The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, March 06, 1916, Image 3

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J Tales of the Town J
, UitHluoait In
IIuriiaBS shop.
good at tho
Kyanlzo, our now vnrnlRh,
all colors, for Insldo, or out sldo
work. J. C. Ilolbrook.
Mr. and Mro. Goorco Walker
j, of nJspur wore in Springfield on
untunmy viBitmg rciiuives.
Finnic 1 1111 of Full Creole wuh' T,l0,aB . f I'ortlaml
in Springfield Thumlay on busl-,"Ltho V'kc ,ll U, ,omc
, V 41. II It llliOf V 41 JVtll
Spray In any quantity.
G. Ilolbrook.
For tho host hIiooii, got
them at tho Harness Shop.
ncBSfi .
Nice & Mlllor opened their' 1 ft ,Aorcml ,h-' . ,l tl,rco"lc
nowBtoro.lii tho thcatro block if01 cdy farco Is being prepared
this' morning. XV'W ?" ,,y ho,no tul6nt on
Springfield rcaldonco prop- 0. D. Scott, president of tho
VI liV 1UI HlllU UI UUUUi IV. iV, i
boxR. 11-12
J. W. Co fill) Hpcnt hint Sunday
at Salom with inn hou, Ralph W.
Coffin; Who IB a Western Union
operator there.
Mayor 13. 10. Morrison left last
Wednesday for Coos Bay points
on busIUcsB. Ho Ib expected
homo within a fow days.
11. L. Harbor of WoudlliiK iBi
registered at tho Sprlngllold ho-l Tho-W. C. T. U. will meet, on
tel. He came down to boo IiIb Friday afternoon at tho home of
wlfo. who Is at the Springfield 'Mrs. Sorenson, on C. between 4
hoHDltal. 'and 5th streets, at 2:30. All are
F. J. Elliott camo down from t
Camp Creek Thursday to rc- John Tomseth, suporlntond
col'vo treatment for a bad case tout W th Wood Lumber com-
John Kofltloy returned last
night from Portland where ho
has been for soma timo on IjiibI
iicub. D. Win. Hatch, who Ih toacfi
Ing Bchool at Lacomb, Ore,
pont Sunday In Springfield with4
his family.
Oct your early garden
seeds, onion sets and fortlllzara
at tho Feed & Seed Store. Ev
erything In bulk and package.
Good reliable fire Insurance.
No aBSOBsment; no membership
fee. Pay onco and you nro done.
II. 12. Walker at tho City Hall.
Earl Heckart, Instructor In
tho Springfield High school, and
MIbb Viva Stroud of Thurston,
were married In Eugene Friday
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Smced
of Wallervllle spent the latter J
part of last week visiting with
Mrs. Smced'B parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Al. Montgomery.
Lltllo Ronald Hatch, eight
year old son of Mr. and Mrs. D.
Win. Hatch of cast Springfield,
who ha been quite sick with
pneumonia Is able to be out.
Try n sack of our Booster
Brand Flour, if you liko it tell
I.Tjvour neighbor, but If you don't
l .111. si l tin n.wl .wnt ...
miu ii icii ua aim vi ,vuiu iiiuuuv
back, $1.30 per sack. COX &
pany's mill nt Weed, California,
arrived Friday evening for a
Mrs. E. E. Praddock of Inde
pendence who Is a guest at tho
First National bank, wont to
Monroe this morning on a busi
ness matter. Ho will go on to
Portland, having been called as
a wllnesB In tho Perrln Insur
ance caBO.
8. Young, A. I). Rudillmann,
J. H. Bower, S. Jacobaon and .1.
Cowart, members of tho Ancient
Free and Accepted Masons liv
ing in Springfield, joined the
Eugono contingent on a special
excursion to Cottage Grove Sat
urday night.
Ivan Yancey, machinist at the J
isooin-Kcuy mm at wenunng,
who has been putting In a crank
shaft in the steam feed in the
mill horc, left for Wendling to
day. Ho has resigned his posi
tion thero after eight years of
steady work, and will move his
family to his ranch In Polk
J. E. Edwards. Dan Gore, C.
W. Walker and Bert Ragan left
this evening for Portland to tes
tify for F. A. Perrln in his suit
to recover Insurance on his
stock of goods destroyed here
a little over a year ago. O. B.
Kesscy, C. L. Scott. A. J. Mc
Klnzey and Hubert Travis were
sunpoenaed bv tne insurance AstorJa niay lje homc port or totxn beinpf "He died forV
t Li T 1 r, , . 'r mneniai siBumer uue 01 11 wij me. mv Lord and Klnr-." Thp
".".. Ut A" 0C10CK lomorrow assets $9,500,000. rich swcftf. mnlndv
brought out the theme with tell
ing effect. It was a gospel ser
mon set to glorious music. Rev.
thorn from congested streets inca at Minncnnolfs. SonfHft
and grant Jitney fraiichiHea un- Portland and elsewhere. It was
der bonds In districts not having addressed by big men, like J. P.
canines. McNorton, 28 years missionary '
Albany Lumber Co., will cut ,n Turkey, Bishop Bashford of
1,045,000 feet in Santlam Na- Shanghai, China , William M. r
tional forest. Gilbert of Boston, and others' .
Ontario Steps taken to form ,ke them. In April, all these ;
Malheur Irrigation district to crouns will meet for a final"?
water 30,000 acres. grand conference in Washing-
Silver Falls Timber Company ton,DC. In the greatest mission-"! ..
is to build a saw 'mill at Silver- ary conference the world hWr
ton at once, cost 500,000. . ever had. They realize .that v'
Yoncalla votes April 17 on christianlzinc tho world ! n:
$20,000 bonds for municipal man's iob.
water works. , 1 In the evening wc were treat1'
,ouu cannery pianneu ior cfi to a fl0i0 by Mrs. Richmond;;"
Coos Bay. . Was It for me the Savior died?1'
" " J Flour
INDUSTRIAL NOTES ' Cupid Best Patent (All Blue-
a mi .TTTT 1 f ,?ie,m' J1M, p !a,: $,G-2? Ferris preached from the text,
A gold mill Is to be erected bbl. Johnson's Best Blend at "Never man snake like this'
four wiles from Redmond at $i.o sack; $4.50 per bbl man. . in an ace of nhilosonhic 1
e save you money. ieeu speculation Jesus spake with
short visit with Is family here, homo of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Knapp Portland Senator holds five
He left again for Weed Sunday
will givo a vocal number on the .lucrative offices
of blood poisoning In IiIb left
Mrs. Roy Front of Santa
Clara, spent Sunday and Mon
day at tho homo of her narcnts.
MK nnd Mrs. O. W. Brabham. In Mrs. Robert Griffin and her
Snrlnirflcld. Mrs. Brabham rc-: daughter of Kansas City. Miss
turned to Snnta C am with her oun, arnveu mis aucrnoon nnuiuoutm Lor. Co.. ana also man- in no finvn
..'. I ... ..I. .1.1.... .. t H.n TIC I .1. , r.1. --I x t ' "
uaugllior. u vinmufi iu in v jiuiuu ui in. ugur ui uiq omiy uiaii uuiuucri
Cllnc Falls.
The St. Helens Shipbuilding
company have under construc
tion at their shipyard two five
masted auxiliary power schoon
ers designed
i authority, not in surmises. He'
i was a master orator, His words
were, I say unto you" and the
What are of-
Dr. J. W. Ford Spoke Of the fnhfrpnt solf-Pvlrlpnt truth nf
recent Layman j; Missionary the statement brought con
conference, which was interde- ;Viction. The learned of that'agd
nominational and managed by ip?i;pfl ih itmnrxnt mmmnn'"
1. A ......w.i .
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Pcndoll of
Vlda wero in Springfield the:
noay mgnt. Hbut to hold them? na d SI. to attend. Peonle every-md .vmo u f hi,a w
n , m i ".i. n. 1 Poi-tland-Thc burned Iniu-n vrhcre ask what can Christianity 1
Carl Fischer of tho FlRRlior- Pnntcnn tr, un ni...tu ,,r!i, ... rr.t.i x .v uuuie, iiit. puweriui, uie ,
.7... " i ." 1 "I. " ? l"- v -'UO ior US.' UUS mweiacm l m est v. tht nliilnRnnTilf. nnrT
j trying to ansv.-er, at home, poli-!iearnedf and also the great mass,
latter part of last week on busi-IGrif-
nesB. Tney stnrid back by prl
vato convcynnco yesterday fore
J. W. ("Chappie") Williams,
- At S o'clock Friday evening
March 10th at the M. E. church
a musical will bo given under.
tralnmnstor in chargo of graver the auspices of tho Ladles Aid
operations for the Willamette- j society. Local talent will bo
Pacific, arrived today from his largely assisted by musicians,
homo In California, and will got from Eugene. Admission 10
things in readiness for tho final, cents. Watch the News of Thurs
operatlons of ballasting the, day tho 9th, for more complete
now line to Coos Bay. 'announcement.
T'rtr'Tln.irl A rrlntlt oliirkli.l U.T
lllfl. J. .J. UlllWIllIIB Ul.U mr. roilinany, Sppill ftUUUay Willi 1113 Inn- nant wlll h" located hero lhrn,--ht nf7 horTtinn x-jfn fntr t. r," , r 11 rrn T , ,. J
Mrs. W. B. McKlnney. Tho'famlly 'hero1: He returned to ofTlcla or wiiffiK
nlngs, McKlnnoys and the' Sheridan this oveninjr. . jci nH th wnrwJ rv rTrX.1. u wa? Vupiime m us
fins were old friends years - I ot !Mnuri, tuucuDauuu ulw, saapucity ana simple in ts sutf-
1111H wcrt. uiu "luiuB icompanlcs announce. last 25 vears has shown trreat itmtti. .,. v,-
m UKianonia anu Kansas. wbtisn i-ulks. u you! Benton County is kicking atWWnnfl m.VriMimm not ,.V, "7 JT.t
want a
IClOk ID fr f I nrr wneo t ttoltlf lllllc An Tint 1 . i . ... .
o-r..i,i Cni.,.!ooiii - .77.7.". " rr. ii"'"'' iV"v"-J""" " revemuon 10 man 01 tne cnar-
shoo or a fine dress shoo or a , Many new cottager, are being i china" with its 400 million human characte "is maiTlou? '
dandy pair of boys school shoes bunt at Qearhart beach. 'people welcomes our schools Tfew words ahd the San Sands' "
nnd don't want to bo robbed in MnrftlifloM tn orf ?.7-fin frvit iA -,,1 t,tfoi0 oh lew woras ana ine man stands
lin tmnonMlnii nnmo in TTnll ' i V , " v.uiiv-faco ami u.. iuuy reveaieU
t ic transacuon, come to iiaii, and vegetable cannon'. these centers are snreadincr the ti,st,i- nt-h.
tho Shoe Doctor; also good re-i
A Leading
.'.stood before tho big battery of milling machines In tho
Grape-Nnts factories at-Battlo Creek, Mich., and after
J Inspecting both tho wheat and Hour said to the miller:
"That's selected wheat, and no 'patent flour' stunt,
cither. Thnt wheat comes out of tho rolls ns honest nnd
unrefined as It wont In. Whore Ud you over make flour
.before that retained tho true mineral content of tho
! And tho wIbo miller replied: "I havo worked In a
cood mnnv mills, and I am no youngster, but let mo
toll you, I never imido whole wheat flour llko that until
I camo with this company."' ' "
Tho truth is. white Horn is wofully lacking in certain
. essential mineral elements which nro thrown out in tho
f milling to make flpur whltoand pretty, and Its uso fre
rquently results in impaired health and activity.
tTho famous pure food,
1 .
is nmdo of honest whole wheat and malted barley; and
supplies In splendid proportion nil tho brain and norvo
making, bono nnd muaclorbulldlng olemonts of tho
field grains, Including their mineral olomonts.
Rich, nut-like flavor, ease of serving, and quick dl
gestiblllty havo made Grape-Nuts a household word
' tho country over.
TneWs a Reasqii for Grape-Nuts
'u.: Sold by urocors every wnoro.
ipomntives find r.nrR roraincr .mcnai i.rn!rinnof 1 i. iu -
nalrinc. ..Main .nearGth nrn -ue W 01 ine , sower,, tna,. .
: 1 '"or"'!) .vrcv. , m fVI uitiuu., umuiu lino na, reapers tne ouiluerc; on rock
n , I r Cazndoro to be connected Christendom tried to hold the and sand, the lost silver the
Cox & Cox purple trading nvith-Garfield by railroad. Turk in check in Armenia but KOod shepherd Where in all -
stamps given with each 10c cash Hood River Farmers Irriga- ,when the war staried the Turks literature can you find anvthinir
purchase and on accounts paid tlon company power site to be!called every Armenian man to so simple, so easily understood
in full within 30 days. Look developed. ithe colors, led them away and so complete S MaSwSle''
oyer our premiums Wo givd; Portland enforcing laws massacred them, then called the Think of the themes he ooke ' '
$1.00 worth of tracing stamps against decPning. iitnev Indus- boys and old men and did like- upon The immortahtv of the
free the last Saturday in each th'. Many iitneur fined for vio- wise, then drove the women and soul; the resurrection of the
month COX&CO lHons. Cltv proposes to toke children without food or shelter body, a subject unknown to phil-'
" " till they laid down and perished, osonhv. vet not entlrplv nnvd '
This is where Russia is now win- for Job and David and Daniel
ning its victories. What will had spoke of it, but eJsus knew,
Christianity do to prevent such nnd snnko wh cH-inv .
barbarism when the war is over? yen, the fathers house' with'
Poverty, atheism, anarchy in many mansions for vnn nnd
The Kensington club met Frl- MIDDLETON RECITAL v the cities? One Boston Insti- Hell, which are painted ih a few
Social cNptes
day afternoon at the home of
Mrs. C. E. Swarts. After tho!
usual amount of fancy work and J
social ennt, a uainty luncneon
PROVES BIG SUCCESS tutionial Church sends out hund- brief words.
reds of sacks to be hung in gars- Take one of the simple sen
rets throughout the state to re- tences of Jessus and emphasize
l1!0.,! Z'S.:?i o and shoes, to JSJSTSJSjySK;
was tno served tne laaieB, Tlie.' ""w i'""" be returned when full. Tne poor ent thought is brom
afternoon gucsta of the club pste( i,,,11?,0 . ' Btnenns, are employed to sort and repair all are true and all
" 1C iand remake and cobble, being Never man snake Jik
kctt M ddletmi Mrs MlddfionlpaS wages then the goods are If you don't agree with his en
lvt-ll iwiuuieion. iurs. lUlUUieion -nu tn t 10m nhpanlnsf vonr rm 00 ooii ytc. ii..
i, ii. ! . t.n.i -"i' j1--" nnico vuu oaiu uus, seieci uie
m, uiwu-ouyiauu that part of Uie work a d compare his sayings "
S?Ji?Sf hS h!l tendencies! profit of Sf.3,000.00 :with those of Christ. Tae Plato V
n. .1 J ii i . . t I Seventy-five groups of men or Confucius or any of the irreat
?,? J4 no-christian teachers ancf set
L lezSot iFao eS gnow'-ffi IOf!?..1? ?.e P? 181 the teachings.
were: Mrs. W. L. Duniap, Mrs.
IJ. B. Edwards, Mrs. M. J. Mc
Klln, Mrs. McGowan. Members
; present were": Mrs. H. W. Whit
inoy, Mrs. L. May, Mrs. J. W.
I Coflln, Mrs. Walter Herndon,
Mrs. J. C. Ilolbrook, Mrs. II. A.
Ti7iif Mra f H Ifncnnu ATra C
R Swarts, Miss Edna Swarts. ;UK3B ooit i ootea anow, wmcn clties Thls oup commenced of eJsus on the same subiect
Tho next meeting which Svill bep;ua capeciany appropriate ior at Duluth. and have hnd moot- he oonvinped.
on Mnrcn iy.aviii be at tne nomo,"'" . Vs' i t , t ; , i SJ: - - s .
of Mrs. A. Middleton. J ur ui iouH-eiBiiier b iuyi
' 4 jjuuvur, iio uuiuus on uiu onee,
ilrs. AWrod Boayor ontortain- !S ?BO. yet Mrs. Mld-
"Soft Footed Snow," with its
haunting melody, peculiar liar
her homo
,Fivo Hundred was enjoyed dur
Ing tho evening after which a
dainty two courso luncheon was
served. Miss Edna Swarts re
ceived tho high honors for the
evening. Those present were:
Mrs. C. E. Swarts, Mrs. M. M.
Peery, Mrs. J. J. Bryan. Airs. I.
D. Larimer, Mrs. W. C. Rebhan,
Mrs. C. E. Wheaton, Mrs. Vin
cent (Eugono) , Mrs. Edesso Cox,
Mrs. Milton Bally, Mrs Carl Fis
, chor, MrB. Walter Horndon, Mrs.
iR. P. Mortonson, Mrs. John Win-
zcirlQd, Mrs, A. P. McKlnzey,
Miss Edna Swarts.
mony, ana inmost weiru use or i
a continued pianissimo. Other
numbers especially liked were
the "Invocation to Eros" by
Kuersteiner, and the aria "In
tlio Darksome Forest" by Masse.
J ij j
.Mrs. L. L. Westfall entertained
tho members of the Mt. Vernon !
Thimble club nt her pleasant
homo Thursday March 2nd. Tho
day was spent in needle work
and social chat. An excellent
dinner was served by the host-
Tho Prunovlllo Sunshine Club ess. Those present wero: Mrs.
mot last Thursday at tho home C. I. Gorrle, Mrs. J. R. McPher
of Mrs. Fred Cllnc. There wero Bon, Mrs. P. Sylvester, Mrs. Hes
22 of tho members present. Tho tor Armitnge, Mrs. Leona With-
noxt meeting will bo held two ors, Miss Vina Sylvester, Mrs. J.
weoka honco at tho homo ofiR. Stevens, Mrs, Alox Stevens,
Mrs. Noal
Harold Chaso ontortain-
Mrs. Carl Carpenter, Mrs. Harry
Withers, Mrs, L. L. Westfall,
Mrs. . Frank Withers, Mrs. Leo
ed with a surprise party for her Davis, Mrs. Alvah Armltage,
husband Tuesday- 'evening.' A Mjss Dorothy Withers, aud MUr
number of tho Baptist young dred Carpenter, Master Francis
people nitondo. The hostess Davis, Randall Withers,' Harry
served a delicious two-courso Withers, Jr., and "Robert Arm
luncheon.' itage.
rieTuxedo Hour
by Walt Mason
Tuxedo's b.ully all the time; iFmj&eths y&ungy?
hours sublime, and by its soft and gracious curves" it
soothes the soul and rests the nerves, and fills my
bosom, once again, with peace on earth, good will
to men. But best I like it when Tve fed this face of
mine with jam and bread. When I have dined on Irish
stew and beans and boiled potatoes, too, and pie
and eggs and cheese and tripe, 'tis then I best enjoy
my pipe. When from the table I withdraw. I grip
my briar with my jaw, and fill it with Tuxedo mild
thepure Tuxedo undented and smoke away in
perfect bliss; no pleasure can compare with this.
And in the curling smoke I see a world that seemetH
good to me. A world that's debonair and 'gay, its .
woes and worries done away. The plans that seemed
foredoomed to fail, the work tat seemed of no avail,
now wear the rosy glow of hope, and I endorse all
sunshine dope. 'Tis thus in my Tuxedo hour; the
world that seemed so dark and dour, is blooming like '
b rose of spring, and I'm uVmood to laugh and sing.'