The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, February 10, 1916, Image 3

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" .
'(Etorno,M ycfl, oft tlmcfl
I am culled cvorlastlng. I
como to you from tho ro
mantic hllliildoH of southern
Franco; from tho roHo ladou
lloldH or Bulgaria and from
tho : historic old valo of
Cashmere. I draw for you
from Japan's fairest blos
soms In that verdant land
of tho orchid,
From tho HweetcHt pro
ducts of thoso, I am com
bined to bring to you not
only tho fragranco and
splco of Mirth's sweetest
bloom, but 1 tniHt a little of
tho HtuiBhluo and happiness
they enjoy.
Lastingly yourd,
Phone 31
I Tales of the Town
Savo 1-3 by buying Rcxall
School Tablets at Pcory's.
Bot-n On Thursday, Febru
ary 10, 191G, to Mr. and Mrs.
E. D. Conlcy, a daughter.
You, can get a genuine
'French Calf work shoe at tho
Harness Shop, near 4th on Main
C. A. Hoag, an oiler at the
! Booth-Kelly mill, went to tho
Eugene hospital today for an
Tho Oregon Power Com
pany's olllco will remain open
evenings of February 10th and
12t2h until 8:30 p. m.
About 20 members of tho
Women of Woodcraft of Spring-1
Day and Night
field circle will go to Eugene i their horse and walk tho rest of
tonight to attend tho meeting j tho way into Coburg.
of tho Eugene lodge. C. C. Van
Orsdal, grand guardian, is to bo. Wolf & Miller received their
present. There Is to bo a din-'consignment of tin cans the first
ncr at 7 o'clock, followed by a
lodge session.
Rev. and Mrs. J. T. Moore,
Miss Margaret Morris nnd C. L.
Scott, members of tho Methodist (
church building commlttco, went
to Lebanon Wednesday to ex-i
amine the Methodist church at 1
thnt place. Thoy found in it
many features which are likely
J. lm nilnnlnil la
to bo adopted in planning tho
now church for Springfield.
Tho members of tho school
board and the cltlzons named to
co-opera to with tho board In
working out a plan for addi
tional school facilities for this
placo, met Monday evening
with J. E. Tourtcllotte, a Port
land architect, and on Tuesday
evening with Ormond Bean, a
Eugene architect These meet
ings wero hold for the purpose
of getting export advice as to
tho different typo of Btructuro,
and tho approximate coBt of
each:-" '.' wr
Grocery Buying
the time and thought and attention
that it used to.
Nowadays, at this modern store,
we take care of the 'Jworry part" of
your grocery, buying we 'stand be
tween you and impure foods and un
desirable goods, and the cost is no
more than for inferior goods.
Get the fiafait of Trading
Colgato soap at
Qlon Ditto mado a trip to Co
burg Sunday to view tho ruins
of tho tiro.
IJort Hoho and family from
(1 awfordsvIHo, arc in Spring
field looking for a location.
Oct a box of Miller's Shoo
grease, tho best what is, at the
Harness Shop.
" Ilonry Iloyer, tho Marcola
liveryman, was In Springfield on
business Wednesday.
Mrs. Anna II. Uhl, NuBono
Corsotioro, will bo at Mrs. 13.
Crouch's millinery storo Febru
ary 11th. . 3-4
Cnsh Mead is Springfield .to
day from hlB Waltcrvlllo ranch,
visiting hlB daughter, Mrs. Wm.
Good rellabio firo Insurance.
No assessments; no membership
fee. Pay onco and you arc done.
II. E. Walker at tho City Hall.
. D. S. Jordan loft Wednesday
morning for lJIckloton, Wash
ington upon receipt of. word of
tho death of his mother.
Hall, tho Bhoo doctor, has
put in a lino of men's working
shoes and boys' school shoes,
and would like a share of tho
Will Dlshop. Claud Vall'cr, C.
A. Hoag and Byron Smith were
Initiated Into the first degree of
Odd Fellowship at the meeting
of the lodgo lost evening.
Parcel Post social will bo
given Saturday aftcruon in the
Koppner building on Main street
Vnlcnllnes, homc-mado candy,
and lunch. Everybody welcome.
J. Bruce Evans, tho well
known evangelist, was married
February 9, at Bluffton, lndluna,
to Miss Helen Cash. They left
at once for Oregon, where Mr.
b '
nnin Miminv ,wi iiv .Tn.,if ins
ivvuiio uiu wiiuuwu i 1 1 tui iivt-
went to Coburg Tuesday on bus
iness. They had to ford tho
river seven times between here
and the McKenzic bridge, and
then at tho bridge, had to tie
of tho week, and have now put
on the market tho shoo and har
ness dressing which they are
manufacturing. Tho dressing
is used to soften and make wa
terproof all kinds of leather
Tho Wendllng mill of the
Booth-Kelly Co., which was
compelled to shut down a month
ago, will resume operations on
n a111 wnnatat 4Ij-h- r
(Monday, tho snow havnlg gone
'out of tho hills sufficiently to nl-
.low of logging operations. The
l.i-.i. ....... ......,i..i cn
foot trestle on tho lagging road 1
nnd caused sovral slides.
The drum operating the i car-
;i v. hV ' iT, , V
uuuiu-ivt j j jr tiiii. unu i hud
day afternoon and tho main mill
had to close down. A new drum
is coining from Everett, Wash.,
and tho mill will resumo opera
tions tomorrow noon or Satur-
day. The planing department
cpntinued in operation,- -
Colgate's Talcums lDc at
Hear tho now Edison Disc
Phonographs at Pcory's.
Oliver Johnson went to Crcs
woll Tuesday to look after his
property interests there.
Mayor E. E. Morrison went
to Salem Tuesday on business,
returning last evening.
-Mr. anu Mrs. Jesso Scavcv re-
turned Tuesday evening from
a business trip to Portland. pons on an pending uregon &
., (California land-grant bills.
--NOTICE: Ploaso bring your1;fH las been tentatively agreed
book or half hook of Fidelity .-that no more than 300,000 acres
Stamps by Feb. 15. COX & COX
'.Phil Johnson has Invented a
Candy kitchen.
HVnali Hnlnion. hnlilitiL Role
and smelt. Kippered salmon at
tho Fifth strcctFish market,, II..
S. Tllton, proprietor.
A dozen or 'more Springfield
tt.n n.nnlr I., .11 n) Thllmlnn
the mask ball at Thurston, on
Friday even
inir of this week
Tn nn elilnlr iron nrllt
uo you tiunK you wni ever
amount to much? You will if '
fr" ,. ?,,X T.'" wi'" ' I
' this is done the Commissioner
If vou have a nair of wirc thinks the state will profit rather
11 you nave O. pair Ol WirtU, . . hollovno Innila
stretcners ueiongmg to ueaver-
Ti.i i,i.,.n
i,.,.., n,. .. I
. The Christian Church basket e now vrtUiin the reserve boun
lmll team will go to Pleasant Hill iaaS5!,- nrtm- r
Pr i nv ovfitiimr fnr n irnmo w I
1 n flvn th0 "
Power Com-
pany s
xny's ofilce will remain open
rcnlngs of February 10th and i
? I? ".?.1-l Fua,7 xuul anu
izizn unui :ju p. m. I
"Farmers, we just received a ,
shipment of tho best hnrness oil. I
; Now Is the time to get your har-
ness dipped. ?1.00. Won Miller,
E. J. Ferguson and wife of.
Noti, who havo been visiting the
iHigelow family Hero during the,1"""130" uieoaaiiiuwmm um.
past week, returned homo this I "It would be wise," he says
, momiiiK. i- to dispose of the entire situa-
' ; - "
a ,ni. iiD ,,.00 Da,i
yesterday to George Walker
l?T i? 1 v..?r,g ,,m,?.
Springfield. The young people
will live at Jasner
Among the Jurymen called for;.4"1' , ,
mrlnn nt flln Pnlu-i.nrr nf lOUIlUatlOn,
the circuit court arc J, W. Cof-lbv tho Supreme Court, and that
fin, G. I. .Dean and John WinJ many of the applications and a -
zenried of Springfield.
M. D. Morgan, editor of the'f
Harrisburg, Bulletin, was in
ness and was a pleasant caller
at The News ofilce.
Mrs. L. M. Boebe and sons .
returned Saturday from Forest!
j il I 'j '
Grove, where thev had lieofl
visiting relatives seveal mohtrs
after their return from a sum-
mer in .the east.
The Corvallis High school
hand, which cave such a nleas-
bm Springfield again tonight,
nu win appear in concert at uie
hlgh school building at 8 o'clock.
Mrs. H'-Ue H(f'llngsworth
Jones, who is suing her husband
fpr divorce on tho grounds of
Eugene took poison with V
tcnt to commit- suicide.. She
non-support, Sunday morning in
was apio to leave tne nospitai
The Free. Methodist revival
meetings, which wero suspended
Sunday eypnipg on nccount of
tho high water, wero resumed
UQsddy QvTening. The quarterly
meeting wHl compience Friday
i evening and District Elder D. D.
Dodge, will bo present.
Tho town council will meet
In regular monthly session Mon
day evening. Bids will be-opened
at that time for cleaning tho
paved streets for the coming
year: The proposed new con
tract for street lighting will also
como up for consideration, in
all probability.
The Bj)otli-KQlly Lunili'pf, Qo.'
truck was stalled at Judkins
point Wednesday, due to some
'do, feet, in tHo transmission , ma
Jchlnery The lumber had to be
.taken off with wagons aha the
truclt; brought back to Spring
jfiojd fqr r,onairs,( It is again on
duty this morning.
, , n.1 ?i .? '
M . l . . t ' ' . fcl
amlners report show good profit:
nlnnrn rnnnrt olinw irnm nrnfltl
If tho samo could bo said of
"ygoro. Industiies times 'would bo
A special from tho Oregon ian
News Bureau at Washington un
der date of Feb. 7 says:
&?Tho Interior Department and!
.Its T.H1U. . f .1 .1 I... '
tho recent opinion of the Attor-i
ricy-Gencral, arc, ; preparing ro-
pi wo grant lanu snouiu no auu-
tiotial to be limited to lands lying
cipunt In the conference, takes i
i . Jiomuuu u ul yuugresa .
11, li r .. 1 n .4
"iu,Jr J " a t
of land to Jbo U sposed of
, unit iui lyfvi jf uuc auucu lu tiiu :
forest reserves'he maintains that
'rlTLl f ft
" u "f,l",u" ll-twt;ie tt
.1.. . f. 1 L A
... ,UI1I"U B"nu
I He would, in all, eliminate
nnn nnn I
lUniUno ,., i, .,, J, .loninvnhio cnnini nr tii r.hiuvh
..r:,' " '" '
lands added to the reserves. If
7 ' ;r,7r ' r,r i,,r.rvr .,
not within the limits of reserves
readier ? market than ;s,sted of Bar0ett' Grace
iiuuili murntl UWll.,, . Tnhn Vnnror ntifl Rnirfi
win unu
I will the alternate sections that
"-. ".
ianu Agr cultur,
c nave not yet
completed their reports, but the
Indications are they will indorse
the general principles of the
" e general principles or tnethe parcel post social wnicn is
Chamberlain bill, wtih the above j to be held Saturday. Members
r":rV";"r;;r r,Xr"::ii" ":Ict" rr1.
Ti.7..b,. t r? 1 "
i iuv mm i i ii it ij r riTn v.i pn urn i i
will report against the Hawley.
Wilson, Baker and McCumber
bills. The Attorney-General in
a letter to tno House public landf
committee today discussed brie
jy, tie Hawley bill, reiterating
briefly his comments prevlouslj
.1 n. nt 1. i 1.111
tion by a law which would carry
upon its face a guarantee of the
satisfaction in due time of all the
railway company's lawful claim"
L HfMalSO, yeiteratedMhis bel,ef
fthat tlle claIm of settlers or aP"
are ntliout legal or equitable
as conclusively held
leced settlements were the result
I of mere speculative schemes to
I .1 1.1 l l.T I
ul,1uu' tv'v vumuuii
'"" """"
April 18 Register on or be-
-April. 1,4 Last day for filing
inn rllfln f nn
candidates petitions for State
offices; County offices April 19.
April 14 Last day for filing
arguments for or against Candi
dates at Primaries.
May 19 Primaries.
May 24 Last day for filing
Contests of Nominations
- Juno 3 Last day for filing
;oiwrai cjn,im,un.a uj
July 6 Last day for filing In
itiative Petitions.
July 15 Last day for filing ar
guments for Initiative or Refer
endum. July 25 Last day for filing
arguments against Initiative or
Sept. 27 Last day for filing
Nomination certificates for State
offices. .
Oct. . 12 Last" day for filing
Nomination .certlficatesr for co-
O peg
r tmz JEgrne nutLotns
juact (ye hunted,
it tucM.oH to ron
, jK 'yt-1- TOBACCO CHEW
MEN ere learning the truth ebout chewing tobc:o. Right and tell
lby r ulklafaboat W-JJ CUT Owwlm-ih Ittcl Tobacco Chtw. m nt.
thrii.VJ.a CUT ntcri in ld to
rrrot II if from lh old kind: bon
itt lett I
Yoa iu tell by qselity tt
MNoOc bow tha iH hAia
Ekklesian class of the
1etthntUat . nhuroh tiplfl n vnrv
! The
no'lnat PHlnv ovpnJnrr. Rnmos of I
various sorts made the time'
tnn ,,tnui n,i ,i,a
pass all too quickly, and then
a fine oyster supper was served
by the committee, which con-
-' o-
Male. John
A called meeting of the Em an
on club was held Wednesday af-
ternon at the home of Mrs. E. B.
Morrison to complete plans for
'the marcel nost social which is
)euL "tT
f Mil im ra -frxi ' i vunn i r-i
s. A. Gay, Mrs. E. J. Reynolds,
Mrs. C. C. Hayden. Mrs. M. W.
Weber, Mrs. M. L. France, Mrs.
E. R. Lemlcy, Mrs A Valentine,
Mrs. M. J. Drury, Mrs. I. V. Jak-
unty offices.
Scpt. 12 Last day for filing
nominations by convention or
Sept. 2S Last day for filing
arguments for or against candi -
Oct. 7 Registration books
.close, open Sept. 8. Applies only! Swift PacW
to electontvho "may completers -organizing
itizenship or become of age
xfter April 18
Nov. 7 General election.
Nov. 22 Last day tor filing
statement of expenditures.
"Williard Day." .
Special program will be ren
dered in the Baptist church
(Thursday, Feb. 17, 7:30 P. M.,
under the auspices or local w.
T. U. Readings, music, and
special exercises by little child
ren. See Monday's paper for
program. Remember the date
and do nonor to tne memory oi
Frances Williard.
t i,v .i TnQwnn ,i
In the stolen Jefferson mail
pouch found Tuesday, was $10b
In money orders anu cnecKS lor
catalogue houses. This amount
mailed in one afternoon from a
town of this size is a mighty
poor advertisement for our peo
ple. If the postmaster would let
us have a lok at those orders
(which he won't) we are confi
dent we could find the names of
ome of the senders on the books
of every mercantile house in Jef
ferson. Jefferson Review.
Salem, Feb. 9. Long Fruit
products Company, contem
plates, erecting, $TOQ,000 Qherry
preserving plant in Portland
Plans are- on foot for aS30.-
o n PowerOo
hunt m ehqeo Q
tell tho tnoi iicttj to lria)-bcatelhr
much better ii Mlltfiee. Ceta Bosch Inm
tktt i4 lit lUktTtisa CUo.
oat rich Ukmcea taita.t
M SjHtir Kcw TiA'Py
son, Mrs. Morrison, Mlas.
HonlfiV finrt MlRR Tallin T.i ..t'hf:
1 mt,. i r Tt t
t J B iiui--i vuat
Springfield, assisted by a few
w'hQ Tested, will give a
four.act drama entitled, "Dot,
the Miner's Daughter" on.VOne
Glass of Wine," Friday evening,
tr-l 10 ( 1 null Th
Feb. 18, at the Bell theatre. The
proceeds are to be applied1 to
ward the fund to erect a play
Bhed for the school. All are
cordially invited to come and
help along a good cause.
The high water did very. lit
tle damage to the school -prop-
Conine led ThV school
f MSav and Tuesday
to close Monday and Tuesday.
It did move a few sidewalks: but
deposited a fine silt on the gar
A good vegetable garden
Is anticipated.
Lincoln's birthday will be ob
served in the school will ap-
"ronrbro exercises.
iou meat packing plant at Sa-
Doernbocker Mfg. Co., -will
; build additional warehouse in
j Oregon State Federation of
I Labor opposes Sunday Closing
Swnt racking (jo., or umcago
stock corporauon m eastern
Medford has population of 12
500 and 18 factories with invest
ed capital of $230,000.
Contract for Grants Pass
$600,000 sugar factory has been
Myrtle Point is planning a
sewer system.
JIany in Springfield praise the sim
ple mixture of buckthorn bark, glycer
ine, etc, know as Adler-1-ka. This
remedy is the most thorough
bowel cleanser ever sold being even
'used successfully in appendicitis. ONE
' SPOONFUL relieves almost ANY
We of constipaUon. sour of gassy
j stomach. otfE minute after you
i take it tne gasses rumuie anu pass
out Adlerika cannot grip and the
INSTANT action is surprising. M. M.
ooemi dxptes i
M This time of the week is I
candy time. The folks at
home look for a box.
I Just say "Vogaa's Moire" .