The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, February 21, 1916, Image 3

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    Your Weight
m? our Health..--rt.t
iAVc lmvo JiiHt Received a
physician's Hcale. Como
In and ubo It whenever
you wish to.
Wo glvo 12 1-2 voto ticket
with each COc purchase.
AbU for your Moketa.
Dny and Night Phone 31
Get your early garden
floods at tho Food Storo, .
t i M j I , , $
Clot a box of MIllor'B Shoo
grcHBo, the beat what JsVmrttld'
,uai:noBB Shopc;
JutncH CouunliiB of Camp
Crook waB In Springfield on
htiBluoBB Thursday. f , -.a
" ,
Mrs. 10, F. Dean, who has boon
quite 111 for Bovcral months, Is
able to bo up and about.
Kyanlzo, our new varnish,
all colors, for Inside, or out side
work. J. C. llolbrook.
A handsome noWfSlgn adorns
tlio'Bldo of tho delivery wagon
of, Knox's Sanitary Grocery.
Call at Mrs. D, 13. Darling's
on IS between 4th and 5th street,
for tho Barclcy corsets. Made W
measure. , .
E. A, Yachcy, of Coburg
spent Saturday and Sunday In
Springfield visiting friends.
a a a
Tlcv. II. C. Ethcll weht'to
r.4-j-Il!i.vrtir lmvn' fi ni!r-VT-WtrtfIdhna and Wcndllnc.vrintflVdav.
nfrcT&Kom b0longlri1n'6rBeaWnU preached at the latter f
Thursday, Feb. 24, 7!30 P. M.,
regular monthly Covenant meet
lng.Reiuet Is made that every
merilbcrlbc present. Dur neigh
bors and frlendS are Welcome.
I (What did you
flcrndon llardwaro p. kindly .place last evening
iuLiun mum in uuuv. . - i - f (morning . r
. , 'jl JJr. iiiid MrB-iafggiiQ. KoBtor Did you hea&that sermon
Sam Smith, Ldn6' oft. tho plo-went to Portland Saturday ton a'from tho Bantlst nulnli?
ncer rcBiucuiH ,oi Ajouurg, unci ,uunmoir irip. me, uoewr re
one of tho wcalthlost'mon there, j turned Sunday evening, but Mrs.
Is reported critically 111.
"... v"
Jack Oorrlc" unstained
Do you like the ring of It?
Rev. Ferris said In part, To
Christ la God, for evpry such
orto Is exercising reiUnce to
wards God ,and faitll in Jesus
Ohrfst: -
i Repentance paldtho nreacher
Is, a mighty goNw safe rbad
to travel but a poor place to
take up one's, residence. , Wo
heed the Heroics the Dyna
mics of the Gospel If cVer.wc
expect to magnify, Christ
whether It be by life or liy, death.
personal wnnBuanivy liivuiyun
.KcBte'r will remain a week or JC developed next to the worlds -two things Acceptance r and
ful Injuries to his foot Saturday
afternoon when a wood saw jfeljj
j more visiting with her daughter inlBUtidcrHtandlnL' mlHrewcfleni.Impartatlon, Believe and .re- .
oaln-lyirfl. Thurlow. tfltlon. and relecttrm of Chrint-! celve ye the Lord Jesus, 'Gpjye t
': . . ianitv. Is tbe fact that God'B own Into all the world-r-go home to
is, fticKlbben, wo Is to uc hUtWnn nnmnrniinmi ' oh uttn thy friends and tell them, how
on ll..CUlUUtr a numucr 01 uEly,.1S;"""",,ut", y tiiri nranflnni t.v nnfl mnnrtanon Brum uiiiikh uiu uuru
irashen. ' isawmlll, recently purchased by mr itfttlnRirinm. ntnVia wm-iii for thee." .
; . W1" 4 "0""" of ,cT"F1?,chc-riwIdc difference between Conver- Many gave the
mt.. A' i -n.... Boutlu Lbr. Co.. is loadinc a Li... t,.,.. ful rf-pflntinn nm
hath done
;lar Mechanics contains a picture nrv?,f,A"8qcS V,
nr 1.n'lnfr lint.l In Mm Hnnth. mOVlllg tO SllCridan.
Fixd. Carter went to Portland i0f the lott haul up in tho Booth
Kelly mill nercf and lisus. it as i
6no of an unusual type. I
: Tales of the Town J
Spray In any quantity.
C. llolbrook.
Hansom Miller has purchased
a Ford automobile.
a. a
C. Wendell of Vlda was In
Sprlnglleld Saturday.
a a a
G. Sanderson of Camp Creek
this morning and will accept a
position in a sawmill there.
You can get a genuine
Frenoh Calf work shoo at the
Harness Shop, near 4 th on Mnin
J. Jt. and W. Howell of
Brownsville registered at the
Springfield hotel Friday night.
a a a
Milton Klntzley and his sis
ter Mrs. Bert Doane, were down
from Jasper Saturday and Sun
day. a a '
C. A. Hoag, oiler at Booth-j
Kelly who bad an operation a
week ago is reported as doing
a a a
Mrs. EdcsHo Cox returned on
Wednesday from Sclo, Linn
county, where Bhe had been vis
iting at the home of relatives.
a o ,
Fred Brcsslcr returned the
Inst of the week from Salem,
where he will take charge of a
farm owned by his father and
Oregon Power Co. workmen
cut the pavement at Sixth and
Main streets tills morning, to
Bq Kolly, I think you ought
message joy
1 commeuda-
A nflrRfin tnav 1 nnnvArtp.fl UatlOn. JJK1 you .
many times and go straight tot hi the evening, the reading,
lioii nni oiov thnm rtitf hom i "Billv Sunday In action." bv Dr..
T - mi v -a itwiii uiiu v aa a v. - La v v v w , ww
and father-in-law of E. F. i,rtpk p.jni Heipa cateH that followed, "Why God Hafes
Herbst, of the Springfield nlnan,t ot, nhu,i r rin,i Tho Sin." were moat attentatively
to Tiavo tlioso shoes renaired. creamery will arrive tomorrow regenerated are high born, listened to by a .filled house; .
Loolt at them. Tlicn brlnu if0,V,1 ycrHn' wasningion, near Born from above and hid with Press Committee.
incm over to nan,
r. ' i "BclinKhani. and will become as
creamery here. ,
was tt the Springfield hotel on ' make some renairs to the mains
Friday. there.
a a a a a a
! ' 11
Mrs. Ernest Italston of Doug
las Gardens, was admitted to
the Springfield liOBpitnl Satur-
'day for treatment for an nbecss.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Swarts of She will be able to go home in
Mr. 'and Mrs. Bert Rclmen
Bchnlder were down from Wend
ling Snturday.
Doctor, Fifth and Main.
a a a
uoou rename nre insurance. Kcv w N FcrrJg attended
No assessments; no membership the services Sunday afternoon
fee. Pay once and you are done, celebrating the opening of the
H. E. Walker at the City Hall. , Salvation Army work In Eu-
. gone. Lieut. Col. T. W. Scott,
hte principal speaker at the
Cupid Best Patent Flour meeting is a personal friend of
$1.GG per sack or $0.40 bbl. iho Rev. Mr. Ferris.
Johnson's Best Blend $1.25 peri a n ,
sack or $4.7C bbl. WJiy pay) Gravel operations out of
more? Buy it nt the Feed Stort. Springfield for the Willamette-
Carl Sensensey is suffering
from a badly sprained ankle.
4 a
Memberso ft he G. T. club
enjoyed a hike a few miles east
of town Sunday.
Mrs. Bertha Baughn was able
to be taken from the hospital
today to the home of Mrs. Rice.
a a a
B. D. Smith, of Corvallis, is
Tennis and baseball arr fast
becoming the favorite pastfcacV.u
a a a
The Goshen Athletic club bas
ketball team defeated - the
Springfield first team here Sat
urday evening by the score of 29
to 14. At the end of the first
nn Zih n,1 n atrnnta rnnontlv half the SCOre StOOd 14 tO 10 ill
Pacific railroad are expected to ,.-n,i w mo,, mi iGoshen's favor.
Miss Myrl Arnold, a student of be resumed about March 15, ac-! ' . J " Springfield's second team
the Springfield High school was cording to advices received by Mm Pnri Rnkor of Pti"nr evened matters up by winning
Injured somewhat this morning railroad men here. Trains toVno has been ,n the Springfield J the Goshen seconds
itilinti n linnnl In llin flnril. nt tlin Pnnu nr-n nnl nvnoKtarl in ..... .'. ft 11 n I OPnro W9S IK tn in
"in." uuuim v..w ww w -iw vwwtj t.T uiv iiuv v-.. w v-w hAcnttn Trii enma t ma writs . "vw. w -.v.
assembly room broke through bo in operation much before the j taken to her home today.
Willi nci .. ruuun m ouiy.
Social $Kpies
Mrs. I. Cast'eel who underwent
Mrs. French of Wendling, was a ?nera"" the local .s-
brought down this morning to P ?a hoI Ume ls e
Gf!i,i hiui n,iic able to be taken to her home in
Natron were in Sprlnglleld on
bitslncBB Thursday.
a a a
Mr. and Mrs. Lonzo Mosier,
who have been visiting nt the bank of Junction City, was in
home of their daughter, Mrs. L. j Springfield last week visiting at
May, returned to their home at. the home of his parents, Mr,
orouon Ultv Thurslav. . 'nnu Mrs. B. A. Washburno.
a short time.
a a a
- Claud Washburno, assistant
cashier of the First National
the Springfield hospital and is in
a very critical condition.
I m v m
I T X "IT t
, lure. i3a.ior luung nas re-
The Kensington club held ajnier, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Whea-1 covered somewhat from the ef
most enjoyable session Friday i ton, and Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bell feet of her recent, operation,
afternoon at tho home of Mrs. ; (Eueene.) Guests of the club and is now doing -as well as!"
L. May at Ninth and C streets. 'were Miss Marjorie Machen and 'could be expected.
Sewing was the diversion of Mr. John Ketels. .
tho afternoon, artcr which the' The ladies of the G. A. R.
hostess served refreshments. As, A score or more of friends of ! will have a- chicken dinner and
guests of the club there attend-1 Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McKibben everything else good to eat, on
ed Mrs. 0. II. Jarrett, Mrs. W. L. ' gathered at their home Satur- Tuesday, February 22, at the
Dunlap. Mrs. J. C. Parker. Mrs. .day evening to bid them fare- i hall. Come everybody. Dinner
W. C. Cofcr, Miss Laura Tryoniwell before their departure to 25c.
(Crescent City, Calif.), and the Sheridan where they will reside. 1 a a a
members present were: Mrs. J. Those present were: Mr. and: Clyde B. Atchmson, chairman
W. Coffin. Mrs. O. B. Kessey, Mrs. J. Earler, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. of the Oregon Public
Mrs. II. A. Korf, Mrs. W. A. Collins, d Mrs. N. Griffin, , commission, with Manager A.
Horndon, Mrs. F. E. Lenhart. M and Mrs. J. E. Staniger, Mr. Normairor Eugene, paid an un
a few days. ' $
a a a
Earl and Floyd Thompson
who have been at the home of
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. E.
Thompson, since Christmas ex
pect' to leave tonight for Mont
rose, Colorado. Arthur Roberts
expects to accompany them.
' a a a
The Mohawk Lumber com
pany's lumber yard on High
street, between Fifth arid Sixth
avenues east, in Eugene, lias
Service oeen purchased by Carl E. Fis-
cner oi uie riscner umDer
company, at Springfield, and the
- !Mrs. W. F. Walker, Mrs. N. W. and Mrs. L. E. Durrin, Mr. and official visit to the power plant yard will hereafter be conducted
Emery and Mrs. May. The next Mrs. E. J. Reynolds, Mr. and here this forenoon. Mr. Atchi- ,Dy J- H- Mcr,na!,d' nas
mnntlnir nf 0I11K will liolfl MfQ l-lnrrx' Ttrilliintfn TVfl. null Rnil dpUvpmil fin flflflrCC tllfo Oeen COIineCieU WJUl lUe faTKS
IHV-Willih V tl(V Willi HI4I MV. 4a a 1 J UlllVtkbi A la UIIM -wa w w- v. u Maa Maua, www waaw . .
, . ' - v . . . ' , . j a smiirc I .iimhor rnninn n r nir .
at the home or Mrs. u. iu. swarts Mrs. Sam uicnmonu, Mr. anu morning oeiore me scnooi 01
Mrs. Geo. Barnard, Mrs. Gladys commerce. w" "as resigneu juhlpumuuiiau,
Smith, Mrs. D. Crouch, Miss1 .take the new one. The" change
Grace' Collins,. Miss Laura Grif-' J. E. Lindstrum who HVes .t0 Pjce last week.
fin. . V. PrnnniPr Plnnc? Vnl- thirteen miles west nf TSiisrono ' . im&uiici win icsum.c uira-
on March 3.
Byron II. Smith was the re
cfnient of a very pleasant sur
prise party Monday evening up- her, Cal Bums.
on the eve of his departure for
netroit to enter school. Mem
In Building
A Highway
you would build for efficient service now and for gen
erations' to come.
The "Road to Wellvllle" is built that way. And tho
password to that road Is "right living," in which food
and drink play such a big part
More and more people are waiting up to tho need
of banishing from the dietary heayy, indigestible foods,
and food deficient hi the vitalizing mineral salts. Food
scientists now hold that tho lack of these elements Ib
one of tho chief causes of a long list of ills, Including
anemia, constipation, nervous prosetratlon, klndey
trouble, and so on. 1
Long ago a food, now famous was devised to
make up for this lack, arid 'it does it admirably.'
That food Is
Mado of whole wheat and barley, it contains all tho
nutrition of tho grain, including tlioso vital elements
phosphate of potash, etc. which are Indispensable for
perfect balance of body, brain and nerves, and for ward
ing off disease. ' . . r ' ;
This food comes ready to cat, Is economical, and
dolIcI6if. : Digests' quickly-1 generally in about bud hoflr
Wind-is fu)l o.f hoalp-mtkiy gbjlhWa. j
1 A 'ration of'Grapc-uts' along with other food has
started thousands on the 'Road to Wollville;" f
.traded his ranch to C. W. Keller! , ations at ll5,s mil1, ht ,sPrinSfield
T3.,,,n,n mn at once and the lumber for re-
Mrs. F. A. DePue was hostess of improved alfalfa land near stocking the local yards will be
i r wm.i.i... !..,. nP M O r crtTtrJn nlnli loal thni nlano. Tho frncirlovninii SlltppeU irOm tUe piailt tUete.-
the Methodist church gathered 'iueiday afternoon. Following was $24,000. Mr. Keller expects tJSflf!r
t the Smith home, ami spent an afternoon of needlework, to move his family to Lane J?""?"5 neAVfliS
the evening A-ith music and the dostess served a delicious county In the spring. The deal ness in Eugene immediately, say
sanies. The Ktiests wore- Mr. two-course luncheon. The club was made through the Bean & the dealers, and wr. ioscner m
Mrs. J. F. Goddnrd, Mr" and m-embera present were .Mrs. .J. Allen Realty company. . o b wepared to magrajl
?rrs. II. p. Parsons, Miss Chloie E. towart, Mrs. L. M. Beobe, 1 - demands m that lme. Register.
Wooley, Miss Grace Walker. Mrs. J. J. Bryan. Mrs. W. L. ' Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Moore,1 , .
Miss Jcessie Walker, Miss Thcda MJcCullocli, Mrs. A. J. Perkins, Miss Margaret Morris and Chas. . W,LL UB,S.irTn.)e
Perkins, Miss Edna Swarts. Miss Mia. Welby Stevens, Mrs. J. A. L. Scott, members of the Me- WASHINGTON S DAY-
Francos' Bartlett, Miss Nora 01- Seavev, Mrs. B. a. Washburnc , tliodist biiilding committee, i The following program has
son, Miss Florence Coffin, Miss Mrs. H. B. Woods (Eugene), .returned Saturday from a trip j been prepared for Tuesday, Feb.
Olive Smith. Bruce Lansbery.M jto Portland and Forest Grove 1 22. at the Lincoln school:
Randall Scott. Paul Scott, Or- Mrs. R. H. Miller, known to 'to inspect church building plans Song, America School
son Vaughn. Lynn Grandy, Joy her many friends as Grandma . and materials. The general out-(Recitation, "Our County" .
(Walker, Herbert Hansen. Vance Miller, gave a very enjoyable .lines of the church to be erected i Ethel Mulligan
iCagley, Leland Parsons. Ed. 01- dinner Friday evening to a num.-j here have been determined, and Duet . .Two Girls
's6n. Oswald Olson and Byron her of her friends. Music, sing- work is to be pushed as fast as Reading, Selected
Smith. ,inS and games followed the possible. Rev. Mr. Moore re-1 Thelma Crouch
; dinner. j turned to Lebanon today for t Song, "Columbia" School
i A pleasant evening was spent (another view of the church at! Address, Lincoln's,
informajly at cards at, the A J. Mrs. J. E. Richmond was the that place. j Clifford Fandrerii
Perkins homo Wednesday, Five charming hostess of the Needle-! a a a j Reading, "Our Flag". ,. .
Hundred prevailing. The guests craft Thursday afternoon, when I Councilman M. Fenwick and! ...Helen Stevenson
of Mr. and Mrs. Perkins were: she was assisted In serving by, Mrs. Fenwick returned Sunday Song School
Mr. nnd Mrs. L. M. Beebe, Mr. her two' little daughter. Mrs. -evening from San Diego, Call- Recessional' Ada Renne
and TVlrs. C. E. Whcaton, Mr. R. P. Mortensen and Dr. Keoney fornla, where they have .been, for. Trio '.-...Girls
nnd Mrs. J. A. Seavoy, Mr. and Ferris were guests of 'the 'club, i the past six weeks for Mr. Fen- Song, "Friendly Hand". . .Boys
Mrs. Welby Stevens, Mr. and Tho members present were: wick's health. They came by Pong Boys
Mrs. J. J. Bryan. Mrs. m. u. liauy, Mrs. it. u steamer as far as Han bran-( speech, Kuties or Citizens
Kirk. Mrs. Aldred Beaver, Mrs. 'cisco, because the floods last; .Sidney Warner
The High school fripmls of H. E. Walker, Mrs. Mae Stev- month damaged the railroad to! In addition to the prograni
Miss Helen McKibben formed a enson and Mrs. George Catch-1 such an extent that trains will above each room and depart
merry party that gathered at jnot be hi operation until the ment has prepared an exhibit
the McKlhbeh homo Friday: ! first of the month. The dam-of the year's work. Every par-
evening to bid their classmate Last Friday eventne at tho ago done by the flood in some ent, old and young, should not
good by before her departure to home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Mont- of the valleys was complete, fail to visit the school on this
Sheridan, Ore.
day. aS it will be the last of the
kind this year. Come. Bring
your neighbors. Stay as lorig
as you like.
gomery was the scone of a sur- Mr. Fenwick states.
prise party in honor of the birth-; a a a
Tlio bliweekly session of tho day anniversaries of J. P. Fry The Frances E. Willard mem
Whist club was most pleasantly and Al Montgomery. The guests orial exercises held at the Bap
ontortained Thursday evening of the evening were the mem- tist church Thursday evening
at thn home of Mr. and Mrs. J. hers of the Progressive Five under the auspices of the Spring
C. Mullen, at .Seventh and B Hundred club. Cards were en-.field W. C. T. U. attracted one makes 230,000
streets. There were six tables, joyed until a late hour when a of the largest crowds that has chase near here.
and honors of the evening fell two course luncheon was serv-.been seen in tills city for some Large industry locating at
to Mr. J. A. Seavay. M!rs. ed. The head prize of the even-! time. The church was filled, Grants Pass brings new resl-
Seavoy was awarded consola- .mg was won oy uuoort Davis even the standing room being dens and buslnet;s.
tlon. Club members present a'nd the consolation .by Win.' occupied, and at least 50 people! Ashland $15,0.00
were Mr. and Mrs. Mullen. Mr. Donaldson. The guests or the. were turned away.
. i m 1 r I . lit -a
aim Mrs; u. A. wasnuurno, Air. evening were: mr, anu ivun, wm. aevqrtu auuresaes ;wpG- ojfiiv- eu .uqre.t . v.
and Mrs. J, A. Seavoy, Mr. and Donaldson, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert ered by 'prominent speakers", fol-1 Harrlman Union Pacific aye- .
Mrs. Welby Stevens, Mr. and Davis, Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dyrrin, lowed by exercises ,py the child- temlma 200 men putting qn fin- ,
Mrs. L. Mk Beebo. Mr. abd Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Catching, M,r. ren. Dr. Keeney-erris jgave a jshlng touched ori branch Into
.I. is x 'urKinK iir. "JMI JVlff, uiiu o. 1uw4o, mi, iui kicauuig vy.uuu tvm vcj y fjitvua .Ljnariuy .uujay ;
jw, sacnen, wr.
nry'kni Mr" and 1
Stanfield Swift Packing Co.
acre land pur-
water bottling plant to be erect-
.ana Mis. J. J. airs, a Montgomery, taps. z.eun ing. Aiier-uiexHpuiaeH.iue xa-i yvHiona-wouniy rqau master,
tfra. A -Middle- Cantrell. Mrs. BrA.tWEsbbunie. 'dies of the Bantlet cUrch Served will build 2W-.toHea i .'Nchalcm
jap -