The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, January 24, 1916, Image 1

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    Or, notorial Hoc.
Continuing the Springfield New and Lane County Star, Which Wore Consolidated February 10, 1914.
KwtM Kobriirrui,lo.l,trtirliii1ol'l,0r(rnii, Mioconil
cUmntterumtrolol Congte ol M rli, I87U
Vol. xiv. no. 103.
bo transferred to one of tho now
rooinu bo that tho assessor's
lorco -will bo Intact, and tho par
tition botwoon tho room to ho
vacated by thorn and tho cngln
ccr' force will bo taken out or
n doorway cut between tho two
In order to glvo nioro room for
tho engineer's) force . IIIh oillco
In now badly crowded.
t e it. ..l.. 0 nt m ...
VVn linnn in ux nliln n . 1 " " ul w"'B uu
sumo operations by tho end of portion of tho circuit court room
tho weolc,' slated A. C.,B cnrr,C(1 thnt room will bo
Dixon, manager of tho Booth-!,nml considerably Hinnllcr, but
company wan to obtain a con
tract reaching towards Califor
nia from this locality. Marsh
Held Record.
In swine production and to teach
tho boys and girls how to raise
better and cheaper hogs by the
uso of improved blood and the
growing of forage crops.
SURVEY RAILROAD . 2. To Increase tho number of
TO FLORENCE iiogg raised on the farm In order
that the meat for the home, and
A crew of Southern Pacific that required to feed the extra
engineers began -work Tuesday farm labor may be produced in-
timmilfwr in Ittnlrn n aiinvOV frit n nfnnil nt linlnr. 1st..rll
Onlv about four inllnn of rnHrt' " "-v v- UBU,6 "uubii..
.U"Za'JO,.Um lClorr?, l branch railroad from Cushmani 3. To compliment the work
to Florence. of the boys' and girls' Corn
Tho work Is being done to ob- Clubs by showing them how
tain an estimate of cost of build- they can profitably sell their
remain to bo laid before the
Willamette-Pacific Is completed
to Coos Bay, according to F. Rv
Itussel, car inspector for the S:
1 i.i-
Kelly mill to Tho News this u,u ,M! "l 11 mr
morning. "Wo will have tho re- i,00"1, ' l,ho courthouse Is bc
palrs and changes dono within !,,ovod to 1)0 -m8t- 11 ,s B0,(,om
a fow days, but of courso wo u uuu """B" uut,u Vruwu miles of the Umpqua. lie was I V" "7 " r": r Ti f, , T
cannot atari without logs. Wo ) W !out two days Inspecting mBl 1? ' ... ' Sif!
fti flirt vnn1 nml t a nrrthnWn ft rntt Vrrkiin4 Vmrra
. Co., who returned Thursday;!, ,,,,,,., ,ofnrn , ' 1
..ll.f " I -I.. 4 ,.,1,1.1.. ,- """' "M..V CUV-UUlUfaV
iifci.i. wuu. u. iu nuum dia pi,(of Wlnnfti. TTnml of (hn r, f ,v.o
the home
had a ronorl from Wondllnir a,lu 11 18 proiiamo umi an puu
this morning that eight Inches llc "actings will hereafter be
of now snow fell at tho camp:110''1 1,10 - N- - Armory In
yostorday. Word from Salom !fltcn1 of at 11,0 courthouso, as In
this morning as to tho effect J t,,c lm8t
M w,,ii tin mmf Mw.rn ....,1 ' "WO Will ImVC to blllld Oil tO
Apiiarontly tho present storm Is .
not gonerul. Just as soon as tho
Aveathor modorates so wo can
get tho logs, wo will run tho
Trainmen on tho Onkrldgo
train reported less snow up tho
.Middle Fork than fell here;
Burner Matorial Horo.
tho courthouse before very
long," said George M. llawley,
county commissioner. "The
building la too badly crowded
new road.
In the four miles yet to bo
constructed there are two large
tructcd and sovral smaller cul
verts. Work Is being delayed;:
a bit while more l10-foot pil
ing aro being secured.
All efforts are being centered
on tho construction of tho draw.
IriHt KlinrlilV linvln,' UMlllrivl In nlcrn 1inra rn? in colon- h nrn
..auuu u. W.V .a,a in UBU uu iovcr the roulo of the proposed ior breeding of market purposes.
roau. I G. To encourage the grow-
It has been known .here for ing of forage crops and discour
several months that the Tide age the use of high-priced feeds.
Water Mill Co., and parties con- 7. To Instruct the boys and
nectcd therewith, especcially II. 'girls In a practical way in the
P. Dutton, have been urging the management, feeding, sanita-
now and some of tho ofllcers arc ; of tho jjinmua brldge an(1
compelled to occupy outside jas BOon aB that ls readyt tcm
rooms. But wo do not Intend toLo, ti nnn un
structed on either, Bida and. traf-
l build until tho county is out of
debt. Wo expect to be in that
' 111! II. . 1
Material for tho now rcfuso 'comm,on "iceiuioi unsycar,
humor at tho mill arrived ycs-inml tho next court may possibly
torday, and tho cars have been Pry'dc '" u' erection of an
.,. .1 i addition after that."
poslto the site of tho burner. As
sembling tho metal hood will be
gin as soon as possible.
Tho new conveyor from tho
mill to tho burner has been in
stalled, and a chuto for direct
ing material into waiting wag
ons, when tho burner Is not In
use,, ls being put In.
For several years both tho dis
trict attorney and tho county
school superintendent have oc
'cuplcd suites of roms in the old
United States National Bank
building at tho comer of Wlllam
ctto street and Seventh avenue.
lie begun over the river.
Gravel operations aro expect
cd to be resumed out of Spring
field about tho. middle of Febru
matter with the railroad
The people of Florence are all
anxious to have the road built.
Florence West.
tion, and prevention of diseases
of swine, all of which informa
tion provqs valuable with re
spect to other forms of livestock
8. To give the boys and girls
(Continued on Page 3)
More oillco room will bo pro
vided In tho Lane county court
house, If tho tentative plnns of
Seventeen out of 22 pupils of
Nearly everybody who watch
es indications about Coos Bay is
expecting an announcement
from tho Southern Pacific Rail
way company within a few
months applying to the contlnur
ution of construction work her
tweqn Coos I3ay and Trinidad;
unci Eureka, California.
L.' P. Branstetter, who is hero
in tho Interests of himself and
other i Humboldt parties to
tho county commissioners uro 'tho eighth grade of tho
Good progress is being made
on the railroad bridge at Cush
man. The north span is all fin
Ished, painted out to the draw
and the work is -well along on
the south span. The draw will
ntnlinlilv ho rnrwlv tn onorntfi lv
the time the rest of the bridge is ?S8Fi
" Notes From West
' Springfield School
The 2500-pound rotor of the
old "hog" at the Oregon Pow
er company's plant, in use since
the mill closed, flew to -pieces
shortly before neen Saturday,
tossing several large fragments
through the roof of the house
but missing, by narrow margins
the workmen engaged in feed
ing slabwoo'd into the machine.
The heavy casting surrounding
the machine was also wrecked.
What caused the accident is
,not known. The rotor was of
cast iron, while present prac
tice is to make' them of cast
steel. It was running at a rate
of 900 revolutions per minute,
which gave a velocity of some
11,000 feet per second to the
outer rim of the rotor. Centri
fugal force would cause the
breaking of the wheel as soon
as a -weakness developed.
Now that the hog Is ioiit, of
commission the power com
pany's boilres are being fired by
hand. '.
completed. Florence West.
I very much since they have their
new records. The school board
recently purchased eleven double
records.. The selection was with pneumonia
imatie uy a competent musician,
(Special to the Lane County .News)
Wendling, Ore., Jan 22. Mrs.
Bertram Harris, returned from
Salem, where she has been car-
iing for her mother, who'' 'Is' ill
Pig Clubs are
''Shine Organized i o'my I .SSt
jJCUlg phnep,, hnn w nm, nna .closed on account of the severe
fhosen. One boy and one girl
. from the upper grades have been
" y,, " -v,r. - delegated- to opexateutheunad
x-ig oiuwi are ueing organized chine, so musiCTirarbciieard at
among the boys and girls of Ore- any recess or noon.
gon by tlie Intension Service of Miss BerenIce inKans the Mss LuciIe Copenhaver and
the Oregon Agricultural College music teacher has been unable Mlss Helen Porter returned Sun
cold and snow.
UJXhemilUjas heenrSlluUdGwj
iui-severai nays ana iuepaner
will close Monday night. ,
lie Spring-1 handle the Russ Estate hold- in co-operation with the Bureau to meet her classes for the past fday after spending the week end
carried out. The commissioners ! Th?0,s ere successful in ;lngs on tho Coqullle, states that ol Animal Industry, U. S. Do- weok on account pt . anu
to mnlfo rnnni In tl)o 'l,n8SIIe recent examinations, jto ranruau uompany una m- panment oi .Agriculture, tne "r , "'' f"" "".:,: i
and none of the five failed
Dovora. who now occunles rent-!UrelJ'- T,,c questions in gram
. .. I
SIir Ik.
.1 i . i iinRRinfr i no T'oofiiif nvniiiinnrirttia iiit; iiiiru;iii t:LJiiiiKin v ;i i- iiji n tiiiii r. in Airnmi riirp. tiir
iiubiio 10 liiuKo rooiu iii mo !'" uuuuutuuiio, 1- x- --0--
kuu uiuuuu iwiumuwii am vuy jouiio ouiiuimiuiiucut ui ruuuu work Tuesday morning.
una siuu ui xiiiuuuu lur u tuiiuci lumruuuun, iuu uuuuiy auuuui
. tt i mt i i ... i i- a i -ii ii 1 1 ill iii ii iv ;i ii i mi- ii si hi 1 1 ii
... 'inni n rn cnu r r 11 n in si iiiik irimr i 11 n iririi 1 11111 iiii- MiiTiPrinroni nnr ipnniiflrc nTiri . ......... v v. H..
would also like to be able to givo!usun,,y sevoro. and there were ( this tunnel i3 on the survey
tho county school superintend- vory fcw I,al,ers ver 00 in thonndo by Frederick Brown nine
ent room in tho building, but this !8,lbJect ,n the wholc county. Tho years ago an drecently re-locat-:
will bo ImposBlblo until such a fhowIng ore the successful ones ed by George Wolfram. The tun
timo as nn addition to the build- iof tho eI8hth Gra(lo: ',,el wlu dut n number of miles J
I.., iti nrnnt,i uistTict rso. iu uaviu u u- lroin me const route anu aiso
Tho advice' of the district nt-!wel, Lewis GIbba, Flora Rich- provide a water-level grade
1 T ! T-t .
tornoy is sought by tho commis- ,UUHOn' lvnn iunie Florence
fiioners and other countv omc-,Dn,nbr,(1ee' Janics L- Young,
ials almost every day on matters 1Inrry Fadrem, Clarenco Kes-j would invest so much money as
nortalnliiK to various thlntrs in 'tor' orn Travls, Duteo Fischer, tho Willamotte-Paclfic has cost
connection with the county's y reriuns, uaio Lioran, vers(wun me soie tnougiit oi omam-
btiHiueas, and It Is very Incon- BSOrmn"' 1 rca Allu,en Jessie mg uoos uay traiiic.. f or mat
t;oe, James L.CW1S, rean anooK. i reason jur. wane iooks ior a
Tho following seventh grade continuation of the line between
pupils 'vvero successful in the here and Eureka, almost at once,
Frank B. Waito, among others
on Coos Bay, says no railroad
vonlcnt to call him up over the
telephone and wait until ho can
come to .tho courthouse: On this
account and to save outside rent t'copraphy examination:
land would not bo surprised to
money tho alterations have been J Distrlct No- 19 Helen Stev- see work started this spring,
decided uiion. jenson, uean imoitow, uiinci jjiui-
W. O. Ilec'kart, who recently ."B. Mary Chase, Ada Rennle,
built tho registration window at linroui oe- umuuo ystron.
tho county clerk's olllce, has
been asked to furnish tho county
court an estimate of tho cost of
remodeling' certain portions of
tho courthouse in order to make
room enough for the district at
torney. Mr.,IIcckarfc has been
figuring on the worji; for several
duo plan suggested and which
seems to bo, tho only feasible
one, Is to cut off a portion of tho
circuit cour.t room In tho rear
and make a sulto of office rooms
out of it. It Is said that tho plan
Is to move the assessor's oillco
to these new rooms and allow
District Attornoy Dovers to oc
cupy tho two rooms now occu
pied by Assessor Keenoy in tho
eastoru part of tho building. A
part of tho assessor's force oc
cupies a room adjoining tho
office of County Engineer IJ. W.
Llbuy. Tho young women vfho Board of1!
aroiployedl!- thjit .room will', yoto, $40000
Tho following members of tho
sixth grade in Springfield passed
tho physiology examination:
Alice Reynolds, Tommy Rey
nolds, Lavon Russell, Laura Grit
fin, Lowell Sikes, Junnita Reed,
Ora Chase, Albert Russel Carl
During the past flyo years
more than i,4,00,0d0,000 acres
have been eliminated from thol
national forests, and more than
1,900,000 acres have been avail
able for tho benefit of 18,000
Of tho lf800,000 water horse
power in tho western states 50
per cent is in plants constructed
in whole or in part on the nation
al forests and operated under
permit from the Department of
Agriculture. 1 '
Regents of U. of O.
.for, now building.
1 : t; I . '
HVi fuvfVint. flilo lmllnf ta flin
fact the Hauser and Hauser
company has made no effort to
remove Ub largo construction
equipment from the Bectlon be
tween Coos Bay and the long
tunnel. Of course there is no
railroad work in sight anywhere
else just now, and that might ac
count for tho machinery still be
ing In this section. Still, there
have been rumors since last
summer that Hauser and Hauser
nlilo tn tnnnVi rP)i o nrimnrv
parents. .room has been dismissed pend-
The Corn Club members are ing her recovery.
raising profitable yields of corn I . , ..
. .. ... ... Patron s Day was quite a sue-
where it was thought impossible 'cess ,n West s 5,,. About
to grow it a few years ago, and thirty patrons visited school Fri
it is hoped the importance of day afternoon. At 3:30 the pupils
feeding crops to live stock on were dismissed, and a Patron's
the farm may be emphazed in ,A eaciw meeting enjoyeu. , op
" i fci rr f rr Minn i rt- lutt
this Pig Club work.
ics of Interest such as. hot lun-
!ches. nlav shed, and ceneral
It would be. well if all mem- school work were discussed.
however, 'much better ' Springfield respectively.
Delbert Bennett returned Mon
day from Cottage Grove, where
he had been spending a few days
with friends and relatives.
The Parent Teachers associa
tion met Friday evening at the
school house, with an unusually
large attendance. During an in
teresting business session it was
decided to have a Community
meeting at the school building
the following week for the pur
pose of erecting the play-shed
and a new flag pole. The ladies
of the town offered to serve din-
hers of Corn Clubs would enroll . Mrs. Davidson spoke briefly room After the business meet
In the Pork Production work on school lunches, Mrs. Collins jin an exceptionally good pro
and thus lend a hand in the eh- h was rendered. This was
deavor to improve the quality bv Mr S Mr Lee followed by the serving of dellc
of swine in Oregon, and at the Kd Mr. Gossr g ' refreshments by the com-
., ,11 a N ,, , , . . mittee, which was composed of
same time learn how to make After the discussion a dainty Mra nor. rjnrifvow iu vaiAa
anu Mrs. xseis iNieison.
more rapid and
gains In hog feeding.
There will be two distinct dl
economical luncheon was served by tho
Regular meetings of this na
ture were arranged for and it
visions of tho Pig Club project, promises to be very interesting
Division I, the care and manage- work.
ment of a brood sow and litter j The . h0 d ,, d
of pigs. Division II, the feeding ing n0biy by their hot lunch
Annual Meeting of Agricultural
Society Held
H. W. Stewart was elected
and care of one or more pigs scheme. They have only a 1 president of the Lane County
from wtmninir time for a neriod small kitchen arranged in one
f nt lonsh fm,r monttin. end of the. upstairs hall but many
Objects of the Work.
an appetizing meal is prepared
'there. The work is practically
Wo guarahteo It to stand up
and dowhat it wns designed
to do to wear aiid keep its
freshness t yM; and to hold
its color, on.t down with
the passing years. Look
over our wide assortment of
samples. Then, consult; qur
prlco lists and seehow
much of a savei; ydu;pre,
ttpAvir.Hfirferlrirt Hm "dwarf ftnmnanv
Tho object of forming Pig nil done at recess, that it mav
Clubs among tho boys and girls not interfere with their regular
may be briefly stated as follows : , plass work.
It Is generally conceded that
the pupils who eat something
hot at noon do better work in the
afternoon session.
1. To stimulate an interest
Miss Weller's room received
the best average in the spelling
(contest this time, The third
grade averaged 96 per cent
and tho fourth 99 per cent.
Those receiving 100 per cent
sm nadeas htheeus emhecese n
in tho school were: Leland Dav
idson, Jack Lemon, Oscar Adams
Lois Meats, Frankle Griffin, Es
ter, Lee, Rachel Adams, Lyndel
Gardner, Richard Collins, Paul
Nixon, Ollle Mercer. Mary Hake,
Arthur Baughand Lucille Spur-
Agricultural association at ,the
annual election held Friday eve
ning at the Commercial Club
roms in Eugene. The other of
ficers chosen yere: E, O. Potter,
Vice-president? J, M. WilUqms,
secretary; - and W. T Gordon,
The board of directors chose
Stewart, J. M. Williams, F L.
Armitage, C. O. Peterson, W. T.
Gordon and E. Q. Potter. .
The matter of the sale of the
fair grounds to the county was
discussed Informally, but no de
finite action waB announced.
Wasco county once had 130,-
000 square miles, nearly four
times the size of Euglahdjind
Wales. : .-J
Coqulllo Valley Telephone Co.,
plans to sell to Coos, and Curry
Telephone company, ; f,,
M I 1
1 (
1 !!.
' ' 1 . ... ' ....