The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, November 29, 1915, Image 4

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(Continued from Pago 2.)
"Jtlimn tilth tcimtitt altwltirtMi il
Sny, you ought to bo with this outflt
Coarsest grift you ever saw. Every
body's In it. from tho mnuagcr down.
"Manager, eh? Ed, slip iuo nil tho
tofo you can. Where s Barues?"
"Old P. T.'s laid up with rheumatic
rout, and so Joe Ungcrv he's the uiuu
agcr. has been buying a farm In Con'
"What docs he look like?"
"Like a tub of pork. Far bo It from
rac to say such, with me so affectionate
toward my salary, but Unger's a fat
Id Huff."
Thanks. Ed." Blackie threw away
Ms cigarette. "I'll post my pal right
away and hurry back. I want you to
snlllaber for a fancy grift."
"Wise me." husked Ed. with pleas
ure; "wise inc.
Blackie hurried off to the cane rack,
where be had planted J. Rufus. but
Just as be ncared his partner, and be
fore be could speak. Walllngford was
astonished to see Blackie look back
ever bis shoulder and start away on a
gallop. Ellas Bogger was the explana
tion. He was talking to Texas Ed. and
the watchful Fannie was not four peo
ple away from him.
"That was my fall guy." explained
Blackie, arriving breathless just after
Bogger had departed. "What was his
lino of conV
"He's the richest mark that ever ask
ed the price of lemons." laughed big
Ed, gazing in wonder arter the depart
ing Bogger. "He pointed out that fat
party over there and wanted to know
if. he was Barnes." .
"Of course you wised him up?' wor
ried Blackie.
"Did I not? I did notr replied Ed.
with Infinite scorn. "I told him It was
Barnes and that he'd bad himself dyed
a- brunette to keep from looking like
lis own lithographs, so people wouldn't
Keep trying to buy him out."
Blackie prlnned in sheer delight and
lurried over to J, Rufus.
"1 can't believe It yet. Blackie." de
clared his partner. "Ellas Bogger Is
either the prize boob of the universe or
lse be has me kidded to a standstill."
"Take It from me. he's the prize lol
tip," protested Blackie earnestly. "He
looks like a remittance from mother."
"He is if be buys my circus," chuc
kled J. Rufus. "Say. Blackie. you And
out where Barnes is, and cook up some
scheme to keep him out of the way for
an hour. Do that and I'll sell Ell some
".Go as far as you like, and see If
Barnes cares." airily responded Blackie.
"Old P. T. iiasu't been with the show
r mlnuthis season, and bis manager,
f fat burglar, by the moniker of Joe
Unger. Is grafting .all the velvet. He's
so strong at it he hasn't paid salaries
for three weeks."
J. Rnfus strode straight across to the
main entrance. Into which a solid
stream of moist humanity was already
wedging. Walllngford. broad of shoul
ders and n head taller than the mass,
pushed h's way Impatiently along be
tween the swaying ropes and was
about to push as Impatiently past the
ticket taker when that gentleman, a
scary framed thug, grabbed him
roughly by the shoulder.
"Ticket!" he rasped.
'Where's Joe UnserV demanded
Walllngford. with a frown as black as
Bight. ,
The ticket taker glanced toward a
beefy man who stood Just beyond him.
bis ijflffalo Bill sombrero In JiN hand,
mopping bis head with a gray silk
B.-indkerchief. The heavy gentleman
making no sign, the ticket taker turned
again to Walllngford.
"I said where's your ticket?" he de
manded. "You're flredr Walllngford roared
with a Hare of anger, shaking lits big
forefinger In the ticket taker's face.
"Get off the lot'. And If somebody
don't hunt up Joe Uuger for me with
in about thirty seconds I'll fire the
lot of you. Where Is he?"
"I'm- Joe Uuger," the beefy man
barked gruffly, though much troubled.
"What do you want?"
Walltngfoid turned to an eye patch
ed thug.
"Here, Bill, or whatever your name
is," he ordered in the voice of author
ity, "you take tiiUcts till I put a new
udit ii tim uv. Xow. Timer, how
..Trie ......
Springfield Garage
i Repairing a Specialty
Main, bet. Fourth and Fifth. Phone XI
Oilice Ninth am! JVarl Ft. TeiepnoneWS?
Suite 2. Phone 888, EUGENE, ORE
Residence over Dodge's Store
O. R. Gullion, M.D.
Practice Limited tl
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
Graduate Nurse Attending
306, -yirite. Temple, Eugene.
(vn yesterday's business V
"Who wants to know?" demanded
Mr. Ungcr. endeavoring to assert bin
-uMoninry mrshlp, but feeling It slip
ilng from him.
"1 do." snapped Wnltlngford.
"And who are you?" Inquired Un
iter, murry that his voice was losing Its
"Scars.'" snnpped Wnlllugford,
t'nger repented the nnmo feebly, but
lad not the nerve to nslt who Sears
uilcht be.
"If the fact that I'm Sears Isn't
enough for you I'll have a Johnny tin
plate tell yon more." declared J. Uufus,
watching narrowly, and being well
pleased with the effect of tht.i threat
of n loqal ofllcer of the law. "Now.
look here. Ungcr. tho governor wants
to know why the business la so rotten.
and I'm here to find out. What wns
vour take-In yesterday?"
"Well." besltuted Ungcr. "It looked
like rain over In Cattlesburg. and tho
play fell off a little. Thirty-three hun
dred on the day."
"I cot a different report, declared
WalUngford. looking the man squarely
In the. eye. "You had to hunt tho
clouds with n telescope yesterday in
Cattlesburg. and the take-lu Is four or
five hundred out of the way. There's
going to bo a, shakcup around here."
Within fifteen minutes It wns
noised" all over the grounds that old
P. T.'s right hand mnn was with them.
and a general tightening up took place.
in stern disapproval of everything J.
Rnfus let t'nwr lead him about and
Introduce him as "I- Moncktou Sears,"
but' when tho manager began to ask
him personal questions Walllngford
shut him with:
"How's the salary list? Is It paid i
"Well, not quite, admitted ungcr.
"How far are we behind?" He was
very stem.
Oh. a week or so." The manager
looked nervously about him as If plan
ning an escape.
"That means three or four, I sup
"Well, three for n Tew of 'em.
"I see. Ungcr. you're n common
thief. I haven't made up my mlud
what I'll do with you yet. but I may
put you over Just for amusement, it
altogether depends on how tho old man
feels after I sell out for him."
The relief In the face of Unger was
tremendous. "The old man going to
sell?" he asked.
"Depends on the price." returned
Walllngford. "I want a statement of
the iist week's business and an In
voice of the plant In an hour. And, by
the way. if the expenses are too high
and the receipts too low there'll be no
sale, and then I'm likely to make sonie-
lody trouble."
"Believe me," promised Unger fer
vently, "today's busiuess will show a
zrand little profit!"
"See that It does." warned Walllng
ford. "Tell the treasurer what I want
and then hurry back to me In tho-ani
mal tent." And. leaving Unger to al
ternate hopes and fears, he strode
away, hurrying Into the menagerie In
Rearch of Blackie and Bogger, ne
found Blackie alone In front of u lion's
cage. " veneres Boggerr
Bogger." stated Blackie placidly. "Is
anchored In Seat 1, section A. counting
the house and estimating the today's
profits: and Just behind him. never
moving her brown eyes from the back
of his head, sits cute little Fannie War
den." "Where's Violet?"
"Busy." grinned Blackie. "Slip Is in
charge of the most mother-like dames
In the circus, being all dolled up like
the Hon tamer's bride."
When Blackie came with the anxious
Bogger, Walllngford was rnklug Unger
over the rouls at n great rate.
Beg your pardon, sir." said Blackie.
touching Walllngfor.l on the arm. "but
my frlci,!. Mr. Bugger, wants to ask
you a question or two. Mr. Barnes."
I'm not Barnes." declared Walllng
ford gruUiy. "1 am his personal rep-
rerenlutive and business executive. My
name's Sears.
"Ungcr. I never saw such n dirty lot
ot uniforms. If 1 have to sell this
lrctis for Mr. Barnes I want It In de-
ent shape. What are today's profits?"
Over SLOW said Unger brighten-
"A thousand:" Walllugford'x face
wao purple with fury. "Ungcr. I'm go
ing to Investigate this thing. If you
kuow what's good for you you won't
let me see yon ou this lot today!"
Walllngford let the unfortunate Un
ci- go.
If I Un'i i jfiMiii'-'. Mr. Soars, lot's
talk bufcis.i lis in man. I kuow
the truth iibout your lis. You have to
take $0,600 for t!il show today
j'ru 1
here with the rcioiie;, ."
WulUuK.fod cl.-iiitcd incredulously at
Blfli-Uie. but be put out his hand depre-
"1 promised, to sell Jt to n friend.".
"Oh!" Mr. Bogger gulped. lie was
nly stopped for a moment, however.
Fll give you fifty-live!"
Walllngford hesitated.
"Make It sixty-five, spot cash, and
we'll go right up to a lawyer's and
draw up a bill of sale."
Ellns studied a long time. "Well."
he concluded. "I'm satisfied about tho
money part. I've asktkl six or sqvcu
men around the grounds here, and,
though they don't all say the anise
thing, they've convinced mo that
there's a fortune In It every day. Come
on. We'll go up to my bank-."
Mr. Bogger walked ou the grounds of
tho P. T. Barucs Colossal Aggregation
of Tented Wonders as monarch of ull
he surveyed Just as the torches were
being lit In tho hour before the evening
performance. He held bis head very
high. Ho could go in and order an ele
phant bitched to his buggy If ho liked.
Just between tho main tent and the
coolctcnt "Daredevil Demo" accosted
him.' "TheyNtell me"you'ro tho .new,
boss and have the coin. I'm tbreo
weeks back, and I want mine."
"Well." exclaimed Bogger, "I'll havo
to look Into this. How much do you
get n week?"
"Fivo hundred and -fifty dollars," Do.
mo calmly told him,
Mr. Bogger almost dropped dead oil
tho spot. "A week, did you sayl'Mio
gasped. .
"A week. 1 get shot out of a cannon
to a platform up In the dome, grab a
bicycle, ride down n 200 foot chuto,
Jump a forty foot gap and land lu n
tank of water, do i get my hack
"I'll see about It," promised uoggor,
much troubled, and ho started to turn
Demo grabbed' him ivy tho shoulder
and turned him nrouud with one awing.
"1 get It now!" ho declared, "or t'll
close up your bloomln' show! I ain't
so Blrong for this outflt. anyhow, es
pecially since a hay's going tojry to
run It. If I don't got my win before
1 go on tonight, no show! And If those
rubes don't sco my act they'll tear
down tho tent, I'm what brings 'cm
Tho "Trelvo Trio of Aerial Acrobats"
descended upon Mr. Bogger In n body
before Demo hnd finished with him.
They were Swiss and know but little
English, hut they very energetically
conveyed to Mr. Bogger tho fact that
they wore tbreo weeks in arrears lit
salary and wanted their money. If
they dtdn't get It, no show: also a
More came runulng, bareback riders,
wagon mcu. tumblers, trainers, chariot
drivers and even some of tho young
There Cams a Mighty Tug at the Rope
Bagger Was Holding.
ladles of the spectacle, all with Ellas
Bogger as their objective point, and all
screaming a mad demand for money!
Gazing aliout him In desperation, the
new proprietor saw Walllngford stand
ing by a big rear tent and rushed to
ward ti I in for protection. .1. Rufus
seemed to kuow Instinctively that Bog
ger was In growing fear of his life, for
he lifted up the edge of the tent, shav
ed Ellas through and met the madden
ed mob himself. The smile on Wat
Ilngford's Jovial face deepened, as pre
eutly there came from the Interior of
that te'nr a hubbub of shrill cries. A
moment h'ter Mr. Bogger came out of
that tent on the dead run, followed by
a platoon of chorus ladles, screaming
for vengeance. With them was .Violet
Warden, all dolled up as a lion tamer.
It look all of Walllngford's persuasive
li ess to rescue Ellas.
"That was full of women dressing!"
panted Mr. Bogger. "What did you
shove me In there for?"
"Didn't they know you were the pro
prietor?" Inquired J. Rufus in astonish
ment. "Come over to the big top." Invited,
Blackie. "Fred Bristol's going to try
out i new Hying trapeze act before the.,
performance." and he led the way.
The u in in tent was big and high and'
dim and mysterious, with Its one torch
lighted. Away up In the dome n tiny
trapeze swung mi long strands, which,
from the ground, looked like spider
webs. Upou a little shelf, fur away.
rt"od a slender, graceful man In plnk'l
tlghta. and from either side f the sheif
stretched down ioug ropes. A m.-ui
with a coat and trousers ou over tils
tights hurried up to Bogger and hand- J
ed him a rope.
"Here, pal." be said; "bold this lino,
will jou?" and ho thrust it into log
ger's hands. "Get a good grip on it."
The pink clad acrobat upon the high
shelf drew the trapeze far across and
up to him with a tape. All at once j
iiiviu i-uuiu u uiujuij iiik ui tne rope
Bogger was holding, and It wns Jerked,
from his clasp, a cry or honor burst
attuc-bes, nud down, down through the
dusty nir of the big tent, with Its rows
upon rows of dismally empty benches
came whirling aiid prawl!ng a pink
figure. A shriek burst from the pallid
Hps of Bog.jcr an It thudded upon the
ground. The circus men, mostly ucro-
hats, rushed to the spot where the pink J
flgiire lay, concealing It from vlev.lniiilntp'n rmiRidcmblQ hi
There was a piercing shriek from a'
Z'ZrZa wi.hMrd
shoved Bogger, running ahead of hbn
runnlmr ahead of him.
to nn openlng.und thrust him ttirotilj.
Bogger had run n third of thu length
of this Uiclosuro before he realized that
ho was onco more in tho women's dress-..
int.' tent, and thon lho f&mm of thoi
furies spurred him on to such speed; fessor of highway engineering of,
aa bis lecB had. never yielded jn bis iifo.the Oregon agricultural college,
There wns but mm logical etui to such
lillud speed, ami that wns a stumble.
A little drainage tlltcti gut htm ami
laid him low tu listen to the heating uf
his heart nnd Itntiglnu that t'lp hum
liter noise to be tho putter uf pursuing
feel. Walllngford ami Itlacklo Daw
1'iiught up with hliu presently, helped
libit with kind nnd comforting words,
when a sad procession, filed out of tho
innln tent. Four tuen boro it stretcher,
tiHtu which Vns a limp form, covered,
by the Irony which was n dm nee, with
one of tho brond red ribbons over which
Iwrelmck riders Jump. Quito a liutubor
of men with bowed heads followed It
down to the railroad siding, where tho
circus steeping cars stood.
"It looks bad." said Walllngford;
very, very bad! I don't know whether
the man Is Is doud or nut. but t" any
event you're up ngnlnst It, Bogger.
Fred Bristol Is ono of tho best high
trn.teae men In the business, nnd It
means n fifty thousand dollar duniago
suit, which you'll probably lose."
"Where Is he! Where ) he!" bellow,
ed a bull-like voice from out of tho
darkness. It wns tho votco of tho big
lion tamer husband of a pretty baro
back rider.
"Circus, circus!" moaned Bogger. "I
wouldn't be n proprietor of a circus for
a million dollars!"
"You'll havo to be tho proprietor,"
said Walllngford coldly. "It's a legal
ly binding transfer, nnd you're lucky
If you don't have manslaughter ngnlnst
you as well as u damage suit."
"Whcro Is he!" again hollowed Toxns
Ed out of tho darkness.
"Please, Mr. Hears, please, I beg of
you, let mo out of thU!" pleaded Bog
ger, with quivers of terror lu his voice.
i "Take back your bill of sulu nnd glvo
, me my money. Please!"
"And stand this damage suit my"
, self?" Inquired Walllngford. with scorn.
"I should say not. A sale Is n sale."
, Again the voice from the darkness.
this time nearer. Bogger JutuHMl.
"I'll discount It," ho offered, "only
get me nwuy from here! I'll glvo you
anything you say!"
"Bight outsldo is n buggy." said Wnl
llugford. "I'll Jump you In that nnd
take you to town as soon as we comu
to terms. I'll take your bill or snlo nnd
tear it tin nnd glvo you $10,000 and
deny thnt you were the proprietor when
'you held that rope."
"Ten thousnud dollnrs!" exclaimed.
Bogger. "Ten thousand dollars! It's
't "There's that damago suit." Walllng
ford reminded him.
"You may win It." protested Bogger.
"Give mo forty thousand anil I II set
tle It."
"Here he Is!" yelled Walllngford
loudly to the nngry husband some
where In the darkness.
' "Don't! For heaven's sake, don't!"
Bogger half sobbed. "Hero's your bill
of sale! Give me the money! Now,
J where's thnt buggy?"
, In the tent of the departed Manager
unger gathered the tired but nappy
conspirators, and. on the little folding
! table J. Rufus Walllngford threw $50,-
000 III real money.
"Principal, Interest and expenses." ho
declared with satisfaction. "I used
five thousand to pay off Texas Ed and
the acrobat who dropped the dummy
from the trapeze, and our other good
friends who helped, and I set aside a
big chunk for a Sunday treat to tho
whole circus. Including the animals.
This ten we'll take out for the ex-1
peases of the ping, and the forty thou
sand, ladles, goes to the restitution
fund of the estate of the late lr. Wan
"And that crosses off the name of
Ellas Bogger." added Blackie. bending
-j.ui ii.ii.-i. . mm iuu nine uook in inis was agrccti upon as an ox
herhnnd. periment to ascertain whether
S.i c. ov or not the system will work suc-
ee thlS Otory JT ltCUr- cessfully in this county. Tho
1 , . 1 n 11 Tl l committee reported nt tho mcet
lZed at the t5ell 1 lieatre Ing that as far as the members
Tl nv l
Uesdaysand Wed-
1 r 1 i
nesdays or each week.
uulu'1"' ......w..-.
Bo Found.
That a pavement can be found
which will be suitable for Lane
inil nt n ripf .hoi wHl neitliGr
aid at a price that . wll neither
Jjo unjuKt nor burdensome o the
rtrwmir t'iiiiiik eiiiii vvnirii n in
community, Is tho substance of
a report of tho hard surface road
committee of the general road,
highway committee of the Lane
county Pomona Grange at a
meeting In the Commercial club
rooms Friday forenoon. The re
port of this committee, which
consists of It. B. Coglon. TI. W.
Thompson. V. R. Slv and Dr. W.
.yj, HickS , IS as rOllOWS!
,.m0 the poniona Grantie Road
'committee: We, your special
committee, appointed to investl
gate and report upon hard sur
face pavements suitable for use
in Lane County, Oregon, re
spectfully report as follows:
"That we have pursued our
Investigations relative to tho
matter 111 hand and have
formation, including federal gov-
prepurcu uy uuvuuutuB ui ;
different styles of hard surface
"vo nave also nau tne auvant-
age of a consultation with Pro
fessor Gordon P. Skelton, pro
From a Book
Then is only ono right way to leant how to mlc poultry, and tnnko
It pay from tho start, and that is to leant from opcrts who havo been
through it all, .
Tht Is exactly tho hind of uwtntotlon tho International GorrestMiml
ence Schools wlcr you. This l NOT a book scheme, but a homo Course
ot practical lessons, iuprrfnUug the lifelong experience of tho most ttuo
ccudul poultry misers in the wrld.
The (Vjw includes everything; pertaining to successful poultry
rniiing: How to select mott profitable breeds; fcedltiRj marketing cgei
nnd poultry for uatursl and artificial brooding; natural and arti
ficial IncuhntUn; laying hens; combination plant) poultry appliances;
enemies of poultry, disuses of poultry; poultry houses nnd management;
turkeys; watfr fowls; tmiabti; etc., etc.
Whnt makes tho f'oxirso imrticvilarly valunbto is tho fact thnt tho
I. C. S. la uwiocirtteil with the largest joultry farm in tho world tho
celebrated Kancoais Farm, nt Urown'i Mills, In-the.l'lncs, N. J., famous
for Its fino Rancocas Leghorns and Dt Y.OLD-C1HX, and whcro ao.000
rggs nra marketed every week.
'Tho T. f!. 5v ltnS tiwnt Ilimfmni1fl rif ilnltnm In fif-.finrlt.i It, In Pm ,
the only ono of its kinda Coureo
your own homo, whether you live lu
the city, suburbs, or country, and
-that equips you to handle n fewhena
or manage a largo ioultry farm.
This Courso will help you just as thu
many other I. C ci. Courses havo
helped thousands of men and women
in other wnlko of life.
Tho attached coupon will bring
you descriptive circular of this great
Poultry-Knifing Course. Fill it in
nnd mail it today.
who cnino to Eugene and guvo
ub aomo very vnlunblo HtigHes
tlons In road innttorH.
"Whilo wo hnvo not gono vt'ry
far ns yet in Investigating pnr
tlculnr kinds of pavement, wo do
believe thnt ti pavement can bo
found which will bo miitnhlo for
Lnnc county and which can bo
laid at u prico which will bo
neither unjust nor burdensome
to this community.
,t ...... v,uiiii,,vu ...
investigations nnd WOUld ask for
further time to mirstiQ thorn, and
wo submit this report of progress
r .., i,,l,i5i .1...
for tho purpose of informing tho
general comirouee mat wo are
at work."
Tho county court will bo nsked
by tho road committee of tho
Lano county I'omona u range 10 commanding mo In tho nnmo of tho
place in Uie general fund, in Sta.o of Oregon In ordor to satisfy
making up the budget this year, . ""'J1 Judwnout costs, attorneys feu
ho oiTm nt 11 1IT I (ton tnr mntX n,ul renting CQS.S to soil nil till! right
the sum or 5110,00 for road (Ulo mitl tntoroBt Mch (h0 snl(1 Uo.
working during the coming year. fendnnt w. B. Snylor, had on tho 9th
The budget commltto of the road ulny of June, 101C. In and to tho Wost
committee of tho Grange mado ir, Lot,ifd ,ui? ,No.r,l,h Pf Hi0
tliln rnpninninnilnllnii t lio'Wu',t ,mlf of Iot 9 1,lock 3 ,n lho
this recommendation nt the , original Town of Croswoil, ijino
meeting. County, Oregon, also nil tho right
The committee on rontl patrol
reported tUat at a recent meet
ing with tho county court, that
body had agreed to establish a by John u. Scott and May a Scott
patrol on lines laid down by tho to it. H. Parsons, and assigned to tho
committee, the court to select a ' Croswcll Fruit arowora Bank. Cros
number of typical roads and I )v.?l iL0rSn' aa cccurUy or col,nt(!ral
; maintain a patrol during the pre-
'sent winter with nil accurate tic -
count kept Of tho money expend -
0(1, tho court to make frequent
visits to tllC districts patrolled.
kuow, tne court nns taten no
action lp the matter, but the
;iuiia aru iniicii in need 01 sucu
'a patrol.
The rond committee of tho
Commercial club met with the
Grange committee and presented
the question of asking the court
for an appropriation of $5000 for I
I the old military road. The com-1
' .n....n,.,.nHn,. ot, Di,,i n u- s- In,", Ofllco nt Uosoburg, Oro
I commendation as asked. Re- 1Bon, Novcmhor 10, I9ir.
, 0,1 ,mProveU larillB and City
erL caH ftt 0,nco 32
, ff t 8th . wnrrnnfi nr mil
. .
Phono 808.
7fitf P. J. BERGER.
Classified Ads
For Sale, Rent, Wanted, Eto,
, c ,
- .v.m.j , ... ...f3.1v...,, lb
black and white dog. Answers
to Duke," Call 20P4, Eugene.
FOR SALIC Nearly now Oliver
typewriter, Holbrook & John
son. LOST Black handbag, on Sec
ond street between Stewart's
and vnnvaizairs. i-iati z 111
cash, sliver vanity case and In -
stituto tirntrriin. ITInclpf lilonRP
Tn "t0 n Zh:J2TJ
Th ptr l rood, lh work coog.olil, nd pro.
notliia lipid lit lb. U. 8. Civil S.ivlt, II you tit
AlOf lid! ll or HUI.IO OKI 1 you ! tllclbl.
lor y foxnuicot poiltlon II you ptii lho Civil
nuallly l your iiuro Unit, wilu lot our Oct Civil
nS.lllco Look 1,1.
...Mniu.iiHiit u i.iia no
I. C. 8. Box 403, EuQcne, Or.
an not
lattrnatloaal Corfefsonieac Scbeelt
Bex 480 Eupene, Orecon ?
ri.Mt i.aj m Iim, 104 Nrtk., J
h"jllen at mf put, clltul.l dltllUiU It.
IMulnplUllns Cumu.
Notlco Is hereby given Hint by vlrtun
of an Execution nnd Order of Siilo
issued but of tho Circuit Court ot tho
Statu of Oregon for Umatilla County,
ou thu Sth day ot November, 1916, on
a Judgment rendered In imld Court on
tho 3rd day ot November, 101G, in
favor of tho Hedmond Bnuk ot Com
merce and against W. li Baylor for
tho sum of IS93.7& with Interest there-
on nt tho rato of 10 nor cunt nor nu-
Iiii.i toil. .1... M,.!.... .
,l9Hi nmj Ul0 runner oum or 1100.00
Attorneys feus nnd tho sum of 120.00
, casta and disbursements, less tho stlm
i.ll14?11J,ai,ln,irroo.ni0'! ,l,.0l3.r,, iaK
of November, 191C, nnd npp led townrd
;l0 8ati8faction of tho coota nnd Atior.
noy's foo, which Judgment was duly
'enrolled nnd dockotod In tho olllco of
Lh.0. ?lo.rk, u.0 ,cLrc,,.,.l' ?.?.urtot l'10
sn.dution o "mo iGSSSi
, utio ami intorost which tho said do
feiiilnnt had on tho 9th day of Juno,
IP1C, in nnd to thnt certain contract
far tho sale of real property, given
j now, theroforo, In tho name of tho
1 Statu of Oregon, npd in compliance
! with mild Execution nnd Ordor of Halo.
j 1U1B botwoon tho houn Sf
ioTclck A M
to-wlt; ut ono o'clock P. M. on said
day, at tho eouthwost door of tho
County Court House In Eugene Luna
County, Oregon, offor for siilo for
cash, subject to redemption all tho
right, tltlo, and Interest 'of said De
fendant in nnd to tho above descrlhud
real property, togothor wilh all tho
;,), i ir. Vi. m .
191C, or now has In and to thnt cor-
tnln contract for sulo of real property
nhovo dosprlhod,
Sheriff of Lane County, Oregon.
By D. A. ELKINS, Doputy.
N-1C lo D-13
Department of tho Interior.
Notice Is hereby glvon that Jnmoa
A. Itoshlos of Vlda, Orecon. who. on
INovombor 9, 191S. made llomostimd
Kntry, Horlnl No. 07.10S. for Lots 0. 7
i , kvi imi
-nnd S of Section M, TowuhIiIp tflH,
'Kongo 20., wuiamotto-Moridan. ban
' "lo' '".otico of intemiou to mako rinnl
Fivo-year Proof, to estubllsh claim to
tho Innd nbov described, before I. P.
Howitt, U. a. C'omnilflsloner, at bis
olllco, at Kugeno, Orogou, on tho 29th
day of Docomhor, 1915. An litis land
Is In Seo. SO. n school section, tho
5 Statu of Oregon lu especially cltod in
tiiui noticn.
Claimant names ns witnesses: Cnroy
W, Thomcori, of Vida, Oregon! John
W. Low, of Vlda, Oregon; Mlchnol
'Unnloy, of Vlda, Oregon; Abo ailbort,
Nov. 18-Uoc. 22
Dopartmout of tljo Interior
U, S. Land Olllco nt Itoaoburg, Oro
gon, Octohor 28, 1915.
Notlco is hereby given that Albort
V. Tullock, of Vlda, Oregon, who, on
Novomhor 1. 1911. mado TrnnmHtnnd
jj-ntry, tsar mi No. 07C30. for tin nrv.
i?,f m,Al ?,0,F.l.,on 34 Township ios,,
1 l,attF 2J3- Wlllnmotto Morldlan, hns
W1 ll1 to mnko Flnol
iThroo-yoar Proof, to CBtabllsh cjalin
to tho land nbovo described, boforo
i. r. jiowiu, u. h, commisslonor, nt IiIb
Jdlco, nt Eugono, Oregon, qn tho 13th
day of Docomhor, 1915..
Claimant names as witnesses: Cnroy
W, Thompson, 'of Vidn, Oregon; Ed.
Loner, of Vlda, Oregon; Bon Mlnny,,
of Vlda, Oregon; Lamhort Smith, Vlda,
v, , r, - - J, M. UPTON.
Not 1-Doc. 6 Jthitr.,