The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, January 27, 1916, Image 4

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Thcso facts do not account for tho
I RURAL CREDITS nmortlntlon Installment, any ad- Dibto School at 10:00 A. M.
SYSTEM PROPOSED dltlonal porlton. ortUoofiitejbWo hhvo a lossdn onpWHm.l
m feo68 lit. and hla future "amort- and practical Christianity, study
Tlo following points on a rtiralilzntlon InstnUniontB shall in well. Como on time, bring u
ago of tho 16 best farms. Tho differ-
Lano County Agriculturist, In Oregon
Grange Bulletin.
In tho earlier days of Us oxlstenco
tho Department of Agriculture used
tho greater part of Its resources In
tho study of now ways or
methods of production. Within tho . W'hon It comes to n consideration of
'credits Bystotn for Oregon have
boon proposed by D,r. Hocm"
ATuiMtlinrumt linrwl nf Mm 1' !
difference In net pronts fron, tho aver. nnt, a Q UurcftU Qf Mftrko8
and Rural Organization:
onto m crop acres practically hccouiiis . 1 rtl.nm li,
for tho difference In tho amount of tt lt sli GJ the Orogoil Farm Mort
total capital Invested. Tho dlfforonco ,rntrn ,m ,..m.,i,
elude Interost onlv unon that friend. Gilbert Miller. Sunt.
part of .the loan remaining un-i 1)1 VI no Worship nt 11:00 A. M.
paid.' '' Sermon by PnBlor, Theme,
Each farmor obtaining n loan
shall submit to a survey of hla
"Our world wide opportunity,"
Dr. Koonoy Ferris will sing,
purees in ,. productive animal units makes up Un ft 8tnlo natUuUoi wUl u jn,lort stntCS Department Of jmotlllgs.
improved ho dirreronco in working capital. brnncn lu ench county. "Agriculture. These forma are to livening
Itliln flirt irlmn If nnmno r n MmialMAMllAn r r . . ,
limn end equipment according I'Tuko up (he Christian's 1 J in
to the forms used by tho division iiion, by Stanley.
U:!10 p. ai, Senior
ol Farm Management of tho '
and J no lor
sorvlco of song and
2. Purposes: Tho purposes of l)c ,llI0U out l)ororo no onininB tr sermon y:;ju. special music
s - m . . .j llflMll. 111111 III I II II 11I1II 111 t'HIMl 1111 11V LjlllirilH IMlllll'. IJI'. IV1IIU1I1V
jroKuii i mill iMormaKO r ------ - - -. - -. ... ------ ---- -- ----- - -- --------- t - - v
Association slmll ho to l'idar year bo long as ho remains Ferris, will give reading from
a debtor to tno orouon Farm . Iiotrnn and llounn. iiuinorun
ggi.00 i400 throughoiit the State of Oregon. VhoMASBYACANIDATE Kg tlniugh bo?
. J t i rni 1 r .V)m;i Tiioibas Ualloyhrts announced lyouliilsy this yo
C2.oo 79.00 mission: The Oregon Fan hls cmul(Incy for nomination us All are Invited.
I IWKilll UIIM tlWKIlll
educational and Inspiring. This
win bo tno nrsi or a aeries run-
oral weeks. If
on iuIbh It.
152.00 shall bo under the control of the ;lloniocratlc tlckot nt tho 1)rInmp
Strangers always welcome.
,r Of tho State,, Secretary of r8 h f , or ShVrlff Si or i?--,(tinS"ml,ay S?11,0? ,
e, the State Treasurer, and j"r fom veari lie S KSnh
rntnrv of tho stnto ijiiiii , .A.,.?"r lnP. . ? U :00 a. in. Communion
, . puailllMI Ullll.i IIIUU (li;u, Ulll, H'm,inliiir anrnimi
tor iuembers;n8 not untU thlB weok thllt ho, J Mf " ft..,0IlvoP Illlllv
: tho Wlllnin- nibllcly declared himself a eau-!. f. Ai S o
em Oreuon. :ii.t ,.m.. W " ironing ben ices.
Church of Christ
fnv vitnm It linn linfm fiuniil tlmtillin snurcon nf Inrnnin. liowevor. tho
' production Is not always tho chief ivnluo of thoso records Is at onconp-
... -.. , . , J! Cmlit
neierm.mnK muiur m bu-.-.u. .mm- .u.u - , ' ' V ". "i " IV ( ObtOr tO tllO OtOKOU
Ing. It has been found that farming Avorago of Avorago of ll,IBU,"" uo :" Mnrrirncn CiMlt Asmipfatlnn
. .i.i,. .i mi ,v i. enroll hv fnrni mnrtiriiiros . -JihbJ vcim. nhaui-umuii.
is n coniniox uuhiiii,'9 111 iiiwit inviu? luimst iu uiroi initun - . ---- . ------.0--n-
Is required a proper balanco of tho Income from stocl......$GGl
various units by which each Is to bo Itecotpts por productlv
mado nroQlablo through Us co-opera i animal unit
,t Ion with "tho others. In other words 'rtecolpts per S100 worth ;Mortgage Credit Association
the'ro must bo n correlation of grain , of food fed. 90.00
production, hay production, livestock j it will be readily noted that thoso Stato Farm Loan Commission, jes 0 y)Q j10(j jn tnVt
production, motive power, and all i figures aro not entirely necurato; this which shall consist of the Gov-! jjr UaUyy has serve
other parts or tno rami ami equipment is largely duo to tno raci mat most ernor
so that each unit will add to tho sue- , farmers do not keep accounting sys- State
cess 01 nil inc oinors. mo jjepan- u'ms ana inorctoro wero not nuio 10 ouuruuuy m iuu ouiiu , iitmltlmi Rnmn thno nrn hut It I
UltiUk Ul iKTl(;UllUlU lUClCiUlu U4h 'KUU UVUlirillU UUU1. 1 I1USU lllUUtll.l I)Utltt.l 4&llt liV VfVllVI
id n hmnr.h of Its service for tho nur- rlos An nnt nrrnunt. hnwnvnr. for tho ohnHOIl to rom'OBOnt
- . , ... , ihiuiil'iy iiuuiui vu iiiiiimjii a wu- if?, n n
Tinsn nf mnkinc nnalvses of a larco fnct thnt therons thoro is n il fforenco Otlo VJlllov. Southern Oroiion. '.n.i e ..i iv.. ,.m v lOlUUg
, t . UlllillV IUI UIU nill-HUB WIIIW. f..,1,ijftnili... 7.1A it M !..,. ,!
number of farms in each county in, of only 25 por cent in tho number of the Coast Region, Northwestern, "There Is an unwritten law In ' 5jt,nstiay r.JU i . ivi. i lajer
order to determine wiietner mere , productive animal units botwaen tno urOKOll. nilU i;entrni UieKOU. re- ,iu,r.n.t, nH., )...( i .ib
exists the pfopor relation of parts on .average of tho 95 fnrms and tho nver- spectlvcly. Thoj" shall bo C'llOS- vyrson shall serve more than tWO
thoso farms. Only by means of such ego of tho 10 best, thero is a dlfforonco en for thoi.'' ability to handle terms," said Mr, Pnlloy. "I lltlVO
surveys can,an ajjurato diagnosis bo of nearly St por cent In production; financial matters, and from ' bctill aslccd to submit "my IUUUO
muuu ui uiu-iuiiu n uuicuis .. ii. iiur 'ur iiiu iuci iiiai muiu is a iiilui- iik'u .iiiiuuiiiuiiii u niui uiv
Keys, a representntlvo of this branch enco of 53 per cent In the production rural credit needs of their var
of government service was placed at ,pcr animal unit; nor for tho dlfforonco lotlS districts. The Farm Mort
work in conjunction with the office of 01 nearly G9 por cent in efficiency in gage Credit (jlinnlssiOn shall
thqJLane County agriculturist during, the uso- tho animals mnko or feed, appoint U general manager who
thomonths of August and September, ,Thosoaro clearly factors over which shall be responsible to the COlU
1915. Tho purpose of this article Is to , tho farmers havo almost absolute con- 'mission for the general nianagC
present briefly tho salient deductions ; trol. They are questions of breeding inent of the Oregon Farm Mort
from these surveys to show how they nnd feeding. 'gage Credit Association. The
can bo used in reforming the general i Further data shows that not only Is manager, upon the approval of
tendency of farming in this county. jprofltablo farming in this district gov- the State Farm J&IU1 Comilliss-
u Jippnrimont of tlio Intorlpr
"urn.' liiuin omco nt liOBouunt, ort).
rod, Jnnunry 5, I DIG. I
Methodist Church,
Corner Second and 11 streets
James T. Mooro, pastor, phone
Next Sunday 10 A. M. Sun
day School.
i ;au uuoir ueuearsai.
Notion lit Hurohy Klvoirtirat'Jtiokili
WivliOllolil, of Vlda, Oroiion, who oil
AiiRiiflt It 1911, inndii IlomiiHtofttl ICutry
Horlnl No. O7400, for tint NVS of HWM.
NWVi ftf BKW nud l,ot 1 of, Hoctlon 3i,
TowiiHhln 1GB, llaniio ilU, Wlllniuatto
Morldan hun tllod notice of liitontlou
to ninltp Final Tliroo-yoar Proof, to
CHtnbllHii cliUiu to thu land nbovo do
Hcrlbed, boforo I. P. Hewitt, V. & Coin
iuInmIoii. nt IiIh olllco nt Kiikoiio, Ore
con. on tho 13th dny of February, 1010,
Claimant iiiiiiivm hi wltuiun(m : John
rtciiiilo, KiiRitno, Orcitoii; Louln Tat,
of VUliu Orcitoii: John Low. of Vldii.
OroKon; Clmrlus Ntml, of' Vlda, Orocon.
Jan. G Foh. 10. HuiilHtor.
Not I co lit hereby lUvtm that tho tin
dorHlKiiod Iiiih bean duly appointed by
tho County Court of tho Statu of Ore
gon ror Lano County, adtnlulntrator
of tho Kwtato of Mary U ooueko, do
coimoil. All porsoun having eliilirin ugnlnflt
nnlfl ontuto are liorohy uotlllod to pro
mini tho xuuiu, proporly vorldfil, to mo
at tho olllco or Frank A. Dol'un, In
Bprlugtlold, Oregon, within hIx luontlm
from the ditto hereof. Dated nt HprliiK
lluld, Oroi;on, Jnnunry tth, 1010.
Adiulnlntrator of tho outnto of Mary
L. Knonoko, docoaBPd.
Fninko A. Dol'uo. Attorney for ostnto.
Date of tlrst publlcntlou Jan. 0, 1910,
last publication. Feb. .1, 1910.
on time and come to make
Tho fniinvHmr tnhin -icn nrnn.irpd erned largely by tho kind nnd number ion, shall select his office force, the study of "The Word" an act
from the records of 95 farms. There 'or prouueuve siock in gcnorai anu mo appraisers ami county represen- ol iruu woramp
are 16 of these farms which produced
-a net income of tUS for the year 1914
more than the average net or labor in
come from the entire 95. These 10
were set aside for the purpose of
Comparison in order to discover the
methods used in feeding, but not pro- tatives. 11:00 A. M. The Rov. Henry
fits are directly related to tho dairy J 4, Membership: The moin-'Tft'bot D. D., President of Wll
industry. Where the receipts per cow )(irs 'Qf j1G Oregon Farm Mort- jlnmetto university will preach,
are less than $45.00 per year tho labor gage Association shall be farm ! Dr- Talbot has filled somo of tho
incomo or net profit from tho farm is jam ownors Who have affiliated most Important positions in our
from minus $50.00 to minus $250.,piVpa with nno nf its!church. He will be heard with
difference in methods or circumstances Where the receipts per cow are above county branches who have com- jfireat profit,
by which the difference in net returns ?.00 per year tho net profits or labor ,pjjeU with the Oregon Strife Law 0:30 p ftl
Epworth legue.
1 f rr nn. I m . m
was produced. ancomo is irom pius au.uu to puis nd with tne regulations of the 1 ns win ue a meuiorauie
. . I SS00.00. These are averages nnd there- 0ron Pnrm Mortmlle Crodlt. "meeting. Dr. Talbott will be
AvoniKe aa Avtratu iu i . , , o . , , .
7 . . lo juuuu mat lucru imu ucui luunu AccnolnHnti nml cnrirnI n lnnn I 111 tlSLMII. llllll b )U IK lO II1G VOlinil
... ... ' kvJVV.,V,V... ....V. ktVVIItVl. M. - - " . I
ULSt iUriUS UtOt lurius , f,no- fnrmo nwa wViloh will . . . .. . .. . '
Total capital $14,501.00 $15,547.00 ,d a t mon than ?45.00 "Jl" J
T'nrVln rantltoKMnphln. . .. . .. aSSOClallOIl
.. K v fer year nnu oiners wnicn win yiem . , .
err, stock, etc) 1.7G7.00 2,333.00 ' ,.. Th Rnmn ,a frno nf ,hfi ! . 5. Raising Funds: The COin-
Acres in crops 93 98
Number of m-oduc- i , a safeguards, shall
tiv'e animal units 1
Froo Mothodlst Church.
Sabbath School at 10 a. m.
Preaching services at 11 a.m.
Prayer and pralso service at
7 P. M., preaching at 7:30 P. M.
Tuesday, 7:30 P. M., Young
people's prayer meeting.
Midweek prayer meeting on
Thursday at 7:30 P. M.
A cordial Invitation is extend
ed to all.
P. A. Johnson
78, A. M. F., Ancient and
Accoulod Scottish Itlto Unl
vernal and Symbolic Fruo
Mdaonn lMceta first and third
Monday ovcnlng In V, O. W,
hall Visiting brothors wul-
U 1C. Pago,
II. W. M.
through this people, no on time.
must coruinuy invited.
All are, notice of final settlement
7:30 Dr. Talbott will again Notlco Is hereby given that tho un-
preach. We are expecting a idorslgned administrator of tho ostnto
iiaoor incomes irom uieso mrms. . , , ..t- ureal llOV. 1 here Will UO nil- of John I. Inn s. iIiicpiibo.I linn film!
i . . . s:i i iii;hms. Mii: in '(iiiiiiiiiiTii - - - - " '
i There is no zooa excuuse ror Keep 7 , . ' . , nnnounccmeilt
h r ' tmifnlKMi rr niiul tfl Inn AivnJ linn vuuvviiivml
iO l -1.1- -.a A TlolnnV 1U11U, lUhVUH,! ,, ,!. ... ' . . ...... . .
" .cu.v... ....t,. 1 . . . . , iiiui unit. LiiiiL win hi.iiiii. million nr 1.111m i'n m v. iirii'nn. niu iiitii 11,1
wun me accuinuiaieu net iinuuai , , . , : w . . "
' . ing unprofitable cows.
made Sunday his final account with tho County Clerk
1 Startle, amazo of Lnuo County. Oregon, and thnt nn
Note. From the standpoint of profit- 'tester costs approximately ?5.00. Any shall be the oriKinal can- nlul fil1 wlt" thanksgiving every order has bnon mado nnd entered of
able production 1 cow Is supposed to Calrr man can afrnl on?5 no dalr'" itil nf tho nqsnoiitlon TInon flip lover of t,,e khlgdOIH of God. iccord directing this notlco and sotting
equal 5 brood sows,
v..,..., UUv, itai 0f tiie nssociition Unon the CI ll,u '& ui uou. iccom uireciing mis nouco nnu si
sheep or 100 man can auoru 10 00 wunoui one. u rnnrttrniipc; nl- uomc 10 u,e morning service nml Friday tho 2Cth day of February, 19W,
weighing anu testing tno nunc irom . . . .,. 3 - .hear them. ' nt tho hour of 10 o'clock A. M.. for tho
Classified Acls
'For Sale, Fent. Wanted, Etc.
Innls, DecouHod.
!JOHN C. Ml'LLHN, Attornoy.
rnnfhr tnr inn Clntn nr fitinfrMt
each cow regularly twice each month . f'"1 t,TP ! 7:30 Wcndesday evening choir hearing of objections. If any to said
the unprofitable animals can be ellm- JB 80C j r tj Wr tlio Cm'"" ! reheaVsal. Dual account nnd for tho final sottlo-
inated. Proper feeding rations can bo SJllOOl 1111 U, the ""gagO 7:3Q Thurgtlay evenIllg 1)raycr ,llonl of 8a, Mlat0.
grown in abundance or P"-" JE ! SQUIIIR I.NNIh.
cheaply; they can also bo regulated ac- 7.. ... .-ji " ' Come and brlllfl your friends. Administrator of tho ostnto of John I).
. . i m . . I II I III I' I'l I'll! I I ! Ill IMI'Vi :i!HI I '
coruing to tno marKot vaiue ot tno var- , --- --- - .
lous materials; In nearly every case principle of these bonds to be ' R t Baoti3t Church
....... (rnnrnntoml hv Mm Ctntr, r,f nn.! ,,3t Da.ullJ' OMUrcn
expensive reeus can bo substituted ny r "j j- , jev y,,, . pnrrls
L9ST-Signet ring With letter ,chlfr" ,.,Hrt. ,n nrl. G. Conditions of securing 1
is . Jf inuer piease leave at , - " " Loans shall hf undo to fnhiinrq
iJnWC nfTioo ai gonwhero farming is unprofitable snail ue maue to I aimers
fews omce. when the IanaiDe method8 are adapted ' 'U)on mortgages upon their land
LOST Ring, 1 white and 1 red to the climatic, soil, and market con- n a hll nMnJnS-1'0
agate. Reward. Return to dlUons 0f those districts. These farm "J a lh n
Dr J E Richmon surveys show that where sumcient EUch land, exclusive of perishabl
'" """"" .numbers of good stock aro kept and i jninroyeiiifciHS. A loan to any
IVOR. RATjI Npnrlv H(W f-hnlf rcnnnmlnnl nnil pfflplnnf mnfhoilu nf individual shall not exceed $50
Banquet steel range with hot feeding are practiced, the farmers of "I'on eacli acre of land owned,
water coil and connections. AI-, Lane County are able to give them-inor, shall it exceed $5,000 for)
SO two small heating stoves, selves at least 5 per cent on their total
See Beebe at Peery's drug investment, account for a 10 per cent!
Department of tho Interior,
U. a. Lnwl Ollloo nt UoBolmrg, Ore
gon, December 22, 11)15.
Notice Is horoby given that William
A Taylor, of Landox. Oregon, who, on
Ducombor 21, 101.', mado Homestead
entry Serial No. 03288. for 8 WW ; 8ea
lion 32, Township 198. Uungo 1 Knst
Will, Morldnn has tiled notlco of Inten
tion to luiiko Vlnal Throe- yonr Proof,
to establish claim to thu laud
nbovo described, boforo I. V. Howltt,
U. 8. Commissioner, Ktigtmo, Oregon,
on tho 0th day or Fuhrurny, 1010,
Claimant nainua uh wltnosson: Loyd
Mc.Mnntor, Lowell, Or.; tint Carter,
of Lowell, Ore. Lanty Winfrey, of
Lowell, Ore; Frank McMaotor, of
Lowell, Oro.
Dec. 23 Fob. 3. HogUtor,
Notice to Contractors.
Notlco la hereby given that tho
Common Council will rcculvo soalod
bids for tho flushing of tho paved
streets of tho Town of Sprlugtlold, an
follows; Main strcut from Mill to
Second and from Seventh to Tenth,
onco a week; Main street from Second
to Soventh street, twice a weok; Fifth
street Its ontlro longth, onco a week;
nnd A, Fourth, Sixth and Soventh
streets three times it month; nlso to
clean the gutters, empty the rubbish
cans, flush tho storm drains when
necessary, nnd to sprinkle tho otroutn
whon necessary.
Tho HiirccMfii! contractor will bo
required to furnish a bond lu such
amount um the Council shall deturnilnn
for tho faithful porforiuanco ot his
contract. ,
IIUU to bo nt tho rate of bo much
por block. t
Thu Council rosorvos tho right to
reject any or nil bids.
Said bids will bo received until 7:30
I M.. Monday. February 11, 1D10.
Dated this 13th day of January, 1010.
HKItniCKT 13. WALK Kit,
100-2-t-C Town Ilocordor.
ade in Sorin
M '..
the whereabouts of
Elmer and Charlie Woods who
worked at Saginaw during the
summer of 1914 hauling wood
Any information would be ap
preciated, Address Peder Op-
hus Eugene, Ore. Jan. 27-13
west y fractional block 58,
west end of D street. House
barn, wood shed, boarded well
58 feet deep; worth at least
$1,000. If taken at once $G00.
Write to owner E. E. Basey,
.'Orosi, Calif.
each member. Each member!
shall make written annllcation !
., i ui ,. itnr n Innn nnnn mrtna in Un on. '
umiiuLiiiLiuii ill in. li: il l il i v . i ill v ill! if , . . ........ . . . . ... . i
gitimate expenses of running their! cured from the county branch of
farms and then have left a substantial the Oregon Farm Mortgage
salary of $1200 por year or more for Credit Association, and in this
their own labor and managerial ability, application he shall submit In de
The responsibility of the Granges In tail the purposes to which he in
thls county and state does not always tends to apply the loan, and 110
end, nor should It always begin with part thereof shall, under any clr
cforts to regulate tho legislative bod- cumstances, be applied to any
ies at Salem and Washington. While Other purpose,
not neglecting Its opportunities for ac- Interest and principal of all
compllshing great good through legis- loans shall be payable upon the
lutlon it also should not overlook its amortization plan in quarterly,
responsibility in bringing about better semi-annual, or annual install
mothods on the farms and in tho farm : ments. At the end of three
years, however, from tho date
securing a loan, the borrower
: shall have the privilege of pay
ing off in addition to his reeular
Patronize the Payroll of Your Home Town
Albany has new department
store with $40,000 stock.
House of Quality :
. ' .
P Fino Lino of Box Goods, Freoh
Made, Put up to Your Order.
Hot Drinks, Ice Cream and Soda
Eggimann's Candy Kitchen
Baled Hay
For good valuos,
For good broad,
Uso linkoro.and Knoxnll Flour.
All kinds of Feed cheap.
Will do food chopping for f 1.C0 a ton.
: Springfield Bakery :
Bread, Pies, Cakes, Cookies, etc.
Wedding and Party CakeB a
S. Young, - Proprietor I
The Lane County News divided Its
expenditures last year, thus:
Supplies bought outside of Boring-
field, including papor and now 1
machinery 20,4 p. C.
Supplies bought In Sprlngfleld, In
cluding rent, etc , 19,1 n, c.
Payroll, entirely In 8prlnQfleld..,,..60.5 p. 0.
80 Spent at. Home I I Oregon Power Co.
4 4. i. 1.i.4,
Springfield Planing Mill
Manufacturers of
Extension Tablos, Drop Leaf Tables, nDroak
fasti Tables, Kitchen Cabinets, Cupboards,
Safes, Stop Ladders, Fruit Boxes
"orry Crates, Folding Clothes Racks.
For light, heat and power.
"Mado In Springfield."
! J f
. i