The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, December 20, 1915, Image 4

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    9 t
(Continued from Pago 2)
yiillingfonl had chuckled at first, but
oy he was thoughtful.
M. Perlgord was deeply regretful that
tho. beautiful Miss Warden's lavender
creation had been so extensively copied.
"It Is because mademoiselle- Is so strlk
tag-so attractive." ho suavely ex
plained. "Tboso clever American man
ufacturers have thefr designers every
where Uegartl their little trick! They
behold a charnilug fashionable like
Mile. Warden In a triumph like this ex
quisite lavender costume. They say:
Vollal We wait no longer! We havo
found it! They dash to their work
shops. They make a sketch of the de
signevery bnttn. every thread. Pres
to! The nrtlstlc creation of the house
ef Mondcaux Is In all the shops.
"So that's tho way It's done." mused
Blackle. "What do you think of that
Jor pure gall. Jim?"
Jim Walllngford's big shoulders heav
ed. "It sounds like the explanation for
a black eye." he chuckled.
"Ono becomes clever In America,"
boasted Perlgord, with a self satisfied
smile, after he had agreed to refund
the price of- the dress. "I have learned
the llttlo trick to make money. Now I
learn the little trick to Invest with rap
idncss. With 554.000 to start vollat"
"Fifty-four thousand!" responded
Blackle, glancing at J. Kufus.
Walllngford at the window suddenly
wheeled and came back looking at his
watch. "I'm afraid 1 -can't wait until
you settle with M. Perlgord," he stated.
"What's your hurry, Jim," protested
Blackle. "It won't take long. When
people pass money they part."
"I have to keep my eye on a certain
rapid Investment," said Walllngford
Impressively. "I'll sco you tomorrow
at" the ofllce and settle with you for
tho next pooL Dy the way, here's
your $1,000."
"Oh. give It to a newsboy," laughed
Blackle. with a nonchalant wave of
the band.
"I don't care what you do with It,"
responded Walllngford gravely., pro
ducing a big red pocketbook. "My
business Is to pay you this $1,000 In
return for the $150 you Invested with
me yesterday." and Into the hands of
the astonished Blackle be counted a
J500 bill and five $100 bills.
"How much will you Invest tomor
row morning?'
The wad," Blackle said promptly,
and started to band back the money.
"You know better than that.". Wal
llngford reprovingly reminded blm. "A
hundred and Ofty is the limit Jn this
pool, as I have often told you."
"Can't you let me go In for two hun
dredr argued niackle. "1 don't like
to play for a piker bet like this."
Then stay out." retorted Walllng
ford. "I offered to let you In on a $50.
000, pool once, and you failed to meet
me nt 3:30. so now you take the little
pools. Walt a minute," and he con
sulted n red memorandum book. "You
can only have a hundred today."
"All right." ngrred Rlnckte reluctant
ly." "Here's your hundred." and he
handed It over .
"CikhI day." said Wnlllngford. taking
M. Perlgord looked after him In stun
ned, perplexity. "Impossible!" be com
mented "lie Invested $ir0 for you
yesterday, and today he gives i you
Inrk Si. 000"
"Yes, confound blm." grumbled Black
le? "He's sort! at me uud won't let me
in. on his big game."
?Blg!" repeated Perlgord In astonish
ment, looking greedily at the money In
Plackie's hand. "Do you call this
small?" . ,
"It's a tin horn proposition," scorned
SBut how does ho innko It?"'
"Walllngford won't tell." Blackle
lialf whimperingly to u tided. "He is one
of our most clever Americans, No
body knows bow much mouey he Is
worth. Nobody knows how much I am
worth. I don't know myself.V
"And did Mr. Walllngford make you
all your money?"
"Every last $1,000,000," asserted
"Ah!" breathed M. Perlgord In wor
ship. "I, also, would become rich
qujck; So rich that I also could say of
$1,000, 'Give the tin horn to the news
boy,' M. Daw, would you truly give
that much money to a newsboy, or
was it what ypu clover Americans call
a Joko?"
Blackle's eyes widened in astonish
ment that such a -question should bo
asked. "I'd give it to anybody," bo
stated, with a flash of Inspiration.
"Wor.ld you like to havo it?"
"Nino hundred dollars!" gasped M.
Perlgord in error.
"la it $000? Why, so it K" counted
Blackle negligently. "Here, Perlgord,
take it and buy yourself a dinner,"
and, thrusting the bills into tho hands
of tbo dumfounded Perlgord, he stalk
ed out of tho place.
"I forgot to get Miss Warden's
check," explained Blackle the next day,
walk'ing into M. Pcrlgord's with u in his band.
"It is ready, .mopsleur," cordially
stated i tho importer, s greeting Blackle
witltho enthusiasm of an old friend,
no'jfla'sped hisi'hands and bowed pro
foundly. Ho delivered the check with
a flourish.' "It gives hie great pleasure
to makff,myself again honorable with
'mademoiselle." "
"She'll appreciate It?" Brlnned""ulac-kW.-.t
Thanks, Pcrlgonl, Good day,"
and he -started for the door. ; 1 "
"Pardon, -unonsteur. 'buti- llttW -mos
mcnt," tagnn Perlgord.
rtlacklc, expecting 'that call, turned
with slow reluctance. Ho looked nt
his watch.
"Your friend. M. Walllngford," In
sinuated Pcrlgonl. "I tun consumed
with curiosity to know how much ho
gave you for yout ?100 of yesterday."
"Oh." returned Blackle, with n bored
expression. "I don'f. know yet. As n
matter of fact. I hadn't thought of In
quiring about It. Ho probably has only
six or eight hundred dollars for We.
I'll Just let It go."
"Ah, monsieur," protested Perlgord,
"even If It Is only a little mouey like
that to you, who are fo rich. It should
bo taken. Perhaps monsieur would like
to give It to some friend,"
'Very well." agreed ntiekje. ynwn
Ing. "Wnlllngford'a ofllce hours are
from 3 to -I. Would you like to go over
with me?"
"I shall be transported!" exclaimed
M. Pcrlgonl In a flutter of delight this
being the boon for which he had been
eager to ask.
Ho ran. He brought bis silk hat lie
brought his gray gloves. He brought
his llttlo cane. He brushed his kinky
beard. He tripped down the stairs two
steps ahead of Blncklo Daw. Only
when they reached the office did he
hang back timidly.
That was a brand uew ofllce In a
brand new skyscraper, nud on the door
was the legend: "J. Kufus Wnlllngford.
Investments," M. Pcrlgonl did not no- J
tlce that the paint was still fresh, Tor
Walllngford himself had carefully dust
ed and otherwise aged It. no had spent
the morning on tho job.
Inside was a smalt anteroom. In
which there sat waiting a totally bald
headed man and a ro"nn with a bushy
beard and a largo red necked man with
a mustache, one etui of which had been
chewed to a tassel. A spider legged
boy guarding the entrance to the door
of the private ofllce greeted Blackle
with n nod and turned an unfriendly
stare on M. Perlgord. Beyond tho glass
partition could be heard tho loud and
angry voice of that iecr!ess Investor, J.
Rufus Walllngford.
"No, Mr. Toilet you can't get on the
preferred list!" shouted the voice. "Yon
havo the gall qf a burglar. I let you
have a twenty-flvo dollar n day cor
ner in this little pool practically out
of charity. You've made an average of
from $2ip to $300 a day out of your In
vestment, haven't you?"
"Yes, sir." admitted Mr. Toilet "The
lowest you ever made mo out of my
$'Jo was $100. But I want to go on
your larger- list Nearly all your cus-J
tomcrs are allowed to Invest from $100
to $150 a day. and they make from
four to six times as much as I do. It
Isn't fatr."
"That settles It!" roared Walllngford.
at the limit of bis patience. "You get
out! Your place on the list Is vacant!"
"Please don't say that" pleaded the
frightened Mr. Toilet "J'nf sorry."
"You're too late." sternly returned
Wnltlngfordl "Here's your $275 for to
day." "Tlease take my $25." begged Mr.
There was the sound of 'the hasty
scraping of n chair. "Your account I
closed!" roared Walllngford. "Oet out!
There were other sounds. The door
opened suddenly and out shot a
chunky young man who wore thick
spectacles. M. Perlgord noted that b
had money In both hands. He turned
In the middle of the anteroom.
"Go mi out. yu!" ordered the spider
legged boy. n- .1. Ituftis Wnlllngford
himself slammed the door of the pri
vate .otlice.
Mr. Po'Iet walked slowly out of tho
room. The waiting Investors looked
nervous and apprehensive. A little bell
rang 'hnrp' j. The spider legged boy
darted Into Walllngford's room. H
bounced out again In n minute.
"W. O. Jones." he announced.
The totally bald headed wan sham
bled In. casting a Jealous look at M
"Hello. Onion Jones!" greeted Wal
llngford suavely. "I have 51.100 for
you. That leaves you $1,000 clear
profit. Pretty good, eh?"
Pcrlgord's eyes glistened.
"Npt the bqst day we've had. but I'm
Katlslled." laughed Jones. "I benr you're
going to start a new pool, Mr. Wnlllng
ford." "Next week," returned J. Kufus.
"Any chance of my getting a sharo
In It?"
"I think not Jones." advised Wal
llngford. "I won't split that pool Into
shares. I plan to take In Just one blu
"All right." agreed Jones. "I'm
tickled with anything you do. now
much can I get in for tomorrow?"
"One hundred." stated Walllngford.
"Just give me that hundred dollar bill."
"There you are." returned Sir, Jone
contentedly. "Good day, Mr. Wnlllng
fonl." The bell rang. Tbo spider legged boy
darted in. Mr. Jones shambled out with
his hand full of money.
Andro Pcrlgord's breath came quickly.
"W. W. Williams." sang tho boy.
The full bearded man went in.
"Good afternoon, Chinchilla," hailed
Walllngford cheerily. "You got In' for a
hundred and fifty, didn't you? Well,
here's $1,050. I'll havo to cut you down
to u hundred today'
"Sony, sir." said Williams. "By the
way, is Pollet dropped from tho pool?"
"Yes," snapped Wnlllngford.
"I'd liko to take up his share,"
"No," snapped Walllngford.
"Just as you say," hastily responded
Cblnchllln Williams. "Lord, I don't
want you to get soro nt mo too,"
"I guess I am a llttlo grouchy," con
fessed Walllngford, "but every timo I
turn around somebody -wants to band
mo money. I'm tired of it"
t"I know," admitted Williams. 'Ybu
feayo.toQimuch capital now.' I guess if
you .dropped, obout half of us tbo rest1
of us could make more money.1'
"If t dropped you nil I could make
tho entire nroflt for myself," WbIIIh.
fonl reminded him. "That's what I'm
going to do on thts next pool-tnko Just
one live partner with $100,000 and spill
tho profits."
"I'll dig you up $100,000 In n mln
ute.H quickly offered Williams.
"Nothing dolug, Chinchilla," bluntly
refused Wnlllngfonl. "t hnvo to have
a partner 1 like, lie must bo generous,
trustful and ngreeablo, and you won't
do. Good day, Williams."
"Good day, sir," returned Williams
Tho bell rang ns ho enmo out with
money In his hands.
"Mr. Monxcu." announced tho spider
legged boy,
Tho rod necked man with tho chew
ed mnstncho lumbered In. no spoke a
few husky words, Wnlllngfonl did not
talk nt all Big Tim came out with his
.bands full of money.
Pcrlgonl was dreaming vast drenms.
"Mr. Daw," announced the boy.
Tho autocratic Mr. Wnlllngrord
frowned when he saw tho stronger
with Blackle Daw. but M. Pcrlgonl
did not see the frown. Ills nstounded
eyes were glued on tho novel decora
tions of Walllngfonl's desk. Thcso
rlecorntlons consisted entirely of
money stneks of ftvo dollar bills, of
tens twenties, flftlcs, hundreds, five
hundreds and thousauds! There were
packages of money still unopened, and
fnun a slightly projecting drawer
peeped other money.
"Anybody else out there, Jesse
Raines?" yelled Walllngfonl.
"No. sir." replied the boy.
"Then lock tho door." ordered Wnb
lincford. "Sir. Daw. hero's your $1.-
000." and he nonchalantly selected the
money rrom the assortment on tuo
desk. "Yon may get lu for a hundred
All right." assented Blackle care
lessly and held the uioncy loosely la
his hand. Passing Wnlllngronl a hun
dred, bo stuffed the rest in his vest
pocket with his thumb. "Your tomor
row's pool all mndo up. Mr. WiUllng
ford?" "All but a twenty-five dollnr share."
answered the clever Investor. "I was
going to let old man Dokes have that
hut he didn't show up. Moreover, I'm
afraid Dokes can't keep his mouth
shut If anybody tells nbout this pool.
nut bo goes. You may have Dokes'
twenty-flvc." ' l'r
"No.- thanks," drawled Blackle. "I
don't like odd chnnge. Carry It your
self." Me?" laughed Walllngford. "Why
should I fuss with a twenty-five dollar
share? Look at what I havo left" And
with a negligent sweep of bis hand he
Indicated the Utter of money.
M. Perlgord bad been trying to speak,
but be had been too excited.
"If It will be any favor to monsieur
I will take It" ho offered. "Me. Andre
"1 don't like to let strangers In." hes
itated Walllngford, with a frown, "but
I think I Bbnll let Mr. Pcrlgonl in on
this pool, Mr. Daw; that Is, until It
closes next week." And Wnlllngford
smiled quizzically as be turned away,
"I am all gratitude!" fervently ex
claimed M. Perlgord, whipping out his
pocketbook nnd planking down his $25
lu u hurry, lest Walllngford should
change his mind.
"You're on." said Walllngford. toss
ing tho money carelessly on to the dek
with the other greenbacks.
M. Pcrlsord smiled and smiled. "How
much shall 1 receive for my $25?" he
wanted to know.
"I guarantee nothing," returned Wnl
llngfonl, casting ou him n cold look. "I
imy not make you over n hundred dol
lars. I may even lose your money."
Both Blackle and 51. Perlgord laugh
ed nt that absurd proposition.
Again M. Perlgord ventured a ques
tion. "If I may Intrude upon mon
sieur's courtesy, how docs ho make
such enormous profits?"
"I never tell," declared Walllngford.
"Viola!" accepted Perlgord. "M. Wal
llngford, I thank you. M. Daw. I
thank you also. Shall I conic over to
morrow to get my money r
"No. don't bother me. I'll drop In nnd
band It to you." stated Walllngford
carelessly. "Good day. gentlemen."
They filed out of the ofllce. and Wal
llngford called Blackle back, and M.
rerigord. listening Intently, heard Wnl
llngfonl soy:
"Your friend Pcrlgonl Is very agree
able. He Is generous. He looks trust
ing." Andro Pcrlgord's henrt was glad.
What he did not bear Wnlllngford say
was this:
"Double right back, Blackle, nnd help
mo tako care of this real coin. We'll
leave, tho phony stuff here, but I'm
nervous since I had Onion Jones nud
Chinchilla Williams nnd big Tim Mea-1
zeu In this room."
At last Andro Perlgord wns a happy
man. - no was profiting by American
cleverness, and ho had tho most clever
man In America ns his Investing agent.
On tho first day Wnlllngford handed
him $200 for bis $25. On tho second
day Walllngford handed him $300 for
his $25. On the third day Wuliingford
handed him $275.
Andre Perlgord smiled. He was be
coming clover. He know now whero
Wnlllngford mado these enormous prof
itson tho bourse, tho Stock Exchango
That was where these clever Ameri
cans mndo their quick fortunes. It
was the only place. But Andre Perl
goi;d vus wise. He said nothing. Ho
held his peace nud took tho money.
It wus a slmmo that the amount wns,
after till, so small. It was u tjn horn.
If be could only Iiu'cst u the larger
business which Walllngford was about
to launch, then ho might be a million
aire quickly nnd go back to Paris and
do nothing nnd bo a gentleman and
wear a different dress shirt every even-'
Ing. no more ngreeablo to Mr.
Wnlllngford, moro generous, more trust- l,
"Well, Andre." wM WalllHftml cm
th fifth rtsy "the little pool M emtd.
Hero Is your Inst rAkeofr--f 2S3."
"But there will bo another pool," pro
tested Andre. "Cannot monsieur mnko
me n plnco In that, ever so llttlo n
place, only twcnty.nvo or fifty or n
hundred dollars?"
"No." ivrusfd Wnlllngfonl kindly,
hut firmly. "I've cut out tho hiuiiII
shared, I've dropped nbout half my In
vestors. I've carried lots of them along
lieeauso they wero with mo lu the start,
when 1 began In a small way, Hut
now they've had enough. 1 don't like
to monkey with so tunny people. Tho
smallest ' shares In this new pool aru
$250, and. It's filled up."
Andro cleared hi throat. "But there
was a larger wol," ho suggested, "Just
M. Wnlftngfonl and ono nirreeitbln part
ucr." "Yes; that's m., special pet." ngrcod
Wnlllhgfonl. "1 need a man with
$HKWX for tat."
"Monsieur, look!" begged Andro. "I
have $30,250. upon which I hnvo laid
my hands lu the clever American fash
km. Now, M. Wnlllngfonl, could not
(his ninoimt be mndo to do?"
Wnlllngfonl frowned. "I like yon.
hut It would not bo fnlr." ho objected.
"I do all the work and have till tho
rcsHnslhlllty. If you wero to(put up
less than $100,000 1 would bo com
pelled cither to take In another small
partner or put up some of my own
money. "No. I must hnve $100,000."
"Thru I nm In despulr." worried
Andre. "I ennnot borrow 13,750, even
In the nnme of Mondenux.
"I see." mused Wnlllngronl. "Well.
It's too bad. Andre, becniw you're n
very ngreeablo gentleman, nnd cxnctl.v
the kind of partner 1 would like to
have. However. If you can't raise ,the
money I shall accept some of my other
"Ono moment" pleaded Andre. "How
much money would this grand pool
make me?"
"I don't know," replied Wnlllngford.
"I guarantco nothing. I might make
us $5,000,000. I might make us a
I thousand. I might loso tho money."
"That lsnlroll." laughed Andro. "M.
, Wnlllngford, I am despcrato to bo
l coino your partner. Look! Could you
'jjot yourself lonu me tho money nnd
tnKo oacK ino ij.iuu out ui mi
V.ay's profits?"
The big pink face of Wnlllngfonl
j brightened Immediately, and his broad
lahoulders heaved. "By Georgj. you're
genius. Andre!"' bo chuckled. "That
I wns a happy Idea. I'll tako your
"Viola.- cried Andre. "Tbo bank
I will close loo soon this afternoon, my
Laraway's Store is Filled to Overflowing with
Jewelry, Silverware, Brass, Cut Glass, China!
Everv shelf and every show
case in this storo is brimful of
thing3 that, will delight giver
and recipient. We have things
here that never saw the light of
day until this soason. There nro
things here which you can feel
sure will not be duplicated else
where. Exclusive shops send us
their choicest productons direct,
and wehave them on our shel
ves now. awaiting your inspect
ion. Here are the products of tho
Goldsmiths art: Bracelets, lock
ots, watches, rings, pendants,
chains, necklaces, emblems,
scarf pins, fob3, cuff links and
many other acceptable gifts too
numerous to montiop. hero you
will find tho"famous Pickard
Hand Painted China, coming
from the most famous shop in
America. Then it you want
something for tho house, wo
hhnva manv nattorn in flat ware.
both in Storling and Silverware
knives, forks, spoons, and
cream sots.
Ideal Christmas Presents for
Sot knlvea nnd forks
S3.00 to $30.00
Silver cutlery
?3 to 17.50
Silver opoon tray
?4 to IG.00
Sliver crumb set
...1 $2. CO to $5.50
Urass candlesticks
Watch chains
S1.00 to $18.50
Watches $5 to $50
Lodge ombloms
50c to $35.00
Pipes $2 to $7.60
Fountain pens
$1.50 to $7.50
Match boxes
$1.25 to $25.00
Cigar cases
$1.50 to $7.50
Cuff links 50c to $25
;wiSTWBllltTiirohir" buOpmerrew'
morning I shall lay tha ninoHtu'lti your
hHluts." -
All right,' nurccd WnllliiRfoni.
"Bring It' over to th'o" oltlco-ln ensh,
please." '
Ono day passed, two days passed,
three days passed, nnd Wnlllngfonl did
not livlngjiny millions! Ilo did hot, In
fact, bring any money nt nil'. Indeed,
ho did not como nt nil)
Andro, IVrlgonl brushed his kinky
hennl, Ho put on his silk lint, donned M
gray gloves, took tip his llttlo cuuo and
trotted over to the otllco or .1. UuHis
Wnlllngronl, Investments.
Sumo vague, cold presentiment pos
sessed li tut its ho entered the anteniom,
There wero no waiting Investors. There
was no spider legged boy, Tho door or
the private ollleo was oen. nud he en
tered. Thero wns no money on Hie
desk. It wns ns Imro us varulsli could
mnko It. Thero was no money iK-eplug
from tho hair ohmi drawer. M. Perl
gonl'a henrt was sinking rnst
lu tho big swivel chair sat J. Itufus
Wnlllngford. a lingo diamond glowing
In his cravat. Ho was conjcntedly
smoking a big black cigar. Opjvoslto
him. with lit long legs sprawled under
the dosc nud his silk tint mlrnculously
poleod on tho bnck of his head, sat tho
grinning Blackle Daw. contentedly
; Blackle Daw. contentedly 1 f l l
a cignrette. They Mid sat thu'nesdays or each week.
ay from a to -I since Andro hnd . J
every day
Joined the grand pool. They could nf
ford to loaf. The restitution fund of
tho Warden girls wns richer by $10,000,
nnd there was over $10,000 added to
the oxpenso fund.
"Ah!" exclaimed Andre. "You nro
here, nt least. I havo not Been you nt
tho Mnlson Mondcaux!"
"No uso to come, Andre," said Wnl
llngfonl. grinning. "You'ro broke."
Andro Perlgord dropped Into n chair.
"Broke!" he gasped. "You did not loso
my money!"
"You did." advised Wnlllngfonl. "Hv-j
cry cent Ilesldes that you owe mo
$.750. I thought I wouldn't bother
you for that Just now." I
"Mon Dleu!"' groaned Andro. "Why.!
monsieur, you hnvo lost me not only fill ,
my money, but some of tho money oft
the house of Mondcaux."
"Tough." commented Wnlllngfonl. "I
suppose you'll now havo to Juggle with t
your books and rent tho Mondenux cro-l
atlons to tho designers until you can1
replnce their money In the hnuk. Hnvo
n cigar."
Andre turned to'tho grinning fnco of
tllnckle. "It Is a graft!" ho suddenly
iliv-Mivl nnil Imilruul t Ma fcit- 1 fn
to the police!"
"And havo mo pinched and get nil Bay OB tllO BOW WlHaniettO Pa
our names In the papers nnd let tho ciflc brldgO.
house of Mnndonux llml tt nut " urn.
j Jewelry ljl
W -Reliable I
Silvor fruit dish
$4X0 to $10.00
Hand Painted China
Cut glass waro
Brans (lower baskets
Hrass Jardlnlor '
Urnss book rack
Cut glass fruit dish
$3.00 to $17.50
Cold thimbles ,...$2 to $0
Voil pins 50c to $5
dold finished back
Combs ,$1 to $0
Silver toilet sets
$0.50 to $27.60
Lcathor puroes
$1.75 (o
Cold brooches .,,$1 to $40
Cold watch chains
, $1.00 to $25.00
Gold watches
$10 to $52.50
Drnsn llowcr Jars
Urnns llower holdors
11 rasa umbrella holders
Silver cot spoons
$1.25 to $7.50
Vlctrolua $15 to $200
Silvor broad tray . ,
$3 to $10.50
Silvor tea sot . , .$10 to $30
Ilings $2.50 to $8.50
tiroochos $1.00 to $15
Hand hug ,....$3.00 to $25
Diamond nccklncos .......
$5,00 to $125.00
Ilrucolets $1.00 to $25
Diamond rings , . . .
$0.00 to $400.00
Tdllet sots In Parisian
Ivory, Silverware and
sterling $7.50 to $25
Silvor mesh bags
$2.00 to $15.00
For an all yoar girt there Js hardly any
thing which can upproach a Victor
Talking machine or a Vlctrola for un
alloyed pleasure. Nothing could make
your family happier than to find a Vlc
trola before them early Christmas
morning. No matter what clso they will
receive tho Christmas day and every day
for years to como will bo the brighter
because of It. And you do not have to
pay tho entire purchase price at once,
Wo will bo very glad to accommodate
you with terms which will .make ono of
those machines an easy purchase. Buy
your Vlctrola early In c-ttler to Insure'
delivery Christmas" Day,
miei WnlllHKfonl. "WlHUerer !
pens, Andro. I enn sco you In tho jwib
tcittlHry. wltyt'idiort linlr nnd no neck
tie, lenmliiR to msto paper soles tm
WHlotproof shoo. Look hofi', Atulroj
hero nro tho proof tlmt you hnvo
cheated tho housn of Mondenux. Hhnll
tluy hnvo them"
1 The fnco of tho mcklpss Investor wn
n study.
"It Is true," A ro ndmlttod, "hnm
what you coll iifJSsnlimt It," A short sb
leuce, nnd (lion tU over optimistic An
dre 'ijflglitouM. "nut I hnvo leu rged
another American trick: nlso I am still
clover, nud I shall yet bo rich. I shnll
not go to the penltentlnry If (hey do
not hear that I hnvo Inst so much mon
ey. GciitlciiU'ii. applaud me. I hnvo
nlrendy Juggled tho books. Volln!" And,
highly pleased with himself, ho strode
jauntily out
Blacklo nnd Wnlllngrord lookedflt
eneh other dumbly. Hlacklo plevnJM
lit hnuilK lu tho Pcrlgonl fashion.
"Volln!" he wild.
See this Story Pictur
ized at the Bell Theatre
on Tuesdays and Wed-
Classified Ads
ForSnlo, Rent, Wanted, Eto.
FOR SALI5 Fresh milch cow,
Guernsey nnd Jersey stock.
Phono 107-R, Springfield.
FOR RENT Furnished house
keeping rooms, Call 12. E. Lee,
Second Hand Store. 88tf
LOST Signet ring with letter
"B". Flndor please leave nt
News ofllce. 91
1G0 A. Wheat nnd
corn rnrm, improveti, tnreo
miles from Merino, Colo. Price
$G0. per AT Exchange for good
farm near Springfield, 0. R.
Edgar, Merino, Colo. Jt
I Work trains nro crossing Coos
the Home.
Silvor sugar bowl
$2.50 to $0
Bllvor trlvlt $4 to $10
Sloctrlc portnblo
$0.00 to $32.50
Silvor Dakliig Dishes. ....
$4.00 Up
Cut Olaoa Water Sots ....
$10.00 Up
Lodgo ombloms
50c to $35.00
Pockot knives ,.,
$1.00 to $8.50
Shirt sots COo to $0.00
Cuff links ,C0o to M6
Cuff buttons , . ,75c to $3.00
Watch fobs 75c to $10
Watch chalnD , . ,
$1.00 to $18.50
Watches $1.00 to $100
Nocktlo holdors ,, .
75c to $5.00
The Leading Jeweler
885 Willamette Street
. I'