The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, February 21, 1916, Image 1

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    Or. XIWWW boo.
Continuing th Sprlntfltld Nws and Lint County ttar, Which Were Consolidated February 10, 1914.
VOL. XV, NO: 7.
Portland, Feb. 18.Tho Tele
gram last night says: Until tho
Ihhuch involved in tho Riilt of tho
fodornl govornmont to soparato
tho ownership of tho Southern
Pacific's stock of tho Cont,ral
Pacific Hallway comjmny from
it commotion or tho Natron cut
on: to Klamath Falls will not bo
undertaken. This statement la
mado by officials of the com
pany. ICarly In Doeombor tho
government's case wub submlt
tcd on argument at Kan Francis
co for decision by tho circuit
court of appeals. A decision 1b
expected momentarily.
Tho government's contention
al Contra! Pacific, extending
irom ann irancisco eastward to
Ogdon and with a lino running
from Tohama northerly to tho
Oregon lino, Is a valunblo nnd
necessary physical connection,
tho separation of which would
uo Injurious to tho Southern Pa
cific system, and that likewise to
separate tho Central Pacific
lines from tho allied lines would
loavo tho latter without needed
connections with other roads.
Tho building of the Natron-,
Klamath Falls cut-off, as far as
completed and projected, has
been carried through as un un
dertaking of tho Contral Pacific.
It would avoid tho excessive
grades ovomho Siskiyou moun
Illnton, Okla.. Feb. 12. 1916.
Editor Lane County News,
Springfield, OrocoH.
I thought I would vrito a few
linen to the Lnne County News,
and to my friends in Oregon to
let you know I have not forcot-
inimi nmi iinui.i,... i.i,,,ri.,rr n, ten you since comlnc to Okla-
Klamath Falls region In dlroct !on.m' . W family and I left
communication with Portland,
would open a new and produc
tive country to outside markets
Springfield. October 5. 1915. and
arrived at Ilinton. Oklahoma.
Oct. 9th, after a very pleasant
iii fim nuiiiinn nr iimun wm ! but somewhat tiresome Journey
are familiar with tho situation, ;.f. "ve days. Wo found our folks
If tho government finally buc-j'1" w,cH ?nd the w,ud blowing
cceds in dlsmemborlng the !vory, 1!anI- 1 cot my ears full of
Southern Pncllle and the Ccn-flund tho, first thing, but, I soon
tho stock of tho hit- v, , "8CU, 10 . "jat. I stayed in
tral Pacific
Is that ownership and control of iter will have to be sold and in Chiton about 5 days then went
tno central J'nci ic's lines by tho that event tho Union Pacific sys- 10 u.,e
fi. , t-W LI1L. LIIU1IL1 V III milJf'll I'lll fl llll'
company, torn, or more probably some 1" nrotiicrs-in-law, Carson and
which, over certain stretches, lother road now having its west-1 Marshall Dixon. They each have
liaB'a competing line, Is in viola- 0rn terminus in Wvomlnir tho :n'i section of school land leased.
25th and
the sale.
garded as cortaln that an anneal iw r, ijini Pnniflo nn1 iiw ,v i cd of 3,000 bushels of late corn
will bo taken to tho United tending westward to Ogdon gathered from 70 acres of land,
Stntes supremo court, causlnn wnnlri linvo rainrptlrm ,IHi tint I
500 bushels of early corn. 500
at least a delay of two years be- orglnal lino reachlnc San Fran-! bushels of oats, 550 -bushels of
fore legal obstacles will be over- clsco from the Eaat. In that
tlon of tho Sherman anti-trust Chicago & Northwestern or the but It will sell February i
act of congress. Which ever Uurllngton or Rock Island, ter-"loy bitend to buy It at I
way tho decision goes, It is re- minuting In Colorado, would buy j c?re C"JP th,s yar
uarded as certain flint an iiiiiwmiI i.n rv.., rtn ...i i... .... cd of .5.000 hiiRhnln nf 1r
event the gap between San
vieat and GOO btslielg of Kaffir
com, after cuttiK'4 5 acres of
kaffir corn for fodder, making a
total of 4,050 bushels. This is a
poor country for hay and they
feed fodder Instead of hay. Mar
shall Dixon raised about as
much crop as Carson, but he has
35 acres of pasture on his place
When construction of tho cut- Francisco and Tehama, now a
off was shopped threo or four Southern Pacific line through
years ago tho now lino or rail- lease of tho Oregon & California
way, reacldng out along the Railroad company, and tho Nat
mlddlo fork of tho Wlllamotto ron-Klamuth Falls cut-off, would
river from Eugeno and Natron, likely bo mado a through route.
was built a dlstanr.n of 42 inllnft From Eiienim nr Nntrnn tn Pnr)-
froin tho l.ltlnr nlann in Onlr- lnnil wnnld Invnlvn fmin)ri infirm While CarsOU Only has 20 acres.
ridge. Prior to tho completion of a new lino unless the Oregon Tn,8lart of Oklahoma is pretty
01 tno section to uakridge tho Electric could be negotiated
cut-off was built from Wced,,wlth for a- connectl&p. . In any
Cal., to Klamath Fajls, a dls- event, It Is regarded as certain
tanco or 80 miles, and before that ultimately the cut-orf will
work was stopped tho lino was bo completed as originally h
oxtonded 41 miles farthor north tended,
to Kirk. Tho gap betweon Kirk I ' :
SE 50 P. C.
In spite of snows that cut off
log shipments for the greater
pnrt of tho month of January,
19JC, the carload arrivals at the
Sprlngfl.cld station were al-
Jrtost up to those of January.
1P15. and the outiroinir carload
shipments were larger this year
uian last, .in detail:
Carloads received
Tn Tnnnnftr "I 01 ! 1 f trc "I (i f!
T " MMUUmj, XUfcO, 1UU
Steel, 1; oil, 7; lumber, 2; mill
wu, i; miscellaneous, 2; total,
170. In January, 1915, logs, 190;
lumber 7; oil, 5; hay, 1; wheat,
l j feed, 3; miscellaneous, 2;
total, 209, a decrease of 30.
Carloads out
4n January, 1910, lumber, 84;
hops, 1; livestock, 1; total 80.
Mn January, 1915, lumber, 55:
potatoes, 2; hay, 1; total 58. In
crease 20 cars, or nearly 50 pre-cent.
The non-fluency business at
the Springfield station showed a'
gain in shipments of 410,000 lbs.
in 'January of this year over the
same month last year.
gon falls to obtain Its lust nor.
tlon of cars, complaints will bo
forwarded to tho Interstate com
mission. Complaints have recently
been mado to the commission by
a number of lumber mills that
they are unable to obtain
enough cars, and the commis
sion wired a complaint to the
president of the Southern Pa
cific, but has received no reply.
Today a telegram was re
ceived from tho interstate com
merce commission that the Mid
dle Western states were suffer
ing from a car shortage because
of the congestion of cars on the
Atlantic seaports and at Gulf
terminals, and it asked to be ad
vised if Oregon was also suffer
ing from a lack of cars.
Big Government Orders
Feature of Market.
Chicago, Feb. 20. The Bel
gian government is in the mar
ket for 9,000,000 feet of lumber
according to reports received in
Chicago. Of this amount $3.- machine ami nthpr nri
000,000 feet will be la large, ed will be the privilege of other
hewn timbers. Orders are to be I contestants in the contest and
placed on the market through, work is required to win that's
The candidates and others
Interested In the News and Mer
chants' voting contest will soon
have the opportunity of seeing
the piano which Is to be given
to the one having the largest
number of votes. The company
of whom we are to secure the
Instrument writes us that it will
be shipped at once. When It ar
rives the fact will be made
known. The piano wilt be on
exhibition in the front window
of the Ketejs drug store.
To own a magnificant $400
upright piano will be the privil
ege of sonfe one in this section
through the News qdntest. To
secure the handsome sewine
the Belgian Counsel or New Or
Rumors of large orders from
European governments form ;
one of the most interesting fea
all. You will be surprised at the
end of the contest to realize how
easy it was to win and you will
be pleased that you were nominated.
turn- nt Mm l.iml.n. - I
order Is said to Invoice 41.000.- LJ?.t!w? 0fff tb-is!?toi):
000 feet, while another still open lino X u i T vn ,7 vn 3
to competition in Canada and frien.ds' yurs'Vo'es
the Northwest e.ill for 77 nna . coming uuouis omce Dy tne
Springfield members of the onn fPft fnr th r.n0tr,. At wousana ana tne contest is just
order of Ancient and Accepted I portable houses lturee w? old lt 1S certamly
and Oakrldgo Is from 115 to 120 NICE AND MILLER WILL
miles, depending on which of i OPEN GROCERY STORE
several preliminary surveys is
adonted. McHsrs. Nino Sr. Mlllnr. fnroior-
When tho Natron-Klamath ly In the grocery business in hnve had some winter, but the
Falls cut-off Is completed tho SprlncHold. have leased the bic,uau weather only lasts 3 or 4
Free Masons and of the Order
of the Eastern Star, will hold a
banquet at Stevens hall tomor
row evening. The entertain
ment committee, of which B. A.! With the better weather condi-
vuouuuijiu is, uuuiriuuii. Jias t ons contlniiincr the errtAotn.
good when they have rain oriPTepareu a program which will tions of lumbermen with regard
iIiihI.. . A . . . . , : . llMnrln tnll.x 1... HIT f 1 I 1 ! . ... -
1'iuiiiy .fiL uuw vo-Jtuup UlOISlure :Vv,"llUir,v"k"k' Kt- Jjn;aim:
in the "ground. From Ilinton (and Rev. W. N. Ferris, a read
west about 20 miles and about iiug by Dr. Keeney Ferris., song
8 milrfi wide, the country is fine, by Mrs. A. Mlddleton, duet by
It being the divide between the j Mr. and Mrs". S. Young. Cards
Canadian nnd Washita Rivers, 'and dancing will follow the ban
This fall and winter has been ex- 'quet.
ceptionally nice so far. Just had !
two rains from October until 'GANO'S RESTAURANT TO
January lOtlf. Since then we! MOVE ACROSS STREET
This is the first Sveek since
the one ended December 10 that
the volume of orders has been
in excess of the production
to greatly.,,
approacnes iumument.
accomplishing the purpose for
which It was started it Is fast
increasing our list of subscribers'
land will place the News on more
substantial basis.
Probably nothing is talked,
about more in this community
at present than the great prize , ,
voli ny-cotf ter lnxtrgtifa'ted byT
the great prize voting contest
inaugurated by the News and
votes are in demand.
When you trade at these
Railroad Company Anticipates !stores sure to ,ffsfk fo,r cou:
Increased Traffic Over LWs: i?0"8 ;..3e J"Ue Pieie of
Ordars Mad Rnfnr Tnta hcaru uoaru "earing voies may
San Francisco, Feb. 19. (P.
N. S.) The Southern Pacific
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Gano an
distance by rail from Portland room In the Seavey building days at a time, then the sun will nounced this morning they will , company today placed orders
.... v ..w... t..1(J1 uuuui i,uuu,uuu wurui ui
'Rnnklii hnilillnir tn tlio 'nnr .o untu if- TDm i
"-o jiuiv v-tt o iui uuiit i i j x o.l;iiii; uiiu
to San Francisco will bo short- next to the Bell theatre, and on
ened approximately 100 miles, or about March first will open
compared with tho distance of with a new stock of groceries.
771 miles over the existing , They are experienced grocery
route. men.
Opposition of tho Southern :
Pacific to dismemberment of the Clay manufacturers held state
Central Pacific from Its system, convention at Albany. Feb. 9.
as now and for sovoral years i Burns -Swift Packing Co.,
controlled and operated, is gas- Bald to have bought 130,000
ed on a showing that the origin- acres land here.
come out warm and brieht. niov
Since I have been here I have ; Fry-Rankin
Whether tho present lighting tonight. Tho Oregon Power
husked 900 bushels of corn and Smitson building across the
helped to thrash kaffir corn, street. The building will be re
stack fodder, and hauled hogs, modeled nnd redecorated, and
wheat and corn to market. I got wil1 'give a larger dining room
4 cents per bushel for husking than now used. Mr. Gano will
corn and also my board, com- install a sanitary dishwashing
mon labor is $1.50 per day. SO machine, which will give him the
you see I haven't had to patch best equipped restaurant in the
my trousers very much on ac- 'valley. The restaurant will be
count of being idle. Hinton is , closed until the change Is made,
a town of about two thousand
inhabitants, but on Saturdays
the teams are so thick on the
streets a's they are In Eugene on
circus day.
This is a great country for
public sales. Some of the sales
and will reopen about March 10.
A deal was completed last
week wherebv Georee A. Dor-
I witnessed there was three or ris, proprietor of the Brook
four hundred people In atten- Farm dairy 'purchases the
of tho streets bo continued at company has submitted threo 'dance, and tho Ladles Aid usu- Springfield - Dairy from II. E.
a saving of $588 a year, or tentative propositions, which. alb' serves the duiner at the Villard. The transfer was made
whether the present 32-candle- are subject to change. sales for 25 cents per plate. We. Thursday,
power lamps shnll be displaced ; Tho present Installation totals navo nad a very enjoyable time
by UO-candlopower lamps, or 9384 candlopower, nnd gives ion our visit tins far but on the
whother oven larger lamps shnll cood service over the irreator 14th of February we will bid
bo used on one or two of tho part of tho town. There are a i Oklahoma adieu and start for
nearer-! u residence shreets, or few points yet which should i tno north' where wo expect to
Whether tho numbor of lights have lamps. Just how many stop a few weeks In south east
shall bo increased or decreased lamps Bhould bo Installed nnd orn Minnesota, then go to Mln-
aro questions to como before a what should bo"thelr capacity neapolls, for a few weoks, and
meeting of cltizons and tho city will bo. subjects for tho citizens' I then back to God's country
council at tho city hall n't 7:30 Conference tonight.
11 COO-Cnndlo powor ore lamps ? 5.50 per lamp por month, cost f C0.50
18 100-candlo powor lucamloacont Inmpa fi $1.83 por lamp por mo 32.1)4
CD CQcandla powor Incandoscont lamps $1.50 por In nip por mo 103.50
Addodxandlo powor, 3,150.
Old ruto '.,..:,.., I218.25
Now rntd '..ft....?. 100.04
Total ( $106.94
Diri'orcnco ? 21.31 por month, J255.72 por year,
11 GOO'Cundla powor arc lamps fl ?5.50 por lamp por nionUi, cost,. .? C0:50
87 UQ-cuidjp powor Inciindoacont lamjm (IP $1.60 par Tamp por mo.... 130.50
- ''.'' , . , f . . :i. ,.
rl'- ' Total,. $101.00
wuioiiucaimio .puwur, J,a,
Old rn
.1' itt
;..J...$ 27.25 :,por monjh', $327.
00, por year.
11: OOOiCnii'htt powarro lamps & $5,50 por lamp por moritli., cost $ 00.50
87 32'Cum'llo powor Incahdqqont lamps $1.25 p r luiup ;por nio 108.75
..Matm-"--1 ' 'TolaC ..w, 1 0 S.2lf
Added eandlo powor, none.
Old rato $218.25
Now rato 100.25
? 40.00 por month, $583.00 por yoar.
whoro we can get a- drink of
good water and a good breath
of the "Old Pacific Octean
Brooze." We expect to be home
the 1st and 20th of
Demand Daily Report from
Railway Lines,
Atlantic systems. The order
follows similar orders placed
earlier in the week, which
amounted to approximately $2,
500,000. The cars are to be
built in anticipation of increased
traffic over all of the Southern I
Pacific lines.
The orders include 501 auto
mobile freight cars, 18 steel
coaches, 21 steel combination
postoffice and baggage cars and
1Q steel baggage cars.
rwin some friend of yours the
beautiful Obermeyer & Sons
Hayden & Metcalf.
M. C. Bressler & Son'.
Ketels Drug Store.
C. E. Sales Toggery.
I. D. Larimer. ,
Wolf & Miller.
Swarts & Washburne.
The city and country are be
ing worked for them and the
merchants who are giving prizes
are continually being asked for
Many people jare willing to
help their friends in this contest
and are only waiting to be ask
ed. The first candidate to ask,
of course, will be the one to get
the assitance of friends. . Those
who desire to enlarge their
count should make their wants
known by getting out among'
their friends.
The prizes offered are surely
Special' to tho Lane County News
Camp Creek, Ore.. Feb. 20.
Misses Callie and Bessie Ste
phens called on Mrs. G. F. Hart-
Mrs. S. B. Libby is visiting:""1'-" Tu,Tl
i,rrt -iiet eucu cuiuesianc snow iae
u('"" i i j.i i ji t
Mr. and Mrs. L. T. Pennie J1"?1"-
were visitors herfi this week. I ""'i lo ttyuiinB mey
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur were in undertake; that they are out to
Springfield on business Satur-! . . .
Public Service Commission will day. , Vie ,, p ,,f? , ,3
Marion and Ray Chase are
pulling stumps for Mr. Myers. , an"ier1 PaSe of ls ssue , ,
Roy Grashian was a visitor , The first count in the contest
hero this week. .ls,t?Me mlq, MT?h f,f ,ati
Myron Craig was a Eugene 'J12
visitor Saturday. ' (Continued on Puko 41
Snlem. Ore., Feb. 17. With a
view to preventing an acute car
shortage in the state, the public
servlco commission announced
today that It, would ask all rail
road companies to forward re
ports dally on the number of
cars received and tho number
apportioned to Orecon. If Ore-
our wall, paper It's the
very finest procurable.
Whon you buy your wall
papers bore you don't havo
to take what wo glvo you
our assortment is so ex
tcnslvo that you are bound
to be pleased. If you havq
Ideals with respect to ele
gant and elaborate wall
paper we reaHfce tliopi for
spring stock has just ar
Springfield, Ore. . 1916
I hereby nominate or suggest the name of
Address '. , .'
a lady worthy to become a candidate in your "Popular Vot
ing Contest.' I presenilis name with the distinct "agreg-
ment that Uiq management shall not divulge my name. This
does not obligate mo in anyway whatever.
Signed .;
LBsaver-H jrndonflardwareComnanv W
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