The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, February 28, 1916, Image 4

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isinckle Insisted on reading to tnetu tne
new bill of snip lie had drawn tip.
"An now," wild Jonas triumphantly,
patting his leather money pouch In his
pocket to make sure that It was still
eafe, "you may go ahead an' dig all
the holes you want to."
"Thanks," returned Walllngford,
with equal trltfmph. "I don't caro to
dig n hole now. By the way. Mr. Squib
ble. are you going over past the post
office?" "I might." replied Jonas cautiously.
"Then klndlj- mall this letter for uv,
will your and Walllngford handed
him n stamped, addressed and scaled
envelope. "Now. sonny," he said to
"Toad " "get me n carpenter, a load of
Rtraw. and Ml the men In town who
hive . crowbars, pickaxes and spades
and who are willing to work for $2 a
Tcsslr," said "Toad." and Immedi
ately became a cloud of dust.
Jonas turned away with Walllng
ford's letter, and of course ho read the
Ascription. It was addressed to the .
International Lithograph Stone com- J
nanr. Jonas, la deep thought, which
was rapidly becoming painful, slowly
walked halfway across to the store,
which was also the postotllcc. then
turned and came back.
"Looklt here," he charged In a sud
den panic. Ton dug that hole on a pur
pose to mako mo think you was a-buy-
lng that property Jes' because you was I
."How dare you suspect mel" said
Walllngford, smiling.
"You come here a-purpose to buy my
stone flcldr' Jonas further charged,
with a sinking feeling In the pit of his
"I'll make no admissions" stated
Walllngford. stiffening.
"What do you want o my field, any
how?" Jonas demanded, now sure that
he had been swindled.
"That's my affair, sir," announced
Walllngford crisply. "Moreover, 1 can't
waste time talking about It. I've got a
great deal of work to do In Squlbble
ville. and very little time In which to
do It I'll take that letter If you
iplcase." and. receiving It from Jonas'
nerveless fingers, ha walked across to
the' pOstoClec and mailed his request
'for a catalogue.
"Jimmy." said Blackle, watching the
retreating lcg3 of Toad with vast ad
miration. "If yon don't make that kid
foreman of the works nt regular fore
man's pay I'll never draw up another
wIcgal document for you."
Before noon Sijuibblevllle was the
' busiest town on the map. The black
smith, the cooper and even the pro
prietor of the "Auditorium hotel, to say
nothing of pale eyed and pale haired
aud red faced Ben Ji-ssup and all the
other idlers in the village, quit their j
respective "euations In a hurry, even j
to the ant-iant and honorable ,nc or
loafing, to secure that unprecedented
$2 a day. liven Hen H:iut appeared 1
with hi i rowbar and pick and spade. '
but It transpired lhat Jrnas SquiMilc
was merely subletting hlui and making
5C a week profit from Ids labor, a fact
.which completed the dire work of mak- I
Jng a thorough anarchist of Hen. He j
would have spent most of his time In !
expounding his reactionary views to J
his fellow workmen had It not been for j
the activity of the foreman. "Toad" I
Jessup was on the Job from the first !
stroke of the pick In the morning until ,
the echo of the last clank r the crow
bar had died away nt night, and he
wru continuously at the side of every
Individual man of the near n score em
ployed, giving his slow moving and
listless paw the same attention as any
other careless workman who needed
Walllngford. Inspecting the new part
which had come that day to replace
the broken one of his machine, felt the
touch of a friendly hand npou his
shoulder nnd looked up to find Blai-kl.e
pointing gloomily up the road.
"Shall we run. bluff or fight?"' nsked
Mr. Daw.
Walllngford. following the direction
of the jliitlng Mnd, saw Jonas riding
down the road In his buckhoard. and
with him was n gaunt man who wore
n darl; blue suit and n dark blue soft
hat with a cord and tastel.
.. Walllngford arose with a must cheer
ful smile. "None of the three Blackle,"
he returned placidly, "This Isn't n
pinch; it's a compromise, only It's ubout
two ilavs later that I exnected. Ilere's
where I win that Jade fob pendant" I
Tinning from Blackle. ho assumed
an attltude of great dignity as Jonas
and the county sheriff, without a word,
thrust a folded paper into Walling
ford's hands.
"Now I've served It according the
law In such cases made an' provided
fur," declared the gaunt ono in a bass
.voice so surprisingly deep that It seem
ed to make the ground tremble. "That
there's an Injunction restralnln' you
from dlggln any more of this hero
bluestpno or removln any more of It
'from this here Held until tho case of
'Snulbblo against Walllngford. now
ponding In tho Squawuius county court,
is sottled, dismissed nnd tho costs paid,
an' this here other paper's a notice o'
the aforosald suit" Here ho thrust
upon AValllngford another document
and, his oillclnl mission concluded, ho
mopped his brow with a Uamlng yel
low handkerchief which gave an extra
Jaundice to his already squashllko com
plexion, and became his own agreeablo
self agaln by adding, "Vino growln
w.f.n'jor we're fcnvV. sV "1"
"if grows splendidly." admitted Wal
tlnsford. "What's this suit about, any
"About a doggono swindle!" inter-
Jected Jona. unable longer to remain
silent under his wrongs, "nought my
lithograph stone mine under falso pre- j
"I never cold It was lithograph stone.
( md I'm not saying so now," declared
, Walllngford, for whom the law had no
nets of line enough mesh.
"No. you was too slick," returned
Jonas. "That's Jes" the point. You
bought that land as jes' plain land, nt
n rcg'lar land price. I got n lawyer
over In Squawuius tells me ho k'n
make n case o general swludlln' out o'
that, especially before n good, honest
farmer jury, me bcln n rcg'lar citizen
hero an' you a blamed stranger, an a
slick lookln one nt that So now you
sec where jcon'rc nt."
"I may lone the suit." admitted Wal
llnsfonl. with n wlufc nt Blackle, "hut
I will not be bullyragged. If he had
come at me with an offer of a compro
mise I might hnve considered It; but
now I shall light t don't believe the
farmers f Squawmus county love Jo
nns Squlbble so well thnt they'd give
him nn unrnlr advantage, even of a
decently dressed stranger."
Jonas winced at that painful truth.
Tho gaunt stranger surveyed the lnv
prcsslvo looking Walllngford with ad
miration and gauged correctly his
heaven born ability to make friends
vliero he chose, and the truth burst
from htm.
"You bet they don't," he agreed
They all got it In for Jone because
he's so slick himself." Jonas winced
"Well. I'm wllltn to hear what Mr.
Walllngford has to offer." ventured
Jonas, after waiting a slightly more
than reasonable time for Walllngford
to speak Orst
"Oh. coufound It" snapped Walllng
ford. as one driven against his will. "I
suppose I'll be compelled In the end to
let Jlr. bquiuuio m on at least a por-
' ,t... tUla AntnM,leA n,,ll I mtf-llf Ft Q
uuu ui iuu, cuivii'do, e, -
well do It now and have a little peace.
Mr. Squlbble. I'll resell you a half In
terest mind you. only n half Interest
In this Held for" (he hesitated Just
a moment; this was the crucial polat
how much would Jonas Squlbhlo
stand?) "for $7,000."
"I'll go you." returned Squlbble, so
quickly that Wnlllngrord could scarce
ly repress nn exclamation of triumph
for Blackle's humiliation. "You're a
witness to this. Lcm Potter." went on
Jonas. "It's n bargain that he sells mo
Lack, a half Interest In this four aero
field and all that's In It, or under It, or
on top of It mind you, exeeptlu', o
course. Mr. Walllngford's automobile
wagon, for $7,000. Now don't you go
away from here. Mr. Walllngford, an
I'll go right straight an' get you tho
cash money. Come on, Lcm."
"I knew I was putting up nn awful
strong game, but I didn't believe I was
enough cf an artist to make this old
penny squeezer fail so hard." exulted
Wallhigrord to Blackle. "Now watch
me work him to buy the other half."
What more might have been said was
covered up In the hubbub which nt that
moment arose In the "mine." nnd walk
ing out i hat way they discovered
Toad Jiwstip directing un emergency
Donated by
Household Outfitters
We give a 25-vote Coupon free with each
$1.00 Cash Purchase. Ask for Coupon.
Donated by
Clothing, Gents Furnishings, Shoes
We give a 25-vote Coupon free witli each
$1.00 Cash Purchase. Ask for Coupon.
We give a 25-vote Coupon free with each
$1.00 Cash Purchase. Ask for Coupon.
movement wait great vigor and itecw-
lcrlng as they came up. . "Never mind
i damages. We kin afford To pay for
a new fence nither than have that soft
..11 ...... nn.l .t.i.ii ....
itiilll tin uv"n unit wir tiiviii i
tones. It's n-goana rnln Inside o' ten i
minutes, 1 toll you. 1 been n-dshln' i
enough to know what that kind of a
black cloud means."
The sheriff's voice, booming ; -easily
both over and under a roll of thunder, i
nt that moment called across the Held
to Wnlllugford. Jonas Squlbhlo was
back with tho money.
"Go get It quick!" urged BlnCklo. "1
never believe money until t have It In
my Jeans and the padlock clamped
on It"
Ills fears. If ho really had any, were
allayed as soon as they Joined Jonas
at tho car, for Mr. Squlbhlo thrust tho
money Into WnlllngfonVs hnnda as
soon as he was near enough.
"Count It!" ordered Jonas In a voice
positively squeaky with excitement
Blackle Insisted on Roading Hit BUI of
Sale to the Girls.
"You'll find It all there. Some of It's
a little tore, an' some of It's a little
musty an' moldy, tnebbc. but it's good
money. I got some more of It right
here too. I got another seven thou
sand Just like It that I'll glvo you.
solid spot cash, right this minute, for
the other hair o' that field!"
Walllngford felt his heart thump up
In his throat aud was conscious of
Blackle patting him encouragfngly
upon the back, but there wa, some
thing about the nervous eagerness of
Jonas, who was exceptionally lacking
In self control for so shrewd an old
bargainer, which made Walllngford
pause and stiffen,
"Make It eight thousand nnd I'll go ,0()S(,r nl)(, ,f ,, ,,,. ,-, muling In reports received Uy 1 110 COmmiS
you." he offered. "That's my last
ritw r fmir r- of xvatcr I'm t:iiig Paclfif is now short H22 cars.
in News-Springfield Merchants
VALUE $10.00
VALUE $5.00
Wb, bonnffFieici, Ure.
V..,l "Tnln It nr I.nnvn tl."
To his limiionxp Ktirle .lumm lm-
MJW, 1,1 ' 1
' n n don't need any mol e
I 11111 MH.H'U H TV AMJH
. . . .... i.Ki ..Hi. I. ..k
,n n"fw' ,,Hm'1 nllk hat
"Vi, , ., , .,.,.
A" " l'o PrtMlmlnar Ics wero nr-
r"R(:!1 mul rn.rt 'LY.11
' .
ed with Blackle to be taken along ns a
"We don't need n foreman. Toait,
for a foreman coslrt loo much money,"
said Blackle. "but wo do need a mali
nger ntnuout $1 n week, board, clothes
nnd smoking tobacco, so Just go got
your Sunday clolhcs and, be ready to
pull right out with us."
"Don't fool the boy thnt wny.
Blnckle." romonslrnted Wnlllugford.
"Ills father never would let him go."
"lie wouldn't, ehl" retorted "Toad."
nnd. opening the door of tho car, ho
shrilled out Into the rain. "Here. you.
Paw, como here!"
This time tlx? tone wns peremptory.
Tho elder Jessup hesitated a moment
nnd then camo plodding stolidly ncros
the rnln,
"Whndghe want?" ho Inquired, with
his head protruding forwnnl and ut
terly obllvtous of the thin streams of
water which wero running down tho
back of his neck.
"I'm n-goln' nwny with Mr. Walling
ford nnd Blnckle. I got a Job bcln
mnn-iror fop Vnv Mrhbe We'll null our
freight toulght yet"
..... . ..
"Well." said the elder Jessup reflec
tively. "It had ortcr bo a good Job. nnd
I reckon you'll do well at It. 1 gucs If
your maw was alive she'd bo plumb
tickled you got It She'd Ikj mighty
sorry to see you go. though, and t am
too. By Jinks, we ain't washed out
your shirt yet!"
"I'll take It the wny It Is." decided
"Toad" promptly. "Come on: we'll go
right over to the house hd git my
"Well, we got him." declared Blackle,
almost embarrassed by the suddeuuesi
with which "Toad" had aitaclied him
self permanently to them. "lie's ours,
nud now I suppose we'll have to tako
care of him."
"lie's more likely to take cure of us."
laughed Walllngford. "I'm glad you
signed him on. This town's been good
to me. And. by the way. Blarkle. whllo
I think or It. I'll bother you for that
Jade rob pendant"
Blackle silently unfastened his iet
bit of Jewelry from his fob and imssed
It over. "You win." he confessed, "ami
you win runnlug easy, ahead by seven
lengths of daylight But. Jimmy. If 1
had It to do over again I'd still bet uty
life against a cents' worth or tripe that
nobody could skin Jonas Squlbble out
or $5. let alone $1".IKKI. Let's see; de
ducting the $l'-'.000 we get back for tho
pretty Warden orphans, we have $11,000
left Tor the expense ruud. Pretty good
for a long shot"
"You'll go broke picking loug shots
gome day." commented Wnlllugford
dryly, chnuglng his coat for u mackin
tosh and hunting out his "slicker" hat
I III I Hill c mill Utrliiuu ill' nun m
I he rains slackening up,
Donated by
Hardware, Stoves and Ranges
yiQ give a 25-vote Coupon free with each
$1.00 Cash Purchase. Ask for Coupon.
VALUE $5.00
Donated by
Staple and Fancy Groceries
We give a 2-vote Coupon free with
$1.00 Cash Purchase. Ask for Coupon.
Donated by
! J 'l i i v' '
We givO a 25-vote Coupon free witli each
$1.00 Cash Purchase. Ask for Coupon.
to screw" this uuaeluiienfni jiWV Vintf
we'll llll;o 'IB1'1 011 111,11 K,ul lou'11
thoy tell us about, white t lino's a real
liotcl." 1
Tfiey, smoked n eoiiteinplatlvo cigar
while they walled Tor the rnln to tile
down. I lef oio It had quite ceased
Jonas Squlbble wns out on the Held
again, mid with him, licNldcx his
friend, the sheriff, wns n tall mini In
mini hoots and yellow eravenutto.
"This Is Mr. Wnlllugford. Mr. Oleic
craon," Introduced .tonus, rubbing his
hands together and grinning n grin of
pure delight "Mr., Dlclterson. Mr.
Daw. Mr. Dlclicrson Is from the In
ternational Lit hogrnph Stone company,
tie was here Inst spring lookln' nt my
stone, nn' ns soon ns I seen the nil
dress on that letter you gl' me to mull
I wrote to Mm, nn' Mr Dlckerson
come right on. I had him hid In tho
hotel ever since Inst night"
"1 couldn't see why Mr, Squlbble
wouldn't let me come out." laughed
Mr. Dlckerson, who wore queer llttln
tufts of curly red benrd. "but now I
understand It. I wnnt to compliment
you on the enro you've tnken In min
ing nnd packing tho rock. Mr. Walllng
ford. Of course this Isn't high grndo
lithograph stone, but It's the best I
could find In the three months' trip
which I hnve Just ended, mid It's a
Vory good sort for n vnrlety of com
moner work. I should Judge the de
posit to bo worth In tho neighborhood
of $.10,000."
"Let mo ihnke yon by the hand
ngnln. Mr. Dlckerson." snld Blnckle
with gurgling elltllUslllSIU. "ljt IIIO
I -I...,.. t... Iu,t. I,n,i,1.a
shako yon by loth hands. You're a
plensnnt stronger nnd n welcome
stranger! You must come lu nnd hnve
a pipe nnd a glnss of grog with me.
while my friend. Jimmy, sits on the
wet step nnd mourns, .1 Itnfus. I'll
trouble von for my Jnde fob pendant
ngaln nnd ulo for my senrnb scurf pin."
Walllngford slowly unfastened tluno
article- of adornment nnd passed them
over to Btaekle with n sigh "ThntV
wlpit 1 get for being s piker." he snld.
Another advtnturo nrxt week.l
Soo this story plcturizod rtf tho
Boll Thoatro Monday ana i tios-
day night..
Salem, Ore, Kch. 25. Ad
vices have been received by tho
public service commission that
tho Intercstato commerce com
mission Is negotiating with the
Great Northern. Northern Pa
cific and Milwaukee railroads
with a view to having what is
known as the No'rthcrn gate
ways opened in order to relieve
the car sliortago situation in
Oregon. It these gateways can i
be opened, cars can bo diverted
to Oregon from Washington tui
tll such times as cars can be ob
tained irom the cast by tho
Southern Pacific and the Ore-
con-Washington Railroad &
Navleatlon company. Tho latost
- - ,
4th I'ltIZE, KODAK
Donated by
We give a 12 '.-vote Coupon free with each
50c Cash Purchase. Ask for Coupon.
Donated by
Harness, Shoes and Repairing
We glvo a 25-votG Coupon freo with each
$1.00 Cash Purchase. Ask for Coiipon. j
Call for and Save your
Tickets Beginning, Jo
day It May Help Some
Lady Win a Prize.
Oliver MoroHco announces
u Karowoll Tour or tho
Supromo Comedy
1 with
ao "P E G"
and a
Porfoct Morosco Cast
PKIIUUAIIY 2Dlh, at 10 A. M.
PRICES: $1.60, 91-00, 76c, COo
(Continued from I'ngo 1.)
te8t. She will glvo 2G-voto
coupons with each $1 purehauo
as do tho other merchants.
Classified Ads
For Sale, Rent, Wanted; Eto.
FOR SALE A ladles' Jose
phine blcyclo In good condi
tion. Inquire at News of
fice. h'Olt SALE An apportunlty you
cannot afford to miss whether
you need a homo or are a man
of means that would like to
make a few hundred dollars on
a small Investment. Here it
is A house, lot and barn,
close to tho business center of
Springfield for ?ir0. Just
about one half its real value.
Tltloi perfect. Address J. 0.
Richmond, Newport. Oregon.
hatching. nerntzen-Tomscth
strain. AddroBS Emery Rich
ardson, Springfield, or at tho
nower plant.
VALUE 912.00
VALUE $5.00