The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, January 20, 1916, Image 3

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Now le tho tlmo
to tnko pictures
got some of thoao
beautiful snow Hcunou
while you have
tho olmnco.
$2.0Q to $60.00
Buy whero you liavo
tho Assortment
to choBO from.
Supplies of All KlndB
tat VI M "tT nt ,SJ
Dny and Night Phone 31
: Tales of tho Tovn
4. 1
A new
Colgate soap at
W. L. Matlock of Goshen was
In town on business Tuesday.
L. Vogl of Mnrcola underwent
an operation at tho Springfield
hospital Wednesday, and Is get
ting along nicely.
Thh OtWon Power comnanv
Is taking advantage of the clos
ing or tho mill to clean tho tubes
of hollers Nos. 1 and 2.
Mrs. J. P. Vnugim 1b suffering
from an Injury sustained when
she fell on n slippery walk. Sev
eral ribs were Injured.
Mrfl. William Rouse, who was
operated on at tho Springfield
hospital ton days ago, was nblo
to return to her homo Tuesday.
Atty. Walter 13. Jones of Eu
gene, who recently announced
himself as a candidate for tho
nomination for stato representa
tive was In Springfield Tues
day calling on friends.
The W. 0. W. is having tho
two front rooms of their build
ing fitted up for club rooms for
members. Threo new members
wore Initiated Into tho order at
tho meeting Eucsday evening.
Two cars in freight train No.
222, Itosoburg to Eugene, left
tho track at 8:45 last night at
tho Eugcno city limits, and tied
up tho track for two or threo
hours. Ono of tho cars fell onto
tho street railway track, and dis
arranged Its schedules for a
tlmo. The cause of tho wreck
lR-not known.
... .. ,. ,, tvwvtvjyr
Colgato'B TulcuntM ICo at
I'oory's, ' ".'!
Oliver Johnson mado a buel-
ncoH U'lp to Albany Tuesday,
--Hoar tho now Edison Disc
Phonographs at Poory'fl.
--Clo to tho Palace of Sweets
to buy peanut", f cents a quart.
llottald Duncan of Etlgcuo,
was In Springfield on business
William Illllar returned to
Snrlncfiold Tuesday after vlslt-
' lug In Brownsville a few days.
Hall, tho Shoo Doctor, for
good repairing with tho bcBt
leather. Fifth and Main street.
NolHon SIgnor who has been
sdrfcrlng with rheumatism wnH
nblo to bo up tho first of tho
week. .
. .
Mrs. A. Il.'Kccnoy, of Tho
Dalles, mother of ir. Keonoy
Ferris Is a gucfit at the Baptist
B. E. Harris and L. D. Frank
lin of Wondllng camo down on
' Monday to do some repair work
at the Booth-Kelly mill.
Tho revival meetings at the
Methodist church which have
been carried on so successfully
by Rev. T. h. Jones, will con
tinue over Sunday.
I Rrokon pipes and faucets let
run are causing tho consumption
of largor quantities of water
than usual. Tho company pump
led half a million gallons of wat-
01 yesterday.
Mn, Page's class at the Lin
loeln building had to bo dismiss
ed Wednesday on account or tne
cold and Miss Copenhavor's class
had to bo moved to another part
of tho building.
Mrs. E. C. Ralston of Doug
las Gardens, who underwent an
operation Sunday at tho Spring
field hospital for tho removal of
.gall stones, is recovering nicely
from tho effects of the operation.
City Attorney J. II. Rower re-
turtinil WiwlnriBflnv nvmilnrr frnill
Salem whero ho appeared before
I tho supremo court In tho case of
Stovcns et ai. JUdgo u. w.
Thompson appeared for the re
The power plant whistle has
boon used for tho nast day to
signal working hours for the
men negngeu in construction
work at tho Booth-Kelly mill, as
steam has boon shut off from
the mill Many thought a fire
alarm was. about to be given.
Tho evening services of tho
Baptist church were omitted last
Sunday In view of special meet
ings at the M. E. church. Pastor
Ferris and tho congregation at
tending the special revival ser
vices in goodly numbers. A
christian courtosy much appre
ciated In our city and com
muntly. t
Tho old "hog" located near
tho log pond spur was put Into
oneratlon Tuesday afternoon,
'and slab wood from tho reserve
piles Is being hauled and cut for
luel for tho Oregon Power com
pany. The "hog" Is kept In
operation until midnight, after
which hour fuel is drawn from
tho big stock house.
Save 1-3 by buying Jtoxall
School Tablets at Peory's.
-LINOLIUMS, Some very
nice now patterns at Uolbrook
& Johnnon'B.
A. F. Flegal, formerly In the
plumbing business wlU W. N.
Long hero, vas In Springfield
Good rollabio firo Insurance.
No assessments; no mcmberflhlp
fee. Pay onco and you are done.
II. E. Walker at the City Unit.
Manager Creed Urattaln of '
tho High school basket ball loam I
has made arrangements for a!
doublo header with Cottage 1
Grove for next Saturday. I
Wlllard IJossorman, 8. P. tick-'
ot agent at Rosebum.
Springfield to visit his parents.
His father Is quite 111 at his homo
on north Ffth street.
Mra. E. E. Led Is Buffering
from an attack of the grin, with
complications which give a case
of doublo vision. This 1b rather
a raro condition, but Is expect
ed to pass with the breaking of
tho grip.
Charles E. .Ersklno. son of
Rev. W. M. Erskinc, well known
In Springfield, was last week
elected manager of tho Rend
Commercial rclub to succeed H.
II. DoArmond, resigned. Mr.
Ersklno Is a graduate of Will
amette university and recently
opened a law office In Bend.
38 out of 40 lltnevs Inannntncl
1 under Portland ordinance failed
to pass.
Prince Mh&tt Is .
such Mendly Ibhkccb
that it just rrmlrco n man cony ho didn't gat wind cf this
pipo ond ciijaretto ernoke longylonff ago. Ho count3 it lo3t
time, quick oa.tho goodness of Princo Albert goto firm set
in hfa life! Tho patented process texa thatand cats oat
bite and parch !
Get on tho right-crnpke-track soon co you iJncrvv howl
Understand yourself how -much, youll Iilco
iha national joy cmoka
It stands to reason, doesn't it that if. men aflover the
' - nation, all over the vorld,
Watch your step!
It'o easy to chaiiflo tno hapo
nnd color of untalablo brand
to Imilalo the Princo Albert
tidy red tin, but it it Unpottibla
to imitate the flavor cf Princo
Albert tobacco! The
t patented proceis
protects that I
prefer P. A. that it must
have all the qualities, to
satisfy yourfondestdesires?
Men, getus right on Prince
Albert! We tell you this
tobacco will prove better
than you can figure out,
ifs so chummy and fra
grant and inviting all the
time. Can't cost you more
than 5c or 10c to get your
Boy Frtni Albert' cojyv)hro
totaccch, U in loppy iid
ban. Set tiJy rtd tint. 10c I
hcmdtojrx ponnd and halfpoand
tin humidors end in that dairy
cry t lair start poand humidor
with Mpongm-mcitltncr top that
httpi tha tobacco in tuch great
Winston-Salem, N. C
Social cNptes
Dlroctionn for Making a Dolic
lous Confoctlon Much Rn.
1 cntiiKtn(v f r .-. : I r f i
wniiuiuu -iiornup.
Cand!t4?cnmberles make a de
licious and Inexpensive confec
tion much resembling candled
cherries but havintr a rifRtinpi
' flavor of Its own. This is a sug
gestion to housewives from the
ihonie economics oxperts of the
oepartment, who liavo been de
berry. They have dovolonwl n ,ratrr att-o Phoronn - Isndes the husband she leaves
method which. If followed closn- d.i-t mn3? niof rnrfr' Trctl. two sohs, Waldo Hardie fand
jly, gives a bright, firm. .Mump, 'nt assisted by Mrs. -Jennie Fry.i Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Larimer, I' rank aHrdie, and other rela-
, semi-transparent canoed fruit Grand Mkrshal, arid 1 10 Past and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Bryan of tlves in the. east. .
i which can be eaten as a sweet- Noble Grands, Installed' tlie fol- Springfield attended Uie card
nieat or used to give a touch of iowing ofilcers: N. G., Mrs. Fan- party given last evening In Eu- - 1NOT,?E, ,
! color to frosted cakes, whipped nIe Griffin; V. G., Mrs. Cleo Dur- gene the El Kette club. There . ,A" x860?.,?16111861
I cream or custards, or which can rin; rcc. Sec, Mrs. Elgia Stev- 'were 25 tables, and after a sea- ndebted to Nive & pier can pay
bo used like citron hi cakes or nJ. hm o vinn lvwofm- enn f nr-Aa n rioHcrhtfni innph- lyour account at the FirstvNat-
. ' - I" I . 111. 1 II .1 . V111U .&rf.VU.. uv M.nuM.U. " W ... w , -
, , , intinl l-fiTilr nr fn I d VinA fT
settle u
Died At her home in. Prune
ville, at 11 a. m., Thursday, Jan
uary 20, 1916, Mrs. W. R. Har-
,.'y,i .',1 , , - 4 v or- -rrt.i i" mi i 'flip ulfp nf W. R Hnrtllp.- "Plen-
,'Oloping new uses for the cran-n0f Springfield held their installa- will be at the home of Miss Mc- ey was the cause of death. Be-
added to tuttl-frutt loA pronniB Vri ,oo tm,H att-o th t?. atihi.- Hanson Miller. Please
I he becrct of candying cran- ialni Mrs. Nellie Richmond; R. was awarded the lady's prize and sn. MnTOT.
, berries lies in handlimr the fruit o n nu wii,8r. n s v.! Mr ATni?nn thr ntlpmPn' 101-4t NICE & MILLER.
L. S.V. G.
i i
so that it will become saturated q Miss Alice Kester
wftli sugar. This calls for slow Mrs Rfflfi Sfsiniirer.
cooking on the Installment plan Trustees, Mrs. M. Bally, Mrs.
wuuiisu iu jjuuu mi uie oerne3 .j iorr and Mrs. Curtis Hay
to lloat at the top of the sirup den
during cooking. The skins aroi Musician, Mrs. Jessie Newman
; f ) tough that they .must be j After the close of the even
: Pierced before cooking to let the ings. business the Brother Re
'mi0 nhe m'1'?,or,AnterIo;bekah's very pleasantly surpris
do this three little slits, each ed tho members with an oyster
,cnc-cighth Inch long, should be BUI)per and a general good social
niitug iii UUi i jf Willi lllU
We wish to extend our thanks
to our many friends for their
kind assistance and flqral offer
ings Hurinir the recent illness
The net area actually owned nn( at the death of our loved
by the public within the National 'husband nnd father.
The Needlecraft is being en
tertained this afternoon by Mrs
J P. Fry at the Elite hotel.
A very enjoyable session of
Forests of the United States Is
162,773280 acres. The number
of National Forests is now re-
iduced to 165 as against 163 a
year ago.
Members of the Forest Service
delivered, during 1915, 149 pub
and FAMILY..
point of a pen knife. Use select
cd, Inrgo, firm cranberries. The
directions for cooking are as fol-
For l, cuns of berries mal- Tuesdny afternoon at the homeJto requests from educational in
n thin slrVX boiE rtoiSS of Mrs. James Lwton. A musl-; Btitutions assoclations of lum-
!the Pine Needle club was held lic addresses, mainly in response
" lueuuielrnl otnrtninment and Usht re-Zr TitZn n
iuuui citjur & cups or sugar anu.r , ; v n, .. hchubu, wa-uiuwu oa,
,21. nf mtn,. wSn, ' freshmeuts followed the after. National Forest user
Islrup is coo! add the berries nnd of "ffi!
;boforo the sirup soaks Into thnnmt
puip. As soon as tlio sirup boils I r1 'Z? ,'" "
rHsii nff Mio atnvo nnrl mm". ana. luimnc i'"J' i
d. w. r oof, Jeweler
Grocery Buying
Doesn't Require
the time and thought and attention
that it used to.
Nowadays, .at this modern store,
we take care of the "worry part" of
your grocery buying we stand ' be
tween you and impure foods and un
desirable goods,- and the - cost is'no
more than for inferior goods;
Get the Habit of Trading
J 1 II. U 1 1 ,
lot it stand over night. Next day in Tnrr eth
drain tho sirup from tho berries IMasterson, Mrs. John Tomseth,
Uand boil it until It Is reduced to
nbout half its original volume.
Put the berries into this medium-
' gently for three or four minutes
and then allow to stand for two
i hours or more. Then bbll gently
Mrs. H; B. McPherson,. The
next meeting of the club will ho
held in two weeks with Mrs.
A jolly coasting party last
evening repaired to the Gorrie
if '
Larimef s
a third time for five minutes. A apartmentB in the Vitus building
smaller dish probably will be .where Miss union uorre naa
"needed for the third and last prepared a splendid supper for
.boiling. When thoroughly cold tho cold-sharpened appetites.
or, better still, on the following Those who composed the party
!day, drain off tho Blrup and wero Miss Florence Coffin. Mrs.
' unread the berries out on a light- Edward Leckband (Portland) ,
V buttered paper until the sur- Miss Ida Tronson , Miss Margar-
faco of tno berries dries. , ;euo uurnt?, xuiua auua uuum,
Tho berries, if directions hayo 'Miss Maud Gorrie, and Messrs.
beon followed, will candy separ-Edward McBee, Lewis McBeo,
atoly and not In (6 a sticky mass. Wayne McBee, QharleS Gorrie,
Tn liinim n rlAUnlniiH tno prorim Jack Gorrie. James Gorrie, Clln-
add orio-half to threp-fpurths fpf ,ton Clearwater, Robert Van Val
n.cun of chopped berries to oa$hfzah, Norman Anderson, and Les
auarc oi mo .cream mixiuro.
,They also can be combined witn
bits of candled orange or lemon
Jneol. or other Ulaco fruits to
ijnake tutti-frutti Ice, .cream. The
yfclrup l'eft over, aftoi: theberrl.M
aro canuieu naa a uieabiuit
bweet-acldf flavor and fine colgr
and Is oxcellent In puddjng sauce
water, for use .on pancakes;
waffles, etc.
National Forest users.
Twenty-seven ' new publica
tions were issued last year by
tho Forest Service, and 380,000
conies of Forest Service publi
cations were distributed.
La Grande, reports say that
live stock industry is on increase
in this part of the state.
Dallas, It seems certain that
tho big Falls City mill will re
open about March 1.
Oregon City paper mills are
preparing for flood which seems
certain to follow the unusual
John M. Scott, general passen
ger agent of the Southern Pa
cific Co. after ah Inspection tour
over territory between Portland
and' Corvallls gives an optimistic
report or business conditions in
tbnt. section. '
Doa't Get Wet
sheds ever7.drop.
V !r.t, PVfSesl
from-. runing' in
Protector Hat, 73 cents
Satisfaction Cuarcntccd rfffSER's
Send for catalog
ter Dunn.
! '
A very enjoyable session pf
the Emanon club was held yesr
terday afternoon at tho home of
Mrs. Henry McCullum. Tho
members present wero: Mrs. J.
E. Fox, Mrs. Curtis Hayden, Mrs.
M. L. Franco, Mrs. S, A. Gay,
Mrs, A. Valentino, Mrs, E. E.
Morrison, Miss Ethel Conley,
tho Misses McPherson and Miss