The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, January 06, 1916, Image 2

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    The Lane County News
W. Ai DILL, Editor and Mgr.
Published Every Monday' and
Thursday by the Lane County
Publishing Association.
Ono Year .... $1.50
Six Months ' .... .75
Three months .60
Advertising rates furnished on appll
caU6n. j
Member of the Willamette Valley
Editorial Association.
In his report for the last fiscal
year the Secretary of Agricul
ture makes quite plain the De
partment's policy in regard to!
agricultural lands within the Na
tional Fdrests. The report states:
"It iSathe Department's policy
to makcavailable for settlement
all 'lands which are chiefly valu
able for. fanning. In order to
open such areas a earful classi
fication is being made. Large
tracts found to be valuable for
agriculture or unsuited for per
manent forest purposes are elim
inated. During the last five
years about 14,000,000 acres
have been released. In addition,
individual tracts are classified
and opened to entry upon appli
cation of home seekers. Since
the work. was begun, more than
1,900,000 acres have been made
available for the benefit of 18,000
"In short, lands within the
Forests really adapted to agri
culture are being occupied as
homesteads under favorable con
ditions. While the lands suited
to settlement are classified and
opened to entry, those which are
not chiefly valuable for agricul
ture are retained in public own
ership. The alienation of timber
lands under conditions that will
lead not to settlement but to
speculation and to Increasing the
holdings Qf private timber own
ers would defeat the very pur
pose for which the Forests were
MIL.ES WINTER AiW IN aioKrci rNt j
Department of t ho Interior
V. S. Lund Olllco nt ltosuburg, Ore
gon. January fi, 1010. , ,
Notice In haroby given that Joseph
Wnkallold, of Vldn, Oregon, who on
AuRttnt 1, 1011, mnuo Homestead Entry
Serial No. 01m, for tho N of SWU,
NWU of nnd Lot 1 of, Section 34.
Township 1G8, UntiRO 3E, Willamette
Mvrldnn, hns Mod notlco of Intention
lo nmko Klnal Thrco-yonr l'roof, to
istnbllh claim to tho In ml nunvo do
scribed, beforo I. 1 llowltt. U. H. Com
mission, nt his olllro nt Eugene, Oro
gon, on tho 18th dny of Kebrunry. 1010.
rtntmunt nnmm an witnesses: John
H nnlo. KuRCtto. Oregon; Louis Tnto,
of Vldn, Oregon? John Low, of Vldn.
Oregon; Charles Noal, of Vldn, Oregon.
Jan. G-Fob. 10. Register.
Notlci Is hereby glvon tlmt by virtue
of nn Execution nnd Order of Sale
issued out of the Circuit Court of tho
Unto of Oregon, for Lnno County, on
tho ISth dny of Docuntbor. 1015, on a
Judgment rendered In said Court on '
tho 25th day of September. 1015. In n
Milt whoroln tho PlnlntllTu Mnrgnrot
Moore as executrix m tno catnto of
William M. Moore, deceased nnd Mar
caret Mooro, rocovored Judgment
against tho Defendants It. 11. l'lorco
nnd It r. LwhIIb fdr tho oum of Forty
Throo Hundred Twonty-Saven nnd '
IC100 (M327.K!) Dollars, with Inter
est thereon from tho 6th day of Decern-1
bor, 1013. nt tho rate of S per cent per
annum, nnd Five Hundred nnd no-100 j
($500,000) Dollars attorney's foes, nnd
tho further sum of Flfty-Ono nnd 70-100 .
are not enough Stalls for was Enrolled and docketed In tho
in emu
Mary Miles Mlnter in "Emmy of '.i,
1 Rinrt'c mo 3 j there
"vaM itlio tunrlrof " cnliT T? r rwin Clerk's olllco of said Court
Few stars have ever tflken . ..., ' .ufn n ' County on tho 25th day of September.
such a sudden and permanent' , .v, ,. n,llo in inXrn Mrn . 0(3 commanding mo In tho natno of tho I
. , . . ... r .. .
aS Utile lUarj Miles iMlnter, tUO'ef-n n10 i.i lnnil nrrrillnr rnt in Kntl Mm fntlnvt-J
cantlvatinir vouncr nnti-es??. ...... ..... .Ing described real property, to-wlt: , ,i!
4 w v a r t iiiiiifi nnriirintic tn tun ohaiic i ........ . ... . . . . i -
csnonr. I "tin iicginning ni point -u.iu enaina fan
,thO nresent income. Wo will Jortn and chains West of tho
ittpoi t. of tho condition o
tho First National Hank of
Sprlngllold, In tho Suito or
Oregon, nt tho oloso of htiHl
iiosh Dooombor JU,,
condonned from ropoit to
tho Currency :
Loaiifi and DIh-
countH $100,225.01
V. S. and othor
Bonda and War-
rnntH 2:j,fil7.:i7
Unnklug hoiiHo, real
ostato, furnlturo
and fixtures , 18,593.00
O.'ibIi and duo from
banks .12,801.53
Capital Stock..? 25,000.00
Surplus and pro
fits 3,222.01
Circulation ... 0,250.00
DeposltB M 0,721. 00
j whose next work on the screen1
Will be seen in "Emmv of Stork's 4 .. Southeast corner of tho Jatnos It. FIbu
vim,',, n ulu W or D. L. C. No. 39 In Township 10,
"The real agricultural prob
lem within and near the Forests
is to make possible the success-
cat, a meu-u x-itiuiei, torpor- townspeople so that we will be South UnnB0 2 Wc8t of 11,0 wniamotto
iUIUll uruuucUUll. ilisa Ulinier S .i.. , . .uurmmu, uuu ruiiiiuiK uionto iMiriu
fame has been
she has been on
.. . ,, . .Moriuian. anu running uioneo North
able to snniiro tlio lmtlilltio- nt r. .
...nil ., , " ""o "k .v.ui uiiuiiib iu nit) tumur ui vuuni)
well eanieu, for lhe staljs cjear aroun(j t0 0ak noad No. 95. thenco South 73 degrees
11 the Stage Since t MilnV w .m 30 mlnutos Eat n,onK o center of
,., . ..Street. I think we Will be able tho road 27.95 chains to tho East lino
this sunnort. for mnnv ' 8nd claim, thonco North 33.83
she was seven years old she Is ! to
now fifteen and is a consum- .,i . . , , chains to tho Northeast cornor of tho
mn(o n?cf wlM, n ,,, , ,t"-"iw iiui-cu iu uiuuiiu mum- James It Flsuer Donation L. C. No.
mate artist with a wide and di- bers of the market committee Township 18 South Rango 2
versinea Knowledge or tmngs ihnt th(lir Qf nt utrn J ( est, tnenco west 29.42 chains, thence
ttaw Ulat thelr C0St 0f UvinS as ar- South parallel to tho East lino of tho
Ultuu'"1" "C1 111 suit of the establishment of tho saW Jnmos n- VMlr 1 r,
was with Nat Goodwin In "Cam-
TMnrlrof lion i,onn .. ' chnlnB to tho contor of County Road
sis. T-K.,' V. 1.1 1
nuiici, ims uuen uui to n great No, 95 thenco North 73 degrees 30
extent. Mnnv nnnnlo hnvn m. mlnutos West along tho center of flio
cess was In "The Littlest Rebel," Lnrtori n,nt ut L. i.m rond i2-Bl cha,,,B t0 1,10 Ea8t Uno ot
a nliv In whloh ;hP Rtnrrwl fnr P that theIr grocery bills tho E. Elliott D. U C. No. 40 In Town-
a play m wnicn sue starred for have been iowered from 15 to 25 'ship 10 South Rango 2 West, thenco
four years With WlUlam and ' nf mo. .', North 45 degrees 30 minutes West
Dnetln Pnmnir P 1 Si"Ce the market oaSa,ong tho center of tho road to tho
jjuoim ranxun.. been jn operation We wjM ask xortl, i,no of section 2 Township 19
In "Emmy Of Stork's Nest," tua on .South Rango 2 West, thenco West on
Miss Minter has a role for which w ujiiiiujixiutu t,10 section lino 24.00 chains to tho
Qha to coon enougn 10 mane tne necessary f-ast nno or tno aooi itussou u. u c." nn n(u, t No," Township 19 South of Rango
uo u jiutujj-iiu-iun.j &m ui uic . 2 vost, tttonco South 37.26 chains to
mountains, a wild flower grow- ments necessary and adequate ; the Southeast corner of said D. L. c.
ine In a locale filled wltn human to tho noofin nf th mnrv ino. i, thenco East 43.74 chains moro
rfnUvTnhlrnCnTn,Snn0 STl 1 "Th(5 m&rket haS hG
munity a young man from the'. , ,
city-r "who Immediately meets tence.,four months," conUnued
with disfavor and esneciallv Mr. Coglon, "and these four
arouses the scorn of the moun- months have been the' hardest . . ,.., ....
. j . i 1, .. . t,! , , .... I UfblHIIlUB Ul U (1UIIII .0,111 CIIIltllB
tain gin uecause oi ms manner neriod or the venr. mnnflia dnr-' North 2(i.Rn riminn nf ih
and Clothes. He falls madly tn s .,.icast corner of tho James It. Klshnr
love with her and finally proves . "- t D. h. c. No. 39 Tp. 19 s. R. 2 West
or less to tho beginning, containing
23C57 acres moro or less In Lane
County, Orpgon, except lands which
have been released from tho Hen of
r.ajd Mortgage and described as fot
ful occupancy and development
of the lands that already have his worth How a family of coun- ,least
plentiful. During the
been opened to entry or actually
patented. The mere private
ownership of land does not in
sure successful use of it. In Ore
gon and Washington alone there
are about 3,000,000 acres of log-ged-off
land, much of it agricul
tural in character, now lying idle
In this condition speculative
holdings of the land for higher
prices play a large part. An
other cause is the lack of trans
portation facilities. A settler
may clear land and raise : crops !CRANGE C0IV1M,TTEE
upon ii, uul lie is imipmss u ue
cannot market them. There are
great acres of fertile land unused
terfeiters conspire to break the spring there will be a much larg-
matclj and ruin the young man; er demand for the products of
how they are twarted and 'truelne farm and there win be
!sV at a SSpS muchgreator varietyof produis
telling a vivid tale teeming with t0 De offered for sale. It is then
thrills. The setting for the five that there will be the need of
part photodrama. in the heart of more stalls at the market."
the Ozarks of Missouri, has af
forded unusual onnortunitv for a
artistic worth. ; "Emmy of
Stork's Nest" will be seen here
at the Bell Theatre Sunday
afternoon and evening, Jan. 9th.
The Lane County Pomona
The committee named by the
agricultural committee of te
Grange to interview the county
court and city council consists
of W. R. Wing, C. J. Hurd and
R. B. Coglon.
w. M. and running thenco North 26.51
chains to tho center of County Road
No. 95, thonco North 73 degrees 30
minutes West along tho contor of said
County Road. No. 95 to tho East lino
of tho E. Elliott D. L. C. No. 40. Tp.
19 S. R. 2 W. W. M., thenco North 45
degrees 30 minutes West along tho
center of sajd County Road No. 95 to
tho North lino of Sec. 2 Tp. 19 S. R.
2 W. W. M. thenco West on tho said
Sec. line 24.0C chains to tho East lino
of tho Abel Russell D. L. C. No. 41.
Tp. 19 S. R. 2 W. W. M. thenco South
37.2C chains to tho Southeast cornor
of said D. L. C. No. 41. thenco East
43.74 chains mora or less to tho placo
of beginning, containing 146 acres of
land moro or less, In Lano County
Now, therefore, in tho nnmer" of tho
Stato of Oregon, and In compliance
with said Execution and Ordor of Salo,
Eighth Grade Final Examinations
Notice Is hereby given that Eighth' I w,n orl,?.aiur.da7 tl,e ?2nd. dl,y of
ade Final Examination win January. 1916. between tho hours of
9 o'clock a. m. and 4 o'clock n. m. to
Grade Final Examinations will be held
in ocnuui uiBincis wnero thnr urn
tndtvnn this ippount In manvGranSe market committee will f pupils to take them on Thursday and w,lt,:,at neociook p. m. on said day,
today on tms account, in many, .Friday. January 13. 14. 191C, according at tho southwest door of tho County
Rent oris near the National For- m tne near Iuture aSK le ciiy , . ' ; . -b Court hoU80 ln EuBen0( Lano county.
ests pioneer conditions still exist, j council oi r-ugene anu in uum.
The population is small and the
task of road building is beyond
the means of the residents.
There is little or no demand for
'the timber and the receipts from
the forests which go to the com
ty court to provide more room
for the producer's public mar
ket. A committee was named
at a meeting of the agricultural
committee of the Grange Mon
day to interview both bodies
Chairman of each Hoard.
County School Supt.
munity are small. The fact that poking to the additions to the
the public property is not sub
ject to taxation makes such
communities feel, and very just
ly,, that the Forests are not con
tributing enough to local devel
opment.'' In conclusion, the Secretary
The matter to be taken up will
be the occupancy of the old city
hall as soon as the firemen move
to the new city hall, which will
be within a month. It is pro
posed to obtain the permission
repeats liis recommendation of jof the county court (the building
last year that "upon a showing Is on county ground) to occupy
of public necessity appropria
tions be made for specific roads
and similar Improvements, to be
charged against the State's fut
ure share of receipts from the
Forests. . Such action would
promote the local development
of agricultural and other resources."
Roseburg Sand & Gravel Co.
will enlarge plant at once.
Work is being rushed on Os
wego, Dallas & Roseburg Ry.,
tp furnish material for factory
at Oswego' by' March 15 If pos
eible, 50 men-at-work-.
the structure during the remain
der of the winter vhile the
weather is stormy. The next
step proposed to be taken is the
extension of tho row of stalls
around the corner on Park street
and clear to Oak street. The
committee will ask the council
to provide in its next tax budget
a sum sufficient for that purpose.
The budget has already been
made and the tax levied for next
year and the council wbuld be
unable to make this improve
ment this year.
- "We have'already found that
Oregon, offer for salo, and soil for
cash, subject to redemption all tho
right, title and interest or tho Defend
ants It H. Tlerco nnd Elizabeth Picrco
I his wife. R. P. Landis nnd Mabel
ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Landis, his wife. Edgar A. Sorenson,
Notice is hereby given that the u'n-lkyb.ert.Slm?.n8' Dr,tt AsPlnwall nnd J.
derslgned has been duly appointed by 1 ' A8Plnwall, co-partners' doing bust
tho County Court of the State of Ore- T88, und,?r ino flrm namo nnd "Wo ot
gon ror L.ane County, administrator
The Best Groceries
For Less Money
The Fifth Street Grocery
Thos. Sikes, Prop. Phone 22
We wish to thank all our
Friends nnd CuBtomera for
their liberal patronago dur
ing tho old year and solicit
a continuance of tho same.
Wishing all a Happy and
Prosperous New Year.
Yours for tho best Gro-'
ccrles and Honest Treat
ment, Nice & Miller
Why not save and deposit in
one-twelfth of your total taxes each month? By so dis
tributing the tax burden over the entire year, it will not
seem so heavy. ' L
4 per cent on savings.
of tho Estate of Mary L. Kooneko, de
All persons having claims against
said estate are hereby notified to pre
oent the same, properly verified, to me
at the oinco of Frank A. DePuo, in
Springfield, Oregon, within six months
from tho date hereof. Dated at Spring
field, Oregon, January 4th, 1910.
Administrator of tho estate of Mary
I.. Koeneko. deceased,
i'ronko A. DePue, Attorney for estate.
Date of first publication Jan. C, 1910,
!ant publication, Feb. 3, 1910. ;
Department of tho Interior,
U. S, Land Clllco nt Roseburg, Ore
gon, December 22, 1915.
Notice Is hereby given that William
A Taylor, of Landax, Oregon, who, on
December 21, 1912, made Homeslead
entry Serial No. 08288, for SWU ; Sec.
tlon 32, Township 19S, Rango 1 East
Will, Merldan, has filed notlco of inten
tion to mako Final Three- year Proof,
to establish claim to tho land
above described, before I. P. Hewitt,
V, 8. Commissioner, Eugene, Oregon",
on tho 9th day of Fobruray, 1910,
Claimant namos as witnesses: Loyd
McMaster, Lowell, Ore.; Ora Carter,
of Lowell, Ore.; Lanzy Winfrey, of
Lowell, Ore.; Frank McMaster, of
Lowell, Ore. -t
, ' J, M. UPTON.m
ijvv. to r vv, o.
Asplnwall Bros, and Clarenco N. Nel
son ln and to tho above doscribed
mortgaged premises.
Sheriff of Lano County, Oregon,
By D. A. ELKINS, Deputy,
Scaled bids will bo received for tho
purchase of $671.09 Town of Spring
field Improvement Bonds, by tho
Town Recorder of said town at his
office ln tho Town Hall, until Janu
ary I7th, 1910 at 7:30 o'clock P. M
at which time and placo said bids will
bo opened and considered by the
common council ot said town,
rate of not to oxcoed 0 por cent per
annum, payablo semi-annually, nhall
bo dated January 1, 1910, shall bo ln
denomination of $100.00 oxcoptlng
ono bond of $71.09 as may bo conven
ient. Said Bonds will bo sold for tho
highest prlco obtalnablo but not loss
than par and accrued Interest,
Bids will bo considered for tho pur
chase of nil or any part of said bonds,
Tho right is reserved to reject any
or ail bids. A cotlfiod check of 93C.
will bo required as ovidenco of good
faith on tho, part of tho bidder to ac
cept said bonds.
These bonds' aro baBec on street Ira-
Register; ' provements.
and offered under tho
terms ot tho Bancroft bonding law as
provided by Chanter V. Tltlo XXVI of
Lord's Oregon Laws, as directed by
Ordlnanco No. 423 of tho Town of
Springfield, Oregon.
Dated Docomber 15, 1915.
TH lC-to-13 Town Recorder,
hotel planned for
Jns. Corsaw has re-opened
his shoo repair shop in the
west half of tho Stevens bi
cycle shop, ,MaIn St. near
PHONES Office, 3;
Residence, 116-J
. . .. n
j- i uYsr vummer.ciai oani(,
Phono 1221
B31 Willamette 8t. Eugene, Oregon
Offlco In
CUy Hall. Springfield. Orei',
Office Phone 62 Hetldence 67-J;
Weet Main St. 2
Edwards &Brattaiif
For Farm and City Property
Exchanges o Specialty
Phone 30
.Tho 1
Springfield Garage
Proprietor ;
Repairing a Specialty
Main, hot. Fourth nnd Fifth, Phono 1