THE LANE COUNTY NEWS , , . . .. , . -, . i . . , H - W. A. DILL 1T- If " -f and Mnagy 1 m V8 lg 'Published Every Mondnj and TlnirsdnybytnoLRno County Pub (; fc llsliingABSOdatKm.' A . hates op'sunscmi'TioN. Obo Year ?L60 Six Months .75 Thrco Months .60 .. , Advertising Rates Furnlshoii oa Application. ( Mombor of .the State Editorial Association. Member ofe We -Willamette Valley Editorial Association. h, -''tj , : ;t ' . ; jjJAnd Rornembor'to Cot a Stop-Over for Springfield. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, NOVEMBER, IS, 101G. WHAT IS SPRINGFIELD GOING TO DO ABOUT IT? Every producing community has a right to expect the nearest town to furnish the primary market for Us products. - HONEST ADVERTISING LAW FAVORED. Among other things considered by the Linn County Po mona grange -while in sesison Wednesday of this week, a reso ' lutlon favoring the passage of a state law prohibiting mis representations In advertisements was passed. .Advertising being the means of sending out Information regarding products used In the every day life of the great majority of the people of the world, it is natural that they want this information to be correct so transactions may be based on information furnished through catalogues, news , papers and other mediums. Advertising has been many years developing to its pres- No. 8S. Report of the Condition of The Commercial State Bank at Springfield, In the State of Oregon, at the close ot business November 10, 1915: RESOURCES , I Loans and discounts $45,043.54 Overdrafts, secured and unsecured ,. 49.S9 Bonds and warrants '. 5.1C0.19 Stocks and other securities None Banking house 14.965.S1 Furniture and fixtures 5,600.00 Other real estate owned ' .v.......'...".'.... None Due from banks (not reserve banks) .' None Due from approved reserve banks . .1 9,230.01 Checks and other cash' items 359.32 Exchanges for clearing house .'. . None Cash on hand 3,871.42 Expenses '. None Other resources None Total 184,280.18 . . liabilities, 1 Capital stock paid in-..-., 'r..t.V...'.. ..$30,000.00 Surplus fund ir, " L. . . f. . . . .-.-J. -a... 700.00 Undivided profits,' less expenses and taxas paid 1,948.16 Dividends unpaid . . . None Due to banks and bankers ...I...... None Postal savings bank deposits A... ;:v.t.- None Individual deposits subject to check ; 38,795.73 Demand certificates of deposit VXl"."..'.-.'.".....'..'.. 495.66 Certified checks .".... .-.;-s$v.w.-vrt-v 100.00 Cashier checks outstanding ., None Time and savings deposits . 7,240.63 Notes and bills rediscounted None Bills payable for money borrowed 5,000.00 Reserved for taxes None Other liabilities None Total $84,280.18 STATE OP OREGON, County of Lane, ss. I, O. B. Kessey, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. O. B. KESSEY, i Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me CORRECT Attest: this 18th day of November. 1915. M. M. PEERV, (Seal) P. L. TRAVIS, WELBY STEVENS, Notary Public. Directors. My Commission Expires Nov. 10, 191b 28.8 Per Cent Cash Reserve. i Ovflf 1il Pnr rant nfoln In Hanneite rmop loof- pfitomonf Qarvf O i Liabilities of officers and directors None cut slato ot usefulness, it is but common boiibo to know that imparting truthful Information regarding an article is the Unit eitownrdR satisfactory snlo ofjLYot bo manynoonlo hftvo abusetrRdvcrtlalng by sendlngHuitmcorroct Information, Just ns they will do orally, while trylngffo make a sale that advertising 1ms boon (llsantntod In many Instances, ythln tilo past fow years advertising has bYen regulated by legisla tion to the great satisfaction of the musses and tho legitimate advertisers. Tho newspapers have been greatly benefited by legislative regulations of would-bo patrons of tho papers who havo abused advertising by being untruthful In giving Infor mation supposed to Incronso sales. Newspaper advertising lo much moro truthful than at any tlmo before. It Is a htghor grado of advertising than tho catalogue or circular? bcauso lt Is under tho supervision of tho publisher who JcncJwBilhat uji-' truthful advertising will decrease the value of newspanor spaco which Is Hie stock o his business". While newspaper ;ml vejtlslngsls ot pure ns it1 should bo, Ifcisvory cl&so to truth ful. ' Tho main fault of newpaporndvertlslug noondays la tho lack ot tho proper skill being used In' tho preparation of Infor mation sent out by advertisers. Advortlsers havo to learn the science and art of writing such Umformatlon ns tho peoplo may find useful. When tho proper skill is used tho peoplo find the advertising of great sorvleo and the advertiser gotB results. When mankind seeks an article, the first stop Is to socuro Information regarding articles that might fill tho want. Tho advertiser who learns to give such information trnctfully, truthfully and systematically pleases tho consumer who should otherwise liave to seek such Information. Albany Herald. STATE TEXT BOOKS Taxes arc piling up they will bo higher next year that this and yet there Is a strong movement on to hnvo tho state go into tho business of publishing text books for our public schools. There may bo some business that Is more risky than the publishing business but if so we tho not Informed as to Its nature. To produce books with correct, undisputed and vorlfled text, and containing good clear illustrations, nil neat and tnsty, printed on tough paper and bound substantially to withstand tho wear and tear of school usage, is a Bpeclal lino of business. Private capital has succeeded in this line, and Is producing In American school books-a prodtict of which civilization can bo proud. If thereare mistakes and losses, the publisher stands the expense. Why load this special business on the taxpayer? Do we walnt the politicians, the boosters and tho school teacher with a pull to write what Oregon children Bhnll learn? Oregon Voter. t ' ALL HONOR TO HIS EDITOR. (Ashland Tidings.) Is there a business man in Ashland or a firm thnt has turned down a cash sale ofc$100 during tho past month? Tho Ashland Tidings has done that very thing. Tho Tidings has , turned down a chance tofseli $100 worth of space for cash. No member of the Tidings force would havo suffered financial ly or morally had we accepted the advertisement offered. Yet It was turned down. The Portland dailies will run Blmllar ads. Magazines which you take into your homes will run similar ads, It may be slightly quixotic, but the Tidings and, we aro happy to say, a great proportion of the small city papers of the state, did the same. We refer to dvs. of certain California wholesale liquor houses who are building up a mail order busi ness In Oregon. i PRESIDENT WILSON has designated Thursday, November 25, 1915 as Thanksgiving Day, Round trip ticket will be on sale at reduced rates on Nov. 24 and 25 between all , Southern Pacific stations in Oregon. Return limit Monday, November 29tli. Also between Oregon and California points. Here is an Opportunity to visit your friends for a week end. A fat roast tur key and pumpkin pie awaits you GO! t, Information as to rates, etc., can bo obtained from nearest agent SOUTHERISr PACIFIC John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland1. Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Ofllce at Itoseburg, Oro- gon, November 16, 1916. Notice is hereby given that James A. Resides of VIda, Oregon, who, on November 9, 1915, made Homestead Entry. Serial No. 07368, for Lots C, 7 and 8 of Section 36, Township ICS, Range 2E., Willamette Merldan, has filed notice of Intention to make Phial Five-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before, L P. Hewitt. U. S. Commissioner, at 'his office, at Eugene, Oregon, on tho 29th day of December, 1910. As this land in In Sec. 36, a school section, the State of Oregon Is especially cited (in this notice. Claimant names as witnesses: Carey W. Thomoon, of VIda, Oregon; John W. Low, of VIda, Oregon; Michael Ilanloy, of Vida, Oregon; Abe Gilbert, of Eugeno. J. M. VPTON. Nov. 18tDec. 22 Register. tion to Springfield, Oregon, at a sacrifice. I will be In Port land 15 days, and any letter addressed to me at 202 Wilcox Bldg., Portland, Oregon, will receive prompt attention. Make me an offer. D. S. Mas tersom 82-3 FOR SALE Slightly used elec tric vacuum sweeper. Terms to suit. Leave word at News 1 nmon it FOR SALE Wagon and har ness cheap. Call at News office. SSW Public work adds $3,500 a week to Pendleton payrolls. Classified Ads For Sale, Rent, Wantsd, Eto. LOST Friday, in Springfield,, a black and white dog. Answers to "Duke." Call 20F4, Eugene. TAKEN UP Twelve head of - fsltle on hill ranch south1 of town, Owner should cjaim Jhe, same and pay pasturage within one week, or the ani mals will be put In the city pond. J. W. MACIIEN. LOST Pocket book with check book and papers of value, to , owner. Please leave at Tho News office. 82 LOST An arrow head watch fob on Main street. Finder j leave at News office. 82 POR SALE-y-Good stump puller. MUST SELL ON ACCOUNT 6F sickness. Lots 8. 9. and 10. in blppk 100 and;Lots 1, 2 and .3, Block 107, "Washbume AUdi- We cart re-cover your Umbrella. Prices $1.00 to $3.00. 0, W. ROOF, Jeweler & Optician MONEY TO LOAN, on Improved farms and city property, call at my ofllce 32 &Bt 8th Ave, Eugene, or call Phone 808. 7Ctf F, J, BERGER. W3M Tb lalirftt piM by Uecle 9m to Civil Bvrvlc cintifcty tt tqutl d , ccc4 tbvi palj Ia $ov brb ft prlMlt . cumm.iclil lilt, 1 lion. HDUtlly, Qutllfv l la lM r CI. II S.r.lct tilmloi-ll-x. ' Willi icdir l( Iiii Civil t nut Hook. (7 , littfi"ijr.rf"wjtftrjike!i'. , Box483EutJon,10ro. A 1 1 ' ID 1. Ouu-Ll. M&A.10I Report of tho condition of tho First National llauk of SprliigfloM, In tho ..... Stato or Orogon. at tho oloso of btiBliiqija ' 'I" Novombur K), 11)15, condomiod fromm-! ,yl port to tho Comptroller or tno unr- renoy: UESOUltCIi Loans and discount!! .y. a. auu otuor iiouus uuu , WnrruutH 1.. i2l,2DijlO Ml Banking house, real csttuo, 'f ,d ? Ulit. Ks.,uiSuaBi furniture and fixtures . . , 18,fil):l.00 . Cash and duo from bailka . . 3UPBt72 M w LIABILITIES Capital Stoqk $ 25,000.00. - Surplus and Profits -1,277.02 ; Circulation 0,250.00 Deposits 132,706.70 , Ro-Dlscounts 7,1148.75 ... $170, 237;07 Comploto report to appear next laauo of 'Tho News. The Best Groceries For Less Money The Fifth Street Grocery Thos. Sikes, Prop. Phone. 22 OUR GROCERIES aro famous for quality and wo savo you money on what you buy hero. We sell Dependable Coffees and Tens and everything else is dependable which wo sell. Nice & Miller Op Commercial State Bank Phono 9 FIRST NATIONAL BANK, EUGENE, OREGON. Established 1883 Capital and Surplus - - - $300,000.00 Interests on Savings Accounts and Tlmo Certificates A Rainy Day Need Not Be Dull 'VxdUt Cheer unl Get to work in a Fish Bkahd Reflex Slicker $3.00 Strong, easy fitting, light, and water proof, absolutely. Reflex Edges stop water from run ning in at tlto front. Black, Yellow or Ollve khaki. ...- Protector Hat, 75 cents i;OWfi5 Satltfacllon Guaranteed Satfbi A.J.TOWERCO. I.i BOSTON W. F. WALKER UNDERTAKER FUNERAL DIRECTOR Office Phone 02; Residence 67-J West Main St. Harness, Shoes, Gloves Harness and Shoes Repaired at jThe Harness Shop See Edwards & Br attain For Farm and City Property Exchanges a Specialty Springfield - Oregon Phone 30 J. H. BOWER Lawyer, Phono l22l 831 Willamette 8t. Eugene, Oregon HERBERT E. WALKER ..' NOTARY ' PUBLIC Office In City Hall, Springfield, Ore. CAREFUL, CONSCIENTIOUS Dentistry PR, J. E. RICHMOND PHONEOfflce, 3; Reeldence, Over Commercial Bank,. ' Springfield, Oregon.