i ' . t I OMicrifod from the door "Jrr.tirMhle ri,ui THE NEW ;: AbVENTURES OF !: J. RUFUS WallingforD (Continued from I 'ago (J) "C'ertiilill.v imt." tigreml llui lniiilrliiu director Inutility. "Wlmt I wiint to kiiliw In tlili: Do nil thong wfo. wlimv on tlio books n m It) linftiro wo Kti;i ootr "They ttttow It now, In i-hnIi!" And tlio prcrtttlotit, Willi iiiilclt Matlnfiictlitii. IiiiihUhI I i I tn n copy of tlio trtnl Imlnnru. Tlic lillU rocclviililo Intil lieon roliiccil by $JMKMXM. nntl I ho ttiuli iirrnutit Imtl lioon iiiictiifiileil by thnt iitnoiint. Tlio lloiw wlilMhonrt dlreo tor ivhuiii oil lili roKiilnr tinl. "I'm rctuly for tlio liioolliiK to opon." Iio Nttitml. Tlio proceeillnpi which followed woro brief mill crlp. Prodldont I'rlno to vlciioil from hi olllre mid from tlio ill rcctoriilu. Tlio roiimlnlni; director Im mediately iminoil J, Mufti Wnllliiuford m director to Oil tliy unexpired vn enncy. In nplto of tlio fuel Hint Iio only hold ono ithnro of Mtoclt. Imnicdliitoly tliercnflcr they elected J. IttifiiM Wnl lliiKford president mid nt onco Inducted thnt cctiliil nnd eiullltiK Humidor Into olllcc. ".Mr. President," roituirlcfsl W. O. or Onion Jones, tin kooii iik tlio door lind cloned behind tlio InHt of the retiring director. "I movo Hint wo nil so In the vnult nnd Npllt tho cfwli." ".MeetliiK'H adjourned," chuckled Pre Idrnt Wnllliiyfonl. "And let me wnrii you looe juwed hunker to buy wmie Micky tntTy nnd keep rlKht on ohowlnc It until you Kt't on Hint two-forty train. Klcti tht'KO roxtsiinlloiiK. nnd don't till In tlio tlnti.' I'mdueltiK n bit; rod ticket book, ho bunded thorn ouch n thouwiiiil dollar bill nnd i tlokot to Now York. A toll, thin Koiitlcnifin. with n blnck imixturiie, walked up to the window of (ho piiyliiK I'd I it In tlio People' bnnk md Inld down n check for $150,000. "Currency, plono." ho oborvcd. Tlio pnylnjj teller, who won iiii elder, ly tnnu with Hovoro Hpeetnelo, exiuuln oil tho check on both widen and Illacklo I)nw from rut many iiiikIch ns iwmIIiIc. "II. 0. Daw." ho voleelewdy formed with liln IIih, nnd u knot of conceiitni Hon HprniiK between bin eyes, Ilfthitf bis spectacles. That iitimo wiih n now ono to liliu, and ho consulted bin ref erence. Tho account wan tlicro, brand now, nnd for tho exact amount men tioned on tho check. "Uavo you any means of Idcutltlontloii, Mr. Daw?" "Tho man who took my money should bo nblo to Identify me," Mated Mr. Dnw. blowing n thin blue thread of Ktiioko Into tho gilt dome. Tho tell er murmured BomethhiR about "picking Iilm out." "I can't pick him out," returned Mr. Daw, lit neck refimliiK most liiHolently to turn., "I I'm his buslncHH to pick mo out. I want my money!" lie Hhoutcd. "Thcro'ti no necoHslty for nhoutlntr." protested tho pnylng teller, glaring at "LUUn to that mob." hcklo. "You'll have your money an noon us you're properly Identified. There's BouiethliiK Irregular hero. I don't find your signature on file." Tho excitable Mr. Daw suddonly grow furious. "I want my money I" bo yelled. "You'ro trying to delay roe! Tuoro'a a rumor nil over town Hint tho old olll cere looted tho Imlik and resigned. If I don't get my money right away I'll call an ofllecr." Tho hay and feed merchant toro up his dopoalt slip and hurried over to n sldo desk, Tho butter and egg mer chant had already drawn a chock for his balance, Thoro were olght deposit ors In tho bank by now. Tlio butter and egg inorcliant, waiting hla turn at tbo window, was talking excitedly to three of them and displaying his chock. ''Would you mind waiting a fow min utes, Mrs. Grandln?" asked tho paying toller anxiously as bo counted out tho lady's monoy, "I'd llko to talk with you." 'Til bo back," promised Mrs, Qrnn din Bweotly as sho stuffed tho money hastily Into her hand bag. "I want to telephone houio friends of mlno," and as sho darted nwny tho paying toller ftj-caUzoJ, with n slckonlug senso of dls- OMierifed from the door 'irretisrabla dniiinKu would bo dono. Tho butler nnd ckk man lunged hi bulk Info tho Npnro vacated by th6 lady and tdammod down it check. III eyes woro bulging niiil bin checks wero working, lllncklo Daw lungoil Into the butter and egg man's sldo with a nlmn cidow ami iiumpod lilm away then Illacklo wound his long fingers Into the grill to hold bis placo In front of tho wicket.' ".My money." ho howled, "You'ro holding mo back beoaimo IW,C00 cash will clean out your bimkl You'ro go ing lo Imvo a run today, and you know Itl" "Call an olllccri" ordered the paying teller, about whoio aged mouth (hero was n snap which Hlut-klo rnthor ad mired. ProHldont Wnlllngford stepped forward. "I know tho man," ho said, entering the paying teller's cage. "The account Is correct: glvo him tbo money." Ho picked up the check and put bis 0. K. on lb "What do you mean V this?" ho demanded of II. 0. Daw. "Aro you trying to ruin tho Pcoplo'a bank'" "They wouldn't glvo me my money." loudly explained Mr. Daw. "I don't want lo put tho old olllcors In bad, but :ho truth about I'rlno and tho rest of (hem had to como out beforo tho day's over, anyhow, and I wanted my mon ey!" "Shut up. you fool!" ordered Walling ford, ijullo visibly angry. "Como Insldo and wait until your money can bo jouiiled," "Give mo room, will you will you!" Illacklo excitedly requested of tho de ixwltors who were crowding him, There wero nlno of them now In lino, nnd there was no depositor In front of the receiving teller's window. Hlncklc Dnw picked up a big yellow suit case, and "Itemomber." he onutlor.ed tho paying teller as ho moved away, "no ntie gets paid until I get mine!" The paying teller Imiked across nt tho receiving teller, nnd the rotclvlm.' teller looked newt nt tho paying teller. I lot It wea lost In profound wonder as to how that nceotmt of II. G. Daw's hud como on the books, but tiicy did not speak. No employee desired to know anything which would be embarrassing on a wltnons stand, with the sole ex ception of tho mandolin player, sml bt was handicapped. "Shall I leave you tho llttlo toilet bag, Jim?" asked Illacklo Daw In tbo ofllco'of President Wnlllngford, nnd he affectlountcly patted the yellow suit case, now stuffed with money. "No." directed Wnlllngford. with a strained look on his face. He sat down, with frownlug anxiety. "I don't want tbo money on me." "I with' I could star.' reflected niockle, bin eyes kindling. "You'ro lia ble to have a scrimmage boforo you get out of this." "I think not," calculated Walllngford, though tho look of auxety was still on his brow. "I'll have tbo town back of mo If I'rlno tries to start anything. There's no vengeance In a man who's trying to save bis own neck." Twenty minutes later Illacklo Daw walked out of the back way with $150. 000 In the yellow suit case, and Wnl llugford sent for the bookkeeper. "Well. Qualcy, we're caught." ho cheerfully told tho slilvercr who stood beforo him. "Wo'll probnbly nil bo Jail ed Inside of twenty-four hours." Mr. Qunley crumpled In a chair and shrank three sizes. "Wo'ro lost!" exclaimed Walllngford. "Listen to that mob. "There's one way out of this by which no one need In? arrested. Prlue and Morris and tho other former directors miiHt cover Hint deficit on tho Jump, and In currency!" That's right!" agreed the book keeper, with unexpected determination. "They're tho ones who took tho money, nnd they're the ones who have to save us." "Geo! It took yon n long time to And your sand!" chuckled Walllngford. win- I log his brow In relief. "You hustle j right around to Prlno and t?ll blm what they bnvo to do." "You bet I will!" declared Qualcy, shaking his fist. "They can raise tho monoy among them. If Uiey havo to shut up the Pit bucket-shop and all go broke." In n fow minutes Prlno slipped In the back way and confronted Walllngford. "A lino mess you got us Into!" bo hotly charged. . "Itotten!" agreed Wnlllngford. "Just hear them out there." "It's, none of my affair," declared Prlno. "I was nstonlshed that you sent crazy Qualey to me. When we stcpicd out of this bank we left It In n perfect ly solvent condition. I can provo It by the books." "You'll novor havo n chnnce." Wal llngford told him. with a grin. "If this wero only n matter or legal conse quences you might bluff, but If this bank closes Its doors with u deficit of nearly half Its capital tho people of this town will tako you apart for sou vcnlrs. If you don't belloro It open tho front door mid shoiv yourself to the crowd outside." Prlno walked to tho door nnd put his hand on the knob. Iio paused as he heard his owti uamo shouted. An angry depositor was demanding to know where ho wbb. "I'm sorry you blamo me," grinned Wnlllngford. "You see, I havon't bad a chanco to pull the scheme that was to squaro you. I don't supposo anybody llmrred on tho possibility of n ruu." Thero was a knock at tho door. Tho mandolin player came in. his expres sion entirely unchanged. "Several of tho depositors have ask ed to seo Mr. Prlne. if ho Is In." he politely reported, thrumming on the edgo of the door with his finger tips. Tho tune was. "Oh, Myrtle. My Sweet heart." "Not here!" snapped Prlue. "Very well, sir," accepted the mando lin player, no hair of his curly fore- Good work." commented Walling ford. "Prlno, wo have cash enough to Inst about ono hour, by slow count lag, Iloforo that's gone, you'd better bo poiirlnf tho currency In hero." To mid effect to his threat ho set tho door about ah Inch ajar, Tho lobby of tho bank was packed solidly, nnd a roar camo from tho crowd, llko a zoo Just beforo feeding time, liven Wal llngford pnlcd ns do caught their tcni per from tbclr tone. Wiillliigftird touched a boll, and Qua lcy camo in, stiffening nt tho sight of Prlno. "QtiaJey, tell President Prlno Whero tho deficit wont." "Tlio Pit Ilrokerngo company!" shrill ed the desperate Qualey, . "You'll swear that on tlio witness stand r "You bet I will!" Prlno merely glanced at his book keeper and iat down-nt the phone, lie called up his fellow directors In Ktlcccsslou and told them what they had to do and bow rapidly they had to do It Then he walked out Into the brass grilled bank cage and roado n speech, n nlco speech, n frank, straight forward, manly speech, tho speech of an honest banker. At first they howl ed blm down, but lie dually got their oars and told them bow the absurd ru mor bad arisen, merely because the bank had employed a manager who was n stranger. Honest and capable as be was, that manager had been dis missed. Abovo all things, ho told them that their money was there! Ho want ed them to draw It nnd be ashamed of themselves nnd bring It back next day. It was n fine speech, nnd they believed blm. but they wont on drawing their money Just tbo same. The paying teller spoke to lilm ns he started back to the office. "TJi currency Is running rather low. sir." ho urged. "It will bcjrlu eombig In nt the back door In half an himr," promised Prlue. looking nt his wntch. "It will come In all day faster than you can pay It out. and I'll stay right here to show my self." Four tery cheerful parties sat In the parlor of the aotel, um three of them peered over Walllngford's shoulder while he scratched from n lit Ho book the fourth name In the list of those who had assisted In robbing the War den orphans of their father's fortune. Tlio fourth name wus that of President Prlne. "Just even, ladles," chuckled .1. Itu fus. mighty proud of himself; "$150,000 to the penny.' "Oh. wo forgot!" suddenly exclaimed Violet. "We didn't collect anything for the expense fund. We always" "Great Jebosophat!" Illacklo Daw bad Jumped from Ills chair us the door opcued. and. with n istle. drawn face, had thrown up a window. "Get out of here!" be yelled, while Walllngford nndjtlie girls-rushed to the other win dow nnd Kiked out their heuds. "Whcre'll l goT asked Toad Jcssup calmly, closing tho door nnd loaning against it. "They put me off the street car. and I had to walk clear back from tbo country. There's a man out thero has a skunk farm." "Get upstairs Into the bathroom." or dered Wnlllngford. gasping for breath. "Put your clothes In a suit onso nnd buvo It sunk In the canal. Hlncklc. get a mnclilne. We'll nil go for n ride." The girls wero still giggling when, as they drove swiftly through the cool evening nlr. .1. Itufus began to chuckle. "That expense fund." he explained. "We'll drive straight back to town. I want to And that real cstnto fellow." The town awoke unusually early next morning, gasping for breath. There was lu the air a pungent something which spurred Into Instant activity ev ery revulsion possible to the human system. The town moaned and uttered one ngnnlzcd word "Skunk!" Never In nil the history of civilization had there been such uu overwhelming. persistent; devastating odur ns that! which permeated and saturated tbo! sweet breeze of the morning. Thero! wns uo escapo from It. Thero was uo hiding. There was no relief, Tho town might us well havo been one-i armed that morning, for every citizen.! irrespective of age. sex or color, was compelled to use one bund to close his or her olfactory organ. For n time tho disaster wus so bewildering that Its source could only be conjectured, but j at 0:15 Wullmgrord's telcpuouu bell rung. "Hello!" responded tho faint nasal volco of'J, Itufus. "Ir that you, Walllngford?" was the nnsal reply. "Well, this Is Prlne. What do you mean by Oiling thnt shanty next to my storo with those skunks?" "They're necessary to my business." twanged Walllngford. "I'm collecting tbcm as fast ns I can. Tbo Keebo Chemical company Is to umuufneturo ; tho strongest disinfectant In the world, nud skunks'' "What!" The tone wob as explosive I as possible to a man who was holding Ilia twton tfttliHt, clittt Wnll ...kit nnt- I do that" "Why can't I 't It's my lot. nought a hundred dollar option on It last night, and I'm going to, start building my fac tory tomorrow," A choking, gusplng silence. Then: "You iufornnl gruffer!" Another si lence, "Well, how much for your op tion?" "Ten thousand dollars, and send It over in'currency." Half an hour later the Ave strangers hurried out to tho bus, tbolr expense money added to the restitution fund. 1 The hotel uttcudantH were holding their noses; tho pusscrsby on the street were boldlug their noses: the motorraeu on mo once i turn wore piuming luoiri noscsj old men and young men. llttlo i children and women were nt the samel Involuntary obodleuco to uoiuru ut ' "Skunk." law. It waS a city of left elbows held nt right angles to the face. The president of the reformed Peo ple's bank ru-died out of Prlne'H em porium ns the bus started. "Walt a minute!" he choked, chong Ing hands .to got nt his handkerchief. He saw the Warden orphans In the bus with Ulnekleniid Wnlllngford and Toad .fessup. and his eyes fell while a IkswII dereil expression immediately enuio Into his fnoe. Were these girls nt the bottom of his .misfortunes! Just then the wind shift cd, nud he shook his unengaged fist. ' "What nre you.golng to do with these skunks?" J. Itufus leaned out of the bus win dow and, holding his noso firmly with his rlglit'hoiid. beamed genially on the sufferer. "Oh. those Keebo skunks!" he consid ered. "They go with the property, Mr. Prlue." 4 See this Story Pictur- ized at the Bell Theatre on Tuesdays and Wed nesdays of each week. In somo parts of Siberia milk is sold frozen around a piece of wood, which serves as a handle to carry It Stanfleld will drill artesian well to irrigate G.000 acres; (the op tKj&ac mum immM-Km or iwhw yfM.KCMCHKK WMCM WC w My how we chkwiv Wn Wits WE WHfT I - rnmn't i -zrzC.. - yts.mn- wc nc mm hw. SATISrACT) M W-B IMT I "THAH 7HCRC CVfft WM tH UM. IT RSAt. ItVACCA TN every community there are many men who arc glad JL they gave W-B COT Chewing a quality test. Their chewing is more of a. comfort to them now than it used to be. And they use only about half as much tobacco. W-B CUT Chewing is rick tobacco so a small chew satisfies. Get a pouch. "tUMca hew tLa k Mad ot At rkb tohtcca fcute" VhU h WETMAK-MOTON COftfTAKY, M Uuba Kw TrV City O. A. IIIIIIIIIIIIHtlWI!IIHIHHHHH4WHW FARMERS' AND HOME-MAKERS WEEK and RURAL LIFE CONFERENCES January s to 8, 1916 Lite lufptnmlioii, rue! lea! Help lot Ihc Home the I'rfrtu. Stir Community Cnnvriilturinuf Otrgoti UtratnL Inditiitftr CotifrrrncKOM Orrgnn' Moxt Vital piubtrm LI!CT OK lW-HI!MONSTK AT!ONSi HXItiptTtOVrt-KNTKRTAINMl'.NTS Two IhiMiuiid pruplr attended yrJi, It Is a gtml place to make rrieadn-wltb Hire (lililkris nd live thought, x! wotkrr. viid jgoud fk. WINTIiR SHORT COURSK January 10 to February 4, 1916 A 1'ractical AKrlcullittal Comix id a Nut Shell. Applied Kcirnre In Actual Work of the Harm and Household. Courne In VRUIT KA1SINU. HA KM CROPS. SOILS. STOCK KAISINC. IIAIKY WOKK, roiTl.TKY KA1SINO. CAKDKXINC, COOK INU. Rlt.Vl.Ml. UOUSIUIOLU ARTS, HOMlt Ni:RrtlN(5. nUBINKKH MKTIIOItS, ROAD Iiril.IJNC..VAKM HNC.INKKKtNO. RURAL OKr.AMATKtMS. MARKKTSNC. Corretpondeiice Coiiri-r Without Tuition. Kxprrt Instruction in MnJc. Ktdiicrd railroad rales. For procram write to The Celtega Etching?, Oregon Agricultural College. CwmISi. (Iw-lz-l lo f-l) .Tas. Corsaw has re-opened his shoe repair shop in the west half of the Stevens bi cycle shop, .Main St- near Seventh. I iVtAGAZXNB 300 ARTICLES -300 ILLUSTRATIONS! fK"EEP Informed of tbo Worti's Progress in I1- En id neerinff. Mechanics and Invention. For (Father and Son and .Ml the Family. It appeal I. -11 nu 1 v i 1 tt i nm caTortta jungsxioe lu .aosunaa ox omo throughout tli worliL Oar Foreign CWreponderita are ecn-tantlr on the watch, foe Uunai nt and intereaUas ard It is hVrtitMt Yon Cm Understand Id The MM) K4m BiuaituniX (20 Facta) contain, H'ractical Uinta (nrtihop Work aud curr wsji toe the MToaan lo no toing aroona uo Home. aaachaattca f 17 Faaai) for tha Ttora ant!' KHrlahollkntoniakAt!i!nM.tAllaLaweonu,kWir. Ran and Telesruh OntOla. Koflnea, lloata. gnow-l wa-aei4oawECejacjuuucvuamperanusporumaa. HIM PEW YWt StNCMJC lbl (POPULAR MECHANICS MACAZINH 9 Tw9 IwaWiwRft AWaUarWv wHrwWWW Made in Springfield Patronize the Payroll of Your Home Town .(. .t--r4--t- 4-r 'r-r . BALED HAY $10. PER TON BAKORE KNOXALL For good values, For good bread, Use Hake re and Kaoxall Flour. All klads of Feed cheap. Will do feed chopping for $1.50 a ton. SPRINGFIELD FLOUR MILLS Springfield Bakery Bread, Pies, Cakes, Cookies, etc Wedding and Party Cakes a Specialty ! S. Young, - Proprietor I . J IP YOU HAVE NEVER TRIED ' j The Springfield Creamery CHAS: BARKMAN, Manager The Piiiti j Mill Company Manufacturers ot SASH, DOORS. MOULDINGS. BRACKETS, - TURNING, STAIR BUILD1NGG. ExiensleB Tables, Drop Leaf Tables, BBreak . fast Talvles. Kitchen Cabinets, Cupboards, 8e, Step Ladders, Fruit Boxes Perry Crates, Folding Clothes Racks. f : ELECTRICITY ' For light, heat and power. "Made in Springfield," Try is and ho convinced that it pays to , patronize homo industries. I SPENDS ITS MONEY AT HOME. : : Oregon Power Co. The Lane County News divided its expenditures last year, thus: Supplies bought outside of Spring-Hold,- including paper and now machlnory " .20.4 p. C. Supplies bought In Springfield, la- eluding rent, oto ...19.1 p. C Payroll, entirely In Springfield 60.$ p. c 80 Spent at Home SI WANTED. Another iSprlngfleld industry to place their card in this space. ."'