The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, January 27, 1916, Image 3

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    Now lc tho tlmo
to tulco pictures
got some of thcHo
bonutlful unow HCCI10B
whllo you huvo
tho chance,
$2.00 to $60.00
liuy whoro you have
tho Assortment
to choso from.
Supplies of All Kinds
I ll 111) ifi
Dhy and Night Phono 31
Colgato'a Talcums lCc at
Perry. '
Postmaster Harry Slownrtloft
hint evening for Portland to visit
tho automobile show,
Mayor 13. 13. MoitIboii went
to Portland last evening to bo
away a few days on biiHlncHH.
- -Hull, tho Shoo Doctor, for
Rood repairing with tho best
leather. Fifth and Mala struct.
Mr. .and MrH. J. A, S,eavoy
wont to Portland Sunday, where
Mr. Scavoy 1h Hitting ns a mem
ber of tho ifcdorul Jury.
I Clood reliable firo Insurance.
, No assessments; no membership
i fee. Pay onco and you arc done.
II. E. Walker at tho City Hall.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sid well
and child roturucd Tuesday
I from Coburg, whero they had
boon visiting with Mr. Sldwell's
i Mrs. Fred Peal, of Corvallls
and Mrs. Ed. Dean of Eugene,
were Wednesday afternoon cal
lers at tho homo of Mr. and MrH.
M. W. Weber.
W. N. Long of the firm of
Long & Cross, left Saturday
night for Oakland, California, in
response to a telegram that his
, mother, who Is now 72 years of
.ago, was seriously sick,
I Mr. and Tw-zs. Welby Stovcns,
nnd 0. 11. Kossoy went to Port-J
Noaf tho now Edlflon Dlsb
Phonographs at Poory's.
, A concroto culvert Is being put
In at tho corner of Mill and D
-LINdLIUMS, Sono" very
nlco new patterns at Holbrook
& Johnson's.
Horn On Saturday, January
22, 1010, to Mr. and rMs. A. Co-
fcr, a daughter.
Mrs. Edward Lackband, who
had been vlHitlng at the home of
her undo and aunt, Mr. and Mrs,
J. W. Collin, left for her homo In
Portland Sunday.
Inrnvivl n rlfttlcrlif in Ytnf linftvnro
i. v. uvci i. huuui uvuu u vui j. Tlmo wh0 ttendcd W(,ro. MrB
painful accident last night when, ! Anna WcBtfnIIi Mre, wam Pol.
while chopping wood lie cuU doni Mrs. G. W. Dixon, Mrs. W.
gash In his knee, requiring three U Bell( Mra J IL Bloctt Mr8
stitches to bo taken. H A Soult8 an(J MrB. young, all
Mrs. Alice Drenkhahn of Eu-'$GMo. pl' MrB; ?J L ,
geno underwent an operation at y m,iJ
the Springfield hospital Tucs-!- Dunla J.PJaBTAOIN NU!
duy, and is now well on the road w L Dunlap, all of Springfield, j
Tho Epworth LcagUo of the Mf
13. church will hold their regular
Monthly business meeting and
social Friday evening In the
church. All members and friends
arc urged to be present, as a
largo crowd and good tlmo Is ex
Mrs. II. A. Korf was the
charming hostess of chanter H,
P. E. O. of Eugene. The paper
rtf fhn nflnrnnnn 'rPlin Ttlwlu rif
Oregon," by Mrs. A. E. Young, I
'At' 1 i
to recovery. Mr. Drenkhahn was
In Springfield today to sec her.
Councilman Carl Fischor re
ceived a letter yesterday form
M. Fcnwlck, who Is at San Die
go, for his health. Mr. Fenwick
tells of the storm that had been
doing so much damage, and Bays
the letter ho was writing was to
come north by steamer. He
writes that he Is still very weak
but feels that lie has made im
provement In his health.
William, Barrlck, living IrV a
small cabin near the Flsclier-
I Tales of the Town :
land last evening to aucnu t"c Boutm mlu wnB arrested this
, automobile show. Mr. hessey 'morning on a charge of larceny
will return this evening, but Mr. 0f about $20 worth of brass flt
, and Mrs. Stovcns will not be tu,gB from tho ,nm machine
back oororc tno urst or tno wcok. ;8hop. A search warrant tills
morning brought to lignt some
A now
Colgate soap at
Mrs. W. A. Lambert Is con
fined to her homo with a very
sore throat.
Savo 1-3 by buying Roxall
. School Tablets at Pecry's.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wootten
lcavp In a few days for Portland
where thoy will spend a short
time before seeking another lo
cation. Mr. Wootten has had
chargo of the belting at the
Booth-Kelly mill.
Mrs. Grey of Nampa, Idaho,
arrived Tuesday for a visit with
her sister. Mrs. E. E. Lee. Mrs.
Lee has been III for the past
two weeks, and her sister, hear
ing of It. came to bo of asslst-
R. C. HoBBcrman, who has
linnn nnltn 111 nt. hist homo on
north Fifth street, Is recovering once In the home.
William Illller. trlmmerman
at tho Booth-Kelly mill, was out
tho first of tho week, following
an attack of tho grip.
McKco brothers finished their
contract last week for tho filling
behind the new bulkhead on
the mill race at tho Gorrio place.
of the missing brass In his ca
bin. He will be given his prelim
inary hearing this afternoon be
fore Recorder Walker.
Mrs. Caroline A. -Wharton
Ilardle was born In Dele ware
county, Indiana, Oct. 8, 1853,
and died in Springfield, Oregon.
Jan. 20, 191G, aged G2 years, 3
months and 12 days.
When two years old her par
ents moved to Iowa. In 1853 the
family moved to Hand County,
South Dakota. Here she met
and was united in marriage to
Wm. R. Hardie, Eeb. 25, 1892.
To them three sons were born
Panama-California, Exposition
This beautiful exposition will continue all the year 191G
bigger and better than ever. Many of 'the beat ex
hibits from San Francisco have been transferreditp San
Diego. If you neglected to see San Diego in 1915 .do
not fall to see this beautiful city this year. The whiter
is the logical time, too. Six months round trip tickets
are on sale daily from all Pacific Northwest "points to
Souhtem California.
Rev. J. W. Perkins loft Tues
dny evening for Sawtello, Cali
fornia, where he will enter tho
National Soldiers' homo
three months.
Tho Springfield Bakery ship
ped a flue large wedding cake of
fancy design to Portland Tues
day n g it. Deep secrecy sur-' "'Vt ?,",
roimds the match, for which Waldo, Homer and Frank On
this cake was made. 2V," at, tho ae of 16,
, for that above.
District Attorney J. M. Dev- neslde her husband and two
crs wub in Spmlgfleld today and chlldren Bhe lcaves one broti,crt
notified the stores uBlng punch' A. A. Wharton, of Miller. South
boards with which to dispose of i Dakota, to mourn their loss,
confectionary and other articles. ! Mrs. Hardie was converted
that these should be dispensed ,nml j0nC(1 Ui0 M E church in
with as they come under the inw!1 wiin n Hri nf Miirtnmi nnd
for 'articles prohibited as lotteries. ;has llve(j n beautiful consistnnt
Christian life through all these
M. W. Weber has received a years.
Mrs. Nottlo Christy, who with letter dated Jan. 19, from R, L.J
her four children, hoB been viBlt- Drury who with his family arc CONFIRM
imr imp irmnrininthnr. Mrs. M. snendhif: tho whiter nt Hinton,, - Salem.
BUllncs. "and numerous other Oaklahoma. Mr. Drury
Ore.. Jan. 23. Tho
states Mff:alesbED-ff$$ ,$DDD L.bely
rolatlves In this vicinity for sov- that they will leave Oklohoma Oregon Hopgrowers Association
J oral weeks past, departed this about Feb. 14 for Preston, Mln- today announced that It had sold
mornlnti for her now homo at.ncsota to visit Mr. Drury's s'.s- a portion of its holders to Louis
McKonna, Wash. tor who lives at that place. They i.a"iinumd, ot this city, repre-
expect to return home about sonting London dealers, but
M. W. Weber, who has chnrce' April '1st. Mrs. Drury's many neither J. L. Clark, vlcc-presl-of
log scaling for tho S. P. Co. friends will bo pleased to learn dent of tho association, nor Mr.
nt this station, together with that her health continues to im- Lachmund would tell what
II. S. Rogers of Illllsuoro, neau prove. Mr. urury wnies ujai,uuiuin. was mapusuu oi. ni
scaler for tho company, went to' whiter began In earnest about: price paid was declared "satls
' Wondllng Tuesday to confer 'Jan 10th with a snow storm and factory." Salem dealers In touch
with the contractors at Nettle's cold wind, Bob says the way the j with the situation, however,
camn In regard to the loading of .wind blows in Oklahoma is not jsaiu inoy unuersioou uie associ-
the cars.
Grocery Buying
Doesn't Require
the time and thought' and attention
that it used to.
Nowadays, at tins modern store,
we take care of the "worry part" of
your grocery buying we stand be
tween you and impure foods and uh-
ation sold Mr. Lachmund 500
bales at 11 cents.
"It is true that we tllsposed of
a largo block of our holdings to
Mr. Lachmund today," said Vice
Presldenet Clark, "but, by mut
tiial agreement, the amount sold
nnd the price paid will not be
, given out. However,, the price
,vas perfectly satisfactory."
i desirable goods, -and tho cost is?nd,
more than for inferior goods.
'Gdt the Habit of Tradin
Here. .
r t
Notice to School Patrons
Tho first term of the grammar
school will close on Jan.. 28.
1910, and tho second term will
open Monday. Jan. 31, 1916The
first term of tho High school will
cIobo on February 4t 19162 and
tho secAndwterm will open on
Monday, Feb. 7, 191G., ft
No pupils' will bo received In
Mrs. Page's room at this-'timo
avp finished tho
'By order 'df-fho Board 61 Di
rectors. '
'; ' , ' 1 gloria
W, R. Hardio and famllv wish
to extend thoir thanks to all their
frionds and neighbors for: their
khM hohi.nnd sympathy during
tlio Blbkness anil after thedeath
of their loVftd wlfo and nloihcr.
1:30 A. M.
California Express
12:40 P. M.
Exposition Speclai
3lB0 P. M.
Shasta Limited
C:15 P.. M.
San Francisco Ex,
Lane county fruit men have
received word that war onj
brown jot, which is said to havei
caused a falling off of CO per,
cent in the prune production of
tho Willamette valley, Is promis
ed early In the spring by Dr.
Taylor, chief of the bureau of
plant industry of the depart-,
ment of agriculture.
W. C. Hawley, representative'
In congress from this district, at
the request of tfce Oregon prune
fien, has been conferring with
)r. Taylor, and has been in
formed, that preliminary work is
being done in Yamhill county. :
Remedies used in other parts of.
the country are being tried out
with a view to-adjusting them to
climatlp conditions In Oregon, j
The federal force will co-op-,
crate with those engaged in slm
liar work at the agricultural ex- j
perlment station at Corvallls, j
and it is thought that effective !
measures for controlling the the Southren Pacific company a ACTION OF SINGLE SPOON
San Francisco
Through standard and tourist sleep-'
Ing cars, dining; and, observation
cars. Steel coaches make travel
ing a pleasure.
Ask our local agent for further ln
formation or write
John M. Scott, General Passenger
Agent, Portland, Oregon.
Springfield people who .bought the
simple mixture of a buckthorn bark,
glycerine, etc., known as Adler-i-ka,
are surprised at the INSTANT effect of
. : edy is so complete a bowel cleanser
. , . that it Is used successfully in appen-
Southern Pacific can operate jwh. A,ii, a.t roth
OirCCtiy SOUtU OI JUarSmieiU. II , f pOTlnl Pf ,,,lpr PHI. relieves almost ANY RASE of
the Southern Pacific company riecjsi0n of Interstate Commerce constipation, sour or gassy stomach.
had such a linet built, it Is.rum- rnmml0lnn lUiN e ine
ravages of the disease can be ' coast line from San Francisco to
recommended. 'Tillamook. There Is already a
! railroad built from Tillamook to
(Continued from page 1) I
ored, the next stepin construc
tion, would be to build a lino
from Mapleton to Toledo,, Ore
gon, thence north to Tillamook.
When these two short stretch
es of lines are built, it will pive
j gasses rumble and pass out M. M. ,
-on improved farms and city
property, call at my office 32
t8t 8th Avo, Eugene, or call
Phone 8G8.
7Gtf P. J. BERGER-.
Thur 4
,r..n Cltv Hall. Springfield. Or.
nnlcsa,.they. Jl
ffrbrlfloT theAsMV.
is . I
Prince Albert
that it just makes a sorry ho didn't get wind of this
pipe and cigarette smoke long, long ago. Ho counts it lost
time, quick as tho goodness of Prince Albert gets, firm set
in his life 1 The patented process fixes that and cuts out
bite and parch !
Get on the right-smoke-track soon as you know howl
Understand yourself how much youll like.
the national Joy smoke
It stands to reason, doesn't it, that if men all over the
nation, all over the world,
Watch your step!
It's eaiy to chnngo the shape
and color of unsalable brands
to imitato the Prince Albert
tidy red tin, but it is impossible!
to imitate the flavor of Prince
Albert tobacco 1 The
patented process
protects that!
prefer P. A. that it must
have all the qualities to
satisfy yourfondestdesires?
Men, getus right onPrince
Albert! We tell you this ,
tobacco will prove, better.;
than you can figure ou
it's so chummy and fra
grant and inviting all the
time. Can't cost you more
than 5c or 10c to get your
bearings I
Buy Prince AUtrt toarywhir
tobacco U sold in loppy red
iagl. Be tidy rd tins, lOct
handsome pound and half-pound
tin humidors andin that classy
crystal 'glass pound humidor
with sponsa-moistsner top that
keeps the folocco in such great
trim I
, J Wiiton-Slera, N. C.
t 3 frfig'