. Those who
enjoyed the evening were: Phillis
Kester, Gladys Jones, Dorothy
Ditto, Sylvia Strubin, Hazel
Brattain, Ellen Tomseth, Anna
Yeager, Floral Flannigan, Artis
Flannigan, Raymond Coe, Wal
Iter Laxton, Virgal Jones, Earl
IMcCulloch, Theron Newman,
Wendal McKinney, Tommy Brat
tain, Harry Ragan.
A very enojyable afternoon
was spent by the Thursday Five
Hundred club at the home of
Mrs. A. J. McKinzey. Mrs. H.
M. Stewart had the high score.
The guests of the club were Mrs.
B. A. Washburne, Mrs. J. A.
Seavey, Mrs. J .J. Bryan, Mrs. I.
D. Larimer, and Mrs. A. M.
Beaver. The club will meet
with Mrs. McKinzey and Mrs. H.
M. Stewart as joint hostesses at
the home of the latter at the
club's next regular meeting.
The Gleaners met at the home
of Mrs. D. Gore Thursday after
noon, March 9th. The ladies
brought their fancy work, every
body sewed and visited until 4
o'clock when luncheon was
served. The mombefa present
were: Mrs. W. F. Walker, Mrs.
D. W. Roof, Mrs. Stites, Mrs.
Wm. Donaldson, Mrs. Riley
Snodgrass, Mrs. Lyon, Mrs. C.
E. Eggimann, Mrs. D. S. Beals,
Mrs. Willhelm, Mrs, C. Knott,
Mrs. W. Herndon, Mrs. Parsons,
Mrs. Danks, Mrs, D. Gore. -Mrs.
M. W. Weber was the only guest.
The next meeting will be at tho
homo of Mrs. W, F. Walker, on
March 23.
The Mineapolls Journal of re
cent date contains a long article
presenting tjio claims of Astoria
1 as th proper site for a naval base
'on the Pacific.
I Oregon Industrial welfare
! commission wants higher wage
and shorter hours for women
when too many have no wage
at all.
! Newport has let contract for
improving three streets. ;
I Kyanize, our new varnish,
all colors, for Inside, or out side
work. J. C. Holbrook.
Ask for "Fischer's Dairy
Chop." 80 lbs. for $1.00. A
new feed and it gets results.
Springfield Feed and Seed Store.
Card of Thanks
We wish to thank our many
friends for their kind expres
sions of sympathy, and many
deeds of helpfulness at the sad
death of our husband and fath
, Eggs for sale. Will have
some eggs to let out on shares.
,This is your chance to get a
start in Campihes with very
little cash outlay.
4 H. A. KORF,
7th and E St. Springfield, Ore.
Classified Ads
For Sale, Rent, Wanted; Etc.
FOR SALE Good five room
house on D St., second door
east of 6th St. Good bam,
chicken house, fruit trees,
berries and etc. Lot 50 by 120.
Price about $1400. $700 cash,
balance $$15.00 per month at
7 per cent interest. Write W.
J. Barnes, 301G Harper St.,
Berkeley, Cal. 13-15-17-19
FOR SALE The northwest cor
ner of 2nd and Main St., lots
9 and 10, this property is well
situated for a hotel, High
school, City hall, Masonio
Temple or any public edifice.
Easy terms, see M. M. Peery or
write Paul Bettelhelm, Visalla,
cow for sale oratr d e
cow for sale or trade for wood
cutting. Phone 28F2, Spring
fleUL J-13
LOSTSilver Butterfly bolt pin.
Please return to News Office.