v COUNTY Continuing tho Sprlngfleld Newa and Lnno County' Star, Which Woro Conoolldatod Fobruary 10, 1914. Hntop.i1 tviriurr ill, wrt.-u 'riniiloT.j.Oririir, t totnml Cl mutteriitnlcr rnitol Concro ol M fh, I7 SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 10, 1916. VOL. XV. N'6Tt4 I ANF r IS GHUFIGH PLANS ROOMS 3 UNDAY SCilQD L Acting upon Instruction of tho nnnunl church mooting of hurt Jiuuiary, tho church hoard of tlio ChrlHtlan church Monday evening discussed preliminary nlniiH for an addition to tho listed ill tho Student Volunteer movement for missionary work In tho foreign field, and as a re sult of Us work, missionary do nations have Increased from 7, 000,000 In 1001) to $17,000,000 In 1915. With the hroakdown of tho European churches owing to tho war, a larger opportunity and burden la laid on tho Amer ican churches. REGISTRATION OF THE VOTERS CONTINUES SPRINGFIELD LOSES STEVENS TAX CASE APPEALED TO THE SUPREME COURT Registration of Springfield Voters at tho office of Regis trar Herbert Walker had reach- n mrtii 1tttiwlrn1 of imnn vnu. " n II . a l . L'U till VIL I lUIIUHVW lV j cnurcn nuuiung io ctmi upj x-,. , Q. 7, rom)m iniately $1000. Sketches have 1 f " . l 'n ,,0 'Sals I nro -been drawn for an extension of g 0Kt d 2 iKrcB- ao foot to the northward on tho 4 80Cla,IBt n,m - lkre8 main building, and If these n"0' meet the approval of tho con-j grogalion, work will bo gotten ; nlnj CciYYI PY Meet undor way at an early date. IVtail ari IVT IVIVVlb Tho plans call lor mo exca vation of a hnoetnont under this portion of the building, to pro vide space for tho heating plant, a kltohon and dining room and Sunday school room. Tho floor of tho whole of tho addition l to bo 2 1-2 feet above tho pres ent floor lovol, making tho ad dition the rostrum, with tho baptistry to tharoar. Tho main floor of contain rooms. Trains in Spite of The Flood Waters Holding that the purported charter amendment of Decem ber 3, 100G to Increase tho maxi mum general fund tax levy, Is "So indefinite that it cannot be enforced with certainty," Chief Justico Moore of tho Oregon su premo court, Dean, Benson and McBrido concurring, on Tues day affirmed the decision of the Lano county circuit court In the case of Welby Stevens, Emily P. Stevens, Carrie Stevens, Peter Oordcr, Ida Stevens, A. .1. Per kins, Sadie M. Perkins, Charles Rlvett, J. J, Bryan, Lucinda liryan, Maude T. Bryan, J. 13. Cross. Eva J. Long and J. W. law, as follows: "Chapter 8, Section (CO), Artlclo (1) of the charter of the Town of Sprlngfleld be amended so as to read: 'To lovy, assess and collect taxos not to exceed (1) per cent, ex cept as otherwise provided and etc.'" Section CO of tho charter, granted by tho legislative assembly, is not found In chapter 8 thereof, but in tho pro- ceding chapter, Artlclo 1 of Section I CO or tho legislative charter, reads: ., '"The common council shall have power full text Of tho supreme court's and authority within the corporate decision: This Is a suit to enjoin tho collection limits of tho Town of Snrlnitflcld. 1 To levy, assess, and collect taxes not to exceed ono naif of ono per cent, ex 7 - - , ------ n, oitucu ono nun oi one per ceni, ex- iLU w fh t f SnWn1 M otherwise provided in this act, lotted by tho Town of Sprlngnc d, Oro-, Upon a tangible property, both real Eon. Tho complaint alleges tho cor.,u Mr,nflirnnAv thin .h porato capacity of tlio town and of porato imua 0f said town, and all Lane County of which it forms a part l00(j. wnrCf, ,, ,,,,, fe that the defendants S. w, Taylor and 3. ('. Parker nro respectively tho trca- RONOR STUDENTS LISTED FOR FIRST HALF OF YEAH Fifty-one students of the Springfield schools have been awarded honors for the stand ings they made In their studies for the first half or the school surer and sheriff of that county, des prlhcs the various lots owned by the fidvcral plaintiffs in that town, and goods, wares, and merchandise kept I for sale In said town. 1V whnmnmrnr ! owned, but no notes, accounts, credits, jyear. Of the total, 30 are girls or Dins recciveahic snail do taxed." land 21 boys. Following are tho JS'.1,6! Zit E'MS jhonor students: ?Z?JS'J" ?ttectl .l.hat 1n November 20, tho cliarter ehoM ,JC cllmlnled "and j First Grade Inez Nect Dorris 1313 the town attempted to levy a tax j tho attempted alteration limited to an Myers, Ester Kaurln. "LI 1 !.nrJ,!,?L. S2Si rf : omondmont of Artlclo l of Section co , Second Grade Wallace Dar ycar of 15 mills as follows: scnoral,6; ;or tho Organic law of tho municipality. itn, p-ri cnun Rrvon Cowart sinking, t,; light and water, 3.C; band.,u ,K not ncCC8sary to determine. Tho , a t JS 0.4; and street improvement, 1; and .contemplated change Is so Indefinite1 Third A Lawrence Bruce, thereupon endeavored to certify such'w 5 , , ' Chester Mvers. Carl Lewis. (Continued on Pugo 4) r Third B Alice Tomseth, Leland prelcndcd levy to tho county clerk of that county: Hint by Its charter tho Tlio milt crew out of the re- Itlslng rivers that c6vered tho fnsal cV Uie plaintiffs io pay rrtflds to a depth of several (Col j certain of the taxes levied in did not deter Ira Young, who has 1 1013. While the suit was pend the contract for carrvimr mail Inc. ihn rmiM5li submitted an- tho addition will also from the Springfield postolllco !oth6i' amendmerit. covernig the two Sunday school ' to the trains Several of those 1 RniWi rrrn.:iwl niwl thlft WAS all- Movhig the pulpit and trains have to ho mot at Spring-! proved by tho people U the elec- an this ppHefr Only the main auditorium. Incroase thu Wlllnniolte Hnrnn'diit(r nvnriniwl niTn.a nmn.,t, tntnlfniy; I.. 11.1 l. . , , . i ' I v CJ w . - v imv V, t ItlllUIUIVO --- iii iMiJio Hciiu ii auonoauco nas tn0 greater part of the simco be-, some $200. Fo'ilowintr is tho ,,,m,M. tuviuo iiH-iiwoon snrinir o ti ana uio June Machon, VS. S. W, Taylor, treaSr Uown is prohibited from levying or col urer; J. C. Parker, Sheriff Of Meeting moro thnn B mills for general T.nt.o fnimtv. nrorrrtii. nnel thfl purposes and has no right to levy or Town of Springfield, a munlcl-5 n foriho fund of light and, . .,-1 nnnMiinn waior, or lor nana; inai in pursuance j.ai corporation. ()f suc)l notlco thoro wa8 cntered 0n A. F.&A.M. ! Brunhild Sparfeldt, Montgomery. i Fourth B Florence the choir loft Into the new part! Hold Junction, a mile away, andjtion in November, 1914, wll increase tho seating space. Monday morning at 2:30 when (decision therefore, applfft and necessitate a reseating of bo started for this trip, ho found . to the tax of 1913 Jo qiu porn II vo. OAKRIDGE LINE REOPENS AFTER THREE DAYS WORK Train No. 98 from Oakrideg arrived Wednesday morning tho first time sinco tho previous Sat urday, having been delayed by slides, along the .routo JTho lino Is how open and today's train was practically on time. The train Sunday morning encountered a slide at Lookout. 10 miles this side of Oakrldgc. At first It was thought tho de lay would be tomporary, but' by evening it was seen moro time would lie required. Other slides developed at different points, nnd the section crows of Spring field, Eugono nnd Marcola were not able to eopo with It, so a work train was brought from Portland with workmen. This outfit completed its work and was back in Springfield at 9:30 Tuesday evening. tion. Ho was not to be turned back, however, and taking the locked pouches over his shoulder he crossed tho river by tho rail road bridge and tniged along tho ties to the meeting point. Ho met all these trains In this way until tho water had gone 'down enough Tuesday to al low of Jijs returning, to. tjte.use of his buggy. Logs Again Are Coming Freely tho tax roll of that county what pur ported to bo a tax of that town of 15 mills on every dollar of tho assessed valuation of tho taxablo property tlvsroln; that tho taxroll containing HUCh entries, was placed In tho hands Of tho county treasurer for collection; Kizer, . Hazel Jones. Mabel RooL . -3 - Baranuf FVV 99 Fourth A Charles. Jvtfk, La anquet reD. StevCn-Son. CrVstll Brv-kn. Fifth B Berdella Rose, Alice The annual banquet of the Springfield members of the A. F. &. A. M. will ho hplfl nf r m that the sums so entored on tho roll ; Tuesday, February 22, 1916, at m charges ago nst such assessable ,'x,,,. i,n ' ' , 1 , property are illegal, as to tho attempt-1 ",0 Stevens hall. Members of ou low or a fund for l cut ana water. uu oiuuiiiu iuuKe nvmc in nnd for a band; that ench of tho plain-! Springfield met last evening to!coe Perkins, Sylvia Strubin. ".PK tho-plans for this annual Seventh B-Velma Gore, Cliff, Mortensen, Theron Newman. Fifth A Raymond Coe, Gen evive Copenhaver, Ellen Tpm seth. SLxth B Mildied Miller, Tests. Larue, Doris Smith. ! t) Sixth A William Wright, R03 jolnca. tlio county trea-i- "i 'i""vu "' T "Grandma" Bryan Called to Reward Mrs. Lucinda Bryan, known lovingly by her friends as time. Two carloads of logs arrived yesterday from Fischer's camp near Marcola. the first under this company's Contract- with"! tne liooth-Koiiy company. Two strings of carsj ono from Ily land's and ono from1 Nettle's were also received- yestorday. Plans had been made id begin hauling of logs from' Cushmaif, near the mouth of the Siuslaw. next Monday, but slides oh the Willamette-Pacific make it very doubtful if this can begin at Oils Mint. ii til no a nn iuttir and Uio sheria will attempt toi"b wuiuuiiBes to raaice me ne cm&i such invalid taxes as delin-'cessary arrangements: quenf; nnd that by reason of tho entry 1 Banquet Harrv W Stpwirf thereof on' tho tax roll a cloud is there- U T ( " riri ?f ' bi- cast upon tho title of the several l.C'- Wlieaton and C. E. Swarts. varcels of real properly 60 owned by JJecoratlon W. L. McCulloch, a plaintiffs id- that town. , Sain Young and A. Middlefon. flit- answer' denies tho material! Reception and Entertainment avermenv.8 of tho complaint and for a B. A. Washburne, J. C. Hol further dofenso allures' in substance brook and L. M. Beebe. that tho common council of tho town rrinarin(1 joM- xini,on nf Rnrlnc-nnW nrenared tf&.l nHnntAd 1'mance 'aCk Machen. atpindments to tho municptff charter! Members of both, the Ancient vHcVTiKeratloris -wenr-snbiflined-to'f Freeand Acepted"MaSonsan'(l mo legni voters ot iuo town at a regu. of the Order of Eastern Star LAYMEN'S MISSIONARY MEETlN GTO BE HELD P ' Tho natlonnl convention of , the Laymen's MIssIannry Move ment will bo hold at tho White Tomple in Portland February 13, 14, 15 and 10. This 1b n meeting .of tho men of tho various de nominations for tho discussion of tlio needs and outlook of tho churches with specinl refcronco to foreign and homo missions, evangelization and social ques tions. At a banquet at tho M. H. church in .Eugene Tuesday Ight committees wero appointed to got a largo delegation from Eugono and vicinity. ThiB movement was stnrtcd nlno years ago for tho purpose of supporting tho largo number of collogo men who wero Grandma Bryan,' died shortly i after noon yesterday at the homo of her son, Joseph J. Bry- nn here. She was aged S2 years 8 months and 25 days, and hnd been ill for many months. The funeral services were held this afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Walker chapel and Interment was made in tho Laurel IHU cemetery, Rev. E. C. Wlgmoro conducted the services. Mrs. Bryan came to Spring field in 1909 with her husband, and together, on January 5, The Booth-Kelly Co. lias' 29 steel flat cars at their Weiidlhlg shops to have log bunkers' installed. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES A large number of Freshmen were welcomed into S. II. S. on ratified by a majority of all the votes' cast thereon, whereby tne charter was duly amended and tho town was thorev upon authorized to levy a general fund tax ot ten mills upon tho assessed valuation' of all the taxable property therein, and that a copy of the official records of the town, relating to such amendments Is made a part of this answer anu marked "Exhibit A;" and that pursuant to such authorization the towii lias usually levied a general fiinll tax or more" than five mills, set ting forth the levies of all funds for tho years 1906 to 1SU3 both included. A cony of the records of the nicotine of tha'i common council" of Sprlngfleld, held November 19, lUD'G', as far as Im-1 Fandrem. Floyd Campbell Seventh A Thelma Crouch Helen Stevenson, Ellen Webb. , Eighth Grade Dale Lorah Jessie Coe, Lewis Gibbs. H. S. Freshman Wanna,Mc- Kinney, Lynn Grandy, Harold Wynd. H. S. Sophomores Mary Harding, Floyd Kester, Lucille; Smith. XT C TtiniAM TV-nfljtr Millnl. Josephirre'Lyoiis.'-Be H. S. Seniors Orson Vaughn i Roy Penny, Clarence Hill. News and Springfield Merchant Launch A Big Voting Contest ANY LADY OR GIRL MAY EN TER THE CONTEST THE PRIES GO TO THOSE WHO SECURE THE MOST VOTES The Lane County News and Swap Something? 4 LINES IN MONDAY'S ISSUE FREE! ' Into exile in room 3 to make room for the new students in tho assembly hall. A new teacher. Mr. Heckart. O. A. C. and the University of ha settled near P loTa th T ,0resn Ho wi" teache classes nnu settled near i niiomaui. in . Rnpiisb nwi, n,i Mat, Benton county, where they lived ,7," t " ,,::: ..r",;' , on a ranch for many years. She T " sdnv was born In Kentucky and her il ... , ,..., , , same muiu.ii aim jlui. .ninRntr nrnirrnm an tlnf nimm, were married in Missouri. Four ,,. iT.f.,; .V "i".." children were born to them, of ir,V" " W'V"? " """V lu uulu whom J. J. Bryan of Springfield "Mrs Dlllard f vis nnd Judge Edward L, Bryan otliZSf&l """ ..vv,. noom A freshman fell down stairs this noon greatly straining his imagination. Unfortunately for the S. H. S. students the river didn't wash away tho high school. Tho students 'of tho ftUgh school have again plunged into hard studying after a day or so of confusion, preparing tho schedule for tho following semester. porlaril heroin is ax follown: "Tho fol- L.i"?!nm.eti of Springfield here Monday morninir A i inn IipV nf Iter s, settioti co, ArtifclJr (l) of tho;hy announce a grand popularity 1UU11UUJ morning. A niimoer OI . . ,,- , ftJ '-..M ,, rnntpat wh oh wa mnw will Tia tho upper classmen were sent chartor of tho ToWri of Springfield bo I contest which we know will he amenaea so ns io' reaa: io levy, ,or exeat interest to tne VOUne Xeedllnlna nnrl In font tha nltlnona nf Caldwell, Idaho, survlvo her. Astoria wants a first class en- wholesale nrooorv house. If you wish to tako advantngo of Tho News' of fer to run four llnoB free undor tho "Exchange" classification, In -tho issuo of Monday, February 14, write what you havo to exchange, and what you want on tho attached blank and leave It at Tho News office before G o'clock Saturday ovon ipg. Don't, be too lato. ' x TO TRADE " Address , , assess and collect taies not to exceed ladies and in fact the citizeils Df vliloil nml ntr - U11S SeCtlOll. It will be known as the News' and Merchants' Popularity Con test. The grand prize is a $400 Obermeyr & Sons' piano, aug mented by valuable prizes do nated by the merchants of this place, as stated in the big adv. in this issue of the News. The contest commences with this issue and is to continue to noon, April 20, 1916. This move ment is emphatically to stimu late the trade of the Springfield merchants by the giving of spe cial fnuueemnts vlded and etc; A demurrer to' the separate answer, on tne ground that It did not stato facts sufficient to constitntoa defense to tho suit, was sustained. A' stipula tion, signed, by cbUnsol and admitting some of the avenhents ' of ' tho com plaint, was flled nnd 'bused thereon tho plaintiffs rested their causo. There upon tho defendants' counsel1' moved for a nonsuit on the ground that no ovldenco had been offered by the plain tiffs tending to show that theMtems of the tax, undertaken. ' to bo levied, wero in violation of tho provisions of tho charter. This motion "was denied, whoreunon the defendants' counsel of fered testimony tending to establish tho remaining controverted averments of the answer. Most of such testimony was rejected, nnd a docreo uaving been rendered, granting tho rollef prayed for In the complnint, the de fendants appeal. Mooro, C. J. A charter, granted by tho legislative assembly to tho Town ot Sprlngfleld, was tiled. In tho office of tho Socrolnry of Stato Fobruary 10, 1S93. Laws Or. 1893, pp. 245-277. Tho clauses of such act are consecutively numbered from 1 to 142. It will be kept In mind that the answer avers tho common council of tho Town of Sprlngfleld propared and submitted to the quallllcd electors or that munlci pnlltv an alteration ot Us fundamental the recipients in voting for their favorite candidate, The one re ceiving the largest number of votes wil be awarded the hand some piano, and to the' others according to their rank. There will be no favoritism! shown, there being no opportun-" ity for so doing. The contest is managed hi such a manner that every detail is absolutely fair and square. The managers of this contest haye nothing at all to do with the same except to follow the rules as laid down. Voting is all done by the friends and relatives of the various can didates. In their hands, and with them alone rests the final result of the count, and the awarding of the prizes. The ballot box will be sealed at all times, and in charge of a committee chosen. Such safe guards will be thrown around this election that all will know beyond a doubt that whoever re ceives these various prizes will have won them in a fair, open to patronize them, thus keeping the money competition. at home instead of distributing; There are three ways to se- lst by clipping the it in larger cities The plan is for every mer chant co-operating to give away coupons for every $1 cash pur chase, which will be utilized by cure votes. free votes from the News.2nd -hvMnj3mMnj Continued from Page 4 WHAT TO GIVE HIM That much mooted ques tion is solved by a visit to our store. Just what ha wants is sure to bo found in our fine line of goods. Then, again, for any house hold requirements our ex tensive, line of dependable hardware, utensils, etc., saves you time In shopping around.. Prlcb is right, too I j NOMINATING BLANK j Springfield, Ore , 191'G j I hereby nominate or suggest the name of f . """,. f ' Address .. a lady worthy to become a candidate in your "Populaij Vot ing Contest.' I present this name with tlie distinct agree ment that the management shall not divulge my name. Thi3. does not obligate me In anyway whatever. Signed 25-VOTE COUPON (Send this voto to the LANE COUNTY NEWS Office with in Fifteen Days from date and it will count for 25 votes No money is required with this Coupon. voTEicorc Be&wer-fisrndoiivJffardwareCompany; m m c .. I FEBRUARY 0, 191C. ,