The Lane County news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1914-1916, November 15, 1915, Image 4

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    JlKrh N Hnhl a "night out" at tho ExpostUon, Mre. ArtliurWol8, the foait&t;' .-. iW",,!t:n
-UnLUUn I lilU b nml tho night bofdrtf lft this 1u ccoinnflaliod nlantst ul ! ?PE?IAUi -
Jr ictnnnn wna thiV vrwimtlnii mill . . .. . . it- . ....
ball at the Cnlftomla building mmomn, an uio inuor
i hniilnlst mill mmnrlnr of lintlnl
UIVl'll 111 lldlllir 111 lillVlMIIUl 2L1111 i --J ,wv O - - , - N . , ruwji
ai lamo anu a saxopnoniat oi t ;j?wjw'.wv-iui.
& San Francisco, November 13.
-Oregon, flrs.t in selecting a Site
ffor Us building at the Exposition
Mirst In having its building conv
Tpletcd, first in selecting its most
distinguished citizen Simon Bon
con, and having him honored
-with a special day at thtPExposi
lion, was also first In oiUclnlly
iiohoring San Franclsco.Day, the
greatest of all days at the Ex
position, Just as the gates
cpen opened at 8 o'clock yester
day morning, the entire "Oregon
family" here, headed by Gover
nor Wlthycombe.Commissloncrs
Clark, Booth, Logan, Thompson
and Hawley, Manager Hyland
ind their wives, together with
the county representatives, the
O. A. C. Domestic Science girls,
and others connected with Ore
gon's activities here a total of
sixty people sailed gaily out
side the grounds in a decorated
three-car Fadcl train, bought
the souvenir "I Paid" tickets ami
Mrs. Vithyc6mbo by the Wo
man's Board. But the ontlro
Oregon crowd was there, and
Best, $120
note; Hurry W. LqwIb, ono 6f
the greatest clarlnotlstsTand Baxr
properly noisy as the decoratpd i . ? , , f u mibllc Mr
train traversed the grounds. AOpnonisu uororo "l? Pu". flr
twenty-foot pennant told tho George Shutts, celebrated xyld
world that this was Oregon onphonlst; and Miss Gladys Ilard
a spree sti early, and anotlior ing,. reader and vocalist.
great purple and gold banner
said "Oregon Glories in San
Francisco's Achievement." On
arrival at the Scott street gates
tho Oregon showing was the
center of interest to hundreds
also awaiting to enter, and as
photos were being taken Oregon
energy and determination to bo
thusiastic expressing.
Oregon is to have a now state
leader of County Agricultural
Ageitts, Paul V. Maris, an Ore
gon bom and Oregon trained
boy now agricultural agent of
Saline county, Missouri, has
CIMIT CMTCDTilMMCMT ' 1)00,1 UPP0lutCl1 UlQ AgrlOtll-
10 succeed I'roiessor ju. 1.
French, who resigned to accept
a position in the Agricultural
College of Colorado. Mr. Marls
was graduted from Pacific Uni
versity and later from tho Col
After completing his college
training Mr. Maris returned to
Oregon, where ho served for
A series of entertainments of
unusual merit will be given this
winter by tho Buceel Entretaln-
ment course In Eugene, begin- Am-innim of tiw tthI-
ning tomorrow evening with ajyorsity of Missouri, where ho
lecture by Albert Edward WIk- sneciallzed in dalrvinc and rural
with these pinned proudly to la-jgam "The Apostle of Efllcl-1 economics. He then took nd
pels sailed back into the grounds , . ourren-'vancei1 work in tho University
the first to nonor san l' rancisco i - , - or Wisconsin.
Day. ,
This was Oregon's cqmpll- queer, eccentric, insane, shift
ment to San Francisco, theHvon- less, epileptic, criminal, sex-of-
derful city of the Golden state fendrs, and the like are allowed iuore than two years as assistant
that, arising from the crash of t , 0 j f , ; dairy and food commissioner.
earthquake and tlie ashes of one , - . ' J " i He then wont to Colorado as ex-
Of history's greatest conflagra-,antl 110 longer will alcoholism, itenslou specialist in animal bus-
tions, has given to the world its .prostitution, crime, pauperism jbandry at tho Colorado Aqricul-
greatest Exposition. On this day and insanity curse tho world," jtural College. During this timo
San Francisco hoped to swell (declares Mr. Wiggam.. The lec- he devoted considerable time to
the crowd to 300,000 the Expo- , inotMne agricultural journalism, in
eclipse all other crowds of the are SJne and scientific, but to
year, as a matter of sentiment, many startling and revolution
and of course the money is ary.
needed. Oregon officialdom en-1 In variety of musical offer-
lerea mio umi uupe wiui ium j splendid solo work and
to tho nrnwd and ndd to the ma- strong ensemble no organizaz
terial success as well, by forget
ting the pass books, cards of ad-
tion on the platform surpasses
the Apollo Concert company,
iwhlch field he has had a success
ful experience.
This selection was made after
a long and careful investigation
of men throughout the entlrp
country in an effort made by
Professor Hetzel, extension dl-,
rector, to find the man best fit-!
ted to do the particular line of!
mission and Oregon did this, and ; which comes November 25, and
with an enthusiasm that usual-for d has bcen one
itrmnvire DromrTMiiifr tlinf I lrncron i "
undertakes either at home or 'of e leadinS Platform compan
Whlto ItlvoV Bnlcoro,
Noxall ,nnd Cancelled in
We will havo a car of
alfalfa in soon. Oat and
vetch, oat, wheat and
cheat hay In stock. Ton
lota $11, Nlco oat straw;
GOo halo; $7 ton.
Dairy food, 80 lb. 85c,
Alfalfa and molasgos, 100
lb. $1.50.
Beet pulp100 lb. $1.35.
Blatchford's Calf Meal,
1 lb. substitutes a gallon
of milk and costs 5c.
Como In and wo will
tell you how to mix a
cheaper feed that ,vill
make more milk.
Bran, Shorts, Mlllfoed,
Wheat Chop, llolled Oats.
Barley, etc, at tho lowest
Savo your feed sacks
and trade them for feed.
Stock Food will tone up
your aulmnls and they
will require less feed. Wo
keon two of the best linos
on tho market. Conlcov's
Poultry tonic will make
your hons lay. All kinds
of noultry remedies.
Garden, Field and Grass
Seeds. Flower Seeds.
Bulbs and Bushes of nil
Grinding, rolling and
cleaning handled on short
C. E. Lyon, Mgr.
Sy ' Loom
fyy Poultry-Raising V'vi3aj
M '. o'i! a Book Xjjl.
There only ono right way toMonm how to rnlw pouttry, (ind innko
it pay from tho oUirt, nnU thut i to Icam from oxperto v)io lmvo been
throuch tt nil.
ThU la cwtly tho kind of instruction tho International Correspond
ency Bchoolt oiTr you. This 1 NOT u look nchoinc, but a home Counu
if jnctunl Icswhh, rutn.nQnttni; Uiu ilfulonK cxieil6nco of tho most suc-
ccsaun jiauury nutcn m xno woria.
Tho Course intitules cvo:
rnlsitiR: How to seluct most
nna nou
flclal In
,'orythlno pertaining to succcsjful ioultry
it nfnfllAnln Uri,Ail4, funrllfff iflnrtrnttnir mtitrm
poultiy hr prpJt: natural and artificial brooding; natural olid a:tl
1 Incubation; laying hens; combination plant; poultry;,
ilea of poultry: diseases of noultrv: oonllrv houses and manaeomenti
w - m w m - -m i - - - - w
lurKeysj water iows; tquaus; etc., etc.
What makes tho Course Huticulnrly vnluabta is tho fact that tho
I. C. S. is nssocluted with tho lnrf!Jt ;oultry fann In tho world tho
celebrated Rnncocna Farm, nt Uruwit'i Mills, rn-the-Pines, N. J., famous
for Its (loo Kancocas Ix?honts and I) Y-OLD-CI1IX, and where 30,000
cgC nro tnnrkoted every week.
The I, C. H. has spent thotmnds of dollars in preparing this Course
tuc amy una oi us kiiui a course
that you cat master and nmtly In
your own home, whether you llvo in
the city, suburlts, or country, iind
thatcqttls you to lmndlo a few hons
or maimuo n litroo iouitry fann.
This Course will help you just ns tho
many other I. C rf. Courses hiive
Itetpctl thousntuls of men nnu women
in other walks 6f life.
The nttfichetl coupon will brine
you descrtptivo ciretiNr if this K't
I'oultry-UaUitig Court. Vill it in
mid tttrtil it tol:ty.
latereallensl Corretf os Jeoee Scbaols
Bix103 Curens, Orseon
1m, mi nit n, tut likoi lartbr r
tll(atln n.f ptrt, c UcvUi
work required in Oregon. Mr.
Maris fills the requirements to
the satisfaction of the College
officers and is prepared by his
training and experience to per-
Chlcngo, Nov. 11. American
abroad. It means something to ;ies of America. Every member form a valuable service to tho 'railroads are confronted with
get a crowd together for an eight is a finished artist. The person- state. Eliortages of recent years, ow-
;ing tonhe huge grain crop of
il.i L 1 r 1 l
inis couiury mm uitititu unit
the heavy tonnage from steel
and munitions plants, coupled
v,ith the inability of tho railroads
jto get new cars fast enough, nc
Icvording to W. E. Merchant of
the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.
Paul who, as secretary of the
central and western nssocltaion
jbf car services ofllcers addressed
the body today.
Made in Springfield
Patronize the Payroll of Your Home Town
ouse of Quality
A Fine Line of Box Goods, Fresh
Made, Put up to Your Order.
Hot Drinks, Ice Cream and Soda
Eggimaim's Candy Kitchen
BALED HAY $10.00
For good values,
For good bread. '
Use Bakoro and Knoxall Flour. .
All kinds of Feed cheap.
Will do feed chopping for $1.50 a ton.
4. .
: SpringfieldBakeryl
Bread, Pie3, Cakes, Cookies, etc.
Wedding and Party Cakes a
I S. Yoking, - Proprietor
School District No. 19 of Springfield
Oregon, hereby calls for payment of
warrants of said district up to and
this 26th day of October, 1915.
78 0 A. P. McKINZEV, Clork.
Including warrant No. CS0,
; ceases on data of this notlco.
Springfield Planing Mill
Manufacturers of
Extension Tables. Drop Leaf Tables, BRreak
fast Tables, Kitchen Cabinets, Cupboards,
Safes, Stop Ladders, Fruit Doxes
Perry Crates, Folding Clothes Racks.
4. t
The Springfield Creamery:
For light, heat aad power,
"Made in Springfield."
Try is and be convinced that it pays to
patronize home industries.
I Oregon Power Co. :
, -
4 t
The Lane County News divided its
expenditures last year, thus:
Supplies bought outside of Spring'
field, Including paper and new
machbaery 20.4 p. C.
Supplies bought in Springfield, in
eluding rent, etc 19,1 p. c
Payroll, entirely In Springfield 60.5 p. c.
, .
50 Spent at Home
. .
Another Springfield Industry
place their card in this space!
By vlrtuo of authority vested In mo,
as Mayor of tho Town of Springfield,
Oregon. I do hereby certify, and pro
claim that Ordlnanco No. 410 Entitled
"An Ordlnanco to regulato Public Car
riers of Passengers, nnd to Tax and
License Buch carriers," which was
passed by tho Common Council of
Springfield, Orogon on tho 14 day of
December 1914, and was approved by
tho Mayor on the 14 day of Docombor
lf14, and which was thereafter by Ref
erendum petition referred to tho voto
of tho peoplo, was, on Tuesday tho sec
ond day of November, 191C, duly and
legally submitted to tho voters of the
said Town nt tho regular annual mun
icipal election of tho said town, nnd
that tho voto upon said ordinance at
tho said election was 330 in favor of
said ordinance, nnd 201 against said
ordlnanco, and that tbe voto of said
election lias been duly canvassed and
the ordlnanco declared to bo duly
I do therefore proclaim that said or
dinance has bcen duly approved by tho
voters of said town, and that tho same
lb now a valid ordlnanco, of the said
town and It will be In full forco nnd
effect from and after thirty days front
November 2nd, 1915 to-wlt on Decem
ber 3rd, 1915.
Dated at Springfield, Oregon, Nov
ember 4th, 1915.
Attest Mayor
Notlco Is hereby given that by vlrtuo
of an Execution and Order of Salo
Issued out of tho Circuit Court of tho
Stato of Oregon for Umatilla County,
on tho 8th day of Novuntbor, 191G, on
a Judgment rendered In said Court on
tho 3rd day of November, 1915, In
favor of the Redmond Rank of Com
merce and against W. E. Baylor for
tho sum of 1893.75 with Interest there
on at tho rate of 10 per cunt tor an
num from tho 18th day of February,
1914, ttnd tho furthor sum of $100.00
Attorneys fees nnd tho sum of 20.00
costs und disbursements, loss tho sum
of $37.40 paid thereon on tho 3rd day
of November, 1915, and applied toward
tho satisfaction of tho costs and Attor
ney's fee, which Judgment was duly
enrolled and docketed In tho otllco of
tho Clerk of tho Circuit Court of tho
Stato of Oregon for Umatilla County,
and said Execution to mo directed
commanding mo In tho nntno of tho
Stato of Oregon In ordor to satisfy
said judgment costs, attorneys fees
and accruing costs to sell nil the right
title and Interest which tho said De
fendant W. E. Saylcr, had on tho 9th
day of Juno, 1915, In and to tho West
half Lot 10, and tho North half of tho
West halt or Lot 9 in Illttck 3 in tho
Original Tpwn of Croowcll, Lane
County, Oregon, also all tho right
title and Interest which tho said de
fendant bad on tho 9th day of Juno,
ll'ld. in nnd to that curtain contract
for tho snlo of real proporty, given
by John R. Scott nnd May E, Hcotr
to R. H. Parsons, and assigned to tho
Croswoll Fruit Growers Hank, Crcs
woll,, Oregon, us security or collateral
to tho uoto.
Now, therefore, In tho nttino of tho
Stato of Oregon, and lu compllanca
with said Execution and Order of Sale,
I will on Saturday tho 18th day of
December, 1915, between tho hours of
9 o'clock A. M. nnd 4 o'clock P. M.,
10 wlt;. nt ono o'clock P. M. on said
day, ut tho southwest door of tho
County Court llouso In Eitgoito, Lano
County, Oregon, offer for salo for
cash, subject to redemption all tho
right, tltlu, and Interest of paid De
fendant In and to tho above described
rcnl proporty, together with all the
right, tltlu, and Interest tho said de
fendant had on the 9th day of Juno,
1915, or now has In nnd to that cer
tain contract for sulo of real property
nbovo described. '
Sheriff of Lano County, Oregon.
By D. A. ELKINS, Deputy.
N-15 to D-13
neneral Imnruvomcnt bonds.. $100,000
Sower bonds 10,000
Sccnml-stri'ul Rrldgo bonds .. 3,000
Outstanding warrants (ap
proximately) ., 30,000
Total $149,000
Tho balanco on hand In tho
tuuds of tho Town Dec. 1,. 00
Tho Common Council has designat
ed Monday evening, November 29,
1915. nt 7:30 o'clock at tho City Hall,
as tho timo and place for a public
hearing and discussion of tho said
proposed tax levy.
81-3-5 Recorder.
Notlco Is horeby given that thoro
will bo a special meeting of tho tax
payors of school district No. 19, Mon-
tday evening, November 22, 1915, nt
'7:30 p. m., for tho purpose of fixing
'the annual lovy of n special tax, and
' to consider such other mnttors ns may
! properly como before tho moating,
i Haiti meeting will bo held at tile High
school building on Mill street.
Tho following Is an ostlmato of ox
Jpondlturcs for tho year 1915-10:
I Expenses of General Control.
Board and clork $ 218.00
.Election and census 10.00
Truancy , 40.00
Clerical .. ' 13.00
Expense of Instruction
Teachers' Salaries ,. 14,000.00
Toxt Books 25.00
Stntlonory and Supplies .... G0P.00
Expense of Operation of School Plant
Janitors' Salaries ,. 1,045.00
Janitors' Supplies, otc ...... 125.00
Fuel 390.00
IWntor 175.00
Light nnd Power 10.00
! Expense of Malntenaco of School
! Plant
Building Repair and Upkeep
of (Iroumls 135.00
Replacement and Rupnlr of
Equipment 50.00
Outlay Acquisition nnd Construction
Equipment for now Buildings 50.00
Alterations, Old Buildings ., 500.00
Equipment, Old Buildings .. 50.00
Other Payments
Bonds, Loans and Interest . , 1,700.00
Manual Training 125.00
Domotillc Sclenco and Art . . 175,00
Miscellaneous , 600.00
Women compose 72 por cent of all
thoso cm ploy od lu tho fnctorlos.
Tho Common Council of tho Town of
Sprlngllold has mado tho following
ostlmato of tho moneys to bo raised
by. taxation during tho onsulng year,
and tho purpot-.o for which said mon
eys will bo ttecdod:
Pollco Dept. 2 pollco,$1320.00
Extra pollco .... '60.00
Salaries, Recordor.. COO.OO
Treasurer ,. ., 480.00
Attornoy .. ... 400,00
Total $19,953.00
Now Building 1,200.00
x $21,153.00
TIIOS. SIKHS, Chairman.
A. P. McKIN5!EY, Clork.
" -
Ttero ! mere Catarrh In this aectiva at
tJt country than ull other dUteasea put
together, and until the lain few years
was auppoved to bo Incurulile. For a
great many years doctors pronounced It a
local dlseuse und prewitllx il local reme
dies, and by comtuntly fallltiB to cure
with local treatment, pronounced It Incur
able. Science hits proven Catarrh to he a
ronHtltutlonat disease, nnd therefore re
dulres coiiKtltiilloiiiil treatment. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by V, J,
Clienoy & Co., Toledo, Ohio, Is tho only
Constitutional euro on tlio market, It Is
taker! Internally. It nets directly on the
blood and mucous surfaces of tho system.
They offer one hundred dollnrn for any
case It falls to cute. Bend for circulars
and testimonials,
Addr: F J. rilBNUV & CO., Toledo, O,
Sold by Prt (Clt. lie.
Take Mall's Family J'llls for coronation.
The py tf food, tb wo,k coacaUI, tsd pro
wtlns ripla U ibt U, S, Civil S,U, II you ut
ii Afticrlcta s11 ot vemtm evtf If you r eligible
lef MP levtiliutnt politic .11 you plt Ibt civil
Stivlco Kiraqlloa. To ! tow you o
Smllly U your ipr tlu, li lor our Iim Civil
Crvlco booklet.
I, C. 8. Box 463, Eugene, Ore,
Wator ., ., i 1400.00
Light .2400,00.
Gonoral expense and
Supplies ., 1000,09
Department of tho Interior
V, S, Land Otllco at Rosoburg, Oro
gon, Octobor 28, 1915.
Notlco Is horeby glvon that Albert
F. Tullock. of Vltln. Oregon, who, on
iNovotnbor 1, 1911, mado Homestead
Entry, Serial No. 07030, for tno NE'A
of NE,i of Section 34, Township ICS,
Rnngo 2E Willamette Meridian, has
Mod notlco of Intention to mako Final
Throo-year Proof, to establish claim
to the lund abovo doscrlbed, betoro'
I, P. Hewitt, U. S. Cotninlsslonor, at hlu
illlco, at Eugeno, Oregon, on tho 13th
day of Docombor, 1915. 1
claimant names as wltneBscsj Caroy,
W. Thompson, of Vlda, Oregon j Ed
Leflor, of Vlda, Oregon; Bon Mlnney,'
ot Vlda, Oregon; Lambert, Smith, Vlda,
Englneor 200,00
Street Improvement 2600.00
, $2,700.00
Sower imprbvemont 350,00 350.00
-'und ,,,. 300.00' 300.
Library F
iniorosi on wunua ( , ,
and outstanding J
warrants ., ,,,.700p,00 7,000.00
Probable receipts of tho
Town froiri sources other
than tho tax on real and
personal property ?.,.',,..$ 702.00
The Indebtedness of the Town,
which is drawing interest, and which
is not secured by Hens upon roal
estate un'dpr tho Bancroft act, is as
Nov 1-Dec, fl
(Department of tho Interior,)
U, S. Land Offlco nt Rosoburg, Oro
gon, Octobor 11, 1916.
Notlco is horeby givon that Sandford
Loach, of Vlda, Oregon, who,.-on July
5, 1910, mado Homestead Entry, Serial
No. 0C435, for tho 8 of HWA at
Section 3, Township 178, Rarigo3B.,
Willamette Merldan, has filed notlco
of Intention to mako Final Flvo-yoar
Proof, to establish claim to the land
aboVo described, beforo I, I Hewitt,
U. S, Commissioner, at his odlco, at
Eugeno, Oregon, on tho 20th day of
November, 1915,
Claimant names as witnesses; WU
Ham A, Cox, of Eugene, Oregon, Isabel
Jolly, of Eugeno, Oregon, Mlla Thomp
son, ot Vlda, Oregon, Joseph Waltflold,
Vlda, Orel,
taw to Nrt, J. M. UPTON